زيت Practice يحيى

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@ The Prewmacist ‘eclet ie thar the Peutiont chu agey ws- @ Appropriately indicated - @ Tre most effective oved jae « G@ We safest possible - @G Conventemb Foy Phe fea ® the types of misuse omitted: most eagerly were.t @ Overdesage -’ ! @ Omission of doses. BD Take the teibleh with aglass full 6F water very a with thase chugs Het ‘wae teeta Hee Stomach sumn.as % '@ Fewous sulphate - @ Aspirin. VY @ Tere cline - z @ Potassium. chloride. B Adwinistration of sublingual and. oucceil tablets st) | D wash hemds - ath @.Ploce medi ceion +> a —Undey che Fongue (Gulotingual) - b- between the upper aoe teeth and bechee (uc) @® \wuse & eye. dvops.s- gtevile- —remove exuclute, From the eyelid owel eyelashes udiveisatine Slatin aStonk ce the tuner Cantus ancl wiPe cubrwaial : Tey to: Keep eye open ond.dower bunk For at least sn-stel S after instilling apPly gentle pressuncusing a Catton bal :to tag Jwner_ Comer of tre eyeticl on tie bone for 1-2. mim... Scanned with CamScanner ie ‘ OS @ lf ypu ave using mone vat one. Kiwel cup Fre cane dime — 1 Wait Seveval min: before Use sf orher Avs. : 4 @lu use 6} opthelmic oivtvrents $75! 7 = Close eye gently ancl voll eyebaM in ald oliveckions we ' eye ie Closed » temporary bluvrincy wena oceuy + : ' We Chaseel eyeliel way be vubloeal very getly by a Finger i bo clistribbute redu Pavaughout pha Forwin- - ‘ —hew open Olntwent. tube fovea Isr time. squeeze out Be | Fines Vin moh enel chiscavch its. wncuy be boo ek ; ; —VFypn ave.using meratham one Kind ef olmtment: oe the Same tue wot cvowt JO win+ ! Te improve. follow: 6F. Olmtments halal tine tude in ramet Several min. boviowm Weforne ule. @ How +0 Use inhalarion. 2 @MRewove Ake Cover. a Moe moukhPiece awd shee whe inhaler vigrous' 2 @ Breathe out lew @ Place.inhalertwike mouth. and close rhe lios avounel Xe mouth Pice... @Breathe in. deeply. ommel. press the Coniter Five 4 @® Mold breath for \0 see-. rears Nong) ax Patio Con Com fortably. momnceye - ® Breathe ont normodly “(@dhert the. Propellant tiv the. eck sh the wtlavoat ik: Casses.2 Call Fresn'effec«- @\ahalors awe unsuitable Fv use! stays: chitcken ie 5 Yes Cage : Scanned with CamScanner ol @ In she spacer inhaler the benefit of this dlevice ig Hak 8 —the delivered clese of drug anc propellant & more diffuse when ib awives ak the moath amd rhe Gold Freon effect is Congidvably veduced = ® Compressor nebulizers - —USe air to transform the Viquicl ws meclication into wist- WUItvasonic nebilizers +- = Use vibvation to turn. the medication into wists @ln use -of- nebulizer 2— 7 -a kypi cal ——— a abouk.\0 yotS win - @lnuse & darpaebenien alist edd wily Coca loiter SupPositordes gently. with Fincyers 2 2 -tohelp melt the serface to.provide lubvication f o Amsertion - @Oalycévivated gelatin ov. golyethylene olycol suphoslvovies Shoulel oe moistened with water < : Te envence dubvicaion. eS VaojneA sets ¢ Should be doped wk water Ret before GB insertion - @ Rect su ppositovies ¢ — used with the Petient Lying on the —- side wish hijss anol Knees Flexed- ts Misia @); a : ag) Scanned with CamScanner fe. @BWirensdevmal system should wot be pPlieet pownsHline’?. Hobecause tight Clothiney serous tld thesystem : ® ln skin prepration aclverse effects such’ os + OD redlnegs @ Soreness. Qrelapse- B Creams ancl Oimrmrents.t = @Pply spavingly- Qo rast vats unless specifi ‘cally prescribecl- ® Smooth the Preparstion on gently inte clivection st Phe Naive felt- 4 GA oem smo & ee eed nozzle Sha tube medication aa & 29. @® Adeninistering Cae sips. a= —pul_ the ear \obe up ancl loack to a she caneh for adults - pul pre ear lole clown amcloack to stragnien the. Conve in Childven- @Worn ear drops eames Nemes +0 ecu hempecbice Sox = 2 winutes 2 2, = because, feo Cll or boo wawwn clos sey cosenertigia . Aizziness - AB Drinking & Full gloss OFF luiicl enscine eet wecopsies mesticabions ayeaches tne Storey, a eZ se ine ko dilute Ae Aras to cleerease Pre potevaed fori iweb , a a) = a- Swollen gums» b- Chesr pain-_. Cc - Swollen joiviss..