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1. Two balls are dropped from the same point after an interval of 1 second. Their separation 3 second after the
release of the second ball. (g = 10 m/s )
(A) 25 m (B) 30 m (C) 35 m (D) 40 m

2. A block pulley arrangement is shown in the figure. A T2 B

If f1 and f 2 represents frictional force acting on the 50 kg 50 kg
block A and B respectively then choose the
2 1 = 0.3 2 = 0.9 T1
correct statement. (given g = 10 m/s ) T3
(A) T1 = 100 N, T2 = 10 N 5 kg D
(B) f 1 = 10 N , f2 = 450 N 50 kg C
(C) T2 = 50 N, T3 = 50 N
(D) f 1 = 50 N, T2 = 50 N
3. A particle starts from rest and moves with an acceleration of a = {2 + |t – 2|} m/s , the velocity of the particle at
t = 4 sec is 6K m/s. Find the value of K.

4. The figure shows a hexagonal swimming pool. A person standing at O

point A on ground wants to reach point B (see figure) in least possible 5 
time. The person can move with a speed V on ground and with a
V  
speed in pool. Find the least possible time in which the person
can go from A to B. Given OA = OB = 5 .
2 5 3 2
(A) (B)
4 2 2.5 2
(C) (D)

5. A particle starts moving from rest at t = 0 with a tangential acceleration of constant magnitude of  m/s along
 
the arc of a circle of radius 6m. The value of  a  ,  v  and <v> during the first 2 3 seconds of
motion, are respectively :
(A) 3 2 m / s2 ,  m / s,  3 m / s. (B)  m / s2, 2 3 m / s,  3 m / s.
(C)  3 m / s2 , 2 3 m / s,  m / s. (D) None of these

6. In the figure shown, two identical blocks A and B of mass m = 1/2 kg k

each are placed on the two opposite edges of a table. A light spring
A m m B
of stiffness k =  N/m and having natural length equal to the
separation between the blocks, is placed between the blocks. Neither
block is attached to the spring. The blocks are displaced towards
each other by equal distance x = 2 cm and then released at time t =
Calculate the magnitude of the net impulse (in SI unit) on the system of the blocks and spring from t = 0 to t =
1.05 s. Ignore any friction, and take g = 10 m/s and assume that the blocks do not reach the ground below
the table, before 1.05 second.
(A) 8 N-S (B) 0.2 N-S (C) 0.1 N-S (D) 0.4/3 N-S

7. A boat is moving towards east with velocity 4 m/s with respect to still water and river is flowing towards north
with velocity 2 m/s and the wind is blowing towards north with velocity 6 m/s. The direction of the flag blown
over by the wind hoisted on the boat is:
(A) north-west (B) south-east
(C) tan1(1/2) with east (D) north
10. Air is blowing and is providing a constant horizontal
acceleration ax = g to the particle as shown in the figure.
Particle is projected from point P with a velocity u in upward Q
direction. Let Q be the high point of particle. Speed of the a =gx

particle at highest point Q is

(A) 2 u (B) u
(C) u / 2 (D) None u

Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 19
A charged ball of mass m and charge q is projected from the ground with an initial velocity u and angle of projection .
At the time of projection a vertically upward electric field E is switched on. When it reaches the maximum height the
electric field is switched off and a horizontal electric field of same magnitude E is switched on. Then, answer the
following questions. (Assume mg > qE)

17. In the above experiment

(A) horizontal velocity always remains constant
(B) horizontal velocity remains constant for half of the time and then varies.
(C) horizontal velocity when it strikes the ground is greater than the initial horizontal velocity.
(D) the initial vertical speed is equal to the final vertical speed.

18. If the time of flight to the maximum height is t1 and the time of flight from maximum height to the ground is t 2
(A) t1 = t2 (B) t1 < t2 (C) t1 > t2 (D) none of these

19. The maximum height hmax reached by the projectile is

u 2 sin2  u2 sin2  u 2 sin2 
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
g  qE   qE 
2 g   2 g  
 m  m
20. The equation of trajectory of the path followed by the swimmer
x3 x2 x x
(A) y  3
(B) y  2
(C) y  (D) y 
3V0 2V0 V0 V0

21. A subway train travels between two of its station stops with a(m/s )
the acceleration schedule shown in the acceleration verses
time graph. Then 2
(A) The time interval t during which the train brakes to a 1
stop with a deceleration of 2 m/s is 8 sec.
(B) The distance s between stations is 350 m. 0 t, s
(C) The time interval t during which the train brakes to a 8 6 10 t
stop with a deceleration of 2 m/s is 10 sec.
(D) The distance s between stations is 416 m.
22. Bullets are being fired with a speed of 25 m/s (with respect to balloon), from a balloon moving up with a
constant acceleration of 2.5 m/s . The bullets are fired in upward direction at an interval of 1 second. The first
bullet is fired at t = 0. Find the number of bullets the fourth bullet will meet on its path. Assume that the height
of the balloon is sufficiently large so that no bullet is hitting the ground and take g = 10 m/s .

23. Particle A starts from rest at t = 0 from x = 0 with constant acceleration to reach x=1m at t=1 s. Particle B starts
with uniform velocity at t = 0 from x = 1 m to reach x = 2m at t = 1 s. The distance covered by particle B in the
frame of reference attached to particle A from t = 0 to t = 1 sec is 1/K meter. Then find the value of K.
25. A boy in an elevator with open roof shoots a bullet in vertically upward direction from a height of 1.5 m above
the floor of the elevator. The initial speed of the bullet with respect to elevator is 15 m/s. The bullet strikes the
floor after 2 seconds. Then (Assuming g = 10 m/s )
(A) Lift is moving with constant speed
(B) Lift is moving with upward acceleration of 5.75 m/s2
(C) Lift is moving with downward acceleration of 5.75 m/s2
(D) Distance travelled by bullet during its flight can not be calculated from the given data.

26. Two balls are dropped from the same point after an interval of 1 second. Their separation 3 second after the
release of the second ball. (g = 10 m/s )
(A) 25 m (B) 30 m (C) 35 m (D) 40 m
27. Velocity time graph of a particle undergoing rectilinear motion is plotted
upto T = t4 is shown in figure.
(A) Average acceleration of the particle is zero in the interval between
t1 to t3 .
(B) Acceleration of the particle is negative in the interval t1 to t2.
(C) Rate of change of power of the particle is zero at the time
(D) Rate of change of power of the particle is not zero at the time t = t 2

28. A particle moves in space such that its position vector r t varies according to

 
r  t    cos t  ˆi   sin t  ˆj  3t 2  1 kˆ , then particle
(A) is moving with constant acceleration
(B) is moving with continuously increasing speed
(C) has velocity and acceleration perpendicular to each other at t = 0
(D) follows path having radius of curvature m at t= 0
C 6
29. A particle is moving along the path given by y = t (where C is a positive constant). The relation between
the acceleration (a) and the velocity (v) of the particle at t=5sec is
(A) 5a = v (B) a = 5v (C) a= v (D) a = v
3 2 dx dy
30. A particle moves in space along the path z = ax + by in such a way that c . Where a, b and c are
dt dt
constants. The acceleration of the particle is
(A) (6ac 2 x  2bc 2 )kˆ (B) (2ax 2  6by 2 )kˆ (C) (4bc 2 x  6ac 2 )kˆ (D) (bc 2 x  2by)kˆ

31. A particle is placed in a cart. Initial location of the particle is taken as origin in ground frame. At
t = 0, the cart starts moving along x-axis with uniform velocity 2m/s and at the same instant the particle starts
moving with 2xjˆ relative to cart where x is x-coordinate of the cart. Which of the following is the radius of
curvature of the trajectory of the particle in ground frame when it’s tangential acceleration is equal to normal
acceleration in magnitude?
1 2 3 4
(A) m (B) m (C) m (D) m
2 2 2 2 2

