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For Accounts Students

I) Financial AccountancySem VSyllabus

Module 1 - Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions (AS-Il)
Module 2 - Personal InvestmentAccounting (AS-13)
Module 3 - Final Accounts as per Companies Act, 2013 (Schedule Ill)
Module 4 - Business and Professional Ethics (also called Professional Ethics for
Module 5 - Internal Reconstruction

Il) CostAccountingSem VS"labus

Module 1 - MaterialAccounting (Order levels & quantity, Valuation of Inventory-FIFO &
Module 2 - Labour Accounting (Methodsof Remuneration,Calculation of Wages)
Module 3 - Overheads Accounting (Allocationof Overheads, Calculation of Machine
Hour rates)
Module 4 - Cost Sheet

Ill) Taxation Sem VSyllabus

Module 1 - Basic concepts, Residence and Scope of Total Income
Module 2 - Heads of Income, Salaries, Incomefrom House Property(lFHP)
Module 3 - Profitsand Gains of Business and Profession(PGBP)
Module 4 - DeductionsfromGross Total Income, Computationof Total Income
(pertainingonly to the Heads we have in our syllabus namely Salaries,
Semester V —Theory

Course Business Economics -V (Indian Economy) (Credits : 05 Lectures/Week: 03)

• To familiarise the students with various aspects of the Indian
• To provide a comprehensive overview of diverse issues faced by the
• •Togivean evaluation of the economic performance on various fronts
• Students learn to apply their knowledge of the subject to understand
real world situation 4,
• Students get a perspective of the performance of the Indian economy
in different sectory_
—Students get knowledge of the policy trends and
issues faced by the economy

India Economy Developmental Issues

l. India as an emerging nation and its increasing importance in 12 L
global economy
India's performance on
• Sustainable Development Goals
Unit 1
• Key development indicators (HDI,GDI,HPI)
Environmental issues in India: climate change, polluuon,
depletion of forests.

Current perspectives in Indian Agriculture

I. in agriculture productivity and output 12 L
Agricultural price policy: need, and m A@ricultural
marketing: nature and measures ,cooperative png.
3. Food management : methods• F d yecurity: PDS;
Unit 11
Food sovereignty
4. Agricultural finance and credit: neeå, sources, NABARD,
financial inclusion

Recent reforms in Industry and Servicegector in India

I. Current Policies: Make in India,5SkiII India, Start-up India, 12 L
Digital India and
Unit 111 2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises [MSME sector] since
3. Role of service sector in India's growth story

Banking and Financial Market

l. Banking Sector: Recent trends, issues and challenges in
commercial banks
Unit IV 2. Money Market: Structure, Limitations and Reforms
3. Capital Market: Structure and Reforms

Semester V —Theory
Course: Course Title: Introduction to Marketing (MHRM) (Credits : 4
CCOM501 Lectures/Week: 3
Objectives: l. to provide basic conceptual and applicative knowledge about marketing
2. to develop the student's employability and interpersonal skills
Unique methodology of teaching andlearning will provide the students basic
conceptual and applicable knowledge and an excellent opportunity to develop
indust level skill set
Introduction to Marketing Lectures
• Marketing, Concept; Features, Importance, Functions; 12
Unit 1 'Ævolution, Strategic v/s Traditional Marketing
• Marketing Research Concept, Features, Process Marketing
Informatiom System-Concepto •)mponentsc Data Mining-
Consumer Behaviour- Concept, ,Factors influencing Consumer
Behaviour Market Segmentation-concept, Benefits, Bases of
market segmentation Customer Relationship Management-
Concept , Techniques; Market Targeting- Concept, Five
atterns of Ta et market Selection
Marketing Decisions I Lectures
Marketing Mix- Concept, 11
Unit 11 Product- Product Decision AreasÜ Product Life Cycle-
Concept, Managing stages of PLC
Branding- Concept, Components, Brand Equity- Concept,
Factors influencing Brand Equity, Packaging- Concept,
OEssentials of a good packages
• Product: Positioning— Concept, Strategies o Product
Positioning, Service Positioning- Importance & Challenges
• Pricing- Concept? Objectives, Factors influencing pricing,
pricing strategies.

