Legal Arabic Terms

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Legal Arabic

naaqasha -- ma warada bi - sadrzhaj ...
al-mu'arrax/a (fi) - od (datum)
al-muraqqam/a - br.
al-muHaal/a ilayhi/ha min - koju joj je dostavio
al-muncaqad bi-taariix - odrzhanoj dana
ilzaam bi- obaveza/ivanje, poshtovanje- compulsion, observing
al-sharikaat al-mamluuka lil-dawla bil-kaamil
illaa fi Haalat - osim u sluchaju
al-Daruurat al-qaSwa - krajnja nuzhda/potreba
iTTalaca cala - razmotriti, b. upoznat sa
istaTlacat -- ra'yahaa - to consult, seek or ask the opinion or advice of
diraasat al-mawDuuc min jamiic jawaanibihi
al-mushaar ilayha aclaahu - gorenavedeni
isticraaD aaraa' - razmatranje stavova
qarrara -- ma yali - odluchiti sledec'e
taHriir al-cuquud - sastavljanje ugovora
cadam jawaaz al-xuruuj can haadha al-iltizaam illaa fi ...
shahaadatu wilaadatin - izvod iz mat. knjige rodjenih
makaan Huduuth il-waaqicati - dogadjaj
tarmiiz - kodiranje
Tabiib caam - dr opshte prakse
Tabiib ixSaa'i - dr specijalista
daaya / qaabila - midwife - babica
* nuSaadiqu cala SiHHati muHtawayaat haadhihi sh-shahaada taHta Taa'ilati al-
mas'uuliyyati l-qaanuuniyya wa ishcaar bidhaalika nuwaqqicu fi ...*
al-fuHuuSaat al-maxbariyya - pathology tests
faqr ad-damm - anemia (nfs)
faHS buul - examen of urines
faHS as-sukkar - (fbs)
al-fuHuuSaat ash-shicaaciyya wa taxTiiT al-qalb - x-ray & cardiovascular
aS-Suura aS-Sadriyya - x-ray
faHS an-naZar - vision
faHS as-samc - hearing
(Gayr) SaaliH - (not) fit
ittifaaqiyya(tu) ...
fiimaa bayna - izmedju
al-Taraf al-awwal/al-thaani
... wa cunwaanuhu ---
wa sayushaaru lahu fi haadhii l-ittifaaqiyyati laaHiqan bi l-Taraf al-awwal/thaani
- u daljem tekstu
bisha'ni - po pitanju, u vezi sa
taHta raqam - pod brojem
wa haythu anna - poshto (je)
Haqq al-tarxiiS lil-Gayr bi - pravo dozvole drugima da
SaaHib - vlasnik
maalik saa'ir Huquuqiha - vlasnik ostalih prava
al-muqarrar bimuujib al-qaanuun
humaa bikaamil ahliyyatihimaa li - being fully competent to
diibaaja - preamble
ittafaqa --- cala ma yali - saglasili se o sledec'em
mulzim - neophodan, obavezan
'ajaaza/yujiizu - allow, approve, authorize - dozvoliti
limudda ... tabda'u min taariix ...
tujaddadu tilqaa'iyyan - obnavlja se automatski
tuctabaru -- muntahiyatan bintihaa' l-mudda
yatacayyanu 'an yatimma - is required, have/has to be
bi'ayyi Haalin min al-'aHwaali - ni na koji nachin
inHaSara .. bi - to be limited, restricted, confined (with)
Gayru ma Huddida HaSran fi -
yadfacu .. li .. liqaa'a ... mablaGan wa qadruhu ... sanawiyyan
(aw maa nisbatuhu .. min mubiicaat aw Saafii mubiicaat)
tajrii l-muHaasaba bayna -
man yuciinaahu/ yucayyinaahu li - dvojina - assist
quyuud ul-mubiicaat -
mutacayyan - dogovoren
ixlaal bi - violation - neposhtovanje
dafc ul-badal il-muttafaq calayhi - plac'anje dogovorene naknade
yuctabaru ...muujiban litaTbiiqi Hukm il-maaddati 4 min ... (razlogom za)
bish-shakl il-mulaa'imi limaSlaHati T-Tarafayni
tuqayyidu - stipulates - predvidja, obavezuje
laa yuxillu (yaxallu) cadam tasjiiliha ...
mawDuucii - objektivan
ijraa'ii - proceduralni, operacionalizovan
muthuul - appearance, presence, presenting oneself
nakala can/min - to abstain from, refrain from, forbear, desist from
'uSuuli - proper, regular, in accordance with the rules, conforming to regulations
or principle
macnii - concerned, involved, interest
ahliyyatuhumaa - Their legal capacity
mawaanic sharciyya wa qaanuuniyya - Legal and religious impediments
nasab - kinship
laa qadar allah - allah forbids
nafaqa - alimony