32. A particle is moving along a straight line along the positive x-axis 1/v(s/m)
such that its speed is inversely proportional to the distance from B
 1 k 
 v  x  v  x , where k is the proportionality cons tan t  .
  1/2 A
At t = 0, the particle is at point A(x0, 0) and moving along the
positive x-axis with speed v0 m/s. The graph of motion of the
particle for 1/v versus x (distance from origin) is shown in the figure
O 5 20 X(m)
for time particle moves from point A to B.
(A) The time interval of motion from point A to point B is 12.50 sec.
(B) The time interval of motion from point A to point B is 18.75 sec.
(C) The proportionally constant k is 10 m /s
(D) The proportionally constant k is 20 m /s

33. A body of mass 10 kg is kept at y

horizontal rough surface as shown in the
figure. The coefficient of friction between
body and the surface is 0.05. At t = 0,
body is given velocity 10 m/s along
positive x-axis, simultaneously, a force of 15 N
10 kg
15 N starts acting along negative x-axis
O x
continuously through the motion of Body.  = 0.05
Choose the correct graph(s).
(Physical quantities along positive x-axis, are considered as positive)
(A) (B)
Friction Force (N)

10 5.0

5 2.5

0 time (sec) 0 time (sec)

5 10 15 5 10 15

–5 –2.5

–10 –5.0
(C) (D)

acceleration (m/s2)
2 50

Displacement (m)
1 25

0 time (sec) 0 time (sec)

–1 –25

–2 –50

34. The power supplied by a force acting on a particle moving in a straight line is constant. The velocity of a
particle varies with displacement as x K . Find the value of K .

35. A particle of mass ‘m’ starts from origin and move in x-y plane velocity of particle is given by

v  k1i  k 2 1  y ˆj
where k1, k2 &  are constant and ‘y’ is y-coordinate of position of particle. Choose the correct statements :
m  k 22
(A) Average force acting on particle
(B) Force acting on particle decreases first then increases
(C) Path of particle will be hyperbolic.
(D) Radius of curvature of the path followed by particle will decrease first then increase.

36. For a particle moving on a curved path kinetic energy is given as K = AS where S is distance moved and A is
constant quantity. Net force acting on particle is
(A) less than A (B) equal to A
(C) more than A (D) may be less than or equal to A.

37. The 1/v versus displacement graph of a particle is shown in the figure, where v 1/v (s/m)
is the speed of the particle. The particle is moving in a straight line along B
positive x-axis. The time taken by the particle to reach from the point A to B is
(A) 5 sec (B) 6 sec
(C) 3 sec (D) 2 sec

0 2 x(m)
38. Particle A starts from rest at t = 0 from x = 0 with constant acceleration to reach x=1m at t=1 s. Particle B
starts with uniform velocity at t = 0 from x = 1 m to reach x = 2m at t = 1 s. What will be the distance covered
by particle B in the frame of reference attached to particle A from t = 0 to t = 1 s. (up to two decimal places in
39. The position of a particle moving in a straight line is given by
x  3t3  18t 2  36t
Here, x is in m and t in second. Then
(A) direction of velocity and acceleration both change at t = 2s
(B) the distance travelled by particle is equal to magnitude of displacement for t = 0 to t = 5s
(C) the speed of particle is decreasing in t = 0 to t = 2s then it is increasing for t > 2s
(D) the magnitudes of velocity and acceleration are equal at t = 0

41. The 1/v versus displacement graph of a particle is shown in the 1/v (s/m)
figure, where v is the speed of the particle. The particle is moving B
in a straight line along positive x-axis. The time taken by the
particle to reach from the point A to B is
(A) 5 sec (B) 6 sec
(C) 3 sec (D) 2 sec A

0 2 x(m)
43. A particle P is initially at a distance d = 16 m from a fixed point O. The particle P moves with a velocity
 ^ ^ ^
v  5PO 3iˆ . Where PO is a unit vector from P to O at any time t. Initially PO is perpendicular to î . Find the
time in seconds after which point P meets point O.
44. A ball is thrown vertically upward at time t = 0. Viscous force of air resistance is not negligible and the
acceleration due to gravity is g. The ball reaches maximum height at t = T and then descends attaining
terminal speed. Which graph shows the best variation with time t of the acceleration a of the ball.
(A) a (B) a

t t

(C) a (D) a
T t

t t

45. The position of a particle moving along x-axis depends on time as x = 2(1  e3t). Choose the correct
(A) Total displacement of the particle is 2 units
(B) Total distance covered by particle is 2 units
(C) velocity of the particle will change its direction at any instant.
(D) velocity of particle will not change its direction throughout the motion.
46. For a particle moving in a straight line velocity-displacement graph is V
shown in figure. Velocity-displacement graph is a circle of radius 2 unit
and centre is at (2, 0). The value of Acceleration for this particle at point
2  
2, 2 will be?
(A) 2 m / s 2
(B) 2 m / s2
(C) 4 m / s 2 (D) 3 m / s 2

47. A long train crosses a platform. A person is sitting on platform observe that engine crosses with velocity of 12
m/s while last boggy crosses with velocity of 16 m/s. With what velocity central boggy crosses the person
sitting on platform.
(A) 10 2m / s (B) 14 m/s (C) 15 m/s (D) none of these

48. A particle B moving along x axis starting from coordinate (x0, 0) according to equation
–bt ct
x = (x0 – a)e + ae , Where x0, a, b and c are positive constant and 2a > x0 > a then choose correct
statement :
(A) Velocity will go on decreasing with time
(B) Velocity will go on increasing with time
(C) Finally becomes zero velocity
(D) Direction of velocity will change at least once if c > b

49. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to velocity. If the
particle is moving in a plane then
(A) its velocity is constant (B) its acceleration is constant
(C) its kinetic energy is constant (D) it moves in a circular path
50. A particle starts moving with initial velocity 3 m/s along x-axis from origin. Its
acceleration is varying with x in parabolic nature as shown in figure. At x = 3 m
tangent to the graph makes an angle 60 with positive x-axis as shown in diagram. a
Then at x = 3
(A) v  ( 3  a) m/s (B) a  1.5 m/s x
(C) v = 12 m/s (D) a  3 m/s2
x t3
51. A particle moves along positive branch of the curve y  where x  , x and y are measured in metres and
2 3
t in seconds, then
(A) the velocity of particle at t = 1 s is ˆi  ˆj
1ˆ ˆ
(B) the velocity of particle at t = 1 s is i  j
(C) the acceleration of particle at t = 1 s is 2iˆ  ˆj
(D) the acceleration of particle at t = 2 s is ˆi  2ˆj
52. A large cylindrical vessel containing a liquid of density  is kept on a horizontal
surface. A small spherical object of density  (< ) is fastened to the bottom of
the vessel with the help of a string as shown in the figure. Neglect the viscosity,
and assume the gravity g vertically downwards. If the vessel is now given a
constant horizontal acceleration equal to g towards right, then at the position of
equilibrium of the spherical object with respect to the vessel, the deflection of
the string with the vertical is :
  
(A) towards left with angle tan 1   (B) towards right with angle /4.

(C) towards left with angle /4. (D) towards right with angle .

53. For a particle moving in a straight line velocity-displacement graph is V

shown in figure. Velocity-displacement graph is a circle of radius 2 unit
and centre is at (2, 0). The value of Acceleration for this particle at point
2  
2, 2 will be?
(A) 2 m / s 2
(B) 2 m / s2
(C) 4 m / s 2 (D) 3 m / s 2
54. A particle of mass ‘m’ starts from origin and move in x-y plane velocity of particle is given by

v  k1i  k 2 1  y ˆj
where k1, k2 &  are constant and ‘y’ is y-coordinate of position of particle. Choose the correct statements :
m  k 22
(A) Average force acting on particle
(B) Force acting on particle decreases first then increases
(C) Path of particle will be hyperbolic.
(D) Radius of curvature of the path followed by particle will decrease first then increase.

