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SPE 13372
TI Ihinrdlnnwawd I%rfnrating
- ..-.-.,,. w!~h Hy~r~u!iC ~et paCke!’S and ?3

N&”w ‘fii~~~Pr&;&e Retrievable Hydraulic Packer

by T.T. Hailey and J.F. Donovan, Baker Perforating Systems
SPE Members

Copyright 19S4, Sooiety of Petroleum Engineers

This peper was preeented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting held in Charleston,West Virginie, October 31-f40vembar 7-,19S4. The materiel iseub-
jeot to correction by the author. Permission to coPy is reetriotedto an abstract of not more than S00 words. Write SPE, P.O. Sox 8SSSS6, Riihardaon,
Taxss 750S3-SSS6. Telex 7S0989 SPE DAL.

typical completion procedures; one the case
The oil industry has recently begun using history just referred to, and one, a case
tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) guns with history of a low pressure completion.
much greater frequency than in the paat. The
advantages of larger explosivea, higher shot TTPES OF NYDRAULIC SET PACRERS USED WITN TCP
density, unlimited gun length, and removal or GUWS, AWD TNEIR ASSOCIATED SEAL DESIGN
reduction of formation damage by perforating
with a pressure differential into the wellbore 1. Tubing Mounted Packers
have cauaed the number of wells perforated
with TCP guna to increaae at a time when the Various tubing mounted hydraulic packers are
number of wells perforated industry-wide has available that are capable of carrying the
dramaticallydecreased. tailpipe weight of TCP guns. These packera
are commonly used for completions on land
~lthough these advantages are becoming well becauae, by definition, the tubing is
known , a superior well completion design and permanently and rigidly connected to the
procedure making uae of hydraulic set packers packer. Therefore, they cannot accommodate
in conjunction with TCP guns has not yet been tubing movement and the tubing cannot be
“discovered” by the oil and gas industry replaced without also pulling out the packer.
except for a few isolated application. This Of course, tubing accessories can be added so
paper outlines the various capabilities and that the tubing can move and can be
options made poaaible in completions using disconnected from the packer downhole, but If
hydraulic packers and TCP guns, including such devices are needed, often the simpler and
wellhead installation before perforating, more flexible choice of completion packers ia
circulation capability until just before a eeal bore packer. Another disadvantage of
perforating, and “floating” seal designs. tubing mounted packers in uee with TCP guna la
Various completion deaigna for differing the fact that they are usually retrieved by
situations of pressure, temperature, and straight pull on the tubtng string, which
~Q~~Q~~Qp.g~~ nrt=nentnd.
=---------- ~~-~~~~ -----..—
nnmethinc.-e internal
——---..—— to the packer!
allowing it to releaae. This same shearing
A limiting factor in the use of TCP guns in and releasing action could be caused by gun
high pressure completions has been the high detonation if the tubing supporting the TCP
coat of gun failure caused by the lack of gun is forced upward by the explosion.
availability of a retrievable hydraulic packer Although tubing mounted hydraulic packers have
capable of differential preaeurea above about been used successfully with TCP guna, a shock
6,000 psi (41.4 MPa). The recent development absorbing device ia recommended between the
of such a packer, with demonstrated gun and the packer to prevent inadvertent
differential pressure rating of 12,000 pai release of the packer.
(82.7 MPa) and temperature rating of 450”F
(232”C), makea many high pressure, high coat 2. Permanent Seal Bore Packer
completions likely candidate for the TCP
gun-hydraulic packer completion design. This These packera have seen the most use to date
paper includes a caae history of such a among hydraulically set packers used wtth TCP
completion. The diacuesion describes the guns, primarily In the North Sea. They have
types of hydraulic packera used with TCP guns all of the advantagea of seal bore packers
and the seal systems associated with each, the plus they make possible a true one triP
types of firing systems used, and givea two completion. The TCP guns and associated

References and illuatrationa at end of paper.

