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SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)


As amended 18 June 2020

1. Preamble:

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

1. Preamble

The SA Board for People Practices (SABPP) is a non-profit professional and quality assurance
body established in terms of the Non-Profit Organisations Act, 1997 (Act No. 71 of 1997) as
amended. The purpose of the organisation is to direct and sustain a high level of professionalism
and ethical conduct in Human Resource (HR) Practice.


To be a world-respected HR professional body, leading the way with people practices standards,
professional competence and active citizenry.


To lead and give a credible voice to the HR profession based on clear standards of governance,
quality assurance and professionalism in human resource management and people practices in the

Our key focus is on adding value and contributing to the sustainability of organisations.

2. Objectives of the SABPP

2.1 To promote the HR profession and people practices in South Africa.

2.2 To promote the quality and standard of HR education and training and HR providers in the
field, and to recognise education and/or training which qualifies persons for professional
registration in terms of this Charter.

2.3 To quality assure HR providers, to register HR assessors and moderators and to certificate
learners in the field of HR practice; and do all such functions that a statutory quality
assurance body is required to do under the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008
(Act No. 67 of 2008) as amended.

2.4 To promote collaboration in the fields of education and training.

2.5 To advise the relevant Minister(s), or any other party, on any matters falling within the scope
of this Charter.

2.6 To communicate to the Minister(s), or any other party, information on matters of public or
professional importance acquired by the SABPP in the course of the performance of its
functions in terms of this Charter.

2.7 To exercise authority in respect of all matters affecting the standard of professional conduct
of persons in HR practice who are voluntarily registered in terms of this Charter.

2.8 To ensure that members who are elected to serve on the national board of the SABPP,
serve and act in accordance with their fiduciary obligations, roles and responsibilities as
SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

contained within the relevant and or prescribed legislation, and as articulated in their letter
of engagement.

3. Philosophy of the SABPP

To enable those engaged in the HR profession to make a significant contribution to:

3.1 their organisation, in terms of its management and utilisation of human


3.2 the individual employee or future employee, in the realisation of his or her
potential, in terms of his or her aspirations; and

3.3 the community at large, in terms of an enhanced quality of life.

4. SABPP Strategy

The aim of the strategy is to:

4.1 promote, direct and influence the development of the HR profession by setting HR

4.2 set HR competency standards for the education, training and conduct of those engaged in
the profession.

4.3 advise involved parties on developing and attaining those competencies as well as evaluate
such attainment against the set HR Standards.

4.4 make the technologies “promote the common good”, enhance human dignity and protect the

5. Specific responsibilities of the SABPP in respect of its mission:

The SABPP may:

5.1 register HR Practitioners as generalists, or in prescribed categories of specialist disciplines,

within the field of HR practice.

5.2 register HR Candidates.

5.3 in such circumstances as may be prescribed or where authorised by this Charter, remove
any name from the register or, upon payment of the prescribed fee, restore it thereto.

5.4 appoint mentors, conduct assessments, and award certificates; and charge such fees in
respect of such assessments, examinations, or certificates as may be prescribed.

5.5 recognise, on such prescribed conditions as it may deem fit, education and/or training which
qualifies a person for professional registration in terms of this Charter.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

5.6 upon application of any person, evaluate and recognise any qualifications held by him/her
(whether such qualifications have been obtained in the Republic of South Africa or
elsewhere) as being equal, either wholly or in part, to any prescribed qualifications.

5.7 establish a code of professional conduct for persons registered in terms of this Charter.

5.8 consider any matter affecting HR practice which the Board of the SABPP deems advisable.

5.9 perform such other functions as may be prescribed, and generally do all such things as the
Board of the SABPP deems necessary or expedient to achieve the objectives of this Charter.

5.10 as a quality assurance body, evaluate and accredit providers in the Human resources field
in accordance with the guidelines drawn up by the relevant quality control council.

5.11 as quality assurance body, register HR assessors and moderators according to the SABPP

5.12 as quality assurance body, certificate learners who have been declared Competent against
unit standards and/or qualifications, registered on the National Qualifications Framework
(NQF) and in the domain of the HR quality assurance body; and

5.13 as quality assurance body comply with all South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and
Quality Council for Trade and Occupations (QCTO) regulations for accredited quality
assurance bodies.

6. The funds of the SABPP

6.1 The funds of the SABPP together with any surpluses or gains, will be utilised solely for
investment and/or the objectives for which the SABPP was established.

6.2 A proper financial analysis and budget of the SABPP funds shall be done annually and a
three and five-year management plan shall be revised annually.

6.3 The SABPP shall not participate in any profit making activities or participate in any business,
profession or occupation associated with any of its registered professionals or provide any
financial assistance, premises, continuous service or facilities to its registered professionals
for the purpose of conducting any business, profession or occupation by them.

6.4 No surpluses will be distributed to any person and will be managed according to clause 6(1).

6.5 Any amendments to the Charter will be submitted to the South African Revenue Services
(SARS) in order to retain exemption from income tax.

6.6 Funds available for investment may only be invested with registered financial institutions as
defined in Section 1 of the Financial Institutions (Investment of Funds) Act, 1984, and in
securities listed on a licensed stock exchange as defined in the Stock Exchanges Control
Act, 1985 (Act No 1 of 1985).

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

7. Governance

7.1 The Board of SABPP acknowledges the need for a Board Charter as recommended in the
latest corporate governance code in order to develop, implement and maintain a culture
and standards of good corporate governance for both internal and external stakeholders.

7.2 The SABPP’s Board is committed to ensuring that the applicable principles of good
governance as determined by the Board as espoused in The King IV Report on Corporate
Governance for South Africa, 1996 and The Independent Code for NPOs in South Africa are
implemented openly and with integrity under ethical and effective leadership, in order to
achieve the core governance outcomes of an ethical culture, good performance, effective
control and legitimacy.

7.3 The matters set out in this Board Charter, where applicable, will be required to comply with
any other relevant laws or amendments.

8. Purpose and objective of sections regulating the governance of SABPP

The purpose of this Board Charter and its Appendices is to set out the Board’s role and
responsibilities as well as the requirements for its membership, its meetings and other
procedures and its scope of activities within the context of the objectives and mandate of
the SABPP.

