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Why Do People Gamble and Keep Gambling despite Heavy Losses?

Author(s): Howard Rachlin

Source: Psychological Science, Vol. 1, No. 5 (Sep., 1990), pp. 294-297
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of the Association for Psychological Science
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Research Article

Why Do People Gamble And Keep

Gambling Despite Heavy Losses?
Howard Rachlin
State Universityof New Yorkat Stony Brook

Abstract- If a long series of gambles is subjectivelystructured might remember wins better than losses and thus expect to win
into units each consisting of a string of consecutivelosses fol- at games where they have actually lost in the past. But at least
lowed by a win, positive valuedstrings will be short and nega- one study (Gilovich, 1983) has found that gamblers remember
tive valued strings will be long. Long negative strings will be losses better than wins. A more serious problem with this the-
temporally discounted more than short positive strings, in- ory, as Wagenaar himself says (1988, p. 115), is that "it does not
creasing the gamble's subjectivevalue. People, therefore,may specify rules telling us which heuristic will be applied in a given
gamble because even games of objectivelynegative expected situation. Even worse, from the individual differences among
value may be subjectivelypositive. People may keep gambling gamblers, it is obvious that several heuristics could be chosen in
despiteheavylosses because reductionof degreeof discounting one and the same situation, and that these heuristics lead to
and expansion of the behavioralunit, characteristicsof self- opposite behaviors." Another problem with the heuristics and
controlin otherareas, fail to significantlydecrease a gamble's biases theory, from a behavioral viewpoint, is its neglect of
subjectivevalue. motivational factors. According to this cognitive theory all peo-
ple have equal motivation to win; gamblers are simply less ra-
tional (more afflicted by heuristics and biases) than others.
Compulsive gambling has been called an addiction, like her- While it is true that the expressed beliefs and rationalizations of
oin and alcohol addiction; there exist chapters of Gamblers
highly experienced gamblers reveal many heuristics and biases,
Anonymous which (like Alcoholics Anonymous) deal with gam- there is no evidence that gamblers are any less rational in their
bling addiction as a disease, curable by a mixture of group judgments about probabilistic outcomes than are nongamblers.
therapy and religious faith. Whatever the success or failure of We are still left with the question of why some people gamble
such practices, the major problem with the view of gambling as and some do not.
an addiction is that gambling does not involve a substance The previous theory closest to the one presented here is
which is internally consumed. There is apparently nothing in
prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). According to
gambling to be physiologically addicted to. Even strictly behav- prospect theory, after framing (accounting for context) and ed-
ioral models of addiction (for instance, Becker & Murphy, 1988)
iting (restructuring alternatives) have been completed, each
presume the existence of a commodity that is consumed at an possible outcome is expressible as a product of a "decision
unusually high rate. But in gambling it is difficult to identify weight," which is a function of the probability (p) of the out-
such a commodity. An alcohol addict consumes alcohol. If wine come and a "value," which is a function of the amount (A) won
is unavailable, whiskey or beer will do. But while a compulsive or lost for that outcome. The overall value of an alternative is
gambler may also be a "big spender/" spending in no way the sum of the products of decision weights and values of all
substitutes for gambling. Thus, it cannot be said that gamblers
possible outcomes contingent on choice of the alternative.
consume money in the way alcoholics consume alcohol. Given a set of alternatives, people will choose the one with the
Compulsive gamblers do seem to seek risk, but risk is not a highest overall value. Some people gamble and some do not,
commodity so much as a pattern of interaction between behav- according to prospect theory, because of individual differences
ior and environment - exactly what behaviorists claim to be in framing and in the two functional relationships (stated)
studying. This article's purpose, therefore, is to bring behavioral above.
laboratory studies to bear on the problem of gambling in general A problem with prospect theory, critical with regard to gam-
and compulsive gambling in particular. A recent series of com-
bling, is that the fundamental unit of prospect theory is the
prehensive empirical studies of the behavior and expressed at-
single one-shot bet with a fixed set of possible outcomes. In
titudes of gamblers by Wagenaar (1988) provides the starting
laboratory studies people typically avoid risk when choosing
point for the present analysis.
among one-shot alternatives with positive outcomes. Keren and
Wagenaar (1987) found, however, that preferences reversed
OTHER THEORIES (people's preferred risk) with the same alternative to be re-
peated ten times. Thus the one-shot laboratory gambles that
Many theories have been proposed to explain people's at- prospect theory was designed to explain differ drastically from
traction to gambling. Wagenaar's own preferred explanation of the sequences of bets common in gambling.
gambling is the cognitive action of a set of "heuristics and The present theory differs from prospect theory in two re-
biases" upon a basic motive to win money. For instance, the spects. First, the present theory takes as its fundamental be-
heuristic of availability implies that what is most easily remem- havioral unit, not a one-shot choice with a set of possible out-
bered affects probability judgments most strongly. Gamblers comes, but a series of choices with a fixed outcome. Once