- dA-~Cons¥ipation - - © Aizzines Vigt-) wend ede Oa Scanned with CamScanner | i ee @Diabvetes mellitus DM +- far PLN ie a group of metabolic clisense in which a person has nigh ‘blood suger -because 6 D body desever Produce enough imsudin . De Gl do nor vesPond to rhe sulin procluced - BDiSfrence between Diabetes Meltizus (DM) ancl Diatoeres \nsipidus (D1) 3— A : 2 BOM z increase in the. blood glucose level « D 1: Nomad. blood glucose teved- BDrv9s counseling Painr.in ialo-ckes 2 @ Sulfonylureas.s monitor for. t— an jaundice. @ Insulin.s cerecs al MOMAE, 2 = a= hypoglycemia. @ Metformin t monitor. Fors — a-muscle pein.« ‘o-unusuad Sleepiness- c-Nausecr- d-Sromch pain - ‘ c-weisht\ oss- @ tule with ov. after food - QTVWiezoidinedioness monitor For += - A-Yellow discolovation of uvine- - - Ls b- B® Pevighered edema. fae Scanned with CamScanner _ ———E—ee ee ee ®S Acarbose Rymonitor Fors— . s a-abdowinal Pain: b- Cramps - XMot to. take Suerese(suger) luvin ngpaslyeenic athook, it vray Mieb be aldtorbad when ccavlogse. \e taken. : @ Drugs Counsell Ppolts in Since hheavt dl jsease. s~ Bete blockers 3-moni tor an = ZF Potension - mua i 9: ca ‘ - Roewnese - C-Neadache pith et dee d- BradyCavelia - e wt @BNirvates Sublingueel eee For 3 — a-Dluish Coleved Lips -_ sel b- Fingemaiils oF Plams- as riul Q@ Aspirin 2 monitor For t= c- abdominal Pain. vinw 'o- Lawny Stools. eit |S Cc. Fever- d- Spitting ot Blooal- @BDug counseling pois in dyslipidemia 2— © Statins : a-take she drug after food. b-teRe these medications durin except For erowostubin - anid Go) : er] Scanned with CamScanner S Me ® Fibvates Smonitor for s— &-bloocl in uvine- b-Chest Pain. C- Shovtness 6F ‘breath - d- Stomach Pain. Ss Anion exchange vesins t monitor for = A- Stomech Pain - \b~- nausea. - CaVemi ping - da -belchivg- @- bloaking- F~ diewhea- @® Nicotime acid derivatives tmmonritar For 3— a-darReulny of uvine - bb- Loss sf appetite - C_ Severe stomach Pain. A- Yellow eyes - @ Drug. Counseling points in as themes 2 Beta rece Pror agonists tmonitor For s— A- tremors. b- muscle Pain. @ Theophyllimes i “nok ro Chuch or Chew rhe tablets. @Anticholinergics synoniter For s- Oc chy th voce Doras en C- headache. d-\blurred vision @-Poinful uvination- 7 = @ a TS Scanned with CamScanner ® Corricosteids — a % Should wot be stoppecl alovuptly - —— ¥ eed. dose. fupering before stopping - ® Mase cell stabilizers += USE tp. Prevent the. ee 26 10) CEBIED velicve.\prenchos Rasen. hat alveachy Stovcbedl- BSDru Commseling Poiints in epilepsy t 2 Apakuvakes..$ monijow..fort—— a- Fever eiar = &-SKin vashes. C..Swelling ot eyeliols. A-mental depression (ey Benzodiazepines 2 2 aac Be a a.belhavior Problems. In mented_ depression = C-Wapoived wremont diskinwash. @-overdose- Qe Pheny cio a Fon t— a- gum bleeding . _d-Soene mal fovweution - C-Meaclache- A =Sorwt Pom: @ Valpoveites = : - _*& should nob ve. eet ov. =o should pe swallow whole. Scanned with CamScanner G) Succinimides : -— FoR] itowith food or milk to reduse pen upset % Give medication Inistowy before Supe) as tis clrag Com Potentiate the CNS effect of omesthekics - B Drug Conusedling points. in vheamatoid orthvitis 2— “2 Metho brexate senonivor- Fort — a.back. Poin b~devK urine - C~ dvewsiness- A-neadache. 2 -Yellow colored uvine- @hen- Stevoidal.cunki. ~inFlenmertoyy cregs SAID) 2 3 smemi.boy. For 3— a-~abbdominal Pain: : SS b- kay @ Stools- : \ c- Feuer a. SPittingse “loved. __@) Cyclooxugenase-2. (COX-2) Mhi’bitors g monitor Fart— aA-davk coloved stool. 2K take. +e medicine after Food so neduse rhe S$tomdh Iwitation~ @ Covricosteroids Smoni tor. os c= a+bluwed vision. Yo ~ Frequemt wvinaltion... _C-ConFution _ dLexcitement ; oe 2 -iwFeceion ak injection site. Scanned with CamScanner Lea 21 9s Sit ey. ST5s2 8 Scanned with CamScanner

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