7 SPE 13372

perforating equipment, the hydraulic aet assembly createa a potential leak path and
packer and sealing system, the production probably lowers the pressure rating of the
tubing and accessories, and tubing safety seal significantly. Conaequently, the best
equipment are all run into the well one time. seal design for a hfgh pressure completion
This one-trip aapect is the greatest advantage which allows tubing movement Is usually an
of the hydraulic packer but there are other extension of the seal surface above the packer
desirable aspecta, alao. The production rather than below. This design allows the
tubing can be tested and the wellhead packer setting pressure from the tubing to be
installed before the packer is set. The transmitted directly to the packer from the
tubing can then be displaced with lightweight bottom of the seal aasembly. Additionally,
.&.e. .-.”-,$g~~~.~~-~g~~~ ~fi~~.~
fp~~~ f~~ ~~.~6+-.+’tires thla design usually allows a larger inner
safest situation poaaible. The packer is set diameter through the entire downhole aasembly
by plugging the tubing downhole temporarily becauae the moving seal system doea not have
with a wireline plug or similar device and to paas through the restricted inner diameter
applying tubing pressure. The packer is of the packer. One type packer which Is not
teated with annulua pressure. After removing restricted to the upper extension design ia
the plugging device, a detonating bar can be the parallel bore packer. The two bore design
dropped down the tubing to fire the TCP guns. creates a protected path along the bore
A hydraulic permanent seal bore packer wfth extensions which allows safely connecting a
two parallel bores is available for uae in preaaure line from the bottom of the seal bore
particularly hostile wells, using one tubing extension to the packer setting chamber.
Strin!g for production and another for
injection of corrosion inhibitor. This type 3. Retrievable Seal Bore Packer; Low Pressure
packer is also compatible with TCP guna, with Rating - About 6,000 PSI (41.4 MPa) Maximum
the the gun suspended from the production
string aide of the packer. These packers have all the functional
advantagea of the permanent seal bore packers
The permanent seal bore packera used for TCP except a high preaaure rating. The
operations are generally capable of 10,000 psi traditional seal design of a retrievable
(69.0 MPa) differential and their design is packer leaves an extrusion gap between the
readily adaptable to higher pressure on the casing and the outer diameter of the packer.
order of i5,0ijGpsi (i03.G hi%) differential. ~.i~ ~gp is .fiI~ea
- -..-J by che ~oQmer’ seal d

Besidea the absence of a releaaing mechanism, the packer when it is set and only the
the permanent packers generally differ from Integrity of the polymer itself prevents seal
retrievable packers in that they have an faflure under differential pressure. This
expanding metal “back-up” ayatem which design enhancea retrievability, but it limits
surrounda the polymer used to seal the packer the pressure rating of the packer.
to the caaing. This metal system fills the Nevertheless, these packera are adequate for
gap between tha packer and the caaing, called most wells and the fact that they are
the extrusion gap, and preventa the polymer retrievable is a significant advantage. The
seal from extruding away from its seal point releasing mechanisms of these packers are not
due to differential pressure. affected by tubing movement or tailpipe loada,
ao gun detonation does not risk releasing the
The seal deaigna used with permanent seal bore packers as it does for tubing mounted packers.
packera are varied and the choice of seal
design ia restricted somewhat by the nature of A retrievable packer ia particularly
the hydraulic packer. The higher pressure preferable to a permanent packer in
ratinga of the permanent packers are not used completions with TCP guna becauae,
fully unless the seal ayatem uses a long unfortunately, explosives are not one hundred
sealing surface in conjunction with a moving percent reliable. Gun failurea with permanent
seal, never allowing the seal to leave the packera may become very expensive. Time apent
surface while it is under differential milling the packer in order to retrieve it may
pressure. The preferred design having these be costly and the large gun below the packer
characteristics ia a seal bore extension (or may complicate fishing operations if any parts
extensiona for a parallel bore packer) below of the packer fall on top of the gun.
the packer. This design allowa for eaaieat Furthermore,the explosives in the gun may have
accesa to the packer in the event that the to be replaced becauae of excessive time at
packer must be milled and removed. However, a bottom hole temperature, whereas if the gun
hydraulic packer must eomehow communicate could be removed quickly along with a
tubing pressure to a hydraulic setting chamber retrievable packer, the explosives could be
within the packer. To do so with a seal bore reused (assuming that the cause of the failure
extension below the packer requires either cen be repaired). Another point in favor of
running a small preaaure llne from the bottom the retrievable packer ia the fact that TCP is
of the aeai bore extenstoii to tiie hydraulic bei=g ~~ed ~~r= e=~ mQre i~ ~e~~ tentine - ---..=
chamber or using a special seal essembly with application. With the uncertainty of
a port for feeding tubing pressure to the operations in exploratory work, the
packer, and somehow closing the port after flexibility of a retrievable packer ie an
setting the packer. The pressure line option obvious benefit.
Is risky because of potential damage during
downhole operations and the ported seal Almoet any seal system used with a permanent