55. A rod of length 1 m rotates about one of its end points with an angular       B = 2T
velocity 2 rad/sec in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field B = 2T as
     
shown in the figure. Then find magnitude of electric field (in SI unit) at the 1m
mid point of the rod.      

     
56. A projectile is required to hit a target whose co-ordinates relative to horizontal and vertical axes through the
point of projection are (, ). If the gun velocity is 2g . Then the condition when it is impossible to hit the
(A) 3 > 4 (B) 4 > 3
(C) 3 > 4 (D) 4 > 3
58. A projectile is required to hit a target whose co-ordinates relative to horizontal and vertical axes through the
point of projection are (, ). If the gun velocity is 2g . Then the condition when it is impossible to hit the
(A) 3 > 4 (B) 4 > 3 (C) 3 > 4 (D) 4 > 3
59. In a lawn a water sprinkler is sprinkling water in all the possible directions while rotating. What is maximum
1/ 4

area (in m2) on ground that can be sprinkled. The speed of water form nozzle is   400

m / s (g = 10 m/s )

60. A particle is projected at an angle  = 30º with the horizontal, with a velocity of 10 m/s then
(A) after 2 s the velocity of particle makes an angle of 60º with initial velocity vector
(B) after 1 s the velocity of particle makes an angle of 60º with initial velocity vector
(C) the magnitude of velocity of particle after 1 s is 10 m/s
(D) the magnitude of velocity of particle after 1 s is 5 m/s

62. A particle is projected from the ground in earth’s gravitational field at an angle  with the horizontal then
(A) center of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is below the ground level if   tan1 2
(B) centre of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is above the ground level if   tan 1 2
(C) center of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is above ground level if   tan 1 2
(D) center of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is below the ground level is   tan1 2
63. Two horizontal chords AD and BC hold a rod AB of mass m N
and length L in an inclined position between smooth Z
horizontal surface OKLMO and vertical smooth wall OMNPO
as shown in the figure. At point A, the rod leans against a D Y
vertical wall on which point D is located. At point B, the rod
rests on the horizontal floor. The points A and C are on the
same vertical line. The rod is in equilibrium. T1 and T2 are
the magnitudes of the tensions in the cords AD and BC M L
respectively. NA and NB are the normal forces exerted by the g
vertical wall and the horizontal surface on the rod 60 B
respectively.  ABC =  MCB = 60. Choose the correct
option. C
O K x
(A) 2NA = NB, 2T1 = T2 (B) 4NA = NB, 4T1 = T2
(C) 2T1 = T2, 4NA = NB (D) 4T1 = T2, 2NA = NB

64. Trajectory of two particles projected from origin with y(m)

speed v1 and v2 and angles 1 and 2 with positive x-axis
respectively as shown in the figure. Given that

g  10m / s2 ˆj . Choose the correct option related to 16

diagram. 14
(A) v 1  v 2  2v1 12 g
(B) 2  1  21 10 1
(C) 3  v1  v 2   v1 8

(D) 3(2  1 )  1 6


0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 203 40 x (m)

65. A particle is projected in air from origin with speed u and at an angle  with positive x-axis. At its maximum
 70 
height its trajectory has radius of curvature R and centre of curvature has co-ordinate  20m, m  . Choose
 3 

the correct option(s). g  10 m / s2 ˆj
3x 2
(A) Equation of trajectory of the projectile motion is y  3x 
(B) The maximum height of the projectile is 30 m.
(C) The value of u is m/s
 3 
(D) The value of  is tan1  
 10 

66. Two particles A and B are projected from the same point with the same speed but at different angles  and 
with the horizontal, such that the maximum height of A is two–third of the horizontal range of B. Then which of
the following relations are true?
(A) range of A = maximum height of B
(B) 3 (1 – cos 2 ) = 8 sin 2 
(C) maximum value of  is sin (3/4)
2 1 3
(D) maximum horizontal range of A = u /g and this occurs when   sin 1  
2 8
67. A particle is projected from the horizontal surface in earth’s gravitational field at an angle  with the horizontal
(A) center of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is below the horizontal surface level if
  tan1 2
(B) center of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is above horizontal surface if   tan 1 2
(C) center of curvature of projectile’s trajectory at the highest point is below the ground level is   tan1 2
(D) irrespective of the value of  centre of curvature always lies below the horizontal surface of the earth.
68. In a uniform gravitational field g, which is acting vertically downward, a ball is thrown at an angle with
horizontal such that the initial (immediately after projection) radius of curvature is 8 times the minimum radius
of curvature. If angle of projection is 15, then find the value of .
70. A particle is thrown from the origin, at an angle (0<<90) such that it just crosses a wall of height 9m. Wall
is along the plane x = 12m. Speed of projection is n 30 & particle strike the ground at x = 48 m, value of n is
(g = 10m/sec )

71. A particle is projected with speed 4 2 at an angle  = 45 with horizontal. After some time t = t0, its radius of
curvature of path become m. The value of t0 is (g = 10 m/s)
1 1 1
(A) sec (B) sec (C) 1 sec (D) sec
5 10 2
72. A projectile is thrown at an angle of 60 with the horizontal with y
an initial speed of 20 m/sec, with H being highest point of its
trajectory. Another particle P is now forced to move along the u H
same trajectory as that of the projectile. When the particle P is
  2
at O vO = 10 m/s, aO = 2.5 m/s and its speed is decreasing.

  2
At point H v H = 20 m/s, aH = 50 m/s and its speed is O x
increasing. (g = 10 m/s )
 
(B) aO  2.5ˆj m/s
2 2
(A) aO  2.5iˆ m/s
 ˆ m/s2 (D) a  (30iˆ  40ˆj) m/s2
(C) a  (20 6iˆ  10j)

73. Two particles A and B are projected from the same point with the same speed but at different angles  and 
with the horizontal, such that the maximum height of A is two–third of the horizontal range of B. Then which of
the following relations are true?
(A) range of A = maximum height of B
(B) 3 (1 – cos 2 ) = 8 sin 2 
(C) maximum value of  is sin (3/4)
2 1 3
(D) maximum horizontal range of A = u /g and this occurs when   sin1  
2 8
74. Two seconds after projection a particle is traveling in a direction inclined at 30 to the horizontal, after one
more second it is traveling horizontally. (Take g = 10 m/s2), then
(A) speed of projection is 25 m/s (B) angle of projection is  = 60
(C) speed after 2 sec is 10 m/s (D) maximum height reached is 10 m
76. An object of mass m is projected with momentum P at such an angle that its maximum height (H) is 1/4 of its
horizontal range (R). Its minimum kinetic energy in its path is . Find the value
of K.

78. A projectile is required to hit a target whose co-ordinates relative to horizontal and vertical axes through the
point of projection are (, ). If the gun velocity is 2g . Then the condition when it is impossible to hit the
(A) 3 > 4 (B) 4 > 3 (C) 3 > 4 (D) 4 > 3

79. Shots are fired simultaneously from the top and bottom of a vertical
cliff with elevation  = 30 and  = 60 respectively and strikes the  = 30

object simultaneously at the same point. If a = 30 3 m is the

horizontal distance of the object from the cliff, then the height of the h
cliff is
(A) 30 m (B) 45 m
(C) 60 m (D) 90 m  = 60
a = 30 3 m

81. A particle is projected horizontally with velocity v o  2ga along the smooth vo
inside surface of a fixed hollow hemisphere of inner radius ‘a’ at the level of the
centre ‘O’. The subsequent motion of the particle is confined between the
horizontal planes one through the centre and the other at a depth h. Find the P
value of h
3 3 1
(A) a (B) a
2 3
5 1 5
(C) a (D) a
2 2
82. A particle is projected under gravity velocity 2Hg from a poll at a height H u
above the level plane. The maximum area on ground in which it can hit the
(A) 8 H (B) 4 H H
(C) 2 H (D) None

84. At time t = 0, two particles are thrown horizontally in opposite directions with velocities u and 2u from the top
of a high tower in uniform gravitational field g. The time at which radii of curvature of their trajectories will be
mutually perpendicular is equal to
u u 1 u 1u
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) (D)
g g 2 g 2 g
85. Drops of water are thrown tangentially of the horizontal rim of a rotating wet umbrella. The rim is
3 ft in diameter and is held 4 ft above the ground and makes 14 revolutions in 33 seconds. Drops of water will
meet the ground on a circle of diameter (in ft).

