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Immune Response in Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Anthony Tan1, Sarene Koh2, and Antonio Bertoletti1,2,3

Program Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore 169857
Viral Hepatitis Laboratory, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, A STAR, Singapore 117609
School of Immunity and Infection, College of Medical and Dental Science, University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 2TT, United Kingdom

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can replicate within hepatocytes without causing direct cell damage.
The host immune response is, therefore, not only essential to control the spread of virus
infection, but it is also responsible for the inflammatory events causing liver pathologies.
In this review, we discuss how HBV deals with host immunity and how we can harness it to
achieve virus control and suppress liver damage.

nnate and adaptive immunity have evolved they also evolved distinct strategies to escape
I different tasks to control infections. Through
recognition of viral nucleic acids, viral proteins
host immunity. HBV infection of hepatocytes
is characterized by several unique features (Ber-

or tissue-damage innate immunity is triggered toletti et al. 2010). Although many virus infec-
during the early phases of viral infections. Ac- tions are characterized by an initial logarithmic
tivation of different families of cellular receptors phase of virus production, HBV infections show
(toll-like receptors [TLRs], RIG-1) leads to rap- delayed virus amplification and spread through
id production of antiviral cytokines, such as the liver. Similarly, febrile symptoms occur im-
interferon (IFN)-a, and, in concert with acti- mediately in many acute viral infections, where-
vation of natural killer (NK) cells, limits the as acute HBV infections are mostly asymptom-
initial spread of hepatitis B virus (HBV). The atic. Finally, although low viral load and protein
activation of innate immunity is also necessary expression is characteristic of most chronic viral
for the efficient recruitment of the adaptive infections (e.g., hepatitis C virus [HCV], hu-
immune system (Akira et al. 2006) which acts man cytomegalovirus), HBV persistence is of-
through functional maturation and expansion ten associated with the production of large
of distinct B- and T-cell clones that specifically amounts of viral proteins, such as the hepatitis
recognize and kill infected hepatocytes. This B surface (HBsAg) and e (HBeAg) antigens, re-
process eventually leads to the control of an spectively (Bertoletti and Ferrari 2003; Wieland
infection and generates a memory response, and Chisari 2005).
which protects the host from subsequent infec- Another peculiarity of HBV infections is
tions with the same pathogen. that the immune system often cannot complete-
As different pathogens target different or- ly resolve infections. Although “recovered” pa-
gans and cause a variety of clinical conditions, tients maintain protective immunity for the re-

Editors: Christoph Seeger and Stephen Locarnini

Additional Perspectives on Hepatitis B and Delta Viruses available at
Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021428
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a021428

A. Tan et al.

mainder of their lives, trace amounts of HBV magnitude, and the kinetics were also delayed
DNA can still be detected sporadically (Reher- compared with HCV- and HIV-infected pa-
mann 1996). These trace amounts of HBV DNA tients (Dunn et al. 2009; Stacey et al. 2009).
are infectious and stimulate HBV-specific B- These observations are consistent with results
and T-cell responses, which, in turn, control obtained in chimpanzees, in which a limited
viremia (Rehermann 1996). The basis for the induction of IFN-related genes was observed
apparent persistence is the covalently closed cir- after HBV infection, in contrast to the rapid
cular DNA (cccDNA) that persists in infected up-regulation observed in HCV (Wieland et
hepatocytes in the form of a minichromosome al. 2004). Lack of induction of known IFN-a-
(Seeger and Mason 2000). Thus, successful stimulated genes was not only observed during
HBV immunity must often be considered pro- acute HBV infection, but also during chronic
tective rather than sterilizing. reactivation and in the livers of woodchucks
In this review, we will summarize the role of chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis
different components that contribute to anti- virus (WHV) (Fletcher et al. 2012).
HBV immunity, and discuss how we can exploit The reason for the apparent lack of a ro-
recent knowledge gained about the immune re- bust IFN-a-mediated innate response during
sponse to achieve control of chronic HBV infec- HBV infections is still controversial. One pos-
tions in the future. sibility is that HBV escapes innate recognition
by sequestering cccDNA to the cell nucleus,
and replicative RNA and DNA intermediates
to cytoplasmic core particles and, hence, pre-
venting their recognition by host-sensing recep-
tors (Wieland and Chisari 2005). Recent reports

