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L3 Film and TV

Unit 4 – Becoming Media Critics

Due: 23:59, 9th February 2024 (Friday)

Evidence Checklist

Task 1 Annotated Textual Analysis

 Have you selected 3 examples of Film and TV? ☐
 Are there 2 examples from the given list and 1 example of your own choice? ☐
With each of 3 examples:
• Have you created a mindmap outlining the codes and conventions of the ☐
genre it belongs to?
• Have you added annotated screenshots to the mindmap to illustrate what ☐
these codes and conventions are?
• Have you created a plot diagram to explain the major plot events and the ☐
overall narrative structure of the example?
• Have you added screenshots to illustrate the plot events? ☐
• Have you examined both the denotational and connotative meanings of a ☐
minimum of 5 signs in the chosen scenes?
• Have you added screenshots of the signs? ☐
• Have you developed at least 3 written arguments explaining how socio- ☐
cultural, technological, and industrial/ professional factors may influence
the example?

Task 2 Preproduction Package

 Have you used the provided template for the proposal? ☐

 Have you completed a one-page synopsis to summarise what the re-appropriated ☐
story will be like?
 With ONE particular scene: ☐
• Have you developed a storyboard as a graphic representation of how a ☐
reappropriated scene will unfold, shot by shot?
• Have you created a shot list which corresponds to the storyboard? ☐
• Have you completed a location reece to assess the intended filming ☐
• Have you created a call sheet to include the location(s), cast call times, and ☐
shooting schedule?

Task 3 Professional Development Journal

 Have you regularly documented – using written or audio/visual forms – the key ☐
insights (knowledge and skills) you have gained from developing your textual
analysis and preproduction package in the past 5 weeks or so?

 Have you tried to identify how you will use the new insights in future projects? ☐

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