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Author A.Kishore http://www.appsdba.

.info Installation of Infrastructure, Business Objects and Configure Report Services on 10gAS (Sun Solaris) High level Steps 1. Infrastructure Installation 2. Application Server Installation 3. Start and Stop Scripts 4. Reports Server Configuration 5. Issues and Solution - Page 2 - Page 16 - Page 25 - Page 30 - Page 32

Author A.Kishore Create user ora9ias and add to group appgroup

Infrastructure Installation

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore


Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore The following information is available in: /oracle/infra/Apache/Apache/setupinfo.txt ----------------------------------------Use the following URL to access the Oracle HTTP Server and the Welcome Page: ----------------------------------------Use the following URL to access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control: Installation of OracleAS Infrastructure is Complete.

Author A.Kishore

ldap /db/ora9ias/Disk1 $ps -ef | grep oid ora9ias 9129 1 0 04:05:35 ? 0:02 /ora9ias/infra/bin/oidmon connect=asdb1 opmnuid 1461714946 start ora9ias 9138 1 0 04:05:38 ? 0:17 oidldapd ora9ias 9134 9129 0 04:05:36 ? 0:02 /ora9ias/infra/bin/oidldapd connect=asdb1 -p 3061 -i 1 -conf 0 -sport 3131 -ss ora9ias 9852 455 0 04:25:54 pts/2 0:00 grep oid

Author A.Kishore

Port Information /oracle/infra/install $cat portlist.ini Oracle HTTP Server Jserv port = 8007 ;OracleAS Components reserve the following ports at install time. ;As a post-installation step, you can reconfigure a component to use a diff port. ;Those changes will not be visible in this file. [System] Host Name = <HOST NAME> [Ports] Oracle HTTP Server port = 7777 Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 7777 Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 4443 Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 4443 Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic port = 7200 Application Server Control RMI port = 1850 Oracle Notification Server Request port = 6003 Oracle Notification Server Local port = 6100 Oracle Notification Server Remote port = 6200 Log Loader port = 44000 Java Object Cache port = 7000 DCM Java Object Cache port = 7101 Application Server Control port = 1810 Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 7777 Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 4443 Oracle Management Agent port = 1830 Oracle Internet Directory port = 3060 Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = 3130 Oracle Net Listener = 1521

Author A.Kishore 2. Application Server Installation

Author A.Kishore

1. Select which components you want to configure for this middle tier. 2. If you are installing J2EE and Web Cache: - If you want Identity Management for J2EE applications, specify the connect information for Oracle Internet Directory. - If you want Managed OracleAS Clusters using Database Repository, specify the connect information for the database containing the Metadata Repository. - If you want both Managed OracleAS Clusters using Database Repository and Identity Management, the Metadata Repository must be registered with the Oracle Internet Directory used for Identity Management. Select a repository from a list of registered repositories. 3. If you are installing Portal and Wireless, or Business Intelligence and Forms, specify the connect information for Oracle Internet Directory used for Identity Management. The Metadata Repository is registered with this Internet Directory. 1. Name this OracleAS middle tier instance.

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore


Author A.Kishore

Author A.Kishore


Author A.Kishore Enter outgoing mail (SMTP) server :

Author A.Kishore The following information is available in: /oracle/appserver/Apache/Apache/setupinfo.txt ----------------------------------------Use the following URL to access the Oracle HTTP Server and the Welcome Page: http://<Server Name>:7778 ----------------------------------------Use the following URL to access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control: http:// <Server Name>:1811 Important Files location ---------------------------1> /oracle/appserver/bin and 2> /oracle/appserver/reports/conf rep_mnhmit+

Author A.Kishore Starting and Stopping Infrastructure and Middle tier components Startup Scripts
# ORACLE_HOME=/ora9ias/infra; export ORACLE_HOME cd $ORACLE_HOME lsnrctl start ORACLE_SID=asdb1; export ORACLE_SID sqlplus "sys/oracle as sysdba" @$HOME/start_db.sql # start Instrastructure cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin ./opmnctl startall cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin emctl start iasconsole # Start Middle tier Components cd /ora9ias/app_server/opmn/bin ./opmnctl startall cd /ora9ias/app_server/bin ./emctl start iasconsole cat start_db.sql startup exit

Stop Scripts
# ORACLE_HOME=/ora9ias/infra; export ORACLE_HOME cd $ORACLE_HOME lsnrctl stop ORACLE_SID=asdb1; export ORACLE_SID sqlplus "sys/oracle as sysdba" @$HOME/stop_db.sql # Stop Middle tier Components cd /ora9ias/app_server/bin ./emctl stop iasconsole cd /ora9ias/app_server/opmn/bin ./opmnctl stopall # stop Instrastructure cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin emctl stop iasconsole cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin ./opmnctl stopall cat stop_db.sql shutdown immediate exit

