Physics Xii SQP

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Class: XII

(1) There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and
Section E.
(3) All the sections are compulsory.
(4) Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning based of
1 mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks each, Section C contains seven
questions of three marks each, Section D contains two case study-based questions of four
marks each and Section E contains three long answer questions of five marks each.
(5) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question
in Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each CBQ in Section D and all three
questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
(6) Use of calculators is not allowed
(7) You may use the following values of physical constants where ever necessary
i. c = 3 x 108 m/s
ii. me = 9.1 x10-31 kg
iii. e = 1.6 x 10-19 C
iv. μ0 = 4π x 10-7 Tm𝑨−𝟏
v. h = 6.63 x10-34 Js
vi. ε0 = 8.854 x10-12 𝑪𝟐𝑵−𝟏𝒎−𝟐

SECTION – A (1×16=16)
1. The current and voltage graphs for a certain material are plotted at two temperatures 𝑻𝟏 and 𝑻𝟐 as
shown below. The conclusion is:

a. 𝑻𝟏 < 𝑻𝟐 b. 𝑻𝟏 > 𝑻𝟐 c. 𝟐𝑻𝟏 = 𝑻𝟐 d. 𝑻𝟏 = 𝑻𝟐

2. A portion and an 𝜶- particle enter normally at the same velocities into a uniform magnetic field. Find
the ratio of the radii of their paths.
a. 1 : 2 b. 1 : 4 c. 2 : 1 d. 4 : 1

3. A diamagnetic gas when allowed to ascend in between the poles of a magnet spreads across the
field. The statement is
a. true b. false c. true for paramagnetic gas d. not applicable

4. Find the induced emf across the terminals of a coil of self-inductance 40 mH, when the current
flowing through it is raised from 1 A to 11 A in 4 millisecond.
a. 40 V b. 440 V c. 100 V d. 0.4 V

5. The potential drops across a resistance and an inductance joined in series with an a.c. source are 16 V
and 12 V respectively. What is the total potential drop across the circuit.
a. 28 V b. 32 V c. 24 V d. 20 V

6. Which e.m. waves are used in radars and communication through satellites?
a. IR radiation b. Radio waves c. Micro waves d. none of these.

7. Calculate the short and long wavelength limits of Lyman series in H-atom.
𝟏 𝟒 𝟒 𝟏 𝟐 𝟑 𝑹 𝟒𝑹
a. & b. & c. & d. &
𝑹 𝟑𝑹 𝟑𝑹 𝑹 𝑹 𝟒𝑹 𝟐 𝟑

8. A 5 𝝁𝑪 charge is taken from a point A to point B. The amount of work done during the process is 8
mJ. Find the potential difference between the points.
a. 1600 V b. 160 V c. 16 V d. 16 kV

9. When two point charges are placed at a certain distance 𝒓 in air, they exert a force 𝑭 on each other.
Find the distance at which these charges will experience the same force when kept. In a medium of
dielectric constant 𝑲.
𝒓 𝒓
a. 𝑲 b. 𝒓 c. d. 𝒓 × √𝑲

10. One a.m.u is equal to

a. 931 MeV b. 1.49 x 10-10 J. c. 1.66 x 10-27 kg. d. All of these.

11. What is the magnetic induction at point 𝑶 in the given figure?

𝝁𝟎 𝑰 𝝁𝟎 𝑰 𝝁𝟎 𝑰 𝝁 𝑰 𝝁𝟎 𝑰 𝝁 𝑰
a. b. c. − 𝟎 d. + 𝟎
𝟒𝝅𝒓 𝟒𝒓 𝟒𝒓 𝟒𝝅𝒓 𝟒𝒓 𝟒𝝅𝒓

12. Calculate the frequency of a photon having energy equal to 7.5 eV.
a. 1.81 x 1014 Hz b. 1.81 x 1015 Hz c. 1.81 x 10-14 Hz d. None of these

For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given –one labelled Assertion (A) and other
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the options as given
(a) Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b)Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

13. Assertion (A) : the speed of the light in glass is independent of the colour of light.
Reason (R) : the speed of the light in a medium does not depend on its wavelength.

14. Assertion (A) : the minimum negative potential given no. of anode at which photoelectric current
become zero is called cut-off voltage.
Reason (R) : The minimum frequency of incident radiation below which no emission of
photoelectrons takes place is called the threshold frequency.

15. Assertion (A) : An extrinsic semiconductor is a doped conductor either with trivalent or pentavalent
Reason (R) : The electrical conductivity is low in intrinsic semiconductor.