challenging task - muhimma jasiima

which has been entrusted to you by - al-lati anaaTakum bihaa zumalaa' ...
please (you, masculine plural pronoun) accept my utmost respect -
wa tafaDDaluu biqubuul waafir il-iHtiraam
many thanks - wa lakum jaziil ish-shukr
naHnu, zaayid ... aSdarna - We, Zayed ... have issued
The contracted party shall carry out the duties of - yubaashiru l-mutacaaqid
waajibaat waZiifat ...
musta'jir - lessee - stanodavac
mu'ajjir - lessor - zakupac
ixbaar (acc) bidhaalika xaTiyyan - ... pismeno obaveshtenje - give written
al-ma'juur - rented property
illaa idhaa araada l-mu'ajjir dhaalika - if the lessor so wishes
al-mudcii - claimant - tuzhitelj
al-mudcaa calayhi - defendant - tuzheni
ad-difaac - defence(lawyer) - odbrana (advokat)
al-qaaDi - sudija - judge
al-Haajib - bailiff -
al-kaatib - clerk
al-muttahim - accused - optuzheni
ilaa an tuthbit idaanatuhu - until proved guilty
bimuHaakama qaanuuniyya - at a lawful trial
tu'minu lahu ... in which he has enjoyed ...
lid-difaac canhu - for his defense
yatacahhada --- tacahhudan nihaa'iyyan wa naajizan -
Gayr qaabil lil-mucaaraDa aw il-inkaar aw id-dafc bimaa yuxaalifuhu
qarra/yaqarru bi -
yansha'u tujaaha - k. mogu nastati prema (obaveze i sl.)
bicunwaanihaa -
wa/aw - i/ili
tujaaha l-Gayr - prema drugome
bi'ayy wajh min awjah - ni na koji nachin
al-madhkuur aclaahu - mentioned above
saalif al-dhikr - the aforementioned
al-madhkuur - mentioned
al-waarid/a - mentioned
ilaa Haythu l-muclan ilayhim - to where the informed parties live
kallaftuhum bil-HuDuur - I summoned them to appear
yahdufu --- ilaa - aims at - ima za cilj
muTarrid - constant, steady
yajuuzu bimuqtaDaa l-qaanuun - prescribed by law
al-shaxS al-maHkuum calayhi - convicted person

‫ وفسخ وانفساخ‬.
‫ا وبعدم نقض‬
‫الرجوع عنها او الطعن بهذا‬
‫خالل سريانها‬
‫بالرغم ما تقرره اية‬
‫يحق للطرف‬
‫باشعار خطي‬
‫في غير اغراضها‬
‫على نحو غير مشروع او تجاوز نطاق‬
‫التثبت من‬
‫البدل واالطالع على القيود المنصوص عليه في‬
‫المرعية وتعريض‬
‫محاسبية في مدة اقصاها‬
‫وال يخل ذلك بحق‬
‫جراء االستخدام‬
‫وال يجوز‬
‫باي وجه من الوجوه ويتعين‬
‫والمواد الدعائية‬
‫تعتبر مفسوخة حكما في حال شطب‬
‫بموجب حكم قضائي‬

‫الوالية القانونية‬
‫وطرق فض المنازعات‬

‫الموضوعية واالجرائية‬
‫في حال حدوث‬
‫وما قد ينشا عنها‬
‫تحال الى التحكيم امام محكم فرد‬
‫من محكمي المركز العربي للملكية الفكرية وفض المنازعات‬
‫في غيبة الطرف الناكل عن‬
‫للطرف المعني‬
‫ ملزما قابال للتنفيذ‬.
‫الموطن المختار‬
‫ما لم‬
‫باخطار خطي‬
‫االحكام الختامية‬
‫ حسن النية‬.
‫ست مواد بما فيها هذه المادة ومن ثالث نسخ اصلية بيد كل طرف نسخة للعمل بمقتضاها‬ ‫من‬ --- ‫حررت‬

‫ الموافق‬...... ‫ هذا اليوم‬................ ‫في مجلس العقد في‬ ‫وعلى ذلك وقع الطرفان‬

min al-laazim - it is necessary
yajuuzu - may
yajibu - must
(yajuuzu) li ... an - it is allowed for .. to
(yajibu) cala ... an - it is incumbent on .. to
qad -
yajibu an yatimma l-ixTaar - the notification shall be given
icfaa' min - exemption from - izuzec'e od
yajuuzu ... - shall be reached
muqarrar - established - utvrdjen
al-fiqh al-jinaa'ii - criminal law
al-latii yanaSSu calayha - which is prescribed by
yacaaqibu calayha bi - is to be punished by - kazhnjiva
icdaam - death
ashGaal shaaqqa - hard labour
al-ladhii laa yaziidu aqSaa muddatihi can - the maximum duration of which does not
Garaama - fine - novchana kazna
jariima - crime
jinaaya - felony
junHa - misdemeanour
ibraam ul-caqd - sklapanje ugovora
mutammam, mukammal - completed, concluded, finished, wound up, finalized,
Tara'a cala - happen (unexpectedly), occur, take place, come about, develop, arise,
* Arabic legal texts involve two or three words of related meanings, sometimes
synonymous or near- synonymous which are conjoined by ‫( و‬and) or ‫( وأ‬or).
yuctabaru l-caqdu mafsuuxan - this contract revokes
tanbiih aw indhaar- any prior notice
This is to certify that I - wa haadha iqraar wa tacahhud minni bidhaalika
aqarru wa altazimu bi - I recognize and commit to
kull ma warada bihi - whatever is stated herewith
DaGT aw ikraah - pressure or coercion
yaqarru - acknowledges
biHaalatihaa r-raahinati - as it is - u trenutnom (vidjenom) stanju
al-ciib wa t-talaf wa l-xalal - the fault, the harm and the damage
maa lam takun - unless - osim ako (ne)
al-shaqqa mawDuuc il-bayc - the apartment for sale
al-naafiya lil-jahaala - without any uncertainty or ignorance
muSaalaHa qaTciyya - definitive reconciliation
laa rujuuc fiihaa wa laa nukuul - without the possibility of retraction or
naSiib - share
amwaal ut-tarika - legacy
'abra'at dhimmatuhum min HiSSatihaa - has completely absolved
ibraa' dhimma - acquittance, discharge, quittance, quitclaim
'ibraa'an shaamilan musqiTan kull Haqq wa dacwa wa Talab --
-- quashing any right, lawsuit or request

