WAH5 Term 2 Standard Test

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Term 2 • Standard Test

1 Read, listen and tick (✓). WAH5_T2_A1   Score:   /5

1 What does Lucy collect? 2 Which one is Lucy’s favourite?

a b a b

3 Which one was more expensive than the others? 4 What does Nick collect?

a b a b

5 What does Nick’s sister collect?

a b

2 Listen and write T (True) or F (False). WAH5_T2_A2 Score:   /5

1 Emma was in Madrid last week.

2 She was there with her family.

3 She was in an art gallery.

4 There weren’t very many people waiting to see the Mona Lisa.

5 Emma has got a new sticker for her collection.

6 The hotel was next to a market.

7 Emma was at the football stadium on Saturday afternoon.

8 It was sunny all weekend.

9 The Paris underground was faster than the London underground.

10 Emma got the ferry back to England.

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We Are Heroes! 5 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2020, P H OTO C O P I A B L E

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Term 2 • Standard Test
Reading and Writing
3 What do the family buy? Read and write a tick (✓) or cross (✗). Score:   /5

There are lots of charity shops in our town. A charity He sometimes buys board games for me and my
shop is a place where you take old toys, clothes, brother. They’re much cooler than computer games.
books and other things that you don’t want. The My little brother always wants to buy soft toys but
shop sells them and gives the money to help people. Dad never wants to. He always says new soft toys are
I usually go to the charity shops every Saturday better than old ones. My brother also likes buying
morning with my Dad. It’s fun to look for toys. I often things that are silver or gold, like bracelets and key
buy model kits or sometimes I find stickers or trading rings. I don’t buy puzzle books from charity shops
cards for my collections. They’re a lot cheaper because they always have writing in them and
than new toys. My dad always looks for books. He I never buy felt-tip pens either – they never work!
says they’re more expensive in the bigger shops.

board games felt-tip pens puzzle books trading cards

bracelets key rings soft toys

books model kits stickers

4 Read and match. Score:   /5

1 Do you collect anything? A Yes, I also collect stickers.

2 How many have you got? B I really like this big, silver, patterned one.

3 Where do you buy them? C I’ve got 33.

4 Do you collect anything else? D I collect key rings.

5 Which one is your favourite? E I usually buy them at the market in town.
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We Are Heroes! 5 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2020, P H OTO C O P I A B L E

with authorization from Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Term 2 • Standard Test
Reading and Writing
5 Read and circle. Score:   /5

My favourite place for a holiday is Rio de Janeiro. underground was really new for the Olympics.
We were there this summer for a month. It wasn’t The Olympics were in Rio in 2016. We were at the
very hot because it was winter in Brazil. Maracanã football stadium in the afternoon.
There was lots to see. On the first Monday, we On Thursday, we were at Rio zoo. There were lots
were at Ipanema beach. There were lots of of elephants and tigers.
people surfing in the sea. On Friday, we were on the train to São Paulo to
Then, on Tuesday, we were on Corcovado see our family. It wasn’t a high-speed train, so we
mountain to see the big statue at the top. were on the train for about seven hours. It was so
The view was great. long and boring! We were in São Paulo for three
On Wednesday, we were on the underground days.
a lot, visiting lots of places. Some of the

1 Fred was / wasn’t in Rio this summer. 7 Fred was / wasn’t at the football stadium in
2 It was / wasn’t winter in Brazil. the morning.

3 On Monday, Fred’s family were / weren’t at 8 There were / weren’t lots of elephants at the
Copacabana beach. zoo.

4 There were / weren’t lots of surfers on the 9 The train journey to São Paulo was / wasn’t
beach. very fast.

5 On Tuesday, Fred was / wasn’t on Corcovado 10 Fred’s family were / weren’t in São Paulo for
mountain. three days.

6 The Olympics were / weren’t in Brazil in 2016.

6 Write the questions. Use the correct form of the verb. Score:   /5

1 (the weather / nice / last week) ➜ No, it wasn’t.

2 (what time / they / at school) ➜ At quarter to nine.

3 (your exams / difficult) ➜ No, they weren’t. They were easy.

4 (she / in the shopping centre / yesterday) ➜ Yes, she was.

5 (how much / your shoes) ➜ They were twenty-five pounds.

Total:   /30

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We Are Heroes! 5 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2020, P H OTO C O P I A B L E

with authorization from Macmillan Publishers Limited.

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