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i Opt.ics r..,.,.....iu,,.

•,r<>rmub,, f - v,- 1)[1,- - il;]

S. 1:Rclloc:tionofl,lght

Lawo<lfl"<lflecilon: .......... -:::'..-.... 1u ! - ! • f . ... - ~

IDciolom"l)".N"fl«-led,-,. ...1n~in1i.. ...,.
pliu,o(ii) Li • L. r P.,-,-o(the"""':/' • f. 1'111,llc,,...-lffin,_ n,

-w- Two thb, · - ...-rated i,,, &.., ... " '

(i)d,oiwaf.raodtbc..bjt<,t•n,"'luid""-""'r""',m ir-
.,. (11).-lrt..Jirnog,,.,/mJobJN"' 1'·*+T,-T,T,

B-.- ~
SL-"'mlaooaipe: .., • D/finoorwal adj""'"''"" ·
l. l'oaJfllKl.h/ • R/ 2
2. Mirror<qUAl i<>n, ! +! • j
1 Mognifin 11 ion;m • -f Cotapc,mxlml.,.._


R.rrr.ctlvt! lndn: µ • • l. M - -iunin ,,....,.,Jo,ljw,ln..,1, ..,. ;¥,

2. lk•uhi1111-: R • -;b • !!.1!¥-!

Appan,nt depth: µ - : ...e., - I

........... pHl§ a ............,
C rilkalan1le: f, • oln - ' ! !~ l. ln1....,...J ..
t.R••M0111"""'-": R • "9 • rffl

.....,..,,,.~..,., 3.4:~

,l ::, U

Diapt, ...... byprLOlnwltb ....... l ,luidi:

&• i + i' - ,1. g....,.,J ,..,,J, J. M..., ,i..-.1bi: &. - (,._ - ! )A
2.Anl\lW"diol"-"'"oa : f • !,,. - ,.,_) ,1
1• • ~ . 1 • i' ko- ml nlm11111 """"1b ,
Oiapt,n,lw, _ , - : '"' • .. 1; (If ,I .,.,Ji o,uall)
&,. • (l' - l )A.ii, ...... A ,~~
Ol.pc,ndoawltbouldllvilllJ<IU: ~

(s,. - l )A +(/4 - l)A' • I!

(1,. - p,)A • (p~ - 14)A'
) Electricity and Magnetism &.S:Capoclton l _

°""""""'"""' c - ,/V
C.....lomb•, .. w: f • r.;;~;

Electrlcfteld: i'Vi • ,k-;1-;

E1ect .... 1a11c:eneiv: U • - ii;9.;" Spb,,ri,calcapadtor. G • ~
Elortrmtatk:potenllal:V • J;;?

Cyll1,d.-h:alcapadt.or. C • ~

E!Ktrlcdlpok,-:f • .,l
c.p.c11on1,,.,.n11r1, c,. - c,+c,
P°"'nllal ol • dipole: V • r.._'-#
plat<sof a pan,1k,1 plale capa,clto<:
Flaldoh dlpole:
F• ,&;
F.nfto otoredlaapacl!Or: U• lC\" • a; - !QI'
n.-.,ie on• dlpole plaoed In£: f • f~ £ Eaao In electric lleld E: U{V • j, 0 E'
P<>l. ~<>f•dlpolopl,,..i in£: U•-, -f. Cap..ltorwlllldlcl<dri<:: C • ~

&.2: Ga,-•• Lot and 11.o Applkallono &.<11:C.......,.,.clectridty

Electrklh,., <> • JE -d§ c.....-denoky: j • i/A • ,. £
c.,_._ law: JE.,1§ • • I•• 0r1tt'P"'!<l: •• · H!• - .:b
Ralotanoeolawlre: R • ,'/A.whm,, • 1/"
Fl~: --~
~~rirc~~ t 1-p.depe,,dmceol...i.lMOO:R • Ro( l +<>!l.n

E..tVal• 11llll"omilyct.ra,,clapbere:
Kh·chbolf'•W- riJ 77,,J....,,- La.., Thoalpbniii::
,-(:U::::: ·~ - 0111n<ll.Uthc c11,,_,,ditt<:<,d10W11nll a "°'loil.-.u
;..,.,i:...i, 1, .. 0. (~Jn., 1 - ~ Tuo.i~muo:
-~)- .,,_,<ll
b-r 2; R
ouin <ll.Jl,1r,opoo.on1w~..... i...~••"-lloc,p
.. l:Joo,AV; • O.

E Mdl'ala1111ltons,lydlot,pdop,b,,rk.lN!l!II:

,-{':!.~ ::::: ·J ~-
" - ( ,.,,.
ft;,. '"'"
f,.-, 2; R
J-.:----=: '
~ o r a t h , . , ~ £ • ,¾..
Da1 ..,,..J1IH1 / R1 • R•/ '4.
Fleld<>fanlnftnllelheet:E • F,
Declrlct>v-r: /' • 1'2/ll • l'R • II'
Fleldlnthevlclnltyolmaduc:1lnc • urf..e: £ • f-
Ene,u or • m.-i,i. dipole plat,,d lo S:
fJ --i< - ii
i, G • (i - i,)S
Hall rll"ft:l: V., - ~