87. A particle is projected from a point O in the horizontal surface OA with speed C

u and angle of projection . It just grazes the plane BC which makes an

angle  with the horizontal. The time taken by the projectile to reach p from P
the instant of projection is
2u sin  u sin  B
(A) (B) 
gcos  g cos 
u sin     
(C) (D) None of these. 
g cos  O A

88. A particle is projected from a point O in a horizontal surface OA with speed v

and angle of projection . It is just grazes the plane BC which make an angle 
with the horizontal as shown in figure. The time taken by the projectile to reach
P from the instant of projection is :
2u sin  u sin 
(A) (B)
gcos  gcos 
usin |  –  | u cos |  –  | 
(C) (D)
gcos  gcos 

89. A particle P is to be projected from a fixed point A on the ground with a fixed y
speed u. Another particle Q is also to be projected from a point B which is Q
directly above the point A. The trajectory of the particle Q touches all possible
trajectories (for different angle of projection) of the particle P in the vertical x-y
plane. The equation of trajectory of the particle Q is, (Take the point A as origin,
horizontal axis x-axis and vertical axis y-axis. Consider the figure.)
u2 gx 2 u2 gx 2 u
(A) y   2 (B) y  
2g 2u 2g 2u2 A x

u2 gx 2 u2 gx 2
(C) y  2 (D) y   2
g u g u

90. In a garden a spherical sprinkler is used at the end of the hose, from which the speed of the flowing water is
the same to every direction. The water beam which is directed vertically upward reaches a height of h. Once
the sprinkler is placed to the ground and at another time to a height of h. By what factor will the watered area
be greater in the second case? (Neglect air resistance and consider the pressure in the sprinkler constant.)
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 3 : 2 (C) 7 : 4 (D) 3 : 1
91. A particle is thrown at time t = 0 with a velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of
60 with the horizontal from a point on an incline plane, making an 10m/s
angle of 30 with the horizontal. The time when the velocity of the
projectile becomes parallel to the incline is 60o
2 1 30o
(A) sec (B) sec
3 3
(C) 3 sec (D) sec
2 3

92. A particle is projected at an angle of 45 from a point lying 2 m from the foot of a wall. It just touches the top of
the wall and falls on the ground 4 m from it. The height of the wall is
(A) 3/4 m (B) 2/3 m (C) 4/3 m (D) 1/3 m

93. Two inclined planes OA and OB of inclinations to the horizontal are u

90 B
 and , each equal to 30 as shown in the figure. A particle is A
projected at an angle of 90 with plane OA from point A and its 

strikes the plane OB at point B normally. Then find the speed of O
in m/s. (given that OA = OB = 20 cm and g = 10 m/s )

95. Three stones A, B, C are projected from surface of very long inclined plane
with equal speeds and different angles of projection as shown in figure. The
incline makes an angle  with horizontal. If HA, HB and HC are maximum
height attained by A, B and C respectively, perpendicular to inclined plane
then : (Neglect air friction)
(A) HA + HC = HB
(B) H2A  H2C  HB2
(C) HA + HC = 2HB
(D) H2A  H2C  2HB2

96. Three particles are projected in air with the minimum u3

possible speeds, such that the first goes from A to B,
the second goes from B to C and the third goes from
C to A. Points A and C are at the same vertical level. A u1 C
The two inclines make the same angle  with the u2
horizontal as shown. Then the relation among the
projection speeds of the three particles is  
(A) u3  u1  u2 (B) u23  2u1u2 B
1 1 1
(C)   (D) u32  u12  u22
u3 u1 u2

97. A man is running with constant speed of v = 105 m/s on a horizontal track of y
radius R = 20 m as shown in figure. At position A man launches a stone in
space (without changing his own speed) so that he can catch stone at B
(diametrically opposite to A). The speed of launch will be approximately 4K
m/sec. Then find the value of K. (take 2 = 10 and g = 10 m/s2) A 

98. A particle is projected from point P on inclined plane OA

perpendicular to it with certain velocity v. It hits another inclined
plane OB at point Q perpendicular to it. Point P and Q are at h1
and h2 height from ground. ( > )
(A) h1 = h2 P
(B) h1 > h2 h2
(C) h1 < h2 h1
 
(D) any of above depends on speed of projection.

99. A large empty container is sliding without friction down a smooth inclined y x
plane of inclination . From a point on the bottom of container a particle is
projected with speed u with respect to box at an angle  with the bottom of 

container. The velocity v of the particle relative to the box after time t is 
(A) u cos  î + (u sin   gt) ĵ (B) (u cos  gt sin ) î + (u sin gt cos ) ĵ
(C) u cos  î + (u sin   gt cos ) ĵ (D) u cos  î + u sin  ĵ

100. Two particles are projected horizontally in opposite directions from a

point in a smooth inclined plane of inclination  = 60 with the v1 v2
horizontal as shown in the figure. Find the separation between the
particles in the inclined plane when their velocity becomes
perpendicular to each other. v1 = 1 m/s, v2 = 3 m/s. Express your 
answer in the form of k/10 meter. Then find the value of the k.

101. A particle is thrown at an angle  with horizontal along the inclined

plane of inclination . Find the maximum height from the ground
reached by particle
u2 sin2  u2 sin2  sin  u
(A) (B)
2g 2g

u2 sin2  u2 sin2  sin2  
(C) (D)
2g sin  2g

102. A particle is projected up an incline at t = 0 (inclination = 53) with speed 2m

14 m/s and at an angle 30 from the incline. At the same moment a box
starts sliding down, the box has 2 small hole at height of 2 m on opposite
walls. The particle enters from 1 window and leaves through the other. 14 m/s 2m width
7K 30
The width of the box is . Find the value of K.
3  = 53

104. A cabin is moved up the inclined plane with constant acceleration g sin 
g sin. A particle is projected with some velocity with respect to
the cabin in a direction perpendicular to the inclined plane. If u
maximum height attained by particle perpendicular to inclined
plane is same as range of particle with respect to the cabin

parallel to plane then calculate values of cot.

107. A ball of mass m is projected from a point P on the ground as shown in the
figure. It hits a fixed vertical wall at a distance l from P. Choose the most
appropriate option : u
(A) the ball will return to the point P if l = half of the horizontal P 
(B) the ball will return to the point P if l  half of the horizontal range. l
(C) the ball can not return to the initial point if l > half of the horizontal range.
(D) the ball will return to the initial point, if the collision elastic and l < half of the range.

108. A ball is projected normally from point P (which is on an inclined plane) x 90
with speed 10 m/s strikes the wall normally. If all the collisions are 90
y P
perfectly elastic, then the time period of periodic motion is [Take g = 10
m/s ]
(A) 2 sec (B) 2 2 sec
(C) 3 2 sec (D) 4 2 sec

109. Two particle are projected simultaneously at point A and point B 5 m/s
from two towers as shown in the figure. If they collide then the A 37
10 m/s
value of  is (a  10 + b) in degree. Find the value of (a  b).
(Neglect any type of frictional force acting on the particles during  B
motion. (take g = 10 m/s2)(where a and b are positive integer, 100 m
60 m
a < 10 and b < 10)

30 m

111. A particle is thrown upward with speed 10 3 m/sec. It strike the inclined
surface as shown in the figure. Collision of particle & inclined surface is
perfectly inelastic. What will be maximum height attained by the particle
2 10 3
from the ground. (g=10m/sec ) 0

112. Two canons are mounted as shown in the figure and fire at
an interval of t0 = 1 sec. Cannon A fires first at an angle of 10 2
o 40 45
45 with speed 10 2 m/s. If they collides at height of x
m from level x. If the speed of shot fired by B is 5K. Then A 20 m B
find the value of K.

