Isversta Menshikova K. Runyi I Bogi Drevnie Sakr.a6-Part-3

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Sowulo (Sowilo, Soulo) - rune of victory.

Standing in the position of the Personality Rune says that a
person must learn to be a winner. Not just to win, but to form in
your consciousness such universal
algorithms for victory, which will later become for him
inalienable right; create algorithms that
subsequently it will be possible to apply to any realities,
in any era and get results. Such algorithms for victory in our
existing tradition are called “good”
and are related to the fundamental principle of the same name. Live in
the name of “good” does not mean causing good to the right and
to the left, but to find such universal mechanisms of victory,
which will not diminish the rights of anyone living or existing.

Teiwaz (Teyvaz) - rune of the god Tyr, rune

truth. The one who is destined by fate to develop the rune
Teiwaz as a Personality Rune, must be remembered
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the laws of the god Tyr and live by your truth. You need to learn this -
to be true to your word, to be true to the truth. Learn and never break
your vows and internal laws of honor, never make a deal with your
conscience. Learn to be a warrior, become a true knight, but not for
show, not outwardly, but only for yourself. So that you have nothing to
reproach yourself for, knowing that victory is when it is inside, and not

in the outside. On a more serious level (and depending on

which Rune of Fate you got) is the ability to redirect the flow of internal
strength with your will - only with intention, only with an internal indicator
of honor. Where
or what these flows should be directed towards will be shown by the final
rune in rune code.

Berkana (Berkana) – rune of growth, female

rune. As the second rune of the Individual Runic
Code is a property that needs to be acquired, developed
in itself. This is the quality of flexibility. The ability to not only hear
nature, life, the world and, of course, other people, but also to
understand what you hear. This is a very deep ability to perceive the
inner world of the “other” as one’s own.
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Ehwaz (Evaz) is the rune of Sleipnir, the eight-

legged horse of the god Odin. Rune of magic and magical consciousnes
Standing in the second position in the rune code indicates that
its bearer came here to learn magic, to develop his consciousness
from the human level to the magical level. You need to learn to look
at the world and circumstances not from some
one branch of the universe, but from many: first sequentially, and then
simultaneously. Expansion of consciousness
to such an extent that there are no closed or
inaccessible topics, knowledge, worlds.

Mannaz (Mannaz) is the rune of man. Anyone who

received the Mannaz rune as the Personality Rune must learn to be
human. On a simple level
– this is social success, knowledge of the human world. On
more profound - the study of human nature and the world
human relationships thoroughly and deeply. Ru-na Mannaz in the
second position is able to teach listening and
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perceive not only the reality in which it exists
consciousness, but also all other realities that are directly or indirectly
are closely associated with man. This is called wisdom -
take everything into account, understand everything, realize everything.

Laguz (Laguz) – rune of the flow, rune of the current

water. Water has the ability to penetrate into any unoccupied
space, has the ability to uniformly
distributing yourself, filling all the voids and unevenness. IN
as the Personality Rune Laguz (Laguz) implies the acquisition of
precisely such properties that will be similar to water:
pervasiveness, the ability to see unoccupied spaces,
to fill with oneself everything that violates the harmony of evenness.
This is a very feminine quality, and not without reason in the runic
In magic, the Laguz rune symbolizes true witchcraft. This
type of influence on reality in the human world has
the right to be such a void-filling force when harmony is not
achieved in a “natural” way, when
unfilled voids threaten to destroy the foundations of life’s existence
Witchcraft, as you know, can be different, but even that
it can have negative effects for living people, it does not mean it is
harmful. Quite the contrary, it does
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its natural “water” function – fills voids,
forms uniformity, dissolves obsolete organic matter in itself - even
despite the fact that such voids and imperfections in the world were
formed as a result of the vital activity of the “forces of good”.

Laguz (Laguz) as a Rune of Personality, perhaps not only

directs its bearer in his rune code to acquire the flexible properties
of water for his consciousness, but also draws him into
side of the development of witchcraft, stream consciousness, makes
inclined to perform it in this space and embodiment
namely witchcraft work, to develop the witchcraft craft.

Inguz (Inguz) - as the Personality Rune says

that those who have it in their runic code must learn to see the result
in everything they do. Master the “art of small steps”, move away
from globalism, do not devalue your achievements, even if they
seem small and insignificant. After all, a large building is built from
small bricks, and not carved from a block of stone. Inguz (Inguz) –

rune of the god Freyr, god of fertility. There is nothing in nature

is superfluous and everything is needed for something: not now, then
Then. It is this quality that should be learned under the auspices of
the Inguz rune. Also this rune is in the second position
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says that a person must learn to be free and feel free. The support for this
state should be the first rune in the rune code - it explains

why this condition is so important to you; the last rune,

the final one will tell you why this state of freedom is needed
and the ability to see results even in small achievements.

Othala (Othala) - rune of heritage. Odal in

northern tradition is a land plot transferred
by inheritance, a set of rights associated with the ownership of family land
property. As a Personality Rune, Othala symbolizes the ability to form a

Mew, kegregorgor, as a system, direct and redistribute

allocate resources correctly, based on the needs of the family and clan, and
not on personal human preferences. Globally is
gaining the right to power, but with a full understanding of why it is needed
and how to use it correctly. For a woman, this is becoming a Regina of Roda
153, and for a man, it is an exam, a test of readiness to take power rightfully,
for real.

