Isversta Menshikova K. Runyi I Bogi Drevnie Sakr.a6-Part-4

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reality, you can see how this happens. You can see the deep
connection between the word and the world, and this becomes
accessible to those who are on the path of magical transformation
themselves. Skaldic poetry is a new form of beauty that
appeared thanks to the god Braga and the “honey of poetry.”
Here is what is said about this in the Younger Edda:
Signs of poetry
Then Aegir said: “How many ways of expression
do you know in poetry? And what is included in the
art of poetry? Then Bragi said: “Two sides make up
every poetic art.” Aegir asks: “Which ones?” Bragi
replies: “Language and size.” - “What kind of language
is suitable for poetry?” - “Poetic language is created
in three ways.” - "How?" - “Every thing can be called
by its name. The second type of poetic expression is
what is called the substitution of names. And the third
type is called kenning. It consists in the fact that we
say: “Odin,” or “Thor,” or one of the other aces or
elves, and then we add to the named the name of
the attribute of another ace or some of his deeds.
Then the whole name refers to this other, and not to
the one who was named. So, we say: “Tyr of victory,”
or “Tyr of the hanged,” or “Tyr of the burden,” and
these are all designations of Odin. We call them
descriptive notations. Among them is “Tyur of the
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Ability to knit words well, feel architecture
phrases are not innate qualities, but acquired ones. This
the gift is like the honey of poetry - it, like Bragi, comes in
adulthood based on a lot of knowledge and a lot of
experience. To write well, you need to read a lot. To love a
word, you need to understand it and always see for whom
it is intended.

Stav, which has the name “Braga’s Staff”186, is also in

186 The author is master Zigwult.
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in a sense, his personal stamp. The station consists of two

the associated runes are Ansuz and Kenaz, and Naud appears
as a secondary rune. It is usually made into an amulet and worn

Becoming this reveals the capabilities of the intellect. Develops

the ability to listen to a word and pronounce a word. However, on
channel of the god Braga this ability will not be divorced from
reality, not as a gift that exists in itself, but
precisely in its correct application: what is needed, when needed,
who needs it, how much it needs, where it needs it.
Becoming will help develop eloquence and give persuasiveness
to words. Here the Kenaz rune will illuminate with a stream
attention to what needs to be reflected; an information void that
now needs to be filled with words. The An-suz rune will group the
required flow of knowledge that is appropriate or
desirable in this direction. Naud will connect these runes
the principle of necessity.
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Practice 21
God Hëd
On God Höda's channel we usually work with what
there was not enough strength in the previous steps of transformation. Here
his ability to repeatedly strengthen intention-action is included in the work,
and that which was inaccessible before,
becomes available now.
However, you should always remember that power has two sides and
in some places it is good and in others it is evil. In order not to be like
artificially blind, one must not wait for the effects of evil
they will manifest themselves “suddenly”, and turning to them and looking
at them is personal, honest. This is where you will need it
the work you started on the channel of the goddess Frigga, namely
- see your mistletoe. This knowledge, coupled with the power of the blind
Hed, will help you recognize the personal mistletoe without diminishing its
threat; will help you see it not as a weak sprout, but as a
the full power of the possible damage it can cause
to your consciousness. The warrior who tries to see is stupid
only the weaknesses of the enemy, and turns a blind eye to his strength. Power
god of darkness, blind Hed, if the warrior is brave and honest, he will allow
him to see his personal mistletoe in all its potential
threatening possibilities for personal consciousness. It’s as if this mistletoe
quality increases tenfold, intensifies and becomes obviously threatening.
So you won't pass-
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If you ignore this vulnerability of yours, you won’t close your eyes to it. IN
in the darkness of the blind there is no way to compare one with another
– for comparison we need light. In the dark, everything is equal, equally
invisible, and this means equally dangerous.
In the streams of the channel of the god Hyod, within the power of the
blind primordial darkness, one’s own consciousness can appear
in front of you from a completely different side. He can show you
the power of one’s own darkness, the power of ancient memory, not clothed
in any clothing of tradition. It will allow you to look into depths that you could
not look into before. Now, when consciousness has been cleared on the
previous channels and balanced after that, the darkness will appear before
you as an opportunity to recognize what was even before

impossible to think of as an object of knowledge. But it is now that you need

to enter into this process, because if there is no balance in you between your
own light and your own darkness,
then Ragnarok in a single consciousness will become inevitable, and
free creation of one's magical destiny is impossible.
Only the one who passes this path, only the one who does not
only recognizes his inner darkness, but also
realizes its presence, begins to understand what kind of light
he needs it personally. Not the same for everyone, but specifically for yourself -
for your darkness. Knowing your Hed, you begin to get to know your Balder
better - what he should be like, what you need
be able to and what to learn. The value of light is learned when there is
darkness that requires manifestation, otherwise the light only warms, but
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does not teach, does not manifest. To know all your power, your hidden
magic is possible provided that light is necessary and
Necessary and sufficient.
If the god Höd has his own seal, his own runic formula, then
it is hidden in the darkness. And perhaps everyone will have
their own. I sincerely wish you strength on the channel of the blind
see it with your inhuman vision.
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Practice 22
God Hermod
Starting your acquaintance with the power of the god Hermod, do now
the preparatory work for a more subtle knowledge
channel of this god. Take a piece of paper and write everything on it
something that you think can't happen because it doesn't
maybe never. Everything that your experience, knowledge of the world,
understanding of the nature of existence describes to you - write it down.
All previous transformation steps on the Hel channels,
Norn, Mimira and Kvasira free consciousness from false
ideas of what can be in the worlds and what cannot be. Pro-conducting
consciousness through the Bragi channel will construct a picture
the world in a different way, and perhaps now there will be a place for the
impossible. And this impossible will be connected by the god Her-mod with
the real present.
The power of the god Hermod can find a place in your mind,
which is always ready to accept magic as incomprehensible, but real. What
cannot be becomes absolutely possible. But for this, a place in
consciousness must be allocated, and the god Hermod in the most amazing
way finds this place. For him there are no boundaries and prohibitions, and
his companion Sleip-nir will connect the present moment with such times
and spaces that can never be reached in the usual way.

All that has been said makes it clear to us that the god Hermod is
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true magic - personifies what cannot be. They never return
from the world of the dead; lost youth never returns, and
time goes back
not returned. But it’s not in vain that the god Hermod knows
how to control Loki’s divine offspring Sleipnir, and not in vain, eve
not for long, but he held the blessed-cursed ring Draupnir in
his hands - he can bind the unconnected, connect that
what does not connect, and do what cannot be. This
magic is real because it does the impossible.
The only thing Frigga's third son needs is love
and trust. And no sacrifices, no gifts, no purchases - none
of this is needed. Only trust and love.

The becoming that is given here is the becoming of magic, and

it can only be used effectively on this channel,
channel of the god Hermod. This becoming is called "Sleipnir"187, and
it is designed to lead you to your incredible dreams.