al-qiimat ut-tacaaqudiyyatu - contract value

yaHZuru cala --- Tiwaala muddati sarayaan il-caqd - -- je zabranjeno tokom trajanja
ugovora ...
muddatu haadhaa l-caqd tabda'u min ... wa tantahii fi ... qaabila lit-tajdiid ..
maa mal yaxTur ayy min aT-Tarafayn al-aaxar bi - ukoliko bilo koja strana ne
obavesti drugu o
qabla muddat intihaa' ... bi shahr calal-aqall
maca muraacaat alaa - taking into consideration or account; subject to - imajuc'i u
vidu da ne
tudfacu muqaddiman - plac'a se unapred
awwal kull - svakog prvog u
fi Haalati - u sluchaju, ukoliko
ta'axxur -- can sidaad - kashnjenje -- da uplati
al-muttafiq calayha fi - dogovoren u
mawcid istiHqaaqihaa - rok dospec'a
min tilqaa' nafsihi- automatski
yaHaqqu li - ima pravo
maca muraacaati l-band - u skladu sa stavom
maadda - band - fiqra - chlan, stav, tachka
mubaashat ul-camali - embarkation
taxalluf can- lag, retardation, falling behind, staying behind, remaining behind,
dropping behind; tarrying, lingering; failure to
yaltazimu ---- bi - obavezuje se -- da
bisabab xaarij can iraadat ...
yakuun waliid quwwa qaahira - vis major, force majeure, visha sila
'aqarra/yuqirru bi - acknowledge ; admit; confirm - potvrdjuje
caayana --- mucaayanatan tammatan - detaljno proveriti, pregledati
al-naafiyata lil-jahaalati - (he/she has so thoroughly inspected the apartment) as
to eliminate ignorance
‫ معاينة نافية للجهالة‬- due diligence examination
mustawfaat li (jamiic ish-shuruuT) - odgovara, u skladu je sa
SaaliHatan SalaaHiyyatan tammatan li -
biHaalatihaa r-raahina - u svom sadashnjem stanju
Hasab ish-shuruuT il-muttafaq calayhaa bihaadhaa l-caqd
yaltazimu -- bicadam ijraa' ayy - obavezuje se -- da nec'e vrshiti nikakve
'aw maa shaabaha dhaalika - ili slichno
waajiha xaarijiyya - fasada
illaa bacda l-HuSuul cala muwaafaqa xaTTiyya musbiqa - osim nakon shto dobije
prethodno pismeno odobrenje
maca taHammulihi likaafati t-takaaliif wa l-maSruufaat il-latii yunfiquhaa fi
haadhaa l-xuSuuS - s tim da c'e snositi sve troshkove ...
'aala ilaa/ya'uulu ilaa - to return to, go back to; to revert to
biduuna muqaabilin - bez nadoknade
cala Hisaabihi - na svoj rachun
icaada ilaa l-Haal il-latii ista'jarahaa
cinda bad'i sarayaani haadhaa l-caqdi
yaZallu -- saariyan - ostaje na snazi
ilaa an yantahii min - dok se ne okonchaju
icaada ilaa Haalatihaa s-saabiqa - povratak u prethodno stanje
'alHaqahaa bi - koje je naneo
cala nafaqatihi - at their own expense
ixlaal bi - breaking, violation - narushavanje
'in wujidat - ukoliko do njih dodje
tacwiiD can - reimbursment - nadoknada, kompenzacija za
al-'aDraar un-naatija - nastale shtete
Saadaqa cala - ratify
bit-tariiqat il-latii yuSaadiqu calayhaa ... - propishe ?
HaZara/yaHZuru cala - zabranjuje se, ne sme
mutaraddiduun cala - oni koji navrac'aju
binafs il-Haalat il-latii ista'jarahaa calayhaa
tanaazul can - odustajanje od
yaHaqqu li - ima pravo
biduun saabiq indhaar aw tanbiih aw Hukm qaDaa'ii
muTaalaba bi muqaabil - zahtev ... corresponding (to), similar (to), analogous
(to), equivalent (to)
al-mustaHaqq can baaqi muddat il-caqd - right, rightful; due, appropriate, proper -
mawDuuc al-caqd - predmet ugovora
'ijraa' ta'miin cala ---- Didd - osigurati --- od
ladaa 'iHdaa sharikaat al-ta'miin al-muSarraH lahaa bimuzaawalat - ovlashc'ena da
preduzima - authorized ...
la yanquSu --- min - ne umanjuje
intifaac bi - korishc'enje
la yas'alu -- can - nije odgovoran za ?
aw xilaafihi - ili slichno
li'asbaab laa yad lahu fiiha - he had nothing to do with
istiSdaar - dobijanje (dozvola...)
waajib al-taTbiiq - applicable
istawfaa - o receive, collect, get, take; to satisfy, fulfill, meet
bil-baaTin - pod--- (izvodjach, investitor)
rusuum muqaabil iSdar - --- za ---
wafqan limaa naSSat calayhi laa'iHa
sidaad mustaHaqqaat - plac'anje dospelih obaveza - receivables ?
al-muqarrara calayhi - utvrdjena (obaveza)
muqaabil al-intifaac - za komunalije/ korishc'enje/ pristup !?
istiifaa' kaafat ish-shuruuT - fulfillment
muctamad - approved, accepted - odobreno
al-qaanuun al-waajib al-taTbiiq - applicable, -- to apply - k. se primenjuje
al-maHaakim al-muxtaSSa fi Hall al-munaazacaat - sudovi nadlezhni u reshavanju
xaDaca/yaxDacu haadhaa l-caqd lil-qawaaniina l-macmuul bihaa -
ovaj ugovor je u skladu (podlezhe) vazhec'im zakonima
qaanuun macmuul bihi - a law in force - vazhec'i zakon
wa cala wajh al-xuSuuS - a posebno
laa'iHa tanfiidhiyya - Implementing Regulations -
dhaat al-Silla - relevant to - relevantni
taxtaSSu (al-maHaakim ..) binaZar ayy nizaac yansha'u bayna aTraafihi - su
nadlezhni za reshavanje sporova koji mogu nastati izmedju dve strane
fi Haalat wujuud - ukoliko postoji
xilaaf Hawla - nejasnoc'a/spor oko
tactamidu al-nusxa al-maktuuba bil-luGat il-carabiyya - vazhec'a je verzija na
arapskom jeziku
yuctabaru laSq al-'iclaanaat wa ....... bimathaabat 'iclaan rasmii -
smatra se zvanichnim obaveshtenjem (oglasom)
tacaamiim - circular letters - cirkularna pisma ?
al-caqd mulzam li'aTraafihi - ugovor je obavezan za sve strane
taHarrara haadhaa l-caqd min 3 nusax bi-yad kull Taraf nusxa lil-camal bi-
muujibihaa can il-luzuum
‫للعمل بموجبه عند اللزوم‬ - for compliance thereto
wa binaa'an cala maa taqaddama qaama al-Tarafaani bit-tawqiic cala haadhaa l-caqd
fi yawm --- al-muwaafiq ---
maca cadam il-'ixlaal bi - without prejudice to - ne dovodec'i u pitanje
Haqq fii - the right to - pravo na
quyyida/yuqayyadu fi sijil bi - b. registrovan kod
qad tatawaafaru ladaa - that may be available to - kod
muqayyaduun bi - enrolled in - upisani u
maca l-iltizaam bi-asbaqiyyat il-qayd - with a commitment to the primacy entolment

