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 COLOR - As the basic use of wood is to make
I. WOOD furniture and decor items for the house, colour
and appearance play a vital role in
WOOD MANUFACTURING - is a process that choosing a variety of wood. But the colour of
involves transforming raw lumber into the wood varies from type to type.
products or components of a larger product.  LUSTER - Another physical property of wood is
The manufacturing process can involve sawing, its lustre. Luster refers to the tendency of
planning, drilling, shaping, sanding, and finishing. elements with the reflection of light.
 ODOR AND TASTE - We commonly observe
 SAWING - one of the most common forms of different odours from different types of
wood manufacturing. It involves cutting the wood. For example, the sandalwood and the
wood into various shapes and sizes. Sawing can rosewood give a nice aroma whereas the other
be done by hand, but most often it is done timber woods may give some tobacco odour.
with a sawmill. Sawmills can use a variety of  DENSITY - The density of wood refers to its
saw blades, including circular saws, bandsaws, mass per unit volume. Based on the weight of
and chainsaws, to create custom shapes and the wood sample, the density of wood
sizes for the desired product. changes. Different types of wood have different
 4 TYPES OF SAWING densities.
- FLAT SAWN/PLAIN SAWN  HARDNESS - Hardness refers to the strength
- QUARTER SAWN of the wood also the resistance or the
- RIFT SAWN capacity of wood which can stand strong for a
- LIVE SAWN long time after being affected by several factors.
 PLANNING - The purpose of planning is to
make the wood smooth and even. This is MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WOOD:
done by running the wood through a planer,  COMPRESSION - The compression of wood
which removes small amounts of wood at a depends on the directions of applied forces,
time. Planers can come in different sizes and like:
shapes, depending on the type of product being  perpendicular to wood grain
made.  parallel to wood grain, and
 DRILLING - a process where holes are made  an angle to the wood grain.
in the wood. This is usually done with a drill  TENSION - The tension is very effective on
press but can also be done with hand tools. The wood when it is parallel to the wood's grain.
types of drills used will depend on the type of  BENDING - Based on the load put on the wood,
product being made and the size of the holes bending may occur. It shows the strength and
needed. stability of wood even if the load is
 SHAPING - process of forming the wood into increased in a parallel direction.
the desired shape. This can be done with a
variety of tools, such as routers, chisels, and USES OF WOOD
hand planes. The type of tool and the type of  For Construction And Buildings
wood will determine the type of shape that can  For Furnitures
be achieved.  For Creating Art
 SANDING - the process of removing material  For Insulation
from the wood by using abrasive materials.  For Heating
This is usually done with sandpaper but can  For Musical Instruments
also be done with power tools. Sanding is done  For Sports Equipment
to make the wood smooth and can also be used  For Ship Building
to remove imperfections or stains.  For Children Toys
 FINISHING - Finishing is the process of
applying a protective coating or sealant to
the wood. This can be done with varnish, stain,
lacquer, oil, or wax. Finishing can be done with
a brush, a spray gun, or a power buffer.
II. PLASTICS  AGRICULTURE - Plastics find applications in
agriculture for irrigation systems, greenhouse
PLASTIC is a material consisting of a wide coverings, mulch films, crop protection
range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic materials, and storage containers for fertilizers
compounds that are malleable and, therefore, can and pesticides. They help improve crop yield,
be molded into solid objects. Plasticity is the conserve water, and protect plants from
general property of all materials that involves pests.
permanent deformation without breaking.  CONSUMER GOODS - Plastics are used in a
wide range of consumer goods, including
TYPES OF PLASTICS household appliances, furniture, toys, sports
 THERMOPLASTIC equipment, clothing, and footwear. They offer
 THERMOSET PLASTIC design flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and
 PACKAGING - Plastics are extensively used in PRODUCTION PROCESSES OF PLASTIC
packaging materials due to their lightweight  POLYMERIZATION - the process of
nature, durability, and ability to preserve chemically bonding monomers (small
the freshness and quality of products. molecules) together to form long chains
Plastic packaging is commonly used for food called POLYMERS. This process is used for
and beverages, personal care products, producing thermoplastics such as polyethylene
pharmaceuticals, and household items. (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride
 CONSTRUCTION - Plastics play a crucial role in (PVC), and polystyrene (PS). Polymerization
the construction industry. They are used in can be achieved through various methods like
pipes, fittings, insulation materials, roofing addition polymerization and condensation
sheets, flooring materials, and window polymerization.