seal bore packer can also be used with a

Additionally, s hydraulic packsr - TCP gun completion, the
retrievable seal bore packer.
long term characteristics of the packer will
some simpler and lower coat designe are
not come into play. The actual auccesa rate
possible. If differential pressure across the
of retrieving these new packers is
seals will not exceed about 5,000 PSI (34.5 a~~de~e~~i~ed;~QP.eke~e beep.nulled
~----- fro= their
MPa) then the tubing may be sealed to the
wells as of this writing.
packer by multiple seals which move up and
down through the relatively short sealing
The packer discussed here has been
surface of the packer bore. This design haa a
successfully tested to differential pressurea
lower pressure rating than the long sealing
of 12,000 PSI (82.7 MFa) from above and below
surface design because each time the polymer
at 450”F (232”C). Its mechanical components
of a tubing seal bore frees from its sealing
are similar to those in existing auccesaful
surface, it tenda to be damaged aa it
retrievable packers. To date, it has been
“unloads”. Although many wells have been
manufactured with critical components made of
completed with chevron type tubing seals, the
either 9 Chrome - 1 Moly or 13 Chrome
recommended tubing seal for the short seal
stainless steel in order to enhance resistance
surface design is a bonded seai, with the
to corrosion from carbon dioxide in produced
polymer bonded to metal to make it less
susceptible to damage during unloading. This
design is also less deairabls in wells with
Any seal system design previously diacusaed is
certain corrosion inhibitors, primarily
alao compatible with the retrievable high
amine-based inhibitors, because the exposure
pressure seal bore packer, with the exception
of the inhibitor to the polymer of the tubing
of below the packer seal bore extensions used
seal tends to embrittle the polymer.
with parallel bore packera.
4. Retrievable Ssal Bore Packer; High Pressure
Rating - About 12,000 PSI (82.7 MPa) Maximum TYPES OF FIRING STSTEMS FOR TCP GUNS WITH
‘JIIistype is a very new development and mekea
1. Mechanical
the use of TCP guna an attractive option in
hot, hostile wells which were previously
guna By far, the most common method for initiating
perforated with small perforating
TCP gun detonation is mechanical. A
conveyed through the tubing on wireline. The
detonating bar ia dropped down the tubing
hydraulic packer and TCP gun completion
string and it strikes a firing head of the TCP
procedure allowa a higher level of safety to
gun much as the hammer of a handgun strikes a
that of the through-tubing method, while
firing pin. This type of initiation is alao
making possible much greater perforating =~~~ ~a~~y,..a~=~ *T, ._.fim*.*4n*.
v+ +~th“~w.,,l
effectiveness due to the larger casing sized Wr=.-.-=,.=--.
packera and is the preferred method unless
gun. The retrievability of the packer greatly
well deviation or other factora require the
lessens the risk of gun failure becauae the
use of a hydraulic firing head. The packer ia
gun can be removed and replaced quickly;
set by temporarily plugging the tubing with a
operationa are alao more flexible because
wireltne plug or by dropping a tripping ball
removing the gun after the packer is eet Is
down the tubing. Adding tubing pressure does
not a major operation.
not affect the mechanical firing head, even tf
The availability of a retrievable packer with the plugging device leaks. After setting the
packer, the tubing must be cleared for
relatively high pressure rating is primarily
dropping the detonating bar, so either the
due to development of a special system to
plug must be retrieved, or in the case of the
close the extrusion gap around the packer
tripping ball, the tubing pressure ia
sealing element. The primary sealing polymer
increased to blow the ball through the
ia inert to all commonly encountered well
tripping sub. Use of the ball alao requires
fluids, but ltke many euch polymers it has
ueing another special sub which “catches” the
poor physical properties. In other worda, it ~=~~ ~fi~ rolls i: ~E:. a side
gets very soft when it is hot. The packer pack: t, CF.*2S
clearing the way for the bar. Either packer
sealtng system uses a series of components of
setting method may be done with the wellhead
increasing rigidity surrounding the primary
already installed.
polymer, ending in metal backup rings similar
to those found on permanent seal bore packers.
A typical sequence of operations would be aa
A key element to retrievability is deaignlng
the expanding metal rings so that they do not follows:
exceed the elaatic limit of the metal when the 1
~G= *L
.l.s giia,packer ~uu
-“a .th..
packer is act, ao that they will retract if
the packer ia retrieved. Although it is true acceasoriea into the well on the
production tubing.
that even if the elastic limit is not
exceeded, the metal will tend to “take a act”
~f~~~ u~~ks Or months 2. Locate the TCP guns accurately on depth
in the expanded
position, this characteristic does not affect by using a gamma ray and coilar locator
the value to retrievability when considered aa log to correlate the known position of a
radioactive tag in the tubing string to
it affects use with TCP guns. If a packer
known formation strata.
must be retrieved because of a problem during


