Duran Et Al 2015 The Relative Importance of Climate, Stand Variables and Liana Abundance For Carbon Storage in Tropical Forests Climate, Stand Variables and Lianas Control Forest Carbon

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The relative importance of climate, stand variables and liana abundance for
carbon storage in tropical forests: Climate, stand variables and lianas control
forest carbon

Article in Global Ecology and Biogeography · April 2015

DOI: 10.1111/geb.12304


37 587

4 authors, including:

Sandra M Durán G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa

University of Minnesota University of Alberta


Rodrigo S. Rios
University of La Serena


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Global Ecology and Biogeography, (Global Ecol. Biogeogr.) (2015)

RESEARCH The relative importance of climate, stand

variables and liana abundance for
carbon storage in tropical forests
Sandra M. Durán1*, G. Arturo Sánchez-Azofeifa1, Rodrigo S. Rios2 and
Ernesto Gianoli2,3

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department, ABSTRACT
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada
T6G 2E9, 2Departamento de Biología,
Aim To develop an integrative framework to evaluate variation in aboveground
Universidad de la Serena, Casilla 554, La carbon storage (AGC). A model that can be applied to understand and predict how
Serena, Chile, 3Departamento de Botánica, global-change drivers influence tropical carbon sinks.
Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Location Old-growth tropical forests world-wide.
Concepción, Chile
Methods Using structural equation modelling (SEM), we propose an a priori
model to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of climate, stand variables (basal
area, tree diameter and wood density at plot level) and liana abundance on AGC.
Our model indicated that stand variables increased AGC while liana abundance
decreased AGC indirectly via negative effects on stand variables. We used a
multigroup SEM to test the generality of our framework using a standardized
dataset of 145 plots (0.1 ha) in dry, moist and wet tropical forests.
Results Our model explained over 85% variation in AGC and showed a positive
and consistent relationship between stand variables and AGC across forests types.
The effects of climate on AGC were indirect rather than direct, with negative effects
of temperature in all forests. Liana abundance reduced tree diameter and basal area
in moist forests, but did not affect AGC in wet or dry forests.
Main conclusions Our results suggest that climate affects AGC indirectly, via its
direct influence on stand variables and liana abundance. The effects of lianas on
AGC result from reductions in stand variables and are as important as climate for
moist forests, which harbour the greatest tropical carbon pools. Our model was
consistent across forest types. This highlights the usefulness of an integrative frame-
work to improve predictions of the effects of drivers of global change on tropical
carbon sinks.
*Correspondence: Sandra M. Durán, University
Aboveground carbon storage, dry forest, dryness index, evapotranspiration,
of Alberta, CCIS 2-047, Edmonton, AB Canada
T6G 2E9. liana abundance, moist forests, old-growth forests, structural equation
E-mail: sduran@ualberta.ca modelling, temperature, wet forest.

drivers include increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide,

air temperature, changes in rainfall and changes in forest
Tropical forests are considered carbon sinks; they structural parameters such as increases in liana abundance
sequester 1.2 Pg C year–1 and process 41 Pg C year–1 through and biomass (Phillips & Lewis, 2013). Although the magni-
photosynthesis and respiration (Malhi, 2012). There is tude and trend of some of these drivers have been
considerable concern about the future of these carbon sinks acknowledged (Schnitzer & Bongers, 2011), there is little infor-
because current environmental drivers are restructuring mation about how the combined effects of all these drivers
tropical forests, thus influencing forest biomass and influence aboveground carbon storage (AGC) across tropical
carbon uptake (Phillips & Lewis, 2013). Environmental forests.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd DOI: 10.1111/geb.12304

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S. M. Durán et al.