yatacahhadu T-Tarafaani l-mutacaaqidaani bi - the two contracting parties undertake

tacahhada - to pledge to
muwaafaq li - subject to
racaaya d-dawlatayni - the nationals of the two countries
fimaa yaxtaSSu bi - with regards to
rusuum jumrukiyya - customs duties
yactaddu - shall observe
bacda Suduur il-Hukm bifuqdaanihi - following a court decision designating him as a
missing person
yajuuzu -- 'an - may
qiimatuhaa mubayyina bi-cumla - expressed/denominated in -- currency
cala sharT 'anna - provided ...
idhaa .. ta'axxara can - if .. delays
sidaad 'ayy min al-dafacaat fi mawaaciidihaa - any of the due payments
al-manSuuS calayhaa - set forth
li-mudda aqSaahaa - for a maximum period of
min taariix istiHqaaqihaa - from the due date
fa-'inna li ... al-Haqq fii - has the right to
al-muttafaq calayhi - agreed upon
yataHammalu .. kaafati n-nataa'ij al-latii qad tulHaq bihi- will be responsible for
whatever ensues
min jaraa'a - as a result of
yucaaqibu bil-Habsi muddatu laa taqallu can - shall be punished by imprisonment for
not less than
kullu man qaama bi - whosoever
binafsihi aw biwasaaTati l-Gayri - himself or via another
talwiiH bil-cunf - insinuates violence
isticraaD bil-quwwa - use of force
al-majnaa calayhi - victim
aHad 'uSuulihi aw furuucihi - his ascendants or descendants
biqaSd - with a view to
tarwiic - terrify
taxwiif - intimidate
bi-ilHaaq ayy - through any
'adhaa - harm
maaddii - material
macnawii - moral
iDraar bimumtalikaatihi - damage to his possessions
salb/salab maalihi - stealing his money
saTw calaa - robbery upon
Gibba = bacda - after
Gabn - fraud
Garr/Girr ? - deception
mathwaa = maskan - abode, home, dwelling
sanna qaanuun - law was passed
min 'aqSaahu ilaa 'aqSaahu - from one end to the other, throughout, in or to every
part, everywhere
taqriir maSiirihi - self-determination
munaaDilan duuna - struggling to protect
numuww thaabit - steady growth
Hujja waahiya - lame excuse
Hujaj waahiya - false pretences
sabab waah[in] - thin excuse
Hujja baarida - weak argument
Talaaq baa'in laa rajcata fiihi - irrevocable divorce
yaxaalifu l-qaanuun - breaks the law
tafaDDaluu biqubuul faa'iq il-iHtiraam
qallamaa - rarely
Taalamaa - as long as
naadiran maa, qaliilan maa - seldom
Gaaliban maa, kathiiran maa - often
laa budda - must
laa shakka - no doubt
maa zaala - still