Technical limitations restrict our knowledge have, however, challenged this view, claiming
of innate host response against HBV. Data that HBV is sensed by the innate immune sys-
obtained during acute natural infection are lim- tem, but that it actively suppresses its activation
ited by the difficulty in recruiting patients at (Durantel and Zoulim 2009). For example, HBV
the earliest presymptomatic stages (reviewed replication in HepaRG cells, which are physio-
in Bertoletti et al. 2010). In addition, despite the logically closer to normal hepatocytes than es-
recent discovery of the putative receptor of HBV, tablished hepatoma-derived cell lines, activates
we still lack a robust HBV in vitro infection IFN-b and other IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs)
system. In vitro HBV infection efficiency is of- (Lucifora et al. 2010). In addition, acute infec-
ten poor and the level of HBV replication is low tion of woodchucks with high doses of WHV
(Gripon et al. 2002; Hantz et al. 2009). Equally, can induce ISGs immediately after infection
animal models of hepadnavirus infections are (Guy et al. 2008). Also, Kupffer cells, despite
plagued by ethical issues and high costs (chim- not replicating the virus, seem to be able to sense
panzees), the scarcity of reagents to analyze HBV with up-regulation of interleukin (IL)-6
immunological events (woodchucks, ducks) production (Hösel et al. 2009). The physiologi-
(Roggendorf and Tolle 1995; Guy et al. 2008), cal relevance of these observations needs to be
or technical difficulties involved with the pro- confirmed in natural infections that occur with
duction of human livers in chimeric mice (Dan- much lower doses of virus (Unterholzner and
dri et al. 2001; Jo et al. 2013). Bowie 2011). Thus, overexpression of HBV in
Despite these limits, information gained HepaRG cells (Lucifora et al. 2010) and the ex-
from animal studies and human liver specimen ceedingly high dose of WHV used to infect
established a scenario of weak activation of in- woodchucks (Guy et al. 2008) might have trig-
nate immunity as the hallmark of acute HBV gered the observed stimulation of the innate sys-
infection in adults. Proinflammatory cytokines tem. Indeed, the quantity of initial viral inocu-
are low or undetectable within the first 30 days lum is known to be an important parameter,
of HBV infection, their production is of lower which can influence the outcome of HBV infec-

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Immune Response in HBV Infection

tions (Michalak et al. 1994; Coffin and Michalak Kumar et al. 2011). Nevertheless, similar to pre-
1999; Asabe et al. 2009). vious work, intracellular IFN-b production was
However, the ability of the innate immunity activated by heterologous inducers ( poly dAT:
to sense and react to HBV was recently support- dAT, poly I:C, or vesicular stomatitis virus), and
ed by the demonstration of a transient activa- HBx, RIG-I, and IPS-1 were overexpressed in
tion of ISGs in human hepatocytes infected HepG2 cells. Thus, these studies are important
with HBV in chimeric mice (Lütgehetmann to reveal potential clues on the interplay be-
et al. 2011). The viral and cellular factors in- tween HBV and innate immunity, but need to
volved in ISG activation have not yet been be confirmed with more natural HBV infection
elucidated. Possible cellular candidates might systems.
belong to the growing family of pathogen-rec-
ognition receptors (PRRs) (Sharma and Fitz-
gerald 2011). A similar lack of information is
apparent concerning the mechanism(s) that
suppress IFN-a/b production in HBV-infected Another important aspect of antiviral immu-
cells. For example, evidence has been obtained nity concerns the mechanisms that reduce and
that the HBV polymerase can interfere with IRF- control HBV replication. Although killing of in-
3 and IRF-7 signaling by binding to the RNA fected hepatocytes by NK or cytotoxic T lym-
helicase DDX3 (Fig. 1) (Foster et al. 1991; Chris- phocytes (CTLs) will reduce HBV load, noncy-
ten et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2007; Wang and Ryu tolytic mechanisms are also believed to play a
2010; Yu et al. 2010). critical role in the control of HBV replication
The HBV X protein (Hbx) has also been (Guidotti 1999). IFN-a can inhibit HBV repli-
implicated in the inhibition of intracellular in- cation in cell lines and human hepatocytes in

nate immunity by interfering with signaling, chimeric mice by several mechanisms, includ-
mediated by cytosolic sensory molecules, such ing induction of epigenetic changes in histones
as RIG-I (Wang et al. 2010; Wei et al. 2010; of the cccDNA minichromosome (Belloni et al.

Type I IFN induction HBV Type I IFN response

Type I IFN receptor

X protein
DNA sensors Rig-1 Helicases

MAV-5 ?
PRR adaptors Transcription factors
Transcription factors STAT-1, STAT-2, IRF-9


Target genes Nucleus

Figure 1. Proposed mechanisms for the suppression of the host innate immune response by different hepatitis B
virus (HBV) proteins. Induction of interferon (IFN)-a/b (type I IFN) production might be suppressed by HBV
polymerase through binding to DDX-3 (Wang and Ryu 2010; Yu et al. 2010) or by HBx through down-
regulation of the mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein MAV-5 (Wang et al. 2010; Wei et al. 2010; Kumar
et al. 2011). IFN-a-induced response can also be blocked by the HBV polymerase as a result of a block of signal
transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-1 nuclear translocation (Foster et al. 1991; Christen et al. 2007;
Wu et al. 2007). PRR, Pathogen-recognition receptor.

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A. Tan et al.