Most research evaluating variation in AGC in tropical forests Our first aim in this study was to evaluate the relative impor-
has been related to changes in climatic conditions, but results tance of climate, stand variables and liana abundance in explain-
across studies have provided little consensus. For example, AGC ing variation in AGC. Our second aim was to disentangle the
does not generally increase with precipitation, as the highest interactions among these components by testing their direct
carbon stocks are found in moist tropical forests rather than wet and indirect effects on AGC using a multivariate framework by
forests (Keith et al., 2009; Stegen et al., 2011). Similarly, AGC means of structural equation modelling (SEM). To this end, we
does not consistently increase with temperature. In moist proposed an a priori model (Fig. 1a) that posits direct and posi-
forests, AGC has been positively related to mean annual tem- tive effects of stand variables on AGC, as established earlier
perature (Raich et al., 2006), while in wet forests a negative (Malhi et al., 2006; Slik et al., 2010; Baraloto et al., 2011). Stand
association has been found (Stegen et al., 2011). Moreover, variables, specifically BA, tree diameter, and – to a lesser extent –
forest stand variables (e.g. density of large trees) are strong WD, are strong positive correlates of forest carbon, and may
predictors of AGC (Chave et al., 2005; Baraloto et al., 2011; Slik explain more variation in AGC than climate at regional scales
et al., 2013) and have explained more variation in AGC than (Baker et al., 2004; Malhi et al., 2006; Slik et al., 2010; Baraloto
climate in regional and global studies (Slik et al., 2010; Baraloto et al., 2011). Moreover, it has been suggested that stand variables
et al., 2011; Stegen et al., 2011). Nonetheless, other stand vari- should be the first level of analysis of variation in AGC (Baraloto
ables such as liana abundance have been disregarded despite the et al., 2011). Our model assumed that BA, tree diameter and WD
impact that lianas have on the carbon cycle in tropical forests have a direct effect on AGC (Fig. 1a). We further assumed that
(van der Heijden et al., 2013). Lianas reduce tree growth (van the effects of liana abundance on AGC are mainly indirect,
der Heijden & Phillips, 2009), fecundity (Wright et al., 2005) through the direct – and negative – effects of lianas on stand
and survival (van der Heijden et al., 2013). Thus, they can variables. Climate effects on AGC are considered to be both
reduce carbon sequestration in tree biomass. A recent study direct and indirect via effects on liana abundance and stand
across tropical forests showed that liana density may reduce tree variables (Baraloto et al., 2011; Schnitzer & Bongers, 2011;
carbon storage by up to 50% (Durán & Gianoli, 2013). There- Stegen et al., 2011). Finally, to test the generality of our model,
fore, it is essential to incorporate lianas in studies addressing we evaluated whether relationships among parameters are
variation in AGC, and evaluate their importance relative to consistent across tropical forest types in different geographic
other stand variables and environmental drivers. regions (dry, moist and wet forests).
Carbon stocks in tropical forests may be the result of
complex interactions among climate, stand variables and liana
abundance. Across tropical regions, AGC declines in forests
with greater seasonality (Stegen et al., 2009). This pattern has
Climate data
been attributed to increases in tree mortality, declines in tree
growth rates and reductions in stand basal area (BA) and tree We selected three variables to describe climatic conditions:
density associated with long periods of moisture stress (Slik mean annual temperature (MAT, °C), mean annual precipita-
et al., 2010; Phillips & Lewis, 2013). Rising temperatures in tion (MAP, mm) and evapotranspirative demand. MAT and
tropical forests also reduce tree growth due to higher respira- MAP are important explanatory factors for AGC and liana
tion costs (Clark et al., 2010). Lianas could also be responsible abundance in tropical forests (DeWalt et al., 2010; Stegen et al.,
for declines in AGC. Across the tropics liana density was found 2011). MAT and MAP were obtained for each plot from the
to increase with dry season length and decrease with mean WorldClim dataset (Hijmans et al., 2005) at a resolution of
annual precipitation (DeWalt et al., 2010), and greater liana 30 arcsec (c. 1 km2 at the equator). Evapotranspirative demand
abundance was found in seasonal forests (Schnitzer, 2005). was estimated as potential evapotranspiration (PET, mm)
Lianas in tropical forests can decrease the increment in tree according to the Penman–Monteith equation, which was
biomass by 0.25 Mg C ha−1 year–1, (van der Heijden & Phillips, obtained from a global dataset of monthly potential evapotran-
2009), reduce tree diameter and BA (van der Heijden et al., spiration (CRU CL 1.0 Global Climate dataset; 30 arcsec) (Allen
2013) and increase the risk of tree mortality by two- to three- et al., 1998). We then estimated the ratio of PET to MAP to
fold (Ingwell et al., 2010). Moreover, liana infestation rates are obtain the dryness index (DI) (Maass & Burgos, 2011). The DI
higher on shade-tolerant, slow-growing tree species with a high represents the water balance and plant growth conditions for a
wood density (WD); such trees generally store more carbon specific location, and has been widely used to evaluate the
than fast-growing species (van der Heijden et al., 2013). To date, responses of vegetation to climate (Maass & Burgos, 2011). With
our knowledge of AGC in tropical forests is far from complete. these data we classified each location as dry, moist or wet forest
For instance, the concomitant effects of climate, stand variables following Chave et al. (2005).
and lianas on AGC (and their interactions) have not been evalu-
ated. To fully understand how AGC is controlled in tropical
Forest variables and carbon stocks
forests, it is necessary to account for the network of interactions
among climate, stand variables and lianas, and quantify the We used a forest inventory database that spans a broad climatic
relative strengths of direct versus indirect drivers gradient across the tropics (Fig. 2) based on a standardized
of AGC. sampling of 0.1-ha plots of old-growth forests (Gentry’s dataset;

2 Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate, stand variables and lianas control forest carbon

(a) Mean
Figure 1 (a) An a priori model of the
causal relationships among climate,
stand variables, lianas and aboveground
carbon storage (AGC) in tropical forests. Mean
Stand variables include mean wood tree
(precipitaon, AGC
density, tree diameter at breast height Liana diameter
and stand basal area. The model temperature) abundance
hypothesizes that stand variables
increase AGC while abundance of lianas
decrease AGC indirectly via negative
effects on stand variables. Single-headed basal
arrows represent causal relationships; area
double-headed arrows are free
correlations. (b) Fitting of model (a) to
(b) 0.23
the data for all forest types. Model
statistics indicate a good fit (χ2 = 3.1, 0.38
Dryness Wood
d.f. = 2, P = 0.22) with a comparative fit index density
index of 0.99 and a root mean square
error of approximation of 0.04. Solid 0.18
black arrows indicate significant effects
(P < 0.05) while grey arrows denote Liana
0.09 Tree 0.15 AGC
non-significant effects. The path abundance diameter R2=81%
coefficients are standardized regression
weights (black, significant; grey,
Mean annual 0.56
non-significant). The thickness of the
arrows is proportional to the path temperature
coefficient. The amount of variance Basal
explained (R2) for AGC in the model is area
shown as a percentage. 0.01

