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Human Resource Management 11th

Edition Rue Test Bank

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Chapter 06

Recruiting Employees

True / False Questions

1. Job analysis gives the nature and requirements of specific jobs.

True False

2. A personnel requisition form is a management report that contains various statistics related to
applicants for a job.

True False

3. When recruitment is done from internal sources, it increases the likelihood of employees having
inaccurate expectations from an organization.

True False

4. Recruitment from within can have a significant, positive effect on employee motivation and

True False

5. One of the disadvantages generally associated with recruiting from internal sources is that it
could lead to inbreeding of ideas.

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
6. Unions generally prefer promotions based on seniority for unionized jobs.

True False

7. Job posting and bidding is an external method of recruitment.

True False

8. Attracting, contacting, and evaluating potential employees is easier when recruiting from external

True False

9. The pool of talent from external sources is much larger than that available from internal sources.

True False

10. The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with the state employment
agency before they can receive unemployment compensation.

True False

11. Professional employer organizations (PEOs) place semi-skilled employees in short-term jobs.

True False

12. Headhunters are usually used when there is a requirement for a large number of low-skilled
personnel in an organization.

True False

13. Employee referral is an internal source of recruitment.

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
14. When a temporary help agency is used for recruitment, the agency pays the salary and benefits
of the temporary help provided to an organization and receives an agreed-upon figure from the

True False

15. State employment agencies provide free service for individuals seeking employment and charge
a contracted figure from business organizations seeking employees.

True False

16. It is not unusual for line managers in small organizations to recruit and interview job applicants.

True False

17. Realistic job previews (RJP) attempt to sell an organization and a job to a prospective employee
by making both look good.

True False

18. Traditional job previews set the initial job expectations of new employees too high.

True False

19. Organizational inducements are all the positive features and benefits an organization offers to
attract job applicants.

True False

20. According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines, under no

circumstances can the content of help-wanted ads indicate any race, sex, or age preference for a

True False

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Multiple Choice Questions

21. ____ involves seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job
vacancies can be chosen.

A. Requisition
B. Orientation
C. Recruitment
D. Appraisal

22. A personnel requisition form is used to:

A. officially request that the human resource manager take action to fill a particular position.
B. formally report the utilization of various protected employee classes in an organization.
C. report to management various statistics related to applicants for a job.
D. gather a group together to plan how to conduct a recruitment effort.

23. Which of the following normally follows recruitment?

A. Job analysis
B. Selection
C. Job description
D. Human resource planning

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McGraw-Hill Education.
24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about recruiting from internal sources?

A. It results in the inbreeding of ideas within an organization.

B. It improves employee motivation and morale when it creates promotion opportunities or
prevents layoffs.
C. It improves an organization's return on its investment in the workforce.
D. It increases the likelihood of an employee having inaccurate expectations from an

25. Which of the following is a disadvantage generally associated with recruiting from internal

A. Employees tend to have inaccurate expectations from the organization.

B. New ideas and innovations may be stifled.
C. It reduces promotion opportunities for the employees.
D. It reduces an organization's return on its investment in the workforce.

26. ____ is an internal method of recruitment in which notices of available jobs are displayed in
central locations throughout an organization and employees are given a specified length of time
to apply for the available jobs.

A. Campus recruiting
B. Employee referral
C. Job posting and bidding
D. Job sharing

27. Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment?

A. Employee referrals
B. Job sharing
C. Job posting and bidding
D. Campus recruiting

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28. The human resource team at BMD Inc. wants to recruit for some senior-level positions from within
the organization before it turns to other sources of recruitment. The team has devised a job
posting and bidding program. Which of the following practices will make the program less

A. Refraining from notifying unsuccessful bidders as to why they were not accepted
B. Requiring job bidders to list their qualifications
C. Refraining from external recruiting until a specified time period has elapsed
D. Including selection standards within the position notice

29. When hiring from internal sources, ____ usually plays a greater role in unionized organizations.

A. merit
B. prior performance
C. seniority
D. economic status

30. Which of the following is an advantage of using external sources for recruiting personnel as
opposed to hiring internally?

A. Job candidates are less likely to have inaccurate expectations of an organization.

B. Employees hired from outside need much shorter orientation periods.
C. The pool of talent available is substantially larger.
D. The process of attracting, contacting, and evaluating potential employees is simpler.

31. Which of the following is a disadvantage generally associated with external sources of

A. The pool of talent is much smaller than that available from internal sources.
B. It is difficult to hire technical or managerial people from the outside.
C. An organization's ability to generate new ideas and innovations may be stifled.
D. New employees will need a longer orientation period when compared to internal sources.

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32. Which of the following statements is NOT true about an employee leasing company?

A. They supply highly skilled technical workers.

B. They provide various employee benefits.
C. They ensure compliance with workplace regulations.
D. They place people in temporary positions.

33. Which of the following sources of recruitment concentrates on high-level, or executive,


A. Headhunter
B. Temporary help agency
C. Campus recruiter
D. Employee leasing company

34. Which type of recruiting firm provides free service to both prospective employees and business
firms seeking employees?

A. Executive search firms

B. Temporary help agencies
C. State employment agencies
D. Employee leasing companies

35. The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with a(n) ____ before they can
receive unemployment compensation.

A. temporary help agency

B. employee leasing company
C. state employment agency
D. professional employer organization

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36. One of the ways in which an organization can involve its workforce in the recruiting process is
through ____.

A. state employment agencies

B. employee referrals
C. temporary help agencies
D. headhunters

37. Advantages of using temporary employees include all of the following EXCEPT that it:

A. is used to augment the current staff during times of expansion.

B. creates a flexible staff that can be easily laid off during a period of downsizing.
C. creates an employee group with a high degree of commitment to a company.
D. is convenient as temporary employees can be recalled when necessary.

38. Which of the following statements is true about a campus recruitment process?

A. Campus recruiting activities are usually coordinated by the university placement center.
B. The first step of campus recruitment is that all applicants go through an adjustment program at
the company office.
C. The recruiters are paid employees of the college placement center.
D. Campus recruiting activities help fill high-level, or executive, positions within organizations.