3. Space out the tubing string according to tubing preaaure to the setting chamber of the
the logs and install the wellhead. packer and port annular pressure to the firing
head, or a special chamber which “traps”
4. Pump a lightweight fluid down the tubing pressure downhole and applies it to the
so aa to lower the downhole hydrostatic actuating side of the firing head. The
pressure in the tubing aa desired for special tubing seal ia somewhat complicated to
underbalanced perforating. fabricate and restricts the inner diameter of
the seal, so it is probably not practical for
5. Run a wireline plug down the tubing and a Pe=nent installation, although it tUSy be
land it in a seating nipple below the preferable for testing work. The trapped
hydraulic packer. pressure chamber option is usually preferable
because it leavea the tubing with the largest
6. Add tubing preaaure to set the packer. inner diameter possible and is simpler. A
fran~ible, preaaure holding glaas disc is
7. Release tubing pressure and test the placed in a tubing aub between the packer and
packer with annulus pressure. the hydraulic firing head, which is on the top
of the TCP gun. A tubing valve which allows
8. Pull the wireline plug out of the well. fluid to enter the tubing through the wall of
the valve, but not escape, ia placed between
9. Drop the detonating bar down the tubing, the pressure disc and the hydraulic firing
firing the TCP guns. head. The asaembly is run in the hole and the
packer set as previously described for a
The well ia ready for production. mechanical firing head. The chamber
immediately above the hydraulic firing head ia
This procedure is often modified in that the now charged with bottom hole hydrostatic
packer is aet before the wellhead ia pressure. As the tubing hydrostatic pressure
installed. This option leasena time lost in is lowered aa a result of displacing it with
the case that there is some problem with the lightweight fluid, the pressure change iS
packer and it alao allowa much more communicated via a ported aub between the
flexibility in seal design. With the packer and the charged chamber to the area
“wellhead on” option, usually the tubing must around the gun (and the firing head). When
be rigidly anchored to the packer or tubing the differential preaaure between the charged
seals must be releasable by sheer force or chamber and the area outside the firing head
hydraulic action in order to allow the aeala reaches a predetermined value (2,000 PSI [13.8
to move along a seal surface and thus allow Mpa] is common), the firing head actuatea and
tubing movement downhoie. To be released by det!x!ates the TCP gun. If the gun must be
force implies that the weight of the packer, retrieved for any reason without first being
gun and other bottom hole accessories must be fired, the glass disc is broken to vent
suspenriecion shear piZS ~i =~i~~s Vhe= ~~e pressure from the charged chamber before
aasembly is run in the well, wfth the pulling the gun from the well.
accompanying risk of dropping the bottom hole
assembly in the well. The hydraulic release If underbalanced perforating ia not desired,
design unfortunately creates a potential leak then the assembly becomes even simpler. A
path from annulus to tubing. With the valve ia inserted between the packer and the
“wellhead off“ option the seals may be differential preaaure hydraulic firing head
releaaed to move relative to the packer by (on top of the gun) which allows flow from
manipulating the tubing to free the tubing below the packer into the tubing but which
seals from a “J-latch” (the preferred method) holds pressure in the opposite direction.
or by rotating free from a threaded connection After setting the packer in the same manner aa
downhole. Releaaing the tubing seals with the for mechanical firing heads, merely preeauring
wellhead off allowa displacing the well with the tubing supplies appropriate pressure to
the seals temporarily pilled %ree from their actuate the head.
seal surface, and allowa the tubing seals to
be spaced out to a position along the seal The hydraulic firing head actuated by bottom
surface different from the Initial run-in hole pressure alone la obviously simple to
position. operate; it can be used in an assembly exactly
like that for the mechanical firing head
2. Hydraulic except for the hydraulic head itself. Merely
raiaing the pressure at the gun at any time to
Two basic kinds of hydraulic firing heads are a predete~ined value will detonate the gun.
available for use with TCP guns. One is However, such a procedure prevents the benefit
actuated by creating a differential pressure of underbalanced perforating.
downhole acrosa the head, and the other ia
fired by raising the downhole pressure at the Other special application firing systems are
head to some predetermined value. Either ia available, such as a dual firing head (which
eaaily compatible wfth hydraulic set packera. can be operated mechanically or hydraulically
from the top of the gun) an automatic release
In order to perforate underbalanced, the firing head (which opens the tubing to the
differential pressure firing head requirea sump by releaaing the gun when it detonatea),
either a special tubing seal which can port and a wireline conveyed firing head (which is