frames. Plastics offer advantages such as  EXTRUSION - widely used process for
corrosion resistance, low maintenance manufacturing plastic products with a
requirements, and energy efficiency. constant cross-section. In this process, plastic
 AUTOMOTIVE - Plastics are widely used in the pellets or granules are melted and forced
automotive industry to reduce weight and through a die to obtain the desired shape.
improve fuel efficiency. They are used in Extrusion is commonly used for producing
interior components like dashboards, seats, pipes, tubes, sheets, films, and profiles.
door panels, and exterior parts such as  INJECTION MOLDING - a highly versatile
bumpers and body panels. Plastics also process used for producing complex-shaped
contribute to enhanced safety features in plastic parts in large quantities. It involves
vehicles. injecting molten plastic into a mold cavity
 ELECTRONICS - Plastics are essential in the under high pressure. Once the plastic cools
electronics industry for manufacturing and solidifies, the mold is opened to release the
components like computer casings, mobile finished product.
phone bodies, circuit boards, cables, and  BLOW MOLDING - used for manufacturing
connectors. Their insulating properties help hollow plastic products such as bottles,
protect sensitive electronic parts from containers, and tanks. The process involves
damage. melting plastic resin and then blowing air
 MEDICAL - Plastics play a vital role in the into a mold cavity to expand the molten
medical field due to their biocompatibility plastic against the mold walls.
and sterilizability. They are used in medical  RATIONAL MOLDING - a process used for
devices such as syringes, catheters, implants, producing large hollow plastic products such
prosthetics, surgical instruments, and drug as tanks, playground equipment, and kayaks.
delivery systems. The process involves rotating a mold filled
with powdered plastic resin in an oven. The
heat causes the resin to melt and coat the
inner surface of the mold, forming the
desired shape.
 THERMOFORMING - process used for  Degradation - Some plastics can undergo
producing thin-gauge plastic products such as physical degradation, such as cracking or
packaging trays, disposable cups, and lids. It fragmentation, even if they do not break
involves heating a plastic sheet until it down chemically. This can be caused by
becomes pliable and then forming it over a sunlight, temperature changes, or mechanical
mold using vacuum or pressure. stress, and can lead to the release of hazardous
 COMPRESSION MOLDING - is a process used plastic particles called microplastics into the
for producing large, intricate plastic parts with environment.
high strength. It involves placing a pre-  Biodegradability - Some plastics, such as
measured amount of plastic material into a polyethylene, are not biodegradable and can
heated mold cavity and applying pressure persist in the environment for hundreds of
to compress the material into the desired years.
shape.  Recyclability - Plastics can be difficult to
recycle since they each have different
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF PLASTIC chemical compositions and properties.
 DENSITY - Plastics come in many different
densities, from as low as 0.9 g/cm³ for foamed III. PULP AND PAPER
plastics to as high as 1.5 g/cm³ for some
engineering plastics. PULP AND PAPER PROPERTIES refer to various
 TRANSPARENCY - Some plastics are optically characteristics of pulp and paper products that are
transparent while others are opaque and essential for their quality and suitability for
block light. Many transparent plastics can specific applications. Some key properties include:
accept dye if you need them to be opaque.  FIBER TYPE - The type of wood or fiber used,
 HARDNESS - Plastics can range from soft and such as hardwood or softwood, can affect the
flexible to hard and rigid, depending on the strength and appearance of the paper.
specific polymer and its processing.  FIBER QUALITY - The cleanliness and
 MELTING POINT - The melting points of uniformity of fibers are important for
plastics vary widely depending on the type of smooth and consistent paper production.
polymer. Some plastics have low melting  FIBER LENGTH - The length of pulp fibers
points and can be easily molded while others influences paper strength. Longer fibers
have high melting points and require generally result in stronger paper.
specialized processing techniques.  BASIS WEIGHT - It’s the weight of the paper
 PERMEABILITY - Plastics can be permeable per unit area (e.g, grams, per square meter or
to gasses and liquids, which can be an pound per ream) and indicates the paper
advantage in some applications (such as thickness and density.
food packaging) and a disadvantage in  BRIGHTNESS - The level of witness and
others (such as chemical storage). brightness of the paper, often measured on a
scale, influences its visual appeal.