113. A particle is projected at an angle 60 with 103 m/s
horizontal with a speed of 103 m/s from point A 103 m/s
as shown. At the same time the sufficient long 30 60
wedge is made to move with constant velocity of
103 towards right as shown in figure. The time in A
second after which particle will hit the wedge will
be. (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 1 sec (B) 2 sec
(C) 3 sec (D) it will never collide on the wedge

114. A metallic chain with a length  and whose ends are joined together is
fitted onto a wooden disc as shown in the figure. The disc rotates with
a speed of n revolutions per second. Then the tension of the chain T if
its mass is m
2 2
(A) mn (B) 2mn (C) 2mn (D) mn
115. An ideal string ACB passes through a smooth ring of mass m as A
shown in the figure. The radius of circle in which the ring moves is
2.5 m. The speed of the ring will be 37
(A) 5 m/s (B) 4 m/s B
(C) 2 m/s (D) None of these

2.5 m 5 kg

116. A particle is moving in an isolated x-y plane. At an instant, the particle y

4 m/s
has velocity  4iˆ  4ˆj  m/s and acceleration  3iˆ  5 ˆj  m/s . At that
5 m/s2

instant what will be the radius of curvature of its path? 3 m/s2 4 m/s
(A) 16 2 m (B) 15 m
(C) 18 m (D) None of these x

117. In the arrangement shown the rod is freely pivoted at

point O and is in contact with the equilateral triangular
block which can moves on the horizontal frictionless v
ground. As the block is given a speed v forward, the
rod rotates about point O. Find the angular velocity of
rod in rad/s at the instant when  = 30º. [Take v = 20 
m/s, a = 1 m] O
2a 3

118. Two particles are thrown with same point with same velocity at some time interval. Horizontal component of
projection velocity is u. What is Relative angular velocity of the line joining the two particles when they are at
same horizontal level.
g g 2g
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
u 2u u

120. A particle is moving in an isolated x-y plane. At an instant, the particle y

4 m/s
has velocity  4iˆ  4ˆj  m/s and acceleration  3iˆ  5ˆj  m/s . At that
5 m/s2

instant what will be the radius of curvature of its path? 3 m/s2 4 m/s
(A) 16 2 m (B) 15 m
(C) 18 m (D) None of these x

121. A particle A is moving in xy plane with the constant speed of 2 m/s along the path x 2  y 2  120y  0 . At
time t = 0. When A is at the origin, another particle B starts moving from origin with constant acceleration is
such a way that at time t = 5s velocities of both the particles are found to be equal. If sense of motion of A is
clockwise, calculate the average speed of B over first five second.
(A) 2 m/s (B)  m/s (C) 2 m/s (D) 1 m/s

122. A racing car driver drives his car on a flat circular track of radius 25/3 m and a coefficient of friction 0.5. The
magnitude of its tangential acceleration at an instant when car starts slipping at a speed of 5 m/s is
2 2 2 2
(A) 2 m/s (B) 3 m/s (C) 4 m/s (D) 1 m/s
123. A particle of mass ‘m’ is hanging by means of an ideal string in space of uniform gravitational field ‘g’ and is
free to move in a verticle circle. If it is imparted any horizontal veloicty and T1 and T2 are marked to be the
magnitude of tension in the string at the lowest point and highest point of it’s trajectory respectively then
choose the correct statement for the particle.
(A) If (T1 – T2) = 2mg, then tangential acceleration is zero at the highest point.
(B) If (T1 – T2) = mg, then tangential acceleration is zero at the highest point.
(C) If (T1 – T2) = mg, then normal acceleration is zero at highest point.
(D) If (T1 – T2) = 6mg, then normal acceleration can not be zero at highest point.
124. Two small balls of the same size and of mass m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) are tied by a thin light thread and dropped
from a large height. Determine the tension T of the thread during the flight after the motion of the balls has
become steady. (Air resistance force is same on two balls)
[Take m1 = 2kg, m2 = 1 kg, g = 10 m/s ]

125. A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star, the result of the gravitational collapse of an ordinary star that has
used up its fuel supply. A certain pulsar has a rotational period of T = 0.033 sec and radius
R = 1/38 km. The tangential speed of a point on the equator is ____________ ( km/s)

126. A particle is moving non-uniformly on a circle in clockwise sense. At all A

positions on the circle, the acceleration of the particle is always directed 
towards a fixed point P on the diameter as shown in the figure. Choose the
correct statement.
(A) Speed of the particle is increasing at position A and B. P
(B) Speed of the particle is increasing at position A and decreasing at
position B.
(C) Speed of the particle is decreasing at position A and B B
(D) Speed of the particle is decreasing at position A and increasing at position B.
127. The centre of mass of a disc of radius m is moving with a
5 5 rad/s
velocity of 4 m/s on a horizontal plane. The angular velocity of 4 m/s
the disc about it’s centre is 5 rad/s. Find the radius of
curvature of the point ‘P’ shown in the figure in meter?
     2
128. A particle starts moving with velocity v  i (m/s), and acceleration a   i  j  (m/s ). Find the radius of
 
curvature of the particle at t = 1sec.
(A) 5 m (B) 5 5 m (C) 6 5 m (D) none
129. A particle is moving in xy plane. At certain instant, the components of its velocity and acceleration are as
2 2
follows. Vx = 3m/s, Vy = 4m/s, ax = 2 m/s and ay = 1 m/s . The rate of change of speed at this moment is
2 2 2 2
(A) 10 m / s (B) 4 m / s (C) 10 m/s (D) 2 m/s

130. A small coin is placed on a stationary horizontal disc at a distance r from its vertical
centre. The disc starts rotating about a fixed vertical axis through its centre with
a constant angular acceleration . Determine the number of revolutions N,
accomplished by the disc before the coin starts slipping on the disc. The 

coefficient of static friction between the coin and the disc is s.
1/2 1/2
  g 2    g 2  r
  2  
  2 
 r    r  
(A)  (B) 
4  4 

1/2 1/2
  g 2    g 2 
  2  
  2 
 r    r  
(C)  (D) 
2 2
132. Two particles are thrown with same point with same velocity at some time interval. Horizontal component of
projection velocity is u. What is Relative angular velocity of the line joining the two particles when they are at
same horizontal level.
g g 2g
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
u 2u u
133. A bird flies with a speed of 10 km/h and a car moves with uniform speed of 8 km/h. Both start from B towards
A (BA = 40 km) at the same instant. The bird having reached A flies back immediately to meet the
approaching car. As shown as it reaches the car, if flies back to A. The bird repeats this till both the car and
the bird reach A simultaneously. The total distance covered by the bird is 25 km. Find the value of .

134. In a situation, a board moving with a velocity v î w.r.t. earth, 2v 2v y

while a man A is running with a velocity 2v î w.r.t. earth and

the man B is running with a velocity 2v î with respect to
A B v
earth. Both men are running from the opposite ends of the
board at the same time as shown. Length of the board is L and
they meet after time T, then
(A) value of T is L/4v (B) value of T is L./2v
(C) displacement of man B w.r.t. board in time T is 3L/4
(D) displacement of man B w.r.t. board in time T is L/4
135. Three bodies A, B and C are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC at t = 0. Each of the particle
moves with constant speed v. A always has its velocity along AB, B along BC and C along CA. During its
journey A emit whistle of high frequency 0. Find frequency heard by B considering speed of sound equal to
 v
c  2   cv   c  (v / 2)   c  v) 
(A)   v0 (B)   v0 (C)   v0 (D)   v0
 c  v   v  (v / 2)   cv  c  v / 2
 
137. The direction of projection of particle is shown in the figure for an observer on v (w.rt trolley)
trolley. An observer on the ground sees the ball rise vertically. The maximum =60
height reached by ball as seen from the trolley is 10m/s
(A) 10 m (B) 15 m
(C) 20 m (D) 5 m

138. A charged particle q is placed at a distance d from the centre of a conducting sphere of radius R(<d), then in
static condition at the centre of sphere (where k = 1/40)
(A) magnitude of electric field due to induced charge is 2
(B) magnitude of electric field due to induced charge is 2
(C) magnitude of electric field due to induced charge is zero
(D) electric potential is zero

139. Two particles A and B are located at points (0, 103) and (0, 0) in xy plane. They start moving
 
simultaneously at time t = 0 with constant velocities v A  5iˆ m/s and v B  5 3ˆj m/s, respectively. Time
when they are closest to each other is found to be K/2 second. Find K. All distances are given in meter.

