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Emech 1 – Statics of Rigid Bodies

Activity Title: PLATE NO. 2

- Accuracy ------------------------------------------------ 60%
- Technical Presentation
(Lettering, Distribution, Neatness ---------------- 30%
and Quality of the figure)
- Work Ethics (Effort) ---------------------------------- 10%

Problem 1: If the tension in the cable is 400 N, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force acting on
the pulley. This angle is the same angle of line AB on the tailboard block.

Problem 2: Determine the design angle for strut AB so that the 400-lb horizontal force has a component of 500 lb
directed from A towards C. What is the component of force acting along member AB? Take ∅ = 40°.

Problem 3: The beam is to be hoisted using two chains. Determine the magnitudes of forces FA and FB acting on each
chain in order to develop a resultant force of 600 N directed along the positive y axis. Set 𝜃 = 45𝑜 .

Problem 4: Three cables pull on the pipe such that they create a resultant force having a magnitude of 900 lb. If two of
the cables are subjected to known forces, as shown in the figure, determine the angle 𝜃 of the third cable so that the
magnitude of force F in this cable is a minimum. All forces lie in the x–y plane. What is the magnitude of F? Hint: First
find the resultant of the two known forces.
Problem 5: Determine the magnitude of F1 and its direction so that the resultant force is directed vertically upward and
has a magnitude of 800 N.

Problem 6: If the tension developed in each of the four wires is not allowed to exceed 600 N, determine the maximum
mass of the chandelier that can be supported.

Problem 7: If the bucket weighs 50 lb, determine the tension developed in each of the wires.
Problem 8: Determine the magnitude and direction of the equilibrium force exerted along link AB by the tractive
apparatus shown. The suspended mass is 10 kg. Neglect the size of the pulley at A.

Problem 9: The handle of the hammer is subjected to the force of Determine the moment of this force about the point A

Problem 10: Serious neck injuries can occur when a football player is struck in the face guard of his helmet in the
manner shown, giving rise to a guillotine mechanism. Determine the moment of the knee force about point A. What
would be the magnitude of the neck force F so that it gives the counterbalancing moment about A?

NOTE: This Plate No. 2 will be submitted on September 15, 2023 (Friday) @ 3:00 pm only.

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