actuated by the electric line which conveys it 8. Rig up a teat head and all associated
downhole to the TCP gun). Operation of the flow lines on the tubing. ” Rig up a
dual and automatic releaae heads is similar to lubricator for the detonating bar and
that of their mechanical and hydraulic instsll it on the test head.
counterparts. The operation of the wireline
head substitutes the use of the wireline at 9. Displace the tubing with 20 bbl (3.2 m3)
the point in the procedure where the bar would of diesel to lower the tubing hydrostatic
be dropped for a mechanical firing head. pressure for perforating.

TTPICAL COMPLETION PROCEDURE WITH LOW PRESSURE 10. Lower the seal aasembly back into the
(6000 PSI [41.4 MPa] MAKIMUM) RETRIEVABLE SEAL packer bore and bleed off the tubing
Aun A7wnwAvTt-
.?uIu m“.”..-..”
Wrl?rwfi um~n
... ... ... ..—

The following is an abbreviated procedure 11. Drop the detonating bar, firing the TCp
followed by a major oil company on an offshore gun. At detonation, the gun will fall
well in the Gulf of Mexico during the summer into the rathole.
of i984. The conalcions
‘“” were EiiT 225°F
(107”C), BHP 5,600 PSI (38.6 MPa), and the 12. Flow the well for testing.
well was an oil well. The fluid left in the
produced fluids did not contain corrosive
Critical packer components were manufactured The following is another abbreviated
from 4100 series alloy steel (standsrd procedure, followed by a different major oil
msterisl) and the packer and seal assembly
company on an offshore well in the Gulf of
sealing polymer was nitrile rubber (standard). Mexico during the summer of 1984. The
The seal assembly used a chevron type seal. BHT 350”F (177”C), BHP
conditions were
The sequence of operations described is 10,000-12,000 PSI (69.0-82.7 Mpa), and the
illustrated in Figures 1-6. The fluid left in the
well was a gas well.
annulus was calcium bromide brine, inhibited
1. Mske up bottom hole aasembly consisting Produced fluids
for corrosion resistance.
of TCP gun, mechanical automatic release
were expected to contain a high percentage of
firing head, 26 ft. (7.9m) of pup joints, carbon dioxide. Critical packer components
one-way flow valve with glass disc to were manufactured from 9 Chrome - 1 MOIY
protect firing head from debris, packer steel, and the primary seal polper for ~
millout extension, retrievable hydraulic
tubing seal assembly was Dupont’s Kalrez .
seal bore packer, and anchored seal The sequence of operations described iS
asaembly with production tube. illustrated in Figuree 7-11.
2. Run bottom hole assembly and production 1. Make up bottom hole asaembly consisting
tubing and accessories in the well to of TCP gun, mechanical firing head, 26
place the TCP gun at approximate ft. (7.9m) of pup joints, ported sub with
perforating depth. Place a radioactive glass disc to protect firing head ~~
tag in the tubing connection one joint debris, mechanical gun release
above the hydraulic packer. packer millout extension, high Pr’:ss~
retrievable seal bore packer,
3. Rig up electric line and run a gamma ray (7.6m) packer bore receptacle (PBR) wit~
and collar locator log. Locate the seal assembly attached by J-latch.
radioactive tag and correlate its
position to known formation strata. 2. Run bottom hole assembly and production
tubing and accessories into the well to
