Philippine History

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Influence or Consequence: Martial Law in the Philippines

No matter how long ago it was, the past will remain the bridge for the future; history can

either influence a tremendous new beginning or be a consequence of a failed decision, such as

the implementation of bloody Martial Law. The occurrence costs thousands of lives for

democracy to be sustained and gained, and its influence and consequence remain even in the new


Foremost, Martial Law is the law that will purposely give the military the authority to

control civil functions and suspend ordinary rules ("Martial Law," 2022), and the pretext for

declaring martial law is the "Enrile Ambush." Juan Ponce Enrile was the Secretary of Defense

then, and news reported that unknown parties ambushed him. Then, later, it was again reported

to be a threat from communist parties. This solidification caused the blood of Filipinos to be

spilled for 14 years. However, in 1986, when Cory Aquino pushed the late president out of his

seat, Enrile told everyone that it was a staged ambush to give the dictator reasons to implement

the law (Declaration of Martial Law, 2022).

1986 was the same year the EDSA Revolution happened. It was a march of millions of

Filipinos on Epifanio de Los Santos Avenue (EDSA), the main highway of the capital city of the

Philippines (30th Anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, 2022). It was led by

the late president Cory Aquino, who by then was only a housewife and spouse of the late senator

Benigno Aquino, Jr. She put to exile the Marcos clan. Under her reign was a new era of

democracy; both became icons of freedom in the Philippines.

Justice was served. Yet, in those 14 years, human rights were discarded. Bombings and

gunshots were everywhere in the country. Every people caught, either a criminal or innocent,
were subject to torture, causing trauma to a lot of Filipino families until now. In the recent

presidential election of 2022, the events from 50 years ago resurfaced because the only son of the

late dictator ran for the presidential seat. Unfortunately, the truth has become distorted, and

despite being a discipline, history has become synonymous with gossip, as described and

believed of today’s generation. The influence of this supposed 'historic event' of good serving

justice and evil being punished has divided the country. However, rather than calling it an

influence, it is more of a consequence.

The division of the public's opinion stirred the country. The nightmares still chase the

families of the victims of martial law. The fact that the late Marcos's allies turned against him,

their deed planted distrust in the hearts of the Filipinos. There is no other way to know what,

indeed, is the truth. And this makes the youth confused about whether to believe what they have

heard or read.
Works Cited

30th Anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution. (2022). Official Gazette.

Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

Declaration of Martial Law. (n.d.). Official Gazette. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

martial law. (n.d.). In The Dictionary. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

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