141. A train is moving with constant acceleration a along x

positive x-axis. A particle is projected inside the train in
a vertical plane containing the motion of the train as a
shown. Which of the following can be the trajectory of
the particle be as observed from inside the train?  y
(A) (B)
y y
 
x x
(C) (D)

 

x x

142. A boy is standing on a cart moving along x–axis with the speed of 10 m/s. When the cart reaches the origin
he throws a stone in the horizontal x–y plane, with the speed of 5 m/s with respect to himself at an angle 
with the x–axis. It is found that the stone hits a ball lying at rest at a point whose co–ordinates are ( 3m, 1m) .
The value of  = 40  C is (gravitational effect is to be ignored). Find the value of C.

143. A bowler throws a ball horizontally along east direction with speed of 144 km/hr. The batsman hits the ball
such that it deviates from its initial direction of motion by 74º north of east direction, without changing its
speed. If mass of the ball is kg and time of contact between bat and ball is 0.02 s. Average force applied
by batsman on ball is
(A) 800 N, 53º East of North (B) 800 N, 53º North of East
(C) 800 N, 53º North of West (D) 800 N, 53º West of North.
144. Starting from one corner of a cube, an ant has to travel to the diagonally opposite corner in least possible
time. At each face the ant travels with a constant speed v. The number of possible paths that the ant may
follow are
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
145. Two particles A and B are located at points (0, 103) and (0, 0) in xy plane. They start moving
 
simultaneously at time t = 0 with constant velocities v A  5iˆ m/s and v B  5 3 ˆj m/s, respectively. Time
when they are closest to each other is found to be K/2 second. Find K. All distances are given in meter.
1. C 51. A, B 99. C
2. C 52. B 100. 8
3. 2 53. B 101. A
4. B 54. A, D 102. 5
5. B 55. 2 104. 8
6. A 56. B 107. C
7. A 58. B 108. A
10. B 59. 4 109. 5
17. C 60. B, C 111. 6
18. C 62. A, B 112. 5
19. B 63. C 113. B
20. A 64. D 114. D
21. C, D 65. A, B, C 115. A
22. 7 66. (B), (D) 116. A
23. 2 67. (A) 117. 5
25. B, D 68. 4 118. A
26. C 70. 4 120. A
27. A, B, C 71. B 121. B
28. B, C, D 72. B, D 122. C
29. D 73. B, D 123. D
30. A 74. B 124. 5
31. D 76. 4 125. 5
32. B, C 78. B 126. D
33. A, D 79. C 127. 5
34. 3 81. C 128. B
35. A, D 82. A 129. D
36. C 84. A 130. B
37. B 85. 5 132. A
38. 0.50 m 87. C 133. 2
39. B, C, D 88. C 134. A, C
41. B 89. A 135. A
43. 5 90. A 137. B
44. C 91. B 138. A
45. A, B, D 92. C 139. 3
46. B 93. 2 141. A, B, C
47. A 95. A 142. 3
48. B 96. B 143. C
49. C, D 97. 5 144. D
50. A, B 98. B 145. 3


1. C
1. Urel  g  t  10  1
= 10 m/s
S1  g(1)  5m
Srel  S1  ure  are t 2 = 5 + 10  3 + 0 = 35 m
2. C
2. f max = f1max  f2max  150  450  600N
Hence A and B have no acceleration but block C has a tendency to move down. Hence T1 = 500 N,
f 2 = 450 N, T2 = 50 N, T3 = 50 N, f 1 = 0 N

3. 2
3. a = 2 + |t – 2|
for t  2
dv = (4 – t)dt
v = 4t – t2/2
at t = 2, v = 6 m/s.
for t > 2
v t

 dv   tdv
6 2
v – 6 =  t 2 / 2 2
v= 4
at t = 4, v = 12 m/s.
4. B

5. B

 v 2 3
a     m / s2
t 2 3

 r 12 t=0 t  2 3s
v   2 3 m/s
t 2 3
s 6 v  2 3 m / s
 v     3 m / s.
t 2 3

6. A
Gravity is the only external force for giving impulse to the system

7. A
   
v Bg  vBR  v Rg  4iˆ  2ˆj  v R  2ˆj
 v wB
v wg  6iˆ
   45
v wB  v w  vB  6iˆ  4ˆj  2ˆj  2iˆ  2jˆ

direction will be north-west v B  4iˆ

10. B

10. v x  ux  ax t
v x  0  gt ….. (1)
v y  uy  ay t
0  u  gt
t ….. (2)
By (1) and (2) we get
v x  u and v y  0
Hence net velocity = u
17. C
18. C
18. Retardation during upward journey is less than the acceleration during downward journey. Hence
19. B

19. gnet = g  aE = g 
20. A
21. C, D
since change in velocity is zero, so area under velocity a(m/s )
time graph must be zero
8 + 6  2 = t  2
 t = 10 sec 8
 t
8  2(t  8) 0
 14 34
v 8 24
 20
 20  2t
1 1 1
S=  8  8   6  26   30  20
2 2 2
= 32 + 84 + 300 = 416 m

22. 7
23. 2
23. A: u = 0, ½ aAt2 = s  ½ aA12 =  aA = 2 m/s2
vA = uA + aAt= 2t
B: uB = ?, aB = 0, ut + ½ at2=1  uB = 1 m/s
1 1
v BA = 1 – 2t, speedBA = |1 – 2t|, distance = 0 | 1  2t | dt 
25. B, D

26. C
26. Urel  g  t  10  1
= 10 m/s
S1  g(1)  5m
Srel  S1  ure  are t 2
= 5 + 10  3 + 0
= 35 m
27. A, B, C
(A) Average acceleration of the particle is zero in the interval between t1 to t3 .
(B) Acceleration of the particle is negative in the interval t1 to t2.
(C) Velocity of the particle is zero at the time t = 0
For average acceleration to be zero final velocity and initial velocity should be same
acceleration of particle is negative when velocity of particle decreases.

