MDCAT Curriculum (2024)

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2024-25 MEDICAL AND DENTALCOLLEGES ADMISSION TEST (MDCAT) CURRICULUM (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, Logical Reasoning) a a PM&DC MDCA’ Se Uae] Py) TABLE OF CONTENTS aa | | STRUCTURE, WEIGHTAGE & DIFFICULTY LEVEL: SECTION 1: BIOLOGY SECTION 2: CHEMISTRY SECTION 3: SECTION 4: ENGLISH SECTION 5: LOGICAL REASONING PREAMBLE In order to standardize the admission process, the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC) has decided to conduct 2 uniform admission test for all medical and dental institutions in Pakistan. This will ensure that all candidates.are given equal opportunity to perform. This was a difficult task as the candidates appearing in'this examination come from diverse backgrounds and different levels of education: (One of the greatest challenges Was to devise a common syllabuis which encompasses not only the content taughtin the premedical years but to note the topics missing from various syllabi. The MOCAT syllabus will not favor any group or place another to any disadvantage MDCAT is designed to evaluate the problem solving, eritical thinking, and knowiedge of natural, behavioral, and social sciences concepts and principles of a candidate required to the study of medicine. MDCAT will be a standardized multiple-choice paper-based examination. MDCAT will also test the aspirants’ other abiities like intuitive and critical thinking skills, PM&DC ‘AT CURRICULUM 2024 STRUCTURE, WEIGHTAGE AND DIFFICULTY LEVELS San ae ee Se ery rs a a Logical Re + Note: in Biology, Chemistry and Physics section, 70% questions will be recall and 30% will be Ee a PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 y SECTION 1: BIOLOGY 1.1. Content List for Biology eee Cre a Ron) Biological Molecules Ere Tue uray Net Re PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 1.2. Subtopics & Learning Objectives Eel) ate eee ad eee ts Simei Viral disease (for example AIDS) tac et etn me ee te ea es 1.3, Identify symptoms, mode of transmission and cause of viral disease (AIDS) ET aed arerd ‘Anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen) See ey Nees no ee eal Light dependent and ight independent phasesireactions Oxidative phosphorylation /cyclic and nan- cyclic phosphorylation, eS ote ness Cee ee Cee cinco ed eels ca) ee area ee ee ee oad 23. Explain light dependent and independent phasesireaction eee ene son ad peas ET laerd inten econ! See coy Pe tert oa) ei e ee) 32. Discuss the importance of biological molecules Reena gna a ae Pe ee ee ae) 34, Discuss carbohydrates: monosaccharides (glucose), clgasaccharides (cane sugar, eee ee Cree rota) eae ey scribe lipids: phospholipids, triglycerides, alcohol and esters (acyiglycerol) eee jiscuss conjugated molecules (glycolipids, glyco! proteins) PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 or reer re See ae Need ONE ere eure eer rere Wectand SE ar See SUBTOPIC: Perens See eee ree tee ene a et ca ere eect Deere ee eae) ree ae ates! eae Nervous system era See ue roc tor a See cats cee a eee om Cees oe en oe eet a Peony Rei) Rec Coots eer eto a ard eel eeu =) eee ee ea Eee tay 5.3, Explain the structure of a typical neuron (cell body, dendri myelin sheath and schwann cells) Pee eet 55. List the levels of the spinal cord Pee eee eee) ees See aoe ee td Eee ons ree ca) brain, cerebellum, cerebrum) Peter Te ci eater) eee ee ee a ae ee) Peas Cope Teen c eeu en? eater Seer See eas ee ene cee Poet oun ee ere cao ee eeu 7.3. Describe effects of factor on enzyme action (temperature, pH, concentration) Per Eero See ea Oe ee MC eed ee Cee ‘Neo-Darwinism's Evidence af evolution ett teary ee ee ee cond 8.2. Describe the theory of inheritance of acquired characters, as propased by Lamarck, 8.3. Explain the theory of natural selection as proposed by Darwin rege STE ee Coe et ma ea) Re RR eer ete aa Coen a Cardiovascular system (including human heart structure. blood vessels) Ren ecu Drea ne ecu ee ea Pete oa} CR ee eee a ee a eo Pape ee a ar ee) plants Cee ee RC ie eel Caer eet nti Ce eed 9.6. List the differences and functions of capillaries, arteries and veins Sree eo UG em