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Predator Types

● Alleycat
Alleycat’s practice assault style feeding in the streets, quietly adding to the violent crime
statistics of their city and hoping their victims don’t remember the part where their throat
gets ripped open. Kindred often do this out of necessity because they have no official
territory, are too monstrous looking to use more “face” based feeding methods, or simply
love the taste of fearful Choleric blood. Brujah are especially likely to feed like this,
letting out their violent impulses while feeding in hopes of controlling them when not.
○ Add a Specialty in Intimidation (Stickups) or Brawl (Grappling)
○ Add one Dot in Celerity or Potence
○ Lose one Dot of Humanity
○ Gain the 1 dot Bloodhound Advantage
○ Gain 2 dots of Contacts (criminal or law enforcement)
○ Resonances: Choleric and rarely Animalistic
○ Predator Pool: Strength+Brawl

● Bagger
Baggers procure blood bags and drink them cold, something few Kindred can maintain
and fewer still find enjoyable. Often this is because of moral issues with feeding from
humans, an interest in studying the different kinds and properties of blood, or a
convenient proximity to the medical world. Those who pursue Sorcery or Alchemy
commonly utilize this method of feeding.
○ Add a Specialty in Larceny (Lock-picking), Streetwise (Black Market), or
Medicine (Blood)
○ Gain one Dot of Blood Sorcery, Oblivion, or Blood Alchemy (Caitiff only)
○ Gain the Iron Gullet Advantage
○ Gain 1 dot in Enemy or Debt
○ Resonances: sometimes Null, rarely others
○ Predator Pool: Intelligence+Medicine/Larceny/Streetwise
● Blood Leech
Blood Leeches can’t stand to feed from humans and instead feed from other vampires,
either by capturing them, demanding blood as payment for services, or in service to an
elder vampire. Banu Haqim are infamous for practicing this method, though how many
truly are Blood Leeches is debatable.
○ Add a Specialty in Stealth (Kindred), Intimidation (Coercion), or Etiquette
○ Gain one Dot of any Discipline the fed-from Vampire possesses, or Blood
Alchemy (Caitiff only)
○ Gain Dark Secret (Blood leech) 1 dot, Methusalah’s Thirst
○ Gain 2 dots of Blood Bonded, or 2 dots of Prey Exclusion (Innocents)
○ Gain one of the following:
■ A 4 dot Thrall who is your vessel for feeding
■ A 4 dot Mawla who is your vessel for feeding
■ 4 dots of Allies who are vampire hunters
■ a 4 dot Retainer who is a single skilled vampire hunter
■ 3 dots in Haven and 1 dot in Cell
○ You may choose to gain the Dark Secret (Dialblerist) 2 Dot Flaw and if you
do decrease your Humanity by 1 and increase your Blood Potency by 1.
○ Resonances & Predator Pool: Varied

● Carnivore
A kindred who needs to feast on flesh, posing as a surgeon or hunting like a wild
animal. Other kindred find this feeding preference disgusting, the potential hypocrisy of
which is up for debate.
○ Add a Specialty: Medicine (Surgery) or Survival (Hunting)
○ Gain a dot in Protean or Oblivion
○ Spend 3 dots between Haven and Influence (medical field)
○ Gain the 2 dot Iron Gullet advantage
○ Gain the 2 dot Iron Gullet flaw
○ Lose one dot of Humanity
○ Resonances: Animalistic, Choleric, Null
○ Predator Pool: Stamina+Survival or Wits+Medicine
● Catfisher
Catfishers create fake personas online to catch out lonely vessels, working on them for
days, weeks, or even months before meeting up once, drinking their fill, and ghosting. It
can take more time than other methods but the advantage of this style of predation is
that time and place are controlled.
○ Add a Specialty: Insight (Loneliness) or Technology (Social Media)
○ Gain a dot in Auspex or Obfuscate
○ Gain the 2 dot Cobbler Advantage, and 1 dot in Infamy(dating scene) or 1
Enemy (previous victim or online investigator).
○ Resonances: Melancholic, Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Manipulation+Technology