39. Which of the following is a typical disadvantage associated with employee referral?

A. It is suitable only for short-term jobs.

B. Cliques may develop within an organization.
C. New ideas and innovations may be stifled within an organization.
D. It limits employees' participation in the recruitment process.

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40. Which of the following is true of cooperative work programs?

A. They offer an opportunity for both a formal education and work experience.
B. They are a type of internal source of recruitment.
C. They do not consider the pool of talent available in colleges and universities.
D. They are suitable only for high-level, or executive, positions.

41. RedWing Advices Inc. has decided to advertise job openings on, a reputed online
job portal. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using this source of recruitment?

A. Too many applicants and unqualified candidates may be generated.

B. The recruiting costs are extremely high.
C. The life of an online advertisement is much shorter than paper-based advertisements.
D. Only limited information of the available jobs can be posted.

42. Which of the following statements is true of Internet recruiting?

A. Internet job listings tend to generate lower number of résumés when compared to a "want ad"
in a Sunday newspaper.
B. Job candidates seeking employment and managers searching for qualified job applicants are
increasingly relying on the Internet.
C. Advertising a job vacancy on a company website or on a job board costs a lot.
D. Recruiting people online is mostly restricted to vacancies in areas such as manufacturing.

43. A study found that turnover rates for employees hired through ____ were lower than for
employees hired through the other methods.

A. employee referrals
B. newspaper advertisements
C. walk-ins
D. college recruiters

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44. According to a study, which of the following is a poor source of recruitment in terms of employees'

A. Self-initiated contacts
B. Job posting and bidding
C. Employee referrals
D. Campus recruiting

45. With reference to recruitment, the acronym RJP stands for:

A. relative job performance.

B. realistic job previews.
C. recurring job promotions.
D. realistic job performance.

46. Realistic job previews:

A. cause high turnover among employees.

B. report an employee's requirements from a job to the management.
C. supply both positive and negative job information to an applicant.
D. create inaccurate expectations about a job among applicants.

47. One method proposed for increasing the effectiveness of all recruiting methods is the use of

A. material requisition forms

B. manual information systems
C. realistic job previews
D. HR scorecards

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48. David was one among the ten applicants to make it to the final selection round for a job at a
reputed company. Before he agreed to take up the job, he was provided with a realistic job
preview (RJP). Which of the following is true if David accepts the job based on the RJP?

A. He will have more job satisfaction.

B. He will lack the technical skills required for the job.
C. He will have only positive expectations from the job.
D. He will exhibit low job survival rates.

49. Which of the following refers to all the positive features and benefits a company offers to attract
job applicants?

A. Job specifications
B. Cooperative work programs
C. Organizational inducements
D. Job postings

50. In order to avoid the risk of inviting an employment discrimination lawsuit during the recruitment
process, employers should avoid asking for information that is related to an applicant's:

A. education.
B. expectations from a job.
C. age.
D. future career plans.

51. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) encourages organizations to avoid
recruiting primarily by ____ and walk-ins.

A. employment agencies
B. campus recruitment
C. online recruitment
D. employee referral

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52. Which of the following statements is true about how equal employment legislation has influenced
recruitment activities?

A. Expressing a preference for a female worker in a newspaper ad is acceptable if gender is a

bona fide occupational qualification for the position.
B. Recruiting through employee referrals is recommended by the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC).
C. Organizations are prohibited to advertise in media directed toward minorities and women.
D. As per the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines, employers should
avoid contacting nontraditional recruitment sources.

Essay Questions

53. Define recruitment.

54. What is a personnel requisition form?

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55. What are the various advantages of internal sources of recruitment?

56. What is job posting and bidding? Briefly describe the procedure involved in this method of

57. What are the various guidelines to be followed while conducting a job posting and bidding

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58. Explain the various advantages and disadvantages of external sources of recruitment.

59. What are the various external sources of recruitment?

60. Write a short note on cooperative work programs.

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61. Discuss realistic job previews.

62. What are organizational inducements in recruitment?

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Chapter 06 Recruiting Employees Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. Job analysis gives the nature and requirements of specific jobs.


Job analysis gives the nature and requirements of specific jobs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-02 Discuss job analysis, human resource planning, and recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Job Analysis, Human Resource Planning, and Recruitment

2. A personnel requisition form is a management report that contains various statistics related to
applicants for a job.


Most organizations use a personnel requisition form to officially request that the human
resource manager take action to fill a particular position. The personnel requisition form
describes the reason for the need to hire a new person and the requirements of a job.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-03 Explain the purpose of a personnel requisition form.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Personnel Requisition Form

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McGraw-Hill Education.
3. When recruitment is done from internal sources, it increases the likelihood of employees
having inaccurate expectations from an organization.


The likelihood of an employee having inaccurate expectations and/or becoming dissatisfied

with an organization is reduced when recruiting is done from within.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

4. Recruitment from within can have a significant, positive effect on employee motivation and


Recruitment from within can have a significant, positive effect on employee motivation and
morale when it creates promotion opportunities or prevents layoffs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
5. One of the disadvantages generally associated with recruiting from internal sources is that it
could lead to inbreeding of ideas.


One danger associated with recruiting from within is that it involves the inbreeding of ideas.
When recruiting comes only from internal sources, precautions must be taken to ensure that
new ideas and innovations are not stifled by such attitudes as "We've never done it before" or
"We do all right without it."

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

6. Unions generally prefer promotions based on seniority for unionized jobs.


Unions generally prefer promotions based on seniority for unionized jobs. Many organizations,
on the other hand, prefer promotions based on prior performance and potential to do the new

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
7. Job posting and bidding is an external method of recruitment.


Job posting and bidding is an internal method of recruitment in which notices of available jobs
are posted in central locations throughout an organization and employees are given a
specified length of time to apply for the available jobs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-05 Discuss job posting and bidding.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

8. Attracting, contacting, and evaluating potential employees is easier when recruiting from
external sources.


One disadvantage of external recruitment is that attracting, contacting, and evaluating

potential employees is more difficult.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
9. The pool of talent from external sources is much larger than that available from internal


One inherent advantage of recruiting from outside is that the pool of talent is much larger than
that available from internal sources.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

10. The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with the state employment
agency before they can receive unemployment compensation.