* Obligation
laa budda, min al-waajib, yajibu, yanbaGi, calayka/hi ['an], min al-maTluub
* Permission
yumkinu [ka], mumkin, min al-jaa'iz, yajuuzu [laka] 'an
* Prohibition

laa yajibu 'an - must not, should not

yajibu 'allaa, la budda 'allaa - we must not ..., it is necessary that we do
not ...

Forms having the meaning of to contract a disease, to be stricken with a disease
occur only in the passive:
zukima al-Tifl - the child caught cold
sullat al-mar'a - the woman developed tuberculosis
Humma al-walad - the boy caught fever
junna al-rajul - the man went mad

- can occur in the active voice in which case the passivized verbs will change to
verbal nouns as follows : 'uSaaba -- al-zukaam, al-sull, al-Humaa, al-junuun

* Wright (1967:49) : ‘both the verbal forms both primitive and derivative, have two
voices, the active and the passive’. He adds a third type which he calls ‘middle
voice’ such as inkasara (it was broken). It is worth mentioning that Wright’s idea
of ‘middle voice’ is further explained by Al-Khafaji (1996:23) by identifying two
types of passive: formal and notional passive. The former is the normal type of
passive while the latter is quite abnormal as the verb occurs in its active form
but still gives the meaning of the passive.

kasara - active, kusira - formal passive, inkasara - notional passive

Wright (ibid.:50) and Cantarino (1974:52) give the following reasons for using
passive in Arabic:
1. When God or some higher being is indicated as the author of the act.
2. When the author is unknown or at least not known for certain.
3. When the speaker or writer does not wish to name him.
4. When the attention of the hearer or reader is directed more to the person
affected by the act (patients, the patient), than to the doer of it.

For Cantarino (ibid.), passive is mainly used for the above reasons in Classical
whereas he points out that Modern Standard Arabic ‘makes extensive use of the
the purpose of which is ‘to place a greater emphasis upon the action and its
object’. Modern Arabic, for example media Arabic, is copying the syntax of European
languages, English being one of them. One of these attempts to copy the English
syntax in translation is the use of agentive passive represented by a
prepositional phrase which will be discussed further by Badawi, Carter and Gully
(2004:385–389) below:


Although the norm in Arabic passive is to eliminate the agent, it is nowadays added
to the passive phrase by adding ‫ من قبل‬min qibali (on the part of) and other lexical
items such as ‫ من جانب‬min jaanibi (by; lit.: from the side of), ‫ بواسطة‬biwaasiTati (by
means of), ‫ على أيدي‬cala 'aydaa (by; lit. at the hands of).

irshaadaat - instructions
'udiina biwaasiTati - he was sentenced by
qad cuulija cala 'aydaa - he was treated by


According to Badawi, Carter and Gully (ibid.:386), the true instrument of a passive
verb is ‫ ب‬/ bi – by as in: His efforts have not been crowned by/with success ‫جهوده لم‬
‫ُتكلل بالنجاح‬.


In this element, the verb takes its preposition in the passivized phrase as in: The
membership system had not yet been . acknowledged. (Lit., recognition granted
to it) (ibid.)
‫لم يكن نظام االنتساب قد ُاعترف به بعد‬


Arabic passive is also used impersonally and idiomatically as in the following

And Gada imagined. (Lit. it was made to appear to Gada)

‫وُ خيل لغادة‬.
He achieved no sales worth mentioning. (Lit.: which are mentioned)
‫لم يحقق مبيعات ُتذكر‬
To be shaken before use ( Lit. is shaken)
‫ُترج قبل االستعمال‬.

waSaaya/wiSaaya - guardianship

HaDara ladayya - I received

al-mukallaf sharcan - legally capable
wa huwa fii l-Haalati l-muctabara sharcan - he deemed to be legally competent
cala firaash al-zawjiyya - within the state of matrimony
kaatib al-cadl - notary

al-mahr wa nawcuhu - amount and type of dowry - miraz

mucajjal - down-payment
mu'ajjal - deferred payment
tawaabic al-mahr - extras

sadaq - is offered by the bride-groom as an element necessary for the legal

validity of the marriage.
shiwar -
'ibraa' - absolution
'abra'a - absolve ; acquit - To set free from an obligation or the consequences of