on) CAT CURRICULUM 2024 ET elated rcs Gas laws oe Charies's law Kinetic molecular theory of gases Pers eel teal eet ee ue eo 32. Describe the motion of particies of a gas according to kinetic theory. See tet ea) ee ce oe ae Ree eer etry 38. Explain the significance af absolute zero, giving its value in degree eee BAe ee oo en a ed Peo ee eer ete ee Peaster eMart} eng eae aes Sere Set Ce een cece Pode ou ree oe ee ee Ce Neues eet un ad aor ergy based on kinetic molecular theary. re ee eee Cu peep ial 4.3. Describe the hydrogen bonding in H20, NH3 and HF molecules ee Le) Peet era iets ca ecto ree’ Sane ee aie eee ieee a ae ee eos Ee ee a es ey aes eee SUBTOPICS See eee Preece Cee gaa Cee uy Sr cote eee ‘Synthesis of ammonia by Haber's Process eee) Buffer solutions Equilibrium of slightly soluble fonic compounds (solubility product) eet iad Ce ee ee ee Te Cae et ees eee nt Cee ee ese a eases en changas in concentration, pressure, temperature, of the addition of catalyst. ee ue rr! ee ce ea Coe ere eee Case ae ene Ered eee Sea eat Pee one ener ee ene Se epee Order of reaction and its determination Peete ea) ee eee ee ee eae ers 7.3. Explain qualitatively factors affecting rate of reaction. eee ae ee ee a Ie eee ee ce ee us Pere eee ee eee ete forte 77. Explain effects of concentration, temperature and surface area on reaction rates. ee ee eee eT ee ca ana oo alge} SNe ert See oe ene ht ery See eed eee tay First Law of thermodynamics Od Sec eee en er Teele sas) Pears Pee eee ee as 8.3. Define the terms system, surrounding, boundary, state function, heat, heat ‘capacity, internal energy, work done and enthalpy of a substance, a eee 8.5. Explain the frst law af thermodynamics for energy conservation, Pe re eeu ao Cra ea ee eee) eres aod See ea ee ee esr eee See ee nu) Pe tec) mete i 9.2. Define oxidation and reduction in terms of a change in oxidation number. 9.3. Use the oxidation-number change method to identify aloms being oxidize do Poneto st ey 914. Define cathode, anode, electrode potential and SH.E (Standard Hydrogen Electrode) 8.5. Define the standard electrode potential of an electrode 96. Use the lon-electron method/oxidation number method to balance chemical equations. ee ete) ee ee ed ete cer) rear eee Seay Seed Pacer eer ed Electrovalent or lonic Bond Cee ee aL) eet) Se Hybridization Ere ee ea cel The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory Roca re at eer se nt ee ee oe as 10.3, Describe the shapes of simple molecules using orbital hybridization, eee te tee) Pee cette eae eect ee te ne eee aa eae eo ee eee I Cree eme ae enue Oe eee er eet cy SC iceiciecean 10.8. Define and explain the terms atomic radi, ionic radi, covalent radi, ionization Cae a ace ea) Pte) ee Seo eee a fee nace) ee a ee ce ny Group2 Elements (Alkaline earth metals) be eg eeu y ‘Group trends; alomic radi, lonic radi, electro negativity, ionization potential, electro pe en eee ei eet aia 11-1. Recognize the demarcation of the periodic table info s block, p block, d block, and Tres 11.2. Describe how physical properties lke atomic radius, ionization energy, electro ‘negativity, electrical conductivity and melting and boling points of elements change Pe ot eee ee ee a a ey eee eee eee eee Maa eee treme uci a cme ae stele Ere) pee ey eters sa Pee ae cee ey Ere) ear utes rar See Te Pe kel waa pene aN er nee 13.2, Classify organic compounds on structural basis. eras reese ease PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 SUBTOPICS See oe Mee Nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes See ee a eee Rese nad Reece at ee ea eee ra es See eee en ia) ee eet eet ne ec ea een a eee errs Explain the shape of ethane molecule in terms of sigma and pi C-C bonds. Cee aoe ed Pen een eu a eee Se tae ee C Nae a Me ae a ers 14.10. Describe the chemistry of alkenes by the following reactions of ethene: Hydrogenation, hydrchalogenation, hydration, halogenation, halahydration, polymerization TS ce a ee Pee ee tee ee 14.13. Compare the reactivity of benzene with alkanes and alkenes, Peer ee es Ree eee etn ete cy ROC ee eS ar ame al ener ee eens TR a ee ine ented Poor erate A enue ca es ee ee ee eee oe cy Nee soa ae eu cy eee enn