● Customer
Customers utilize systems already in place that allow for the easy access to blood.
Human trafficking, whether done by mortals or vampires, allows for easy procurement of
regular meals if you have the means to pay and the stomach for it. With this method a
vampire can comfortably feed from their vessels however they like. Keep them at home,
call them when needed, kill them straight away; when you own your meal you get to
play with your food.
○ Add a Specialty in Finance (Shady Dealings) or Streetwise (Human
○ Add one Dot in Dominate, Blood Sorcery, or Blood Alchemy (Caitiff Only)
○ Lose one Dot of Humanity
○ Gain 2 dots split between Resources and Herd
○ Gain 3 Dots of criminal Contacts, or 3 of Mawla (Circulatory System)
○ Gain 2 dots of the Enemies (Law Enforcement) or 2 dots of Debt
(Circulatory System)
○ Resonances: A variety, though mainly Melancholic and Animalistic
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Etiquette
● Cleaver
Cleavers feed from their own family and friends, keeping the herd close and often
rationalizing this as the only way to maintain their mortal life. Other Kindred often see
this as a masquerade breach waiting to happen, if not just plain revolting.
○ Add a Specialty in Subterfuge (Gaslighting) or Larceny (Cover Ups)
○ Gain one Dot of Dominate or Protean
○ Gain the Dark Secret Flaw (Cleaver) (1 Dot)
○ Gain the Herd Advantage (2 Dots)
○ Resonances: Phlegmatic, Melancholic
○ Predator Pool: Manipulation+Subterfuge

● Consentualist
Consentualists refuse to feed from someone without their informed consent, even if
asking to drink someone’s blood is a bit suspicious at the least and requires disclosing
that one is a vampire at the most.
○ Add a Specialty in Medicine (Blood) or Persuasion (Requests)
○ Gain 1 Dot of Auspex or Fortitude
○ Gain 1 Dot of Humanity
○ Gain the 1 dot Prey Exclusion Flaw (Non-Consenting)
○ Gain the 1 dot Dark Secret Flaw (Masquerade Breacher)
○ Resonances: Phlegmatic, Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Charisma/Manipulation+Persuasion
● Cryptid
Taking advantage of popular myths and urban legends you impersonate a folkloric
monster or local legend. Sasquatch, chupacabra, mole people; all have their hunters
who with you become the hunted. Your victims are often only too glad to have
encountered such a famed creature, and those who aren’t still get 15 minutes of fame
as consolation off their harrowing tale. This feeding method does stretch the definition of
the masquerade, and those who partake in it keep it on the down low in kindred circles.
Nosferatu are a natural fit for this method, not even needing a disguise.
○ Add a Specialty in Occult (cryptids) or Craft (costume)
○ Gain 1 Dot in Obfuscate or Protean
○ Spend 3 dots between Fame (when in costume) and Herd (local hunters)
○ Gain 1 dot in Dark Secret (Masquerade Breach)
○ Gain 1 dot in Enemy representing a mortal a little too intent on capturing
○ Resonances: Choleric
○ Predator Pool: Strength/Manipulation + Intimidation/Performance

● Curb Crawler
Curb Crawlers keep on the move, and so need to stay adaptable. They may catch a
drunk vessel exiting a bar one night, pay for a quick bite with an escort the next, and
stumble upon a dying moose another. To continuously improvise is a risk, lessened
somewhat by not staying in one locale for too long. Gangrel and Ravnos both commonly
practice this style.
○ Add a specialty: Drive (tailing), Streetwise (urban navigation)
○ Gain one dot of Celerity or Animalism
○ Gain the 1 dot Bloodhound Advantage
○ Spend 2 dots between Contacts and Allies representing the people you’ve
met in different areas.
○ Gain the 1 dot No Haven Flaw
○ Gain 1 dot in Infamy (local news) or Enemy (law enforcement)
○ Resonances: varied
○ Predator Pool: Wits+Drive or Wits+Streetwise
● Extortionist
Extortionists ask for blood as payment from a set of “clients”. This may be for real
services or more of a thinly veiled threat that they’ll be hurt or have their secrets
revealed if they don’t pay up.
○ Add a Specialty in Intimidation (Coercion) or Larceny (Security)
○ Gain one Dot of Dominate or Potence
○ Spend three Dots between the Contacts and Resources backgrounds.
○ Gain the Enemy Flaw (2 Dots) representing the police.
○ Resonances: Choleric, Melancholic
○ Predator Pool: Strength+ManipulationORIntimidation