294 Copyright © 1990 American Psychological Society VOL. 1, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1990

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Howard Rachlin

Table1. Values of 25 strings with a probabilityof .25, a bet of$l and a payoff of $3 to win
Net Probability Expected Discounted
Payoff of String Value of String Value of String
1 W +3 .250 +.750 +.750
2 LW +2 .188 +.375 +.188
3 LLW +1 .141 +.141 +.047
4 LLLW 0 .105 0 0
5 LLLLW -1 .079 -.079 -.016
6 LLLLLW -2 .059 -.119 -.020
7 LLLLLLW -3 .044 -.133 -.019
8 LLLLLLLW -4 .033 -.133 -.017
9 LLLLLLLLW -5 .025 -.125 -.014
10 LLLLLLLLLW -6 .019 -.113 -.011
11 -- -7 .014 -.099 -.009
12 -- -8 .011 -.084 -.007
13 -- -9 .008 -.071 -.005
14 - - - 10 .006 - .059 - .004
15 -- -11 .004 -.049 -.003
16 -- -12 .003 -.040 -.003
17 -- -13 .003 -.033 -.002
18 -- -14 .002 -.026 -.001
19 -- -15 .001 -.021 -.001
20 -- -16 .001 -.017 -.001
21 -- -17 .001 -.013 -.001
22 -- -18 .001 -.011 -.001
23 -- -19 .0004 -.009 -.0004
24 -- -20 .0003 -.007 -.0003
25 -- -21 .0003 -.005 -.0002
SUM + .02 + .85

gamblingis viewed as a series of events in time (few gamblers The relevantprobabilisticelement in such a view is not the
bet once and quit), the delay to an outcome assumes impor- outcome of a given act (win or lose) but the lengthof the string
tance(Rachlin,Castrogiovanni,& Cross, 1987;Rachlin,Logue, of losses culminatingin a win. For a given probability(p) of a
Gibbon,& Frankel,1986).Thus, the second differencebetween gamblethe averagenumberof operantsin a stringis \lp (the VR
the presenttheoryandprospecttheoryis its accountof delay as value). The key assumptionof the present theory is that the
well as probability. fundamentalbehavioralunit is the string.An individualloss has
no negativevalence; the individualloss is a subunitof a string;
only the stringhas value. Anotherway of puttingthis assump-
THE STRUCTURE OF A GAMBLE tion is that the gambler'saccountingsystem (Thaler, 1981)is
such that wins and losses are added up only after a win (at the
Accordingto Skinner(1953)gamblinghas the structureof a end of each string);then the system is reset. Consider,for in-
- a series of op-
variable-ratio(VR) schedule of reinforcement stance, a stringof $1 bets with an individualprobabilityof win-
erant stringsall culminatingin the same event- positive rein- ningequal to .25, paying$3 to win. The expected value (EV)of
forcement.Mowrerand Jones (1943),studyinglever presses of this bet ($3 x Va- $1 x 3/4)is zero. Table 1 shows the 25 most
rats, found that the numberof responses requiredby the ratio probablestringsand indicatestheir probabilitiesand individual
schedulefor reinforcementwas reflected in the numberof re- expected values. The sum of the expected values of the 25
sponses emittedduringextinction.They speculatedthat the rat strings is +20. Of course, since the bet is of zero expected
emitsa given numberof response-unitsin extinctionratherthan value, the rest of the negativestrings,from26 to infinity,would
a given numberof componentresponses. The response-unitin exactly counterbalancethat quantity,with an expected value of
turnis definedby the conditionsduringreinforcement.1 -20. Let us ignorethese low probabilitystrings(p < .0003)for
the present.2
1. We are concerned primarily with the relation between whole units
and reinforcement. The more molecular question, what generates and 2. Table 1 illustrates a gamble of zero expected value. For corre-
maintains response units and patterns in various reinforcement sched- sponding gambles of negative overall expected value, such as at casi-
ules, is a matter of considerable debate (Zeiler, 1977) and beyond the nos, the sum of the expected values of the first 25 strings would be
scope of the present article. negative.