The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with the state employment
agency before they can receive unemployment compensation. Thus, state employment
agencies generally have an up-to-date list of unemployed persons.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
11. Professional employer organizations (PEOs) place semi-skilled employees in short-term jobs.


Professional employer organizations (PEOs) provide permanent staff at customer companies,

issue the workers' paychecks, take care of personnel matters, ensure compliance with
workplace regulations, and provide various employee benefits. In addition, they supply highly
skilled technical workers such as engineers and information technology specialists for long-
term projects under contract between a company and a technical services firm.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

12. Headhunters are usually used when there is a requirement for a large number of low-skilled
personnel in an organization.


The executive search firm (or headhunter) seeks candidates for high-level positions. (The term
headhunter apparently comes from the concept of hiring a replacement head of an
organization, such as chief executive officer or chief operating officer.)

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
13. Employee referral is an internal source of recruitment.


Employee referral is an external source of recruitment. However, it allows organizations to

involve their employees in the recruiting process.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

14. When a temporary help agency is used for recruitment, the agency pays the salary and
benefits of the temporary help provided to an organization and receives an agreed-upon figure
from the organization.


A temporary help agency pays the salary and benefits of the temporary help; the organization
pays the employment agency an agreed-upon figure for the services of the temporary help.
The use of temporary help is not dependent on economic conditions.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
15. State employment agencies provide free service for individuals seeking employment and
charge a contracted figure from business organizations seeking employees.


State employment agencies provide free service for individuals seeking employment and for
business organizations seeking employees.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

16. It is not unusual for line managers in small organizations to recruit and interview job


In small organizations, the recruitment function, in addition to many other responsibilities, is

normally handled by one person, frequently the office manager. Also, it is not unusual for line
managers in small organizations to recruit and interview job applicants.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Who Does the Recruiting, and How?

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McGraw-Hill Education.
17. Realistic job previews (RJP) attempt to sell an organization and a job to a prospective
employee by making both look good.


Realistic job previews (RJPs) provide complete job information, both positive and negative, to
the job applicant. Traditionally, organizations have attempted to sell the organization and the
job to the prospective employee by making both look good.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Realistic Job Previews

18. Traditional job previews set the initial job expectations of new employees too high.


Traditionally, organizations have attempted to sell the organization and the job to the
prospective employee by making both look good. Unfortunately, these attempts sometimes set
the initial job expectations of the new employees too high and can produce dissatisfaction and
high turnover among employees recruited in this manner.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Realistic Job Previews

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McGraw-Hill Education.
19. Organizational inducements are all the positive features and benefits an organization offers to
attract job applicants.


Organizational inducements are all the positive features and benefits an organization offers to
attract job applicants. Three of the more important organizational inducements are
organizational compensation systems, career opportunities, and organizational reputation.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-09 Explain organizational inducements.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Inducements in Recruitment

20. According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines, under no

circumstances can the content of help-wanted ads indicate any race, sex, or age preference
for a job.


The EEOC suggests that the content of help-wanted ads should not indicate any race, sex, or
age preference for a job unless age or sex is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ).

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-10 Outline some specific EEOC recommendations for job advertising.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Equal Employment Opportunity and Recruitment

Multiple Choice Questions

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McGraw-Hill Education.
21. ____ involves seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job
vacancies can be chosen.

A. Requisition
B. Orientation
C. Recruitment
D. Appraisal

Recruitment involves seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates
for job vacancies can be chosen.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-01 Define recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Recruiting Employees

22. A personnel requisition form is used to:

A. officially request that the human resource manager take action to fill a particular position.
B. formally report the utilization of various protected employee classes in an organization.
C. report to management various statistics related to applicants for a job.
D. gather a group together to plan how to conduct a recruitment effort.

Most organizations use a personnel requisition form to officially request that the human
resource manager take action to fill a particular position. The personnel requisition form
describes the reason for the need to hire a new person and the requirements of the job.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-03 Explain the purpose of a personnel requisition form.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Personnel Requisition Form

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McGraw-Hill Education.
23. Which of the following normally follows recruitment?

A. Job analysis
B. Selection
C. Job description
D. Human resource planning

Recruitment concerns providing a pool of people qualified to fill these vacancies. The selection
process concerns choosing from the pool of qualified candidates the individual or group of
individuals most likely to succeed in a given job.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-02 Discuss job analysis, human resource planning, and recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Job Analysis, Human Resource Planning, and Recruitment

24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about recruiting from internal sources?

A. It results in the inbreeding of ideas within an organization.

B. It improves employee motivation and morale when it creates promotion opportunities or
prevents layoffs.
C. It improves an organization's return on its investment in the workforce.
D. It increases the likelihood of an employee having inaccurate expectations from an

The likelihood of the employee having inaccurate expectations and/or becoming dissatisfied
with the organization is reduced when recruiting is done from within.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
25. Which of the following is a disadvantage generally associated with recruiting from internal

A. Employees tend to have inaccurate expectations from the organization.

B. New ideas and innovations may be stifled.
C. It reduces promotion opportunities for the employees.
D. It reduces an organization's return on its investment in the workforce.

When recruiting comes only from internal sources, precautions must be taken to ensure that
new ideas and innovations are not stifled by such attitudes as "We've never done it before" or
"We do all right without it."

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

26. ____ is an internal method of recruitment in which notices of available jobs are displayed in
central locations throughout an organization and employees are given a specified length of
time to apply for the available jobs.

A. Campus recruiting
B. Employee referral
C. Job posting and bidding
D. Job sharing

Job posting and bidding is an internal method of recruitment in which notices of available jobs
are posted in central locations throughout the organization and employees are given a
specified length of time to apply for the available jobs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-05 Discuss job posting and bidding.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

27. Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment?

