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TKc S<zrvic<z. v f T \ib lic a .ti^ r \_ .

Th* R.\ C:. Temple Ass’ix.

xo joxo^n > QXv

.-. K ut-H u-M r Th.e Ill''P
D . . G . ,/Y\ ? f T i b e t ( B c d - V u l J
.. K ai - Et -H u -M a ta -v f tt\e Avesta.-.
Ven&idad Far>_s£ar>d X IX E>lc?ka 39 - 129

Page Sixteen

Kut-Hu-Mi, the Illustrious

Biographical sketch prepared by
G . A . Immanuel M . Sykes
H E Master Kut-Hu-Mi, the Ket- Covenanters, Illuminati, Strangers, Friends
Hu-M ata of the Avesta-Zend, is and Faithful Friends, Magi, Abbas, Pioneers
Deputy Grand Master of Thibet and Mel-Kayi-Zend-ea called by some Melchi-
and of the Occident and Orient. He sedek (Mael-Kai-Zedek). All the Divisions of
is associate head of the Order of the Orders owe allegiance to him and are gov­
the Men in W hite Clothing. He erned by the Temple Association of Associates
was Thutmose 3rd of Egypt and erected the of God, of which, with Moria El, he is asso­
obelisk that now stands in Central Park, New ciate head.
York. It is one of the Ancient Landmarks The Master is also known as Kut-Hu-Mata
of Rosaecrucianism and Freemasonry. (the Kai-et-Hu-Mata of the Zend-Avesta),
When Morya resided at Lake Moeris transliterated into English this would read:
(Morias), K.H. was his associate and as two The Kingly and Good Thought, as the words
of the Three Master Masons they supervised Hu Mata in Zend mean good thoughts, just
the erection of the foundation of all the Egyp­ as Hu Hatha means Good W ord and Hu
tian Temples and Landmarks, including the Varashta, Good Deed. Here is where Fara-
Pyramid of Gizehs, Sakkara, the Sphinx and tushtra preceded the New Thought movement
Rock Temples of Ahu-Sinhel, Philae, Karnak by 9,000 years.
and Luxor. He is referred to in the Avesta-Zend as the
Kut-Hu-Mi now resides near Kichingargha, abiding place (translated “Land”) of the
called variously Kichinjirgha, Kichi-jirg- Brilliant, the Shining Wisdom, the Illumi­
jargha or Parcha-jarg-hatba by Thibetans and nated or Illuminator, or again as the River
Sikkinese, the Five Treasures of Snow from Kethumant (see Fargard-Vara-Gatta-XIX,—
the five peaks of the range. sloka 39, Gatta 129, the River or Stream of
Wisdom. Such is the poetic way eastern peo­
He is Deputy Chief of the Magian-Zend- ples have of naming people and places. He
Zorastrian, and Mazda Orders and Schools of was the King Thutmose (Thoth-m us); this
Science, Philosophy, Sociology and Religion, translated into English would be Thought-
and of the Great W hite Lodge or Supreme most (Kai-ja-hu-ti-mios or Kai-Ra-Au-Mata,
Lodge of the Order of Men in W hite Cloth­ Kroomata) of Egypt. He founded the Ra-Zar
ing ; also known as “the Order of the Immacu­ (Chros) ; in Avestan Chronology see the ac­
late Conception” or Lodge of Perfection, Lodge counts of Vau-Roz (Chros) and Parsi-yan
of Purity, Lodge of Peace, etc. W hite was calendar,—it is the New Year or New Rising,
held to represent peace, purity, perfection and Newly Risen or New Rose or Next Year, and
immaculate cleanliness,—hence the Order of refers to the Beginning of the New Order of
Immaculate Cleanliness and the Immaculate the Ages and the Age of Brotherhood which
Conception. began January 1, 1915, and 1920 is reckoned
Kut-Hu-Mi is also associate head of the to be the Anno Pax, Anno Rose-Cross and
Nazarines, Nazarites, Essenes, Hermits, Anno Fraternitas.

Page Seventeen

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