 Resistance to Chemicals - Many types of print quality ad ink absorption.
plastic are resistant to industrial chemicals,  OPACITY - The ability of the paper to obscure
acids, and other corrosive substances. This what’s printed on the reverse side is
makes them useful in a variety of industrial important for double-sided printing.
applications.  POROSITY -The property relates to the rate
 Stability - Some plastics are sensitive to heat, at which liquids, like ink, are absorbed by
light, and radiation, which can cause them the paper.
to degrade over time.
 Flammability - Plastics can be highly USES OF PULP AND PAPER
flammable, and many of them release toxic  PRINTING AND WRITING - Paper is widely
gasses when burned. Flame retardants are used for printing books, newspaper,
often added to plastics to improve their fire magazines, office documents, and
resistance. stationery.
 PACKAGING -Pulp and paper are used for
manufacturing various packaging
materials like boxes, cartons, bags, and MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF GLASS
used to produce tissues, toilet paper, paper  MALLEABILITY
towels, and other personal hygiene  NON – MAGNETIC
create specialty paper such as currency
notes, filter paper, photographic papers PRODUCTION PROCESS OF GLASS
and more. Steps in Production
 CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 1. Mixing - prevents dusting, ensures
- Paper-based materials like cardboard, homogeneity and increases melting efficiency
gypsum boards, and insulation are used in 2. Melting - The mixture is then melted in a
the construction industry. furnace in order to homogenize the materials
all together
PRODUCTION PROCESSES OF PULP AND PAPER 3. Forming - Using equipment, the molten glass
 PULPING - The process of converting raw is then formed into the desired shape.
materials (such as wood, recycle paper, or 4. Cooling - Placed into room temperature water
agricultural residues) into pulp. This can be or wait for it cool to solidify.
done through chemical, mechanical, or semi- 5. Finishing - This can be mechanical such as
chemical methods. grinding and polishing. Chemical treatments
 BLEACHING - Pulp is usually bleached to may enhance the strength and durability.
remove impurities and achieve the desired
brightness and colors. V. CERAMICS
 PAPER MAKING - The pulp is diluted with
water, and additive like fillers, sizing CERAMICS are made of Clay, Earthen elements,
agents, and dyes are added. The mixture is powders, and water. Combined, molded into
then spread onto a wire mesh, drained, dried, shape, and then heated to finish the fabrication.
and pressed to form to form the paper.
 COATING - Some paper products undergo a PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GLASS
coating process where a layer of chemicals or  LUSTER – Ceramics themselves are not
minerals is applied to improve properties lustrous
like orientability, smoothness, or water  COLOR – Customizable; usually Earth – toned
resistance. or white
 FINISHING - The paper may undergo  SIZE AND SHAPE – Ceramics can be
additional processes like cutting, folding, customized
embossing, or laminating, depending on the  DENSITY – Low in density
 BAKING HEAT OF CLAY to harden into
IV. GLASS Ceramics is roughly 1000 degrees celcious
(1832 degrees farenheight)
GLASS is made from natural raw materials (Sand,
Slica, Soda Ash and Limestone) that are melted MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF GLASS
at high temperature to form Glass.  FRAGILE / BRITTLE
 LUSTER – Shiny and reflective  NON – MAGNETIC
 COLOR – Glass is colorless  OXIDATION – RESISTANT
 SIZE AND SHAPE – Glass can be customized  CHEMICALLY STABLE
 DENSITY – Lightweight but dense
 MELTING POINT OF SAND to be made into
glass is roughly 1700 degrees celcius (3090
degrees farenheight)
PRODUCTION PROCESS OF CERAMICS 2. Mixing - Carried out on machines similar to
Steps in Production those used in mastication, sometimes
1. Mixing - Can be clay by itself or mixed with immediately after softening.
other non-metallic earthen materials. 3. Vulcanization - Cross-linking reaction by
2. Forming - Using equipment, the clay is then sulfur that makes three-dimensional network
formed into the desired shape. structures and gives rubber greater stability.