● Farmer
Farmers feed exclusively off of animals to remain humane, and are largely respected for
this even if most vampires find it somewhat odd or personally disgusting. Animal Blood
can never fully slake one’s Hunger, and vampires of Blood Potency 3 or higher cannot
gain anything from animal blood without the use of Animal Succulence. This makes this
feeding method uncommon outside of the Gangrel clan.
○ Add a Specialty in Animal Ken (a Specific Animal) or Survival (Hunting)
○ Gain one Dot of Animalism or Protean
○ Gain one Dot of Humanity
○ Gain the Feeding Flaw Vegan (2 Dots)
○ Resonances: Animalistic
○ Predator Pool: Composure+Animal Ken
● Hunting Party
What’s dinner without a party? Some kindred prefer hunting socially with each other, to
cover each other’s weaknesses and to make undeath a less solitary experience. Among
some clans fledglings are required to hunt under supervision for extended periods.
○ Add a Specialty in Leadership (Tactics) or Etiquette (Sect of Your Hunting
○ Gain 1 dot of Presence or Fortitude
○ Gain 4 dots in Mawla, Thrall, or True Love.
○ Split 3 dots across the Blood Bound flaw, the Debt flaws, and Obvious
○ Resonances: Varies
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Leadership or Charisma+Etiquette

● Graverobber
Graverobbers frequent morgues, funeral homes, and churches; feeding off cold blood
from corpses, or sometimes mourners for their exquisitely Melancholic blood. Vampires
of this persuasion are often more comfortable with the dead and somber than the lively
party goers that most of kindred society feed from. Hecata especially benefit from this
method, because dead bodies don’t scream.
○ Add a Specialty in Occult (Burial Rituals) or Medicine (Cadavers)
○ Gain one dot of Fortitude or Oblivion
○ Gain the 2 dot Iron Gullet Advantage
○ Gain one dot of Haven representing the morgue, funeral home, church,
hospice, etc.
○ Gain the Obvious Predator Flaw (2 Dots) or 2 dots of Prey Exclusion
(Living Humans)
○ Resonances: Null, Melancholic
○ Predator Pool: Resolve+Medicine or Manipulation+Insight
● Ghost-maker
Ghost-makers make people disappear and keep them captive for as long as they can,
often drinking them dry or only releasing them if they’re sure they won’t give any
information. This method is incredibly cruel, but if done well is very effective at keeping
the masquerade, as people disappear every day.
○ Add a specialty in Larceny (forgery), Investigation (stalking), or Stealth
○ Gain a dot in Dominate or Blood Sorcery
○ Gain 1 dot in Mask
○ Gain the two dot Cobbler Advantage
○ Spend 3 dots between Haven, and Herd
○ Gain 2 dots in the Enemy Flaw (current captives, escaped captives)
○ Gain the 1 dot Creepy Haven Flaw or the 1 dot Dark Secret (masquerade
breach) Flaw
○ Lose a dot of Humanity
○ Resonances: Melancholic, Choleric
○ Predator Pool: Intelligence+Investigation/Streetwise/Larceny

● Junkhead
An addict in life, an addict in death. To a junkhead their poison of choice is only more
irresistible now that they have to mix it with blood.
○ Add a specialty: Streetwise (drug trade), Science (chemistry)
○ Gain one dot of Auspex or Fortitude
○ Gain the Addiction flaw and the High Functioning Addict advantage.
○ Gain the 1 dot Healthy glow advantage or a 1 dot Ally (drug dealer)
○ Resonances: Sanguine, Melancholic
○ Predator Pool: Manipulation+Streetwise
● Monopolist
A vampire who has cornered the market on a particularly desirable blood source. The
Monopolist may have sway over coma wards, brothels, or another kind of herd; and has
secured their right to feed from this group over all other kindred in the city. The
Monopolist thus wields power, as they have a reliable blood source to lend out as a
favor to needy licks. Ventrue aspire to this predator type, though for them it carries with
it making their feeding preference open knowledge.
○ Add a specialty: Politics (local Sect) or Etiquette (local Sect)
○ Gain a dot of Presence or Fortitude
○ Gain 3 dots of Domain (over your type of vessel) and 1 dot of Herd
○ Split 3 dots between Adversary (rival) and Boon Debt (cost paid for
○ If you are a Ventrue, gain 1 more dot in either Domain or Herd and also
the True Gormand flaw.
○ Resonances: Varies
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Politics

