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Voltage Transformers - Are used whenever the line voltage exceeds 480 volts or whatever
lower voltage may be established by the user as a safe voltage limit. They are usually rated on a
basis of 120 volts secondary voltage and used to reduce primary voltage to usable levels for
transformer-rated meters, transducers and other loads.

Current Transformer - Usually rated on a basis of 5 amperes secondary current and used to
reduce primary current to usable levels for transformer-rated meters or transducers and to
insulate and isolate them from high voltage circuits.

Current Transformer Ratio - Ratio of primary to secondary current. For a current transformer
rated 200:5, the ratio is 200:5 or 40:1.

Voltage Transformer Ratio - Ratio of primary to secondary voltage. For a voltage transformer
rated 4200:120, the ratio is 4200:120 or 35:1.

Transformer Ratio - (TR) - Total ratio of current and voltage transformers. For a 200:5 C.T. and
480:120 P.T., TR = 40 X 4 = 160.

Weatherability - Transformers are rated as indoor or outdoor, depending on construction

(including hardware).

Accuracy Classification - Accuracy of an instrument transformer at specified burdens. The

number used to indicate accuracy is the maximum allowable error of the transformer for specified
burdens. For example, 0.3 accuracy class means the maximum error will not exceed 0.3% at
stated burdens.

Rated Burden - The load which may be imposed on the transformer secondaries by associated
meter coils, leads and other connected devices without causing an error greater than the stated
accuracy classification.

Current Transformer Burdens - Normally expressed in ohms impedance such as B-0.1, B-0.2,
B-0.5, B-0.9, or B-1.8. Corresponding volt-ampere values are 2.5, 5.0, 12.5, 22.5, and 45.

Relaying Accuracy of Current Transformers - A relaying accuracy class is designated by two

symbols which effectively describe the capability of the transformer as follows:

1) C means the transformer ratio can be calculated, i.e. a window type current transformer with
uniformly distributed windings. The C rating refers to a low reactance design.

2) The secondary terminal voltage rating is the voltage which the transformer will deliver to a
standard burden at 20 times normal secondary current without exceeding 10% ratio error.
Furthermore, the ratio error must be limited to 10% at any current from 1 to 20 times rated current
at any lesser burden. For example, relay accuracy class C100 means that the ratio can be
calculated and that the ratio error will not exceed 10% at any current from 1 to 20 times nominal
secondary current if the burden does not exceed 1.0 ohms (1 ohm X 5 amp X 20 times normal
current = 100 volts.)
Voltage Transformer Burdens - Normally expressed as volt-amperes at a designated power
factor. May be W, X, M, Y, or Z. W is 12.5 V.A. @ 0.10 pf; X is 25 V.A. @ 0.70 pf; M is 35 V.A.@
0.20 pf; Y is 75 V.A. @ 0.85 pf and Z is 200 V.A. @ 0.85 pf. The complete expression for a
current transformer accuracy classification might be 0.3 at B-0.1, B-0.2 and B-0.5, while the
potential transformer might be 0.3 at W, X, M and Y.

Continuous Thermal Rating Factor - (TRF) - Normally designated for current transformers and
is the factor by which the rated primary current is multiplied to obtain the maximum allowable
primary current without exceeding temperature rise standards and accuracy requirements.
Example - if a 400:5 C.T. has a RTF of 2.0, the C.T. will continuously accept 400 X 2 or 800
primary amperes with the 5 X 2 or 10 amperes from the secondary. The thermal burden rating of
a voltage transformer shall be specified in terms of the maximum burden in volt-amperes that the
transformer can carry at rated secondary voltage without exceeding a given temperature rise.

Rated Insulation Class - Denotes the nominal (line-to-line) voltage of the circuit on which it
should be used. Flex-Core has transformers rated for 600 volts though 15kV.

Polarity - The relative polarity of the primary and secondary windings of a current transformer are
indicated by polarity marks associated with one end of each winding. When current enters at the
polarity end of the primary winding, a current in phase with it leaves the polarity end of the
secondary winding. Representation of primary marks on wiring diagrams are shown as black
squares, black circles, or H1. Secondary marks are shown as black squares, black circles or X1.

Hazardous Open-Circuiting - Operation of C.T.'s with the secondary winding open can result in
a high voltage across the secondary terminals which may be dangerous to personnel or
equipment. Therefore, the secondary terminals should always be short-circuited before a meter or
other load is removed from service. It is recommended that shorting blocks or knife switch
shorting assemblies be used with current transformers.
The selection of a current transformer (C.T.) requires attention to a number of factors:
fixed or split core, ratio, working voltage, window size, burden, etc. The least
understood of these is burden, and in our experience is the single largest cause of
problems with C.T. applications and specification. What follows is a simplified definition
of and method to determine the burden requirement of a C.T
Burden is usually expressed as VA, or as shown in the example below, where B0.1 is 0.1
ohms, B0.5 is 0.5 ohms, and so on:

Burden may be thought of as the total resistance in ohms on the C.T. output terminals.
To find the burden requirement for a given application we use Ohm's Law for Power (or VA)
= I 2 x R, where I is the C.T. output and R is the TOTAL Resistance on the C.T. secondary.
CABLE SIZE AWG NO. 16 NO. 14 NO. 12 NO. 10
RESISTANCE/FOOT 0. 00485 0. 00305 0. 00192 0. 00124

EXAMPLE: You have an A/C amp meter, a 50:5 C.T., and a run of 15 feet of 12 gauge wire from
the C.T. to the meter. From the chart above we see the wire is 0.00192 ohms/foot. This is 30
feet ( 15 out and 15 back ) @ 0.00192 ohms/foot = 0.0576 ohms The meter is 0.007 ohms. Total
resistance is 0.0646 ohms. (Most C.T.'s have a 5 amp secondary, I 2 = 25) 25x0.0646 = 1.615 VA
(May be expressed as "B0.0646")

Using the table below, we see the 50:5 C.T. is rated at 1 VA. Since we have a urden of 1.615
VA, using a 1 VA C.T. will result in a large error ( low ) at the meter. One way to solve this is
to use the 100:5 C.T. and make 2 turns through the window. This is called a PRIMARY

* Please refer to the "Application Guide"*

To return to our example, the 100:5 C.T. is rated at 2 VA. By the simple application of
PRIMARY TURN RATIO MODIFICATION, we now have a final ratio of 50:5 and a 2 VA C.T.

We have just solved our burden using a standard C.T. and only the cost of an additional 2
inches of wire!

This is only one example of many ways to solve C.T. application problems while maintaining
accuracy and low cost.

Please call us and we will be happy to help with

any application, and answer your questions!


236 Rickenbacker Circle · Livermore CA 94550
Tel: (925) 449-0220 · Fax: (925) 449-1704

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