Brennan 1997

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Journal of Microbiological Methods 29 (1997) 201–206

A simplified method for isolating outer membrane proteins from

Pasteurella haemolytica A1
a, a b
Robert E. Brennan *, Richard E. Corstvet , Jere W. McBride
Department of Veterinary Science, 111 Dalrymple Building, South Campus Dr., Louisiana State University, Agricultural Center, Baton
Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Received 5 February 1997; received in revised form 27 May 1997; accepted 27 May 1997


The outer membrane of Pasteurella haemolytica A1 (Ph-1) contains several major proteins which may play an important
role in stimulating protective immunity. This report describes a method which was used to successfully isolate three Ph-1
outer membrane proteins (OMPs). The molecular weights of these OMPs are 31 kilodaltons (kD), 40 kD and 42 kD
respectively. This method involves two steps: first, a sarcosyl extraction step was used to obtain a crude OMP prep; and
secondly, these OMPs were separated by gel electrophoresis using a Bio-Rad 491 Prep Cell which separates proteins based
on their molecular weights. Isolation of the proteins was demonstrated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Immunogenicity was then demonstrated by immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immuno-
sorbent assays (ELISAs) with convalescent serum taken from calves with prior exposure to Ph-1. SDS-PAGE results show
that single bands of each protein were obtained. Immunoblots and ELISAs of these proteins show that the convalescent
antiserum used reacted with the 31 kD and 40 kD proteins, but did not react with the 42 kD protein. This procedure provides
for a simplified method to obtain highly purified OMPs from Ph-1 which may now be evaluated on an individual basis as to
what role they may play in stimulating resistance to pasteurellosis.  1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Pasteurella haemolytica A1; Outer membrane proteins; Isolation; ELISA

1. Introduction reduce the prevalence of this disease using live

vaccines, recombinant vaccines, bacterins, superna-
Pneumonic pasteurellosis has been recognized as a tant preparations and subunit preparations have had
source of major economic loss to the cattle industry limited beneficial effects [2]. The inconsistency of
since the early 1900’s [1–3]. It is now thought that these vaccines can in part be attributed to the
the primary agent responsible for producing the variability of their antigenic content and lack of
fibrinous pneumonia associated with this disease is knowledge about which antigens are important for
Pasteurella haemolytica A1 (Ph-1) [3]. Attempts to stimulating protective immunity [4,5]. Efforts over
the last ten to fifteen years have been focused on
identifying and characterizing Ph-1 components
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 11 504 3884769; fax: 11 504 which may be important for stimulating protective
3884890. immune responses [4]. Among these components are

0167-7012 / 97 / $17.00  1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S0167-7012( 97 )00050-X
202 R.E. Brennan et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 29 (1997) 201 – 206

several outer membrane proteins (OMPs). In many 2.2. OMP extraction

bacteria OMPs are known to play an important role
in the infectious process through their ability to act OMP extraction was performed according to a
as porins and through their involvement in adhesion method previously described [13]. Briefly,
of bacteria to host cells [6]. It is thought that sedimented bacteria were pooled and suspended in
antibodies to these OMPs could serve as effective 35 ml of 20 mM Tris (pH 7.2) and pelleted at 6000 g
immunogens by preventing adherence, promoting for 20 min. Bacteria were then resuspended in 35 ml
phagocytosis, and causing death of the bacteria by of 20 mM Tris (pH 7.2) and placed in a 50 ml
interfering with membrane function [6]. Several beaker and sonicated with 0.750 probe (55 mm,
studies have indicated that antibodies to Ph-1 OMPs amplitude setting 9.20 Hz) on ice for 6 min continu-
do play a vital role in resistance to pasteurellosis ously. Sonicated prep was centrifuged at 6000 g for
[5,7,8]. In order to identify which proteins are 20 min. The supernate, which contained the cell wall
responsible for resistance it is necessary to separate and OMPs was removed with a pipette and placed
and characterize them [9]. Isolation of these proteins into a clear ultracentrifuge tube and pelleted at
would also be useful in vaccine production as well as 60 000 g for 1 h. The supernate was then removed
for evaluating systemic as well as local antibody and the pellet was resuspended in 1 ml of 20 mM
responses [10]. Tris (pH 7.2). Cytoplasmic membranes were solubil-
Extraction of Ph-1 OMPs was previously reported ized by adding 4 ml of 0.5% N-lauryl-sarcosine and
by Squire et al. [6]. The OMP fraction produced incubating at room temperature for 30 min. Clumps
contained two major proteins; one at 30 kD and one were broken up by pipetting up and down several
at 42 kD. Another study [11] reported that a saline times. The OMPs were then transferred to a 5 ml
extracted antigen prep contained a 29 kD and a 44 ultracentrifuge tube and pelleted at 60 000 g for 1 h
kD protein that were recognized by Ph-1 antiserum and washed once in 20 mM Tris (pH 7.2). The pellet
by immunoblot. These studies demonstrated that was then resuspended in 1 ml of 20 mM Tris (pH
OMPs of Ph-1 are extractable and are immunogenic. 7.2) and the protein concentration was determined
The goal of this project was to use a simple method using the Bio-Rad DC Protein Assay (Bio-Rad Life
to obtain highly purified proteins from Ph-1 OMP Science, Hercules, CA, USA).
extracts and achieve antigenic yields large enough so
that these proteins can be studied on an individual 2.3. Isolation of OMPs
basis with respect to their immunogenicity.
Isolation of the individual proteins from this crude
prep was then accomplished using the 491 Prep Cell.
The 491 Prep Cell has previously been used by
2. Materials and methods Hager et al. and Yamamoto and Munn to successful-
ly isolate proteins from other agents. [14,15]. First,
2.1. Organism and growth conditions analytical sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to de-
A lyophilized preparation of Pasteurella termine the acrylamide concentration (%T) that
haemolytica A1 (Ph-1), originally isolated from an would best separate the 31 kD and the 42 kD
infected calf [12], was suspended in phosphate proteins from the nearest contaminants. It was de-
buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.2 and cultivated on brain termined that an 11% resolving gel would give us the
heart infusion agar with 5% bovine blood for 18–24 best separation. An 11% polyacrylamide resolving
h at 378C. One isolated colony was picked and gel was cast into a 27 mm gel tube to 10 ml and
inoculated into 1 l of BHI broth and cultivated for an overlaid with 1 ml of water saturated 2-butanol. This
additional 18 h at 378C with orbital shaking. Bacteria was allowed to polymerize for 3.5 h using a distilled
were then harvested by centrifugation in 50 ml water (dH 2 O) circulation pump as a coolant. The
centrifuge tubes at 6000 g for 20 min. butanol was then decanted and the gel was rinsed
R.E. Brennan et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 29 (1997) 201 – 206 203

