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This agreement applies to domes cated pets other than Service Animals

In considera on for the Hotel permi ng me to keep my pet in the room assigned to me,
I hereby agree to the following:
1. No more than two pets are permi ed in my guest room.

2. I agree to pay a non-refundable fee for my pet of ₹3000 plus tax, per stay (for fumiga on and
sanita on of the room a er you leave). I understand that addi onal fees may apply in the event my
pet causes any damage.

3. I agree to pay the Hotel any charges for any necessary cleaning or repair due to pet stains and/or
damage, as determined within the sole discre on of the Hotel. I hereby authorize my credit card on
record to be charged for the cost of these addi onal services.

4. I must keep my pet restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier when my pet is outside my guest room.

5. I must no fy the front desk and hang the “Pet Friendly Room” door hanger when I leave my pet
una ended in guest room.

6. I must properly remove and dispose of any li er or waste associated with my pet on Hotel premises.

7. I understand that pets are not permi ed in Hotel restaurants or other Hotel food and beverage areas.

8. I agree that I am responsible for the noise my pet creates and will ensure that my pet does not disrupt
the quiet enjoyment of other hotel guests.

9. I agree that should the Hotel determine in its sole discre on that my pet is objec onable to other
hotel guests, I must immediately make other arrangements to house the pet outside the Hotel.

10. I release the Hotel and its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (the “Hotel En es”) from any and all
liability for any injury and/or damage suffered by my pet.

11. I agree that I assume full responsibility for any injury or damage caused or alleged to be caused by my
pet and incurred or alleged to be incurred by any guest, employee or invitee of the Hotel. I agree to
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Hotel En es from and against any and all alleged or actual
losses, claims, damages, liabili es, costs and expenses (including a orneys' fees and court costs)
suffered by the Hotel En es or asserted by any other hotel guest, invitee employee or person arising
out of or in connec on with my pet's stay at the Hotel.

+91 740 627 3300 / 740 627 4400 Kumaralli village, Somwarpet, Kodagu
District, Coorg, Karnataka - 571236
12. I understand and agree that the Hotel retains the right to exclude my pet if, in the Hotel's sole
discre on, my pet is considered dangerous by reason of size, disposi xon or is likely to frighten or
harm other guests of the Hotel.

13. I confirm that my pet has all required and up to date vaccina ons and inocula ons and does not have
any communicable illnesses or diseases.
I agree that at all mes while on Hotel property I will ensure my pet complies with all relevant laws
and regula ons of Ayatana Coorg including any laws or regula ons rela ng to the muzzling of my pet.

**If the hotel determines any failures to comply with any part of the above agreement, you may be asked
to leave the hotel immediately and without reimbursement. **

By signing below, I agree to the aforemen oned policies and condi ons.

Type of Pet: ____________________________________________________________________

Pet Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Guest Name (printed) : __________________________________________________________

Guest Signature : ___________________________ Date : _____________________________

Emergency contact number for the responsible Guest: ____________________________

Hotel Staff Fills Out Items Below

Guest Service Representa ve checking in Guest __________________________________

Front Office Representa ve signature acknowledging they confirmed with Guest they understand all
guidelines and rules


+91 740 627 3300 / 740 627 4400 Kumaralli village, Somwarpet, Kodagu
District, Coorg, Karnataka - 571236

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