1'.ui • i,,( R +G)

l'i.8: '-t.p,,,clcFl,,ld duetoCtll"renl

Blot-! dS • \'P-i.:t

Dlocbar&lna11r capacU.t1n: ,i(1) • '1D' - ,h, $ Flekldoeto••l rlll&hl cond11Cl<lr,

Tl""' c.,..,1-MI In RC dra, lt: , • RC

Floldduetoanbdlnite°'noJahlwff. n- ~
Fa.n,ht,tw_,.,.... , ........... ... . w ··v··
I. n...--nr: • • •T+ i•T" Flcld_l..,ub<>fal"U\I:
2 . ~ - d r/dl • o + bT.
1 Nou,n,J,.,.p.: T. • -•/6.
"- 1.....,.,... ,.....,, r, - - 2•/"-
Thllnmone&,et: omf • • ~ - ~ • " !J.T Flddatlhecentreel-,ar<:: JJ .., ¥.!! ,a,: )•
f'ar.l~••law ol" dl!droly,,lo:11,,,n-..,lrpo,i,..-ti,
F...Walth<,ct,nlreol"art..,B • 'r.
,., ,. z;, . ,J.£;,
Am..-,•.1aw: ;0 -,'1"- ""1.,
wben,iil cum,n1 . 1io1i-,.Zo,,,k,,\.......,,,,O:lll"fll;..
.i.ut.E: >l~«fUi>,ol,,"'·•'"l F • Dli-lll5C/g io Fll!ldlnodm a _,l.,,l<lld: /J • - i. n • lf
r.....i.y,_,._... _

l'i.l'i: Mqnctlotn

Lormtll tora,-•movlacdllorge:F • ,all"><S + ,F.


Too-1,111-1.,.., "'""'' · 'V'- ;. ,..,....

Movi11&cnll pl.,.no1nct<,r. ni AB • U. i• ..b•
c!:,,P • i.{
'nmep,,riodol"mac,,clo-....: T- h,/"J;.
"""'-b1111y, n.. "n
M-.,,eUcnuJ<: O• Jn.,15 Rerln:ul,:

Fand~••a.,., • -- ~
Z• ~ . •~110 - ~
Le..,.•• La..., lud,.,...I """""' cn,a1~ a /J.field tl,at op-
1--. u., mo,,., In n•• •""k a..,,_
z - ~ . ,.,,,. _ -;t
Selrlnductan.., o ,. L, . <• - Li LCRCln:ull: ,[$ ~~c-1- - J•
Self hld ,a,tan<:eaf 11..,._1d:f. • 14n'(•••IJ
z . ,jlf' +(¼-,.,£~;:-•.,.,.• • J~

Cruwthale-lnLRd..,,,11: • - i [1- ,-fflj - - • /./!,

~afcurttntlnLRdn:ul l,, - ;,,. - rn

t:J ...:~.
• ; l
T1,..,.,.,.,.1,..,1atLRdr-cull: • - L/R
E""rll)"ol...-...flnanlnductor: U- 4Li'
E...,.oden.ltyalHfteld: • - !! - /!;
M111uallnduc:laoce: o • M• . <•-.11 !11

EMFlnd,O<:Uilnarotatho,i<:<>11: , .. ,v,1a., ,o,...,~

&.... ,.,., E: - ;-•IJT

C -dllve """'lance: .I;, • ~
lnducU""_..,.,., X1 • wt
l.n,ep<:daoc,r. Z • •o/ io
li Modern Physics
Phot.on'•enet&)': t: - h., • /i,-/ A
Photon'•n,omenhu,,, p • h/ A• E/~ 11a1rur.,, , ,,, .. o.G0:1/A
l\.lu. KE<>f,tjectedphoto-eledron: K- . • h., - ,1> A.YeJa&ellf.., 1.,, • l/A
Pap..i.Uon a rt.cr11ludf1lW111: /\' • /\'•f'r.
M,m <k,l't,ct, !im .. [Zm, + \JI - 2 )..,.1- M
SlOpplnapotcnli&l, v.- ~O,J-! l /'!-
-,~• BlndlngenerlD': /J • IZm, +(JI - Z),.._ - At] .-'
q....,J.,.,, Q • U1 - U1
dee..,., .........1er,g1.h: A• A/p
En"'I)' rn"'--lnnuc"'-r.-.:tlon:
...1...,.,,,i..,. . ,., ..... _ _ ,,,_ .. !1E • !1,.,.,.

E""'llYUl"tbBohr'• orbit: 6.4: v..,.,.,mt.,b81ll>dSemlcoad...:1on,

,. - ~ . - . - 0.52!1A

Q-latlono(lh11_,...,_momenlum: l • 9!
;~ IG<!lnnolllon: E-,-E, - h.,

A.mplllla,tlonbr•t-= .. --~L......
Rdat1on--..,, ......... ..., ~ - ,.~ ...

X•n,y-trurn: >-... • :Ir,

M.-ley'• law: ,fi", • •!Z - •)

n and /J param,,tersof•l,...l,,tor:11 • f..
X-n,ydlffndlon:Uoinl • d
J:. it - ~
~.U ,!: h/(2•). !1E!1t ,!: A/(h) ~ - - ... - -lit

Nucleatradl"": ll • llo A'I'. H,; • I. I • to · " n,

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