Se he a ee ae) ey 14.23, Describe and differentiate between substitution and addition reactions SUBTOPICS Sen ee cd eet) es Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reaction SN1, SN2, E1 and Tercera ee ota aes ieee ied 45.3. Describe the mechanism and types of nucleophilic substitution eee 18 eae) ar - Classification: Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols aed ay ry See eed eet’ a cy eC caasd ee eee er eaten eee ae Rie eee Ee anes eee eee eer tae a es Ne ue era 166. Differentiate between an alcohol and phenol Boog eed et ce erred aM ahem e nee ne corey 172, Discuss the preparation of aldehydes and ketones 17.3. Describe reactivity af aldehydes and ketones and their comparison, eee eee eee ae ad ‘and ketones 17,5, Discuss the chemistry of aldehydes and ketones by their reduction to alcohols, eo or er Broad ened ea Physical properties ree eet ose cer) Pounce ee eee aceon eee aed 18.3. Describe the chemistry af carboxylic acids by conversion to carboxylic acid derivatives: acyl halides, aeid an hydrides, esters, amides and reactions involving inter peeeen ti Ereaeate) aro Se eC sc 18:1, Explain the basis of classification and structure-function relationship of proteins. 18.2. Describe the role of various proteins in maintaining body functions and their Pees Ces eee eo MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 SECTION 3: PHYSICS 3.1. Content List for Physics ee Me ay Rotational and circular motion My Sy Sooo) eM een ee eee ne ees De aS ac Ec Dread 3.2. Subtopics & Learning Objectives eae * Displacement ee DC eee eo Ween Ee ee ae eee ne ey Re ena Rene enna epee teen Reed Cy ee eta Cd Eee oy Bese ee ae Elastic collision in ene-dimension under different cases Bor acd Ce La Re) Dee ete Peeters ay eer ae ee eo FE eee as Oe ene real Pee ee Cu hee eno eae one ae eee ee eee te ee er cae eee a De ea ne eo? et Cee egos Cones! 1.10. Differentiate between the characteristics of horizontal motion and vertical motion 41.11. Evaluate, using equations of uniformly accelerated motion for a given inital velocity oe nt Oe ced Oe . Where would itbe after a given time? 4, How fong wilt remain in air? Cee ee ee ear ee ee te eta Ae ar ecg! 1.12. Apply Newton's laws to explain the motion of objects in a variety of context 1.13. Describe the Newton's second law of mation as rate of change of momentum. 41.14, Correlate Newton's third law of motion and conservation of momentum 1.15, Solve different problems of elastic and inelastic collisions between two bodies in ee aa tee ett Oe nr eee tay ra ee eee) to the relative speed of separation, PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 tees vo Energy Kinetic energy eee ea og fee eced ee eee ore cies) Cee ee) Pra Peer acer 2.4. Explain the difference between potential energy and gravitational potential cry 25. Describe that the gravitational potential energy is measured from 2 eee en cl the reference lev eee eee ee ey eer er eet an eee a ca Ae end tated eis aay ad Cert ny Cee tae ead oe a ee eae ees Poa ea tke re Relation between linear and angular accelerations Centripetal force Forces causing centripetal acceleration eee aad Se ee ee ou Ree nr ee 33. Define and Explain the term angular velocity ee ete ey Ronen ieee cy Reo eee et re ee eer ae Pee ere sn 18 Ered aerate Electrical resistance ee ea Eee ea eee id Rear ed Variation of resistivily with temperature ce Rees ecg Kilowatt-hours ere ean Bee etry eee oar Ee Ee ut eee er) ee ee ea te | or rt Dot od AT uel ser) omer eat Seg Peel eeu) eee er er 82. Describe the concept of magnetic flux(@) as scalar product of magnetic eer ten tera oun 83. Describe quantitatively the path followed by a charged particle hot into a ee ETc cae et eee eee Ca Tar ca SUBTOPICS SNe ay ee ped every eee ea eer ere en keting ed Petes eat RS ea ee Peete Tt eater y relate to the principle of conservation of energy. Oe ee eae ae Se er ue Li pe eae tee et ated Tete oul) 10.1 etc Ce elated eee TC eee oui 2) 11.4. Explain the particle mode! of ight in terms of photons with particular energy Tel atery ee eo) TOL oad amy: rr Satay Tate} Sue eae ee en to Pete) SO eee Biological and medical uses of radiation Tees sei) (=r) eee oa eae) Identify the spontaneous and random nature of nuclear decay. 