Figure 2 Spatial distribution of the study sites. Due to the size of the dots they can encompass more than one location. The total number
of sites is: dry 47, moist 52, wet 46. Forests were classified according to Chave et al. (2005).

see Phillips et al., 2002). Within each plot, all trees, palms, classification from the Tropicos database and the Plant List
shrubs and lianas with stems ≥ 2.5 cm diameter at breast height (2013).
(d.b.h.) were identified at the species level. We analysed 145 plots To estimate carbon stocks, we first calculated aboveground
for which standardized climatic data were available, which biomass (AGB) of each plot using the pan-tropical regression
included forests ranging from 10 to 3000 m elevation (Appen- equations for wet, moist and dry forests that include WD and
dix S1 in Supporting Information). We updated the species d.b.h. data (Chave et al., 2005). Data on wood density were
identification and nomenclature using the vouchers provided obtained from the literature (Chave et al., 2009). When we
for each individual in the Gentry dataset, and derived current lacked data on WD at the species level, a genus-level (for 52% of

Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3
S. M. Durán et al.

the species), family-level (for 12% of the species) or pan-tropical et al., 2004; Iida et al., 2011). Thus, we expected a positive cor-
mean (0.6 g cm−3 for < 1% of the species) was used. For relation between BA and d.b.h. and a negative correlation
multiple-stemmed individuals we calculated AGB of each stem between WD and d.b.h. (Fig. 1a). Failing to account for these
and summed them (Chave et al., 2005). We estimated AGC per covariances may lead to incorrect inferences. Bunker et al.
plot using the following equation: C (Mg C ha−1) = AGB × 0.47/ (2005) simulated the effects of biodiversity loss on carbon
plot area (Hughes et al., 1999). AGC was estimated for all woody storage in Barro Colorado Island (BCI), and estimated that
plants with a d.b.h. > 10 cm because lianas do not have an effect liana-induced shifts in tree species composition from slow-
on carbon stocks of trees ≤ 10 cm d.b.h. (Durán & Gianoli, growing toward fast-growing species could lead to a reduction
2013), and more than 90% of the AGC of old-growth forests is of 34% in AGC in tropical forests. This result, however, may be
stored in plants > 10 cm d.b.h. (DeWalt & Chave, 2004; Durán & questioned because these authors assumed that forest carbon
Gianoli, 2013). Total AGC represents carbon stocks of shrubs, increases with WD, but empirical studies in BCI indicate that
palms and trees. We did not include the AGC of lianas to avoid AGC and BA decrease with WD (Chave et al., 2004; Stegen
any circularity in our models when linking carbon stocks with et al., 2009). Consequently, it is still unclear whether such a
liana abundance. The AGC of lianas accounts for c. 5% of the shift in tree species composition would lead to an overall
total AGC in our forest plots (Durán & Gianoli, 2013). We decrease in AGC in tropical forests. The effects of WD on
selected three stand variables that are strong predictors of AGC forest carbon are partly determined by the BA–WD correla-
in tropical forests (Baraloto et al., 2011): stand BA summed tion. Thus, the greater the biomass dominance of species with
across all individuals, mean WD and mean tree diameter low WD, the weaker the relationship between BA and WD. If
(d.b.h.). Liana abundance and stand variables were estimated on this relationship is significant, AGC will also decrease with WD
a per-plot basis (0.1 ha) for each location. (Stegen et al., 2009). This has been found in BCI and other
tropical forests (Chave et al., 2004; Iida et al., 2011). Therefore,
to avoid making causal assumptions we allowed stand variables
Data analysis
to freely covary (Shipley, 2004). These covariances are indi-
Comparisons of climate, stand variables, liana abundance and cated by doubled-headed arrows in our a priori model
AGC across forest types (dry, moist and wet) were conducted (Fig. 1a).
with ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests to compare group We hypothesized that liana abundance would reduce AGC
means. To assess the relative contribution of climate, stand vari- indirectly, through direct negative effects on BA, d.b.h. and WD.
ables and liana abundance to AGC, we used SEM. SEM is a Several studies in tropical forests have shown that lianas can
powerful tool for unravelling the structure linking variables that reduce tree diameter and BA (van der Heijden & Phillips, 2009;
are correlated in a multivariate way, allowing the disentangle- Ingwell et al., 2010; van der Heijden et al., 2013). Liana infesta-
ment of direct and indirect effects of a predictor variable tion rates are higher on shade-tolerant species with high WD
(Shipley, 2004). SEM assesses the fitting of the model by com- (van der Heijden & Phillips, 2009). Therefore, lianas could
paring the covariance matrix of the hypothesized model against reduce AGC by promoting directional changes in tree species
the covariance matrix obtained from the data using a chi-square composition towards fast-growing species with low WD, which
(χ2) statistic, with good-fitting models showing a P-value > 0.05 in general store less AGC (van der Heijden et al., 2013). We also
(Shipley, 2004). Variables were log-transformed when needed to expected a positive association between liana abundance and DI.
meet the assumptions of ANOVA and SEM. After these trans- Overall, liana abundance in the tropics increases with decreasing
formations, our data were not always adjusted to the multivari- rainfall, increasing temperature and evapotranspirative demand
ate normal distribution required for SEM analysis. Therefore, a (Schnitzer, 2005; Schnitzer & Bongers, 2011). It has been pro-
comparison between covariance matrices was conducted using posed that lianas have a competitive advantage over trees in dry
the maximum likelihood (ML) and the goodness of fit based on forests due to their efficient vascular systems, which enhance
the Satorra–Bentler test statistics (Satorra & Bentler, 1994). water uptake – and hence growth – during the dry season while
These tests provide more robust χ2 and standard errors than trees are dormant (Schnitzer, 2005).
conventional ML techniques and are used when data fail to meet We hypothesized that increments in DI will reduce AGC both
the multivariate normality assumption (Shipley, 2004). We also directly and indirectly. Direct effects of DI on AGC may result
used the comparative fit index (CFI), with good-fitting models from declines in tree growth, lower photosynthetic rates and
indicated by CFI > 0.95 and RMSEA (root mean square error of increases in tree mortality due to stressful conditions for plant
approximation) ≤ 0.05. growth (high evapotranspirative demand and temperature)
Our model assumed that BA, d.b.h. and WD have direct (Slik et al., 2010; Phillips & Lewis, 2013). Indirect effects of DI
effects on AGC; these are shown by single-headed arrows on AGC may arise from direct negative effects of lianas on stand
(Fig. 1a). These components are not necessarily independent, variables, due to the greater abundance of lianas at sites with
as they are used to estimate AGC. BA is a function of tree high DI values.
diameter and tree density (Chave et al., 2005; Slik et al., 2010), We used exploratory SEM and thus began with a full model
and variation in tree BA depends in part on initial tree diam- which included all hypothesized connections between variables
eter (Brown et al., 1989). WD correlates negatively with tree (Fig. 1a). To assess fit of our model to the data, we iteratively
diameter because large trees tend to have a lower WD (Chave removed non-significant connections between variables one at a

