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Republic of the Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in muslim

Mindanao Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education City Schools

Division of Marawi


Sanding Ambolong, Marawi City


S.Y. 2023- 2024







TO ;



I. Inroduction

A. Statement of the problem

B. Definition of terms

II. Body/Content

A. Advantage
B. Disadvantage
C. Factors

III. Summary and conclusion

IV. Bibliography
I. Inroduction
Human rights are fundamental to creating a worth living as they ensure the dignity, equality, and well-being of
individuals. They provide a framework for fair and equitable decision- making, protecting society's most vulnerable
and upholding the principles of justice and freedom. Human rights encompasses a wide range of rights, including
the right to life, liberty, education, society that values the inherent worth and dignity of every person, fostering a
sense of belonging, inclusion, and social cohesion.

The problem is that without the recognition and protection of human rights, individuals may face
discrimination, marginalization, and exploitation, preventing them from living a life of dignity and
fulfillment. Human rights violations can manifest in various forms, such as systemic discrimination, lack
of access to basic necessities like healthcare and education, and restrictions on freedom of speech and

It is a problem because when individuals' human rights are not respected, their well-being and overall
quality of life are compromised. Without access to basic rights and freedoms, individuals may struggle to
meet their basic needs, feel excluded from society, and suffer from injustice and inequality. This can lead
to a sense of powerlessness, social unrest, and a breakdown of trust between individuals and their

The solution lies in upholding and promoting human rights principles at individual, societal, and
institutional levels. This requires a comprehensive approach that includes legal frameworks, policies,
and practices that guarantee the protection of human rights. It also involves creating a culture of respect
for human rights, fostering awareness and understanding of these rights, and holding accountable those
who violate them.

It should be solved because when human rights are upheld, individuals can live in a society that values
their dignity, equality, and well-being. The protection of human rights contributes to social cohesion,
justice, and stability. By ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities and access to basic rights,
society can achieve sustainable development, foster inclusivity and diversity, and promote a sense of
belonging for all its members.

The purpose of this study is to explore the role of human rights in creating a society that promotes
worth living. It aims to analyze the impact of human rights violations on individuals' quality of life and
well-being and highlight the importance of upholding and protecting these rights. The study seeks to
provide insights and recommendations for policymakers, human rights activists, and organizations
working towards creating a society that values the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.

A. Statement of problem
This source provides a comprehensive explanation of what human rights are, their origins, and their
importance in protecting the dignity and worth of individuals.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a foundational document that outlines the fundamental
human rights to which all individuals are entitled. It serves as a reference point for understanding the
role of human rights in upholding human worth.

This source explores the importance of human rights education in promoting awareness, understanding,
and respect for human rights. It highlights the role of education in empowering individuals to recognize
their own worth and advocate for the protection of human rights.

The OHCHR provides an overview of human rights, their universality, and their significance in preserving
the inherent worth and dignity of every person. It emphasizes the role of human rights in promoting
equality, justice, and freedom for all individuals.

B. Definition of term

Human Rights: Fundamental rights and freedoms that are inherent to all individuals, regardless of their
race, gender, nationality, religion, or any other characteristic. Human rights include civil, political,
economic, social, and cultural rights.

Worth living: Refers to the quality of life and the ability of individuals to lead a dignified, fulfilling, and
meaningful life, free from oppression, discrimination, and violation of their basic rights.

I. Body and Content

the unparelled escalation of the conflict between israel and hamas and other armed groups has taken a
devastating toll on civilians. the level of casualties is unprecedented. countless lives have been
shattered, ripped apart, and upended.

with easy day passes more lives are lost and the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza is getting worse. sign
our petition to call for an immediate ceasefire by all parties to end civilian bloodshed and ensure
humanitarian aid access to gaza.

civilian deaths in gaza continue to rise at a staggering rate amid relentless Israeli bombardment, in
response to the horrific attacks in Israel by hamas other armed groups that resulted in 1,400 people
killed and the abduction of civilians. More than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in gaza
including through indiscriminate and other unlawful attacks. More than a third of casualties in gaza are
children and countless bodies are still trapped beneath the rubble. Millions more face further
displacement, dispossession and suffering.

A. Advantages

Protection of individual dignity: Human rights ensure that every individual is treated with respect and
dignity, regardless of their background or characteristics. This protection contributes to a life worth
living by allowing individuals to maintain their self-worth and sense of value.

Empowerment and autonomy: Human rights empower individuals to exercise their rights and make
choices that are essential for their well-being and fulfillment. This autonomy allows them to live
according to their own values, aspirations, and priorities, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Equal opportunities: Human rights promote equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their
social, economic, or political status. This ensures that everyone has a fair chance to access education,
healthcare, employment, and other essential services and resources, enabling them to live a fulfilling
and meaningful life.

Social cohesion and harmony: Respect for human rights fosters a sense of inclusion, acceptance, and
fairness within societies. This promotes social cohesion and harmony, as individuals are more likely to
cooperate and work together when they feel that their rights and worth are recognized and protected.

B. Disadvantage
Cultural relativism: One potential disadvantage of human rights is the challenge of balancing universal
human rights with cultural values and practices. Some argue that the promotion of human rights may
clash with cultural norms and traditions, leading to tensions and resistance to change. It is important to
find a balance that respects cultural diversity while upholding fundamental human rights.

C. Factors

Discuss the key factors that affect the realization of human rights and ultimately contribute to a worth

Government commitment and accountability: Examine the role of governments in upholding and
protecting human rights, implementing policies and legislation.

Civil society engagement: Highlight the importance of civil society organizations in monitoring human
rights violations and advocating for change.

International cooperation: Discuss the role of international organizations and cooperation in promoting
human rights globally.

III. Summary/ Conclusion

Summarize the main points discussed in the paper, emphasizing the importance of human rights in
promoting a worth living for all individuals. Conclude by emphasizing the need for continued advocacy,
awareness-raising, and strengthening accountability mechanisms to ensure the fulfillment of human

In conclusion, human rights play a vital role in promoting a worth living for all individuals. They serve as
a foundation for upholding dignity, equality, and fundamental freedoms. Human rights ensure that
every person has access to basic needs and protection from discrimination and violence. Moreover, they
empower individuals to actively participate in society and contribute to social justice and development.
while there are challenges and limitations to the implementation of human rights , their role in
promoting a worth living cannot be understated. It is essential to continue advocating for human rights,
raising awareness, and strengthening accountability and justice mechanisms to create a society where
everyone can enjoy a life of fulfillment and well-being.

1. Amnesty international amnesty org./en/

2. International Federation for Human rights (FIDH).(n.d.).what are Human Rights? Retrieved from

3.United Nations. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved from

4. Amnesty International. (n.d.). Human Rights Education. Retrieved from

5. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). (n.d.). Human Rights.
Retrieved from

6. Human Rights Watch. (n.d.). What are Human Rights? Retrieved from

7. United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). (n.d.). Human Rights.
Retrieved from

8. Unichat

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