Anatomy of A Metahuman 10 Killer Croc

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KILLEK CROC There's no doubt that Waylon Jones displays some unusual physical characteristics, ‘but for all intents and Purposes, he probably cant be classified as a true ‘metabuman, While there's been speculation that he és én possession of a metagene that gives him his considerable strength, he's most likely a human with a mumber of ‘concomitant shin conditions and a degenerative form of atavism. 1 debated whether Jo énclude Waylon in this report, but tracing this atavistic mutation may be relevant én future conflicts. IF this Hime, Waylon looks lhe a wathing crocoe, but he started life os « human. Aavism is a conltion én which vestigial ancestral traits in the DNA become dominant. We all have vshgil raits that have nob Fully evelved out of our species, such as the aypendix or the palmar grasp reflex that human babies lose at about three months but és still essential to porimate infants Dn rare occasions, a person wil be barn with a trait that és completely unnecessory for the modern himan but that stl remains in aur DNA, « genetic lebfover from an earlier point in evcluion, As long as the gene remains intact hidden within our codes, a mattunction in genehic suppression can lead fo the gene being expressed. A human with a vestigial tal or an extra eipple con be the resi Theoretically df the gene is old enough it can express as a pre-mamialian frat In very rare cireumstences, « multitude of lost traits come fo the surface, traits thet are vestigial to humans but may be essential for oncther species. 1 believe Hhis fo be the aace for Killer Croc. Unfortunately fer Waylon, the condition appears to be degenerative Once a career criminal, Killer Croc seems to have devolved info scarcely more than an animal-- brutal and deadly : Killer Ceae} ppeed, sreaphh, nd Ippin e ar tad ce Piet alot Seat Ha ti geal le seman fe Lacking mle, escodiita mle fpr aie rd iri cow sl dilantin molars, bak, as his disorder pryree, Hat mel change Otin Condition When sh « chia, Waylon started displaying physical symptoms of his disorder. Initially diagnosed with iohthyes MND VE Lalonstion Cu which bud up of the sins Revatin gives da sealed sppesrance), Waslon got the nichoene Gree corly in life. As his condition worsened, there were mi id gitie cet which edawialelt plained what Pk he derma asec wen? drop ong Greater siento Seere scleroderma wad Wichn and harden BAF adccued Lore he shin at wo ala) cacti cPanel tp der AOE hedalcec ‘shal fess! a Mc primary disorder, and that wou int Lor his unpleasant smell, but that diagnosts doesnit explain the “scales, The First visible siqns were probably patches of rippled or coarse shin around his neck His shin would have toughened and colored over Wis First dozen years of lie, giving him a sealed appearance. The most significant changes would have taken place ab puberty, a gradual restruchiring of his musculoskeletal system, his shin faking om an ever more reptilian appearance. Now that Waylon iz an adulh, his skeletal system is basically human but with traits one would find in an adul} salamander, particularly the shaye of his shull and hands. The pattern of his scaling and the set of his Peeth are more representative of crocodile, however. His musculature is overly developed, his jaw is exceptionally ide, and kis teeth are painfully sharp. As he ages, his jaw has continued to lengthen and strengthen giring him a Grocodkle's power bite A Nile evocodile’s bite has been measured as equivslent to 5,000 pounds of force, strong enough to break bone, Compare that fo the bite of great white chark (3,600 Ibf) or a hyena (2,200 Inf), and the need fo heep out of Crocs reach becomes obvious. He has devel a crocodiles SHEE, bulging jou muscles, arranged fo clamp down with incredible force. Looking ot Killer Croc now, the last vestiges of Waylon Jones seem to be long gone. His head has elongated and Giattened and appears Lally croceddian. He has become brutal, even cannibalistic on cccasion, Ws humanity overubelmed by hic mutated primitive instincts The reptilian shin and changes to fon} phalrignom are ierellf tel epeettog of heer Aisorden, one Hat has ivreverrislf ‘amaghel i win 7 The medial dies at ence Cosh een cleats ca lf cpl lH ke ka hme. AE He ter of Li tafe, he sy fr wore amie See his eget his A eae kin art Hel of 4 abled nn, aah sme wh hit ing mel Aegeedion ka eaeed He ted be ps. (Ai ral Cold Coe rei He caning win ke fick bole? Nail there we Aaa ae ‘pce nlrb Ny Ear is fete ren pcig a shal if ie te rtered BO terse ili hat Pete i He orpariog ened pe Have tpt from Ha : If hel free Hat vpectle He to eas, Merrick dl nek edit he eninaifie be at He a of f Behavior Hat seems Jones's plied i te stem from re jon et it Boe aed meee (i cel sie Porm! sea els, gig fleet He eter tin reese a He rote a or fern sr, iy oe i shal inconttion ratte J 4 NOTE: Canny ott cm ler of eta i sued cg NOTE: Carnf ott Wt edbre bole hn coven” ——_ = ve is scl pert rep “nw fe Ht ‘ee wing tod det tin ac prmeurel Ne cat bs NAb Hat Sez Pe taat he cin be Be \ Whether 00 wet Cr Phfrieal Attributes Killer Croc often sits without moving for hours at a Hime, as though he believes he needs ta conserve his strength for fight or fight As he és warm-blooded, this suggests that instinctual drives have at least partly Pees tai overwhelmed his rational mind. Tn the wild, or, gh alligators and crocodiles go