187 The author is a Nooma master.

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It consists of the Inguz rune and four Evaz runes. Rune

In-guz, stylized as a rhombus with a dot inside188. In this
188 This image of the Inguz rune is very ancient, one might say pre-Runic. The
rhombus or circle represents earth, the point inside represents fire. This is a symbol
of life, moreover, “spontaneously generated” life, the very principle of life, as the primar
new creation.
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In no case, it symbolizes you as a living system, and the point
– your goal, your inner plan, which, like a spark,
leads through life and gives meaning to everything that happens.
The four Evaz runes around the Inguz rune symbolize eight legs
Sleipnir, who is able to move between worlds and take the mind of
his rider beyond the limits of the probable.
The triggering force of this position can only be that
the god Hermod told about himself in a myth - the power of trust and strength
love. Trust in runes, trust in magic and love for your
dream. Love is unconditional, without reservations or restrictions.
This stave is designed for traveling between worlds.
But not only (and not so much) between the worlds of the Tree of
Yggdras-il, but between realities and probabilities that
are generated by the breath of the Tree of the Nine Worlds. These
realities may at first glance differ from each other insignificantly,
but this difference can turn the movement of your personal
probability line in a completely different direction.
Becoming magic when using it turns off for a moment the force of
inertia of a given reality, but this moment
it is more than enough for the engine of your personal
system switched to the energy of love and changed direction
on the strength of trust. Any of the multiple worlds becomes
available to you, like Hermod and your companion Sleipniru, if you
are able to form such a burning impulse
internal desire, which is contained in the original ancient form of
the Inguz rune - the impulse of internal creation,
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dreams that are stronger than pragmatism.
The formula can be written on a piece of paper (pure parchment, a
symbol of the yet unborn Universe) and when inscribed, you can say:
“Carry me, my steed, eight-legged Sleip-nir, through time, worlds and
spaces, to my goal. Target
mine is ..."189. And the shorter the continuation of the spell, the
The coordinates of the place of connection with your dream will be
more accurately determined. Any reservation and condition “without
harm” are fetters on the feet of the magic horse Sleipnir, these are
shackles on the mind of his mother Loki. But there is one more
requirement. Sleip-nir does not belong to you, he is the horse of the god O
oblige, before using the transfer formula, to obtain the preliminary
consent of the god Odin, and this

This stave works well in a dream, when criticality

consciousness becomes minimal. Therefore, inscribed
once you can put it under your pillow. However, to be good
feel it in order to recognize it in a heap of smells and
sensations of the winds of other worlds, connect for the first time with
this stave according to a small ritual; visualize your dream in detail,
looking at the point inside the In-guz rune - it is very important to be
able to concentrate as much as possible in
itself the primary impulse of the strongest desire, to compress into one
moment of being craving for the impossible. Then it, like a compressed
spring, will carry your consciousness along the shortest path

189 This wording is the recommendation of the author of the article.

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into the reality of your true dreams.
Activation of the formula is very individual - the power of
trusting yourself will also help here. Perhaps it should be
activated by fire, or perhaps stored in a secret place for a long
time; perhaps the formula will ask to be written on the body
and then washed off with water; it is possible to be a thought
written in the air and dissolve in it, invisibly, but forever
changing the flow of the personal wind of change. All this is
very individual and is based only on your craving and love for
that world and for that reality, without which nothing matters,
just as for the god Hermod nothing mattered without the love
of his mother. The
whole list of impossible things that you envisioned -
but drawn up at the beginning of practice, it becomes real if
to connect with these forces is love and trust. Hermod’s helper
god, the amazing Sleipnir, will help you understand this and
achieve results. Driven by a wild craving for love-union and
the need to trust and be accepted in trust, on this powerful
engine he is able to transfer the consciousness of the seeker
anywhere, and the god Hermod is able to connect the
incoherent on the power of this transfer. Trust is very
important. So that it doesn’t happen like the last time, when
an obvious miracle ran into the wall of “common sense”: it
seems to me, and it doesn’t
happen like that. Since this becoming absolutely magical,
please note that when using it, some effects may occur.
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effects that in everyday reality will look like
somewhat strange. For example, memories will change
about some events. Or you will start to notice elements
in the outside world, which did not exist for you before (and if you note
this out loud, those around you will
look at you in amazement, since these “new” elements will be new only
to you, and to them, living in
reality into which you have just arrived, these are precisely
elements have always existed). These effects are the most common
when using this stav; they are described
All travelers, be prepared for such amazement. The same goes for
memories: in this line of probabilities into which Sleipnir will take you,
something happened or was recorded as having happened somewhat
differently. And here the moment will be more important than ever

trust, so that the strength of the desire to live in your dream does not
turn out to be weaker than the strength to adhere to the previous
“loaded version” of the picture of the world - otherwise it will easily take yo
and everything that happened will be perceived as a mess or
echoes of a muddy dream.
Trust and love are the basis of magic. So desired
and so impossible. May God Hermod teach you to love the incredible
more than the probable. Thank magic by trusting it.
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Practice 23
God Vala
God Vali with his story will help you realize that a person can
not only be perceived, but also become more than just
a one-time function created by the Norns for something specific.
You just need to step over the boundaries of your destiny, step
over your grievances and the experience of past defeats. See
the reality of the future not from the position of a victim of world
injustice, but from the position of someone who
who knows what injustice is and knows what
to be a victim of someone else's violence.
You can look at the world from different angles. You can be from the
position of someone who has been unfairly offended, and then your destiny is to
forever unfairly offended. Or maybe from the position of a fighter
with injustice, but for this you need to know exactly what
such injustice, and to see how it usually manifests itself in our
world of reflections, in the world of Midgard. To realize
The proof that human consciousness is a program can be
treat differently. You can execute your program
and end existence. You can be offended by the whole world and
not to comply - out of principle. You can deny yourself as a
program, you can agree. Or you can do it like Val: don’t deny it,
realize it, implement it and change everything. And this
aerobatics of fortitude that God Va- shows us
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Lee: his last appearance in the myth as a survivor, says
about many things - he was able to do what the fathers could not, and therefore
did not die in the battle of the gods.

In order to transform from a one-time program for the execution of someone

else’s will into a reusable and constantly operating force of the new reality of the
future, which does not perceive this reality as a given inevitability, but creates it, it
is necessary, with
on the one hand, to unite with other forces of construction,
and on the other hand, be able to cut yourself off from realities that have nothing to
do with yours. The one who makes you a victim, drags you into his reality into that
a position that does not imply freedom of action. In such
In this case, your function is no longer the role of a player, but the role of a
character of the game.

Vali was able to become the god of construction by recognizing the rights of others
gods to be gods of construction, and in this agreement his ability
instantly calculating the disequilibrium of a system has become important
part of the performance that serves everyone but is not subordinate
to no one.
The process of learning about the gods-organizers of the new world begins
precisely with Vali, because Balder and Hod will enter
this system of new reality only when everything will be
formed. Vali and his relatives are now beginning to lay down new algorithms for
constructing realities, connecting
they were connected differently than Tyr, Odin, Loki, Heimdall, Thor were connected
and all the old gods. Vali enters first - to introduce the principle
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the principle of achieving balance is to instantly cut off what is
unnecessary - to cut down the mistletoe, to kill what exists without
a pair, without connection; close access to those worlds that
cannot interact with the new world on the principle of equality, but
only on the principle of absorption - until, for a while, until wild
realities go through their path of development and formation and
their presence ceases to be a threat for the balance of worlds. In
with what has been said on the channel of the god Vali, you
can use it by becoming the “Axe of Death”190 .

