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A cause is the reason something happened. It answers the question: Why did this happen?

An effect is the result. It answers the question: What happened? Words like because of, so,
consequently, since, and as a result often signal a cause-and effect relationship.
A. Examples
1. The police arrested him because he broke into a bank.
2. He missed the early train; therefore, he was too late for the job interview.
3. She can't read the letter as she is illiterate.
4. He didn’t pay his taxes in time; as a result, he was given a penalty.
5. He can't run fast for he is too fat.
6. Due to the bad weather, they didn't go for a picnic.
7. She didn't do what she had promised; as a consequence, she disappointed everyone
around her.
8. The plane was delayed, so I had to wait for five hours.
9. Thanks to his intelligence, he attracted the attention of all the guests.
B. Complete the following chart with the appropriate expressions from the examples above.
Cause Effect

C. Complete the following rules

1. Due to, because of; thanks to + ........................................
2. Because ; since ; as ; for + .................................................
D. Choose the correct word or phrase in brackets to fill in the gaps.

1. We stayed inside………………………… the storm. (because / because of).

2. I wanted to stay longer ………………………… I was really enjoying the party. (since /
because of)
3. Tom stayed at home ………………………… his illness. (as / due to)
4. Her lateness was………………………… a terrible traffic jam. (due to / because)
5. ………………………… flights are cheaper in the winter, we decided to travel then. (since
/ owning to)
6. ………………………… she hated cats, she wasn’t happy when her husband bought three.
(as / because of)
7. Ali didn’t go to work ………………………… his illness. (owing to / as)
8. ………………………… Sara was very tired, she went to bed early. (because / due to)
9. ………………………… his late night, John missed his train. (because / owing to)
10. We were late for the plane ………………………… the traffic. (because of / because)
E. Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions of cause and effect.

1. The girl fell off her bike / she cried

2. watching too much television / Sara did not finish her homework
3. she could not see very well /Fatima got glasses
4. he did not go to school / Tom was sick
5. I did my homework early / I could watch television at 8:00pm
6. Ali worked all night / he was tired

F. Complete the following sentences.

1. She cried because …………………………………….............................................................

2. He forgot to do his homework last night so ………......................................…………….…

3. They were late for school as............………………......................................……...……….....

4. I went to the bank because ………………….................................................………………..

5. Since it was raining, ..................................................................................................................

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