A. Employee referrals
B. Job sharing
C. Job posting and bidding
D. Campus recruiting

Job posting and bidding is an internal method of recruitment in which notices of available jobs
are posted in central locations throughout the organization and employees are given a
specified length of time to apply for the available jobs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-05 Discuss job posting and bidding.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

28. The human resource team at BMD Inc. wants to recruit for some senior-level positions from
within the organization before it turns to other sources of recruitment. The team has devised a
job posting and bidding program. Which of the following practices will make the program less

A. Refraining from notifying unsuccessful bidders as to why they were not accepted
B. Requiring job bidders to list their qualifications
C. Refraining from external recruiting until a specified time period has elapsed
D. Including selection standards within the position notice

A successful job posting and bidding program requires the development of specific
implementation policies. This requires unsuccessful bidders to be notified by the human
resource department and advised as to why they were not accepted.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 06-05 Discuss job posting and bidding.
Level of Difficulty: 3 Hard
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

29. When hiring from internal sources, ____ usually plays a greater role in unionized

A. merit
B. prior performance
C. seniority
D. economic status

In unionized organizations, job posting and bidding procedures are usually spelled out in the
collective bargaining agreement. Because they are concerned about the subjective judgments
of managers, unions normally insist that seniority be one of the primary determinants used in
selecting people to fill available jobs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-05 Discuss job posting and bidding.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
30. Which of the following is an advantage of using external sources for recruiting personnel as
opposed to hiring internally?

A. Job candidates are less likely to have inaccurate expectations of an organization.

B. Employees hired from outside need much shorter orientation periods.
C. The pool of talent available is substantially larger.
D. The process of attracting, contacting, and evaluating potential employees is simpler.

One inherent advantage of recruiting from outside is that the pool of talent is much larger than
that available from internal sources.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

31. Which of the following is a disadvantage generally associated with external sources of

A. The pool of talent is much smaller than that available from internal sources.
B. It is difficult to hire technical or managerial people from the outside.
C. An organization's ability to generate new ideas and innovations may be stifled.
D. New employees will need a longer orientation period when compared to internal sources.

One disadvantage of external recruitment is that employees hired from the outside need a
longer adjustment or orientation period.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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32. Which of the following statements is NOT true about an employee leasing company?

A. They supply highly skilled technical workers.

B. They provide various employee benefits.
C. They ensure compliance with workplace regulations.
D. They place people in temporary positions.

Unlike temporary agencies, which normally place people in short-term jobs at various
companies, employee leasing companies and professional employer organizations (PEOs)
provide permanent staff at customer companies, issue the workers' paychecks, take care of
personnel matters, ensure compliance with workplace regulations, and provide various
employee benefits.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

33. Which of the following sources of recruitment concentrates on high-level, or executive,


A. Headhunter
B. Temporary help agency
C. Campus recruiter
D. Employee leasing company

The executive search firm (or headhunter) seeks candidates for high-level positions. (The term
headhunter apparently comes from the concept of hiring a replacement head of an
organization, such as chief executive officer or chief operating officer.)

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

34. Which type of recruiting firm provides free service to both prospective employees and
business firms seeking employees?

A. Executive search firms

B. Temporary help agencies
C. State employment agencies
D. Employee leasing companies

The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with the state employment
agency before they can receive unemployment compensation. Thus, state employment
agencies generally have an up-to-date list of unemployed persons. State employment
agencies provide free service for individuals seeking employment and for business
organizations seeking employees.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

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McGraw-Hill Education.
35. The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with a(n) ____ before they
can receive unemployment compensation.

A. temporary help agency

B. employee leasing company
C. state employment agency
D. professional employer organization

The Social Security Act requires all eligible individuals to register with the state employment
agency before they can receive unemployment compensation. Thus, state employment
agencies generally have an up-to-date list of unemployed persons. State employment
agencies provide free service for individuals seeking employment and for business
organizations seeking employees.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

36. One of the ways in which an organization can involve its workforce in the recruiting process is
through ____.

A. state employment agencies

B. employee referrals
C. temporary help agencies
D. headhunters

Through employee referrals, many organizations involve their employees in the recruiting
process. These recruiting systems may be informal and operate by word-of-mouth, or they
may be structured with definite guidelines to be followed.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

37. Advantages of using temporary employees include all of the following EXCEPT that it:

A. is used to augment the current staff during times of expansion.

B. creates a flexible staff that can be easily laid off during a period of downsizing.
C. creates an employee group with a high degree of commitment to a company.
D. is convenient as temporary employees can be recalled when necessary.

When an organization is expanding, temporary employees are used to augment the current
staff. When an organization is downsizing, temporary employees create a flexible staff that
can be laid off easily and recalled when necessary. One obvious disadvantage of using
temporary employees is their lack of commitment to the organization.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

38. Which of the following statements is true about a campus recruitment process?

A. Campus recruiting activities are usually coordinated by the university placement center.
B. The first step of campus recruitment is that all applicants go through an adjustment
program at the company office.
C. The recruiters are paid employees of the college placement center.
D. Campus recruiting activities help fill high-level, or executive, positions within organizations.

Recruiting on college and university campuses is a common practice of both private and public
organizations. Campus recruiting activities are usually coordinated by the university or college
placement center.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

39. Which of the following is a typical disadvantage associated with employee referral?

A. It is suitable only for short-term jobs.

B. Cliques may develop within an organization.
C. New ideas and innovations may be stifled within an organization.
D. It limits employees' participation in the recruitment process.

One drawback to the use of employee referrals is that cliques may develop within the
organization because employees tend to refer only friends or relatives.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

40. Which of the following is true of cooperative work programs?

A. They offer an opportunity for both a formal education and work experience.
B. They are a type of internal source of recruitment.
C. They do not consider the pool of talent available in colleges and universities.
D. They are suitable only for high-level, or executive, positions.

Through cooperative work programs, students may work part-time and go to school part-time,
or they may go to school and work at different times of the year. These programs attract
people because they offer an opportunity for both a formal education and work experience.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

41. RedWing Advices Inc. has decided to advertise job openings on, a reputed
online job portal. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using this source of recruitment?

A. Too many applicants and unqualified candidates may be generated.

B. The recruiting costs are extremely high.
C. The life of an online advertisement is much shorter than paper-based advertisements.
D. Only limited information of the available jobs can be posted.