190 Author unknown.

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This stave consists of two runes - Eyvaz and Thurisaz. Instant

cut, rapid strike. This is a break in ties
any, but especially those that support the illusion.
The rules for constructing reality say that everything should
be balanced. If there is something that disturbs the balance of
personal reality, it must be eliminated. Force
God Vali will calculate the disturbed balance quickly and immediately,
and the “Axe of Death”, like a sword in the hands of a god, will cut off this illus-
vigilant connection.
This script is sometimes called “Antimorok”, and it is very accurate
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her new name: to see the illusion, you need to stop it
feed, first of all, with your emotions. Eyvaz in this camp will
unmistakably identify “evil” - something that should not exist
both in your consciousness and in your life, and Thurisaz will
instantly cut off the energy pumping channel feeding this illusion.
The process of realizing it can only happen after
how the supply connection will be broken.
The application of this rule must, of course, be coordinated with
God himself and carry out a mantik with the question of necessity.
The same rule applies to the method of applying it in terms of the
best effect: on a photograph
or volts - for long work, for yourself - for breaking physical and
emotional connections, for a phantom or spatial
quality – to cut off spatial or temporal qualities
cash that forms the illusion.
He who realizes himself as an avatar of the god Vali carries the "Axe"
Death" within your consciousness from birth to
end. This is a personality quality, character trait and mission
life. Anyone who realized this on the channel of god Vali will see
and in his birth, and in fate, and in character, a projection of the
myth about this god, who was able to turn hatred into a weapon
that is always inside.
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Practice 24
God Vidar
The power of God Vidar, after everything your
consciousness has gone through, after the severance of the
last connections that God Vali helped you make, should
logically lead you to naturalness. For this purpose, you can
use the following very harmonious position, which is called “De

191 Author – Master Espe.

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This one consists of the runes Turisaz and Laguz, and

in the background we can see and include the runes
Ansuz and Eyvaz. Connected in the shape of a triangle,
the runes symbolize belonging to the usual three-
dimensional space, indicating their natural application to th
projection and to you, as part of this projection. Here all
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deep fears, and the sword of retribution will be aimed at internal
problems, and not at the external world. Ansuz will turn on
awareness, and a stable triangle design and rotation
on the stream they will lead you to the only correct action that is
needed to manifest personal naturalness - the only one that
requires not words, but deeds.
Application of this principle will lead you to awareness of
silence of that correct ritual action which
is for you the natural form of good and absolute
instrument of personal victory. This action is as ritualistic as the
ancient ancestors sacrificing a piece of leather on Vidar’s shoe -
and how could it be otherwise? Becoming this not
only reveals, but also partially cleanses internal flaws,
who may still remain conscious, but should not

This pattern can be applied to yourself, used as a talisman, or

reflected in a photograph. Just do everything
silently, showing respect to the silent ace Vidar.
The Vidaru shoe can be sewn in different ways. You will also
have your own ritual action. This is not gay, this is more than
gays. This is naturalness, and it cannot be universal, but
only yours. The silent ace hints that to do this
action is possible only in silence, and not for show; understanding in
the depth of its correctness, but without explaining the meaning to
everyone. If the action requires comments and you
If you start giving them, it won’t be the same. You can't na-
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teach this action to your children, you cannot convey
the correctness of this action is inherited as a tradition -
each living person should have his own, since behind each
those who live have their own power and their own god. This action will not
violate no one's rights and freedoms, not a single living person, but also
will not diminish your own rights and freedoms. Anyone who understands
and feels this will never impose his rituals
to those around you and even more so to your children. That's how it goes
only those who do not have or have lost contact with their gods
and on someone else’s energy and someone else’s time resource wants
to establish a connection that has never existed and which, frankly
speaking, should not exist.
God Vali, cutting off what was unnecessary, also pulled off the slave collar,
if he still existed, and the other gods removed the prerequisites for
his appearance. Now nothing will prevent you from becoming natural by
nature and making this naturalness the norm. The action that marks the
acceptance of initiation is the acceptance of this norm and consolidation
of it as a basis in one’s consciousness.

Working on Vidar's channel is a test of honesty with yourself.

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25 God Ull
A great hacker can find a vulnerability in a system where no
one else will find it - his function is unique and unique. But Ull is
not only a great hacker, but also a great programmer. It is he
who, after Ragnarok, will build a new world together with his
distant and close relatives. And here the algorithm is the opposite
of the algorithm of the fathers: the older generation of creator
gods acted on the principle of “task - solution”. There is a
specification, we select algorithms for it, we enter what we need
into the system, and what we don’t need is thrown into the trash.
As we already know from the entire narrative line, a lot had to be
thrown out, and the world of Hel
became overcrowded. Children act differently. They take
everything that is, without removing anything, without denying
anything. Based on a completely different principle of existence,
they connect everything with everything in such a way that
everything has a place and it’s all connected into a holistic
individuality. Such individuality will not depend on the system,
and any connection is possible only by desire - mutual desire.
There will be no place for violence and lies, there will be no place
for mistletoe parasitism. It is this work that the god Ull will do - to
connect everything with everything on the honest principle of
individual manifestation - he is the only one who has passed this p
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from a great creature to the greatest god, who, as is hinted,
myths, even “replaced” the god Odin on the throne of power, when
he was convicted of violence against the goddess Rind192 .
The channel of the god Ull is very complex and not at all
unambiguous. Ull is a classic of embodied individualism, and,
as a consequence, in contact with every human consciousness
When he eats, he expresses himself just as individually. To the point of
complete ignorance.
Entering the flow of the channel of the god Ull, we do this with the
hope that reprogramming your consciousness will now seem like an
interesting task to him. So that everything internal and external has a
place - after all, everything that
it bothered you, you already cleaned it up yourself. Therefore, to this
at the moment, everything that is in your consciousness, you need - so
it is assumed, at least. And if Ull takes you on, that’s your luck.

Help yourself by becoming “Gaining Knowledge”193. It is, of

course, not very harmonious, but in a sense it is a tribute
reverence for Ullu - neglect of beauty and harmony for the sake of
true result.
Becoming this can also be safely called a “master key”, because
that this is exactly the function it performs: get on the channel -
anyone, even if you were not invited to it. A purely hacker trick:
“knock, knock, Neo.” This becoming can also be

192 See the chapter on the god Vali.

193 Author – Master Sam.

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call it the “seal of Ull”, and activating it seems to invite God to
solve a complex or simply interesting problem, which your
consciousness now personifies.

Many useful runes can be seen in this stav, but I would

like to especially highlight the functions of the following.
Kenaz runes in abundance highlight the area of application
of the stav - your consciousness. Moreover, they highlight not
only (and not so much) for you, but for the god Ull himself.
As if to say: Ull, look at me. Laguzy personifies the process -
it is a channel like a flow. It also helps to dose the amount of
information so that the mind has enough time not only to accep
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opinions, but also to realize them. Gebo runes work as a
transcoder, translating program information into a mental language
understandable in Midgard. Uruz helps the manifestation of a new
system - changes and reprogramming
Ullya gives a visible effect immediately. Eyvaz will turn on your
inner strength and at the same time test you for your readiness to
accept Ullr’s new program, and in what volume to accept it.
This stage can be described as a test - and ready
whether you actually live up to your desires. What kind of reality is
suitable for this level of desires, the god Forseti, whom you will
meet, will help you understand
further. But now you need to understand what exactly you need
actually. Young gods and organizers of a new reality
first they ask the question “what?”, and then “how?” and where?".
Not the other way around.

Let the amazing god Ull show you that it is not at all
It is necessary to die in order to be born as someone else. I
sincerely wish this for you.
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Practice 26
God Forsetti
The connection with the channel of the god Forseti should
be a logical continuation of what was done on the channels
of Hermod, Vidar, Vali and Ull. God Forseti's mechanism must
not only explain to you what is now
your consciousness, but also what kind of reality will be built
around such consciousness. All the rules, absolutely everything. They
must be clear, transparent, based on
the language in which you think, and without any Jewish
casuistry, Byzantine deceit, Avestan dualism
and other Abrahamic intransigence.
Your consciousness is your reality, only yours, with all its
possibilities and impossibilities. It is what it is
now, but the program of the young gods is written in such a way
that any changes in the internal world must manifest themselves
in the external world, and this is also encrypted in the “Seal of Forset
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The “Seal of Forseti”194represents two Mannaz runes superimposed

on each other. Not placed nearby, not
connected artificially by an additional rune, namely one into the other.
Social personality and social reality. Contact, interaction. When
friend, they form a figure in which it is written
harmony of interaction – runes Inguz, Gebo, Ansuz, Fe-hu. Here we
can see Turisaz, but reversed
inward, as determination and intention, which is aimed at