28. (B, C, D)

29. D

C 6 dy
29. y= t v= =Ct5
6 dt
a= = 5Ct4
a 5

v t
So, at t = 5 sec,  1 a = v

30. A
dz dx dy
z = ax3 + by2,  3ax 2  2by
dt dt dt
d2 z
 (6ac 2 x  2bc 2 )
dt 2

a  (6ac 2 x  2bc 2 )kˆ

31. D
  
31. VPG  VPC  VCG  2xjˆ  2iˆ
Hence, for the paritcle,
Vx = 2m/s and Vy = 2x = 4t
ax = 0 ay = 4m/s2
x = 2t, y = 2t2
 aTotal = 4m/s2
(a) (along Y-axis)
x2 x2
and trajectory  y  2. 
4 2
 
when a   aN , a cos  = a sin    = 45º

So, Vx = Vy = 2  V = 2 2
V2 42 4
 RC   2 2m= m
aN 4.cos 45o 2
32. B, C
Area under curve will give the time interval
1 5 75
Area   15    18.75 sec
2 2 4

33. A, D

34. 3
34. P  Fv
P  ma  v
P  mv v
(constant)  dx   v 2 dv

35. A, D

35. Comparing the eqn. with velocity of projectile

v  ucos  i  u 2 sin2   2gy ˆj
 k 22
Acceleration of particle a y  , ax  0
 Motion will be projectile motion and hence the result.
m  k 22
 Force acting on particle will be constant & equal to
m  k 22
 <F>=
36. C
mv 2  AS
differentiating with time
dv dS
m vA
dt dt
 mat = A
 Ft = A
Since particle is moving on curved path, there is centripetal force (Fn)
Fnett = Ft2  Fn2 > Ft = A

37. B

38. 0.50 m

38. A: u = 0, ½ aAt2 = s  ½ aA12 =  aA = 2 m/s2

vA = uA + aAt= 2t
B: uB = ?, aB = 0, ut + ½ at2=1  uB = 1 m/s
1 1
v BA = 1 – 2t, speedBA = |1 – 2t|, distance = 0 | 1  2t | dt 

39. B, C, D
39. Given
x  3t3  18t 2  36t ........  i
  9  t  2  ................ ii 
a = 18(t – 2) ……………..(iii)

41. B

43. 5
dr P(t=0)
  5  3 cos 
0 t
 dr    5  3 cos   dt
16 0
P 3m/s
t r
16  5t  3  cos dt - (i) O

v x dt  0
t t
  3  5 cos  dt  0   cos dt 
0 0 5
- (ii)

From (i) & (2)

16 = 5t 
t = 5 sec.

44. C

44. Induced e.m.f. is related with time varying magnetic field.

45. A, B, D

45. v = 6e3t
 velocity will never change its direction.

46. B

47. A
If length of train be , v 2 = u2 + 2a
Velocity when mid point is crossing (s = /2)
 u v
2 2

v 2m  u2  2a   
2 2
48. B
dx (x 0  a)  bt a ct
v  e  e
dt b c

49. C, D

50. A, B
50. a = kx2
da 1
 2kx  tan 60 = 2k 3  k 
dx 2
a 
dv x 2 v 2 x3
v     C1 at x = 0, v = 3 m/s
dx 2 2 6
C1 
v2  9
hence a = 1.5 and v  3 9

51. A, B
 t2 …(i)
1 t3
dy t 2
 …(ii)
dt 2
t = 1, vx = 1, v y =
 1
v  ˆi  ˆj
d2 x
 2t …(iii)
dt 2
d2 y
t …(iv)
dt 2
at t = 1 s ax = 2 and ay = 1

52. B
T cos  + vg = vg
and , va – T sin  = va
a g va
 tan    1  here a  g T vg
g g 

 

53. B
53. av

54. A, D
Comparing the eqn. with velocity of projectile

v  ucos  i  u2 sin2   2gy ˆj
 k2
Acceleration of particle a y  2 , a x  0
 Motion will be projectile motion and hence the result.
m  k 22
 Force acting on particle will be constant & equal to
m  k 22
 <F>=

55. 2
For a charge to be in equilibrium,
qE = qvB  E = LB/2 = BL/2 = 2

56. B
1 2
56.  =  tan   g u (, )
2 u cos2 

1 2 
 =  tan   g
2 2g
1  tan2   
4  

tan2  4 tan  +  1   =0
  

If particle will not hit the target.

(b2  4ac) < 0
 4 
16  4  1  < 0
  
4 > 3

58. B
1 2
58.  =  tan   g u (, )
2 u cos2 

1 2 
 =  tan   g
2 2g
1  tan2   

 4 
tan2  4 tan  +  1   = 0
  

If particle will not hit the target.

(b2  4ac) < 0
 4 
16  4  1  < 0
  
4 > 3

59. 4
Rmax 
So, maximum area covered = R2max   .  4m2
60. B, C
2  10  30º
2u sin  2 = 1 sec.
T  30º
g 10

30º 30º

62. A, B
u2 cos2  u2 sin2 
62. if 
g 2g
  tan 1 2
u2 cos2  u2 sin2 
if 
g 2g
  tan1 2 .

63. C
The forces acting on the rod
 
T1  T1ˆj    
T2  T2 cos 60  ˆj  T2 sin 60 ˆi
  
NA  NA ˆi NB  NBkˆ , W  mg kˆ 
Since rod is in translational equilibrium, so
NB = mg …(i)
T2 3
NA  …(ii)
T1  …(iii)
Since rod is also in rotational equilibrium, so, taking torque about point A
mg cos 60  T2L sin 60  NBL cos 60
 T2 3  NB
T2 
2 3
T1 
4 3
NA 

64. D
v12 sin2 1
10  …(i)
v 12 sin 2 21
40  …(ii)
from (i) and (ii)
1 sin 1 tan 1
  , 1 = 45
4 4 cos 1 4
v 12 1/ 2 
10 
2  10
v 1 = 20 m/s
similarly for second particle
2 = 60 and v2 = 20 m/s

65. A, B, C
u2 sin2
Range = 40 m   u2 sin2  400 A
v R
u2 cos2  C
R (20 m, 70/3 m)
 radius of curvature at maximum height
u2 sin2  
H O
2g x
4 2 2 2
4  u sin  cos  = (400)
 4  Rg  H  2g = 400  400
400  400
 HR   200 …(i)
4  10  2  10
HR  …(ii)
2 2 4900
H  R   H  R   4HR   800
HR  …(iii)
with the help of equation
H = 30 m, R = 20/3 m
H tan  30
 
Range 4 40
tan  = 3  sin  =
2gH 2  10  30  10  10
u2  
sin2  33
u m/s

66. (B), (D)

67. (A)
u2 cos2  u2 sin2 
If 
g 2g
  tan1 2
u2 cos2  u2 sin2 
if 
g 2g
  tan 1 2 .

68. 4
Minimum radius of curvature will be at highest point.
u2 u2 cos2 
gcos  g
 cos     = 60

70. 4
71. B v
ux  v x = 4 m/s

v2 v3
R 
gcos  gv x
v3   10  4  53
v = 5 m/s
uy  v y 1
t  sec
g 10
72. B, D
73. B, D
74. B
76. 4
78. B
1 2 u (, )
78.  =  tan   g
2 u2 cos2  

1 2 
 =  tan   g
2 2g
1  tan2  
 4 
tan2  4 tan  +  1   =0
  
If particle will not hit the target.
(b2  4ac) < 0
 4 
16  4  1   < 0
  
4 > 3
79. C
79. (v1cos)t = (v 2cos)t = 30 3 . . . (1)
1 1
(v1sin)t  gt2 +h = (v 2sin)t  gt2 . . . (2)
2 2
from (1) and (2)
h = 60 m
80. (A)  (s) , (B)  (s), (C) (t), (D)  (s)

81. C
v o  2ga
a 2  h2 h
By conserving angular momentum about vertical axis OP
mv o a  mv a2  h2 1
By conserving mechanical energy
1 1
mv 2  mv 02  mgh ...........  2 
2 2

From equation (1) and (2) h 

a  5 1
82. A
For max. Range R tan  
R tan   2H
H  R tan  

1  tan2  
H  2H  H
R  8H
A = R2  8H
84. A
85. 5

Let the drop is thrown off from point A. The velocity V = r
The drop will describe the parabolic path
1  1
The time take by drop to strike the ground gt  4  t  s O
2 2 M
1 A
 The horizontal distance NB  4  ft  2 ft v
3 5
 BO '  0.N2  NB2     (2)2  ft O
  2
i.e., diameter = 5 ft. N 90 B

87. C

88. C
VP cos  = u cos 
u sin  – VP sin  ucos  sin 
t =  usin  –
g cos 
u sin( – )
gcos 

89. A
In order for the trajectory of Q to touch that of P when the latter is y
projected vertically upward, Q must be projected horizontally from B
the highest point. To visualize this, consider the trajectories of P as
the angle of projection of P(, say), approaches 90 (i.e., for vertical 2
u /2g
projection). Let Q be projected horizontally from B with a speed v,
u2 45
where A = . The point of impact of Q on the horizontal plane
2g x
represents the point of maximum range for P along the horizontal.
u2 2h u2
OC  v , where h 
g g 2g
i.e., v = u
The trajectory of Q is
u2 1
 y  gt 2 , where t = x/v (v  u)
2g 2