16. Assertion (A) : Resultant capacitance of a parallel combination is more than any of the capacitor in
the combination.
Reason (R) : Resultant capacitance of a series combination is less than the least capacitance in the
combination so parallel combination is converse of this.

SECTION – B (5×2=10)
17. Explain how the average velocity of free electrons in a metal at constant temperature, in an electric
field, remain constant even though the electrons are being constantly accelerated by this electric
field? (2)

18. Distinguished between conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the basis of energy band
diagrams. (2)

19. A ray of light incident on an equilateral glass prism shows minimum deviation of 30 0. Calculate speed
of light through the glass prism. (2)

20. Show that the least possible distance between an object and its real image in a convex lens is 𝟒𝒇,
where 𝒇 is the focal length of the lens. (2)
In an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment a straight black line of length L is drawn on the
objective lens. The eyepiece forms a real image of this line whose length is 𝒍. What is the angular
magnification of the telescope? (2)

21. Show that the energy of photon is times the kinetic energy of the 𝒒 electron where 𝒎, 𝒄 and 𝒉
have their usual meaning. (2)

SECTION – C (7×3=21)

22. Using Gauss theorem, derive an expression for electric field due to infinite plane thin sheet of charge.

23. Calculate the value of resistance R in the figure so that current in

circuit is 0.2 A. What would be the potential difference between
points B and E ? (3)

24. An α-particle and a photon of the same kinetic energy are in turn allowed to pass through a magnetic
⃗⃗ , acting normal to the direction of motion of the particles. Calculate the ratio of radii of the circular
field 𝑩
paths describe by them. (3)
A long straight wire of circular cross-section of radius 'a' carries a steady current I. The current is
uniformly distributed across the cross-section. Apply Ampere's circuital law to calculate the magnetic
field at a point, r distance away from the axis of the current carrying wire for (i) r < a and (ii) r > a. (3)

25. Find the value of the phase lag/lead between the current
and voltage in the given series LCR circuit. Without making any
other change, find the value of the additional capacitor, such
that when 'suitably joined' to the capacitor (C = 2µF) as shown,
would make the power factor of this circuit unity. (3)


An inductor L of inductance XL is connected in series with a bulb Band an a.c. source.

How does the brightness of the bulb change when
(i) number of turns in the inductor is reduced
(ii) an iron rod is inserted in the inductor
(iii) a capacitor of reactance XC = XL is inserted in series in the circuit. Justify your answer in each
case. (3)

26. Prove that the radius of the nth Bohr orbit of an atom is directly proportional to n2 where n is the
principal quantum number. (3)

27. How can you show that p-n junction diode acts as a full wave rectifier? (3)

28. (a) Name the em waves which are used for the treatment of certain forms of cancer. Write their (3)
frequency range.

(b) This ozone layer on top of stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?

(c) Why is the amount of momentum transferred by e.m. wave incident on the surface so small?

SECTION – D (2×4=8)
29. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow. A semiconductor diode is
basically a p-n junction with metallic contacts provided at the ends for the application of an external
voltage. It is a two-terminal device. When an external voltage is applied across a semiconductor diode
such that p-side is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and n-side to the negative terminal,
it is said to be forward biased. When an external voltage is applied across the diode such that n-side is
positive and p-side is negative, it is said to be reverse biased. An ideal diode is one whose resistance in
forward biasing is zero and the resistance is infinite in reverse biasing. When the diode is forward biased,
it is found that beyond forward voltage called knee voltage, the conductivity is very high. When the
biasing voltage is more than the knee voltage the potential barrier is overcome and the current increases
rapidly with increase in forward voltage. When the diode is reverse biased, the reverse bias voltage
produces a very small current about a few microamperes which almost remains constant with bias. This
small current is reverse saturation current. [1×4=4]

(i) In the given figure, a diode D is connected to an external resistance R = 100 Q and an emf of 3.5 V. If
the barrier potential developed across the diode is 0.5 V, the current in the circuit will be:

(a) 40 mA (b) 20 mA (c) 35 mA (d) 30 Ma

(ii) In which of the following figures, the pn diode is reverse biased?