3. Baking / Firing - It is then baked into a kiln or 4. Shaping - Using equipment, the refined rubber
oven for usually 30 minutes. is then formed into the desired shape.
4. Cooling - It is then left to rest after baking 5. Curing - Curing is carried out in pressurized
process steel molds, which are heated by steam or
5. Finishing - This can be mechanical such as electricity to temperatures at which the
grinding and polishing. Chemical treatments interlinking reaction takes place.
may enhance luster such as Ceramic Luster.
 Cookware  Electronics
 Medicine  Medicine
 Infrastructure  Transportation
 Electronics  Infrastructure
 Transportation  Tools & Equipment
 Tools & Equipment
Made up of two or more materials with
RUBBER & ELASTOMERS is made from a natural different chemical and physical properties. A
raw material extracted from Hevea Brasiliensis composite material is used to enhance the
Trees (Rubber Trees) or synthetically with properties of its base materials. Most man-made
Petroleum and Natural gas. The main chemical composites combine high tensile Fibers that are
constituents of rubber are Elastomers, or “Elastic flexible, with a Matrix that forms the fibers into a
Polymers” large chainlike molecules that can be rigid structure that acquires the compressive
stretched to great lengths and yet recover their strength of the matrix material.
original shape.
PROPERTIES OF RUBBER & ELASTOMER  STRENGTH - can resist the externally applied
 ELASTIC - can be stretched & elongated and forces without breaking or yielding due to it’s
return back to its original shape with improved composition.
deformation.  RESILIENCE - can absorb energy and to resist
 RESILIENCE - can absorb energy and to resist shock and impact loads.
shock and impact loads.  LOW DENSITY - Packed together with some of
 FLEXIBLE - capable of bending easily without space between them.
breaking.  FATIGUE RESISTANT - can withstand
 TENSILE STRENGTH - can withstand when repeated stresses.
loaded in tension.  CORROSION RESISTANT - can resist corrosion
 COMPRESSION STRENGTH - can withstand for a longer period of time.
being compressed without deformation.
does not easily allow heat and/or electricity to 1. Compression Molding
pass through it.  Multiple mold components and inserts create a
cavity that is loaded with the material to be
Production Process of Rubber & Elastomers molded. Molds are typically loaded in large
Steps in Production hydraulic presses and parts are cured under
1. Mastication - prevents dusting, ensures high pressure and temperature.
homogeneity and increases melting efficiency.  Excellent for producing small parts with
“allsides ” molded geometry.
2. Resin Transfer Molding Natural or Air Seasoning - considered as one of
 uses a pump or a pressure pot to push it in at the best methods in seasoning lumber although the
much higher pressure with very short cycle period involved is longer than the artificial method.
times. Artificial Seasoning - method adopted for quick
 Typically RTM molds are either bolted drying of the wood such as forced air drying, kiln
together or clamped in a large hydraulic press drying and radio frequency dielectric drying.
with flat platens to keep the molds aligned.
 allow resin to travel through the part to 1. Veneer and plywood - are made of 3, 4, 7 or
displace air and wet out the reinforcement and more veneer slice that are laid upon the other
core. It is still probably the best overall with the grain of each at right angle to those of
manufacturing method for larger high the sheets above or below.
performance composite parts. a) Soft Plywood - most common for structural
4. Open Molding use.
 is the process of “wetting out” dry b) Hardwood Plywood - used for paneling
reinforcements with resin in a mold without and finishing where usually only one face is
using any additional consolidation step. with hardwood finish.
c) Exterior or marine plywood - is made for
USES OF COMPOSITES external use.
 Electronics 2. Hardboard/Pressed wood or fiber board - is
 Infrastructure made from woodchips which are exploded
 Transportation into fibers with high pressure steam.
 Tools & Equipment 3. Particle Boards - manufactured from wood
chips, curls, fibers, flakes, strands, shaving
WOODWORKING slivers which are bound together and
pressed into sheets and other molded
It is the art of cutting, framing, and joining shapes.
timber or wood. 4. Laminated Wood - processed by sawmilling
and drying, knot and cracks are removed,
CARPENTER - A skilled craftsperson who and the pieces are connected by finger
performs carpentry. Carpenters work with wood joints in fiber direction to create a wide and
to construct, install and maintain buildings, long materials.
furniture, and other objects.