90. A

91. B

91. vy = v sin 30  g cos 30 t Y

v sin30 v 1 1 X
t=   sec
gcos30 g 3 3
v g sin30o
60 o
g cos30o

92. C
u2 sin 2 u
R6 ,  = 45
60 = u2, u = 60  = 45
u cos  = 30 , u sin  = 30
2m 4m
2 2 1 4
t , h  30    10 
30 30 2 30
2 4
h  2  m
3 3
h = 4/3 m

93. 2

93. Since  = 
AO = BO = 20 cm
AB = d2  d2  2d  dcos120 u
AB = 3d 60
Now AB is the range of the projectile from A
d d
A to B. 30 30
u2 sin 2 O
3d =
u2 3
 3d =
Putting d = 0.2 m
u = 2 m/s
94. (A)  (q) , (B)  (r), (C) (r), (D)  (r)
95. A
2a 
a is same for all the three cases.
(u sin  )2 u2 (u cos  )2
HA = , HB = and HC =
2a  2a  2a 
HB = HA + HC
96. B
96. R  u22  Rg 1  sin α  .......... ii 
g 1  sin α 
2R cos α   u23  2Rgcos α ........ iii 
Now, u1u2  Rg 1  sin2 α  Rgcos α 
 u23  2u1u2

97. 5
t = R/v = 2usin /g … (i) u
and (ucos)t = 2R … (ii)
from (i) and (ii),
u = 20 m/s 
A 2R B
98. B
perpendicular to OB, v = vsin(900    ) + g cos t …(i)
Parallel to OB, 0 = v cos (900    )  g sin t …(ii)
v sin 
on solving v  
sin 
for  > , v > v, so by energy conservation h2 < h1
99. C
100. 8
 y
V1'  V1ˆi  gsin  tjˆ v1 v2

V2'   V2 ˆi  gsin  tjˆ
  v 2  x
V1' .V2'  0 v 1

or  V1V2  g2 sin2 t 2  0
or V1V2  g2 sin2   t 2
or t 
gsin 
The particle will be parallel to x–axis.
Separation between the particles will be
(V1  V2 ) V1V2
 x1  x 2  .
gsin 
101. A
102. 5
104. 8
107. C
108. A
108. At P, vertical component of velocity is v/ 2 and at Q, vertical component is zero.
Hence, 0 = gtPQ
 tPQ =
 T = 2tPQ =
2  10
 T= = 2 sec
109. 5
109. For collision the relative velocity of A with respect to B should be along the line AB
111. 6

112. 5 S
10 m/s
at t = 1 cannon A will at maximum height.
For collision, vy
40 5 5m
h = 5  m vx
9 9 B
10 m
2h 1
Time for collision, t =  sec
g 3
113. B
With respect to wedge, the particle moves at 30 from the plane of the incline at speed of 103 m/s.
Along normal to the inclines
1 2
S = ut + at
0 = 103 sin 30t  gcos30t 2
114. D
115. A
T cos 37 + T cos 57 = mg
mv 2
T sin 53 + T cos 37 =
 v = Rg = 5 m/s
116. A
v 2net  
R=  ar  v net

117. 5
AB = v dt sin  …(i)
(along the circular arc) A
OA = d B
sin 

ds = r d O N
given vdt sin  = OA d 2a 3
vdt sin   .d
sin 
vdt sin   d
sin 
d v
 sin2 
dt a
 5 rad/s.
118. One particle t/2 before max height, other t/2 after max height
Relative velocity perpendicular to line joining them = gt
Relative separation = ut
Relative angular velocity = gt/ut = g/u
120. A
v 2net  
R=  ar  v net
121. B
60 = 10 y
 = /6 O

VA  v 0 cos30ˆi  v0 sin30ˆj x
30° 
  0  3 ˆi  ˆj 
  V
 VB  VA   0  3 ˆi  ˆj 
  V0
aB   3 ˆi  ˆj 
2  

Since particle starts moving with uniform acceleration so it will move on a straight line
  1 V
SB  uB t  aB t 2  0  0  3 ˆi  ˆj   25
2 20  
 2
| SB | = Distance travelled by particle B =  25  2  5 
Average speed of particle B over first five second =  m/s
Second method

 aB = constant, to
 
VB(a)  VB(5) V0
0 VB 5 sec     m/s
2 2

122. C

122. F = ma
 v2 
 mg = m    a2t
 r 
 v2 
 at =  2 g2    = 4 m/s2
 r 

123. D

123. For T1 – T2 = 2mg means the particle stops in 1st quadrant i.e. a  0, aN = 0
For 3 mg < T1 – T2 < 6mg, means string slacks and particle does projectile on parabolic track i.e. aT
= 0, aN = g
For T1 – T2 = 6mg means particle completes the circle
i.e. a = 0, aN  g.

124. 5
m1g  T  F = 0
m2g  T  F = 0
 T=
m1  m2  g = 5
125. 5
 = 2/T = 2/0.033 = 190 rad/sec
vt = r = 190  1/38 = 5

126. D

127. 5
Velocity of Point 'P'  V02  R0 
VP  4 5 m / s
 Vo
 8 2 2 p c
aCentripetal   8 5m/s
and a   acp sin   16m / s2

 Vp   5m
128. B
128. at t = 1sec
at t = 0 2
1/ms 1m/s


 5  5 5m
an 1

129. D

129. rate of change of speed 

= tangential component of acceleration v

(component of acceleration in the direction of at
velocity) 
   3iˆ  3ˆj  6  4 a
 a . v  (2iˆ  ˆj) .     2m / s2
 5  5


130. B
we draw the FBD of the coin
f T = tangential component of frictional force on coin
f R = radial component of frictional force on coin s
f T = mr
fr = m 2fr
fR2  fT2   gmg
2N 
Solving the equations, we get
  gg 
  2 
N=  
4 
132. A
132. One particle t/2 before max height, other t/2 after max height
Relative velocity perpendicular to line joining them = gt
Relative separation = ut
Relative angular velocity = gt/ut = g/u

133. 2
Time to reach at A by car = 40/8 = 5 hours
 Total distance covered by bird till that time = 10  5 = 50 km.

134. A, C

135. A
Velocity of a along line AB = v
Component of velocity of B along line AB = v cos 60º = .
 c  (v / 2) 
v’ =   v0 .
 cv 

137. B
10  v cos 60 = 0
v = 20 m/s
v 2 sin2 60
H  15 m
138. A

138. Enet  0

Einduced  E (due to pt charge)

139. 3

139. As observed by B motion of A is along AM

and BM is the shortest distance between
them. Relative displacement of A w.r.t to B is
AM = AB cos 30 B

VAB  5iˆ  5 3ˆj 103
 30
SAB AM 10 3 cos 30 60
Time taken (t) =   = A 
v AB v AB 10 v AB
= 1.5 sec

141. A, B, C

142. 3 B
  
VS / G  VS / B  VB / G  

vS/G vS/G

A 


143. (C)
5 N
144 km/hr = 144  = 40 m/s
  |V2  V1|
V2  V1 40 40 m/s

sin 74 sin(90  37) 74 53
40  2sin37 cos 37 40 m/s E
 V2  V1  = 48 m/s
Change in momentum =  48 = 16
favg  = 800 N.
144. D

145. 3
145. As observed by B motion of A is along AM
and BM is the shortest distance between
them. Relative displacement of A w.r.t to B is
AM = AB cos 30 B

VAB  5iˆ  5 3 ˆj 103
 30
SAB AM 10 3 cos 30 60
Time taken (t) =   = A 
v AB v AB 10 v AB
= 1.5 sec
146. A

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