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DISS (LESSON 1) - The term "social science" was

coined by William Thompson in

Emergence of the Social his book An Inquiry into the
Science Principles of the Distribution of
Wealth Most Conducive to Human
- The study of human and social Happiness (1824). Since then, the
behavior is not a new discovery; term social science has been used
the essential ideas in the social to refer generally to all fields of
sciences date back to ages ago as study that analyze society and
seen in the inquiries of ancient culture.
philosophers such Plato and
Aristotle in Europe, and Confucius
and Lao Tzu in East Asia. Main Branches of
- What is relatively new is the use of
objective and standardized rules in
the analysis of human behavior. SOCIAL SCIENCES
● To analyze, explain, and predict
human behavior.
The Historical Development
of the Social Science ● End goal is the generation of the
new knowledge
- In the early stages of the
● Application of an empirical,
development of human civilization,
rational, and objective
the people's primary concern was
to work for their own survival. The
common desire to survive and
provide for each other's HUMANITIES
subsistence was the basis for the ● To better appreciate the meaning
establishment of society. and purpose of the human
experience - both broadly in the
- As time progressed, people's nature of the human condition, as
knowledge became more refined well as within each unique
and developed. Individual's then individual.
sought to know more about their
world and learned to ask questions ● End goal is generation of wisdom,
in the process. What is the nature to better explore and address the
of life? What is the cause of "big questions" and meet the
conflict in this world? Why do challenges in the human condition.
inequalities exist?
● Application of an interpretative
- Those questions fall under the methodology (use of text analysis,
disciplines of Social Sciences; reflective thinking, and
which are a group of academic acknowledgment of audience) to
disciplines that deal with the render something meaningful for
human aspects of the world. others.

● To understand, explain, and predict 2. Founder of Western Philosophy /
the world we live in using scientific Thought
methods and distinctive methods 3. Teacher of Plato
of inquiry. 4. Socratic Method
- method of analyzing a
● Discovery of laws that rule the topic by formulating a series of
world (with focus on the natural questions designed to analyze its
world) various aspects, and examine or
clarify a person's point of view.
● Application of natural science
methods (systematic observation,
measurement, and experiment)

PLATO - 424/423 - 348/347 BC

Development of the Social 1. From Athens

2. Founder of the Academy
Science 3. Teacher of Aristotle
4. Republic - ideal state
● The Social sciences boast of a - concept of Just man and
long and interesting history, one Just society
that is shaped by the individual's - Platonic justice
inherent desire to find answers to - Tripartite soul - division of
unresolved questions, study the labor - division of society
rise and fall of institutions. and
understand socio-political

● The need to explore the world -

because of the natural curiosity of
humans about the world-social
science evolved.

- Greeks and Romans - played a Philosophical king - a

vital role in the development of an theoretical ruler who combines
approach to answering such philosophical knowledge and
questions. temperament with political skill and
- Socrates-Socratic Method
- Plato - The Republic Auxiliaries - the warriors,
- Aristotle - Politics responsible for defending the city
- Cicero - De Re Publica (Mixed from invaders, and for keeping the
Constitution) peace at home. They must enforce
- Polybius-Histories (Anacyclosis) the convictions of the guardians,
and ensure that the producers
SOCRATES - 470 - 399 BC
1. From Athens
Workers/Producers - The THE RISE OF MEDIEVAL
laborers who make the goods and SCHOLASTICISM
services in society. – marriage of reason and religion


– Summa Theologica, De Regno
1. Born in the city of Stagira – There is a prime mover
2. Founder of Lyceum
3. Teacher of Alexander the Great ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO
4. Politics - 3 forms of Association – De Civitate Dei/The City of God
- attain highest good - – heavenly city
greatest happiness - eudaimonia – peace in a city can be achieved without
"Man is a political animal." - men war
greed for power and title
5. “Money can’t buy happiness” SCIENCE, SECULARISM, AND
6. Virtues man SOCIETY
- The mean of having ethics
and being kind HUMANISM
– philosophical movement which placed
POLYBIUS the human beings capacity for reason and
– great historian of the Hellenistic period rationality at its center
– was born in 208 BC in Arcadia, a region – advocated secularism distanced
located in Greece’s Peloponnese learning from religion
– Analysis of mixed constitution - – Leonardo Da Vinci
separation of powers (checks and – Galileo Galilei - affirmed the heliocentric
balances) model
– Analysis of Roman Empire – Francis Bacon - systematic way of
– Anacyclosis testing hypotheses
- Anarchy → Monarchy → Tyranny
→ Aristocracy → Oligarchy → AGE OF REASON
Democracy → Ochlocracy – moving further away from theology and
- For every good government, there faith based approaches to knowledge in
is a bad government favor of schools of thought such as
Rationalism and Empiricism
CICERO (3 Jan 106 BC - 7 Dec 43 BC)
– Roman philosopher, statesmen RATIONALISM
– From Arpinum, Roman Republic – mathematical and logical principles to
– De Re Publica understand reality
– mixed constitution – Rene Descartes “Cogito Ergo Sum” – “I
- Consuls: 1, monarch think therefore I am”
- Senate: few, aristocracy
- People: many, democracy EMPIRICISM
– Equal blending and balancing of 3 – observations and sense experiences to
classes in state understand reality
– Separation of powers – checks and – John Locke - The Social Contract
balances Theory
– Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT - His famous book was entitled Two
– extension of Age of Reason Treatises of Government (1690). From this
– focuses on the concept of power and writing, the Social Contract Theory
state, democracy, and rights of common developed.
– Voltaire - writings inspired American and - Unlike Hobbes, Locke believed that man
French Revolutions is naturally good and has natural rights of
– Immanuel Kant - merged rationalism and life, liberty, and property. For him, the role
empiricism of the government is to protect these
– Adam Smith - Father of Modern rights. To do this, the government and the
Economics members of the society enter into a social
contract but the power of the government
THE LATE MODERN PERIOD AND is limited. People can revolt against the
DISCIPLINIZATION government when it fails to fulfil its duty of
protecting their natural rights.
– scientific, social, and political – an implicit agreement between the
developments people and their government about what
should each other give to each other
– Auguste Comte
- Positivism – assures that the government in question
has been consented to by the people it
– Karl Marx has jurisdiction over, gives people the right
- The Communist Manifesto to check their government if it steps out of
- Das Kapital (Socialism – line, leaving power with the majority
– Herbert Spencer – a sea monster that is a metaphor for
- Social Statics (Social Darwinism) Hobbes’s perfect government

SUPPLEMENTAL RESEARCH: – people are unsuited to political life as

they naturally compete with each other
THEREFORE I AM’ (COGITO, ERGO – think much more highly of themselves
SUM) than of other people
– first step in demonstrating attainability of
knowledge – passions magnify the value they place
– If you think, if you doubt your existence, on their own interests
this proves your existence
– Whatever you think and believe is true, it – One of his famous works is the
stands true to you Leviathan (1651).

JOHN LOCKE: THE SOCIAL – The title of his book was derived from a
CONTRACT THEORY sea monster in the book of Job.
– people live together in society in
accordance with an agreement that – He believed that man is naturally evil
establishes moral and political rules of and needs protection from hurting
behavior him/herself.
– Because of this nature of man,
government is needed to put order into
society and for this to work, people have
to give up their rights in the hands of the

– Humans and the government enters into

a social contract wherein members of the
society cannot rebel against the monarchs
and the monarchs have the right to put
down rebellion.


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