(iii) Based on the V-I characteristics of the diode, we can classify diode as
(a) Bilateral device (b) ohmic device (c) non-ohmic device (d) passive element
Two identical PN junctions can be connected in series by three different methods as shown in the
figure. If the potential difference in the junctions is the same, then the correct connections will be

(a) in the circuits (1) and (2) (b) in the circuits (2) and (3)

(c) in the circuits (1) and (3) (d) only in the circuit (1)

(iv) The V-I characteristic of a diode is shown in the figure. The ratio of the resistance of the diode at I = 15
mA to the resistance at V = -10 V is

(a) 100 (b) 106 (c) 10 (d) 10-6

30. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Types of Lenses and their combination
A convex or converging lens is thicker at the centre than at the edges. It converges a beam of light on
refraction through it. It has a real focus. Convex lens is of three types: Double convex lens, Plano convex
lens and Concavo-convex lens.
Concave lens is thinner at the centre than at the edges. It diverges a beam of light on refraction through
it. It has a virtual focus. Concave lenses are of three types: Double concave lens, Plano- concave lens and
Convexo-concave lens.
When two thin lenses of focal lengths f₁ and f₂ are placed in contact with each other along their
common principal axis, then the two lens system is regarded as a single lens of focal length f and

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
=𝒇 +𝒇
𝟏 𝟐
If several thin lenses of focal length f1 ,f2,.....fn are placed in contact, then the effective focal length of the
combination is given by
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + 𝒇 + …… + 𝒇
𝒇 𝒇 𝟏 𝟐 𝒏
and in terms of power, we can write

P=P1 + P2 + ..… + Pn

The value of focal length and power of a lens must be used with proper sign consideration. [1×4=4]

(i) Two thin lenses are kept coaxially in contact with each other and the focal length of the combination is
80 cm. If the focal length of one lens is 20 cm, the focal length of the other would be

(a) -26.7 cm (b) 60 cm (c) 80 cm (d) 30 cm

(ii) A spherical air bubble is embedded in a piece of glass. For a ray of light passing through the bubble, it
behaves like a

(a) Converging lens (b) diverging lens (c) mirror (d) thin plane sheet of glass

(iii) Lens generally used in magnifying glass is

(a) single concave lens

(b) single convex lens
(c) combination of convex lens of lower power and concave lens of lower focal length
(d) planoconcave lens

(iv) The magnification of an image by a convex lens is positive only when the object is placed

(a) At its focus F (b) between F and 2F (c) at 2F (d) between F and optical centre

SECTION E (3×5=15)

31. (a) Obtain the expression for the energy stored per unit volume in a charged parallel plate capacitor.
The electric field inside a parallel plate capacitor is E. Find the amount of work done in moving a charge
q over a closed rectangular loop abcda. [3+2=5]

(b) Find the charge on the capacitor as shown in the circuit

(a) A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential difference V by a d.c. source. The capacitor is then
disconnected from the source. If the distance between the plates is doubled, state with reason how the
following will change. [3+2=5]

(i) Electric field between the plates

(ii) Capacitance
(iii) Energy stored in the capacitor

(b) A network of four capacitors each of 12 µF capacitance is connected to

a 500 V supply as shown in the figure. Determine
(i) equivalent capacitance of the network.
(ii) charge on each capacitor.

32. (a) Three rays of light, red (R), green (G) and blue (B), are incident on
the face AB of a right-angled prism, as shown in the figure. The refractive
indices of the material of the prism for red, green and blue are 1.39, 1.44
and 1.47 respectively. Which one of the three rays will emerge out of the
Give reason to support your answer.
(b) Draw a labelled ray diagram of a refracting telescope. Define its
magnifying power and write the expression for it.
Write two important limitations of a refracting telescope over a reflecting type telescope. [3+2=5]
(a) Using Huygen's construction of secondary wavelets explain how a diffraction pattern is obtained on
a screen due to a narrow slit on which a monochromatic beam of light is incident normally.
(b) Show that the angular width of the first diffraction fringe is half that of the central fringe.
𝟏 𝝀
(c) Explain why the maxima at θ = (n + ) become weaker and weaker with increasing n. [1+1+2=5] 2
𝟐 𝒂

33. (i) An a.c. source of voltage V=V0 sin ωt is connected to a series combination of L, C and R. Use the
phasor diagram to obtain expressions for impedance of the circuit and phase angle between voltage and
current. Find the condition when current will be in phase with the voltage. What is the circuit in this
condition called? [3+2=5]
(ii) In a series LR circuit XL=R and power factor of the circuit is P₁. When capacitor with capacitance C
such that XL=XC is put in series, the power factor becomes P2. Calculate P1/P2.
Explain with the help of a labelled diagram, the principle, construction and working of a transformer.


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