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Prelim Quiz 1 - Euthenics 2

Question 1
All the following are definition of Euthenics EXCEPT:
Select one:

the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society;
the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc.

Question 2
_________ is considered to be a "rite of passage" for Filipino boys.
Select one:


Question 3
There is only one language or dialect the Filipinos are using, it's called Filipino or Tagalog.
Select one:


Question 4
The Philippines is a combined society, both Singular and Plural in form. Singular as one nation,
but it is plural in that it is fragmented geographically and culturally.
Select one:


Question 5
The Filipino culture was developed due to the conglomeration of the physical, intellectual, moral
and spiritual aspects. This statement is according to:
Select one:

Traditional Concept

Question 6
Which is NOT a Filipino value system?
Select one:

Divorce or annulment

Question 7
The Philippines is an archipelago consist of 7,170 islands.
Select one:

Question 8
An ethno-linguistic group known for their industry and austere frugality.
Select one:

None of the above

Question 9
It is a way of giving respect to the elders and I believe that is also a way of receiving blessing to
the elders.
Select one:

Mano po

Question 10
The traditional Filipino way of eating.
Select one:

Bare hands

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