Wood has inherent aesthetic beauty and very  Checks - a lengthwise separation of the wood
desirable working properties… like small crack or split
 Split/Shake - a lengthwise break or big crack
 Lumbering  Knot - a branch or limb of a tree that has been
 Logging exposed as the log is cut into lumber.
 Sawing  Decay - is the rotting of wood
 Warp - is any variation from a tree or plane
METHODS AND OR MANNER OF LOG SAWING: surface. It includes crack, bow, cup, twist, or
A. Plain or bastard sawing - cutting the logs nay combination of this.
entirely through the diameter a parallel cord  Stain - is a discoloration of the wood surface.
tangential to the annual rings.
B. Quarter or Rift Sawing - divided into four JOINT
methods; radial methods, tangential method,  JOINT - means the union of two or more
quarter tangential, and combined radial and smooth or even surfaces, admitting two or
tangential. more pieces of timber to a close fitting or
 JOINERY - is the art of joint making. It may
include fastening and or shaping the pieces of
SEASONING OF LUMBER wood so they fit together neatly and securely
Groups of Joints  Lumbers are sold according to their
1. T joints - one piece joined at right angles to the dimensions where thickness and width are
face r edge of another forming a T shape. measured in inches and the length is
2. L joins - two pieces joined to form a corner measured in feet.
3. X joints - the pieces crossed over or fixed into  Prices of lumber sold are based on a unit called
each other to form a cross. BOARD FOOT which means a piece of wood 12
4. Edge (-to-edge) joints - edges that are joined inches long, 12 inches wide and 1 inch thick
to produce wide surfaces. It is used for top of (12" x 12" x 1")
the tables, chairs, desks and other furniture  To compute the total board feet in a piece of
needing large surfaces. lumber use the formula:
5. Lengthening joints - two pieces joined end to 𝑻” × 𝑾” × 𝑳”
end. 𝟏𝟐
6. Three-way joints - three pieces of wood joined  Where:
such as chair legs and rails. - T" = thickness in inch
7. Butt Joint - the end of one piece is fastened to - W" = width in inch
the surface or edge of the other. It is used to - L” = length in feet
make a simple box or to fasten two pieces at - 12 = constant
right angles.
8. Lap joints - are mostly used to assemble light WOODWORKING METHODS
frames which are going to be covered with 1. Planning
hardboard or plywood. Half the thickness of a) Drawing and designing the project
each piece of wood to be joined is cut away with b) Identify bill of materials
a tenon saw and the joint is glued and screwed c) List the procedures
or nailed. Halved lap joints are also used to join d) List tools and machines needed
long lengths of timber as for fencing. 2. Cutting - cutting wood to the right size and
9. Rabbet Joint - the first piece fits into a channel shape can be done with a variety of hand tools
cut across the end or edge of the second piece. and machines.
It is found in simple furniture and in some box 3. Assembling - constructing the parts of the
construcation. project based on the planned design.
10. Dado Joint - is good for shelves, steps, 4. Sanding and Finishing - sanding removes
bookcases, book racks, chests and other types of tools marks and make wood surface smooth for
cabinets. finishing. Sanding should not begin until the
11. Miter Joint - the corners are cut at an angle wood has been cut to its final size.
usually 45 degrees. When the two pieces are
joined, they will form a right angle. As no end Maintenance of Woodworking Tools and
wood is ever seen these are very neat joints but Machines
they are weak. Normally used for picture  Always use the right tools for the job.
frames where they are nailed with panel pins.  Clean the tools and equipment after using and
When used for other purposes they must be keep them in their right places.
strengthened with glue blocks, angle braces or  Apply lubricants or oil on the metal parts of
loose tongues. Mitre joints should always be tools to prevent rusting and stuck-up.
glued.  Keep all edges cutting tools keen or sharp.
12. Mortise and Tenon Joint - is one of the  Never use tools with broken handles.
strongest. It is found on better quality chairs,
tables and benches. The mortise is a hole made
partway through the side of one piece of wood
while the tenon is toughed-shaped to fit the
mortise at the end of another piece.
