SCIENCE 10: Types-and-Applications-of-EM-waves

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Types and Practical

Applications of the different
Regions of EM Waves

Electromagnetic Waves

1. Compare the relative wavelengths of different

forms of electromagnetic waves
MELC: Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic waves
2. Cite examples of practical applications of the
different regions of EM waves, such as the use of
radio waves in telecommunications.
01 They are called EM Waves or EM
02 They are created as a result of vibrations
between an electric field and magnetic field.
03 Can travel through anything even on a
vacuum or space.

The sun emits

EM radiation. EM
waves are all
around us.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Is a continuum of EM waves arranged
according to wavelength or frequency.
Roman Men Invented Very Unusual Xray Guns

Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible

light, Ultraviolet, Xray, Gamma Rays

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1. Radio Waves

Radio waves have the

longest wavelengths
and lowest frequencies
in the electromagnetic
1. Radio Waves

They can be produced by making electricity

oscillate in an aerial, or antenna, and are
used to transmit sound and picture
information over long distances.

Oscillate - move or swing back and forth at a

regular speed.
1. Radio Waves
Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation
best-known for their use in communication technologies,
such as television, mobile phones and radios. These
devices receive radio waves and convert them to
mechanical vibrations in the speaker to create sound
1. Radio Waves

Heinrich Hertz proved the

existence of radio waves in the
late 1880s. He used a spark gap
attached to an induction coil
and a separate spark gap on a
receiving antenna.
2. Microwaves
Microwaves are the
principal carriers of high-
speed data transmissions
between stations on Earth
and also between ground-
based stations and
satellites and space .
2. Microwaves

Microwaves are basically extremely high

frequency radio waves and are made by
various types of transmitter. In a cell phone,
they're made by a transmitter chip and an
antenna, in a microwave oven they're made
by a "magnetron".
2. Microwaves

Microwaves were first predicted

by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864 by the
use of his equations. Later during 1888
Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of
microwaves by building a device that
produced and detected microwave
3. Infrared Radiation
Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a type of radiant
energy that's invisible to human eyes but that we can feel as
heat. All objects in the universe emit some level of IR
radiation, but two of the most obvious sources are the sun
and fire.
3. Infrared Radiation

The discovery of infrared radiation

by the physicist Wilhelm Herschel at
the beginning of the 19th Century
opened new possibilities for
measuring temperature – without
contact and thus without affecting
the object being measured and the
measurement device itself.
3. Infrared Radiation

Infrared (IR) light is used by electrical heaters,

cookers for cooking food, short-range
communications like remote controls, optical
fibres, security systems and thermal imaging
cameras which detect people in the dark.
4. Visible Light
Light is the only EM waves that can be perceived by
your eyes; hence its most obviously the most
important to you observe things around you.

The sun, light bulbs, candles and fire are all things that people
automatically think of when it comes to light, but visible light comes from
many sources and in many colors. Some other sources of visible light
includes television and computer screens, glow sticks, and fireworks.
4. Visible Light
4. Visible Light
When white light passes through a
prism, it is separated into its constituent
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo and violet.

Red - longest wavelength, at around 620 -

780 nanometers with lowest frequency.

Violet - shortest wavelength, around 400-

420 nanometers with highest frequency.
4. Visible Light

Red - longest wavelength, at

around 620 - 780 nanometers
with lowest frequency.

Violet - shortest wavelength,

around 400-420 nanometers
with highest frequency.
4. Visible Light
In 1665, Isaac Newton, then a young
scientist at Cambridge University in
England, took a glass prism and held it
up to a beam of sunlight streaming
through the window. He saw the
sunlight that passed through the prism
spread out into the colors of the
rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green,
blue and violet.
5. Ultraviolet Radiation
Invisible rays that are part of the energy that comes from
the sun. Ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's
surface is made up of two types of rays, called UVA and
UVB. The sun is our main source of ultraviolet light.

Two types of UV light are proven to contribute to the risk for skin cancer:
- Ultraviolet A (UVA) has a longer wavelength. It is associated with skin
- Ultraviolet B (UVB) has a shorter wavelength. It is associated with skin
5. Ultraviolet Radiation
UV radiation is widely used in industrial processes and in
medical and dental practices for a variety of purposes, such
as killing bacteria, creating fluorescent effects, curing inks
and resins, phototherapy and suntanning.
5. Ultraviolet Radiation

Ultraviolet light was discovered by Johann

Wilhelm Ritter in 1801 when he noticed that
invisible light beyond the optical region of the
electromagnetic spectrum darkened silver
chloride. He split sunlight using a prism and then
measured the relative darkening of the chemical
as a function of wavelength. The region just
beyond the optical violet region produced the
most darkening, and hence was eventually
christened ‘ultraviolet’.
6. X - ray

X-rays have short wavelengths and high

frequencies and are very penetrating. They
are produced by the rapid acceleration of
electrons in X-ray machines that collide with
atoms. These atoms emit X-rays.
6. X - ray
X-rays are a form of electromagnetic
radiation, similar to visible light.
Unlike light, however, x-rays have
higher energy and can pass through
most objects, including the body.
Medical x-rays are used to generate
images of tissues and structures
inside the body.
6. X - ray
Medical Use:
They are used for medical purposes to detect the breakage in human bones.
They are used as a scanner to scan the luggage of passengers in airports, rail
terminals, and other places.
It is emitted by celestial objects and are studied to understand the environment.
Industrial Purpose:
It is widely used to detect the defects in the welds.
They are used to restoring old paintings.
6. X - ray

German physicist Wilhelm

Conrad Rontgen (1845-1923)
becomes the first person to
observe X-rays, a significant
scientific advancement.
7. Gamma Rays

Gamma rays have the smallest wavelengths and the

most energy of any wave in the electromagnetic
spectrum. They are produced by the hottest and most
energetic objects in the universe, such as neutron
stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and regions
around black holes.
7. Gamma Rays
Gamma rays are used in medicine (radiotherapy), industry
(sterilization and disinfection) and the nuclear industry.
Shielding against gamma rays is essential because they can
cause diseases to skin or blood, eye disorders and cancers.
7. Gamma Rays

Paul Villard, a French chemist

and physicist, discovered gamma
radiation in 1900 while studying
radiation emitted by radium.

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