2012) and accelerated decay of replication-com- genic mice and chimpanzees (Guidotti et al.
petent HBV nucleocapsids (Xu et al. 2010). At 1996; Guidotti 1999; Phillips et al. 2010). How-
very high doses, IFN-a has also been shown to ever, IFN-g and TNF-a are also secreted by NK
induce direct degradation of cccDNA through and natural killer T (NKT) cells at levels suffi-
activation of APOBEC3A cytidine deaminase cient for inhibition of HBV. This was, for exam-
(Lucifora et al. 2014). However, the antiviral ple, not only shown with HBV transgenic mice
activity exerted by IFN-a during natural HBV (Kimura et al. 2002), but also with HBV-in-
infections is weak and lower than observed fected chimpanzees treated with TLR agonists,
in HCV infections. In HCV-infected patients, which can stimulate not only IFN-a, but also
IFN-a-based therapies result in a sharp decrease an IFN-g-dependent antiviral response (Lan-
in viremia within the first 48 h (Neumann et al. ford et al. 2013). More important, the hu-
1998), whereas in patients with chronic hepati- man intrahepatic environment is enriched for
tis B (CHB), HBV titers begin to drop only 3– NKbright cells and a type of NKT cells called
4 wk after the start of therapy. Therefore, it is mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells,
likely that therapeutic effect of IFN-a in CHB is which can produce large quantities of IFN-g
indirect through activation of other compo- after activation with IL-12 and IL-18 (Tu et al.
nents of the innate immune system, such as 2008; Jo et al. 2014; Ussher et al. 2014).
NK cells. Innate immune pathways induced by the
The limited direct antiviral efficacy of IFN- lymphotoxin-b receptor (LT-bR) might also
a has been investigated in vitro and in vivo. In play a role in the suppression of HBV replica-
human hepatocytes in chimeric mice, HBV pre- tion through activation of nuclear deaminases,
vents IFN-a-mediated signaling by inhibiting which target cccDNA (Lucifora et al. 2014). The
nuclear translocation of signal transducer and physiological ligands of LT-bR are two members

activator of transcription (STAT)-1 and, thus, of the TNF-superfamily ligands, expressed on

interfering with transcription of ISGs (Lütge- subsets of activated T, B, and NK cells. One is
hetmann et al. 2011). Interestingly, IFN-a has the heterotrimeric LT-a1b2 formed by a single
also been shown to promote HBV infection in molecule of LT-a and two of LT-b. The hetero-
HBV transgenic mice or mice inoculated with trimer activates LT-bR signaling by inducing
HBV DNA by hydrodynamic transfection. This dimerization of the LT-bRs expressed on hepa-
activity was detectable only when the viral load tocytes (Sudhamsu et al. 2013). The other LT-
was low (Tian et al. 2011) and might explain bR ligand, termed LIGHT (homologous to
why IFN-a-based therapies are generally not lymphotoxin [LT]-inducible expression, and
very effective against HBV. In this model, IFN- compete with herpes simplex virus [HSV] gly-
a activated STAT-3, which, in turn, stimulated coprotein for herpes simplex entry mediator,
HBV gene expression and replication. A possi- expressed by T lymphocytes), is expressed on
ble explanation of why the pro-HBV effect can immature dendritic cells and activated T cells,
be detected only when HBV replicates at low can bind to LT-bR in a soluble form, and has
level might be that, at higher levels of HBV rep- been shown to play a role in maturation of the
lication, the viral polymerase and X proteins are adaptive immune system and also in hepatitis
produced at levels sufficient to inhibit STAT (Anand et al. 2006). Despite the potential im-
methylation (Christen et al. 2007) and other portance of the LT-bR pathway in the control of
IFN-a-mediated cellular responses (Foster et al. HBV, information about the role of this pathway
1991; Wu et al. 2007). during natural HBV infections is limited to
Suppression of HBV replication can also be studies in CHB infections, in which expression
mediated by IFN-g and tumor necrosis factor levels of LT-a/b were shown to be up-regulated
(TNF)-a (Cavanaugh et al. 1998; Nakamoto and associated with hepatocellular carcinoma
et al. 1998; Guidotti 1999). Production of these (HCC) development (Haybaeck et al. 2009).
cytokines has been associated mainly with an Indeed, a note of caution about the antivi-
efficient HBV-specific T-cell response in trans- ral effect of cytokines in HBV infections is nec-

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Immune Response in HBV Infection

essary. Most of the experiments performed ing HBV antigens (Zeissig et al. 2012). These
to measure the ability of cytokines to inhibit data suggested that direct activation of NKT
HBV replication have been performed in ex- cells by HBV-infected hepatocytes represent
perimental systems devoid of chronic inflam- the first step of innate immune activation dur-
matory events. However, intrahepatic levels of ing HBV primary infection. However, the im-
SOCS3, a negative regulator of cytokine signal- pact of such innate immune cells during natural
ing, are known to be increased in patients and HBV infections in humans is controversial be-
woodchucks with chronic hepadnavirus infec- cause such CD-1-restricted NKT cells are abun-
tions (Koeberlein et al. 2010; Fletcher et al. dant in mouse, but extremely rare in human
2012). SOCS3, a predictor of poor IFN-a re- livers. Instead, in human livers, different types
sponses in HCV-infected patients (Kim et al. of NKT cells, such as MAIT cells, which do not
2009), may also attenuate the antiviral efficacy recognize antigens presented by CD-1 cells, are
of IFN-a and other cytokines in patients with abundant (Tang et al. 2013). However, the role
chronic HBV infections. IL-10 (Das et al. 2012), of MAIT cells, lymphocytes that are known
TGF-b (Sun et al. 2012), and arginase (Das et al. to play a major role in antibacterial immunity,
2008), all factors that impair T and NK func- during acute or chronic HBV infection, is not
tions, are also elevated in chronic HBV infec- known.
tions (Peppa et al. 2010). It is, therefore, impor- The role of classical NK cells in HBV infec-
tant to keep in mind that the impact of the tion has been investigated in more detail. Stud-
activation of different components of innate ies of patients around the time of first detection
and adaptive immunity might be modulated of HBsAg and HBV DNA revealed an increase
in a liver microenvironment characterized by in the number of circulating NK cells (Webster
chronic inflammatory events. et al. 2000; Fisicaro et al. 2009), but their acti-