9. Board Composition

9.1 The Board shall consist of:

9.1.1 a number of members as defined in the Regulations, who are registered Master HR
Professionals, registered Chartered HR Professionals, or HR Professionals elected
by all categories of registered HR Professionals.
9.1.2 members whose competence has been validated and or further verified through a
Nominations Committee (duly established by the Board) based on the standing
provision of representation: 1/3 Academics 1/3 Persons whose main employment is as an independent HR consultant or
an employee of an appropriate consultancy 1/3 HR practitioners.
9.1.3 HR practitioners, when nominating and electing Board members should be
requested to take into account the SABPP’s employment equity targets in respect of
Board composition.
9.1.4 a number of members as defined in the Regulations, nominated and co-opted at a
full Board meeting.

9.2 Each Board member should be delegated the responsibility and accountability for a specific
/ designated portfolio / area of responsibility, with a clear term of reference for such portfolio
for report back to the Board at each quarterly meeting.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

9.3 The term of office (tenure) for members of the Board is three years. Board members are
eligible once more for another three-year term should they be re-elected, or re-nominated.
A Board member may therefore serve on the Board of the SABPP for a maximum of two
(2) terms.

9.4 The names of the members of the Board, and the date of commencement of their terms of
office, shall be published by the Chief Executive Officer to all registered members as soon
as possible after the Board has been constituted; and

9.5 The Chief Executive Officer is an ex officio member of the Board and is supported by the
Executives and the Governance Lead. The Executives and Governance Leads shall not
have voting rights but will serve as invitees.

10. Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Board members

10.1 At the first meeting of every newly constituted Board, the members shall elect a Chairperson
and one or maximum two Vice-Chairpersons from amongst themselves.

10.2 The Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons shall hold office during the term of office together
with all other members of the Board unless the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson resigns
sooner or ceases to be a member of the Board.

10.3 A Vice-Chairperson shall, if the Chairperson is absent or for any reason unable to act as
Chairperson, including if conflicted, perform all the functions and exercise all the powers of
the Chairperson.

10.4 If both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons are absent from a scheduled meeting, the
members present shall elect one of the members to preside at that meeting, and the person
presiding may inherit the powers of the Chairperson during that meeting until the
Chairperson or the Vice-Chairpersons resume duty, they will continue to perform all the
functions and exercise all the powers of the Chairperson.

10.5 If both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairpersons have been given leave of absence, the
members of the Board shall elect one of their number to act as Chairperson until the
Chairperson or Vice-Chairpersons resume duty or vacate office.

10.6 If the office of Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson becomes vacant, the members of the Board
shall, at the first meeting after such vacancy occurs, or as soon thereafter as may be
convenient, elect from amongst themselves a new Chairperson or Vice-Chairpersons, as
the case may be; and the member so elected shall hold office for the un-expired portion of
the period for which his/her predecessor had been elected.

10.7 A Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson may vacate office, in and of itself, terminating his/her
membership of the Board or remain as an ordinary member of the Board. The Chairperson
or Vice Chairperson whichever the case might be at that time and where possible must
provide at least three months’ notice of their departure to ensure a smooth succession
process for their replacement.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

10.8 The Chairperson’s responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
10.8.1 Providing leadership to the SABPP Board.
10.8.2 Presiding over meetings of the Board and taking responsibility for ensuring the
integrity and effectiveness of the Board governance processes.
10.8.3 Setting the agenda to ensure productive use of board members time and focus on
key critical risk areas.
10.8.4 Setting the tone for its performance and undertaking the management of the Board.
10.8.5 Playing an active role in engaging Board members and building upon their strengths
and addressing/developing any weaknesses in discharging their duties.
10.8.6 Ensuring that focus is maintained by the Board on what is best for the SABPP and
that the tone for organisational success is set.
10.8.7 Being accountable to the Board and ultimately the SABPP stakeholders.
10.8.8 Working with fellow members of the Board in setting the direction and priorities for
the execution of duties by the Board.
10.8.9 Representing the Board to the stakeholders, acting as the communication channel
for the Board’s decisions where appropriate.
10.8.10 Ensuring that Board decisions are executed.
10.8.11 Overseeing a formal succession plan for the CEO.
10.8.12 Taking the lead in ensuring the performance evaluations of the Board, its members,
Chairperson and committees and in addressing non-performance by Board
members and if necessary, ensuring that formal processes are followed in the
removal of unsuitable Board members from the Board.
10.8.13 Assessing whether the SABPP is getting the full value from its Executives.
10.8.14 Ensuring that those present constitute a quorum at meetings before decisions are
10.8.15 Ensuring that decisions by the Board are properly recorded in the minutes.

11. Vacating office and filling of Board vacancies

11.1 A member of the Board shall vacate his/her office if:

11.1.1 removed in terms of a resolution by the Board, after being absent at three [3]
consecutive Board meetings without an excuse considered reasonable in the Board's
sole discretion; or
11.1.2 he/she is, or becomes, disqualified from professional registration in terms of this
Charter; or
11.1.3 being an elected member, he/she tenders his/her resignation in writing to the
CEO/Chairperson of the Board; or

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

11.1.4 being a nominated member, he/she ceases to hold the qualification necessary for
his/her nomination, or tenders his/her resignation in writing to the CEO/Chairperson
of the Board; or
11.1.5 the Board may, through a two-third majority resolution adopted at a duly convened
and quorate Board meeting remove a board member from office, provided that prior
to the adoption of any such resolution, the Board member facing possible removal
shall be afforded an opportunity to address the Board in such manner as the Board
deems appropriate; either, verbally or in writing, with reference to the reasons for the
proposed removal.

11.2 Every vacancy on the Board arising from circumstances referred to in paragraph 11 .1 and
every vacancy caused by the death of a member, shall be filled by election, as detailed in
11.3 below, or nomination; and every member so elected or nominated shall hold office for
the un-expired portion of the period for which the vacating member was elected or
nominated as per the guidelines provided in Appendix C.

11.3 The detailed results of every Board Election shall be kept by the CEO and in the event of
a vacancy relating to an elected member he/she will be replaced by the person who
received the next highest number of votes in the previous election; unless there were no
un-elected candidates at the last election, in which event a further election shall be held to
fill the vacancy.

12. Board Induction and ongoing development

12.1 A formal induction program shall take place for new Board members, containing relevant
information about the SABPP, its objectives, governance structures, board charter, code
of conduct, strategy and any other relevant information.

12.2 A formal board performance evaluation should be conducted every two years which will
inform the continuing professional development programme under 12.3.

