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Module 1
Q.1 Explain Opportunity Recognition Process with suitable block diagram.
Q.2 What are different sources and methods to get an idea for a new Venture.
Q.3 What are different documents needed by an entrepreneur for an idea to start
a new venture?
Q.4 What is Feasibility analysis? Why we need to do Feasibility analysis,
Q.5 With neat diagram explain Entrepreneurial development process.
Q.6 What are different models available for the development of
Entrepreneurship? Explain all.
Q.7 What is mean by an entrepreneur? What are different characteristics must an
Entrepreneur have?

Module 2
Q.1) How to build an effective Business Plan for your venture?
Q.2) What are key points for any Business plan which should be integrated with
functional plan?
Q.3) What are the scope and value of business plan?
Q.4) How do potential leaders and Investors evaluate the plan?
Q.5) Explain in detail the outline of business plan.
Q.6) What is the role of commercial banks in financing new ventures?
Q.7) Explain marketing system with neat block diagram
Q.8) Explain significance of Bank lending decisions in detail.
Q.9) What is break even analysis? Explain it with risk assessment.
Q10) What ate advantages and disadvantages of buying an Existing Business.
Module 3

Que 1. Explain different basic Legal forms of business formation in detail.

Que 2. What is Patent? What are different types of Patents available for starting
a new venture?
Que 3. Explain fundamental steps for company registration in brief.
Que 4. What are different legal Compliances for a Venture?
Que 5. Write short note on-
A) Trademark
B) Copyright
C) Trade secrets
Que 6) Enlist different laws and regulations that affect every business.
Que 7) Explain why we need Business licenses? Explain Federal and state
license and permit.

Module 4
Que 1. What are different legal formalities that entrepreneurs in India should be
aware of before setting up a business venture.
Que 2. What are different Central level government organizations for MSME,
explain role and responsibilities of various organizations.
Que 3. What are different State level government organizations for MSME,
explain role and responsibilities of various organizations.
Que 4. Which are other agencies working for the development of MSME.
Que 5. What are different advantage sand disadvantages of Public and Privet
Que 6. Explain Hierarchal model of NSDM. What the functions of each
committee in the Hierarchy.
Que 7. What are different functions of National Skill development Mission.
Que 8. Explain Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small
Que 9. What are different objectives of PMEGP?
Que 10 What are the different eligibility conditions of beneficiaries under

Module 5
Que 1. Mention different reasons for valuing a business.
Que 2. How to Valuate a Business? What are six business valuation methods
that provide insight into a company’s financial standing?
Que 3. What are different sources of Funding?
Que 4. Explain venture Capital (VC) financing in detail with the help of block
Que 5. What is mean by Equity? What are different types of Equity funds?
Que 6. Differentiate between money market and Capital Market.
Que 7. Explain Money market and Capita market in detail.

Module 6
Que 1 What are different Potential sectors for business opportunities today in
the global village?
Que 2. What are various Stages of the small business life cycle Explain in
Que 3. Which are four firm level growth strategies? Explain how they help in
starting a venture.
Que 4. Explain importance of Exit strategy.
Que 5. What are different succession planning tips an entrepreneur should
Que 6. Explain transfer possibilities of business to family member or non-
family member.
Que 7. Explain 2Xn and mX2 games strategy related to business management.

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