vation and effector function was suppressed as

viral load increased and peaked only once vire-
mia had resolved (Dunn et al. 2009). The im-
NK cells recognize and kill virus-infected cells. portance of NK cells in the immediate early
Loss of major histocompatibility complex response to infection was also shown in wood-
(MHC) class I on the surface of virally infected chucks infected with high doses (1011) of WHV,
cells, along with up-regulation of host or path- which displayed an activation of a gene related
ogen-encoded ligands that signal cell stress, op- to NK cell activation immediately after infec-
timize NK cell recognition. NK cells can also be tion (8– 12 h) (Guy et al. 2008). Moreover, the
directly activated by cytokines induced in viral initial IFN-g production detected in acutely in-
infections, such as type 1 interferons, IL-12, and fected chimpanzees was suggested to be sus-
IL-18 (Biron and Brossay 2001). The cytokine- tained by NK cell activation (Guidotti 1999).
mediated pathway of NK activation can be par- NK cells also play a role in chronic HBV in-
ticularly important in the liver where NKbright fection (Dunn et al. 2007; Oliviero et al. 2009;
cells, which are highly responsive to cytokine- Peppa et al. 2010). Their functionality seems
mediated activation, are preferentially compart- often suppressed by the presence of different
mentalized (Tu et al. 2008). Other cells at the immunomodulatory cytokines, such as IL-10
crossroads between innate and adaptive immu- or TGF-b (Peppa et al. 2010), whereas other
nity, which are extremely abundant in the liver, data have suggested an increased cytotoxic abil-
are invariant natural killer T (iNKT) and MAIT ity and involvement in liver damage (Zhang
cells. Classical iNKT cells, a lymphocyte pop- et al. 2011b). One other interesting possibility
ulation that is activated after recognition of is that NK cells, during chronic HBV infection,
lipid antigen associated with MHC class I – act as a rheostat of HBV-specific T cells. Intra-
like molecule CD-1, are abundant in mouse liv- hepatic NK cells were shown to induce apopto-
er, and elegant work has shown their ability to sis of HBV-specific T cells with up-regulated
be directly activated by hepatocytes overexpress- PD-1 expression (Peppa et al. 2013).

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A. Tan et al.

NK cell activation has also been associated and noncytolytic mechanisms, reducing the
with IFN-a treatment efficacy. NK cell prolifer- levels of circulating virus (Chisari 1997), where-
ation and activation is detectable immediately as B-cell antibody production neutralizes free
after IFN-a therapy (Tan et al. 2014). HBV in- viral particles and can prevent reinfection (Fig.
hibition during IFN-a treatment coincided 2) (Alberti et al. 1978). This antiviral immune
with an increase in the frequency of circulating response is induced in adults after acute HBV
CD56bright NK cells, increased expression of infection and leads to HBV control. In contrast,
the activating receptor NKp46, and the cytotox- chronic HBV patients fail to mount such an
ic receptor TNF-related apoptosis-inducing li- efficient antiviral response.
gand (TRAIL) by NK cells and recovery of their Although little is known about the induc-
IFN-g production (Micco et al. 2013). tion and kinetics of the B-cell response in acute
HBV, HBV-specific CD4 (helper) and CD8 (cy-
totoxic)-mediated responses become generally
detectable at the time of exponential increase
The adaptive immunity has generally been rec- in HBV replication, which follows an initial
ognized as a crucial player in the clearance of phase of negative or weakly positive HBV
HBV infection; it comprises a complex web of DNA levels lasting for 4– 7 wk after infection
effector cell types. CD4 T cells are robust pro- (Webster et al. 2000; Fisicaro et al. 2009). CD4
ducers of cytokines and required for the effi- T helper cells recognize preferentially epitopes
cient development of effector CD8 CTLs and of the capsid protein, whereas CD8 T cells typ-
B-cell antibody production. CD8 T cells clear ically recognize epitopes located within differ-
HBV-infected hepatocytes through cytolytic ent HBV proteins. HBV-specific T cells are Th1





Clearance of HBV- TNF-α
infected cells

Helper T cells Th1 Th2

Expansion of immune response
modulates inflammatory events

B cells
Neutralize free virus through Ab

Figure 2. Antiviral adaptive immune response during hepatitis B virus (HBV infection). CTL, Cytotoxic T
lymphocyte; INF, interferon; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