12.3 A continuing professional development programme shall be implemented, which ensures

that Board members receive regular briefings on changes in risks, laws and the business
environment; and

12.4 Where possible and feasible, the continuing professional development should be
outsourced to an external service provider to ensure objectivity and adherence to high
competency standards i.e. The Institute of Directors South Africa (IoDSA) and/ or other
relevant service providers.

13. Meetings of the Board

13.1 Frequency

13.1.1 The Board shall hold at least four (4) meetings in each year as determined by the
Board, and may, in addition, hold additional meetings as the Board may determine
from time to time to discharge all its duties.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

13.1.2 All board members are required to attend all board and committee meetings and
functions, such as special events, and strive to be informed about the organisation’s
mission, services, policies, and programs. In addition, it is expected that all board
members will review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee
meetings and avail themselves to serve on committees or task forces and offer to
take on special assignments where appropriate.

13.1.3 The Chairperson may, at any time, convene a special meeting of the Board, to be
held on such date, and at such place as he/she may determine, and he/she shall,
upon a written request signed by at least 10 SABPP members, convene a special
meeting to be held within 30 days after the date of the request, provided that such
written request shall state clearly the purpose for which the meeting is to be

13.2 Meetings via Technology

13.2.1 It is recognised that meetings may be convened electronically/ virtually/ includes

meetings of committees set up by the Board.

13.2.2 The Board and its committees may hold meetings at one or more venues using any
technology that provides all Board members/ members of the relevant committee, a
reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting.

13.2.3 Where a meeting is arranged to be held in the form of teleconference or online, the
Chairperson should notify members accordingly.

13.3 Quorum

13.3.1 Half the members of the Board plus one shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of
the Board.
13.3.2 A decision of the majority of the members of the Board present at any meeting shall
constitute a decision of the Board: provided that, in the event of an equality of votes,
the member presiding shall have a casting vote, in addition to a deliberative vote.

13.3.3 No decision taken by the Board, or act performed on the authority of the Board, shall
be invalid by reason only of an interim vacancy on the Board, or of the fact that a
person who was not entitled to sit as a member of the Board served as a member at
the time when the decision was taken or the act was authorised, provided that the
decision was taken or the act was authorised by the requisite majority of the
members of the Board who were present at the time and entitled to sit as members.

13.4 Declaration of Conflicts of interests

13.4.1 At the commencement of each meeting, all the Board members should declare
whether they have any conflict of interests in respect of a matter/s on the agenda.

13.4.2 The Governance Lead shall maintain a declaration of interests’ register to be

completed by each board member and updated regularly.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

13.5 Agenda and minutes

13.5.1 The Board shall establish an annual workplan for each year to ensure that all relevant
matters are covered by the agendas of the meetings planned for the year.

13.5.2 The annual plan must ensure proper coverage of the matters laid out in this Charter.
More critical matters will need to be attended to each year while other matters may
need to be dealt with on a rotation basis over a 3 (three) year period. The number,
timing and length of meetings and the agendas are to be determined in accordance
with the annual plan.

13.5.3 A schedule of annual meetings shall be provided at the end of the previous year and
notice of the scheduled meetings shall be provided at least 30 days prior to the next

13.5.4 A detailed agenda and supporting documentation must be circulated, at least seven
working days prior to each scheduled board meeting, to the members of the board
and other invitees.

13.5.5 Minutes of all meetings of the Board and committees of the Board must be completed
within seven days after the meeting and circulated to the Chairperson of the
Board/committees and then the Board /committees for review thereof.

13.5.6 The minutes must be formally approved by the Board/committees at the next
scheduled meeting and must be safely kept in any acceptable format and always be
on hand for board members to consult.

14. Roles and responsibilities of the Board

The roles and responsibilities of the Board are:

14.1 Leadership, ethics and corporate citizenship

14.1.1 Lead ethically and effectively by cultivating the characteristics of integrity,

competence, fairness, transparency, accountability, and responsibility and exhibiting
them in their conduct.
14.1.2 Govern the ethics of the organisation in a way that supports the establishment of an
ethical culture by: Setting the direction on how the Board should be approached. Approving codes of conduct and ethics policies and oversee
management’s implementation thereof; and Exercising ongoing oversight of the management of ethics.

14.1.3 Ensure that the organisation is and is seen to be a responsible corporate citizen, by
setting the direction for corporate citizenship, and regularly review global ethical
14.1.4 Ensure that the organisation has the full means by which it can achieve its desired
outcomes, and ensure that these basic responsibilities are entrenched:

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO) Determine mission and purpose.

It is the board’s responsibility to create and review a statement of
mission and purpose that articulates the organisation’s goals, means,
and primary constituents (members) served. Select the chief executive.

The Board should ideally reach consensus on the chief executive’s
responsibilities and undertake a careful search to find the most
qualified individual for the position. Support and evaluate the chief executive.

The board should ensure that the chief executive has the moral and
professional support he or she needs to further the goals of the
organization and conduct regular performance reviews with the CEO. Ensure effective planning.

The Board must actively participate in an overall planning process
and assist in implementing and monitoring the plan’s goals. Monitor and strengthen programs and services.

The board’s responsibility is to determine which programs are
consistent with the organisation’s mission and monitor their
effectiveness. Ensure adequate financial resources.

One of the board’s foremost responsibilities is to secure adequate
resources for the organisation to fulfil its mission. Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight.

The board must assist in developing the annual budget and ensuring
that proper financial controls are in place. Build a competent board.

All boards have a responsibility to articulate prerequisites for
candidates, orient new members, and periodically and
comprehensively evaluate their own performance. Ensure legal and ethical integrity.

The board is ultimately responsible for adherence to legal standards
and ethical norms. Enhance the organisation’s public standing.

The board should clearly articulate the organisation’s mission,
accomplishments, and goals to the public and garner support from
the community through advocacy.
The organisation must ensure that all board members are aware of
what are the legal responsibilities of non-profit board members?
Under well-established principles of non-profit law, a board member
must meet certain standards of conduct and attention in carrying out
his or her responsibilities to the organisation. These standards are

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

usually described as the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty
of obedience. Duty of Care

The duty of care describes the level of competence that is expected
of a board member and is commonly expressed as the duty of “care
that an ordinarily prudent person would exercise in a like position and
under similar circumstances.” This means that a board member owes
the duty to exercise reasonable care when he or she makes a
decision as a steward of the organisation. Duty of Loyalty

The duty of loyalty is a standard of faithfulness; a board member must
give undivided allegiance when making decisions affecting the
organisation. This means that a board member can never use
information obtained as a member for personal gain but must act in
the best interests of the organisation. Duty of Obedience

The duty of obedience requires board members to be faithful to the
organisation’s mission. They are not permitted to act in a way that is
inconsistent with the central goals of the organisation. A basis for this
rule lies in the public’s trust that the organisation will manage member
fees and donated funds to fulfil the organisation’s mission. This duty
also requires board members to obey the law and the organisation’s
internal rules and regulations.

