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case reports 2021; 7(1)


Keywords: Achondroplasia; Disabled Person; Rare Diseases; Adapted Sport; Physical Therapy.
Palabras clave: Acondroplasia; Persona con discapacidad; Enfermedades raras;
Deporte adaptado; fisioterapia.

Zully Rocío Rincón-Rueda

Karen Tatiana Cepeda-Flórez
Andry Giseth Fragozo-Ibarra
Mildreth Rosmary Mendoza-Cardona
Freddy López-Gómez
Universidad de Santander
- Faculty of Health Sciences -
Physiotherapy Program
- Bucaramanga - Colombia.

Corresponding author
Zully Rocío Rincón-Rueda.
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud,
Universidad de Santander.
Bucaramanga. Colombia.

Received: 18/04/2020 Accepted: 29/07/2020

case reports Vol. 7 No. 1: 81-90


Introducción. La acondroplasia es una condición Introduction: Achondroplasia is an autoso-

congénita causada por una mutación del gen cod- mal dominant congenital condition caused by
ificador de crecimiento del fibroblasto que afecta a mutation of the fibroblast growth encoding
la osificación endocondral y genera discapacidad gene, which affects endochondral ossification. It
estructural; además, es la causa más común de is the most common cause of disproportion-
talla baja desproporcionada. Por su parte, el de- ate short stature, generating physical disabili-
porte adaptado es una disciplina deportiva que se ty. In the presence of disability, adapted sport
ajusta al colectivo de personas con discapacidad emerges as a strategy designed to generate
y una estrategia diseñada para generar inclusión inclusion and, thereby, improve the quality of
y mejorar la calidad de vida de sus participantes. life of disabled people. The aim was to develop
Se presenta el caso de una paciente con acondro- a physical therapy plan that included recom-
plasia a quien se le diseñó un plan fisioterapéutico mendations to minimize the risk of injury and
de intervención enfocado a minimizar el riesgo de prevent loss of functionality as a consequence
lesiones y prevenir la pérdida de funcionalidad of sports practice.
como consecuencia de la práctica deportiva.
Case presentation: This is the case of a
Presentación del caso. Paciente femenina de 27-year-old Colombian athlete diagnosed
27 años diagnosticada con acondroplasia y prac- with achondroplasia who competes in the
ticante de levantamiento de potencia adaptado y para-powerlifting and swimming modalities.
natación paralímpica, a quien mediante valoración Physiotherapeutic and physical fitness eval-
fisioterapéutica y de la aptitud física se le encon- uations were carried out, finding obesity and
traron alteraciones posturales y en el patrón de postural and gait pattern alterations. The avail-
marcha. Dado que por su condición de base no es able literature does not recommend practicing
recomendable que practique los deportes en los these sports in this type of patient; however, a
cuales compite, se le diseñó un programa de entre- training program and recommendations were
namiento y recomendaciones dirigido a preservar designed to preserve her functionality and im-
su funcionalidad y mejorar su desempeño en la prove her sports performance. The plan was
práctica deportiva. El plan fue puesto en práctica put into practice and tolerated adequately by
y tolerado de forma adecuada por la deportista. the athlete.

Conclusiones. Los planes de entrenamiento Conclusions: Training plans that promote the
que favorezcan el mantenimiento de la condición maintenance of optimal physical condition in
física óptima de los participantes de deportes adapted sports participants allow them to con-
adaptados les permiten a estos deportistas re- tinue practicing their sport without compromising
alizar su práctica sin afectar su expectativa de vida their life expectancy or functionality. The analy-
ni su funcionalidad. El análisis del presente caso sis of the present case illustrates how physical
muestra cómo el fisioterapeuta desempeña un rol therapists play a key role in this population to
importante en esta población, pues los puede ayu- minimize the possible complications derived from
dar a disminuir las posibles complicaciones que training and competitions.
se deriven de entrenamientos y competencias.
physical therapy treatment in a para-powerlifting and para-swimming athlete with achondroplasia

