Sample Paper 2

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Sample Paper 2

Maximum Marks: 70 Time allowed: 3 hours
Section A (1 mark each x 16 =16 marks)
1. Which of the following quantity is increased in a step-down transformer?
(a) current (b) voltage (c) power (d) frequency
2 A lens of power 2·0 D is placed in contact with another lens of power – 1·0 D. The
combination will behave as a
(A) converging lens of f = 100 cm.
(B) diverging lens of f = 100 cm.
(C) converging lens of f = 50 cm.
(D) diverging lens of f = 50 cm.
3. A proton, when accelerated through a potential difference of V volt, has
de-Broglie wavelength λ associated with it. If an alpha particle is to have the same
wavelength λ , it must be accelerated through a potential difference of
(A) Volt (B) Volt (C) 4V volt (D) 8V volt
8 4

5. A wire of resistance R is stretched n times its original length. The resistance of

the elongated wire will be

6. The electric flux through a closed Gaussian surface depends upon

(a) Net charge enclosed and permittivity of the medium
(b) Net charge enclosed, permittivity of the medium and the size of the Gaussian
(c) Net charge enclosed only (d) Permittivity of the medium only

8. The magnetic dipole moment of a current carrying coil does not depend upon
(A) number of turns of the coil.
(B) cross-sectional area of the coil.
(C) current flowing in the coil.
(D) material of the turns of the coil.

9 A magnet NS is suspended from a spring and while it oscillates the magnetic

moves in and out of the coil C. If the coil is now connected to a galvanometer G as
shown in the figure, then as the magnet oscillates, G shows

(a) no deflection
(b) deflection on one side
(c) deflection to the left and right with constant amplitude
(d) deflection to the left and right but amplitude steadily decreases

10. In a Young’s double slit experiment the spacing between the slits is 0.3 mm and
the screen is kept at a distance of 1.5 m. The second bright fringe is found 6 mm
from the central fringe. The wavelength of the light used in the experiment is
(a) 625 nm (b) 600 nm (c) 550 nm (d) 500 nm

11. Taking the Bohr radius as a0 = 53pm, the radius of Li++ ion in its ground state,
on the basis of Bohr’s model, will be about
(a) 53 pm (b) 27 pm (c) 18 pm (d) 13 pm

12 Regarding a semiconductor which one of the following is wrong?

(a) There are no free electrons at room temperature
(b) There are no free electrons at 0 K
(c) The number of free electrons increases with rise of temperature
(d) The charge carriers are electrons and holes
Instruction for Q.13 to 16
Mark option
(a) if both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.
(b) if both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct
explanation of
(c) if Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) if Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
13 Assertion : The magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid is
independent of its length and cross-sectional area.
Reason : The magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform.

14 Assertion: If a heavy nucleus is split into two medium sized parts, each of the
new nuclei will have more binding energy per nucleon than the original nucleus.
Reason: Joining two light nuclei together to give a single nucleus of medium size
means more binding energy per nucleon in the new nucleus.
15 Assertion: The resistivity of a semiconductor increases with temperature.
Reason: The atoms of a semiconductor vibrate with larger amplitude at higher
temperatures thereby increasing its resistivity.
16 Assertion: The resistivity of a semiconductor increases with temperature.
Reason: The atoms of a semiconductor vibrate with larger amplitude at higher
temperatures thereby increasing its resistivity.
Section B (2 mark each x 5 =10 marks)
17 A 900 pF capacitor is charged by a 100 V battery.
(a) Calculate the electrostatic energy stored by the capacitor.
(b) When the capacitor is disconnected from the battery and connected to another
uncharged capacitor of 900 pF, calculate the energy stored by the system.
18. A rectangular loop carrying a steady current I is placed in a uniform magnetic
field B. Derive an expression of the torque acting on the loop.
19. Write any two points of difference between the properties of
diamagnetic and paramagnetic substances. Give two examples of each of them.

