Alvito Dian Nugraha - 20212 - w16 - Essay Writing Final Exam Guideline - Template - Alvito Dian

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Student’s Name: Alvito Dian Nugraha

(Student ID): 210221604468
Course Name: Essay Writing
Study Program: English Languange Teaching
Faculty Of Letters
University Of Malang
Year: 2021
Purpose: Help train students to analyze one or more aspects of essay using concepts learned
in Essay Writing course.
Deadline: Thursday evening (26 May 2022 at 6 pm)
Submission: via Google Forms
Main criteria of final exam assessment:
 Engagement (have well do you answer the question?)
 Relevance to course materials (How relevant your answers with the teaching
 Knowledge and depth of analysis (including writing and revising skills)
 Content and organization (arguments and their structure)
1. Complete Section A and Section B.
a. Section A: Theoretical knowledge
b. Section B
2. Please give your responses/answers using this template for convenience and
3. Students cannot plagiarize other people’s works. All essays will be checked using
Turnitin similarity app. The maximum allowed similarity is 20%. Similarity higher
than 20% may result in grade penalty.
4. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any aspect of the project, and
I will try to respond ASAP.
5. Wish you the best of luck with your final exam.

 This semester we have learned the following essay genres/types, including: example
essay, comparison/contrast essay, classification essay, process analysis essay, and cause-
effect essay.
 Write one or more characteristic of each essay type to distinguish these essay types.
 Write your answer in the following table.
Type of essay Main characteristic
1. example essay 1. This kind of essay is developed by using examples.
2. Each example that is mentioned in this essay will explained
each body paragraph.
3. The examples development is free. We can use our own
examples as long as they are relevant to the topic and thesis

2. comparison/contrast Comparison means to compare or to examine how objects are

essay similar with each other. Meanwhile contrast is to see differences
between 2 or more objects.

3. classification essay This type of essay usually classifies ideas, characters, or objects
and then divide it into more specific groups or categories. This
essay is a little bit different than a usual essay, because it
involves more research and also it should contains lots of
Type of essay Main characteristic

4. process analysis essay This essay usually explains to the reader about how to do
something or how something works. The process is organized
into clear and definitive steps. Also almost all parts in this essay
are following a step by step process.

5. cause-effect essay This kind of essay tells the reader about how an event (the cause)
leads to another event (the effect). This essay is focusing on the
effects of a cause or more on the causes of one effect.

1. Write a cause-effect essay about the effects of the practice of distance learning
during the Covid-19 pandemic on students or teacher/lecturer. Try to narrow
down your topic to either student or teacher/lecturer. Additionally, focus on primary
school, secondary school, or university level rather than all educational institution.
2. Write an essay outline containing of a thesis statement and three arguments, and
supporting details.
3. Afterward, write a 400–500-word essay discussing the topic.
6. Add sources from your readings to support your essay.
7. Students cannot plagiarize other people’s works. All essays will be checked using
Turnitin similarity app. The maximum allowed similarity is 20%. Similarity higher
than 20% may result in grade penalty.
4. Cite your references using APA reference style. See more information here:


Topic: The effects of distance learning for elementary school students during the Covid-19
Thesis statement: Distance learning is giving lots of bad effects for elementary school
students because in that age children are not supposed to learn alone, they should learn
under the supervision and guidance of a teacher.

Argument 1: Due to this distance learning during the pandemic of Covid-19, many
elementary school students have not mastered the basics of counting and reading. This
problem is caused by ineffective implementation of distance learning for elementary school
students, most of whom still do not understand anything about independent study or the use
of information technology in learning. If a child of that age is given a cellphone, laptop, or
other electronic device, what is on their mind is definitely a game, they will not think about
anything, especially studying, they will only think of their way to have some fun. Even
though there are tasks that have been given by the teacher, it is certain that it will not be the
child who is completing the assignments but the parents will do it for their children. This is
the reason why children are slow in mastering things. this is because their own parents,
parents who should guide and teach them at home are even less concerned about them.

Argument 2: The second effect of this distance learning is that elementary school students
are less able to socialize and interact with the environment in which they are located. it is
natural that they find it difficult to socialize and interact with other people because in
distance learning they will only get assignments that must be completed without any
interaction, or questions and answers, or other things that are usually done in offline
classes. But if the problem is interacting and socializing, parents can still help this by often
talking to them, the topic can be about anything they like. By doing this, it is hoped that
elementary school students can be better in the future to interact and socialize with other

Argument 3: The last bad effect caused by distance learning is the students' low
understanding of the learning materials given by the teacher. This lack of understanding
can occur due to 2 factors. The first factor relates to how the teacher gives or explains
about the material, whether the teacher's disposition is good or not, whether the media
delivers the material is interesting or not, etc. And the second factor relates to the students
itself, whether they pay attention when given an online explanation, whether they
understand the important points of the explanation that has been done by the teacher or not,

TITLE: Bad Effects Caused By Distance Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic.
Distance learning is an institution-based formal education in which students and teachers
are located in separate locations, thus requiring an interactive telecommunication system to
connect the two and the various resources required in it. As we already know that there is
nothing that can be done other than holding distance learning in the current pandemic era.
But distance learning is also giving lots of bad effects for elementary school students
because in that age children are not supposed to learn alone, they should learn under the
supervision and guidance from a teacher.

First, due to this distance learning during the pandemic of Covid-19, many elementary
school students have not mastered the basics of counting and reading. This problem is
caused by ineffective implementation of distance learning for elementary school students,
most of whom still do not understand anything about independent study or the use of
information technology in learning. If a child of that age is given a cellphone, laptop, or
other electronic devices, what is on their mind is definitely a game, they will not think
about anything, especially studying, they will only think of their way to have some fun.
Even though there are tasks that have been given by the teacher, it is certain that it will not
be the child who is completing the assignments but the parents will do it for their children.
This is the reason why children are slow in mastering things. this is because their own
parents, parents who should guide and teach them at home are even less concerned about

The second effect of this distance learning is that elementary school students are less able
to socialize and interact with the environment in which they are located. it is natural that
they find it difficult to socialize and interact with other people because in distance learning
they will only get assignments that must be completed without any interaction, or questions
and answers, or other things that are usually done in offline classes. But if the problem is
interacting and socializing, parents can still help this by often talking to them, the topic can
be about anything they like. By doing this, it is hoped that elementary school students can
be better in the future to interact and socialize with other people.

The last bad effect caused by distance learning is the students' low understanding of the
learning materials given by the teacher. This lack of understanding can occur due to 2
factors. The first factor relates to how the teacher gives or explains about the material,
whether the teacher's disposition is good or not, whether the media delivers the material is
interesting or not, etc. And the second factor relates to the students itself, whether they pay
attention when given an online explanation or not, whether they understand the important
points of the explanation that has been done by the teacher or not, and etc.
The conclusion is that distance learning is not appropriate when applied at the elementary
school level because students at that age are still unable to adapt to existing technological
developments so that they will have difficulty accepting the lessons given by their teachers.
Besides that, in distance learning, the role of parents is very important if the child is still at
a very small age where learning independence has not yet been formed.


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