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Each title I will put is ordered in the same place as its text.

1D Brings people Together

2H Teaches you how to win and lose
3G Helps Children Realize The Consequences
4J Can help you focus
5E Is an educational tool
6F develops creativity
7A Builds confidence
8B Develops Problem-Solving Skills
9I Exercises the brain
10C Chess Helps You To Remain Calm Under Pressure

Task 2:

Hit The cone contest 1 V 1 Match

Giving touches with the edge 1 v 1 Wall smashes 1v1 contest Competition
2 Chaturanga
3 It refers to the four kind of pieces
4 In india
5 political
6 medieval trade
7 In China
8 in Shogi
9 they said that people devoted too much time to it
10 in the c.XV
11 Geopolitical
12 They devoted great resources to cultivating chess talent, dominating the game.
13 A Chess computer called Deep Blue
14 False
1 El rey intenta retirarse, pero la caballería enemiga lo flanquea por la retaguardia.
2 Surgió un nuevo juego con dos características clave: diferentes reglas para mover
diferentes tipos de piezas,
y una sola pieza de rey cuyo destino determinó el resultado.
3La relativamente débil consejera fue reestructurada como la reina más poderosa -quizás
por el reciente aumento de mujeres líderes fuertes.
4 Con la Ilustración, el juego pasó de las cortes reales a los cafés

Task 4

I think, That Chess actually can help you with your feelings, but it is not at all the way that I
like to confront my games, for me, chess is good because it is a world where I can evade
reality, and just get guided by the complex but, much more simple than real world, of chess,
so for me chess is not a place where I learn to control my feelings, but a place where I get
better, learn about my mistakes and in the process just have fun, surrendering when I can
not win and celebrating when I win.
However, the game of chess can be very stressful when played wrong, there have been a lot
of times that a bad day of chess has influenced my mood in the rest of the day, that is a
reason why i think that learning to separate your hobbies from the rest of your life is
important, and much more with a game that can be as frustrating as chess.
Task 5:

I agree in part with this statements, but I don’t think it is something bad, that’s because one
of the most important things you can learn about chess, is that if you lose is a hundred
percent because you made more mistakes that your rival, but instead of asking yourself why
you play it, you should ask, which mistakes you made and how to fix them. It is a frustrating
game when you lose, but for me the joy of winning at chess is much more grateful than the
frustration when you lose, and that is the reason why you would keep playing, that is
because of the constant desire to win.

Task 6:
The part that I would like to highlight of this Ted talk, is how she was capable of transmit her
thoughts or problems through chess, the main messages that she tries to deliver, are that
sometimes, when you think something is obsessing you, and is depriving you from the rest
of your life, the problem is not the thing that is obsessing you, sometimes the problem is you,
because something is wrong inside you, and so your problems make you transmit your
feelings towards something, in this case, chess. And another important thing that she says,
is that in life and in chess, overcoming hard losses make you stronger.

Task 7:
-Game 1
Rival: Ayoub
Result: my win by checkmate
Comments: the game went normal at the beginning, with a 4 knight opening, until my
opponent blundered his rook letting it get caught by my queen, until that the game went to a
simplification and in the end I checkmated him with my queen and rook.

-Game 2
Rival: Alex Sifre
Result: win by checkmate
Comments: Alex blundered most of his pieces and I checkmated in the opening

-Game 3
Rival: Guillem Castelló
Result: My win by checkmate
comments: I forked my rival to win a rook, i simplified and check mated him after a bunch of
-Game 4:
Rival: Marcel Rebollar
Result: My win by time
Comments: My rival lost a knight soon and I simplified until he ran out of time.

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