14.2 Strategy, Performance and Reporting

14.2.1 Ensure that the organisation’s core purpose, its risks and opportunities, strategy,
business model, performance and sustainable development are inseparable
elements of the value creation process, by: Steering and setting direction for strategy. Providing accountability and responsibility of Board members for

designated portfolios and the performance thereof in accordance
with the agreed terms of reference. Considering, challenging and approving management’s formulation

of short, medium and long-term strategy. Approving policies and operational plans developed by management

to give effect to the approved strategy. Exercising ongoing oversight of strategy implementation and

assessment; and

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO) Ensuring the submission of quarterly reports by each of the national

committees to the SABPP for inclusion in the board pack. These
reports will provide supplementary reading to the Board on national
projects and or activities taking place within the HR profession.

14.2.2 The reports issued by the SABPP office and its national committees enable its
stakeholders to make informed assessments of the organisation’s performance,
as well as its short, medium and long-term prospects, by: Setting the direction of how its reporting should be approached. Approving management’s determination of the reporting frameworks

to be used. Overseeing that reports comply with legal requirements and meet the
needs of stakeholders; and ensuring the integrity of external reports,
including the integrated report and annual financial statements.

14.3 Executive Committee

14.3.1 The Board shall establish an Executive Committee consisting of the

Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, CEO and any other invited individual
when necessary subject to affordability of the SABPP.

14.3.2 The Executive Committee may, subject to the directions of the Board,
exercise all the powers and perform all the functions of the Board during
periods between meetings; but shall not have the power, save in as far
as the Board otherwise directs, to set aside or amend any decision of
the Board; and any act performed, or decision taken, by the Executive
Committee shall be of force and effect unless it is set aside or amended
by the Board at its next meeting;

14.3.3 The Executive Committee will keep minutes and clear procedures of
the board / committees. Minutes of the meetings must be kept safely
and always be on hand for board and committee members to consult.

14.4 Governance structures and delegation

14.4.1 Board Committees The Board shall delegate functions to appropriately structured

committees, which shall consist of as many persons as the Board
may appoint at its discretion through the CEO, to exercise such
of the Board’s powers and perform such of the Board’s functions
as the Board, from time to time assigns to them.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO) Delegation to these committees does not absolve the Board of its
liability and accountabilities as indicated in this Charter, and
involves the following: Formal terms of reference are established and

approved for each committee (whether national or
provincial) of the Board that deal with its composition,
role, purpose, functions, delegated authorities, tenure,
meeting requirements and procedures and reporting
mechanisms to the governing body. The terms of reference of the committees are reviewed

annually or when a need arise, and any amendments
thereto shall be approved by the Board. The board committees are appropriately constituted

with due regard to the skills and knowledge required by
each committee to ensure their effectiveness. Each Board committee shall select a chairperson and

a vice-chairperson; and A formal report back, preferably in writing, is provided

by the Chairperson of each committee to all Board
meetings following the committee meeting to keep the
Board informed of the committee’s activities and to
enable the Board to monitor the committee’s
effectiveness. The Committee Chairperson should give
a verbal report back at the Board meetings in the form
of the Committee’s recommendations to the Board.

14.4.2 Appointment of the CEO and Executives The Board shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer who shall then
appoint other persons as necessary in consultation with the Board, for
carrying out its functions in terms of the Charter; and has the powers
to dismiss the CEO, or any such other persons. The Board shall enter into a performance agreement with the CEO
which will clarify the Board’s expectations in respect of the CEO’s role
and deliverables for each operating year. The Board takes on collective responsibility for the organisation’s

financial governance management. The Board shall delegate financial
management to Management. Meeting structures will provide the necessary platform for addressing
key areas and or decisions.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO) The office of the Governance Lead shall ensure that all secretarial
duties are performed for the Board and its committees to ensure that
they function effectively. No registered persons, staff of SABPP nor members of the Board

have rights over any effects or possessions of the organisation.

14.4.3 Delegation The Board shall: Ensure that its arrangements for delegation within its own
structures promote independent judgement and assist with balance
of power and the effective discharge of its duties and in line with
agreed delegation of authority and approval frameworks. Ensure that the evaluation of its performance and that of its
committees, its Chairperson and its individual members support
continued improvement in its performance and effectiveness. Ensure that the appointment of, and delegation to, management
contribute to role clarity and the effective exercise of authority and
responsibilities. Set the parameters for the powers which it reserves for itself, and
those that are to be delegated to management; and Ensure that there is access to professional and independent

guidance on corporate governance and its legal duties, and that it
has support to coordinate the functioning of the Board and

14.4.4 Technology and information The Board shall exercise oversight of technology and information in a

way that supports the organisation in setting and achieving its strategic
objectives by: Setting the direction of how the Board should be

approached and addressed in the organisation. Approving policy that articulates and gives effect to the

set direction. Delegating to management the responsibility to

implement and execute and provide ongoing oversight;
and Considering the need for periodic independent


SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

14.4.5 Compliance The Board shall govern compliance with applicable laws, rules, codes
and standards in a way that supports the organisation being ethical and
a good corporate citizen, by: Setting the direction of how it shall be approached and

addressed in the organisation. Including the implementation of the relevant and

approved HR Standards set by the Board for the HR
profession within the organisational context and
activities of the day to day business of the SABPP. Approving policy that articulates and gives effect to the

set direction. Delegating to management the responsibility to

implement and execute and provide ongoing oversight;
and Considering the need for periodic independent


14.4.6 Remuneration The Board shall ensure that the organisation remunerates fairly,
responsibly, and transparently to promote the achievement of
strategic objectives and positive outcomes in the short, medium
and long-term by: Setting the direction of how remuneration should be

approached and addressed in the organisation. Approving policies that articulate and give effect to its

direction on fair, responsible and transparent
remuneration; and Ensuring that remuneration is disclosed by means of a

remuneration report.