two times with dH 2 O. A 4% polyacrylamide stack- ziplock bag and placed at 48C for 18–24 h for
ing gel was cast onto the gel to 14 ml and allowed to fixation. Plates were then washed three times with
polymerize for 3 h cooled by the circulation pump. dH 2 O1NaCl1tween 20 and blocked with NET (0.1
The 1 ml of crude extract containing approximately M NaCl11 mM EDTA110 mM Tris base pH 8.0)1
13 mg of protein per ml was diluted to 7 ml in SDS 10% goat serum for 30 min at 378C. After blocking,
reducing buffer and loaded directly onto the gel plates were washed as before and 100 ml of (1)
using a 20 ml syringe and a 20 14 gauge needle. The convalescent bovine anti-Ph-1 sera or (2) pre-Ph-1
sample was electrophoresed for 5 h at 10 W constant exposure sera was added to appropriate wells and
power. Seventy 5 ml fractions were collected over a incubated for 1 h at 378C and then the wells were
6 h time period using a 211 Multitrac fraction washed again. The wells were then probed with 100
collector (LKB Bromma, Sweden). ml of peroxidase labeled goat anti-bovine IgG (heavy
and light) (Kirkegaard and Perry) diluted 1:750 in
2.4. Identification and immunoblotting of proteins NET110% goat serum and incubated for 1 h at
378C. After a final washing, 100 ml of ABTS [2-
Identification of the individual proteins was 29azino-di(3 ethylbenzothiazoline sulfone-6)] sub-
achieved by SDS-PAGE. Briefly, 12% poly- strate (Kirkegaard and Perry) was added per well and
acrylamide gels 0.75 mm thick were cast using a allowed to develop for 10 min. Optical densities
Mini-Protean II electrophoresis system (Bio-Rad (ODs) were determined using an ELISA reader (MR
Life Science). A 10 ml volume of individual fractions 5000 microplate reader, Dynatech) at a wavelength
were loaded per lane and electrophoresed for 45 min of 405 nm.
at 200 volts. The gels were then stained with
Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 (Ameresco, Solon,
OH, USA) to visualize proteins. Samples containing 3. Results
the proteins of interest were concentrated into 3 ml
samples using Centriprep 3 concentrators (Amicon, 3.1. Purification of proteins
Beverly, MA, USA).
Immunoblotting was done by performing SDS- After the sarcosyl extraction step previously de-
PAGE on isolated proteins as before and then scribed we obtained a 1 ml sample which contained
electrophoretically transferring the proteins to a approximately 13 mg of crude OMP. Fig. 1 illustrates
nitrocellulose membrane (Optitran, Schleicher and
Schuell, Keene, NH, USA) using a Bio-Rad Tans-
Blot SD Semi-Dry Transfer Cell. The transfer was
run at 18 volts for 30 min. Proteins were reacted
with high titer convalescent bovine anti Ph-1 serum
and probed with peroxidase labeled goat anti-bovine
immunoglobulin G (IgG) (heavy and light) (Kir-
kegaard and Perry, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) diluted
1:750 in PBS. The substrate 4-chloro-1-napthol
(4CN) (Kirkegaard and Perry) was used to reveal
protein–antibody reactions.