13. Dovetail Joint - is used on the corners of the
best drawers and chairs.
- Lathes are metalworking machines that
I. MACHINES USED IN MANUFACTURING rotate the workpiece to perform various
INDUSTRY machining operations such as shaping
wood, metal, or other materials by rotating
 SHEARING MACHINE the workpiece on its axis against cutting tools.
- Also known as a metal shear or sheet metal
- It is a piece of industrial equipment used to - also known as the multi-tasking machines
cut sheet metal or other materials with (MTMS).
straight, clean edges. - It is a metalworking tool that uses rotary
 DRILLING MACHINE cutters to remove undesired material.
- Also known as Drill Press. Milling machines are commonly used in
- A machine which is used to make a circular industries like aerospace, automotive,
hole, a tool used to drill the holes of different metalworking, and general manufacturing
size and other related operations using a drill for producing parts and components with
bit. high precision and quality.
 PACKAGING MACHINERY - Types of Milling Machines:
- Also known as packaging equipment or a) Vertical Milling Machine
packaging machines. b) Horizontal Milling Machine
- It encompasses a wide range of machinery c) Universal Milling Machine
used in various industries to package and d) Rotary Milling Machine
prepare products for distribution and sale.  GRINDING MACHINE
- Types of Packaging Machines: - A grinding machine is a machine tool
a) SEALING MACHINE - It includes capping equipped with an abrasive wheel used for
and heat sealing machines. producing fine finishes or making light
b) LABELING MACHINE - Under this kind of cuts on metals and other materials.
machine is the Label applicators and - Examples:
print and apply labelers. a) Bench Grinder
c) CASE PACKAGING MACHINE - b) Portable Grinder
Automatically pack products into cases c) Abrasive Belt Grinder
or boxes for shipping and distribution. d) Swing Frame Grinder
- CNC Waterjet Cutting Machines are high- f) Cylindrical Grinder
precision cutting tools that use a high- g) Surface Grinder
pressure stream of water mixed with  SHAPER MACHINE
abrasive particles to cut through various - Shaper Machine is a production machine in
materials, including metals, composites, which the single point cutting tools are
stone, glass, ceramics, and more. attached and the workpiece is fixed and
- This technology is capable of producing while moving forward the tool cuts the
intricate and precise cuts with minimal workpiece and in return, there is no cut on
heat- affected zones and minimal material the workpiece and is used for producing flat
waste. and angular surfaces.
- Welding is a fabrication process that - Broaching machine cuts, forms, and shapes
involves the joining of two or more pieces a variety of materials. It uses a toothed
of metal or thermoplastic materials by tool or a broach to remove material from
melting them at the joint and then fusing the workpiece.
them together. - Usually used to produce gears, holes, and
- Classification of Broaching: machined into shape and work similarly to
a) INTERNAL BROACHING - used for an injection mold during the process.
machining interior surfaces such as  QUALITY TESTING MACHINE
round holes, splined holes, and irregular - Quality testing machines are used to assess
shaped holes. and ensure the quality of materials,
b) EXTERNAL BROACHING - also known as components, or finished products in
surface broaching. Used for machining various industries. In manufacturing, these
exterior surfaces such as flat, concave, machines help maintain consistency,
convex, serrated, and cam-shaped surfaces. reliability, and adherence to standards.
up and down or side to side - Surface treatment machines are used to
d) ROTARY BROACHING - the broach and modify the surface characteristics of
the workpiece rotate together materials, enhancing their properties or
 SAW MACHINE appearance. In the context of woodworking
- Also known simply as saws, are cutting tools or manufacturing, surface treatment can
or machines used to cut through various include processes like sanding, polishing,
materials, typically in a straight or coating, and finishing.
controlled manner.  HEAT PRESS MACHINE
- Types of Saw Machines - A heat press is a type of machine that utilizes
a) BAND SAW - have a continuous loop of heat in order to apply designs onto various
toothed metal blade that moves in a substrates. It uses a combination of pressure
vertical or horizontal direction. from the heated upper platen onto the
b) CIRCULAR SAW - Circular saws use a lower platen in order to achieve its results.