INTRODUCTION population to integrate into society and increase
their participation. Participants in adapted sports
Achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant con- must go through an adaptation process in which
genital disorder caused by the mutation of the training focuses on mobility and acquisition of
fibroblast growth encoder gene (1), which is proper technical sport gestures based on each
found in the short arm of chromosome 4 and individual’s abilities in order to obtain autonomy
is a type of chondrodystrophy. It is the most and, later, compete (9).
common bone dysplasia and is associated with Although preparation and participation in
disproportionate short stature. Its annual inci- adapted sports competitions can lead to injuries
dence worldwide varies between 1/10 000 and and increased musculoskeletal impairment, these
1/30 000 live births (1,2). types of sports become relevant in the lives of
Physical examination allows suspecting athletes. They bring benefits, mainly in the emo-
achondroplasia, which is confirmed by radiological tional and social areas, because they are inclusive
tests. Its phenotype is characterized by proximal and contribute to the overall development of the
shortening of the long bones, trident-shaped person with a disability (10). High-performing
hands, normal-length trunk, short vertebral athletes also receive economic benefits; for ex-
pedicles, squared pelvis, contracted skull base, ample, in Colombia, 125 athletes with physical
macrocephaly, hypotonia, and ligamentous hy- disabilities compete in para-swimming and 52
perlaxity (1,3,4). Intelligence and life expectancy in para-powerlifting, and they are paid during
are not affected by this condition, although the preparation phase for the competitions to
comorbidities such as obstructive sleep apnea, which they qualify (8).
middle ear dysfunction, and spinal stenosis in- There are multiple paralympic sports, but the
crease the risk of death (5). In turn, hypotonia, present case report only analyzes the two sports
hyperlaxity, overweight tendency, and postural that the patient practices. Para-powerlifting is
alterations increase the risk of craniocervical an adaptation of powerlifting, and the only disci-
junction injury and degenerate articular cartilage, pline in this modality is the barbell bench press,
causing gonarthrosis in early adulthood and which consists of the development of maximum
leading to inability to walk (6). strength (11). In turn, paralympic swimming
Although physical activity is recommended includes four styles (freestyle, breaststroke,
in patients with achondroplasia, it is advisable backstroke, and butterfly), and swimmers may
to avoid strength sports such as gymnastics, compete individually or in teams combining the
competitive swimming, acrobatics, and contact four styles in the individual medley or relay races.
or jumping sports, as they may be risk factors Swimmers are classified according to the type
taking into account the aspects mentioned and severity of their disability and compete in
above (7). However, despite the recommen- an olympic-size swimming pool (12).
dations, a large number of people with this The American Physical Therapy Associ-
condition practice such sports competitively ation (APTA) approach (13), which defines
in Colombia (8). physical therapists as health professionals who
Adapted sport is a sports modality in which study human body movement to preserve the
a series of modifications are made to enable individual’s functionality, was used to manage
individuals with various types of disability to the reported patient. Functionality is under-
participate (7). Its purpose is to allow this stood as the ability of a person to carry out
case reports Vol. 7 No. 1: 81-90