13.3. Describe the term half-life and solve problems using the equation Ese ee ae eet ca uses of radiation. 2 PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 SECTION 4: ENGLISH The aim of English section of MDCAT is to measure the applicants’ skils in English language and to evaluate how prepared they are for undertaking graduate studies in medicine in English. The test applies a common standard to everyone to be able to Se ee eae eee eee Pert The benchmarks forthe test have been developed in the light of the Syllabus used in eae at cena renee eee Pee reer ear eta oi Bre eis sure that dificult and ambiguous tems beyond the scope of high school ‘education are not included ee ead 5, Todesign, select, and arrange test task items 4.1. Benchmarks & Content pe @ Dernonsivate control of eae structure rer Sr following strategies to corer teed Cee etd eae eee ee ary Se ea ad eo erry HSSC and CIE students may Pee tae Cae Se aa a coe eee ronan 1.4 knowledge of synonyms antonyms, Tec a ey Ty eee) eee Pe ed cee Cee eee eal See as Giraud PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024 ey Cee) Perec sentences & Use of writing Sea eee ace cay 7 Demonstrate cored eee) Se ed Bena ieee een een) ee eet] ry per eet Eee tee Set Ce ea Sete arto Pee ad Sd proper nouns, and abbreviations enero oe cre a et ean ee eee ed Cee ee ee eee er ay Bea cs eae Pre) ered 7 Comprehend simple, brie! passages Se oer en re oy Peete acd eee Cee ee Sees Me Pete Rams and CIE students and from the ee ety eo ery Perec a Se ee ny Cee Mee ec ue eae) re ren eo prescribed’ used in HSSC or Cee en yo correctly and incorrectly writen Po HSSC oF CIE as samples for ee 25 PM&DC MDCAT CURRICULUM 2024. SECTION 5: LOGICAL REASONING Logical Reasoning questions evaluate the abilty to analyze, evaluate, and complete ee te ee retin Cue na ete Se eee ee es ee ees then answer one question about it. The questions are designed to assess a wide range of sckils involved in thinking critically, with an emphasis on skils thal are central toreasoning ee he rea Tareas Critical Thinking Eula eee te ened Corer ta oer t tical thinking is @ process of evaluatian which uses logic to separate truth from falsehood, Peer Maer tes Read the following passage. Then, decide whether the three stalements below are "True, See Rr eae mea eee rae a Abr ea ee ed FO ee O Tee ee met ice Pee gt ae) ec ea] ee ed Letter and Symbol Series are a sequential order of letters, numbers or both arranged such way that each term in the series is obtained according to some specific rules. These rules Ce Cece ce eee ai! 26 SECTION 5: LOGICAL REASONING Logical reasoning is @ type of thinking in which statements and relations between statements are used in a precise manner to make conclusions that are meant (oF implied) by the statemenis and the relations. Logical deduction is type of reasoning, it assesses a Candidate's abilty to use structured thinking to deduce from a short passage which of a umber of statements is the most accurate response to a posed question. There is a family of six persons G, J, 8. E, T, and Z. Their professions are teacher. writer, actar, singer, dancer and lawyer but not respectively in the same order. Gis a teacher. Zs a daneer. Bis neither writer nor actor. Eis neither singer nor lawyer. Tis an actor. Jis a es Ou aS LCL ge 1 - Who amang them has a profession of lawyer? Logic problems are puzzles which require people fo use deductive reasoning skill, meaning, CeO a ee eg Oe oe od Correa eet Toes an ey cuore rn DOSES are ac ete Crm ool eee ‘A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up Ce ee ne ur el ee ee ee ee eee ees eee) olan kode Statoment: Pawer supply on state Xs terribly poor. EC eae ee ee age ih een eer en ote eee Ege any ee se Pabedan eee era) happened. This search often resulls in cause-and-effect reasoning, which asserts or denies Pe ee ee eee se uci ere |The standard of ving of peaple of the average income group has been rising Poteet Ca one ee on ee ero ee ae eet! Both the statements | and Il are effects of independent causes. eee ee eee ee eet!

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