194 The author is the Forseti master.

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yourself, not from yourself. The more and longer you look at this
becoming, the more you will begin to realize: what is it?
This is harmonious interaction. And becoming answers you:
The main thing about me is that every Mannaz remains Mannaz. All
changes will be in the runes that you see: whatever changes you see
and accept, these will be the same. The most
it is important that any individuality in contact or connection with
another individuality can change as
whatever you want, but at the same time remain individual. Always.
The application of this seal is a request to explain in detail who
you are, in understandable language; this is a request to provide the
rules by which your reality exists - what
what is available to her and what is not, what will be in it and what will not.
Remember that Forseti is the god of justice and endures
truly fair decisions: they must be supported
develop your individuality by creating a personal reality,
but at the same time neither she nor you can infringe on anyone else’s property
the right to have your own individuality and live by it, regardless of
you. Everyone should have the opportunity not only
to be independent, but also to bear for this independence the understanding
new responsibility - to the world.
Help God Forseti formulate in understandable words the law of
future reality - your reality. The justice of the new world is not one
with which a person agrees only because there is no other. This is
justice, with
which he agrees with deeply. The power of the god Forseti knows this
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depth - after all, he inherited the purity of perception from his
parents Balder and Nanna, which means that nothing
will prevent him from finding something equally pure within you. This
pure is your personal concept of justice. Here
It is from it in the center that reality will be built for you.

NB! Cleanliness will be clear to both you and Forseti if you

at this moment we have already gone through the entire path of awareness and purification.
tion, sequentially going through the transition algorithm
channels of the gods, and now they have come to Forseti. If not,
then using the “Seal of Forseti” will reveal you accurately, but will it
be true purity? Therefore, use “Print
Forseti" when you are ready to find out the truth and not guess
about her.
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Practice 27
Goddess Skadi
Each channel of the northern god provides the skilled
practice opportunities that are difficult to access at any
another channel. Goddess Skadi's channel is no exception to this rule.
However, its specificity is such that the presence in the consciousness
of the power of the goddess Skadi will be disastrous and destructive
for someone who enters the channel with an unprepared
consciousness. Therefore, despite the fact that the story itself
goddesses is not a logical continuation of the line of new
gods-organizers, but rather refers to the gods before Ragnarok,
contact with her is shown precisely when the path of Hermod-Va-li-
Vidar-Ull-Forseti has been completed, and all the correction of the
internal generator of the future reality has taken place. Skadi will now
act in the process of magical transformation as
an incorruptible examiner, harsh as the northern winter.
The goddess Skadi is the one who, following the algorithm, tests
its strength. Inside she is not what she seems. Her
the force will turn the core inside out, and what was inside will
will be outside, and vice versa. Although formally it operates only by
traditional methods, it arranges its verification algorithms in such a
way that the result is not at all
the one that tradition expects. This is exactly what is needed now
the process of transformation of consciousness in a magical way: then,
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what is inside must become present and form the reality of the
future not from the mind, but in essence, although all the
elements with the help of which such formation occurs remain
Now the task on the channel of the goddess Skadi is to
make the final leap and “turn inside out”, melt with water and
freeze again with ice, but in a completely different configuration.
This can be helped by becoming the “Formula of Truth”195,
the use of which on the channel to the goddess Skadi will work
as a manifestation of the liberated internal force, which will
form the personality according to the true model.

195 The author is the master of Irbis.

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This stav consists of two intersecting lines. The vertical branch

Fehu-Gebo-Inguz-Ansuz represents peace
interior. Here, in this line, the internal is encrypted
knowledge about one’s rights (Fehu): the right to life (Inguz) and rights
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We need to know why this life is needed (Ansuz). Horizontal
the line Fehu-Kenaz-Gebo-Otala-Sovilo encrypts the external world,
the world of manifestation of one’s internal knowledge outside. This
that communication environment, external relations and agreements
with the environment, which the god Forseti showed at the previous step
This horizontal line describes slightly different priorities than the line,
which in this stave marks peace
interior. Here we are also talking about the right, but this is the right of
manifestation: the right to choose (Kenaz), the right to choose and
have the right society (Otala), the right to victory and integrity (So-vilo).
These two lines are connected by the Gebo rune, for which
it is general and personifies the agreement between the external and
the internal. In this connection, the first violin is played by the internal
internal, not external:
It is from the vertical line that you should begin drawing this stave.
Gebo here acts not only as a guardian
agreement between internal and external, but also as a subtle
gyroscope, which instantly recognizes a distortion capable of leveling
out the internal for the sake of the external, and vice versa - will not
allow the internal to commit violence against
externally and use the rights that are internally
There is no potential and there never was. And this is also justice,
towards which the force of Forseti is directed, with which you are
already familiar from previous practice.
Goddess Skadi teaches: no matter what magic awakens in you,
it is she who must become what will move from the state
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internal representation and feeling of oneself in a state
external force. The internal must become external, but not
by the will of circumstances, but only according to the inner yari to make your own
magical consciousness is actually tangible and visible.
This is the last step in the global transformation of yourself. On
on this channel you must be attentive to provocations
laughter - they will definitely be, they must be, Loki is always
nearby. Remember this and do not forget: you accept into yourself
without struggle what you laugh at sincerely. Something
what you receive from the outside is really what you need, but
something may be the poison that kills the magic. Having shown
revealing one's true self at the provocations of the mockingbird god,
learn to protect your magic from mistletoe and necessity
forgive someone who really needs you from your magic
refused voluntarily. If something nevertheless penetrates into you,
at least understand that now this is the front of work on which your
magical power will be tempered.
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Practice 28
Goddess Saga
Starting from the channel of the goddess Saga and further along all 12 faces
goddess Frigg, you have to test your magical consciousness, laying
the basis for its various principles. The magician's consciousness is
always built around some kind of force; it forms tradition, and tradition,
in turn, makes reality visible, dense and protected. You can't yet

know or be not entirely sure which cornerstone (or several of them)

should be laid
into the basis of your personal magical reality. Carrying out
of your consciousness through the channels of 12 goddesses-projections of Frigga,
as the guardians of the fundamental principle of Tradition, it will be like
a litmus test to test your consciousness for “magic”, determining its
The first channel into which you place your newborn consciousness
is the channel of the goddess Saga. Will her strength become
that defining form that will allow your magic
appear, but not spread out in space, but concentrate around you for
a long time and firmly? It may show
just practice.
Before the death of the goddess Frigg in the battle of Ragnarok, "Saga" was
one of its names, and memory is one of the functions, working
to tradition. After the battle, Saga is a name in its own right
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and, as a result, an independent program.
If the channel of the goddess Saga becomes in the center of the created
reality, then the main task of the creator of such reality is
to make the world truthful and filled with all kinds of information, without
differentiating it into “good” and “bad”. Magic
goddess Saga manifests the truth, as if lifting it from
abyss of water This is Atlantis floating in the middle of the ocean, this is
a world in which it is impossible to tell a lie, because lies
every word settles on the liar like dirty flakes and becomes
visible to absolutely everyone. The reality shaped by the power of the
goddess Saga is a reality where nothing can be hidden or forbidden,
where the truth is seen with the eyes and heard
ears, where magic itself paints truth and untruth in different colors, where
the world is built around a fact - an event or
it was, or it wasn’t, and that’s it.
Connecting with the power of Goddess Saga will show you reality
without lies, filled with knowledge without blank spots. to you, in your
turn, you have to find out: for you this is reality or not
for you; whether you want to live in it or not. In its reality, the manifestation
of oneself will be absolute and the magical power of the mind
will reveal itself quickly and obviously - it is impossible to confuse it. Ta
the configuration of consciousness that exists is now ready to activate its
core, and you have to understand with which one
channel your core will be paired absolutely.
The formula-becoming “Find out the truth”196 will help you carry out

196 Author unknown.

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such a check.