the activities of daily living according to their On physical examination, her blood pres-
context. Consequently, physical therapists sure was 100/60 mm/Hg; heart rate, 80bpm;
have different roles such as rehabilitation and respiratory rate, 15Brpm; height, 124cm; and
habilitation care; risk prevention and reduction; weight, 50.3kg, for a body mass index (BMI)
improvement of physical performance; and of 32.7 (grade I obesity); the percentage of
primary, secondary, and tertiary care, among body fat calculated through skin folds was
others, through the examination, evaluation, 28%. In addition, the patient reported pain
diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention phases. of 4/10 according to the verbal rating scale
The International Classification of Functioning, in the knees when performing activities such
Disability and Health (ICF) (14) was considered as jogging, jumping a rope, and climbing and
to determine what aspects could be involved descending stairs.
in the patient. The patient stated that she practiced S6
With this in mind, the following is the case paralympic swimming in free, backstroke and
of a patient with achondroplasia who practices butterfly styles in 2-hour sessions, four times
competitive adapted sports in the modalities of a week, for 2 years; it should be noted that
para-powerlifting and para-swimming. A phys- this adapted swimming category includes
iotherapy plan of secondary intervention was short-stature athletes (15). She also reported
designed for this patient to minimize the risk of that she had joined the para-powerlifting team
injuries, prevent functional capacity loss, and 3 months before the assessment and that she
improve fitness to optimize her performance. trained for 2 hours, 6 times a week, lifting a
load of 60kg in the bench press.
CASE PRESENTATION Since both modalities practiced by the
patient are part of the sports that should be
This is the case of a 27-year-old Hispanic female restricted in people with achondroplasia (16),
patient diagnosed with achondroplasia who lives because they may accelerate their degenerative
in a low-middle-income household in Bucara- joint process and increase the risk of injury
manga and was diagnosed with achondropla- and death due to the movement style that they
sia in the prenatal stage. Physiotherapeutic and require, preventive physiotherapy intervention
physical fitness evaluations were carried out, was considered necessary.
finding postural and gait pattern alterations.
At the time of the assessment, the patient Physiotherapy assessment
stated that she was in good health and reported
a family history of grandparents with diabetes, The patient underwent two physiotherapy as-
high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lupus er- sessments, one at the first visit and the other
ythematosus, and two paternal half-siblings three months later to follow up. The aspects
with unspecified neurological disorders. Her found during the initial assessment are de-
personal medical history included depression scribed below.
with suicidal ideation arising from society’s Given the lack of adapted tests to measure
reactions to her physical appearance, which aerobic capacity, the modified Bruce protocol
improved through sports practice and did not was used, obtaining a VO2 max of 44.18 mL/
require pharmacological treatment. kg/min (17). The test was suspended before
physical therapy treatment in a para-powerlifting and para-swimming athlete with achondroplasia

it could be completed because the patient E460 societal attitudes. All these factors made
experienced knee pain after increasing the her a victim of discrimination and mockery
treadmill incline. Although oxygen consumption throughout her life. On the other hand, she said
was classified as good for age (reference that the following were facilitating aspects:
value 39-48.9), the perceived exertion was 4 e310 immediate family; e315 extended fam-
(moderate exertion) according to the modified ily; E320 friends; E355 health professionals;
Borg scale. E410 individual attitudes of immediate family
The range of motion was normal, but the members; and E420 individual attitudes of
patient had hypermobility according to the friends. This means that the patient feels that
Beighton scale (18): fifth metacarpophalangeal her personal (negative attitude toward her
joint passively flexed until 100º, hyperexten- condition and emotional instability), family
sion of the elbow and knees, and trunk flexion (absence from family events), work (rejection
that allowed the palms of the hands to rest on by co-workers and job rejection), and sports
the floor. Muscle strength was normal on the (not being able to perform high-impact sports)
Robert Lovett scale (19). roles are affected.
Posture was assessed by planimetry with According to the APTA, the patient’s phys-
a grid. Asymmetry of the shoulders and genu iotherapeutic diagnosis was musculoskeletal
varum were seen in the anterior view, and genu domain and D pattern: limited joint mobility, motor
recurvatum, lumbar hyperlordosis, forward head function, muscle performance, and range of motion
position, and forward right shoulder were seen associated with bone tissue dysfunction (13).
in the lateral view; the latter aspect affected It should be noted that the medical diag-
the bench press practice because the bar was nosis of achondroplasia syndrome caused
tilted toward the left side. When evaluating the the patient to have activity limitations such as
sole, it was established that the woman had D4502 walking on different surfaces, D4552
cavus feet (20). running, and D4553 jumping, and restrictions
The observational analysis of the gait found on mobility such as D470 using transportation,
that the patient performed the stance and swing D475 driving, etc. (14).
phases appropriately, but gait determinants were
altered due to increased pelvic rotation and Physiotherapy treatment plan
knees in permanent flexion, impacting stance
phase knee flexion and causing widening of The intervention and training plan proposed by
the base of support (20). the physical therapists consisted of a physical
Moreover, it was found that the most training program that emphasized joint protec-
affected system in the patient was the mus- tion based on the patient’s conditions and the
culoskeletal system. She also reported that sports she practiced. Its design included three
the most troublesome aspects that affected exercise blocks to strengthen the muscles in
her personally, according to the CIF (14) , a general way (Table 1), allowing the patient to
were: E325 acquaintances, peers, colleagues, perform other training additional to the regular
neighbors, and community members; E330 training. Each activity had a basic description
people in positions of authority; E345 strangers; and prescription, which were established ac-
E445 individual attitudes of strangers; and cording to the physical fitness assessment.
case reports Vol. 7 No. 1: 81-90

