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Lesson plan human body


No. Stages Teacher`s activity and Students` activity and language Skills Interaction Time
crt. language
1 Pre-speaking Teacher uses 4 balloons, Students break the balloons and T-S Speaking
activity each containing bits of a stick on the board the bits of a S-T 7`
human face. Teacher invites face.
learners to play with the
balloons until she says stop.
The child who gets the
balloon will break it and
will find inside the bit of a
picture. The four balloons
are broken and the four bits
are reconstructed and stuck
on the board. It is the head
of a person.
2 Presenting Teacher tells the learners Students see what they have to do T-S Speaking
the objectives what the objectives of the during the activity
of the lesson lesson are (under the form
of some flashcards). 2’
Teacher sticks on the board
the objectives written on
some pieces of paper. At the
end of the activity, children
see what was accomplished
and not.

3 Controlled Teacher introduces/writes Students are very attentive to T-S Speaking 5’

vocabulary the new vocabulary on the teacher’s explanations. Students S-T Writing
practice board starting from the fulfill the task Listening
picture of the person. Each Reading
new word introduced are
repeated twice.

4. Teacher asks some children Students fulfill the task. Speaking 5’

Free to come in front of the S-S Listening
speaking classroom and mime a part
activity of the body already taught.
(miming) Children are asked to guess
what it is and say it in
English. Children have to
answer in sentences: This is
a ….., These are…..

5. Semi-guided Children are invited to take Students will solve the task. T-S Speaking 15’
activities some colored pencils Students will chose some colored S-T Writing
(While (green, yellow, blue) in pencils to make 3 groups Listening
speaking) order to form groups. There Reading
will be 3 groups of 6
children. Each group will
have two main activities by
the end of the lesson. The
first activity, for all the
groups, will be to cut, draw
and then staple the
worksheets they have
received. At the end of the
activity, their product will
be under the form of a small
book, containing the
pictures for each part of the
body taught. The second
activity will be chosen.
There will be 3 activities
designed under the form of
a game.
a) Identity swap game
b) Touch me
c) True or false

The groups formed

(green, yellow, blue) will go
to their desks. One of the
groups will come in front of
the classroom and will form
a semi-circle (sitting on
chairs). Meanwhile, the
other two groups will cut,
draw and then staple the
pictures. Teacher has a
speaking activity with the
first group, then the activity
continues with the second
group and the third group.
While one group is having a
speaking activity, the other
two groups can follow the
activity and at the same
time can do the actual
occupational activity. It is a
combination of a mental
engagement activity with an
actual occupational activity.
6. Post- Modeling- Teacher offers Students have the two activities T-S Speaking 7’
speaking the first example with her proposed by the teacher S-S Reading
activity own book made up in the Listening
(presenting same manner.
their Teacher asks learners to
products) present to their colleagues
their own book. Children
are advised to start with:
This is my book, This
is….., and at the end That
is all! Thank you!

7. Checking Teacher shows the learners Students fulfill the task T-S Speaking
comprehensi some flashcards. Teacher Writing 3’
on asks learners to identify
them and then stick them on
the board.

9 Teacher evaluates the The teacher checks whether the T-S Speaking
Evaluation of activity objectives of the lesson have been 3’
the activity accomplished.

10. Assignment Teacher asks children to

draw the whole book they
have created in the

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