through system of musculature than a warm similarly lengthy dormant periods blooded mammal, Without needing interspersed with furious an all the extra biology geared toward Petry ‘essential warming themselves, they are streamlined food - foward survival essentials. While not c efothermie--cold-bloaded-Waylon's eseape a form és increasingly reptilian, predator) k fe } f and his muscle mass és growing exponentially, Candie a hctve if fhe mek hem affected 3 sat eT ear AT gett on the oot of eas el " 7 i path. While Hiri ceoktl tae, it ingetect fe sete Hat ke ae kas 4 dita of Heaming anata enough fo ere X, aes Suicide fle, Fan Ine and He ment attachment te Tine Mooné, hana kul fe Enckstres sith other ontlans, mast wotebld as park of gorerumtt eperabne Satadi Sgred. Hes ale Been arecitted with « rane of Searceron, oh i ete ened be have ome White there paren cae be while ts Hh eae with nf erin ascahior-he i part of a ssid tit... Hak it, atl hid beri mature ets Hee better af kim il eget of aarti Hands Croc's Fingers are webbed and clawed but have maintained a humanoid structure, with an opposable thumb. The claws are sae it razor sharp and can shred brick like issue. From watching ee Arkham surveillance videos, it appears that Croe diligently ee! sharpens his claws on the walls of his cell, determined to make the best of his evolutionary advantage. |p efi mre asin Hn Laat, i elf his Feet wll een ed tad eg a Teeth Crocodiles and alligators are able to regrow lost or broken teeth, meaning there is always a secondary and tertiary tooth waiting df the primary one is removed or destroyed. Given how Jones matured, it's possible that his childhood teeth were more human in appearance. But perhaps as his adult teeth came in, they were sharper, made for grasping, and spaced differently, As he has continued to devolve, Jones has develoyzed the interlocking teeth of a true eroeedile If his PNA i becoming repion some vile in He ofes. The ‘et We RQ sipcer kamen pil eres Hat voll alo for the —aherption of nator? ae ler Croc can stay submerged in water for up to an hour. Tf hes | pulmonary and circulators systems are influenced by crocodile DN. Follows that he would be able to replicate their abilities én this regan di Like a crocodile, Jones probably slows his heart to two or three beafe [per minute to conserve orygen, If this és indeed how he can stay submerged for such long periods, he would need to remain inactive while Underwiater. Activity will use oxygen regardless of hear} rate, Another possibility és that an amphibious atavistic trait allows him to breathe through a process called cutaneous respiration, a form of respiration common in a number of organisms, including fro 295. It's not fmpossible, given all his other atavistic mutations, to believe that the skin beneath Killer Croe’s seales is gas permeable and, like a frog or certain fish, he can absorb liquid oxygen through his sin. This ability BS] could greatly lengthen his submersion time PATIENT EVALUATION Antending py Alias: Killer C Birch name: Jones, Waylon iss Dr, Jere Arkham High: 65 } Weight: 268 me A Hi Color: Nove Bye olor: Red EVALUATION, ‘Wyon Jones x peshaps one ofthe mo desta cha eee eclin plry Te d 5 yaw Da pe phi Tin ory wi pri com facet ba rg sti cs Sehr nse sco gg SES Dolman eng ie ea oscaiccal pacino tv pc kai conn tnd ol Ta cee nt ONES sing ere ik per i poy oy ert ta When ft met Woyon, hs body war ined covered by tee cle, bt i ‘Wirt contr has Sore Faas core meri pyar fal fences mor taal alt if het emcee ining ink ard peu - PR py a Cee call ete a Fe mcr ad pve ed Es pee gE ns rat pg by toy ee nee PALI epg, in elt hea a Bb he raed for eeates eee eae te eA mare Ieper BAL a Te niet eee Verena, da vk mew ee ge! ras ed vel biz, bt i? Cggighie oe EAEMPacdce doubted tin need to koxp SF i Ue ly a ips iis. | Seaenrgeaemeetians than an asylum. These days, however, his intelligence sem tobe vurpased by his base instinet to feed and dominate. Rumors that he has indulged in cannbalisea have surfaced inthe press, and during his escapes fiom the aylum, he went from a leader Ship poston in Gotham's gangsta hired muscle for his former rivals He is either an extremely talented actor, playing the role of an animal, or he has lost himself obi ‘more bestia instins and may never resueface asthe man he once wat hve been sending sample his blood and skin tisve to a variety of experts in tabuman stud, a well as diagnosticians who epecaiz in are diseases Ife can find away to cue Waylon of his physical maladies, I fel his mind wl fllow st, and sve may once agin find the man iid the bas. Weaknesses Killer Croc has certainly changed over the years T've Known him. Where once he exhibited cunning and even wit, his modus operandé now és brutal strength and near-méndlless cruelty ferocity is certainly a cause for concern, his diminished intelligence has made tri him less difficult. Setting a food-baited trap in the sewers might prove as fective as any more complicated plan. Still, overconfidence could prove fatal. Killing mea Nees Nie JA him, an idea that is important to hep in mind during any encounter with Croc. jeem to bu f Crocs potential wedinesces: com ay only i my wwe of he dom, Sin rerongnbalty i we. sowatiing Het rolled, | If that’s the ease, Killer Croe would be exceptional can bite down with tremendoy losed with @ strong r $ an obvious first tactic that T've used with 9

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