Table 1. Training plan.
Block Exercises Series Repetitions Intensity * Frequency Tool
Warm-up 20 minutes
Shoulder external Dumbbells or elastic
3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week
rotation bands
3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Dumbbells
lateral raise
Front fly 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Dumbbells
Dumbbells or elastic
Shoulder extension 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week
Block 1 Knee
3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Machine or elastic bands
One-leg press 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Horizontal press
Abductors 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 3 times/week Pulley or elastic bands
Buttocks 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 3 times/week Pulley
Core (planks) 4 60 s Body weight 3 times/week Mattress
Trunk extension 4 10 Body weight 2 times/week Exercise ball
Dynamic stretching 10 minutes
Warm-up 20 minutes
Pulley row 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 1 times/week Pulley
Upright row 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 1 times/week Pulley
Shoulder internal
3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 1 times/week Dumbbells
Squats 3-4 10-12 Body weight 2 times/week Exercise ball
Block 2
Knee flexion 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Machine
Adductors 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Pulley or elastic bands
Quadruped hip exten-
3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Ankle weights
Scissor squats 3-4 10-12 20 kg 2 times/week Bar
Dynamic stretching 10 minutes
Warm-up 20 minutes
Shoulder flexion 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 1 times/week Pulley
Shoulder abduction 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 1 times/week Body weight
Shoulder extension 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 1 times/week Dumbbell or band
Reaches 3-4 10-12 Body weight 2 times/week Bosu ball
Half squat band hip
3-4 10-12 Body weight 2 times/week Elastic bands
Block 3
Gastrocnemius mus-
3-4 10-12 Body weight 2 times/week Decline bench press
cle (heel lift)
Triceps 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Bar
Biceps 3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Bar
Supine and prone
3-4 10-12 70-75% Rmax 2 times/week Bar
Dynamic stretching 10 minutes
Rmax: repetition maximum.
* Repetition maximum should be reevaluated every 3 months to carry out the progression of the exercise.
Source: Own elaboration.
physical therapy treatment in a para-powerlifting and para-swimming athlete with achondroplasia

Within this training plan, and to reduce the events occurred during the implementation of
risk of joint injuries due to hyperlaxity, it was the proposed activities.
suggested to avoid postures involving axial loads A three-month follow-up revealed that the
on the joints and performing submaximal ranges patient was adherent to the training plan, which
of motion. The plan also established that before was confirmed by her para-powerlifting coach,
each training, a warm-up should be carried out, who also reported adequate tolerance to all the
including joint mobility and multilateral dynamic exercises recommended. It was established
exercises, as well as low-impact functional training. that the athlete complied with the suggested
It was also recommended to include breathing recommendations for joint protection, except for
exercises and adequate hydration throughout avoiding jumping, an activity that can accelerate
the training and make a generalized dynamic the degeneration of the articular cartilage of the
stretching to cool down. knees. She explained this behavior by stating
Furthermore, the patient was advised to avoid that she perceived that jumping the rope favors
jumping, running, deep squats requiring knee her aerobic capacity and helps her lose weight.
flexion >90°, jogging, using elliptical machines, Some of the changes reported in comparison
and ascending and descending stairs, which are with the initial assessment include weight loss,
all activities that are not recommended due to reaching 48kg; remission of knee pain during
her underlying condition (21). Also, to reduce jogging, jumping, and climbing and descending
future complications, she was advised to avoid stairs; and improvement in sports performance
high-impact and repetitive activities, as well as by increasing bench press load to 65kg.
continuous traumas that pose a risk of injury to the
tibiofemoral joint due to instability. Psychosocial DISCUSSION
support was also recommended to prevent the
relapse of depressive symptoms and emotional Achondroplasia is considered a rare disease (22),
distress due to rejection and negative attitudes so there is not enough literature to guide interven-
of the environment. tion plans or sports practice recommendations.
The training plan and the recommendations However, as with athletes who do not have any
were socialized with the patient, who put them disability, people with achondroplasia must follow
into practice and showed great acceptance and a structured fitness program before participating in
satisfaction. The relevance of including this plan high-level competitions (23). It is also recommend-
in weekly training sessions and following the ed to consider the specific characteristics of the
recommendations mentioned above to optimize athlete when designing a training plan for patients
the performance of their daily living activities with this condition, for example, the shortening of
was emphasized. their limbs, since this aspect can lead to earlier
The intervention plan was designed to en- fatigue and the need for longer and more frequent
sure an average life expectancy for the patient rest periods. Furthermore, to practice adapted pow-
and maintain functionality. The importance of erlifting, it may be useful to use a thinner training
following the recommendations, especially in bar because these athletes fail to make an effective
sports practice, was also emphasized, as the grip by not being able to fully close the hand due to
analysis of the deficiencies and limitations their short fingers, which favors wrist injuries (15).
detected in the physical therapy assessment The proposed recommendations in the pres-
was taken into account. No incidents or adverse ent case were based on the proper positioning of
case reports Vol. 7 No. 1: 81-90