Marketing Decisions Lectures

Physical Distributipn- onCJBC¯Fac tors influencing Physical 11
Distribution, Marketihg.ChannCls (Traditional& Contemporary
Unit 111
Supply Chain Management-Concept, Components of SCM
Promotion- Concept, Importance, Elements of Promotion mix
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)- Concept, Scope,
Sales Management- Concept, Components, Emerging trends in
Personal Selling- Concept, Process of personal selling, Skill
Sets uired for Effective Sellin

Unit IV Key Marketing Dimensions Lectures

Marketing Ethics: Concept, Unethical practices in marketing, 11

General role of consumer organizations, Competitive

Strategies for Market Leader, Market Challenger, Market
Follower and Market Nicher, Marketing Ethics:
Rural Marketing- Concept, Features of Indian Rural Market,
Strategies for effective Rural Marketing, Digital
Marketing-Concept, trends in Digital Marketing, Green
Marketing- concept, importance
Challenges faced by Marketing Managers in 21st Century,
Careersün Marketing — Skill sets—required for effective
marketing, Factors contributing to Success of brands in India
with suitable examples, Reasons for failure of brands in India
with suitable examples.
Semester I —Theory
Course: CourseTitle: ExportMarketing (Credits: 3)
Objectives: I. To provide basic conceptual and applicative knowledge about
exports and inlEY»rts
2. To develop the student'semployability and interpersonal skills
Unique methOd010gyof teaching and learnihOill+"Vide the students
basic conceptual and applicable knowledge and an excellent opportunity
to develo ind level skill set
lptroductionto ExportMarketing
a) Conceptand featuresof ExportMarketing:ImportanceOf 12
Unit Exportsfor a Nation and a Firm: Distinction
Domestic Marketing and Export Marketing
b) b) FactorsinfluencingExportMarketing:Risksinvol i
ExportMarketing;Problemsof India'sExportSector
Major merchandise/commodities exports Of India (Since
2015); Servicesexportsof India(since2015);Region-Yise
India •s Trade since 201-S
GlobalFrameworkfor Export Marketing
a) Trade barriers; Types of Tariff Barriers and
Unitn barriers; Distinction between Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers
Major Economic Groupings of the World'. Positive and
NegativeImpactof RegionalEconomic(hm•pings•,
Agreements of World Trade Organisation (WTO)
c) Need for Overseas Market Research: Market Selection
Process, Determinants of Foreign Market Selection
India's ForeignTrade policy
a) ForeignTrade Policy (FTP)2015-20 - Highlights and 11

Implications.ExportTradefacilitationsand ease of doing
businessas perthe newFTP
b) Role of DirectorateGeneralof ForeignTrade (DGfT).
Negative list of Exports. Deemed Exports
c) Benefits to Status Holders & Towns of Excellence: Common
benefits for EHTP, BTP and STP: Benefits enjoyed by (llAs)
Inte ed Industrial S EOU AEZ
Unit IV ExportIncentivesand Asistance
a) Financial Incentives available to Indian Exporters - 11
Deve t AssistanceMOA MarketAccess

Initiative (MAI). Assistance to States for Infrastructure

Developmentfor Exports(ASIDE).IndustrialRaw
Material Assistance Centre(lRMAC),
b) Institutional Assistance to Indian Exrx»rters - Federation Of
IndianExportOrganisations(FIEO).India Trade
PromotionOrganisation(Il-PO).Ibe Federationof Indian
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). Export
PromotionCouncils(ERs) & CommodityBoards(CBs),
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade ( Indian Institute Of
Packaging (IIP)
- Export (ÉPCG)
Scheme.DutyExemptionand RemissionSchemes.
Export AdvanceAuthorisationScheme:DutyDrawback
DBK IGSTRefundfor

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