● Osiris
An Osiris has a herd of mortals who practically worship them, for being something like
an entertainment industry star, the CEO of a business, or a literal cult leader. This is a
favorite method of those who desire control over their vessels.
○ Add a specialty: Occult (specific tradition), Performance (Specific
Entertainment Field), Leadership (Management), or Finance (Business)
○ Gain one dot of Blood Sorcery or Presence
○ Spend three dots between Fame and Herd
○ Spend two dots between Enemy and Folkloric Flaws
○ Resonances: Phlegmatic, Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Intimidation/Performance/Intimidation/Finance
● Pack Hunter
These vampires use well trained ghouls or packs of animals to hunt down and corner
their prey. Victims remember being attacked by a gang, or a pack of wild animals, and
maybe being “saved” by some mysterious figure.
○ Add a specialty in Animal Ken (attack animals) or Leadership (tactics)
○ Gain a dot in Animalism or Dominate
○ Gain 3 dots in Retainers that represents your pack.
○ Lose 1 Humanity
○ Resonances: Choleric, Animalistic
○ Predator Pool: Stamina+Animal Ken or Intelligence+Leadership

● Reaper
Reapers rarely feed without killing, the unparalleled feeling of draining the last of a
human’s life is too great for them to resist. To justify this indulgence they tend to feed
from the dying or utterly destitute. They often frequent hospitals, hospices, or homeless
shelters in their hunts. Reapers stalk through their feeding grounds unnoticed, swooping
in quickly to take someone, the closer to death the better.
○ Gain a Specialty in Medicine (palliative care)/(triage), Subterfuge
(disguise) or Stealth (infiltration).
○ Gain 1 dot in Oblivion or Auspex
○ Gain 3 dots in either Contacts and Influence in healthcare or the homeless
○ Gain 2 dots of the Obvious Predator Flaw or the Prey Exclusion Flaw
○ Resonances: Melancholic, Null
○ Predator Pool: Composure+Subterfuge
● Sandman
Sandmen feed from sleeping or barely conscious victims, breaking into their homes,
giving them drugs, or preying on the homeless. Some Malkavians swear that tasting the
blood of someone asleep or completely out on hallucinogens lets one see their dreams.
○ Add a Specialty for Medicine (Drugs), Larceny (Break-Ins), or Stealth
○ Gain one dot of Auspex or Obfuscate
○ Gain one dot of Resources
○ Gain one dot of Contacts representing a mortal involved in your feeding
such as a drug dealer, burglar, or homeless shelter volunteer.
○ Gain one dot in Addiction or Prey Exclusion (Conscious People)
○ Resonances: Phlegmatic, Melancholic
○ Predator Pool: Dexterity+Stealth / Intelligence+Larceny /

● Sculptor
Sculptors play with their prey, gaining influence over them in order to gain control over
their emotions and have them develop the resonances the vampire desires. This can be
done by directly forming a close relationship with the target or by stalking them and
pulling strings on their life from the shadows. Sculptors tend to take control over
organizations that give them access to plenty of vulnerable prey.
○ Gain a specialty in Insight (Emotion) or Larceny (Sabotage)
○ Gain a dot in Obfuscate or Presence
○ Spend 4 dots between the Herd and Influence Advantages
○ Spend 3 dots between Disliked and Infamy
○ Resonances: Variable
○ Predator Pool: Manipulation+Insight
● Scene Queen
Scene Queens are respected members of a subculture and use their clout to feed from
them. This is often a culture they were part of in life, and they feel more connected to
humanity because of their feeding proclivities.
○ Add a Specialty in Etiquette, Leadership, or Streetwise to do with your
○ Gain one dot of Celerity or Presence
○ Gain one dot in Fame
○ Gain one dot in Contacts
○ Gain either one dot of Disliked (outside your subculture) or Prey Exclusion
(outside your subculture).
○ Resonances: Sanguine, Phlegmatic
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Etiquette

● Siren
Sirens seduce their victims. Plucking targets from darkened clubrooms, opulent parties,
or occasionally off the street corner. Among the Toreador and Ministry this seen as a
beautiful artform in itself and the only truly classy way to feed. To many others it is just
kinda gross.
○ Add a Specialty in Persuasion (Seduction) or Subterfuge (Faking It)
○ Gain One Dot of Presence or Fortitude
○ Gain the 2 dot Beautiful Advantage
○ Gain 1 dot in the Enemy flaw, representing a spurned lover or obsessive
○ Resonances: Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Charisma/Manipulation+Persuasion/Subterfuge
● Skimmer
You are skilled at taking small sips before your victims even know they’ve been touched.
You brush your way through crowds of people, or gather hoards of strays with offerings
of meat. Your methods keep your hands clean, but the sheer amount of vessels you put
teeth to leads to an increased likelihood of infection for you and your victims. Because
of this vampiric society bans this feeding method as a potential masquerade breach.
● Add a speciality: Stealth (Crowds) or Animal Ken (Luring)
● Gain one dot of Auspex or Animalism
● Gain one Humanity
● Gain the two dot Swift Feeder Advantage
● Gain the two dot Vector Flaw
● Gain the two dot Dark Secret flaw (Skimmer).
● Resonances: Sanguine, Animalistic
● Predator Pools: Composure+Stealth