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Immune Response in HBV Infection

oriented and much stronger in self-limited than molecules like PD-1, CTLA-4, TIM-3, and are
in chronic infection (Bertoletti and Ferrari defective in proliferation, cytokine production
2003; Rehermann and Nascimbeni 2005; Wie- (Boni et al. 2007; Fisicaro et al. 2010; Razior-
land and Chisari 2005; Bertoletti et al. 2010). rouh et al. 2010; Schurich et al. 2011), and are
In self-limited infections, HBV DNA de- prone to apoptosis caused by Bim up-reg-
clines by .90% within 2– 3 wk after the peak ulation (Lopes et al. 2008). The HBV-specific
of viral replication and before detection of liver T-cell defects present in chronic patients are
damage, indicating that a large quantity of vi- inversely correlated to viremia levels (Maini
rus is eliminated by noncytopathic mechanisms et al. 2000a; Webster et al. 2004; Boni et al.
controlled by IFN-g and TNF-a, secreted by 2007), with suppression of HBV-specific T-cell
CD8 T cells (Guidotti 1999; Guidotti and Chi- responses more profound in highly viremic pa-
sari 2006). Intrahepatic recruitment of HBV- tients and T cells more dysfunctional within the
specific CTLs, which is facilitated by the secre- liver than in the periphery (Fisicaro et al. 2010).
tion of chemokines (i.e., CXCL-10) and platelet One other important factor influencing the
activation (Iannacone et al. 2005, 2007; Sitia residual HBV-specific T-cell function in CHB
et al. 2007, 2004), also leads to killing of infected patients is the length of the chronic infection
hepatocytes with subsequent recruitment of an- (Crispe et al. 2000; Bertolino et al. 2001; Mueller
tigen-nonspecific cells that amplify hepatocel- and Ahmed 2009). Indeed, young CHB patients
lular damage. show a less-profound defect of HBV-specific T
When infection is successfully controlled, cells in comparison with adults (Kennedy et al.
maturation of T-cell memory occurs efficiently 2012). These experimental data suggest that the
(Wherry and Ahmed 2004; Wherry et al. 2004). length of persistent infection affects HBV-spe-
This stage is, however, preceded by a functional cific T-cell presence, and challenged the popular

HBV-specific CD8 T-cell impairment, which is notion that the initial phase of HBV chronic
detectable at the peak of disease, when the ma- infection is characterized by a state of immuno-
jority of HBV-specific CD8þ T cells are activat- tolerance. So far, such a definition of immune
ed but poorly able to proliferate and are func- tolerance has only been supported by clinical
tionally exhausted (Dunn et al. 2009; Sandalova observation, indicating the absence of serolog-
et al. 2010). This functional decline has been ical markers of liver inflammation. However,
reported to be associated with a peak of IL-10 it is now well established that the quantity of
production (Dunn et al. 2009), but could also liver enzymes is not directly proportional to
be caused by the increased levels of arginase the quantity of HBV-specific T cells. Antiviral
released by dying hepatocytes (Chisari 1978). specific T-cell responses within the liver can be
By depleting the essential amino acid L-argi- present without any elevation of alanine amino
nine, arginase contributes to the down-regu- transferase (ALT) levels. Furthermore, quantity
lation of the CD3z chain on T cells (Das et al. and function of HBV-specific T cells correlate
2008). These mechanisms of acute phase sup- with viral control and not with the extent of
pression can represent a homeostatic process liver damage (Maini et al. 2000b; Stabenow
common to many virus infections to avoid ex- et al. 2010). As such, we think that the defini-
cessive immunopathology and favor T-cell con- tion of the “immunotolerant” state in HBV in-
traction (Marshall et al. 2011). fections requires a better immunological defini-
In patients with chronic HBV infection, the tion and should cover only those subjects who
HBV-specific T-cell response is extremely weak. are unable to mount an HBV-specific T-cell re-
Irrespective of the primary causes of HBV chro- sponse (Bertoletti and Kennedy 2014). Studies
nicity (infection at birth, dose of antigen, HLA with HBV transgenic mice suggested that HBV
class I and II profile), the prolonged expres- exposure in the early stages of development can
sion of high doses of HBV antigens in hepato- block the proper induction of an HBV-specific
cytes can delete or cause functional inactivation T-cell response (Publicover et al. 2013). Howev-
of HBV-specific T cells that express inhibitory er, such mouse data contrast with the scenario

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A. Tan et al.

