WS 4 Class 12 Eng (23-24)

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SESSION: 2023-24
SUBJECT: English



Reference to Context Questions:

1. But I say there are three, because I’ve been on the third level of the Grand Central
Station. Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step: I talked to the psychiatrist friend of mine, among

(a) Why did ‘I’ decide to take the obvious step?

(b) What did the psychiatrist friend tell ‘I’?
(c) Was ‘I’ in agreement with the psychiatrist’s view? Why?
(d) What appears to be the speaker’s state of mind in the above lines?

2. I’ve been here two weeks, and right now, down the street at the Daly’s, someone is playing
a piano, and they’re all out on the front porch singing ‘Seeing Nelly Home’. And I’m invited
over for Lemonade. Come on back, Charley and Louisa. Keep looking till you find the third
level! It’s worth it, believe me!

(a) What is ‘I’ encouraging Charley and Louisa to do?

(b) Give an evidence to justify that ‘I’ cherish a special friendship with Charley.
(c) Why according to ‘I’, it’s worth it?
(d) Write down 4 adjectives that aptly describes the kind of life, ‘I’ is enjoying at the moment.

Short Answer Questions (30-40 words)

1. What were Charley’s views about the Grand Central Station?

-like a tree with its corridors and stairs spreading out like roots

-like a way of escape, an exit for thousands of people like him

2. Why did Charley give up searching for the third level? Why had he left the third level without
buying the ticket earlier?
- on return with the right kind of money( 300 old style bills), he failed to find the third level
again-wife advises to give up chasing, he follows her advice.
- had come out of the third level earlier on being warned by the man at the counter for
producing fake money
3. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley ?
-Sam too a victim of stress and uncertainty like any other ordinary man-gets fascinated by
Charley’s experience-tries himself-was better prepared, hence found success
4. Do you think Sam is a hypocrite? Justify with reasons.
Not really-as psychiatrist, was right in diagnosis of Charley’s problem-but was himself
stressed and seeking escape-finds through third level- did not have control over his mind-

5. What genre does the story ‘The Third Level’ fall under? Explain with suitable points.
Science fiction-deals with time travel into the past-1894
Fantasy-Sam’s seeking and finding the third level, inviting Charley with wife to join
Also deals with human psychology-how stress affects one’s mind and forces it to look for
Long Answer Questions -120-150 words
1. What was different about the third level? How did Charley get to know that he had slipped
into the 1890s?
Summarise information given in text- mention 4-5 things
Smaller platform, fewer windows, information booth of wood, flickering gas lights and
brass spittoons
He found people sporting fashion of the 1890s= handle bar moustache, beards, Currier and
Ives locomotive, The World newspaper. (Use accurate facts from text)
2. Modern world is full of insecurity, fear, and stress. What are the ways in which we try to
overcome them? Comment with reference to the text.

- Example of how Charley reacts to the stressful life of his time, post war- stamp collection-
seeking escape into Galesburg, Illinois through the third level

- Own comments- different people deal with stress differently- find positive engagements-
cultivate hobbies-give examples

Reference to Context Questions:

1. With that he picked me up and tossed me into the deep end. I landed in a sitting position,
swallowed water, and went at once to the bottom. I was frightened, but not yet
frightened out of my wits.

(a)What could have urged ‘he’ to toss ‘me’ into the deep end of the pool?
(b)Make a sentence of your own to explain the meaning of the phrase ‘to be out of wits’.
(c)Why does ‘I’ feel that he was not out of his wits?
(d)What do you infer about the narrator by the way he reacted to the frightening situation?
(e)Complete the analogy below based on your understanding of the extract:
at once : soon: tossed: ………..

2. Tiny vestiges of the old terror would return. But now I could frown and say to that
terror, “Trying to scare me, eh? Well, here’s to you! Look!” And off I’d go for another
length of the pool.

(a) What caused the narrator’s sense of ‘terror’?

(b) What do you infer from the first sentence of the extract?
(c) How did the speaker gain confidence to deal with the terror?
(d) Suggest suitable words to replace ‘vestiges’ and ‘frown’ in the above extract.

Short Answer Questions (30-40 words)

1. What was the childhood incident that started the aversion to water in William
- Douglas’ mind as mentioned at the beginning of the story?
-Being washed by the wave at California beach at the age of four, with father
2. No matter what we do, luck plays a crucial role during crisis situations in life. Elucidate
with respect to the story.
-Nearly drowned to death at YMCA- gives up hope- prepares to die-but rescued by the
people at the pool when Douglas thought the curtains had fallen on his life
3. Mention one negative and one positive impact of the accident at YMCA on Douglas.
-Phobia for water returns-gives up swimming forever-deprived of fun with water
- determined to overcome the fear- perfects swimming with help from instructor- tests in
real waters, dives from Gilbert peak- conquers fear forever
4. Why do you think did the ‘bruiser of a boy’ try to harm Douglas?
- for momentary fun- mischief – took advantage of Douglas’ timid demeanour
Long answer Questions (120-150 words)
1.Experiences of growing years-good or bad- and the reaction of elders to them lead to
form strong impressions in our minds, leaving a long lasting impact. Comment with
reference to ‘Deep Water’.Also substantiate the topic with examples from real life.
‘Para-1 Example of Douglas- aversion resulting from father’s response to his fall at California
beach- mother’s continued warnings about the dangers at Yakima river cementing the fear.
Both inadvertently instill fear in Douglas
Para-2 Own experiences- An episode from own childhood or what has been observed from
others’ life-

2.How did Douglas know that he had finally conquered his fear? What was the lesson
that the writer learned during his lessons in swimming and his conquest of the fear of it?

Tests in real waters- overcomes residual, miniature fears- dives from Gilbert peak- realizes
his victory over fear
Greatest fear in life is fear itself- Roosvelt’s words- experienced in real life-conquer fear
and there is nothing stopping us from doing what seems impossible- Lesson learnt

*** Write the answers in complete and correct sentences as per word limit (Use key
points given , but explain with facts from text)



Online shopping is the trend of the day. It has its own advantages as well as drawbacks. Write
an article elaborating on the topic in about 150 words.

Online Portals- A Shoppers’ Paradise

By: Jyotsna Patnaik

E- commerce has given shopping a new dimension altogether. It is estimated that nearly 2
billion people across the globe avail the services of online shopping sites that sell everything
under the sun- books, gadgets, household appliances, grocery or garments for all occasions.

Virtual stores allow people to indulge in hassle free shopping from the comfort of their
homes, without the pressure of sales persons, or the adversities of the weather. The wide
variety of options, attractive deals and affordable prices have made online shopping an
enjoyable experience for the buyers.

Of course, online shopping comes with its own set of problems. There is an increased risk of
identity theft, money fraud and vendor fraud. Moreover, too many sites selling too many
items leave the buyer spoilt for choices and may burn a hole in his pocket, if not careful.

Therefore, it is for us to decide how to make judicious use of the limitless shopping options
offered by online sites. Exercising self-control and restricting oneself to only what one wants
to buy at the moment will be helpful. How to shop and how much to shop –the decision
should lie in the shopper’s hand.

1. The Global Hunger Index 2022 points at a grim picture of hunger and food insecurity
across the globe. Poverty, flawed governmental policies, inflation and internal conflicts
are some of the reasons for the issue. Write an article in 120-150 words, discussing ways to
combat the issue at local and global level.

2. Too much of exposure to social media has resulted in making teenagers live in an unreal
world of their own making and has exposed them to the growing dangers of cyber bullying.
AS Sukumar/ Sukanya Goswami of Model Town write an article in 120-150 words for the
school magazine, discussing the topic.

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