21B. A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source. Using the phasor diagram,
derive the expression for the impedance of the circuit. Plot a graph to show the
variation of current with frequency of the source, explaining the nature of its
Section C (3 mark each x 7 =21 marks)
22. A straight thin glass rod is placed slanting in the water and viewed from
(i)What unusual thing will you observe ? (ii)Why does this happen. (iii) What is the
relation between critical angle and refractive index of a material ?
23. When a conducting loop of resistance 10 ᾨ and area 10 cm2 is removed from an
external magnetic field acting normally, the variation of induced current in the loop
with time is shown in the figure.

Find the
(i) total charge passed through the loop.
(ii) change in magnetic flux through the loop.
(iii) magnitude of the magnetic field applied.
24.(a) Write the mathematical form of Ampere-Maxwell circuital law.
(b) Write the expression for the speed of light in a material medium of relative
permittivity εr and relative magnetic permeability µr.
(c) Write the wavelength range and name of the electromagnetic waves which are
used in (i) radar systems for aircraft navigation, and (ii) Earth satellites to observe
the growth of the crops.

25. Two long straight parallel wires A and B separated by a distance d, carry equal
current I flowing in same direction as shown in the figure.

(a) Find the magnetic field at a point P situated between them at a distance x from
one wire.
(b) Show graphically the variation of the magnetic field with distance x for 0 <x<d.
(C) Define one ampere in terms of magnetic force between current carrying long
parallel wires.
26. (a)The current is drawn from a cell of emf E and internal resistance r connected
to the network of resistors each of resistance r as shown in the figure. Obtain the
expression for
(i) the current drawn from the cell and
(ii) the power consumed in the network.

(b) In the circuits shown in the figures, the galvanometer shows no deflection in
each case. Find the ratio of R1 and R2.
27(a) A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as that of the plates of a parallel
plate capacitor but has the thickness d/2, where d is the separation between the plates. Find out the
expression for its capacitance when the slab is inserted between the plates of the capacitor.
(b) Define an equipotential surface. Draw equipotential surfaces :
(i) in the case of a single point charge and
(ii) in a constant electtic field in Z-direction. Why the equipotential surfaces about a single charge are not
(iii) Can electric field exist tangential to an equipotential surface? Give reason.
28 Briefly describe proton-neutron hypothesis of nuclear composition in the light of
(i) nucleus stability and (ii) constant nuclear mass density. Draw the binding energy
curve and heighlight the main observations and conlusions drawn from it.
What is nuclear fission? Explain how a chain reaction can occur in a fissionable
material giving an example? Calculate for how many years will the fusion of 2.0 kg
deuterium keep 800 W electric lamp glowing. Take the fusion reaction as

Section D (4 mark each x 2 =8 marks)

29 A prism is a portion of a transparent medium bounded by two plane faces
inclined to each
other at a suitable angle. A ray of light suffers two refractions on passing through a
and hence deviates through a certain angle from its original path. The angle of
deviation of a
prism is, δ= (μ – 1)A, through which a ray deviates on passing through a thin prism
of small
refracting angle A.If μ is refractive index of the material of the prism, then prism
formula is,

(i) For which colour, angle of deviation is minimum?

(a) Red (b) Yellow (c) Violet (d) Blue
(ii) When white light moves through vacuum
(a) all colours have same speed
(b) different colours have different speeds
(c) violet has more speed than red
(d) red has more speed than violet.

(iii) The deviation through a prism is maximum when angle of incidence is

(a) 45° (b) 70° (c) 90° (d) 60°
(iv) What is the deviation produced by a prism of angle 6° ? (Refractive index of the
material of the prism is 1.644).
(a) 3.864° (b) 4.595° (c) 7.259° (d) 1.252°
(v) A ray of light falling at an angle of 50° is refracted through a prism and suffers
minimum deviation. If the angle of prism is 60°, then the angle of minimum
deviation is
(a) 45° (b) 75° (c) 50° (d) 40°
30. The electron mobility characterises how quickly an electron can move through a
metal of semiconductor when pulled by an electric field. There is an analogous
quality for holes, called hole mobility. A block of pure silicon at 300 K has a length
of 10 cm and an area of 1.0 cm2. A battery of emf 2 V is connected across it. The
mobility of electron is 0.14 m2V-1s-1 and their number density is 1.5x1016 m-3 . The
mobility of holes is 0.05m2V-1s-1.
(i) The electron current is
(a) 6.72 x10-4 A (b) 6.72 x10-5 A (c) 6.72 x10-6 A (d) 6.72 x10-7 A