detected in young CHB patients who have a plasticity of T-cell cytokine production. Th17-
better HBV-specific T-cell response than adults producing cells can coexpress IL-22, a cytokine
(Kennedy et al. 2012). Analysis of immune-re- that should have a prominent hepatoprotective
sponse profiles in children vertically infected role (Zenewicz et al. 2007), although, in HBV-
with HBV is eagerly awaited to better under- transgenic mice, it was shown that IL-22 has a
stand the influence of this mode of transmission proinflammatory effect (Zhang et al. 2011a).
on antiviral immunity. The necessary stimulus to trigger T-cell produc-
tion of IL-17 and IL-22 during HBV infection
has been analyzed, and a report has proposed
that HBsAg, through stimulation of IL-23
from hepatic macrophages and dendritic cells,
Analysis of HBV-specific T cells in acute and might directly activate Th17 cells (Wang et al.
CHB has been mainly focused on T cells pro- 2013). Such data are, however, difficult to rec-
ducing IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-2 (so-called Th1/ oncile with the fact that HBsAg levels are not
Th0 cytokine profiles) in relation to their as- proportional to liver damage or fibrosis, and
sociation with antiviral property. However, an many subjects with high levels of HBsAg are ac-
extended family of T cells with regulatory or tually protected from hepatic fibrosis (Seto et al.
inflammatory functions can play a role in HBV 2012; Martinot-Peignoux et al. 2013). Further-
pathogenesis (O’Shea and Paul 2010). Treg and more, although HBV-specific IL-17-producing
T cells producing IL-10 or TGF-b can have im- cells were initially reported (Zhang et al. 2010),
munoregulatory roles, IL-17- or IL-8-produc- more recent data failed to detect IL-17-pro-
ing T cells can be proinflammatory, whereas ducing HBV-specific T cells in acute and chron-
Th2 and T cells producing IL-13 have profibrotic ic HBV patients, both in the periphery and

effects (Chiaramonte et al. 1999), and cells pro- the intrahepatic environment (Gehring et al.
ducing IL-22 have been reported to have hepa- 2011a). HBV-specific T cells maturing in the
toprotective effects (Zenewicz et al. 2007). intrahepatic inflammatory environment can,
Many studies have shown that Treg, Th17, instead, produce CXCL-8 (IL-8) (Gehring et
and Th22 cell frequencies are higher in patients al. 2011a), a cytokine that has a proinflamma-
with chronic hepatitis than in healthy subjects toryeffect (Zimmermann et al. 2011), which can
(Xu et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2007; Zhang et al. contribute to the development of liver patholo-
2010). These cells are often enriched in the gy through the recruitment of granulocytes (Si-
intrahepatic environment and express CD161 tia et al. 2002). Thus, with the exception of some
and CXCR-6 receptors (Billerbeck et al. 2010). interesting correlative analysis, we are quite far
These correlations do not, however, clarify their from a clear understanding of the impact that T
role in HBV pathogenesis. Treg cells can sup- cells with regulatory, proinflammatory, or hep-
press, in vitro, HBV-specific T-cell functions atoprotective effects have on HBV infection.
(Stoop et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2006), but such an
effect is also observed in patients who are per-
fectly able to control the virus (Franzese et al.
2005). Furthermore, because Treg frequency is
correlated with ALT levels (Xu et al. 2006), Treg A hallmark of HBV infection is the persistent
might have an anti-inflammatory effect and not production of the soluble form of HBsAg and
play any role in HBV persistence. e antigen derived from the core protein in ex-
Th17 cells are detectable at higher frequency cessive amounts over whole virions. Persistent
in CHB patients with severe liver damage exposure to circulating HBsAg has been sug-
(Zhang et al. 2010), but they were also reported, gested to impair the frequency and function
in HCV infection, to be associated with mild of myeloid (van der Molen et al. 2004; Op den
hepatitis (Billerbeck et al. 2010). Such contro- Brouw et al. 2009), plasmacytoid (Xu et al. 2009;
versial data can be explained by the inherent Woltman et al. 2011; Shi et al. 2012), and mono-

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Immune Response in HBV Infection

cyte-derived dendritic cells (Beckebaum et al. liver inflammation but high HBsAg levels, the
2003) by modulating TLR-2 surface expression frequency and T-cell stimulatory activity of cir-
(Visvanathan et al. 2007) and interfering with culating professional antigen-presenting cells
TLR-mediated cytokine production (Wu et al. (monocytes, dendritic cells, and B cells) were
2009). It is believed that soluble viral antigens not altered (Gehring et al. 2013). In contrast,
can inhibit antigen-presenting function, alter- another study reported alteration of dendritic
ing their ability to produce cytokines, and cell (DC) function ex vivo in CHB infection
inhibit the induction of HBV-specific T cells corresponding with HBsAg and HBeAg levels,
(Martinet et al. 2012). However, it is somehow but also with high levels of CXCL-10, a chemo-
difficult to understand why these defects are kine associated with liver-inflammatory events
limited to HBV infection. In fact, we would ex- causing increased arginase/IL-10 levels (Marti-
pect that CHB patients are susceptible to bacte- net et al. 2012). It is, therefore, plausible that
rial and other opportunistic infections. Howev- these different results are caused by the differ-
er, to our knowledge, there have been no reports ence in suppressive cytokines or enzymes in the
of increased incidences of bacterial infections or circulation of patients with liver-inflammatory
vaccine unresponsiveness in HBsAgþ children. diseases, and not by differences in HBsAg levels.
In contrast, reports have shown that, in patients The hypothesis that circulating HBsAg and
with malaria, HBsAg positivity is associated HBeAg can suppress the T-cell response to viral
with lower parasitemia (Andrade et al. 2011), proteins is also difficult to envisage. Such a hy-
or episodes of cerebral malaria, that is, a path- pothesis would be plausible if antigen-specific
ological manifestation indicative of a height- T-cell responses against the HBV polymerase, a
ened Th1 response against the parasite (Oakley HBV protein produced at very low levels, would
et al. 2013). To add to the confusion, a recent remain intact in CHB. This is not the case be-