Although the Internet can open up the process to a wider pool of candidates, it can also result
in having too many applicants and generate many unqualified candidates.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 3 Hard
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

42. Which of the following statements is true of Internet recruiting?

A. Internet job listings tend to generate lower number of résumés when compared to a "want
ad" in a Sunday newspaper.
B. Job candidates seeking employment and managers searching for qualified job applicants
are increasingly relying on the Internet.
C. Advertising a job vacancy on a company website or on a job board costs a lot.
D. Recruiting people online is mostly restricted to vacancies in areas such as manufacturing.

In the last several years, the major change in external recruiting has been the growing use of
the Internet. Job candidates seeking employment and managers searching for qualified job
applicants are increasingly relying on the Internet.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

43. A study found that turnover rates for employees hired through ____ were lower than for
employees hired through the other methods.

A. employee referrals
B. newspaper advertisements
C. walk-ins
D. college recruiters

One study concluded that employee referrals were the most effective recruitment source when
compared to newspaper advertisements, private employment agencies, and walk-in
applicants. This study found that turnover rates for employees hired from employee referrals
were lower than for employees hired through the other methods.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Effectiveness of Recruitment Methods

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McGraw-Hill Education.
44. According to a study, which of the following is a poor source of recruitment in terms of
employees' performance?

A. Self-initiated contacts
B. Job posting and bidding
C. Employee referrals
D. Campus recruiting

One study examined the relationship among employee performance, absenteeism, work
attitudes, and methods of recruitment. This study concluded that campus recruiting and
newspaper advertising were poorer sources of employees than were journal/convention
advertisements and self-initiated contacts.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-06 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using external methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Effectiveness of Recruitment Methods

45. With reference to recruitment, the acronym RJP stands for:

A. relative job performance.

B. realistic job previews.
C. recurring job promotions.
D. realistic job performance.

One method proposed for increasing the effectiveness of all recruiting methods is the use of
realistic job previews. Realistic job previews (RJPs) provide complete job information, both
positive and negative, to the job applicant.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy

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Topic: Realistic Job Previews

46. Realistic job previews:

A. cause high turnover among employees.

B. report an employee's requirements from a job to the management.
C. supply both positive and negative job information to an applicant.
D. create inaccurate expectations about a job among applicants.

One method proposed for increasing the effectiveness of all recruiting methods is the use of
realistic job previews. Realistic job previews (RJPs) provide complete job information, both
positive and negative, to the job applicant.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Realistic Job Previews

47. One method proposed for increasing the effectiveness of all recruiting methods is the use of

A. material requisition forms

B. manual information systems
C. realistic job previews
D. HR scorecards

One method proposed for increasing the effectiveness of all recruiting methods is the use of
realistic job previews. Realistic job previews (RJPs) provide complete job information, both
positive and negative, to the job applicant.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy

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Topic: Realistic Job Previews

48. David was one among the ten applicants to make it to the final selection round for a job at a
reputed company. Before he agreed to take up the job, he was provided with a realistic job
preview (RJP). Which of the following is true if David accepts the job based on the RJP?

A. He will have more job satisfaction.

B. He will lack the technical skills required for the job.
C. He will have only positive expectations from the job.
D. He will exhibit low job survival rates.

If David accepts the job based on the RJP, he will have more job satisfaction. If individuals are
offered and accept a job, RJP can cause them to be more committed to it. Generally, it can be
said that job applicants recruited using RJP who accepted the job have more job satisfaction.

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 06-08 Define realistic job previews.
Level of Difficulty: 3 Hard
Topic: Realistic Job Previews

49. Which of the following refers to all the positive features and benefits a company offers to
attract job applicants?

A. Job specifications
B. Cooperative work programs
C. Organizational inducements
D. Job postings

Organizational inducements are all the positive features and benefits the organization offers to
attract job applicants. Three of the more important organizational inducements are
organizational compensation systems, career opportunities, and organizational reputation.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

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Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-09 Explain organizational inducements.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Inducements in Recruitment

50. In order to avoid the risk of inviting an employment discrimination lawsuit during the
recruitment process, employers should avoid asking for information that is related to an

A. education.
B. expectations from a job.
C. age.
D. future career plans.

If an interviewer asks for certain information such as race, sex, age, marital status, and
number of children during an interview, the company risks the chance of an employment
discrimination suit. Prior to employment, interviewers should not ask for information that is
potentially prejudicial unless the company is prepared to prove (in court, if necessary) that the
requested information is job related.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-10 Outline some specific EEOC recommendations for job advertising.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Equal Employment Opportunity and Recruitment

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McGraw-Hill Education.
51. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) encourages organizations to avoid
recruiting primarily by ____ and walk-ins.

A. employment agencies
B. campus recruitment
C. online recruitment
D. employee referral

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) encourages organizations to avoid

recruiting primarily by employee referral and walk-ins because these practices tend to
perpetuate the present composition of an organization's workforce.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Objective: 06-10 Outline some specific EEOC recommendations for job advertising.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Equal Employment Opportunity and Recruitment

52. Which of the following statements is true about how equal employment legislation has
influenced recruitment activities?

A. Expressing a preference for a female worker in a newspaper ad is acceptable if gender is a

bona fide occupational qualification for the position.
B. Recruiting through employee referrals is recommended by the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
C. Organizations are prohibited to advertise in media directed toward minorities and women.
D. As per the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines, employers
should avoid contacting nontraditional recruitment sources.

The EEOC suggests that the content of help-wanted ads should not indicate any race, sex, or
age preference for the job unless age or sex is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ).

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 06-10 Outline some specific EEOC recommendations for job advertising.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Equal Employment Opportunity and Recruitment

Essay Questions

53. Define recruitment.

Recruitment involves seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates
for job vacancies can be chosen.

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-01 Define recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Recruiting Employees

54. What is a personnel requisition form?

The personnel requisition form describes the reason for the need to hire a new person and the
requirements of a job. Most organizations use a personnel requisition form to officially request
that the human resource manager take action to fill a particular position. It is a good idea to
attach a job description to the personnel requisition form.

Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 06-03 Explain the purpose of a personnel requisition form.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Personnel Requisition Form

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55. What are the various advantages of internal sources of recruitment?

The advantages of internal sources of recruitment are:

• The organization has a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of its employees.
• Present and prior managers of the employee being considered can be interviewed to obtain
their evaluations of the employee's potential for promotion.
• More accurate data are available concerning current employees, thus reducing the chance of
making a wrong decision.
• The employees know more about the organization and how it operates. Therefore, the
likelihood of the employee having inaccurate expectations and/or becoming dissatisfied with
the organization is reduced.
• Internal recruitment can have a significant, positive effect on employee motivation and
morale when it creates promotion opportunities or prevents layoffs.
• It can prove to be an incentive for good employee performance.
• Most organizations have a sizable investment in their workforce so full use of the abilities of
the organization's employees improves the organization's return on its investment.

Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 06-04 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using internal methods of recruitment.
Learning Objective: 06-07 Discuss online recruitment, including its advantages and disadvantages.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sources of Qualified Personnel

Copyright © 2016 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
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May 28, 1900.
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annexation of the Boer republics.

May 31, 1900.

Occupation of Johannesburg by the British forces.
Arrival at Peking of British, American, French, Italian,
Russian and Japanese guards for the legations.

June 1-3, 1900.

Fruitless peace parley between British and
Boer military commanders.

June 2, 1900.
Meeting of the national convention of the Socialist Labor
Party, at New York, to nominate candidates for President and
Vice President of the United States.
Death of Clarence Cook, American art critic and writer.

June 3, 1900.
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resignation of the Pelloux Ministry;
formation of a new cabinet under Saracco.

June 5, 1900.
Occupation of Pretoria, the capital of the South African
Republic by the British forces.
Death of Reverend Richard Salter Storrs, American divine.
Death of Stephen Crane, author and journalist.
Death of Miss Mary H. Kingsley, African explorer.

June 6, 1900.
Approval by the President of the United States of an act
providing for the civil government of Alaska.

June 10, 1900.

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started for Peking under Vice-Admiral Sir Edward H. Seymour.

June 11, 1900.

Murder at Peking of Mr. Sugiyama, the Chancellor of the
Japanese Legation.
Counter proclamation of President Steyn, declaring the
annexation of the Orange Free State to be null and void.

June 12, 1900.

Death of Lucretia Peabody Rale, American author.

June 12-15, 1900.

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British and Boer military leaders.

June 13, 1900.

Massacre of native Christians and burning of foreign buildings
by "Boxers" in Peking.

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under an election law promulgated by the military governor in
the previous April.
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son of King Louis Philippe of France.

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June 19, 1900.

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Republican Party, to nominate candidates for President and
Vice President of the United States.


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Pei-tang Cathedral at Peking.
Murder at Peking of the German Minister, Baron von Ketteler.
Death of Henry Brougham Loch, Baron,
British colonial administrator.

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Imperial Chinese decree proclaiming war upon foreigners and
praising the "Boxers" as patriotic soldiers.
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Philippine Islands.
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at Peking.

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back by the Chinese.
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line, and with a loss of life estimated at three hundred

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Vice President of the United States.

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July 6, 1900.
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at Kansas City, to nominate candidates for President and
Vice President of the United States.

July 7, 1900.
Passage by the British Parliament of the Act to constitute
the Commonwealth of Australia.

July 13, 1900.

Capture of Tientsin by the allied forces.

July 14, 1900.

Opening of Chinese attacks on the Russians in Manchuria.

July 15, 1900.

Appeal to Congress by inhabitants of Manila.
Relief of the besieged British in Kumassi.

July 20, 1900.

First news from the beleaguered foreigners in Peking received
at Washington, in a cipher despatch from the American Minister,
Mr. Conger, sent through the Chinese Minister, Mr. Wu Ting Fang.
July 23, 1900.
Death of Baron von Manteuffel, German statesman.

July 27, 1900.

Speech of the German Emperor to troops departing for China,
enjoining them to give no quarter and make no prisoners, but
imitate the example of Attila and the Huns.

July 29, 1900.

Assassination of King Humbert, of Italy.

July 31, 1900.

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second son of Queen Victoria.
Death of John Clark Ridpath, American historian.

August 4, 1900.
Movement of allied forces from Tientsin, nearly 19,000 strong,
for the rescue of foreigners in Peking.
Death of Major-General Jacob D. Cox,
American military historian.

August 6, 1900.
Capture of Yang-tsun by the allied forces.
Death of Wilhelm Liebknecht, German Socialist leader.

August 8, 1900.
Speech of William J. Bryan, at Indianapolis, accepting his
nomination for President of the United States.
Death of Cyrus Hamlin, founder of Robert College, Constantinople.

August 10, 1900.

Death of Baron Russell of Killowen,
Lord Chief Justice of England.

August 13, 1900.

International congress of Zionists at London.
Death of Collis P. Huntington, American railway magnate.

August 14, 1900.

Rescue of the besieged Legations at Peking;
entrance of the allied forces into the city.

August 15, 1900.

Forcing of the gates of the "Forbidden City," at Peking,
and expulsion of Chinese troops, by the American forces,
under General Chaffee.

August 16, 1900.

Meeting, at Indianapolis, of the American League of
Anti-Imperialists, to take action with reference to the
pending presidential election in the United States.

August 21, 1900.

Annexation of Austral Islands to France.

August 22, 1900.

Death of Carl Rohl Smith, American sculptor.

August 25, 1900.

Death of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,
German philosopher (so-called).

August 28, 1900.

March of the allied army through the "Forbidden City,"
at Peking.

August 29, 1900.

Expressions from Russia and the United States in favor of
an early withdrawal of troops from Peking.
Death of Professor Henry Sidgwick, English economist.

September 1, 1900.
Transfer of all legislative authority from the Military
Governor of the Philippine Islands to the Second Philippine

September 2, 1900.
Proclamation by Lord Roberts directing the burning of farms
in punishment of guerrilla warfare.