Author A.Kishore http://<server name>:1813 ias_admin/oracle904

Click asdb. <server name>

Author A.Kishore Infra Structure: Configuration Status

click bi.<server name>

Author A.Kishore Application Server: Configuration Status

Author A.Kishore

Reports Server: Configuration Status

Author A.Kishore

Reports Server Configuration:

1> Modify /ora9ias/app_server/reports/conf Modify the file Add the below line at the end SINGLESIGNON=NO 2> Modify rep_<server_name>.conf file a> <!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/--> <!--property name="tempDir" value="your reports temp directory"/--> <property name="sourceDir" value="/ora9ias/reports"/> <property name="tempDir" value="/tmp"/> b> Comment the below lines ----------------------------<!--security id="rwSec" class="oracle.reports.server.RWSecurity"--> <!--property name="securityUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL _DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/--> <!--property name="oidEntity" value="reportsApp_mnhmit_DA74CDD953BA55ECE034080020C29304"/--> <!--/security--> c) Search for following lines: <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" securityId="rwSec"/> Modify the above line as follows: <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" /> d) Search for the following line : <connection maxConnect="20" idleTimeOut="15">

Author A.Kishore Change the maxconnect="20" to maxconnect="100" so that we will not get errors even if 100 users/sessions are connected to the report server at any time. We can keep even a higher value than 100. Restart the services !!! 3> Locate the file 'Edit the CGICMD.DAT' under <FORMS_HOME>\reports\conf Directory. Add the below lines at the bottom of the file to hide userid and password hmhtml: userid=health/health@hmdev destype=cache desformat=html %1 hmpdf: server=rep_mnhmit userid=health/health@hmdev destype=file desformat=pdf %1 %2 hmprn: server=rep_mnhmit userid=health/health@hmdev destype=printer %1 To call a report http://mnhmit:7781/reports/rwservlet?hmhtml&report=language_cd.rdf http://mnhmit:7781/reports/rwservlet?report=language_cd.rdf&userid=<uid>/<pwd>@<i nstance name>&destype=cache&desformat=html http://mnhmit:7781/reports/rwservlet/getserverinfo? To convert rdf to rep **************** ./rwconverter userid=<uid>/<pwd>@<instance name> source=/ora9ias/reports/language_cd.rdf batch=yes stype=rdffile dtype=repfile compile_all=yes To compile multiple files in a loop
for i in `ls *.rdf` do echo Compiling Report $i ... userid=scott/tiger@asdb batch=yes source=$i stype=rdffile dtype=repfile overwrite=yes done

Author A.Kishore Issue faced and solution 1> ./rwconverter error copy in /lib directory 2> which java was always returning /usr/bin but we wanted /usr/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java PATH=/usr/openwin/bin:/opt/bin:/opt/local/GNU/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/NSCPnav/bin:$ ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin:/usr/bin export PATH 3> ./rwconverter userid=scott/tiger@asdb source=Dept.rdf batch=yes stype=rdffile dtype=repfile compile_all=yes REP-0001: Unable to find the Report Builder message file. Please verify your installation. Or core dump Could solve by running . ./ . ./ 4> REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file. REP-0202: Attempt to free a null pointer. cp prefs.ora from $ORACLE_HOME/tools/admin to $HOME All reports should be available in /oracle/Ora9ias/rdf

Author A.Kishore

http://mnhmit:1813/emd/console/ias/reports/reportServer$ctxName1=bi.mnh mit$farm=bi.mnhmit$type=oracle*_repserv$ctxType1=oracle*_ias$target=b i.mnhmit*_Reports*_Server_3Arep*_mnhmit