report has suggested that HBsAg, instead of cause HBV-specific T-cell responses against the
having suppressive role, might directly induce HBV polymerase are rarely detected ex vivo in
a heightened Th17 response through activation patients with CHB (Webster et al. 2004; Boni
of IL-23 on macrophages (Wang et al. 2013). et al. 2007), and, overall, the magnitude of
A caveat of the studies that have suggested HBV-specific T-cell response in CHB patients
an immunomodulatory role of HBV antigens, is inversely correlated with levels of HBV repli-
is that they have been often performed in vitro cation (HBV DNA) (Webster et al. 2004; Boni
with proteins expressed in Escherichia coli or et al. 2007), and not with the quantity of circu-
yeast, or purified from the sera of CHB patients. lating antigens. It is, therefore, likely that the
Despite the high level of purity of these prepa- persistent viral antigen presentation in the in-
rations, contaminants from bacteria or enzymes fected liver is the cause of the exhaustion or
cannot be ruled out. For example, the phenom- deletion of HBV-specific T cells. This notion
ena of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced toler- is supported by studies demonstrating that in-
ance of antigen-presenting cells following stim- trahepatic recognition of viral antigen triggers
ulation with TLR agonists may have influenced T-cell dysfunction, which is associated with the
the outcome of some experiments (Rodrick et inability to produce antiviral cytokines and the
al. 1992; Granowitz et al. 1993). Moreover, it up-regulation of inhibitory receptors (Fisicaro
is important to consider that, in CHB patients et al. 2012).
with chronic liver disease, the presence of high
doses of circulating antigens is often linked
with immunosuppressive cytokines (IL-10)
(Das et al. 2012) or liver enzymes (i.e., argi-
nase), known to alter the function of different How can we use our knowledge of HBV im-
components of cellular immunity (Das et al. munity to develop better therapeutic strate-
2008; Sandalova et al. 2012). In a study per- gies against HBV? The limited activation of
formed with CHB patients with mild or absent the innate immune system during primary

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A. Tan et al.

and chronic HBV infections has stimulated virus replication, never fully recover their T-
therapeutic strategies to specifically target this cell functionality (Boni et al. 2012).
system. Because IFN-a can clear HBV-infected If antigen reduction is not sufficient to ob-
hepatocytes at high doses (Ji et al. 2012), in- tain a robust functional recovery, additional
creasing intrahepatic IFN-a levels could be strategies, such as blocking inhibitory pathways,
clinically beneficial. In addition, exogenous new aggressive vaccination regimens, and exper-
TLR-mediated activation can suppress HBV imental gene therapy strategies, have been pro-
replication in HBV-transgenic mice (Isogawa posed (Fig. 3). Blocking inhibitory pathways
et al. 2005) and in HBV-transfected HepG2 associated with T-cell exhaustion has shown
and Huh7 cells (Guo et al. 2009). Production therapeutic efficacy in cancer patients (Armand
of intrahepatic antiviral cytokines (IFN-a, IFN- et al. 2013). Interfering with these pathways
g), through oral administration of TLR ago- achieves partial functional recovery of HBV-
nists, has also shown efficacy in HBV-infected specific T cells from CHB patients in vitro, but
woodchucks (Menne et al. 2011) and chimpan- we still lack in vivo data evaluating the efficacy
zees (Lanford et al. 2013). Thus, to maximize of this approach in CHB patients (Maini and
intrahepatic innate immune function, strategies Schurich 2010).
to specifically deliver antiviral cytokines to the Vaccine therapy aims, instead, to induce
infected liver or to target activation of intrahe- functionally efficient HBV-specific T cells on
patic Kupffer and NK cells have been proposed. the background of virus-specific T-cell exhaus-
The discovery of peptides able to specifically tion. Several strategies have been tested in clin-
bind to hepatocytes (Petersen et al. 2008) and ical trials with disappointing results. Often,
the production of antibodies with HBV-infect- vaccine therapy did not induce HBV-specific
ed cell specificity (Sastry et al. 2011) could be T-cell response or, when such response was