14.4.7 Assurance and control The Board shall ensure that assurance services and functions
enable an effective control environment, and that these support the
integrity of information for internal decision-making and of the
organisation’s external reports by: Setting the direction concerning the arrangements for

assurance services and functions.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO) Satisfying itself that an effective and robust combined

assurance model is applied, which is designed and
implemented to cover the organisation’s significant
risks and material matters; and Ensure that a robust risk framework is in place and

reviewed annually by the Management Committee.

14.5 Finances of the SABPP

14.5.1 The Board shall have the power to raise funds in order to finance the
activities necessary for it to realise the objectives, and carry out the
functions, detailed in the Charter. This may include financing
operations through registered financial institutions.

14.5.2 All moneys so raised shall be paid to the SABPP, and shall constitute
its funds, and the SABPP shall utilise its funds for defraying expenses
incurred in connection with the performance of its functions. Such
funds will be fully audited and reported on.

14.5.3 The SABPP shall invest any unexpended portion of its money and may
establish such reserve funds and pay therein such amounts as it may
deem necessary or expedient.

14.5.4 The financial year of the SABPP ends on 31 December annually

14.6 Stakeholders

14.6.1 The Board shall adopt a stakeholder inclusive approach that balances the needs,
interests and expectations of material stakeholders in the best interests of the
organisation over time, by: Setting the direction of how it should be approached and addressed in

the organisation. Approving policy that articulates and gives effect to the set direction. Delegating to management the responsibility to implement and

execute and provide ongoing oversight; and Overseeing that the organisation encourages proactive engagement

with all stakeholders.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

14.7 Rectification of defects

If anything that is required to be done in terms of this Charter, in connection with the election
or nomination of any board member, is omitted or not done within the time or in the manner
required by this Charter, the Board may order such steps to be taken as may be necessary
to rectify the omission or error.

15 Review of the Board Charter

15.1.1 The Charter shall be reviewed by the Board at least once during the three-year term of the
Board to ensure that it remains relevant to the SABPP’s business and other objectives as
and when necessary to do so. However, changes to this Charter may be brought about by: A resolution that must be agreed upon and passed by not less than two thirds of the
registered professionals who are at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Special
General Meeting (SGM). Registered professionals must vote at this meeting to
amend the Charter. Thirty registered professionals in good standing shall be present at a meeting ("the
quorum") before a decision to amend the Charter is taken. Any AGM may vote upon
such a motion, if the details of the changes are set out in the notice referred to in the
following paragraph. A written notice must be given not less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting
at which the changes to the Charter will be proposed. The notice must indicate the
proposed changes to the Charter that will be discussed at the meeting. The Charter will then be signed by the relevant authorised office bearers.

16. Approval of Charter

This Charter was approved by the SABPP members on …18th ………… of June…. 2020 and
implemented with immediate effect.

Board Chairperson Board Vice - Chairperson Board Vice Chairperson

Dr Marius Meyer Dr James Ramakau Dr Rica Viljoen

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

Annexed to this Board Charter are the following documents in support of the mission of the

A. Disciplinary Powers of the SABPP

B. Education Training and Registration
C. General Supplementary Provisions.
D. Recruitment and on-boarding process requirements for new or transferring committee
members; and
E. Glossary of definitions

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

Appendix A

Disciplinary Powers of the SABPP

1. Inquiry by SABPP into charges of misconduct

1.1 The SABPP shall have the power to institute an inquiry into any complaint, charge, or
allegation of improper or disgraceful conduct against any person registered under this
Charter; and on finding such person guilty of such conduct, to impose any of the penalties
prescribed in this appendix under 2.1, provided that, in the case of a complaint, charge, or
allegation which forms or is likely to form the subject of a case in a court of law, the SABPP
will proceed with the inquiry and reach a conclusion.

1.2 The SABPP may, whenever it is in doubt as to whether an inquiry should be held in connection
with the complaint, charge, or allegation in question, consult with or seek information from
any person, including the person against whom the complaint, charge, or allegation has been

1.3 If the SABPP exercises the powers conferred upon it by this section, it may appoint any
person as pro forma complainant to present the case to the SABPP, provided that the CEO
for the time being, or any member of the Board, shall not be so appointed.

1.4 The SABPP may, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1.3, appoint a person to institute
proceedings, or to continue proceedings, if the person appointed in terms of 1.3 is, for any
reason, unable to do so.

2. Matters for and Procedures at an inquiry by the SABPP

2.1 Every person registered under this Charter, who, after an inquiry held by the SABPP, is
found guilty of improper or disgraceful conduct, or conduct which, with due regard to such
person's profession, is improper or disgraceful, shall be subjected to any one or a
combination of the following penalties:

2.1.1 A caution, or a reprimand, or a reprimand and caution; or

2.1.2 Suspension of his/her name from the register for a specified period; or
2.1.3 Removal of his/her name from the register.

SABPP: Non-Profit Organisation (117-218 NPO)

2.2 Every person whose conduct is the subject of an inquiry in terms of this section shall be
afforded an opportunity of answering the charge himself/herself, or through his/her
representative, and of giving evidence in his/her defence.

2.3 No legal practitioners may represent the person at the inquiry unless by special consent of
the Board, in its sole discretion and in exceptional circumstances

2.4 Any penalty imposed by the SABPP as referenced in 2.1 shall be documented and signed
by the Chairperson of the Board and shall be made known to the prescribed bodies and

2.5 For the purpose of any inquiry held in terms of this section , the Board may take evidence
and may under the hand of the Chairperson or CEO, request witnesses to attend and
request the production of any book, record, document, or thing; and examine any book,
record, document, or thing which any witness has agreed to produce.

2.6 A request to appear before the Board as a witness, or to produce any book, record,
document, or thing shall be signed by the Chairperson or the CEO and shall be sent by
appropriate means.

2.7 The Chairperson of the Board, where the Board itself holds an inquiry in terms of this
section, or the Chairperson of a Committee of the Board, where such committee holds an
inquiry in terms of the powers delegated to it by the Board, may appoint a person with
adequate experience in the administration of justice to be present as an Assessor at such
an inquiry, and to advise the Board, or such Committee, as the case may be on matters of
law, procedure, or evidence.

