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Patient Name: Ezzat Abo Elmagad Diab Age: 65 Years

Patient ID: 304733 Report Date: 1/14/2023 10:31:27 AM

Study Date: 1/14/2023 8:15:00 AM Date Of Birth: 3/18/1957
Study Description: Modality Name: MR


 Axial and sagittal T1 SE, axial and coronal T2 FSE, axial FLAIR,
diffusion weighted imaging, axial, coronal and sagittal images.
 Findings
 Left hemipontine tiny focus of faint diffusion ristriction was seen
 Multiple small foci and sheets of abnormal signal intensity are seen at
both cerebral periventricular white matter and pons , presenting high T2
and FLAIR signal some of them display low T1 .
 Prominent cerebral ventricles, cortical sulci, extra axial CSF space.
 No recent infarcts nor lesions depicitng depiting true diffusion
 No evidence of supra or infra-tentorial, intra or extra cerebral
hematoma, SOL, white matter edema or demyelination , mass effect, nor
mid line shift. Normal size and configuration of cortical gyri.
 Normal height, signal characteristics of pituitary gland for patients age
. Central pituitary stalk. No sellar or parasellar masses.
 Normal appearance of brain stem and cranio-cervical junction
 Impression
 Picture of left pons tiny focus of acute infraction
 Mild Small artery disease with multiple lacunar ischemic / infraction foci
 Involutional brain changes

Best regards.
Prof. Dr. Hazem Hussen, MD.

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