used to target cytokines and/or TLR agonist to boosted, it did not have a therapeutic effect
the HBV-infected liver. (Mancini-Bourgine et al. 2004, 2006). Most of
The clear dichotomy between the immune these data were derived, however, from trials
response present in acute, resolved versus chron- in which classical HBsAg-based prophylactic
ic persistently HBV-infected patients leads to vaccines were used (Couillin et al. 1999; Pol
therapeutic strategies designed to boost HBV- et al. 2001; Yalcin et al. 2003). Alternative strat-
specific immunity in CHB patients. Because an- egies or refinements of current vaccine therapies
tigen persistence in the liver seems to be a major have, therefore, been tested. A proper design of
factor driving the HBV-specific CD4 and CD8 antigens for therapeutic vaccination might be
T-cell defects, the suppression of HBV antigen important. The T-cell response against HBcAg
production can lead to a functional reconstitu- is crucial for the resolution of an infection,
tion of antiviral T-cell responses (Wherry and but therapeutic HBV vaccines designed to date
Ahmed 2004; Wherry et al. 2005). Unfortunate- have mostly relied on HBV envelope proteins.
ly, T cells chronically exposed to antigen carry The use of core or polymerase antigen might
permanent changes in their differentiation pro- be advisable because core-specific T-cell re-
gram as a permanent “epigenetic signature.” sponses were induced in chronically HBV-in-
Results obtained with mice infected with lym- fected chimpanzees successfully treated with a
phochoriomeningitis virus (LCMV) showed therapeutic vaccine (Sallberg et al. 1998).
that adoptive transfer of dysfunctional virus- A further step toward a refinement of vac-
specific CD8 cells from a chronically infected cine therapy is supported by the demonstra-
to a naı̈ve uninfected MHC-compatible animal tion that a DNA prime-adenovirus boost vac-
is not sufficient to restore T-cell memory mat- cine with HBcAg in combination with antiviral
uration (Wherry et al. 2004). These experimen- treatment can stimulate a robust T-cell response
tal data were confirmed by recent studies in pa- in the woodchuck model of CHB (Kosinska et
tients who control HBV after treatment in al. 2013). New data are indeed emerging that
whom T cells, even after complete control of reduction of viral replication can induce im-

10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a021428

Immune Response in HBV Infection

Liver sinusoids


Presentation of HBV
HBV-loaded antigens by APC HBV-specific T-cell
TCR-like Ab + monocyte expansion

1. Intrahepatic
cytokine delivery

2. Cytokine/adjuvant T cells
3. CD40 agonist



CD56bright NK

4. Engineering HBV T cells 5. Vaccine therapy


Figure 3. Different immune-based therapeutic strategies that aim to increase hepatitis B virus (HBV) control: (1)
T-cell receptor-like antibodies conjugated with interferon (IFN)-a, which specifically target HBV-infected
hepatocytes, can increase intrahepatic IFN-a delivery. (2) Toll-like receptors (TLRs) or anti-CD40 agonists
mature HBV-loaded monocytes into monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) that might stimulate intra-
hepatic HBV-specific T cells. (3) Activation of monocytes/macrophages producing interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-
18 through cytokines and/or TLR agonists can stimulate intrahepatic HBV-specific T cells, mucosal-associated
invariant T (MAIT) cells, or CD56bright natural killer (NK) cells to produce large quantities of IFN-g, which can
suppress HBV replication. (4) New HBV-specific T cells can be engineered through transfer of HBV-specific T-
cell receptors to reconstitute functional HBV-specific immunity. (5) Vaccine therapy performed in combination
with antiviral treatment and/or combining with immunomodulation methods, such as PD-1/PD-L1 blockade,
might induce antiviral T-cell responses. APC, antigen-presenting cell; LSECs, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells;
TCR, T-cell receptor.

munological alterations in CHB patients (Tan treatment potently suppressed viral replication
et al. 2014), which goes beyond the transient and led to production of anti-WHsAg antibod-
reconstitution of HBV-specific T-cell response ies in woodchucks (Liu et al. 2014).
detected early after nucleoside analog therapy An alternative strategy of vaccine therapy in
(Boni et al. 2003) and alter, instead, the inflam- CHB could be to directly stimulate the patient’s
matory microenvironment of the liver. Further antigen-presenting cells to efficiently present
strategies have associated the use of vaccines the circulating HBV antigens to T cells. Mono-
with modulators of T-cell fitness. A triple com- cytes present in the circulation of CHB patients
bination therapy with antiviral treatment, ther- internalize HBV antigens and can stimulate ex-
apeutic DNA vaccination, and PD-L1 antibody pansion of autologous HBV-specific T cells fol-

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A. Tan et al.

lowing maturation with inflammatory stimuli trahepatic CTL activity in the liver using anti-
(Gehring et al. 2013). These data support the platelet therapy can prevent HCC, the real life-
possibility that multiple injections of adju- threatening complication of CHB infection.
vants alone could induce an inflammatory en- Platelets promote the accumulation of CD8 T
vironment capable of activating intrahepatic cells in the liver and antiplatelet therapy blocks
HBV-specific T cells. This hypothesis is sup- this process, reducing hepatocellular injury and
ported by studies in mice demonstrating that fibrosis (Sitia et al. 2012).
intrahepatic stimulation of myeloid cells with In conclusion, characterization of the im-
a TLR agonist results in expansion of virus-spe- munological profiles present during acute and
cific CTLs (Huang et al. 2013). Moreover, ago- chronic HBV infections support the rationale to
nistic activation of myeloid dendritic cells with boost antiviral immunity to achieve control of
CD40L can rescue naı̈ve CD8 T cells, primed HBV replication. However, further understand-
in the liver by recognition of HBV antigens ex- ing of the relationship of HBV with host immu-
pressed in hepatocytes and suppressed by PD-1 nity is necessary to clearly understand whether
signaling (Isogawa et al. 2013). The possibility HBV therapy should focus toward virus or in-
that vaccine therapy for CHB could be per- flammation control.
formed using adjuvants alone is also supported
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