2.4.1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Isolated proteins were diluted to 4 mg / ml in 0.1 M
Fig. 1. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie brilliant blue
carbonate buffer (pH 9.2) and added at 100 ml / well R-250 staining of the outer membrane prep after sarcosyl ex-
to 96 well microtitration plates (Dynatech Laborator- traction step. Lane 1, Ph-1 whole cell organism (20 mg of protein);
ies, Chantilly, VA, USA). Plates were sealed in a Lane 2, Ph-1 outer membrane proteins (20 mg of protein).
204 R.E. Brennan et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 29 (1997) 201 – 206

the contrast between whole cell Ph-1 and what

proteins remain after sarcosyl extraction of the outer
membrane. The two major proteins of interest are
present in this sample as well as other minor
proteins. We were able to separate the 31 kD and 42
kD proteins from the others by preparative gel
electrophoresis using an 11% SDS-PAGE in a 491
Prep Cell (Bio-Rad). We were able to obtain two
distinct and highly pure samples as seen in Fig. 2.
The 31 kD protein was present in fraction numbers
14, 15, and 16, while the 42 kD protein was present
in fraction numbers 34, 35, and 36. We obtained a
final volume of 3 ml for each sample with protein
concentrations of 300 mg / ml for the 31 kD protein
and 500 mg / ml for the 42 kD protein. In the process
of purifying these two major proteins a 40 kD minor
protein was also purified as shown in Fig. 2. This
protein was present in fraction numbers 30, 31, and
32. A concentration of 420 mg / ml of this protein
was recovered.
Fig. 3. Immunoblot analysis of isolated proteins after SDS-PAGE
and transfer to nitrocellulose membrane. Samples were probed
with polyvalent antibody to Ph-1. Lane 1, Ph-1 whole cell; Lane 2,
3.2. Immunoblotting of proteins 31 kD protein; Lane 3, 40 kD protein; Lane 4, 42 kD protein.

The anti-Ph-1 convalescent serum used to probe

these purified proteins reacted with the 31 kD and 40 kD proteins but not the 42 kD protein as shown in
Fig. 3.

3.3. ELISA

Antibody responses obtained by ELISA from the

convalescent (1) and the pre-exposure (2) serum to
the 31 kD and 40 kD proteins are expressed in ODs.
The ODs of the (1) serum to these two proteins
were significantly greater ( p,0.05) than the (2)
serum. The (1) serum had ODs of 1.497 and 1.538
respectively while the (2) serum ODs were 0.476
and 0.623. Results are illustrated in Fig. 4.

4. Discussion

This report has described a two-step procedure for

Fig. 2. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie brilliant blue the purification of Ph-1 OMPs which provides us
R-250 staining of the outer membrane proteins after isolation with with the ability to obtain highly purified and immu-
Bio-Rads 491 Prep Cell. Lane 1, molecular weight marker (Bio-
Rad); Lane 2, Ph-1 whole cell (5 g of protein); Lane 3, 31 kD nologically stable proteins. Advantages that we feel
protein (3 mg of protein); Lane 4, 40 kD protein (4 mg of protein); this technique has over other techniques that have
Lane 5, 42 kD protein (5 mg of protein). been used to extract proteins from Ph-1 such as
R.E. Brennan et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 29 (1997) 201 – 206 205

Fig. 4. Comparison between (2) serum ODs and (1) serum ODs to the 31 kD and 40 kD isolated proteins. Results obtained by ELISA.

sucrose density gradients, isoelectrofocusing, and The lack of antibody response to this protein as
chromatofocusing [6,11] are the ability to obtain measured by immunoblot and ELISA may be due to
purer proteins, achieve higher antigenic yields, and the fact that the immune system in the animal from
be less laborious. The proteins purified in this which we collected the convalescent sera did not
manner were recovered in quantities that will allow recognize this protein. It may also be that this protein
for use in biological assays (i.e. ELISAs and Western is not an immunologically dominant antigen or that it
blots). Also, there are several other studies which may be part of a highly conformational protein
have proposed that OMPs from a number of organ- which when denatured during SDS-PAGE is no
isms may be suitable components for effective longer immunologically active.
vaccines [16–18], which may make this technique In conclusion, this study has described a simplified
even more desirable. One drawback that we ex- method with which we were able to isolate OMPs
perienced during this study was the amount of time it from Pasteurella haemolytica A1. The 31 kD and 40
took to identify which fractions contained the pro- kD proteins are being used to screen samples (nasal,
teins of interest which can be attributed to our lavage, serum, and tonsil) from calves that have been
inability to monitor the proteins as they were eluted experimentally exposed to Ph-1 and to look at the
from the 491 Prep Cell. This resulted in the screen- local antibody responses to these proteins and how
ing of all of the fractions until we identified which they may correlate to resistance from pasteurellosis.
ones contained the relevant proteins. The incorpora- These studies could provide valuable information in
tion of a UV monitor and a chart recorder would the effort to develop new and improved vaccines in
have allowed us to determine which fractions con- which the identification of which components of
tained protein and which ones did not, ultimately Ph-1 stimulate protective immunity appears to be
reducing the number of fractions needing to be crucial.
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