0 - Spotting Errors 04-02-2021.

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1. Mother tongue is as natural (a) for the development of man's mind (b) as mother's milk is for
the development of the infant's body. (c) No error (d)
2. The Prime Minister as well as his secretary were (a) expected to arrive in Chennai (b) on
Saturday morning. (c) No error (d)
3. The speaker was (a) not only slow (b) but also inaudible as well (c) No error (d)
4. Many a star (a) are twinkling (b) in the sky. (c) No error (d)
5. We discussed the problem (a) so thoroughly that (b) I found it easy to work it out. (c) No
error (d)
6. Everyday before (a) I start my work for my livelihood (b) I do my prayers. (c) No error (d)
7. Pooja went to her friend’s house at the appointed hour; but (a) she was told (b) that her
friend left half an hour earlier. (c) No error (d)
8. Rekha is (a) enough old (b) to get married. (c) No error (d)
9. The person in the seat of justice (a) should be absolutely partial (b) and not treat anybody
with favour. (c) No error (d)
10. He asked her that (a) whether she knew (b) what had happened last week when she was on
leave (c) No error (d)
11. Until you do not go to the station (a) to receive him (b) I can hardly feel at ease. (c) No error
12. I did not know where they were going (a) nor could I understand (b) why had they left so
soon. (c) No error (d)
13. The call of the seas (a) have always (b) found an echo in me. (c) No error (d)
14. Hardly, I had left home for Mumbai (a) when my son who is settled in Kolkata arrived (b)
without any prior information. (c) No error (d)
15. The boss reminded them of the old saying (a) that honesty was the best policy (b) and told
them that they had better be honest in their work. (c) No error (d)
16. He has been going to the office (a) for a year now, (b) and he even can’t understand its
working. (c) No error (d)
17. He boasts of having visited Europe many times (a) but he can neither speak English (b) nor
he can speak French. (c) No error (d)
18. When my friends came to visit us (a) at the railway station (b) they left some of their
luggages. (c) No error (d)
19. If you will come tomorrow (a) we can go to the market (b) and do our shopping together. (c)
No error (d)
20. If we exercise regularly (a) we will be (b) more healthier. (c) No error (d)
21. The chairman made it clear at the meeting (a) that he will not step down (b) from his
position. (c) No error (d)
22. We had (a) lot of difficulty (b) in finding the way here. (c) No error (d)
23. Just he was driving along the road, (a) a bus pulled up and the driver asked him (b) if he has
seen a briefcase on the road. (c) No error (d)
24. When he asked me as to why (a) I had not finished my work in time, (b) I felt confused. (c)
No error (d)
25. I should do (a) the same (b) if I were in your place. (c) No error (d)
26. He has been suffering (a) with pneumonia (b) for the last six week. (c) No error (d)
27. My father says that (a) one should always be sincere (b) to his duties. (c) No error (d
28. There has been (a) a number of railway accidents (b) during the last month. (c) No error (d)
29. In spite of all efforts to eradicate malaria (a) it still prevalent (b) in many parts of India.
(c) No error (d)
30. He denied that he had not stolen my purse, (a) though I was quite sure (b) that he had. (c)
No error (d)
31. Another baffling change (a) that I notice in him (b) now-a-days a is that he avoids to speak
to me. (c) No error (d)
32. I asked him (a) how could he go out (b) if it started raining. (c) No error (d)
33. One of the state in which (a) Satyagraha was offered was Raikot, (b) where he had spent his
youth. (c) No error (d)
34. Hardly the inspector had arrived there (a) to investigate the crime (b) when the house was
set ablaze. (c) No error (d)
35. Since his arrival at his native town (a) he is trying to the best of his power (b) to spread
education among the poor masses. (d) No error
36. In various parts of the country (a) ponds just dry down (b) a in the scorching heat of
summer. (c) No error (d)
37. He lay the watch on the table (a) and then forgot all about it (b) when he went out. (c) No
error. (d)

38. The car flew (a) off the road and (b) fell into the valley because as he was driving fast. (c) No
error (d)
39. The high we climb (a) up the mountain (b) the cooler we feel. (c) No error (d)
40. Though the first portion (a) of the book was dull (b) the later part was quite interesting. (c)
No error (d)
41. Jamshedpur (a) is further (b) from Patna than Ranchi. (c) No error (d)
42. Even though he was over ninety (a) he still enjoyed reading novels (b) and sometimes spend
an evening at the cinema. (c) No error (d)
43. Amit is eclipsed by his wife (a) who is much cleverer and (b) more amusing than he is. (c) No
error (d)
44. When the rules for police procedure (a) were laid up (b) a lot of grey areas remained. (c) No
error (d)
45. Two of the officers (a) were suffering (b) with fever. (c) No error (d)
46. The street lights (a) come in at dusk and (b) go off at dawn. (c) No error (d)
47. When things get difficult, (a) you just have to (b) grit your teeth and preserve yourself. (c) No
error (d)
48. The loss of jobs (a) is regarded by some as an necessary evil (b) in the fight against inflation.
(c) No error (d)
49. His wife is (a) neurotic in switching lights off (b) at home to save electricity. (c) No error (d)
50. I haven’t been (a) to New York before and (b) neither my sister. (c) No error (d)

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