Here we see a process of energy transformation sequentially

encrypted by runes, where the Pert-Keno command “final
choice”, already known, works as a relief from the hassle,
allowing you to see everything clearly. The Uruz-Naud elm is
the power of the Earth, increased many times over, and in
combination with Perth-Keno manifests reality as it is. It is as if
second sight, which turns on the “X-ray” beam and allows you to
see what is hidden, reveals the ins and outs, the basis of reality,
and not its illusion. This becoming will be very useful to you in
any knowledge and training, and when immersing yourself in a
myth, it is simply irreplaceable. Myths are allegorical, and behind
the poetic eloquence it is not always possible to immediately see
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its deep meaning. This formula will help you see everything
differently than just humanly. But the main purpose of being on the channel of
the goddess Saga is still somewhat broader than
effective training - here we test the strength of the core of our mind with the
information flow of the goddess, where the manifestation of this flow should be
reflected in the observed reality. Is the old reality melting under the new?

with the gaze of historical truth, is its skeleton exposed? On

old bones in the new world will grow new flesh, but it is necessary
clean the pieces of illusion from Ymir's bones so that he can see where
living, and where is dead, where is it necessary to be filled with new knowledge,
and where you don’t need to touch, because living things must live.
To raise from the “Immersed Bench” real knowledge, which is missing, and
replace it with false knowledge, which cannot be
must. On the Goddess Saga channel you can find out if your
Is this a magical mission or not.
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Practice 29
Goddess Air
If reality built itself on the principles and power of the goddess
Eir, then it would form itself according to the rule of dominance of
biological preference over all others.
People would live where it is convenient for them, where they are
part of the world. People would live the way it suits them, absolutely
matching the rhythm of life with the area in which they
live. People would live in such a way as to be an integral part
nature, and not an unnecessary part of it; would live in such a way
that nature sees in them its part, and not another, rejecting from itself
bad foreignness. This would be the case if the basis for the
formation of the tradition was laid by the goddess Eir. On this basis
the principle of “do no harm” would be the basic and main rule of
the existence of worlds, people and all creatures, these worlds
inhabiting. The principle of not harming each other.
In the practice of comprehending the channel of the goddess Eir, this state
- the most important thing that she can reveal to you.
If it is true that she is a “descendant” of the cow Audumla, the
breadwinner of the primary worlds, then the manifestation of her
power will become clear and tangible during life on her channel:
where you belong, there should be enough for you: both resource, an
everything is restored if you live in your own world and in your own
reality. This presence not only satisfies the basic
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needs, but also fulfills the “do no harm” rule. That
there is no one and nothing will harm you, but you and no one
You won’t apply it to anything either. Worlds and realities will
come into contact with each other only if this mandatory rule
is met. Like this.
Goddess Eir will not only help you restore your health, but
will also teach you to see that health is the most important
indicator of the correctness of the place, time and image of your
existence. Understanding this simple Van truth,
may not lead to rapid development of industrial intelligence
or technological progress, but
it may allow the power of quiet natural magic to appear in
your life.
To feel this, try using this ligature197 :

197 Author unknown.

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This becoming can be safely called the “Seal of Air”, and through
It is very convenient for her to activate the communication channel with the goddess. Here
Mannaz in the center describes a person, but not as the center of the world
and the point of application of magical efforts, but the fact that these
magical efforts are consistent with human nature and not in
In no case are they intended to harm her, even by accident. Human
nature, this man says, requires attentive
relationship to its specificity, and what is suitable for a Jötun is not
suitable for humans - due to their different biology. Berka-na here
symbolizes the restoration of life processes. Uruz symbolize physical
health as a product of the water force of the earth.

Through this formula, the goddess Eir seems to suggest: try it. Try to
feel what the disease of your body is -
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this is dissociation with a general agreement within yourself.
Something has gone wrong there, something is in conflict; nature
struggles with reason, feelings with reason, and good with evil. Try to
understand it, try to feel it, reconcile everything
within yourself, and perhaps everything will work out for you and in
the world. The opposite is also true: if you align yourself with the extern
reality, then perhaps everything will come inside you too
into the natural norm and the power of eternal restoration of life will
be launched. Maybe the cause of your illness is precisely
lies in the need to endlessly maintain this internal conflict between
biology and social behavior, between the internal speed of processes
and the external speed of their manifestation?
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Practice 30
Goddess Gevyon

The property and function that the goddess Gevyon personifies

can become the center, the core of future individual reality if this
value and basis
yours essentially. The right to land, proven and recorded,
Goddess Gevyon can determine whether you have the right to
rule by blood or not. Resonating with the ancient power
goddesses can manifest the very blood line that is in
the entire tangle of genealogical intricacies will reveal the main line
that is responsible for the transfer of rights by blood.
If this line becomes the center of existence, then everything else
goes to the periphery and must go, according to the ancient law
maternal law: the gifts of the Mother are not alienable, they are either
belong to her chosen one, or go back to the Mother.
That is why all the ancient bloodlines are still alive,
that is why true power does not belong to
mu, whom people today mistakenly call power.
If the principle of the goddess Gevyon forms the basis of your
current reality, then everything will be built around it.
Uruz is her rune. She characterizes the goddess Gevyon as a
force that is able to influence and control the power of the earth,
expressed in the Uruz rune (while human consciousness
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tion is only capable of perceiving this rune). The basis of stav198,
which is important to apply on the channel of the goddess Gevyon,
the myth about her and her sons was founded. By using this becoming, you
as if you are raising the power of the earth inside yourself, and it, in its
turn, will determine and recognize in the blood and mind the same thing
ancient law, which was, is and will be decisive
the true state of affairs.

Four Uruz runes woven together four times

enhanced earth power. At a minimum, it will give an increase in
vitality, a flow of health, increased significantly. But in relation to the
Gevyon channel, it will also act as an algorithm

198 Author – master Hadeken.

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recognition - whether there is royal blood or not.
In addition, the strength of this stave can give a clear indication
to where your land is rightfully. This effect is given by the Teyvaz
rune inscribed in the stave (even twice), which appears
second plan.
Having become “Sons of Gevyon” you can write on yourself or
inscribe it on your image. You can display it on a piece of paper
or put it under your pillow in order to find out the answer in a dream.
At the same time, turn to the goddess herself in a small ritual with
a request to show the required quality, to give a hint or a clear
The nobility of a true queen, a true mistress of the world, lies
in the fact that she, the queen, does not refuse anyone’s request.
She doesn't grant wishes like the tooth fairy
but listen, delve into the problem, free from guilt,
imposed by the patriarchal world of Abrahamic domination is the
sacred duty of the Mother of the Worlds. Women, of course, have
a special disposition, because each
woman is a projection of the Mother.
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Practice 31
Goddess Fulla
The independent power of the goddess Frigga, personified in the image
of the goddess Fulla, contributes to the reconstruction of tradition in the old
core, but in new conditions. The core of tradition
remaining unchanged, can repack internal connections
zi so that the “tradition” program will work differently, but
at the same time, the key property – the core of tradition – will be preserved. IN
in new conditions, tradition may well do without
to spend resources on implementing or maintaining old rules, but there is
always something that must be unchanged and remain so, because without
it something will die
the very essence of tradition and it simply will not exist.
The core is hidden in Frigga's casket, and is kept by Fulla.
The channel of the goddess Fulla will first of all be able to manifest
incompleteness of your consciousness, will see unfilled gaps,
which are the essence of the space for the mistletoe. Nature does not
tolerate emptiness, and if you do not fill it yourself, space will certainly do
so. Also, the channel of the goddess Fulla can synchronize you with those
information processes that flow in a stream without stopping. Fulla's
headband erases the boundary between the living and the dead - in
tradition, everything is alive, only the forms are different. Full-la can give
your consciousness the task of going through the necessary
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necessary tests, lessons and revelations, to gain previously
missed experiences on their own, as a result of which unfilled
gaps were formed in the consciousness. The goddess Fulla
can help you, who are in the world of the living, take lessons
simultaneously with Balder and Höd, who do this
in the world of the dead under the control of the goddess Hel. Such lessons
will help you make the power of your core invulnerable, and
the tradition that after Ragnarok will begin to unfold around
this core, capable of creating a full-fledged reality, without
Formula that can be used on the Goddess Channel
Fulla is her seal, the name of the goddess encrypted in runes.