4 Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate, stand variables and lianas control forest carbon

time, and assessed whether including those paths in the model WD was higher in dry forests, while BA was greater in moist and
reduced or increased model fit using the χ2, the CFI and RMSEA wet forests. Dry forests had the greatest abundance of lianas
statistics. Upon finding a good-fitting model (Fig. 1b), we evalu- (Table 1).
ated the degree to which the three forest types fit a common
model by using multigroup SEM, a multivariate tool that tested Structural equation modelling
whether the model paths differ statistically among dry, moist
Fit of the data to the initial model (χ2 = 3.1, d.f. = 2, P = 0.22)
and wet forests. To fit a multigroup model we started with the
excluded the hypothesized connections between MAT and d.b.h,
most constrained structure across groups (across forest types in
and the WD-BA covariance (P > 0.05, Fig. 1b). This model
our case), in which all path coefficients, covariances and vari-
explained 81% of variation in AGC, and indicated that stand
ances are forced to be equal (Shipley, 2004). This fully con-
variables were strong predictors of AGC, which increased with
strained model was rejected (χ2 = 75.4, d.f. = 53, P = 0.02),
WD, d.b.h. and BA (Fig. 1b). Changes in d.b.h. appear to be
indicating that at least one path varied across groups (Shipley,
more affected by DI than MAT. The effects of MAT on AGC were
2004). The next step consisted in fitting a series of nested models
indirect (−0.17) rather than direct, while the opposite was found
to identify which paths significantly differed among groups; for
for DI, with direct effects being stronger (−0.23) than indirect
this, we removed each path of the model one at a time. The
ones (−0.15). Liana abundance did not affect stand variables
difference in the maximum likelihood χ2 statistics between
significantly, but the removal of these paths affected the overall
models was then used to test for differences in the parameters
model fit (Fig. 1b).
across forest types after Bonferroni correction (Shipley, 2004).
The multigroup analysis revealed variation in path coeffi-
The final model for multigroup comparison was then fitted by
cients across forest types, as the hypothesis of total equality of
relaxing the constraints for those parameters that rejected the
pathways was rejected. Goodness of fit of the multigroup model
null hypothesis of equality across groups. All statistical analyses
improved significantly (χ2 = 41.7, d.f. = 43, P = 0.53) when five
were done using the R platform and the lavaan package version
paths were released from the constraint of being equal across
0.5-15 (Rosseel, 2012).
groups. These paths include the negative impact of lianas on BA
and d.b.h., the influence of DI on AGC, the effect of MAT on
WD, and the error variance of WD (Table 2). Three interesting
patterns arose from this multigroup model. First, the predictor
variables included in the model accounted for over 85% of the
Climate, stand variables and liana abundance across
variation in AGC consistently in dry, moist and wet tropical
forest types
forests. BA, d.b.h. and WD showed a positive and significant
Carbon stocks varied across forest types, with the greatest AGC association with AGC in all forest types (Fig. 3). Second, climate
found in moist forests, followed by wet and dry forests (Table 1). effects were mainly indirect rather than direct (Fig. 3, Appen-
MAT did not differ among forest types, while the DI was higher dix S2). Total indirect effects of MAT on AGC were −0.21, −0.38
in dry forests than in moist and wet forests (Table 1). All stand and −0.14 in dry, moist and wet forests, respectively (Appen-
variables showed differences across forest types, except for d.b.h. dix S3), with no significant direct effects across forest types

Table 1 Differences in climate, stand variables, liana abundance (ha−1) and aboveground carbon storage (AGC, Mg ha−1) among dry, moist,
and wet tropical forests.

