Multi-Use Door

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Email selling a door that can turn into a pingpong table

(Reader) Who's buying it? - 20-30 year olds subscribed to the email list where we send out
weekly crazy products on the market
(Idea) How do we appeal to them? - Be honest and display how crazy of an idea it is, be
(Objective) What are we trying to achieve? - interest in random product, brand awareness
(Action) What do we want them to do? - Click the link at the bottom

SL: This may be a bit too crazy…

SLL: Have doors been turned into a world class sport?

Hey (name),

This week we sure have found a weird one.

So weird that I almost refused to market it as it logistically made zero sense to sell

But here we are I guess:

[picture of door]

First glance? A door right? And no we have not turned into an oak door dealership, don’t

Now what if I told you that same oak door can turn into this:

[picture of table tennis table]

Wouldn’t believe it right? I didn't either.

However, This door can cleverly unfold at a hinged seam through the middle allowing for
quick ping pong games with your neighbours and roommates.

Ever wanted something to do in your apartment or house but everything takes up too much

This, my friend, is the golden ticket.

Here at the office we’ve had so much fun with it that we filmed a marketing team vs Finance
team ping pong tournament on our youtube. Check it out here.

[Picture with hyperlink to video]

Want to buy this ingenious, space saving, fun having invention?

Check it out here.

These are so out of market we only make one at a time so get yours quick before the waiting
list gets too long.

See you next week,

Neil Bohr

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