The use of this formula199 is possible with the permission

of the goddess, since it, the formula, allows you to quickly
attract from space those events, experiences.

199 Author unknown.

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which you lack. This is possible and should be done
only when the diagnostic program of the confidante of the god
Tradition reveals gaps in your consciousness that require
filling. If you apply this formula unnecessarily, then there is a high
probability of filling your mind with copies of events that you have
already experienced in essence, the experience of passing through
which you have, it just happened at a different time and according to
a different scenario. But for experience the scenario is not so
important, just as the essence of the event is important. For this reason, in consciousness
people are piled up with stories that relate to
of the same essence, simply performed in different scenarios.
Unfortunately, scenarios are not important for the essence of conscious
experience is recorded in the structure of the soul once, copies are not there
get in. Therefore, it turns out that after living a long life,
having experienced various events, a person leaves this world, like
Balder, with absolutely minimal experience, although
At first glance, the mind is filled to capacity. But this is not experience, this is
rubbish, not only copies of events, but also copies of copies,
simulations, profanity, illusions of completeness. To avoid this
happened, it is now necessary under the teaching of the goddess Fulla
really determine what events are needed and what
lack of experience, and quickly fill the gaps.
The formula consists of two parts. The first part of Fehu-Uruz
means “basic rights”, initial fullness, then,
what is actually in your mind right now. Second
the Laguz-Ansuz part means “flow of information.” Two-
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what between the parts of the formula means a transition - what in
as a result we get and which in mathematics is expressed by the sign
"equals". Thus, we read: basic rights = flow of information. The flow
of information is not information, not knowledge,
it is an experience that we go through in order to fill the first
principles of our mind not with copies, but with absolutely original
data. Information and knowledge fill the mental, and the higher
spheres of the mind are filled with compressed experience and conclu
The application of this formula on the channel of the goddess
Fulla will be like quickly passing through a course of obstacles, the
opportunity to take experience in a stream, quickly, strongly, without
discretely, without rest or breaks. A small victorious war, a blitzkrieg
with the system.
If your future reality, which your mind begins to build after
Ragnarok, is based on recreating the old
traditions, where the goddess Fulla is the one who supports the
informational core of reality, then it is your direct responsibility
will not only learn to take streaming events, but also
produce streaming events for reality and everyone who
will inhabit this reality.
Diagnostics is mandatory, a small ritual is desirable, the formula
can be applied directly to yourself - and into battle.
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Practice 32
Var and Ver
Being torn away from the mother after the battle of Ragnarok
the foundations of the goddess Frigg, all 12 of her projections are
capable of not only performing an independent function, but also
forming a tradition again, but with an emphasis on something else
or miscellaneous. The goddesses Var and Ver are no exception. Their function is
recording what was said as a promise or oath, even
if it is said in secret or in a whisper.
In the world that was before Ragnarok, the fate of god and man
the norns wove, and this was the main outline that nothing
could have violated. After Ragnarok the situation will change -
God and man himself will be the organizers of their own destiny,
and without any connection with each other. Not a written fate, but hi
one's own spoken word, verbalized intention
should be the basis for the fact that the life line will go in the same
way as the initiator of the changes stated. In the old
in the world this was impossible, but in the new program reality,
which the young gods are doing, their strength and skill
god Ull are able to create a decentralized program of fate, which
will have such fine tuning that it can take into account every spoken
word and inscription
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place it invariably in the canvas of reality200, and delete it
from there it is impossible, only to implement. Goddesses Var and Ver
record the following word: Ver reads, and Var writes.
In the new world it is assumed that man will no longer be
depend on the gods, but only on your own
virda. Moreover, this wyrd is woven not by norns, but by man himself.
The basis of the line of probabilities of his personal fate
those vows and oaths, those promises and assurances must appear
ideas that he expresses out loud.
The ability of the goddesses Var and Ver to hear and take into account everything
what was said takes on new force in the new world after the battle
Ragnarok. The world that the young gods are building is no longer
will be so strongly attached to the karma of ancestors and gods, the
karma of previous actions. He will stop being so dependent on
inevitability of what was created earlier, dependence on taken
assumes the obligations of members of a clan or tribe, disappears
the principle of collective responsibility for everything that happens,
the boundaries defined by the orleg are removed. Only myself
man and his individual decisions, which are not widely

200 Here is a prototype of blockchain technology. Blockchain (chain of blocks) –

This is a distributed database in which storage devices are not connected to a
common server. This database stores an ever-growing list of ordered records
called blocks. Each block contains a label
time and a link to the previous block. The use of encryption guarantees
that users can only change those parts of the block chain that they
"own" in the sense that they have private keys, without which an entry in
file is not possible. In addition, encryption ensures that copies are synchronized
distributed block chain for all users.
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they respect everyone, do not make everyone dependent on one and
cease to dominate him. But the principle of responsibility for one’s own
words and committed actions will determine the boundaries of
opportunities and personal
individual reality: the more fulfilled promises and true words, the greater
this reality will be,
the faster the boundaries of probabilities will expand every day.

The goddesses Var and Ver will teach you not only to bear
responsibility for your words, but also to hear what others want, because
in the new world, not only does the principle of individual responsibility
become the dominant principle, but also the principle that everything is
connected to everything. A new program for constructing reality must
be able to take into account everything, but not detract from anything,
based on the principle of importance. Everything is important, and everyo
has the right to manifest his own, but only in his own space of reality. If
two importances coincide in meaning, essence
and form, they have the right, if they wish, to unite their
reality, but are not obliged to do this due to the fact of such a coincidence

They will help you in acquiring the necessary qualities of the goddesses Var and
Ver and their seal formulas.
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Application of these formulas will show you how in a software

“cloud”, how a program can operate when every word and intention
is taken into account instantly and in the same way.
is instantly implemented.
The names of the goddesses Var and Ver written in runes mean the following:
Var: Vunyo-Ansuz-Raido. Holistic consciousness, with the
information of its mind, paves the way to the future; bed on
canvas of reality.
Ver: Vunyo-Yera-Raido. Holistic consciousness fills
channel with the streams of time and thereby interweaves itself and its
solutions into the space of the future.
The difference between these two formulas is only in the middle
rune - Ansuz versus Yer tell us: what is said is what is said.
received; as is the knowledge, so is the future; What is the information
flow with which the mind lays a channel into the future, such is the
amount of time it can manage. All
depends only on the whole mind, and if it is real
but is holistic, then the right to personal reality and personal response -
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this person has property.

