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English book report [4V] The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini

Please write your report in a separate document. NOTE: Look carefully at the final
check, a new requirement has been added!

Fill in:
A. Personal information (include these details on a cover page together with
the title, author and year of publication, include a fitting image)

Your name

Answer the following questions in English:

B. General information about the book and the writer

1. a What is the title of your book?

b What is the relation of the title to the story: does the title fit the book?
c Explain why the title does or does not fit the book.

2. a Who is the writer of the book?

b Give additional significant background information about the writer, for
example information about personal life, other works written by the
writer and additional themes/topics that the writer focused on in other
works, if there are any.

3. a In what year and period was the book published?

b Indicate whether the book is significant for the time when it was written.
Tip: consider works by other writers, developments in society, other
genres or themes that were important in the days when the book was

4. a What is the genre of the book?

Versie 2022
b Explain the genre you mentioned with (an) example(s) / an explanation /
a quotation from the book.

5. a What is the main theme of the book?

b Does the book have any other themes? If yes, which?
c Explain the theme or themes you mentioned with (an) example(s) or
quotation(s) from the book.

6. a What is the setting (time and place) of the book?

b Explain your answer with (an) example(s) from the book.

7. a Who is the narrator in the story: is it a first, second or third person

b Give (an) example(s) from the book that show(s) the person of the

8. a Write a short summary of the book in about 20 lines. Do not mention

how it ends.
b If you used a source, what was the (online) source you used for this
book report? Copy the link here.

C. Your own interpretation of the book

Answer the following questions without using a source. Only write down your
own opinion.

9. a What is the underlying message of book? (what message does

the book give you as a reader?)
b Give an example from the book to support your answer.

10. a Who is (are) the most important protagonist(s)?

b Discuss the protagonists in more or less 50 words (choose no more
than 3 protagonists).

Versie 2022
11. Complete the grid below with one positive and one negative aspect of
two of the protagonists. If there is one protagonist, you describe one
positive and one negative aspect of this one.

Name of Name of
protagonist 1: ……………… protagonist 2: ………………
Positive: Negative: Positive: Negative:
……………… ……………… ……………… ………………

12. a What, in your view, was the most important event or moment in the
b Explain your answer in (a minimum) 50 words by using at least one
example and quotation from the book. You may mention more
examples and quotations.

13. a How does the book end?

b Did you like the ending? Explain your answer in 30- 50 words: you
could, for example, discuss how you would have ended the book if you
had been the writer.

14. a What is your overall opinion about the book? Tip: think about
the theme(s), the topic of the book or the way in which the story is
b Explain your answer in 75 – 125 words. Use two moments or events
from the book to support your opinion.

Versie 2022
D Final check

Please make sure that:

Fill in the form below, make sure that all of the requirements get a Yes!
Attach this final check to your report and then hand it in to IVIO.
Your final report should be sent to your IVIO-teacher.

Requirement Check? Yes/no

I’ve included a cover page with my
personal information (A), the title, date
and an illustration/image that fits the
I’ve included a table of contents
In the text of my review, I have changed
the questions into headings for the
paragraphs they cover
I’ve written titles of book in italic and titles
of poems and short stories between
“quotation marks”
When I used quotes I made sure to use
the “First two…last two” words of the
sentence and added line or page
I’ve have answered all the questions
I’ve included enough information or
support to explain my answers
(remember: point, explain, evidence)
I’ve have used enough words to explain
my answers without exceeding the word-

The final version of your book report should be sent to your teacher.
be sent to your teacher.

Versie 2022

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