Forest type

Dry (n = 47) Moist (n = 52) Wet (n = 46)

Variable Mean SE Min. Max. Mean SE Min. Max. Mean SE Min. Max.

BA* 30.5a 2.1 8.0 70.7 41.1b 2.0 17.6 79.6 38.8b 1.4 20.2 65.2
d.b.h. 25.7a 0.7 17.8 37.3 26.1a 0.5 19.5 37.0 24.7a 0.5 18.5 34.7
WD* 0.6a 0.01 0.5 0.8 0.6b 0.01 0.4 0.7 0.6b 0.01 0.4 0.6
AGC* 106.0a 7.8 22.1 242.8 230.0b 14.4 201.1 258.9 145.4c 6.0 133.3 157.4
No. of lianas* 771.5a 57.6 50 1590 506.5b 29.5 110 990 594.3b 38.8 90 1170
DI* 1.6a 0.09 0.7 3.7 0.8b 0.04 0.5 2.1 0.5c 0.02 0.2 0.9
MAT 24.3a 0.43 14.5 27.6 23.2a 0.50 13.2 28.0 23.6a 0.61 12.0 28.0

* Significant differences across forest types at P < 0.01 (ANOVA test). Means followed by different letters are significantly different among the three forest
types at P < 0.05 (Tukey test).
BA, stand basal area (m2 ha−1); WD, mean wood density (g cm−3); d.b.h., tree diameter at breast height (measured at 1.3 m from the ground in cm); MAT
(°C), mean annual temperature; DI, dryness index – the mean value of the ratio of potential evapotranspiration to mean annual rainfall.

Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 5
S. M. Durán et al.

Table 2 Multigroup comparison of path coefficients among dry, that may reduce their carbon storage potential (Phillips & Lewis,
moist and wet tropical forests. A significant value, highlighted in 2013). It is necessary to improve our understanding of how
bold, indicates that the relative path contribution to the model is carbon pools will respond to current global changes. Our
different across forest types. approach differed from other studies in that it assessed the indi-
rect and direct effects of all predictors in an integrative frame-
Free parameter whose
work, rather than modelling each predictor separately. It also
between-group equality
included the effect of lianas, which are rarely included in studies
constraint was released MLχ2 ΔML χ2 P-value
of variation of AGC in tropical forests (Malhi et al., 2006; Keith
None 72.9 et al., 2009; Baraloto et al., 2011; Stegen et al., 2011; Slik et al.,
Path from BA to AGC 70.8 2.1 0.349 2013). We found that effects of climate on AGC were mainly
Path from d.b.h. to AGC 72.6 0.3 0.860 indirect, through the direct effects of climate on stand variables,
Path from WD to AGC 67.9 5.0 0.082 including liana abundance. This may explain why previous
Path from liana abundance to BA 59.8 13.1 0.001 studies in tropical forests evaluating direct effects of tempera-
Path from liana abundance to d.b.h. 60.4 12.5 0.002 ture and precipitation on AGC have found that climate
Path from liana abundance to WD 70.9 2.0 0.367 explained little variation in AGC at regional and global scales
Path from DI to AGC 56.9 15.9 <0.001
(Malhi et al., 2006; Keith et al., 2009; Stegen et al., 2011; Slik
Path from DI to BA 70.1 2.8 0.250
et al., 2013).
Path from DI to WD 69.0 3.9 0.142
Path from DI to d.b.h. 71.7 1.2 0.548
Our model explained over 85% of variation in AGC in tropi-
Path from DI to liana abundance 69.3 3.6 0.165 cal forests at global scales, and it was consistent across forest
Path from MAT to AGC 70.2 2.7 0.260 types in different geographic regions, thus showing general rela-
Path from MAT to BA 71.4 1.5 0.472 tionships between both biotic and environmental predictors and
Path from MAT to WD 58.8 14.1 <0.001 AGC. This highlights the usefulness of an integrative approach
Path from MAT to d.b.h. 71.5 1.4 0.496 to improve predictions of the effects of drivers of global change
Path from MAT to liana abundance 70.4 2.5 0.286 on tropical carbon sinks. Effects of stand variables on AGC were
Covariance BA and d.b.h. 67.3 5.6 0.060 similar across forest types, but the relative importance of climate
Covariance WD and d.b.h. 68.8 4.1 0.128 and liana abundance changed with forest type. Thus, AGC in dry
Error variance BA 71.9 1.0 0.606
forests appears to be limited by evapotranspirative demand,
Error variance d.b.h. 72.5 0.4 0.818
rainfall and temperature, which override the negative effects of
Error variance WD 59.5 13.4 0.001
Error variance liana abundance 71.6 1.3 0.522
liana density. In contrast, in moist forests, climate – in particular,
Error variance AGC 68.3 4.6 0.100 temperature – is as important as liana abundance in explaining
changes in AGC. In wet forests, temperature – and its effect on
The first row shows the maximum likelihood χ2 estimates (MLχ2) after stand variables – is a stronger driver of AGC variation than are
constraining all free parameters to the same value. Below is the effect on liana abundance and DI. In agreement with other global studies,
MLχ2 by relaxing one constraint at a time. The difference between the we found the greatest carbon stocks in moist forests (Keith et al.,
constrained model and the rest is given as ΔMLχ2, and the P-value 2009; Stegen et al., 2011) and the greatest liana abundance in dry
indicates the probability that the release of that parameter improves
forests (Schnitzer, 2005; Schnitzer & Bongers, 2011).
the model significantly. Bonferroni-corrected P-value threshold,
0.05/23 = 0.0021. We found a consistent negative effect of temperature on
BA, basal area; AGC, aboveground carbon storage; d.b.h., diameter at AGC across forest types, with stronger total effects in dry and
breast height (tree diameter); WD, wood density; DI, dryness index; moist forests. These effects were mainly indirect, via negative
MAT, mean annual temperature. effects on BA. In tropical forests carbon uptake may be limited
at high temperatures as primary production generally peaks at
25°C, declining at higher temperatures due to greater costs
(Fig. 3). Direct effects of DI on AGC were significant only in dry of plant maintenance (Larjavaara & Muller-Landau, 2012).
forests, with direct effects (−0.17) stronger than indirect effects Increases in temperature may also reduce the density of trees
(−0.11; Appendix S3, Fig. 3b,c). Finally, effects of liana abun- with a diameter > 70 cm, which store large amounts of biomass
dance on AGC varied across forest types, with reductions in carbon (Slik et al., 2013). This has important implications for
d.b.h. and BA in moist forests only (Fig. 3, Appendix S2) and no the global carbon budget since it is predicted that temperature
significant effects on WD across forest types. Contrary to our in the tropics will increase by between 1 and 6°C, with potential
expectations, DI did not have a significant effect on lianas, but detrimental effects on carbon sinks (IPCC, 2007; Slik et al.,
removing this path from the initial model (Fig. 1a) reduced the 2013).
goodness of fit. Increased DI was associated with reduced AGC in dry forests.
In forests where evapotranspirative demand is not met by avail-
able water, maximum individual biomass – and therefore total
biomass carbon in the forest – is constrained by water deficit
Tropical forests are among the greatest carbon pools world-wide (Stegen et al., 2011). With moisture stress, declines in forest
(Keith et al., 2009), but they are experiencing structural changes biomass can be related to reduced photosynthesis due to pro-