2.8 Any person aggrieved by a finding of, or penalty imposed by the SABPP in terms of this
section may, within, a period of 45 days after the date of such finding, or the imposition of
such penalty, appeal to the SABPP against such finding or penalty. The provisions of
Appendix B paragraph 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to such an appeal, provided that no
finding of, or penalty imposed by the SABPP shall be set aside by reason only of an
irregularity which did not embarrass or prejudice the appellant in answering the charge or
in the conduct of his/her defence.

2.9 The SABPP may, if it deems fit, and subject to such conditions, if any, as it may determine:

2.8.1 terminate any suspension in terms of subsection (1) before the expiry of the
specified period; or
2.8.2 on payment of the prescribed fee, restore to the register any name which has been
removed therefrom.

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3. Postponement of imposition of penalty and suspension of operational of penalty

3.1 Where the SABPP finds a person guilty of the improper or disgraceful conduct referred to
in this section, it may:
3.1.1 postpone, for such period and on such conditions as may be determined by it, the
imposition of the penalty; or

3.1.2 impose any penalty mentioned in paragraph 2.1 of this section but order the
execution of such penalty to be suspended for such period and on such conditions
as may be determined by it.

3.2 If, at the end of the period for which the imposition of a penalty has been postponed in terms
of 3.1.1 , the Board is satisfied that the person concerned has observed all the relevant
conditions throughout the period of postponement, the Board shall inform the person
concerned that no penalty will be imposed upon him/her.

3.3 If the execution of a penalty has been suspended in terms of 3.1.2, and the SABPP is
satisfied that the person concerned has observed all relevant conditions throughout the
period of suspension, the SABPP shall inform such person that such penalty will not be

3.4 If the execution of a penalty has been postponed or suspended in terms of 3.1.1 or 3.1.2,
and the person concerned fails to observe any of the conditions of postponement or
suspension, the SABPP shall put such penalty into operation, unless such person satisfies
the SABPP that non-observance of the conditions concerned was due to circumstances
beyond his/her control.

4. Cognisance by the SABPP of conduct of Registered Persons under certain


4.1 Any registered person who, either before or after registration, has been convicted of
any offence by a court of law may be dealt with by the SABPP in terms of the provisions
of this chapter, if the SABPP is of the opinion that such offence constitutes improper or
disgraceful conduct, or conduct which, with due regard to such person's profession, is
improper or disgraceful; and shall be liable, on proof of the conviction, to one or other
of the penalties referred to in paragraph 2.1, provided that, before imposition of any
penalty, such person shall be afforded an opportunity of tendering an explanation to
the SABPP in extenuation of the conduct in question.

5. Disciplinary action in respect of an SABPP Board member

5.1 In the event that an SABPP Board member allegedly misconducts themselves whilst
serving as a member of the SABPP Board, the Board will be entitled to take disciplinary
action against the board member under the same process as required for a registered
member of the SABPP.

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5.2 In the same manner, should an SABPP Board member be subject to poor work
performance allegations in board matters as a result of ill-health or incapacity, the board
will be entitled to investigate the matter prior to taking disciplinary action against the
board member under the same process as required for a registered member of the

5.3 In the event that the Board is required to commence proceedings under this section to
remove a Board member from the SABPP, an Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism
will be followed as appropriate.

6. Indemnity

6.1 The SABPP indemnifies any individual member of the Board or officer of the Board
from liability for any action, proceeding or claim made by any person in respect of any
act done in good faith, or any bona fide duty performed in accordance with this Charter
and within the confines of the relevant legislation provided that the SABPP shall not be
liable to indemnify, hold harmless or protect any Board member or officer of the Board
from or against any liability to which he or she would otherwise be subject by reason of
wilful misconduct, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties
involved in the conduct of his or her office.

6.2 The SABPP shall exist as a juristic person with its own rights, separately from its
professionals and shall be able to own property and other possessions and be able to
sue and be sued in its own name.

6.3 No member or official may have any rights to the property or possessions of the

7. Rules relating to offences under this appendix

7.1 The SABPP may, from time to time, make rules specifying the acts or omissions in
respect of which it may take disciplinary steps in terms of this Charter, provided that
the powers of the SABPP to inquire into and deal with any complaint, charge or
allegation under this Charter shall not be limited to the acts of omissions so specified.

7.2 No rule made in terms of subsection (1), or any amendment or repeal thereof, shall be
of force and effect until published to registered persons.

8. Penalty for misrepresentation

8.1 Any registered person who:

8.1.1 procures, or attempts to procure, any certificate, order, or prescription referred to in this
Charter by means of a false representation, whether verbally or in writing, or aids or
abets any person in so doing;

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8.1.2 makes or causes to be made any unauthorised entry, or alteration in, or removal from,
a register or certified copy thereof, or extract therefrom, or on any certificate issued
under this Charter;

8.1.3 makes or causes to be made a false declaration on any identification envelope or

document issued in connection with an election;

8.1.4 forges or, knowing it to be forged, utters any document purporting to be a certificate
issued in terms of this Charter,

shall be liable, on proof of the misrepresentation, to one or other of the penalties referred to in
paragraph 2.1

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Appendix B

Education Training and Registration

1. Recognition of Education and/or Training

1.1 Any institution, body, or organisation offering or providing education and/or training having as
its object to enable a person to qualify for professional registration in terms of this Charter, may
apply to the SABPP in writing for recognition of such education and/or training.

1.2 The SABPP may grant or refuse any application made in terms of subsection (1).

2. Keeping of Registers

2.1 The CEO shall keep separate registers in respect of all levels of professionals and candidates,
and shall on the instructions of the Board, enter in the appropriate register the name, address,
qualifications, categories of specialist disciplines, date of initial registration, and such other
particulars as the Board may determine, of every person whose application for registration has
been granted, in terms of this Charter;

2.2 The CEO shall keep the registers correctly, and in accordance with the provisions of this
Charter, and shall remove therefrom the names of registered persons who have died, or whose
registration has been terminated, and shall, from time to time, make the necessary alterations
to the addresses of registered persons;

2.3 Every registered person who changes his/her address shall notify the CEO within 30 days after
such change.

2.4 No qualification shall be entered in a register unless the CEO is satisfied that the person
claiming to possess such qualification is entitled thereto. If the Board is not satisfied, and should
any entry prove to have been made in error, or through misrepresentation, or in circumstances
not authorised by this Charter, such person may be removed from the register, and a record of
the reason for every such removal shall be made in the register; and the person in respect of
whose entry such removal has been made shall be notified thereof in writing, and any certificate
issued in respect of the registration in question shall be deemed to be cancelled as from the
date on which notice was given and acknowledged;

2.5 The professional designations registered will be uploaded on the National Learners Records
Database (NLRD) at SAQA when required.