Talaaq - divorce ; repudiation - refers to the termination of marriage by the

husband either verbally by declaring ‘I divorce you’ up to three times or through
an authorized written form
infiSaal - divorce ; separation
Talaqtu zawjati Talqatan rajciyyatan - I revocably divorced my wife
madxuula sharciyya - with whom I had consumed the marriage
baa'in - final, irrevocable (divorce)
ixtalaa bi - to be alone (with), retire (with), withdraw (with), meet separately
(with), hold a closed meeting (with)
ciSma - reservation, (safe) guarding, protection, defense - matrimonial authority
Talqa waaHida baa'ina - once and for all
tabliiG - notification
Talaaq baa'in qabla al-duxuul - type of irrevocable divorce
Talaaq baa'in baynuuna SuGraa - minor irrevocable divorce
Talaaq baa'in baynuuna kubraa- major irrevocable divorce
al-xalwa al-SaHiiHa - privacy with a wife
idhaa waqaca al-fasx qabla al-binaa'
fasx - dissolution = divorce
binaa' - building = consumation of marriage
bisabab minhaa - ‘the reason of divorce emerged because of the wife’
ma baqaa minhaa qaa'iman - whatever remains of (gifts he gave her)
fii al-cidda al-sharciyya - the legally prescribed waiting period before remarrying
tactaddu -- ciddat al-wafaat - shall observe the same period of ʿiddat as that
in case of death
""After a divorce, the period is three months and after the death of her husband,
four months and ten days, both periods being enjoined by the Qurʾan."
laa ikraah fii al-diin - “There is no compulsion in religion”

binaa' al-'usra - founding a family

'injaab al-dhurriyya - to have children, bringing up a children (giving birth to
'icfaaf al-nafs - maintaining self-chastity
qarrarathaa al-shariica - stipulated by the Law
qabl al-aaxar -
.. - calayhi wa lahu - Huquuq wa waajibaat - ima prava i obaveze
mutakaafi' - jednak - equivalent, equal, similar, (a)like, even
taHSiil lil-rizq - to earn a living
min wujuuhihi al-mashruuca - according to the Law (by its legitimate means)

shuura - mutual consultation, process of free consultation

laa yaSaddu canhu - should not be deterred from it
wudiyyan - amicably
xulc - An agreement concluded for the purpose of dissolving marriage. The release
from the marriage tie obtained by a wife upon payment of a compensation or
consideration whenever enmity takes place between husband and wife and they both
see reason to.

min Haqq kull fard wa waajibihi 'an - it is the right and duty of every -- to
jaa'ir = Zaalim - nepravedan - unjust
TaaG - tyrannical, oppressive, despotic
duuna tahayyub muwaajahati - without fearing the confrontation of an
mutacassif - arbitrary, oppressive, tyrannical, despotic; abusive
min Haqq il-fard 'an yanaala kifaayatahu min - has the right to
Daruuriyaat al-Hayaat min Tacaam wa .... -
maa yalzim lii -
istaqalla bi - to possess alone, appropriate

li'aHad al-'asbaab al-taaliya - for one of these reasons

irtikaab al-shariik lil-zinaa
cadam al-maqdara cala -
biTariiqa maa biHaythu min Gayr al-macquul imkaaniyyat- that you cannot reasonably
be expected to
maDy sanatayn cala fitrat al-infiSaal
hajar al-shariik laka li'akthar min - your spouse deserted you more than ...

taHZuru -- cala --- [maSdar] - have banned --- from

Sadiiq Hamiim - intimate friend - shariik madaniyy
dissolution - fasax, 'inhaa', inHilaal

ixTaar al-'ilGaa' - notice of revocation

al-mufawwaDuun bit-tawqiic - authorized signatures
al-ictiraaf al-madanii bii - civil recognition of
tujaaha kull minhumaa al-aaxar- to each other
al-mucaashara - cohabitation
cadam al-tabliiG can - underreported
cazaa ilaa - to ascribe to, attribute to, impute to, refer to, trace (back) to
yuczaa ilaa - because - pripisuje se, je zbog
xawfan min - for fear of

taraka=tirka - bequest - ostavshtina, nasledje

qaaSir - minor - maloletnik
wilaaya calaa - custody of - starateljstvo
muraacaatun - safeguard - zashtita, briga za
laa yaHaqqu li - --- may not sell
wakkala acc bii - to authorize, empower, deputize, depute, delegate, appoint as
one's agent
bimaa dhakara - hereinbefore stated
al-madhkuur - aforementioned

yatacahhadu bi-'an - undertakes to

yukfilu/yukaffilu li - ensure to - obezbediti
xaaDic lisulTatihaa - subject to its jurisdiction
al-waarida fiihi - recognized herein
yaHmii - protect
yattaxidhu al-tadaabiir al-faccaala - shall take effective measures
jariima yucaaqibu canhaa - a punishable offence
practice thereof - ... takvu praksu - mumaatarisat hadhihi al-taSarrufaat
is-haam fiihaa - participation therein -
smatrati - regard -yactabiru