the body and the importance of avoiding maximal a specialist in physical culture and sports. This
ranges of motion that could cause injury due to allowed considering different relevant points of
the patient’s hyperlaxity. However, during press view. In addition, the patient’s adherence to the
bench press exercises, the athlete is exposed to plan allowed evaluating its effectiveness (27).
spine overextension, which could be harmful due Since there are no well-defined or stan-
to her history of spinal stenosis. In this regard, dardized physical training protocols for people
previous studies report that an exercise plan with achondroplasia (28), coaches of athletes
that emphasizes the strengthening of the trunk’s with this condition should consider collaborating
anterior muscles allows minimizing the extent of with physical therapists to make an appropriate
extension and favor a more aligned posture of assessment of all deficiencies and risk factors
the spine (24). This aspect should be considered that may occur. This will also allow designing
at the time of exercise prescription. a training plan to enable athletes to perform
The limitations of the case include that optimally and minimize the risk of injury.
there are no validated tests to measure aero-
bic capacity, bearing in mind that the test used CONCLUSIONS
did not measure the actual aerobic capacity
of the patient because its score of perceived A physical therapy management plan was de-
exertion on the modified Borg scale was 4. It signed for a patient with achondroplasia after
is not useful either to establish BMI in people analyzing her impairments and limitations. This
of short stature, so the results obtained in plan was intended to provide the necessary
these aspects of the assessment may not be care so that, despite the impact that her sports
reliable. In this regard, Sims et al. (25) proved practice could have on her joints, the patient
that people with achondroplasia have a higher could continue to perform her practices without
energy expenditure when walking and running affecting her life expectancy or functionality.
because cadence increases, so VO2Max should Adapted sport is a tool that helps people
be calculated through indirect calorimetry, which with disabilities explore their maximum potential,
could provide a more reliable measurement. favoring their inclusion and participation in society.
Also, despite the existence of scales adapted However, due to health implications, the practice
to measure BMI, Wagner & Sandt (26) proposed of high-performance sports must be monitored
that the predisposition of people with achon- according to the athlete’s physical condition.
droplasia to gain weight is associated with the The analysis of the present case shows
fact that they have less body area to distribute how physical therapists play an important role
the extra mass because their bones are small, in physiotherapy assessment and diagnosis and
but the other structures have a normal size. This in the design of secondary intervention plans to
aspect favors the increased risk of injury and prevent and minimize the possible complications
should therefore be considered when devising resulting from sports practice, which can have
weight-loss strategies. a detrimental effect on athletes’ quality of life.
The main strength of this clinical case is
that the training and recommendations plan was PATIENT’S PERSPECTIVE
developed in an interdisciplinary manner, with the
participation of a physician, a physiotherapist, three When asking the patient for her opinion on the
eighth-semester physical therapy students and proposed training plan and recommendations,
physical therapy treatment in a para-powerlifting and para-swimming athlete with achondroplasia

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