3. Issue of Registration Certificates

The CEO shall issue a certificate of registration to those persons whose registration in terms of the
Charter has been approved.

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4. Removal of name from, and restoration to, register

4.1 The Board may direct the CEO to remove from a register the name of any person:

4.1.1 who has requested that his/her name be removed from the register.

4.1.2 who has failed to pay the SABPP, within the given months from the date on which
it became due for payment, any fee prescribed by the SABPP; or

4.1.3 who has been found guilty of improper or disgraceful conduct, after an inquiry in
terms of this section, and upon whom the penalty described in 2.1 of this section
has been imposed.

4.2 Notice of the removal, in terms of subsection (1), of his/her name from a register, or of the
removal, in terms of section 2.4 of an entry from a register, shall be given by the CEO to
the person concerned by way of a registered letter addressed to such person at the address
appearing in respect of him/her in the register.

4.3 Any certificate that has been issued by the SABPP to a person whose name has been
removed shall be returned to the SABPP by such person.

4.4 The name of a person whose name has been removed from a register in terms of
subsection (1), or any entry removed from a register in terms of section 2.4, may be
restored to the register by the CEO, upon the person concerned:

4.4.1 applying on the prescribed form for such restoration.

4.4.2 paying the fee prescribed for such restoration (if any); and

4.4.3 complying with such other requirements as the SABPP may determine.

4.5 Should an SABPP professional certificate be revoked for whatever reason, the CEO will
request SAQA to remove the relevant individual from the National Learners Records
Database (NLRD).

5. Right of Appeal

5.1 Any person aggrieved by the SABPP decision:

5.1.1 To refuse to register him/her or to enter in the appropriate register any qualification,
additional qualification, specialty, or particulars which he/she desires and maintains to be
entitled to have so entered in terms of the provisions of this Charter; or

5.1.2 to remove from a register his/her name, or any qualification, additional qualification
specialty, or particulars which he/she maintains to be entitled to have entered in the register
in terms of the provisions of this Charter; may, within two months after the date of such
decision, appeal to the SABPP against such decision.

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5.2 The SABPP may dismiss such appeal, or if it is of the opinion that the SABPP has not acted
in accordance with the provisions of this Charter, may reverse or modify the decision or
order such other action as it may deem appropriate.

6. Custody of Registers

The registers shall be kept at the office of the SABPP. The CEO shall ensure that all
alterations, additions, revisions, and deletions necessary to maintain the registers are
affected and fully up to date.

7. Registers as Proof

7.1 The registers shall be prima facie proof of the facts therein recorded, and the absence of the
name of any person from the registers shall be proof, until the contrary is proved, that such
person is not registered according to the provisions of this Charter.

7.2 A certified copy under the hand of the CEO of the entry of the name of a person in a register
shall be proof that such person is registered under the provisions of this Charter.

7.3 A certificate under the hand of the CEO that the name of a person has been removed from
a register shall be proof that such person is not registered according to the provisions of this

8. Issue of Duplicate Registration Certificate

8.1 If the CEO is satisfied:

8.1.1 on proof submitted by the registered person concerned, that a registration

certificate has been destroyed; or

8.2 The CEO shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue to any registered person a
certificate of status containing particulars relating to such person's registration.

9. Extract from Register

The CEO may issue a certified extract from a register, or a certificate under his/her hand, to
any person upon payment of the prescribed fee.

10. Qualifications and experience prescribed for registration

The SABPP shall, from time to time, prescribe the qualifications and experience or other
criteria required for registration in terms of this Charter.

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Appendix C

General Provisions

1. Regulations

1.1The SABPP Board may make regulations relating to:

(a) the conduct of the business and the procedures at meetings of the Board, and
Committees of the Board, and the manner in which minutes of meetings shall be

(b) the manner in which contracts shall be entered into on behalf of the SABPP, the
accounts of the SABPP shall be kept, and money accruing to the SABPP shall
be disposed of.

(c) the allowances which may be paid to members of the Board, or the members of
Committees of the Board.

(d) the duties and conditions of service of the CEO, and other officers appointed by
the Board.

(e) any fees payable in terms of this Charter.

(f) the form of the registers to be kept in terms of the provisions of this Charter, and
of all certificates that may be issued in terms of this Charter, and the manner in
which alterations may be affected in such registers.

(g) the forms to be completed, and the documents to be submitted, by applicants for
registration or for restoration to the registers.

(h) the nature and duration of the training to be undergone by any person before
he/she may be registered.

(i) the circumstances under which any person referred to in paragraph (h) shall be
entitled to exemption from such training.

(j) the registration of Candidates, including:

i) the recording of particulars of their training, and proof of the
performance thereof.
ii) the persons, or organisations, with whom such training may be

iii) any other matters incidental to the registration or training of


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(k) the requirements for the valid nomination of a candidate for election as a
member of the Board.

(l) the conduct of inquiry held in terms of the provisions contained in Appendix
C including:
(i) the manner in which complaints or charges brought against a
registered person shall be lodged.
(ii) the method of requesting an accused person to attend, and the
penalties for failure or refusal on the part of any registered person to
attend as requested, or for obstructing or interrupting the
(iii) any other matters relating to the conduct of such an inquiry.

(m) Any matter which in terms of any provision of this Charter is required to be,
or may be, prescribed by regulation.

(n) Generally, all matters which it considers necessary or expedient to prescribe

in order that the purposes of this Charter may be achieved.

1.2 The Board may, if it deems it to be in the professional interest:

1.2.1 make regulations relating to any of the matters referred to in subsection 1 or amend or
repeal any regulation made in terms of that subsection.

1.2.2 amend or repeal any rule made in terms of the provisions of this Charter.

1.2.3 amend or repeal any part of this Charter by a majority of at least two-thirds of the elected
members of the Board present at an annual general meeting or special meeting. In
matters of sufficient importance, the Board may decide to call online vote from
registered professionals to decide on an amendment of the Charter.

1.3 Any regulation made under this section may prescribe penalties for any contravention
thereof or failure to comply therewith by a registered person.

1.4 Any notice issued, or regulation or rule made under this Charter may, from time to time, be
amended or repealed by the authority which issued or made it.