Hurrira caqd al-iijaar hadhaa fii yawm - this lease agreement is made and entered
into on
al-mushaar ilayhi fiimaa bacdu fii hadhaa l-caqd "--"
hereinafter referred to as "---"
maalik - landlord
musta'jir - tenant
naZaran li - in consideration of
tacahhudaat - covenants
iltizaamaat - obligations
al-waarida fii hadhaa al-caqd - herein contained
bimuujib al-iqraar calaa ... - ... of which is hereby acknowledged
bimuujib hadhaa al-caqd - hereto
ta'wiil - interpretation
xaala/yaxuulu - to imply, think, believe, suppose, assume, imagine, fancy, take
for, take as, take it, consider, deem, regard as, hold
[naSS yajuuzu ta'wiiluhu calaa 'annahu yaxuulu li]
ta'diya - performing
set forth - al-waarida fiihi, al-mubayyana, al-manSuuS calayhaa - naveden
fore-going - saalifatu al-dhikr - spomenut
the account will be debited - sayaxSimu min al-Haalaat
qiimat al-band al-mucaad - the value of the returned item
maSaariif tatacallaqu bihi - charges thereof
Haythamaa - whenever
biGaDD in-naZari can - irrespective of

ittaquu rabbakum - be God-fearing

mutakaafi' - jednak - equal
tawaadda - to like each other; to be friends, be on good or friendly terms; to love
each other
taraaHama - to be merciful toward one another, show human understanding for one
taqtiir = buxl - penny-pinching, stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness, parsimony,
tightfistedness, closefistedness - shkrtost, tvrdichluk
dhuu sicatin - well off
'arhaqa - to exhaust, fatigue, weary, overtire, wear out, tire out
Haala/yaHuulu bayna - to intervene, interfere interpose, come (be, stand) between;
to separate, keep apart
wafaa' bi - ispunjavanje (mas'uuliyya)

'aHaqqu bi - worthier, more deserving; more entitled to

bayna yawm wa layla - overnight - preko noc'i
Daaqa al-xinaaq cala - pritisnuti, pridaviti
iltamasa (Hallahu) - seek - trazhiti reshenje
baadi' dhii bad' - first of all - pre svega
calaa nafaqat ... - at the expense of
yanbaGi al-iSGaa' lahaa - which must be paid attention to - oslushnuti
xaarij can - external to - k. ne pripada (organizaciji)

* shall
yajibu calaa --- 'an (yaltamisuu) / yajibu calayhim iltimaas
calaa --- an
yanbaGii (lahu) 'an
shall not have - laa yajuuzu 'an yakuuna li
shall not apply to - laa yuTabbaqu -- calaa
shall not seek - laysa li -- (wa laa li) --- 'an ...

laa yajibu -mustn't

yajibu 'allaa - must not

* may
- yajuuzu (it is allowed)
yajuuzu an yakuuna min baynihaa - these may include

al-tadaabiir al-manSuuS calayhaa fi - measures provided for in

laa tafii bil-GaraD - .. be inadequate
thubita annahaa lam tafi bihi - have proved to be inadeq.
jaaza lahu an - it may ...
ma yalzimu li - may be necessary to
maa qad yalzimu - as may be necessary
HifZ - maintaning
icaadatuhu ilaa niSaabihi - restoring
niSaab = 'aSl - origin, beginning, original condition or situation

al-ahliyya al-qaanuuniyya - legal capacity

allati yataTallabuhaa - as may be necessary for
qiyaamuhaa bi'acbaa' - exercise of ...

- li -l-jamciyyati ... an tunaaqasha - may discuss

kamaa an lahaa .. an tawSiya - may make recommendations
li ... 'an ... wa lahaa 'an ...
- yajuuzu (laka) 'an -

* should
calaa --- 'an
yajibu calaa --- 'an
yanbaGi 'an

might ... - qad (imperf)

min sha'ni istimraarihi 'an ... - the continuance of which is likely to ... - chiji
nastavak bi najverovatnije

* laa yajuuzu
it is not allowed / permissible / shall not / must not
laa yajuuzu 'an tuxaalifa - you are not permitted to
laa yajuuzu muxaalafat - ... is not permissible

laa yajuuzu bi'ayy Haal 'an - shall under no circumstances ...

quyuud - measures
taHallul - derogations

Hirmaan min - deprivation of

tanfiidh Hukm al-'icdaam fiiman - ... on a person
yaqallu cumruhu can 18 caaman - under 18 years of age
Hattaa taDacu Hamlahaa - prior to her delivery
illaa ma tastawjibuhu - unless so required by
dawaacin - razlozi