(ii) The hole current is

(a) 2.0 x10-7 A (b) 2.2 x10-7 A (c) 2.4 x10-7 A (d) 2.6 x10-7 A

(iii) The number density of donor atoms which are to be added up to pure silicon
semiconductor to produce an n-type semiconductor of conductivity 6.4 Ω − 1cm−1 is
approximately (neglect the contribution of holes to conductivity)
(a) 3 x 1022 m-3 (b) 3 x 1023 m-3 (c) 3 x 1024 m-3 (d) 3 x 1021 m-3

(iv) When the given silicon semiconductor is doped with indium, the hole
concentration increases to 4.5 x 1023 m-3 . The electron concentration in doped
silicon is
(a) 3 x 109 m-3 (b) 4 x 109 m-3 (c) 5 x 109 m-3 (d) 6 x 109 m-3
(v) Pick out the statement which is not correct.
(a) At a low temperature, the resistance of a semiconductor is very high.
(b) Movement of holes is restricted to the valence band only.
(c) Width of the depletion region increases as the forward bias voltage increases in
case of a p-n junction diode.
(d) In a forward bias condition, the diode heavily conducts.
Section E (5 mark each x 3 =15 marks)
31A. (a) Write two important characteristics of equipotential surfaces.
(b) A thin circular ring of radius r is charged uniformly so that its linear charge
density becomes λ . Derive an expression for the electric field at a point P at a
distance x from it along the axis of the ring. Hence, prove that at large distances
(x >> r), the ring behaves as a point charge.
(c) Derive an expression of torque acting on an electric dipole placed in uniform
electric field.
31B. (a) State Gauss’s law on electrostatics and derive an expression for the
electric field due to a long straight thin uniformly charged wire (linear charge
density λ at a point lying at a distance r from the wire.
(b) The magnitude of electric field (in NC–1) in a region varies with the distance r (in
m) as E = 10 r + 5. By how much does the electric potential increase in moving
from point at r = 1 m to a point at r = 10 m.
(c) Obtain an expression of electric field due to an infinite , non-conducting
uniformly charged sheet.

32A. (a) Show that an ideal inductor does not dissipate power in an ac circuit.
(b) The variation of inductive reactance (XL) of an inductor with the frequency (f) of
the ac source of 100 V and variable frequency is shown in the fig.

(i) Calculate the self-inductance of the inductor.

(ii) When this inductor is used in series with a capacitor of unknown value and a
resistor of 10 ᾨ at 300 s–1, maximum power dissipation occurs in the circuit.
Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
32B. (a) State Ampere’s Circuital Law . Using it derive an expression of magnetic
field induction inside and outside of a long solid conducting wire of uniform cross
section carrying a current I . Plot graph to show variations of the magnetic field.
(b) Two concentric circular loops of radius 1 cm and 20 cm are placed coaxially.
(i) Find mutual inductance of the arrangement.
(ii) If the current passed through the outer loop is changed at a rate of 5 A/ms, find
the emf induced in the inner loop. Assume the magnetic field on the inner loop to
be uniform.

33A. A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident normally on a narrow slit

and the light coming out of the slit falls on a screen kept parallel to the plane of the
(a) What kind of a pattern is formed on the screen and how ?
(b) What will be the change in the (i) angular width, and (ii) linear width, of the
principal maximum in this pattern when the screen is moved parallel to itself away
from the slit plane ?
(c) State two differences between this pattern and the interference pattern formed
in Young’s double slit experiment.
33B. (i) An optical instrument uses an objective lens of power 100 D and an
eyepiece of power 40 D. The final image is formed at infinity when the tube length
of the instrument is kept at 20 cm.
(a) Identify the optical instrument.
(b) Calculate the angular magnification produced by the instrument
(ii) Draw the ray diagram of a reflecting type telescope and mention its two
advantages over refracting telescopes.

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