2. Levying of Fees

2.1 The Board shall prescribe a fee to be paid annually to the SABPP by registered persons,
provided that, in prescribing such a fee, the Board may differentiate between persons
according to whether they were registered before or after a date specified in the notice.
2.2 The Board may, by resolution, exempt, for an indefinite or definite period, any registered
persons specified in the resolution from payment of any fee prescribed in terms of subsection

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2.3 The Board may, by resolution, determine that a fee submitted in connection with an
unsuccessful application for registration may be retained by the SABPP in order to defray
the administrative costs of processing such application.

3. Dissolution

3.1 The SABPP may be dissolved after agreement by registered postal vote of no less than one-
fourth of all registered professionals. The assets remaining after the payment of the debts
and liabilities of the SABPP and the cost of liquidation shall be transferred to a non-profit
body(ies) with objects similar to those of the SABPP which are exempt from income tax in
terms of section 10(1 )(c)(i)(ii) of the income Tax Act.

3.2 The SABPP will continue to exist when membership of the Board changes and there are
different office bearers.

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Appendix D

Recruitment and On-boarding Process Requirements for new or transferring

Board and committee members

1. The following processes will be followed when a new or transferring Board or

committee member is required to join the SABPP, National or Provincial

1.1 Seek approval from the committee for the new member and plan for the recruitment

1.2 Advertise the new or available / vacant position through the relevant SABPP
approved sourcing channel and advertising format for a minimum period of 7 days
Interested persons should apply on a prescribed application form together with a
detailed curriculum vitae and list of two current professional references.

1.3 The SABPP office / appointed committee panel prepares a shortlist of suitable
candidates for interviews.

1.4 Interviews are scheduled and conducted utilizing the recommended tools and
resources at the SABPP’s disposal by way of a duly appointed interview panel.
Note: Committee to conduct relevant reference checks provided for in the
prescribed application forms.

1.5 The interview panel, thereafter, submits the nominated candidate for due
consideration by the committee.

1.6 The committee applies their minds to the nominated candidate list and makes a
final decision for appointment to the committee.

1.7 The Committee Chairperson / Office secretariat corresponds with the approved
committee member via official correspondence, confirming the appointment,
relevant or prescribed code of conduct and terms of reference for the committee.

1.8 Notification of next scheduled committee meeting and prescribed committee

meeting documents are to be distributed by the Office secretariat to the committee
member; and

1.9 The Committee member is inducted either before or during the committee meeting
dependent on the required onboarding process requirements, which are not limited
to the following induction pack documents:

1.9.1 Requirements for attendance at the committee meeting.

1.9.2 Overview of the annual committee objectives and calendar for the year; and

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1.9.3 Review of the specific and or inherent technical requirements of the

committee i.e. Subject matter expertise and governance / technical
requirements relevant to the committee.

2. The Chairperson of the committee conducts a follow-up review discussion /

meeting with the member following their second attendance of a meeting to
determine if there are any additional requirements for onboarding to accommodate
the member’s entry into the committee.

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Appendix E
Glossary of terms and definitions


For the purposes of this Charter, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following
definitions are set out for the terms indicated:

i) "Applicant" means a person who is applying for a category of professional

registration under this Charter.
ii) "accreditation or accreditation of constituent provider" means the
certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or
an institution as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function in the
quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications
Authority in terms of the Act;
iii) "Assessor" means a person who is registered by the relevant quality
assurance body in accordance with criteria established for this purpose to
measure the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework
standards or qualifications, and "constituent assessor" has a corresponding
iv) "Board" means the board of the SA Board for People Practices or SABPP
v) "Candidate" means a person in training, registered as such under this
Charter, who is undergoing the period of practical experience necessary
for registration as an HR Professional or HR Associate.
vi) "Chief Executive Officer" means the CEO of the SABPP
vii) "Chairperson" means Chair of the Board.
viii) "conditional/provisional accreditation" means the registration of a provider
under specified conditions and usually for a particular period of time.
vii) "Quality Assurance Body" means a body accredited in terms of the NQF
Act, responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of
national standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating
to the monitoring and auditing of national standards and/or qualifications
have been assigned in terms of section 5(1 )(b)(i) of the Act;
viii) "experience" means the prescribed period of practical experience required
for professional registration.
ix) "Member" means a registered member of the Board of the SABPP.
x) Member/s” means person/s who have been granted professional
registration in accordance with the Charter and are in good standing

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xi) “Minister” means the Minister of Labour and/or Minister of Higher

Education and Training; and/or Ministers relevant to the HR Profession.
xii) "moderation" means the process which ensures that assessment of the
outcomes described in National Qualifications Framework standards
and/or qualifications, are fair, valid and reliable.
xiii) "National Learner Records Database (NLRD) responsibility" means
maintaining a database acceptable to SAQA, including provider data, in
such a way as to be compatible with the SAQA system.
xiv) "outcomes" means the contextually demonstrated end-products of a
learning process.
xv) provider" means a body which delivers learning programmes that
culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework standards and/or
qualifications and manages the assessment thereof.
xvi) "human resource" means the development, management, and/or the
operation, as a registered professional, of HR systems and techniques
aimed at the optimum utilisation and maintenance of the human resources
of any organisation.
xvii) "Registered professional" means a person who is registered under this
Charter as either an HR Technician, HR Associate, HR Professional, a
Chartered HR Professional or a Master HR Professional under this Charter.
xviii) "qualification" means a degree, diploma, or certificate awarded after
examination of a person's proficiency in a relevant subject, or subjects.
xix) "quality assurance" means the process of ensuring that the degree of
excellence specified is achieved.
xx) "Quality Council for Trade and Occupations" means the national council
responsible for quality assurance of learning for occupations and
xxi) "quality management system" means the combination of processes used
to ensure that the degree of excellence specified is achieved.
xxii) "register", when used as a verb, means to enter in a register: the words
"registered", "registrable", "registration" and all other words formed with or
derived from the word "register" have a corresponding meaning.
xxiii) "Register", when used as a noun, means a register kept in accordance with
the provisions of this Charter; and when used in relation to any category or
a member of any category of persons in respect of which a register is kept,
means the register kept for that category;
xxiv) “SARS: means the South African Revenue Services
xxv) “Vice-Chairperson” means Vice-Chair of the Board of the SABPP

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Board Chairperson Board Vice - Chairperson Board Vice Chairperson

Dr Marius Meyer Dr James Ramakau Dr Rica Viljoen

Approved date: 18 June 2020

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