circular-shaped blade with teeth to cut The majority of presses are used to apply heat
through various materials transfers onto a range of garments
c) TILE SAW - designed specifically for
cutting ceramic and stone tiles. They use II. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS USED IN
a diamond-tipped blade to make clean, MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY
precise cuts.
d) PANEL SAW - it is an industrial machine  HINGE - A moveable joint or mechanism on
used for cutting large panels, sheets, and which a door, gate, or lid swings as it opens
boards, often found in furniture and and closes, or which joins related objects.
cabinet-making industries. Mechanical bearings are used to connect two
e) JIG SAW - are handheld power tools with swinging objects or points and allow them to
a narrow, reciprocating blade that is move freely relative to one another.
ideal for making curved or intricate cuts  CLAMP - Are versatile instruments used to
in wood, plastic, and metal. temporarily secure work in place. They are
f) HACK SAW - A hand-powered, small- utilized in a variety of applications such as
toothed saw used for cutting metal pipes, carpentry, woodworking, furniture
rods, brackets, plastics, etc. manufacturing, welding, construction, and
- A Woodworking machine is a machine that is  HINGES WITH BOLT - The hinge bolts are
intended to process wood. These machines intended to keep doors from being pulled
are usually powered by electric motors and from thein hinges. It is made of hardened
are used extensively in woodworking. steel and is resistant to hacksawing. Hinge
Woodworking machines are tools designed to bolts are required for all outward opening
shape, cut, and finish wood to create timber doors. Aids in leeping the door from
various items and structures. being lifted during an attack
- Die casting is a metal casting process that
is characterized by forcing molten metal
under high pressure into a mold cavity.
The mold cavity is created using two
hardened tool steel dies which have been
 PLIERS - A type of hand tool. They allow the  CHISEL - A chisel is a cutting tool with a
operator to firmly grip an object, usually a characteristically sharpened metal end. The
nail or wire, so that it can be tightened, metal forms the cutting blade or edge at one
loosened, twisted, or cut. Pliers are made up end. Chisels cut, sculpt, scrape, or shape
of five parts: two handles, a pivot, and two stone, wood, and metal
jaws.  ADJUSTABLE SPANNER - An adjustable
 CHAINSAW - Is a power tool capable of quickly spanner is an open-ended wrench with a
severing tree trunks and branches. If a tree moveable jaw. Its function is the same as any
falls during a storm and blocks your driveway, regular spanner - to grip fasteners, such as nuts
you can use a chainsaw to cut it apart. and bolts however, only adjustable spanners
 AIR COMPRESSOR - An air compressor is a can grip fasteners of all sizes, thanks to their
machine that compresses air and stores it in moveable jaw.
a tank. It is used to power pneumatic tools  IMPACT WRENCH - An impact wrench is a
and equipment, such as nail guns, paint socket wrench power tool designed to
sprayers, and impact wrenches, by supplying deliver high torque output with minimal
high-pressure compressed air. exertion by the user, by storing energy in a
 WOOD PLANES - Wood planes are hand tools rotating mass, then delivering it suddenly to
used in woodworking to smooth, shape, and the output shaft.
flatten wooden surfaces. They can be used to
remove imperfections, create chamfers, and
achieve specific profiles in wood.
 SANDING TOOLS - Sanding tools, including
sandpaper, sanding blocks, and power
sanders are used to smooth and refine the
surface of various materials primarily
wood. They remove roughness. blemishes, and
imperfections, preparing the surface for
 COPING SAW - A coping saw is a hand tool
with a thin, fine-toothed blade stretched
between a U-shaped frame, which is used for
making detailed and intricate curved cuts in
various materials, particularly wood.
 WRENCH - A wrench is a hand tool designed
for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts,
providing mechanical advantage through
 HAMMER - A hammer is a simple tool designed
to manually drive nails, brads, and other
fasteners into softer materials, such as wood
or drywall. A hammer has a head and a handle,
or shaft.
 SCREWDRIVER - Screwdrivers are a type of
hand tool used for the insertion and removal
of screws. They are available in a multitude of
variations to correspond to the correct screw
drive. The drive or head of a screw has a shaped
cavity and protrusion that fits the screwdriver

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