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ARCHITECTS: AGi Architects
AREA: 15000m2
YEAR: 2015

The Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Center

exhibits a visionary approach to
healthcare architecture, transcending
conventional norms by integrating
elements of positivity, symbolism, and
patient-centric design. The architects,
have not only focused on fulfilling the
functional requirements of a medical
facility but have ventured into creating
an experiential and socially engaging
The first element to consider was the
exterior of the building (including the
volume and its materiality) as it is the
first connection point between the
patient, medical center and the
environment. Instead of treating the
general volume as a mere container of
functions, AGi architects developed a
proposal that is formally similar to one
of social and cultural infrastructure.


Departure from conventional medical building Treatment of the building as social and Incorporation of the heart's anatomical scheme
perceptions. cultural infrastructure. into the design.
Transformation into a hub for social activity, Sharp volume with two large red openings, The central atrium resembling the heart as a
challenging negative connotations. symbolizing an invitation. metaphor for the center's role.
Intention to create a positive space beyond a Stone-clad façade for weather protection and Symbolic representation of the heart as a central
traditional medical center. as a symbol of resilience. force in the human body.

The anatomic scheme of the heart and its mechanism within

the whole human body was used for the design of the project.
The heart is the central muscle of the system, which pumps
blood to nourish the rest of organs and cells within it. The heart
is present in the design of the central atrium: a three storeys
height red colored space onto which the waiting areas and
circulations open to. Several courtyards provide the space with
natural light to experience the spacious architecture, in contrast
with smaller rooms that are usually found in this kind of
buildings. Patients move to and from this central space (the
source of light and life), as red blood cells do, and are received
in the clinics and different departments to be put back in the
circulatory system once re-oxygenated. Cardiovascular
medicine, its basis, and even the aesthetic of its tools have been
used to write an architectural script that takes into account the
specific needs of users (patients and workers) in trying to
making their stay in the hospital as easier as possible.


Strategic planning of multiple access points for improved
circulatory efficiency.
Consideration of diverse user needs for enhanced accessibility.
Thoughtful design to streamline patient and worker circulation
within the facility.

Integration of courtyards for natural light, ventilation, and
Mimicking the movement of red blood cells in circulation
spaces for a dynamic environment.
Emphasis on patient comfort and well-being as a foundational

Organization of clinics into self-managed cells for personalized
Inclusion of dedicated waiting areas for each "cell."
Departure from the traditional hospital model for a more
individualized experience.
Incorporation of double-height physical activity spaces for aesthetic and
functional reasons.
Visual representation of the importance of physical well-being in the overall
healthcare experience.
Concept of "oxygenating" the experience through these spaces.


Placement of rehabilitation areas, research facilities, and administration in the
Optimization of views of Kuwait Bay and utilization of natural light conditions.
Creation of an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere for patients and staff.

The use of energy-efficient LED lighting and intelligent lighting controls

significantly improved the visual comfort and functionality of the space while
reducing energy consumption and operating costs. Additionally, the
architecture of the building was designed with a sensorial vocation, taking into
account the specific needs of its users, resulting in a space that is soothing and
hospitable, in contrast with other hospital building designs.

Specialized rehabilitation areas (pool, gym, running track, etc.), research and
administration services of the center are strategically placed at the north of the
building, which allow them to open up to the exterior along the Kuwait bay,
providing great views of the sea and high quality light conditions. Inside this cluster,
the main physical activity spaces are double height in order to show up in the
façade and “oxygenate” the experience.

Clinics, grouped in three levels at the south part of the building, are disposed as
small specialized self-managed cells (managed by one doctor and his team),
and have three spaces: two exam rooms and one consult office, with their own
waiting area. Each “cell” is organized between courtyards, providing all rooms
with natural light, ventilation, and privacy for each one. Patients and workers
access to the clinics from different ways to improve circulatory efficiency.
In the large and bare area, the new construction breaks with its regular and
sharp contour, stillmaintaining an earthy connection with its sand-colored outer
cladding. The heterogeneity of itgives a singular depth and softness to its
façades and provides the necessary protection to thelocal weather. The
continuous and solid volume is harshly cut by the geometrical openings,
someof which carry the regular partition of the joints on with a brise soleil
set.The massive walls are unloaded by wide light openings. These create an
enchanting volumetriccontrast, that increases at night with the lights turned on
which burst from the interior, and give anew perspective depth to the façade

In fact, from the outside which is the firstmeans of perception between

environment and patients, the Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Centerlooks just as
any other social and cultural infrastructure. Two large red openings inform
thevisitors of the entrance to the building constituting a gentle access that
kindly guides the patientin the inside.

Within its 15,000 squared meters, some more specialareas are inserted to make
the patient’s stay morepleasurable, such as the specialized rehabilitationareas
comprehending the pool, the gym, the runningtrack. These spaces, together
with the researchand administration services, have been specificallyplaced in
the northern part of the center, where theycan turn towards the Kuwait bay,
which not onlyrepresents a substantial supply of light, but also givesa delightful
view of the sea.Therefore, the challenge has successfully beensucceeded
providing the local community with amodern and captivating architecture born
from ametaphoric stimulus that has activated a conceptualcircular process
centered on the human species:starting from the human body, studied as a
functionalliving system, the Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Centershapes itself
heading towards the accomplishment ofthe human soul and physical well-

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