* lahaa 'an - have/has --- to

* min al-waajib - there is a need to

ta'wiil - interpretation

nafaadh Hukm al-idaana fii Haqqihi - has entered into force with regard to him or
yamnaHu shaxS al-sulTata lishaxS aaxar - gives authority to another
Hukm yatanaawalu hadhaa al-'amr - ... provision ... included therein
al-curf al-tijaarii - commercial practice
istirshaad - guidance - uputstva
ijtihaad - jurisprudence; interpretative judgment; discretion; independent opinion
or judgment
yalzimu man irkatabahu bit-tacwiiD - obliges that who has committed this fault to
repair it
Taalamaa 'anna .... saariyat al-mafcuul - so long as ... is in the effect
al-waarida fi hadhaa .. - herein
biduuna muwaafaqa musbiqa - without the prior consent - bez prethodne saglasnosti
tanaazul can - assignment of - prenos / ustupanje (prava)
mubaashara .. - pursuit, practice, exercise, performance, carrying out,
undertaking, taking up
qibala - toward(s), to, in the direction of; facing, in front of; before
calaa tawSiya - upon the recommendation of
radda/yaruddu li - restore (to s/o)
'amcana fii = 'afraTa - to go too far in, go to extremes in, go to excess in, carry
too far, overdo, be excessive in
cadamu jawaazin - inadmissibility - nedopustivost
yucmalu bi'aHkaam - are governed by
yulGa al-qaanuun raqm .. - ukida se - repeal a law, revoke a law, cancel a law,
annul a law
kull naSS 'aaxar yuxaalifu ma warada fi - any provision contrary to what is stated
al-latii sabaqa aqraaruhu fi Zillihi - .. approved under said law
bimaa taqarrara lahu min al-Huquuq wa al-mazaayaa al-manSuuS calayhaa fii - the
rights and privileges specified thereunder ...
'icaadatu taSdiir - re-export
taHwiil - transfer
al-'arbaaH al-muHaqqaqa - profits earned
wafqan li'aHkaam hadha al-qaanuun - in accordance with the provisions of this law
shall - (yajibu) calaa fulaan 'an yafcala
physical person - shaxS Tabiicii - fizichko
juristic person - shaxS macnawii - pravno lice
fii mawcid Gaayatuhu al-xaamis min kull shahr - not later than the fifth day of
each month
al-taqayyud bi - adhere to - pridrzhavati se
mawaaciid al-camal - working times
muraaqib al-Hisaabaat - auditor
'axTara/ yuxTiru can - notify of - obavestiti o
kitaabatan - in writing - pismeno
fii al-mawcid al-muHaddad li-dhalika - as scheduled
idhaa iqtaDaa al-'amr - if necessary
Gayru dhalika - drugachije
dafaca ilaa - platiti nekom - pay to
al-shaxS al-mu'man calayhi - osiguranik - the life insured
sharikat al-ta'miin - insurance society/company
qasaT - premium - rata, premija
fii mawcidihi al-mustaHaqq - in due time
cawwaDa can - obeshtetiti od / u sluchaju - indemnify against
SaaHib al-camal - employer
nafaqaat - troshkovi - expenses
al-latii tansha'u can - resulting from - koji nastanu usled

yucfaa min - shall be exempted from - biti izuzet

rusuum jumrukiyya - carinske takse
yucqadu - shall be held
taHkiim - arbitration
yuxDacu li - shall be subject to - biti podlozhan, predmet, podlegati,
mas'uul can - liable for - odgovoran za
yulHaqu bi - caused to - biti nanet nekom
min jaraa'a - by reason of - usled
muxaalafa --- li - breach --- of - krshenje
(yajuuzu) li ... 'an ... - may, is permitted to, has discretion to,
'abrama ittifaaqiyaat imtiyaaz maca - enter into concession agreements with
iHtafaZa bi - hold - posedovati ?
biduuna muwaafaqat .. - without .. consent - bez pristanka
fii Haal wuquuc Haadith Tawaari' - in case of emergency
muqaawil - contractor
yatanaazala can al-caqd lil-Gayr - assign the contract to a third party
muwaafaqa xaTiyya musbaqa - prior written consent
yatacaaqada maca al-baaTin calaa - sklopiti ugovor sa podizvodjachem o

al-sayyid X al-mushaar ilayhi fiimaa bacdu fii hadhaa al-caqd b-ism ... Mr. X
hereinafter referred to as ..
ittafaqa al-Tarafaan bi-muujib hadhaa al-caqd calaa maa yalii - both parties hereby
agree as follows
yuctabaru al-malaaHiq al-murfaqa bi-hadhaa al-caqd juz' laa yatajazza'a min hadhaa
al-caqd - annexes attached hereto shall be deemed an integral part hereof

thereof - taabic laha; lahu; li ... ; bihi

therein - fiihi
thereof - bidhalika

maththala 'amaama l-qaaDii - pojaviti se na sudu
qaaDi taHqiiq - istrazhni sudija
mutaxaSSiS bi-qaDaayaa - specijalizovan za
tamhiidAN li-fatH dacwaa - kao priprema za pokretanje postupka
iHtimaal tawjiih ittihaamaat ila - moguc'e podizanje optuzhnice protiv
fii l-jariima - zbog krivichnog dela
raaHa DaHiyyatuhaa ... dhabHan - preklan , ... u kome je zhrtva preklana
qaaSir = Gayr raashid - underage, minor - maloletnik
yashtabihu fii 'annahum - za koje se sumnja da su ...
jaani/n al-jaanii - felon, criminal, perpetrator, culprit, malefactor, wrongdoer,
delinquent; guilty
'aqalla - to carry, transport, convey
ibtaaca - to buy, purchase
ixlaa' sabiil - release, discharge - pushtanje na slobodu
mawquuf - zadrzhan
calaa dhimmati (hadhihi l-qaDiyya) - pending - tokom

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