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ADMH 5006

Equity, Diversity & Inclusive Practice in Mental Health & Addictions

Self-Awareness Reflection Paper

DUE DATE: See Critical Path
20% of final mark

One of the most important tasks of any social and community services program is to
enable the learners to explore their motivations for being in their desired field. This
should provide you with an increased understanding of yourself and, in turn, should
facilitate you becoming a more effective professional.

Who you are and why you want to help people influences what happens in your
relationship with clients. Honestly reflection on our true motivations for this work is an
important part of doing as much as possible to avoid causing harm to our clients. Self-
awareness and insight can help us anticipate and understand our own triggers, so that
we are able to navigate them in such a way that allows us to remain fully present with
those you work with.

This assignment provides students with an opportunity to critically analyze theories
pertaining to issues of Addiction and Mental Health, and reflect on their own personal,
political, social and professional identities.

Be sure to use a minimum of 2-4 course readings and 2-4 relevant academic sources
(i.e., journal article, book chapter) to support this paper. Please note, newspaper
articles, blogs or internet sources are not considered appropriate scholarly sources.
You are encouraged to use the Humber Library to find your sources to ensure they are
academically appropriate.

You are encouraged to review these articles for this assignment: (These would count
towards your required sources as described above)
1. White Privilege, Colour and Crime: A Personal Account, by Peggy McIntosh
2. Opening the door to dialogue on Intersectionality by Thandiwee Watts-Jones
3. Digging Deep: Thinking about Privilege by Eli Care

 The content of this paper should be 6 - 7 pages in total, typed, double-spaced
(excluding cover page and references)
 Times New Roman, font 12, with normal (1 inch) margins
 The paper must include page numbers and use APA format for referencing (both
in-text citation and bibliography of resources used).
ADMH 5006
Equity, Diversity & Inclusive Practice in Mental Health & Addictions

 Please do not use direct quotations or cut and paste from readings/online
sources. You will need to paraphrase main points/argument, which still need to
be cited properly using APA in-text citations.
 Please keep a copy of your paper until your mark is posted by faculty. Please
see Critical Path Document for information about late penalties and how to
request an extension if needed.

Make sure to use Sub-headings for each section of your paper.

Outline of Assignment:

Cover Page
Cover page should include the following information:
Full name and Student ID number
Course Code
Faculty’s full name
Date of submission

EDI: ½ page - 1 Page Max

In approximately half to one page, explain your understanding of equity, diversity and
inclusivity. This is your opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in this course
related to these 3 concepts and the broader meaning of EDI.

Reflecting on Theory: 1.5 Pages

The following areas should be addressed in your theory section:

a) Based on your readings and other relevant scholarly work/learnings; choose a

theory (i.e., AOP, feminist, intersectionality, critical race theory, queer theory,
anti-racism, equity, social justice, etc.).

b) Outline the key elements of this theory, and explain why this theory is important
to you.

c) Speak to how you anticipate this theory may ground or influence your personal
and professional practice? How will you use your understanding of this theory to
inform your personal and professional values and practice approaches?

d) Are there any aspects of this theory that you feel you still have questions about?
How does this theory fit with other theories that we have discussed in this
ADMH 5006
Equity, Diversity & Inclusive Practice in Mental Health & Addictions

Self Reflection: 1-2 Pages

Time to self-reflect. Please identify your preferred area of work within the addictions and
mental health profession, and explain why (i.e., addictions counsellor, harm reduction
worker, withdrawal management counsellor, case manager, crisis counsellor, social
worker, psychologist, psychosocial rehabilitation worker, etc.).

Once you have identified your preferred area of work in the ADMH field, please reflect
on why you choose this line of work to begin with. I encourage you to be very curious
and honest with yourself (while also being compassionate towards yourself). Please go
beyond indicating that you “want to help others” or that you “want to work with
individuals who use substances or experience mental health challenges” – why, of all
areas of work you could have explored, have you chosen this particular path?

Consider the following questions to help you in developing this section:

1. Why did you choose this field of study?

2. What life experiences have you had that informed your decision?
3. What values, personal attributes, strengths do you have that will help you be an
effective professional in this field?
4. What 1-2 concepts have you learned so far in this course that you feel will help
you to meet your professional goals? What 1-2 concepts from the course do you
feel you would benefit from continuing to learn about?

Please do not feel you need to disclose overly personal information to answer the

Analysis: 2 Pages

Being a human being means that almost all of us have experienced both being
oppressed as well as moments of privilege which may relate to experiences of
oppression for others. While it is easier to reflect and feel our own experience of hurt, it
is often much harder to remember how our actions, words and behaviors may have
harmed others. This is because acknowledging privilege or acts of oppression, both
visible and invisible may be hard, unconscious, or threaten our very privilege and social
location. The analysis section of this paper is intended to help us find the root causes of
our worldview in order to harness this awareness in enhancing our professional practice
within addictions mental health.

 Choose at least three of what you perceive as your dominant/privilege identities

and explain how they may reinforce one another. Try to use “I” statements, but
write in academic language that is reflective of your theoretical knowledge.
ADMH 5006
Equity, Diversity & Inclusive Practice in Mental Health & Addictions

Note: As you write your analysis section, make sure to reflect on ways in which
following dimensions interact with one another and further shape our personal, social,
and professional identity as well as policy and practice (refer to articles by Eli Clare and
Peggy McIntosh).

Examples of social identities you can reflect on for this section:

a) Social class
b) Race
c) Sex and gender diversity
d) Religion, faith, or spirituality
e) Employment status (future occupation within the justice system)
f) Education
g) Health, [dis]ability, mental health
h) Canadian citizenship and country of origin
i) Family status/background
j) Language proficiency
k) Other dimensions

Discussion: ½ page - 1 Page

Now that you have done some self reflection and identified your own sources of
privilege and areas for growth, consider the information you have already introduced in
this paper, and determine some practical steps you could take in your preferred future
role/work place in order to encourage inclusive practices in working with diverse and
marginalized populations.

Conclusion: ½ page
In a paragraph (approx. half a page), tie it all together by pointing out how this
assignment has enhanced your learning and critical reflection.

Reference Page:
Be sure to use APA format of referencing throughout your assignment and include all
sources you have used to write your paper. This includes sources from your weekly
readings, class discussions and library or other academic resources.


Assignments will be graded for:

 Completion (following all steps of the assignment, including all required pieces,
formatting aligns with requirements)
ADMH 5006
Equity, Diversity & Inclusive Practice in Mental Health & Addictions

 Content (thoughtful, honest reflections, demonstrating an accurate and thorough

knowledge of the concepts learned in this course, willingness to self-reflect while
practicing compassion for self)
 Clarity (points are made clearly and concisely, thoughts flow well into the next
idea, points are easy to follow, language is not overly technical, however, terms
learned in this course are used properly, each sentence adds new info [rather
than repeating the same idea in different words] etc.)
 Spelling, grammar, use of APA is perfect (no plagiarism, all sources are properly

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