4. Reposition the gun to precise perforating place the TCP gun at approximate
depth. perforating depth. Place a radioactive
tag in the tubing connection one joint
5. Reverse circulate 10 bbl (1.6 m’) of well above the hydraulic packer. Test tubing
fluid to clean the tubing and disc. while running in hole.
6. Pressure the tubing to 3000 PSI (20.7 Rig up electric line and run a gamma ray
MPa) for 5 minutes to aet the hydraulic and collar locator log. Locate the
packer. Test the packer for leaks for radioactive tag and correlate its
applying 1000 PSI (6.9 MPa) to the position to known formation strata.
~p+p+lu~lu~ fQ~ i~ ~i~lu~~~ ,

4. Reposition the gun to precfee perforating

7. Rotate the tubing 12 rotations to the depth.
right to release the seal assembly from
the packer. Raise the seals free from 5. Cir~.~.
ate 10 bbl (1.6 m3) of well fluid
the packer bore, but leave the production to :lean the disc sub.
tube inside the packer to prevent
difficulty recentering the packer.

SPE 13372

6. Rig up wireline and run a temporary plug ACRNOWLEDGBMENTS

in the seating nipple below the hydraulic
packer. The authors thank the Research Engineering
Department of Baker Sand Control for their
7. Pressure the tubing to 4000 PSI (27.6 assistance in the preparation of this paper;
MPa) for 30 minutes to set the packer. and the management of Baker Sand Control for
Test the packer for leaks for applying permission to publish the paper.
2000 PSI (13.8 MPa) to the annulus for 10

8. Pull out and rig down the wireline plug

and equipment.

9. Release the seal assembly from the PBR

and packer with right hand torque and
slack off weight. Pull the seal assembly
above the PBR.

10. Displace the well with inhibited packer

fluid foiiowetiby fresh water to be left
in the tubing to create underbalance for

11. Re-stab the seal assembly into PBR.

Space out the tubing to leave seal
assembly at the midpoint of the 25 ft
(7.6m) long PBR. Bleed off tubing

12. Install wellhead.

13. Rig Up the bar lubricator onto the

wellhead and drop the detonating bar,
firing the TCP gun.

14. Flow the well for testing.

15. To releaae the gun from the bottom of the

tubing, rig up-a wireline lubricator to
the wellhead. Shut in the well. Run the
shifting tool downhole and locate it in
the mechanical gun release sub. Shift
the gun free and pull the shifting tool
out of the well.


The purpose of this paper is to point out the

advantage of a superior completion procedure
which has not been used to ita greatest
benefit--namely the use of hydraulic packers
with tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) guns.
Compared to other techniques, the hydraulic
packer procedure can be the fastest TCP gun
completion possible. It alao requires the
explosives to spend the minimum time at high
bottom hole temperaturea. This procedure
allowa permanent wellhead installation before
perforating and even before underbalancing the
hydrostatic tubing preaaure if desired. This
technique requires the minimum amount of trip
time possible while still retaining the
superior perforating performance of casing
sized TCP guns fired in an underbalanced
pressure condition.
. . . .






WP @lNl









Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Fig. 6

. . .




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