We can check the configuration by editing the - CONFIGURATION FILE <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'?> <!DOCTYPE server PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corp.//DTD Reports Server Configuration //EN" "file:/ora9ias/app_server/reports/dtd/rwserverconf.dtd"> <server version="9.0.4"> <!--compatible version="6i"/--> <cache class="oracle.reports.cache.RWCache"> <property name="cacheSize" value="50"/> <!--property name="cacheDir" value="your cache directory"/--> <!--property name="maxCacheFileNumber" value="max number of cache files"/--> <!--property name="ignoreParameters" value="parameter names to be ignored in constructing cache key, separated by comma ','"/--> </cache> <!--Please do not change the id for reports engine.--> <!--The class specifies below is subclass of _EngineClassImplBase and implements EngineInterface.--> <engine id="rwEng" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="60000"> <!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/--> <!--property name="tempDir" value="your reports temp directory"/--> <property name="sourceDir" value="/ora9ias/reports"/> <property name="tempDir" value="/tmp"/> </engine> <engine id="rwURLEng" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="60000"/> <!--security id="rwSec" class="oracle.reports.server.RWSecurity"--> <!--property name="securityUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL_DB_TNSN AME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/--> <!--property name="oidEntity" value="reportsApp_mnhmit_DA74CDD953BA55ECE034080020C29304"/--> <!--/security--> <destination destype="oraclePortal" class="oracle.reports.server.DesOraclePortal"> <!--property name="portalUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL_DB_TNSN AME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/--> </destination> <destination destype="ftp" class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.ftp.DesFTP"> <!--property name="proxy" value="proxyinfo.xml"/--> </destination> <destination destype="WebDav" class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.webdav.DesWebDAV">

Author A.Kishore

<!--property name="proxy" value="proxyinfo.xml"/--> </destination> <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" /> <job jobType="rwurl" engineId="rwURLEng" securityId="rwSec"/> <notification id="mailNotify" class="oracle.reports.server.MailNotify"> <property name="succnotefile" value="succnote.txt"/> <property name="failnotefile" value="failnote.txt"/> </notification> <!--notification id="wfNotify" class="oracle.reports.server.WorkflowNotify"> <property name="connStr" value="%WF_DB_USERNAME%/%WF_DB_PASSWORD%@%WF_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/> </notification--> <log option="noJob"/> <!--jobStatusRepository class="oracle.reports.server.JobRepositoryDB"> <property name="repositoryConn" value="repo_db_username/repo_db_password@repo_db_tnsname" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/> </jobStatusRepository--> <!--trace traceOpts="trace_all"/--> <connection maxConnect="100" idleTimeOut="15"> <orbClient id="RWClient" publicKeyFile="clientpub.key"/> <cluster publicKeyFile="serverpub.key" privateKeyFile="serverpri.key"/> </connection> <queue maxQueueSize="1000"/> <!-The value of the 'identifier' element is encrypted and is of the form SERVERACCESSKEY_USER/SERVERACCESSKEY_PASSWORD SERVERACCESSKEY_USER and SERVERACCESSKEY_PASSWORD in <server>.conf and targets.xml file should match for Reports EM pages to display data correctly. Corresponding entries of username and password in targets.xml: <Property NAME="Password" VALUE="SERVERACCESSKEY_PASSWORD" ENCRYPTED="FALSE"/> <Property NAME="UserName" VALUE="SERVERACCESSKEY_USER" ENCRYPTED="FALSE"/> --> <identifier confidential="yes" encrypted="yes">ZgZCDkywAUaHwMnb+A6YTg4WVXl2o+NvL5azP4B3OXWqp6bkbslGJ8Hgnp oQICjahRQALftUUDcJ//rGpA0Sq/TBxgUnonqz0oZJDmorcs6061hBJJ8loXYCAWAB9iSCEFET5 wp+pTCgZpLXsscrUfKbFUQO+vs/fIwCmOfLKv2/vECiFFJZRXZksTcN+UfZc63TX88hMULDEEy QriO6b4+iXhlRlG45Un7m44PISkuKyr+GcdeyTGj0/W1OK5IVHTo1QHYKIMyi7dRG7SvjoparEBdl cAZk9XbawLd6+1j4DpT/hsUU7Nwgb9dVaI6pDU4NNtJYd7OPxyQPG6gk9lOArDsTIHLCVWiNX QAI5ARUvld3FgsGUd2WDJwjm0+/yD0MmEJcpqDfNMAFqj6Cbp9rGA2TFXjxrAGy3vOde0XpPy 1ns/Wf94nW5d2enDHqVm5jEVU=</identifier> <pluginParam name="mailServer">KRMEXCHSRV</pluginParam> <!--pluginParam name="proxy" type="file">proxyinfo.xml</pluginParam--> <pluginParam name="xmlpds" type="file">xmlpds.conf</pluginParam> <pluginParam name="jdbcpds" type="file">jdbcpds.conf</pluginParam> <pluginParam name="textpds" type="file">textpds.conf</pluginParam> </server>

Author A.Kishore Accessing Portal

http://mnhmit:7778/portal/page?_pageid=6,1,6_13&_dad=portal&_schema=POR TAL

userid portal/oracle904

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