VOL. 1, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1990 295

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The importantpoint to note about Table 1 is that all of the the manypeople who bet and never win essentiallynever settle
positive stringsare shortand all of the negativestringsare long. accounts. Lottery players do not consider their losses because
For the person about to gamble, all of the positive outcomes they would almost always be wiped away by an eventual win.
will occur soon while all of the negative outcomes will occur For a gambleof a constant expected value, increase of proba-
later;the more positive the outcome, the sooner it will occur. bilityof winning(hence, decreasein amountwon) decreasesthe
Evidencefrom researchwith nonhumans(Mazur,1987)and numberof positive stringsbefore a negative stringis reached.
recentdataobtainedwith humans(Loewenstein, 1989;Rachlin, For the gambleof Table 1 (probabilityof win = .25) there are
Raineri, & Cross, 1989) indicate that delayed outcomes of a three positive strings. If Probabilityof winningwere .5, there
given amountare discountedby the hyperbolicfunction: would be only one positive string, conversely, in the case of
lotteries, there would be a virtuallyinfinitenumberof positive
Adi = 1/(1 + kd) (1) strings.

where d is the delay to outcome, and k is a constantreflecting

degree of temporaldiscounting.Accordingto prospect theory
the value of a gamble is some function of probability,g(p)9 Considerstring #10 in Table 1. Suppose a gamblerhas al-
multipliedby some function of amount, h(A). If we consider readylost 9 times in a row and is consideringa tenth bet. As it
strings with different delays as units (ratherthan individual stands, even if the 10th outcome is a win the string will be
gamblesall with effectively zero delays) the value of a stringis: negative (a loss of $6). A method of convertingthe stringto a
positive one wouldbe to increasethe payofffor the tenthbet by
v = Ad)g(p)h(A) (2) decreasingthe odds- by playing a long shot. This would de-
crease the probabilitythat the very next gamblewould be a win
For illustrativepurposeslet us assumeg(p) is equalto p, h(A)to but providethe possibilitythat the stringas a whole would be
A andAd) to the value given by Eq. 1 with degree of temporal positive. If the stringand not the individualgambleis the basic
discounting(k)equalto unityand the outcomeof the first string unit, gamblers should tend to increase risk after losing. Wa-
at d = 0. The last columnof Table 1 gives the discountedvalue genaar(1988, p. 53) found that roulette players did indeed in-
of each string.The sum of the discountedvalues of all 25 strings crease risk after losses and it is well known that, at the race
is now +850.3 track, while long shots are generallyoverbet, they are overbet
As temporaldiscountingincreasesfrom k = 0 in Eq. 1, the even moreon late races when, presumably,moreplayersare in
positive value of the gambleas a whole (the sum of the values the midst of losing streaks (McGlothin,1956).
of all strings) increases to a maximum,then decreases to an One can generalize this observation to the case of "sunk
asymptoteequal to the value of the first (undelayed)string. As costs" (Northcraft& Wolf, 1984). In a probabilisticsituation
k continues to increase all other strings would eventually be strings of losses are, effectively, investments that may be
100%discounted. For the gamble illustratedin Table 1, the "protected"by increasingrisk. Speculatingfurther,the writer
asymptotewould be +750. Thus, if k were initiallyabove the whose manuscriptshave been repeatedlyrejectedneeds, more
point of maximumvalue, decreases in the degree of temporal and more, to producea masterpiece.The situationis identical
discounting(decreasesin k) mightactuallyincreasethe subjec- with respect to delay the longer one has waited for a reward,
tive value of the gamble.Accordingto the presentmodel, there- the bigger that reward has to be to justify the wait. Writer's
fore, the criticalfactor that gives positive value to gambles is block may be a situationwherethe subjectivesize of the achiev-
the mode of response structuringand accounting- adding up able rewardis always just insufficientto justify the time and
wins and losses only after a string of bets culminatingin a effort alreadyspent in tryingto achieve it.
win- not degree of temporaldiscounting.Gamblesof zero ex- The above considerationsindicatewhy a personmightbegin
pected value, structuredin this way, wouldbe valuedpositively to gamble and, in the case of lotteries, why a person might
of of
regardless degree temporal discounting; such gambles continue to gamble. But they do not explain why people con-
would be subjectivelyvalued at their nominal(zero) expected tinue to gambledespite heavy losses. WhatWagenaar(1988,p.
value only by a personwho did not discountthe value of future 106) concludes about prospect theory applies to the present
events at all (k = 0). theory as well: "Althoughit may account for incidentalgam-
The presentmodel would explainlotteryparticipationin the bling [it] does not explain why people continue to gamblefor
same way as other gambling.In the case of lotteries, however, years, despite their losses." Why don't people learn to adjust
their betting behaviorin the face of long strings of disastrous
3. In general,the sum of the values of stringsdiscountedby Equa-
tion 1 is:

Wp2 0 " np)(\ - p)»-\\ +k{n- I))"1 As children grow older they become capable of delaying
gratificationlonger;furthermore,individualdifferencesin abil-
ity to delay gratificationmay persist from childhood at least
where W is the amountwon dividedby the amountbet, p is the prob- through adolescence (Mischel, Shode, & Rodriguez, 1989).
abilityof winningand n, the lengthof the string. From a behavioralperspective, these differencesmay be char-

296 VOL. 1, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER1990

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Howard Rachlin

acterized in two ways: First, in terms of degree of temporal gambling situation (although running out of money would be
discounting; second, in terms of extent and complexity of be- one such signal- unfortunately a belated one).
havioral structure. Suppose (as in the Mischel et al., 1989, ex- Gradual expansion of the number of required variable-ratio
periments) a 4-year-old boy takes and eats an immediately responses in the animal laboratory has supported variable ratios
available single cookie instead of waiting 10 min (with the of hundreds (occasionally thousands) of responses with no re-
cookie exposed in front of him) for two cookies, but a 6- inforcement (Ferster & Skinner, 1957). A history of such rein-
year-old boy waits for the two cookies. The younger boy may forcement patterning (ratio " stretching") might conceivably
be said to discount the larger delayed reward more than 50% characterize compulsive gamblers. For such individuals, re-
over the 10 min while the older boy discounts the larger reward structuring on the basis of extrinsic count-based or time-based
less than 50%. Alternatively, the younger boy may be thought signals might be particularly difficult.
of as incapable of organizing his behavior into a unit as much as
10-min long; in that case he would have to repeatedly reject the - This articlewas preparedwith the assistanceof
immediate reward. The older boy, however, who can organize a grantfrom the NationalInstituteof MentalHealth and a fellow-
behavior during the waiting period into a 10-min unit, needs to ship from the Russell Sage Foundation.I thank David Cross for
reject the smaller reward only once. many helpfulsuggestionsand criticisms.
Correspondingly, adults (who may sacrifice years of income
studying for a college degree) may be said either (1) to discount
the ultimate expected rewards only slightly or (2) to organize
their behavior over a large span of time and to count up the REFERENCES
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VOL. 1, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER1990 297

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