6 Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate, stand variables and lianas control forest carbon

(a) dry 0.17

Dryness Wood
index density


Liana 0.07 Tree 0.14 AGC

abundance diameter R2=87%

Mean annual 0.52


(b) moist
Dryness Wood
index density


Liana 0.39 Tree 0.14 AGC

abundance diameter R2=89%

Mean annual 0.52

Figure 3 Fitted multigroup model temperature
showing the influence of climate, stand Basal
variables and liana abundance on area
aboveground carbon storage (AGC) in
(a) dry (n = 47), (b) moist (n = 52), and
(c) wet (n = 46) tropical forests. Model
fit to the data was good (χ2 = 41.7, 0.01
(c) wet
d.f. = 43, P = 0.53). The model’s robust
indices were a comparative fit index of 0.17
Dryness Wood
1.0 and a root mean square error of index density
approximation < 0.001. Single-headed
arrows indicate causal relationships,
while double-headed arrows represent
free correlations. Black arrows indicate
significant paths (P < 0.05), while grey Liana 0.02 Tree 0.14 AGC
arrows are non-significant. Printed abundance diameter R2=87%
coefficients are standardized regression
weights (black, significant; grey, Mean annual 0.52
non-significant). The thickness of the temperature
arrows corresponds to standardized path
strength. The amount of explained Basal
variance (R2) in each forest type is area
shown as a percentage. 0.02

longed stomatal closure (Phillips & Lewis, 2013), reductions in Thus, the observed reductions in AGC may be related to incre-
wood production (Clark et al., 2010) and greater tree mortality ments in tree mortality rather than reductions in growth (e.g.
due to extended periods of drought (Phillips et al., 2010; Phillips lower d.b.h. and BA). Studies assessing the impacts of drought in
& Lewis, 2013). Nonetheless, we did not find negative indirect tropical forests have indicated that tree mortality may be more
effects of DI on AGC through reductions in stand variables. significant than growth processes in reducing forest biomass,

Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 7
S. M. Durán et al.