● Slayer
Slayers hunt only humans who they identify as truly deserving; criminals, abusers, the
bourgeoisie. A Slayer will investigate crimes or make themselves seem weak and
vulnerable to lure in mortal predators to predate on. Though this is often done for moral
reasons, the enjoyment Slayers take from this practice often borders on sadistic and the
need to feed can lead them to widen their requirements for targets over time.
○ Add a Specialty in Investigation (Criminology)/(Forensics) or Subterfuge
○ Gain one dot of Oblivion or Potence
○ Spend three dots between Contacts and Influence, representing
connections with law enforcement, the prison system, or gangs.
○ Gain one of the following:
■ 2 dots of the Prey Exclusion Flaw (Innocents)
■ The 2 dot Obvious Predator Flaw
■ The 1 dot Heart On Your Sleeve and Paranoid Flaws
○ Resonances: Choleric, Null
○ Predator Pools: Resolve+Investigation or Manipulation+Subterfuge
● Spider
Spiders prefer to feed at home, luring people in and sometimes keeping them for
extended periods of time. Spiders sometimes run a home business of some sort,
offering services as anything from a back alley doctor to a fortune teller. Other times a
spider may lurk in an office of a larger business, feeding from their coworkers. Tzimisce
especially often feed in this way, more comfortable staying within their strongholds.
○ Gain a specialty in Stealth (ambush) or Finance (Marketing)
○ Gain a dot in Auspex or Presence
○ Gain 4 dots split between Haven, Herd, Contacts, Fame, and Resources
○ Split 3 dots between Creepy Haven, Shared Haven, Disliked (your chosen
field), and Enemies (Law Enforcement)
○ Resonances: Phlegmatic, Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Manipulation+Persuasion / Dexterity+Stealth

● Serial Monogamist
Serial Monogamists form deep relationships with those they feed from, repeatedly
entering long term relationships with them and feeding continuously until it can no
longer go on. They often believe they are really in love with the poor soul they’ve
chosen for this practice even though the relationship is almost always doomed. In the
best of cases these vampires ghost their partners before anemia even sets in, though
this feeding style rarely results in the best of cases.
○ Gain a specialty in Etiquette (Dating) or Persuasion (Flirting)
○ Gain a dot in Fortitude or Dominate
○ Gain 1 Humanity
○ Gain 2 dots in the flaw Prey Exclusion (Not Current Partner)
○ Gain 1 dot in the Enemy or Adversary Flaw representing a previous lover.
○ Resonances: Phlegmatic, Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Persuasion
● Trick or Treat
Kindred who make use of the sex trade as a cover for their feedings. Either paying sex
workers for easy vessels, or getting paid and getting fed at the same time. Either way
discretion is nearly guaranteed.
○ Gain a Specialty in Streetwise (sexworkers) or Persuasion (shady deal)
○ Gain 1 dot in Dominate or Presence
○ Gain 2 dots in Resources and 1 dot in Herd
○ Gain 2 dots in the Enemy flaw (a former client, the family of a feeding
gone wrong, or law enforcement) or the 2 dot Vector flaw
○ Resonances: Melancholic, Null, Sanguine
○ Predator Pool: Manipulation+Streetwise

● Valkyrie
One who feeds from heightened Choleric flavors of those in prolonged combat.
Valkyries attach themselves to warzones, gang conflicts, or violent sports teams, and
feed either from their own warriors who they train up for the slaughter, or from the
enemy to weaken them and ensure victory. Of course if victory comes, the Valkyrie
might just have to arrange the next conflict.
○ Gain a specialty in Survival (Battle) or Leadership (Fighters)
○ Gain a dot in Potence or Protean
○ Split 4 dots between Allies, Retainers, and Influence
○ Gain 2 dots of the Enemy flaw (the enemy)
○ Gain the 1 dot prey exclusion flaw, either (allies) or (the enemy)
○ Resonances: Choleric, Animalistic
○ Predator Pool: Charisma+Leadership or Strength+Brawl

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