You can apply these formulas both separately to understand each

channel of the goddesses, and together to see how the program works
holistically. The joint use of the formula-seals of the goddesses will tell the
to you, how what was said and done today, now, manifests itself in the
future moment, tomorrow. Even an error has the right to be taken into
account, but it is imperative to ensure that
your mistake did not concern anyone else but you.
If the core of your future reality includes
the power of the goddesses Var and Ver, then such a reality will develop
the need for conscious participation by every person
during the programming process. You will have to see and understand how
lies and deceit distort the fabric of reality and
how reality limits such consciousness in the field of its manifestation. Record
changes in reality and understand
why they happened.
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Practice 33
Goddesses Sjöfn and Lofn
The newfound independence of the powers of the goddesses Sjöfn and Lofn
no longer serves one tradition, but becomes capable of
participating in the formation of traditions itself. In this sense
they become more associated with the god For-seti, the grandson
and descendant of Frigg, the son of Balder. But Forseti will
approve a voluntary decision in the form of a law and the
necessary set of rules, while the goddesses Sjofn and Lofn these c
define: Sjöfn reveals the fact of voluntariness, and makes sure
that this is exactly how it is, without any force or coercion, two
independent and free
reality want to establish mutual connections with each other
a special conjugation, and Lofn establishes such connections. In
the new world, their power is not restrained by anything, is not
limited by boundaries, and mandatory caste rules are excluded.
The main thing now is honest voluntariness. In this process, Lofn
can determine the level of desired connections
which are necessary for connecting realities, taking into account
the needs and wishes of each of the parties. If, within the
framework of the old tradition, such linking of destinies followed
the principle “either all or nothing,” then in the new world the
levels of interaction can be chosen (as the necessary options in the
the main thing is that the coincidence is mutual, and not imposed
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conditions to the connecting parties on the “if, then” principle.
The programming of the new world will be arranged in such a way that if
the parties coincide, for example, on some
one subtle body and agreed to communicate through
them, then no one has the right to force them to reveal everything
your consciousness and other subtle bodies for another, to accept
the fate of another, although in the old tradition everything was named

If a person wants to live in some special reality

but cannot achieve this, then this means that in his
knowledge there is some special trick that tells him
that it is impossible or wrong, that it should not
be. In the process of the ongoing transformation of consciousness into
channels of the goddesses Sjöfn and Lofn in real time, you will have to
undergo a test that will not only reveal your true desire, but will also show a
block in your consciousness that does not allow you to realize it by entering
such a reality,
where it is not just possible, but definitely possible.
The power of these two goddesses can be clearly felt when
using the “Convergence of Paths” 201. The use of this principle in a training,
game form will bring you together with a person or people, will introduce you
to the necessary circumstances that
will illustrate to you what you really want
and why they are not able to take what they want. It will display very brightly,
convexly, so that you will not understand the essence of your desires and will not partic

201 Author – Master Orobas.

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it will simply be impossible to know the prohibiting pattern.

Goddess Sjöfn here will show you the patterns of the old world that
are present in your consciousness and make reality static and lifeless.
She will see not only the “true”
desire,” but also that which blocks both its manifestation and
awareness. If the urge to live in a new reality is very strong,
but you can’t achieve what you want, you need to eliminate
a reason that does not allow two realities to come into contact - yours
and the desired one.
Goddess Lofn will connect the two realities formed
each consciousness at that optimal point of their conjugation,
which you both definitely need - without belittling yourself
and other things, without imposing oneself where it is not needed, but also
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without the need to “in addition” to the important, accept everything

Stav consists of two Raido runes, somewhat stylized in

this stav, but their stylization is not a tribute to art, but
symbolizes the specificity of paths, special channels
for information that is laid out in such a way as to allow
movement not only within the usual reality, but also
go beyond its limits. Rune Gebo, on which they are “suspended”
two Raidos show a voluntary and honest partnership.
The two Mannaz runes represent people whose paths
converge at the point of most favored nation and voluntary
acceptance. The convergence must take place precisely at
that level of reality that is acceptable to both.
Two Laguz are the driving force that “carries” into the
circumstances, directs the path along the riverbed to the meeting p
a test simulation will help you clarify definitively
not so much what is “wrong” in this world, but what is “not
so" in you to enter another world.
This becoming can be drawn on paper and activated
in your usual way.
If the power of the goddesses Sjöfn and Lofn is in the core
created reality, then this can truly become the reality of
magic - it will change plastically on the basis of emerging
desires, and its stability will remain so until the desires
change. Not everyone likes
I like to live in such a world, but there are always those who only
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This is what they dream about. And if so, then this is reality
programmatically there must be, because the power of these
goddesses today may become your power tomorrow.
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Practice 34
Goddesses Sin and Hlin
In a world that is programmed by young gods, two
powers expressed by the images of the goddesses Sin and Khlin, in contrast
from the previous couple, are able to protect the new reality
from unnecessary contacts, from connections that this reality
may cause harm. In this property, the best quality of a person, as a
creator of reality, becomes of particular value.
quality, and it is this quality that begins to be defended by everyone
possible and impossible ways.
The goddesses Sin and Khlin will find this quality unmistakably. IN
This function of theirs, they act opposite to the previous pair of
goddesses, who, in contrast, were capable of
find a vulnerability that allows connection with the unnecessary and
does not allow with what is needed. Here the opposite is true: what
whatever connections the new reality has, there is something that
must remain unchanged; Any stress and cataclysm can be survived if
the core of the new reality is intact - and it must be protected.

If earlier, being connected to the base of Frigga by rigid connections,

the power of the goddesses Sin and Khlin worked for protection
traditions, then in isolation from Frigga and focusing on the new
the creator of the law, Forseti, can no longer defend the general,
but strictly individual, without giving the newborn personal
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reality to dissolve in some aggressive and alien reality.
It will help you to expose your internal rules of justice, not imposed,
but natural and true.
the next one became “The Seal of Justice”202 (see figure on page.
The circle in this stav means personal space and personal power.
Inside the circle there is a stylized Kenaz, which,
like a lantern, it illuminates your true essence from above. Two Ansuz
runes, direct and reverse, show “two truths”,
its explicit and its implicit - not only what is declared, but also what
stands behind it. Runa Teyvaz records that @
of what is said and unsaid there is truth, and this is the basis
justice, but only within the circle, within its

202 Author - Master Sam.

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This is best done as a talisman and with a call

goddess according to a small ritual.
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Realize your inner justice, and let the goddesses Sin and
Khlin teach you to protect yourself and your reality.
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Practice 35
Goddess Snotra
This goddess, by the power of her information power, can
make sure that everything that is learned and passed on the channels
goddess Frigg, united into a single intelligence. In the new
in the world, as you already understand, there cannot be a single tradition
for everyone, but there must be a tradition for everyone. The power
of the goddess Snotra is called upon to weld together all the essential
conditions, to take into account the nuances of the program for
building individual reality. It will help connect into a single
program all the essential highlighted qualities and prepare a ready-
made image for prescribing in a system of multiple worlds (this is the
function of the next goddess).
The main qualities of your consciousness and
your personality will be determined not only by the basic
properties of reality that will unfold around
you, but also the rules of acceptable and unacceptable connections
with other realities, which must also exist. But this
the connection is not static and tends to constantly evolve. This
process is encrypted in the seal of the goddess
Snotra, which is called “Rebirth”203 (see figure on
p. 474).

203 Author – Master Orobas.

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Stav consists of five (!) Eyvaz runes, which are fastened,
like a buckle, the Inguz204 rune. Five times stronger rune
Eyvaz, like death and rebirth, like ten channels, already
known by you as projections of the spinning goddess. Multiple
stages of alchemical transmutation in the final
As a result, they give the desired Inguz - a symbol of life. He
shows that this process, through the death of the old, fetters the ne
life, creates the philosopher's stone of the final rebirth. But you
will go through it with your eyes open, aware
each alchemical stage, sensing death and rebirth
both with your mind and your body. In this process of multiple
births and deaths, you will very clearly and acutely, literally more
than ever, experience the feeling of your own mind and restraint.
This will form for you that correct Inguz - your true nature. But
her awareness
will be very different from realizing oneself in the system of the old
peace - now it will not need to be proven or demonstrated;
understanding one’s real nature and its absolute acceptance is
always associated with a state of mind and restraint

204 Unlike the usual style, here we use the one already known to you
stylized diamond shape.
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When you want to “share” yours, this is a state based on

redundancy, on a subconscious feeling of something
superfluous. In the state of one’s presence, the desire to
tear away the excess part from oneself through the process o
To connect yourself to the channel of the goddess Snotra and launch
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use the power of a small ritual and the call of the goddess to work her
seal. Your intention to enter into the alchemical process
transmutation of yourself should be clear to you and not cause
without any doubts.
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Practice 36
Goddess Gna
Being a projection of the goddess Frigg, her assistant Gna served
as a messenger and errand for the Great Weaver.
However, being an independent force, it expands its
functions of “distributing information”, but only now not according to the
vectors of Frigga’s interests, but freely in the system of multiple worlds
created by the young gods.
The final force that describes the functionality of the formation and
dissemination of an individual program for building reality, the goddess
Gna describes exactly the final stage of projecting information about
the finished program
in all systems, worlds and realities. Using the description of the
methodology of the blockchain system, we can say that it is the power
of the goddess Gna that allows changes to be made instantly
in the record about the state of the reality program, and this record
is also instantly copied (reflected) in all others
records of other worlds, with which at least on some level
or your program is also connected to some extent. Same
occurs with the recording of changes in other realities
– they are also registered in your formation system
realities, as data that it is desirable (or necessary) to take into account.