September 5, 1900.
Meeting of Anti-Imperialists, at New York, to nominate
candidates for President and Vice President of the
United States.
Decrees establishing compulsory military service in Chile.

September 8, 1900.
Letter of President McKinley, accepting his renomination for
a second term as President of the United States.

September 9, 1900.
The city of Galveston, Texas, overwhelmed by
hurricane and flood.

September 10, 1900.

Leave of absence given to President Kruger for
departure to Europe.

September 12, 1900.

Appropriation of $2,000,000 by the Philippine Commission
for improvement of highways and bridges.

September 15, 1900.

General election in Cuba of delegates to a convention for
framing a constitution.

September 17, 1900.

Dissolution of the British Parliament by royal proclamation,
and order given for new elections in October.
Proclamation of the Australian Commonwealth by Queen Victoria.
Beginning of a strike of 112,000 anthracite coal miners in

September 19, 1900.

Adoption by the Philippine Commission of an Act for the
establishment and maintenance of an honest and efficient
civil service in the islands.


September 22, 1900.

Gigantic banquet in Paris to 23,000 representatives of the
municipalities of France, in celebration of the centenary of
the proclamation of the first French republic.

September 29, 1900.

Meeting, at Chicago, of the national convention of the Social
Democratic Party, to nominate candidates for President and
Vice President of the United States.

October 4, 1900.
Points submitted by the government of France as the suggested
basis for negotiations with the government of China, accepted
subsequently by all the Powers.

October 10, 1900.

Annexation of the Cook Islands to New Zealand.

October 16, 1900.

Agreement between Great Britain and Germany upon principles
to be observed "in regard to their mutual policy in China."

October 17, 1900.

Ending of the strike of anthracite coal miners in Pennsylvania.

October 18, 1900.

Resignation of Prince Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chancellor
of the German Empire, and appointment of Count von Bülow
to succeed him.

October 20, 1900.

Death of Charles Dudley Warner, American author.

October 21, 1900.

Fall of the Cabinet of Senor Silvela, in Spain;
formation of that of General Azcarraga.

October 22, 1900.

Death of John Sherman, American statesman.

October 24, 1900.

Conclusion of Parliamentary elections in Great Britain;
return of an increased majority for the Conservative and
Liberal Unionist government of Lord Salisbury.

October 25, 1900.

Annexation of the South African Republic to the dominions of
the Queen proclaimed by Lord Roberts.

October 28, 1900.

Speech of the French premier, M. Waldeck-Rousseau,
at Toulouse, foreshadowing a measure against the religious
orders in France—the Bill on Associations.
Census of Mexico.
Death of Professor Friedrich Max Müller,
Orientalist and philologist.

October 29, 1900.

Death of Prince Christian Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria.

October 31, 1900.

Union of the Free and the United Presbyterian churches
in Scotland.
November 4, 1900.
Rejection by popular vote in Switzerland of proposals for
proportional representation.

November 5, 1900.
Meeting of Cuban constitutional convention at Havana.

November 6, 1900.
Presidential election in the United States.
First election in Porto Rico under the Act establishing civil
government in the island.

November 7, 1900.
Parliamentary elections in Canada, sustaining the Liberal
ministry in power.

November 11, 1900.

Signing of Russo-Chinese agreement concerning the Manchurian
province of Fêng-tien.

November 12, 1900.

Closing of the Paris Exposition.

November 18, 1900.

Proclamation of Lord Roberts defining the intention of his
order concerning farm-burning.
Death of Martin Irons, American labor leader.

November 22, 1900.

Death of Sir Arthur Sullivan, British composer.

November 29, 1900.

The British command in South Africa delivered to Lord
Kitchener by Lord Roberts, lately appointed Commander-in-Chief
of the British Army.
Death of Professor Burke A. Hinsdale,
American historian and educator.

November 30, 1900.

Report of Second Philippine Commission.
Death of Oscar Wilde.

December 3, 1900.
Meeting and organization of the first Legislative Assembly
in Porto Rico.
Death of Ludwig Jacobowski, German poet and novelist.

December 5, 1900.
Death of Mrs. Abby Sage Richardson, dramatist, author, actress.

December 6, 1900.
Congress of Cape Colony Afrikanders at Worcester, to appeal
for peace and the independence of the defeated republics.
Meeting of the newly elected Parliament in Great Britain.

December 12, 1900.

Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the removal of
the capital of the United States from Philadelphia to Washington.
Fourth international conference in London on the cataloguing
of scientific literature, and final arrangement for beginning
the work.

December 13, 1900.

Death of Michael G. Mulhall, British statistician.

December 15, 1900.

Landing at Sydney of Lord Hopetoun, the first Governor-General
of the new Commonwealth of Australia.

December 17, 1900.

Opening of the first argument before the Supreme Court of the
United States in cases involving questions concerning the
status of new colonial possessions.
December 19, 1900.
Assumption of the title of Royal Highness by the
Prince of Montenegro.

December 20, 1900.

A joint note from the plenipotentiaries of the Powers at
Peking, setting forth the conditions of settlement with China,
formulated, after long discussion, and signed and delivered
to the Chinese plenipotentiaries.
Ratification (with amendments) of the Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty by the United States Senate.

December 12, 1900.

Death of Roger Wolcott, ex-governor of Massachusetts.
Death of Representative Richard A. Wise, of Virginia.

December 27, 1900.

Death of Sir William George Armstrong, first Baron Armstrong,
English inventor and gun manufacturer.

December 28, 1900.

Death of Professor Moses Coit Tyler, historian of American
Death of Major Serpa Pinto, Portuguese explorer of Africa.

December 30, 1900.

Death of Hiram Hitchcock, American archæologist.

December 31, 1900.

Fall of two stones at Stonehenge.


January 1, 1901.
The beginning of the Twentieth Century.
Organization of the Permanent Court of International
Arbitration at The Hague.
Inauguration of the Federal Government of the Commonwealth
of Australia.

January 2, 1901.
Death of Ignatius Donnelly, Shakespeare-Bacon theorist.


January 4, 1901.
Transfer of Sir Alfred Milner from the governorship of Cape
Colony to that of the Transvaal, continuing to be British
High Commissioner for South Africa at large.

