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Compatibility: With Birth Times


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Mountain View United States 03/27/1996 23:57
reading. In This
Julian day 2450170.83
Timezone -8.00 ST 12.13 Lat 37.38 Long -122.08
San Francisco United States 08/29/1987 12:00
Julian day 2447037.29
Free Reports
Timezone -7.00 ST 9.20 Lat 37.77 Long -122.42

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1 of 8 3/29/23, 05:58
Compatibility: With Birth Times

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Copyright 2002-2023

03/27/1996 Aspect 08/29/1987 Orb Worth

Sun Square Neptune 2°36' -91

Mercury Square Neptune 2°37' -75

Mars Square Neptune 2°27' -68

Mars Trine Lilith 1°42' 43

Mars Conjunction N Node 0°21' 91

Jupiter Trine Mercury 0°37' 96

Saturn Trine Lilith 2°24' 32

Saturn Conjunction N Node 3°46' 53

Uranus Square Moon 2°40' -89

Uranus Opposition Lilith 2°42' -33

Uranus Sextile N Node 1°21' 32

Neptune Square Jupiter 2°05' -70

Neptune Opposition Lilith 3°42' -26

Pluto Square Sun 2°56' -75

Pluto Square Mars 1°28' -81

Pluto Trine Lilith 1°48' 32

Pluto Trine N Node 0°27' 40

N Node Sextile X MC 0°23' 26

I ASC Square Mercury 0°50' -153

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Compatibility: With Birth Times

I ASC Conjunction Saturn 1°09' 109

I ASC Trine X MC 1°48' 24

X MC Square Neptune 1°52' -36

X MC Opposition N Node 0°56' -25

578 -822 -244

Inter-planetary aspects

The following aspects between planets concern

the possible relationships between two charts,
especially the emotional and romantic relationship,
but also aspects on social, intellectual, and
spiritual levels.

The values next to the orbs in the chart above are

part of a rating system. Keep in mind that these
figures serve only as a possible guideline to reveal
which aspects may be considered easy or
challenging. Analysis of a relationship is, of
course, very complex. While some aspects can be
considered, on their own, difficult for most people,
some will have an easier time with them, and the
same is true of easy aspects. As well, all
relationships will--and should-- have a mix of easy
and challenging aspects.

When analyzing compatibility, always use your

own logic and intuition to put these influences
together. This is the case for anything you read in
the report, on the site, on other sites, and in
books. These are guidelines and possibilities only,
and are not meant to pass judgment on a
relationship. Read more about these combinations
on Cafe Astrology (Synastry/Relationship

3 of 8 3/29/23, 05:58
Compatibility: With Birth Times

Astrology category), on other astrology sites, and

in astrology books.

96 Trine Mercury - Jupiter

Positive aspect: An ideal couple, prosperous,

happy, good intellectual understanding, great
confidence in each other, a successful family life.

-91 Square Sun - Neptune

Challenging aspect: The Sun might end up feeling

used or frustrated in this relationship. There may
be deceptions, lies, or promises of a fantastic
future that only exists in the imagination, or more
likely, an inability to see one another clearly and
projection of wonderful qualities onto the partner. It
can be difficult for the Neptune person to live up to
these and Neptune might begin to back off or feel
overwhelmed. Keep expectations of each other
and of the relationship realistic. Try not to add the
pressure of living up to a fantasy onto this

91 Conjunction Mars - Lunar node

Positive aspect: This is one indicator that suggests

the relationship will endure. The union or love,
passion, grows and lasts.

-89 Square Moon - Uranus

Challenging aspect: It is likely that their

relationship developed suddenly and impulsively,
for their feelings for each other change quickly and

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Compatibility: With Birth Times

unexpectedly. Their feelings blow hot and cold in

this relationship, and consequently there is a tone
of instability and inconstancy. OR, their feelings for
each other may be quite constant, but
circumstances are such that they are separated at
key moments. It is possible that one, or both, of
them will tire of the constant fluctuations. The
Moon person, in particular, may find the situation
challenging and draining emotionally as time goes
on. There may be a lack of commitment,
dedication, reliability, and stability to the
relationship, causing the Moon person to doubt
the viability of the relationship. On the other hand,
the couple may find the changes exciting and
stimulating. Be grateful that there are always
surprises and novelty around the corner - at least
they don't have to worry about getting stuck in a
rut or becoming bored with their partner.

-81 Square Mars - Pluto

Challenging aspect: Sexual passion but could be

destructive or temperamental. It will be very
difficult to pick oneself up after such a relationship.
If it ends, there are likely to be hard feelings.

-75 Square Mercury - Neptune

Challenging aspect: This relationship can

somehow encourage illusions and the
disappointments that follow. These two people can
have a hard time understanding each other and if
they insist on living together, the little deceptions
or lies can add up and undermine the relationship.
It's important to be clear and to clear up

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Compatibility: With Birth Times


-75 Square Sun - Pluto

Challenging aspect: A great attraction might unite

the couple, but this relationship is unlikely to be
enitrely healthy. The Pluto person tries to change
the Sun person, which is not at all appreciated,
and this leads to conflict. If the relationship ends,
much bitterness and anger might be the result.

-70 Square Jupiter - Neptune

Challenging aspect: They sometimes encourage

impracticality in one another. They often feel let
down with one another, usually because each
wants very much to please the other, but it is hard
to fulfill all the promises that are made to one

-68 Square Mars - Neptune

Challenging aspect: It's too easy for this

relationship to end up becoming manipulative and
frustrating. You may find that you have a hard time
accomplishing much on a practical level when you
are together, because you tend to enjoy spending
leisure time together. A difficult union that can
succeed, but could involve some distancing and
dishonesty. Be very careful to be honest with each
other, as deceptions have a way of coming to the
light and great disappointments are possible as a

53 Conjunction Saturn - Lunar node

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Compatibility: With Birth Times

Positive aspect: Favorable union, will help to

achieve their ambitions.

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potential lover) for a short compatibility report for
birthdays with unknown birth times.

Transits for Unknown Birth Times See the

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Compatibility: With Birth Times

planets' influence on your natal chart in the future.

Select this option for unknown birth times.

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person. Try our Love & Romance Forecast

Copyright Cafe Astrology 2002-2023.

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