Thus, the goddess Gna in this practice transforms

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mation performs the final stage: to register a new program
of reality in the entire system of worlds, to bring you “out of
the cloud”, to release you into life. For this purpose, you
can use the seal “Request to the Subtle
World”205 . This sign is called “galdstav” and is of
ancient Icelandic origin. There is no description for it; it is a
holistic, not a composite sign. It was not created in the world
of Midgard, it is a system function, and it is encrypted in this
stav - the function of communication, recording changes
and preserving them from external harmful influences.

205 Author unknown.

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This sign can be issued in the form of an amulet, inscribed on your image
or even on yourself. This becoming will reveal
before your new consciousness is the space of other worlds,
which are now associated with you programmatically.
The construction of personal reality on the power of the goddess Gna
defines for the creator of such reality the image of a “messenger”, a herald.
This reality is similar to a registry where all records are protected and must
be preserved even if
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all worlds will perish, all connections between multiple
realities will be severed - everything can subsequently be
recreated without distortion.
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Practice 37
So that the power of the goddess Frigga and her projections are correct
implemented in the Ulla-Vidar program, they may need help. The
thoughts of the god Odin, having acquired will and freedom, are
such help. Valkyries in the new world -
these are conductors. The names of Valkyries are not accidental;
they symbolize a specific emotional force that can accelerate the
spread of its reality in time and space, speed up the “prescription”
of the necessary new ones
connections so that personal reality receives life and
right of manifestation. So that desires come true immediately, and
not later – this requires emotional strength.
When you read the names of the Valkyries, when you hear
the vibrational sound of a particular name, pay attention to your
emotional response: this name and this emotion can be an
additional accelerating and expanding force that in your personal
reality can you - fulfill the function of a catalyst that accelerates
all processes.
Just never forget that among Odin’s thoughts there will always
be one contradictory one that can act
not as expected, or exactly the opposite and take away your
reality into unknown limits. But this software trick sometimes
leads to unexpected effects, not always
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bad. Even the most developed consciousness cannot calculate
all the possibilities for shaping events, all the facets of multiple
realities, and then the help of the Valkyrie Sigd-riva is simply
The formula proposed for further work is called “Break the
Brain”206. At this stage of work, it will act as an instant
destruction of internal blocks,
which restrain the power of yari and those “correct” emotions,
which for you personally are not evil, but are the same catalyst
that, like a big explosion, will begin to rapidly spread itself,
forming new connections, manifesting a new reality. In
combination with the name of the Valkyrie that has responded
personally to you, this formula will act in
resonance with the tasks of the core of your future reality,
providing you with victory - at least over yourself and over
those slave programs that previously fettered your will.

206 Author unknown.

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The history of the Valkyries, as the thoughts of the god Odin, teaches us that
strength without will is a dangerous phenomenon. It can be captured
by anyone, and your inner magic will work for
invader and occupier, and you won’t even know about it.
But when the will controls the force, then the slavery of the Abrahamic
world will not only be obviously clear, but also, as a consequence,
impossible ever again.
This formula is two-run, which means that it has a prolonged
rather than one-time effect. Being made on a permanent medium
(talisman), it will work continuously, rapidly releasing exactly that type

emotions, which is the working fuel for your magic, for your strength
to build a new reality according to your own algorithms, and not be
forced to participate in someone else’s in the role of a

Two runes - Eyvaz and Uruz - are runes of unprecedented power. But
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Eyvaz is an insidious rune, she is a provocateur rune. It can work as a
strengthening, or maybe as a destruction. Item
the work of the Eyvaz rune is the Uruz rune, the true power of the earth,
the source of all rights, the cow Audhumla, the nurse of newborn
worlds. If the power of fear, the manifestation of which
inherent in the Eyvaz rune, there will be more than is needed to awaken
the will and yari, then Uruz will subside, and there will be no magic, no
there will be strength in the program for building personal reality. But
if the will is greater than fear, if fear only warms up the will, then the
power of Uruz increases many times over and nowhere except
creating worlds and weaving realities, it cannot be
directed - there will be a lot of it everywhere, but only in working with a
team of young gods - it is necessary and sufficient.
Working on the Valkyrie channel assumes that during this period
you yourself will be a Valkyrie. And check yourself for
the extent to which your will corresponds to your freedom.
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Practice 38
Ragnarok is not a global battle between good and evil like this
may seem at first glance. Ragnarok comes in everyone's consciousness
when the constants of the old system cease
correspond to reality. Ragnarok occurs when a choice is possible only
from two options: either kill the constants and make new ones, in
accordance with reality, or kill the reality and make a new one, in
accordance with the constants. Because all other compromise options
are already
tried and they didn't work.
The northern system was conceived ingeniously, but was made with
mistakes. There is no need to repent for mistakes, mistakes need to be
corrected. Repentance will not change anything, it will only diminish
idea: any repentance is the essence of belittlement and nullification.
Everyone will sooner or later enter their Ragnarok personally and
myself. For everyone in due time there will be three years of winter,
when nothing grows and not a single idea bears fruit. When
all their dead will come out of the gates of Hel when the dog barks
Garm is everyone's personal and personal nightmare when chaos
will flood life, and there will be nothing left in it that is worth preserving,
then the horn of Gjallarhorn will sound, and there will be
only you can hear this sound when the rooster crows,
you suddenly realize yourself standing on Vigrid's field.
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This formula is the name of the battlefield Vi-grid written

in runes. Here Vunyo-Isa-Gebo means unity with your god:
at the moment of the last battle you become him. Rai-do-
Inguz-Dagaz - the path to a new life. So here
the formula contains a spell for the rebirth of god into a new
life, which means that you are reborn with him
too - after all, you are part of him, and he is part of you. What was the best
what is most important and valuable to your god should become the basis of your
personality, the core, on the strength of which in the new world together with
with young gods you will build your new reality,
based on the value of life. New reality in the new
roles, in a new status, in a new function, but always in
by its nature.
Apply this formula when you feel the time has come. You
will meet your natural enemy, whom you will consume, and
he will consume you. And when it happens,
that same joint rebirth will occur, through which the ancient
gods once went through in order to be reborn into the new
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It was in this capacity that you appeared. In the new reality together
with the young gods now you can build a new reality -
honest and fair for yourself and for everyone.
Let the battle of Ragnarok not be a battle to the death for you.
the outcome described in legends, but a knightly tournament,
when conflicting opponents enter the lists with the goal of honestly
demonstrating their strength and their truth. Let Ragna-Rok
become for you the opportunity that the gods of the northern
pantheon did not have - to understand your preferences, change
the constants of consciousness, reveal what is important and
remove what is unnecessary. And then you can do what you couldn'
They. And if you succeed, it means that the honest story about the
northern gods was not left to us in vain.

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