January 8, 1901.
Opening of the second argument before the Supreme Court of
the United States in cases involving questions concerning
the status of new possessions.

January 12, 1901.

Submission of the Chinese government to the requirements of
the Powers.

January 14, 1901.

Defiant proclamation issued by President Steyn and
General De Wet.
Death of Right Reverend Mandell Creighton, English historian.
Death of Charles Hermite, French mathematician.

January 16, 1901.

Approval of the Act apportioning Representatives in the
Congress of the United States, under the census of 1900.

January 17, 1901.

Proclamation of martial law throughout most of Cape Colony.

January 18, 1901.

Celebration of the bicentenary of the coronation of the
first King of Prussia.
Encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII. concerning Social
and Christian Democracy.
Death of Arnold Boecklin, German painter.

January 19, 1901.

Death of the Duc de Broglie, French statesman.

January 21, 1901.

Death of Professor Elisha Gray, one of the inventors of the
Death of Colonel Frank Frederick Hilder,
geographer and ethnologist.

January 22, 1901.

Death of Queen Victoria.

January 24, 1901.

Formal proclamation of the accession of King Edward VII. to
the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

January 25, 1901.

Death of Baron Wilhelm von Rothschild, financier.

January 27, 1901.

Death of Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer.

January 28, 1901.

Death of Count Joseph V. Gurko, Russian general.

January 29, 1901.

Death of Reverend Hugh Reginald Haweis,
English clergyman and author.
Death of Vicomte Henri de Bornier, French poet and dramatist.

February 1, 1901.
Death of Dr. Fitzedward Hall, entomologist.

February 1-4, 1901.

Ceremonies of the funeral of Queen Victoria.

February 2, 1901.
Act to increase the regular army of the United States to
100,000 men approved by the President.

February 5, 1901.
Chinese Imperial decree, commanding new undertakings of reform.

February 6, 1901.
Fall of the Saracco Ministry in Italy;
formation of a new government under Signor Zanardelli.

February 7, 1901.
Marriage of Queen Wilhelmina, of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands, to Duke Henry of Mecklenburg.

February 11, 1901.

Death of ex-King Milan of Servia.

February 12, 1901.

Order by the United States Treasury Department levying a
countervailing duty on Russian sugar, as being "bounty-fed."
Death of Don Ramon de Campoamor, Spanish poet, philosopher
and statesman.

February 14, 1901.

Marriage of the Princess of the Asturias, sister of the young
King of Spain, to Prince Charles, of the Neapolitan Bourbon
Opening of the British Parliament in state by King Edward VII.

February 15, 1901.

Death of Maurice Thompson, American author.
February 16, 1901.
Retaliatory order by the Russian Minister of Finance,
levying additional duties on American manufactures of
iron and steel.

February 19, 1901.

Death of Paul Armand Silvestre, French poet and critic.

February 26, 1901.

Execution of two high Chinese officials, at Peking, in
compliance with the demands of the Powers.
Adoption by the United States Senate of the so-called
"Spooner amendment" to the Army Appropriation Bill,
authorizing the President to establish civil government
in the Philippines.

February 27, 1901.

Adoption by the U. S. Senate of the Platt Amendment to the
Army Appropriation Bill, defining the conditions under which
the President may "leave the government and control of the
island of Cuba to its people."
Assassination of the Russian Minister of Public Instruction.

February 28, 1901.

Unsuccessful peace parley opened between Lord Kitchener and
Commandant Botha.
Death of William Maxwell Evarts, American lawyer and statesman.

March 1, 1901.
Concurrence of the United States House of Representatives in
the "Spooner Amendment" and the Platt Amendment of the Senate
to the Army Appropriation Bill.

March 1-14, 1901.

Census of the Indian Empire, completed in 14 days.
March 2, 1901.
Official announcement of the terms of the formation of the
United States Steel Corporation.

March 4, 1901.
Inauguration of William McKinley for a second term as
President of the United States.

March 6, 1901.
Death of Canon William Bright, Oxford theologian.

March 11, 1901.

Rejection by the British government of the Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty, as amended by the United States Senate.

March 12, 1901.

Offer, by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, of $5,200,000, for the
establishing of branches of the New York Public Library.

March 13, 1901.

Death of Benjamin Harrison, ex-President of the United States.

March 15, 1901,

Order for withdrawal of American troops from China,
excepting a Legation guard.

March 17, 1901.

Death of Reverend Elijah Kellogg,
American writer of books for boys.

March 20, 1901.

Passage of a new election law by the Legislature of Maryland,
to exclude the illiterate from the suffrage.

March 21, 1901.

Death of Reverend Dr. Frederick A. Muhlenberg, American divine.
March 22, 1901.
Attempted assassination of M. Pobiedonostzeff,
Procurator of the Holy Synod, in Russia.

March 23, 1901.

Capture of the Philippine leader, Aguinaldo, by stratagem.

March 24, 1901.

Death of Charlotte Mary Yonge,
English novelist and historical writer.


March 28, 1901.

Debate in the British Parliament on the peace negotiations
between Lord Kitchener and Commandant Botha.

March 29, 1901.

Passage of the Bill on Associations by the French
Chamber of Deputies.
Death of James Stephens, Irish Fenian leader.

April 1, 1901.
Re-election of Mr. Samuel M. Jones for a third term as Mayor
of Toledo, Ohio, independently of political parties.
Death of Sir John Stainer, British organist and composer.

April 2, 1901.
An oath of allegiance to the government of the United States
taken by Aguinaldo.

April 10, 1901.

Death of Dr. William Jay Youmans, American scientist.

April 18, 1901.

Speech of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
in the British House of Commons, introducing the Budget of
the year.

April 19, 1901.

Address to his countrymen issued by Aguinaldo, counselling
submission to the sovereignty of the United States.
Promulgation of a new constitution for the kingdom of Servia.

April 22, 1901.

Death of Right Reverend William Stubbs, Bishop of Oxford,
English constitutional historian.

May 27, 1901.

Opinions delivered by the Supreme Court of the United States
in the so-called "insular cases."

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