because the mortality of large trees (> 10 cm d.b.h.) increased Phillips, 2008). The greatest liana abundance in dry forests
remarkably at higher levels of moisture stress (Nepstad et al., may be related to the higher incoming solar radiation
2007; Phillips et al., 2010). Our results suggest that dry forests (Kalácska et al., 2005) and/or the greater availability of light
are more vulnerable than humid forests to water deficit, as no throughout the year (DeWalt et al., 2010), which may provide
negative effects of DI on AGC were found in moist and wet more favourable conditions for the proliferation of lianas
forests. Moisture depletion could have the greatest impact in dry (Schnitzer & Bongers, 2011).
forests, where for many tree species there is a high risk of cross- Following the hypothesis that lianas have a dry-season
ing a biome threshold to savanna with increased temperature growth advantage over trees (Schnitzer, 2005), we expected
and decreased rainfall (Phillips et al., 2010; Phillips & Lewis, that liana abundance would exert stronger negative effects on
2013). carbon stocks in dry forests. However, we found stronger nega-
WD and mean tree diameter (d.b.h.) increased with DI tive effects of lianas on AGC in moist forests, despite the
across forest types, with stronger effects in wet forests. The DI greater abundance of lianas in dry forests. It may be conceived
represents the balance between water and energy since it is the that lianas thrive in dry forests due to the greater light avail-
ratio of PET to precipitation. Woody species tend to have a ability resulting from shorter forest stature, deciduousness
higher WD in environments where water and energy are and a lower leaf area index compared with moist forests
limited (Poorter et al., 2008), such as in dry and wet forests, (Kalácska et al., 2005). The higher growth and abundance of
respectively. High WD in dry forests may be of functional lianas relative to trees in dry forests may reflect differential
value during water shortage as it increases resistance to xylem strategies for coping with harsh environments rather than
cavitation (Hacke et al., 2006) and is associated with wider tree competitive effects. Most tree species are geared toward
crowns, which could explain the increase in trunk diameter resource conservation, survival and the avoidance of stress,
(Iida et al., 2011). In wet forests, where water is not a limiting which are facilitated by low growth rates, leaf shedding during
factor (Stegen et al., 2011), plant growth is mainly limited by the dry season to reduce transpiration rates and stem water
energy (Poorter et al., 2008). DI increments in wet forests indi- storage (Kalácska et al., 2005; Hacke et al., 2006). Lianas gen-
cate energy increments (e.g. high irradiance) that could favour erally aim at resource acquisition, with higher photosynthetic
carbon uptake and photosynthesis, and may explain the posi- and growth rates, which are facilitated by lower construction
tive association between DI and both d.b.h. and WD (Dong costs of wood and leaves (low WD, high specific leaf area) and
et al., 2012). higher water use efficiency than trees (Schnitzer, 2005; Cai
As shown in previous studies, we found that stand variables et al., 2009). The differences in ecophysiological traits between
are strong predictors of AGC in dry, moist and wet tropical lianas and trees suggest a large potential for resource partition-
forests: increased AGC was associated with increments in forest ing between trees and lianas in dry forests (Sánchez-Azofeifa
stand variables (Baker et al., 2004; Chave et al., 2005; Malhi et al., 2009). Our results suggest that tree–liana competition is
et al., 2006; Slik et al., 2010; Baraloto et al., 2011). Other studies more intense in moist forests, and thus aboveground compe-
where, BA did not covary with WD also reported a positive and tition for light would be more important than belowground
significant effect of WD on AGC (Baker et al., 2004; Stegen et al., competition for water. Moist forests have greater canopy height
2009). We found a strong relationship between BA and AGC and larger BA, and the lower light availability may promote
across forest types, which confirms the major role of large trees competition for light between trees and lianas (Tobin et al.,
in AGC shown in other studies in the tropics (DeWalt & Chave, 2012; van der Heijden et al., 2013) that ultimately can reduce
2004; Slik et al., 2013). AGC. In moist forests, liana infestation on tree crowns reduces
Liana abundance increased with temperature across tropical tree carbon uptake, sap flow, growth rate and reproductive
forests. This result may be influenced by the inclusion of success, and increases tree mortality (Wright et al., 2005; van
montane forests (> 1000 m a.s.l.) in our dataset since liana der Heijden & Phillips, 2009; Ingwell et al., 2010; Tobin et al.,
abundance decreases sharply at high altitudes (van der Heijden 2012).
& Phillips, 2008). Such a relationship was not found when
only lowland forests (≤ 1000 m a.s.l.) were included (r = 0.13,
Towards a general framework of aboveground
P = 0.15). Another pan-tropical study based on Gentry’s
carbon storage
dataset found similar patterns, with no effects of temperature
on lianas when montane forests were excluded from the analy- Numerous studies have addressed the drivers of variation in
sis (van der Heijden & Phillips, 2008). Contrary to our expec- carbon stocks in tropical forests (e.g. Baker et al., 2004; DeWalt
tations, liana abundance was not positively related to DI. & Chave, 2004; Malhi et al., 2006; Keith et al., 2009; Slik et al.,
Effects of precipitation on lianas across the tropics are not con- 2010; Stegen et al., 2011), but little consensus has been reached
sistent, with some studies showing a negative association across studies on the effects of climate on AGC (Stegen et al.,
(Schnitzer, 2005; DeWalt et al., 2010) and others finding no 2011; Slik et al., 2013). We argue that these discrepancies are
relationship (van der Heijden & Phillips, 2008; Durán & partly due to the limited number of drivers evaluated in con-
Gianoli, 2013). Studies at the global level suggest that forest junction with other factors (Slik et al., 2010; Baraloto et al.,
stand variables may be more important in explaining liana dis- 2011; Stegen et al., 2011), the exclusive focus on direct effects so
tribution across the tropics than climate (van der Heijden & overlooking indirect effects and the lack of studies incorporat-

8 Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate, stand variables and lianas control forest carbon

the indirect effects of soil on AGC via stand variables and liana


We are grateful to Geertje van der Heijden for thoughtful com-

ments that improved the manuscript and for sharing her
updated list of species from some study sites. We thank Julio
Calvo-Alvarado, Lourens Poorter, Jennifer Powers and an
anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions on
earlier versions of the manuscript. Thanks to Orion F. Reyes-
Galaviz for help updating the species nomenclature. G.A.S.-A.
acknowledges support from the Inter-American Institute for
Figure 4 A general framework to evaluate variation in
Global Change and the NSERC discovery grant. E.G. acknowl-
aboveground carbon storage (AGC) in tropical forests.
edges support from FONDECYT grant 1100585. This work
Single-headed arrows represent causal paths, while
doubled-headed arrows indicate pathways where more research is was possible thanks to the enormous contribution of A. H.
needed to establish causality, as current evidence is mixed. The Gentry.
effects of lianas on AGC are assumed to be negative, while the
effects of stand variables are positive based on current evidence.

Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D. & Smith, M. (1998) Crop

evapotranspiration (guidelines for computing crop water
ing liana abundance. Outcomes of our model were generally requirements). FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56. FAO,
consistent across dry, moist and wet tropical forests, and indi- Rome.
cated that indirect effects are important for understanding the Baker, T.R., Phillips, O.L., Malhi, Y., Almeida, S., Arroyo, L.,
relative importance of drivers of AGC in tropical forests. Our Di Fiore, A., Erwin, T., Killeen, T., Laurance, S.G., Laurance,
results also indicated that lianas have stronger effects in moist W.F., Lewis, S.L., Lloyd, J., Monteagudo, A., Neill, D., Patiño,
forests, which harbour the greatest carbon stocks in the tropics S., Pitman, N., Silva, J.N.M. & Vásquez-Martinez, R. (2004)
(Keith et al., 2009; Stegen et al., 2011). It is therefore necessary Variation in wood density determines spatial patterns in
to undertake an integrative approach that evaluates the Amazonian forest biomass. Global Change Biology, 10, 545–
interplay between the main drivers of AGC, including liana 562.
abundance, since it is now clear that lianas are increasing Baraloto, C., Rabaud, S., Molto, Q., Blanc, L., Fortunel, C.,
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Bongers, 2011). Fine, P.V.A. (2011) Disentangling stand and environmental
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the second level of analysis, and the final (distal) level would ences in leaf-level physiology give lianas a competitive advan-
include abiotic conditions, specifically climate components and tage over trees in a tropical seasonal forest. Oecologia, 161,
soil characteristics. Soil fertility has been hypothesized to 25–33.
increase AGC, but current evidence is mixed (Slik et al., 2010; Chave, J., Condit, R., Aguilar, S., Hernandez, A., Lao, S. & Perez,
Baraloto et al., 2011). Research on liana–soil interactions is R. (2004) Error propagation and scaling for tropical forest
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of leaf litter they contribute in tropical forests (van der Heijden Eamus, D., Folster, H., Fromard, F., Higuchi, N., Kira, T.,
et al., 2013), which could have disproportionate effects on nutri- Lescure, J.P., Nelson, B.W., Ogawa, H., Puig, H., Riera, B. &
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10 Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate, stand variables and lianas control forest carbon

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A. von Eye and C.C. Clifford), pp. 399–419. Sage, Thousand & Foster, R.B. (2005) Reproductive size thresholds in tropical
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tive mechanisms. Ecology Letters, 14, 397–406. Additional supporting information may be found in the online
Shipley, B. (2004) Cause and correlation in biology: a user’s guide version of this article at the publisher’s web-site.
to path analysis, structural equations and causal inference.
Appendix S1 Climate, stand variables, liana abundance and
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
aboveground carbon storage for each of the 145 locations.
Slik, J.W.F., Aiba, S.I., Brearley, F.Q., Cannon, C.H., Forshed, O.,
Appendix S2 Standardized path coefficients for multigroup
Kitayama, K., Nagamasu, H., Nilus, R., Payne, J., Paoli, G.,
structural equation modelling for the effect of climate, stand
Poulsen, A.D., Raes, N., Sheil, D., Sidiyasa, K., Suzuki, E. &
variables and lianas on aboveground carbon storage in each
Valkenburg, J.L.C.H. (2010) Environmental correlates of tree
forest type.
biomass, basal area, wood specific gravity and stem density
Appendix S3 Direct, indirect and total effects of climate, stand
gradients in Borneo’s tropical forests. Global Ecology and Bio-
variables and lianas on aboveground carbon storage in each
geography, 19, 50–60.
forest type.
Slik, J.W.F., Paoli, G., McGuire, K. et al. (2013) Large trees drive
forest aboveground biomass variation in moist lowland
forests across the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22,
1261–1271. BIOSKETCH
Stegen, J.C., Swenson, N.G., Valencia, R., Enquist, B.J. &
Thompson, J. (2009) Above-ground forest biomass is not con- Sandra M Durán is a PhD candidate at the University
sistently related to wood density in tropical forests. Global of Alberta, Canada. She is working on understanding
Ecology and Biogeography, 18, 617–625. how forests will be affected by global change.
Stegen, J.C., Swenson, N.G., Enquist, B.J., White, E.P., Phillips, Specifically, how climate, land-use changes and liana
O.L., Jørgensen, P.M., Weiser, M.D., Monteagudo Mendoza, A. abundance affect tree dynamics and forest functioning.
& Núñez Vargas, P. (2011) Variation in above-ground forest Her work includes linking species richness, functional
biomass across broad climatic gradients. Global Ecology and diversity and functional traits to ecological processes in
Biogeography, 20, 744–754. second- and old-growth forests in the tropics.
The Plant List (2013) Version 1.1. Published on the Internet.
Available at: http://www.theplantlist.org/ (accessed 15 Sep- Editor: Martin Sykes
tember 2014).
Tobin, M.F., Wright, A.J., Mangan, S.A. & Schnitzer, S.A. (2012)
Lianas have a greater competitive effect than trees of similar
biomass on tropical canopy trees. Ecosphere, 3, 1–11.

Global Ecology and Biogeography, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 11

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