153 Read more about this function in Menshikova’s book “The Power of Ro-
yes", publishing house "Tsentrpoligraf".
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Dagaz (Dagaz) – rune of change, rune of

transformation. As a Personality Rune, Dagaz (Dagaz) shows the
need to develop quick thinking, quick
making decisions. She teaches you never to get stuck on anything,
never stop there and never want to
want something so much that you want what you have achieved
save. Create change, want change, live for
change. Learn to transform things and phenomena in a completely
unconventional way, to find unexpected uses for completely
ordinary and familiar things.
This is creation, creation of everything and in everything.

An empty rune in the second position of the Personality Rune

does not imply that the bearer of such a rune code is burdened
with the need to develop any knowledge or skills in this life. For
yourself personally, you don’t need anything extra. Roughly
speaking, the empty rune in the second position says: “Don’t
touch, leave everything as it is.” When an empty rune appears in
position of the Personality Rune, we can say that fate brought
not to receive a person into this world, but to give, to introduce already
existing knowledge or introduced qualities into the present
world. It is enough to rely on the Rune of Fate, with this luggage
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live and perhaps leave behind a significant mark. At
In this case, there is no need to develop any additional
personality traits in addition to those already existing - fate is not

Golden Rune

The final rune of the result. Describes that trace, that imprint
of your consciousness, your personality and life, which
we expect from you in this reality. This is what is not done
for yourself, but what will remain after you. As proof
that the program of fate was understood and worked out fully and with
the expected result is that natural gifts (or lack thereof) have
found the right use - and rightly so.

Fehu (Fehu) – rune of true rights, beginning and

the end of the road, fortitude as a fundamental right given to man
upon birth, even when he has no other
right, it may be the only one that exists unambiguously. Rune
Fehu (Fehu) in the final position of the Golden Fleece says
that you must leave this life with acquired rights - rights that
cannot be given up.
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There is no religion, no egregor. The rights that you
you can, like a title, pass it on by inheritance, but without nullifying it
themselves, and leaving here, and leaving with them. Globally, this
is to leave an imprint of your power, your god, to fix the right of
power over reality, not only yours, but also his. In a magical sense
- to register in the information space the right of power of one’s
god on Earth.

Uruz (Uruz) is real strength, connection with the

Earth, the power of the Mother. The Uruz rune (Uruz) as the final
Golden Rune suggests that such a connection must be established
as a result of all the activities of the person himself. Perhaps it was
once torn apart, perhaps once a person (himself or his family) was
cursed by the Earth. And so
now the time has come to correct this mistake, realize and atone
for the guilt before the Mother. At a simple level - “let
roots”, find a place to live, secure your right
presence on this earth, “get registration.”

Thurisaz (Turisaz) – the final position of the given

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Noah rune indicates that productive activities
the owner of such a rune code is to destroy, break through
some obstacle, to eliminate the blatant injustice that prevents
everyone else from living. Thurisaz (Tu-risaz) - the rune of
the god Thor, who was the protector of the gods,
defender of the interests of Asgard and preferred a forceful
solution to any issue. Thurisaz (Turisaz) says exactly
about this: show strength, overcome an obstacle, destroy
boundaries of something, but not for yourself personally, but for the living, for
descendants and for the sake of those whom you love and to whom you are
faithful. It’s possible to become a pioneer in some completely new business, but
again - not for yourself, but for those who come after.

Ansuz (Ansuz) is the rune of knowledge, the source of something.

The final rune Ansuz (Ansuz) shows a person that he
must leave behind knowledge as a significant trace. Not
information, not information, but knowledge - a ready-made,
complete information package of data that
can be used by subsequent generations. He
must be tested by experience, completed in its formation. In
fact, Ansuz is a ready-made tradition,
mechanisms of interaction with reality that are always
give the expected result. Such knowledge for subsequent
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generations should be the starting point in our own
development, the cornerstone from which it all begins,
the fulcrum from which the world turns upside down.

Raido (Raido) - as the final task - to pave a channel,

to provide a basis for the actions of descendants. Idea, method,
way to achieve results. At the same time, the result itself is here
not necessary - the descendants will be able to fill the riverbed with
water themselves. But the Raido rune is in the position of the Golden Flee
insists: “Give others the meaning of life, draw before them
path of development, show that there is a goal.”

Kenaz (Kenaz, Keno) – torch rune, rune of illumination.

How the final Golden Fleece shows the expected
result: enlightenment, making something secret obvious, and
the incomprehensible is understandable. We can talk not only about
some kind of discovery, but also about a new method of cognition, which
descendants will use it as a tool for further work.
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Gebo (Gebo) - the meaning and task of life -

unity, the establishment of the law of balance in the sphere of
activity that a person undertakes. Leadership and responsibility for
the process taken. For yourself - to come to an understanding -
world law, exclude from your consciousness the anti-
speech and find the strength to get closer to your god, the progenitor
of your soul.
Here it is very important to comprehend, and having comprehended, try
implement the basic laws of unity into reality:
• Every action gives rise to a reaction.
• Good and evil in this world must balance each other
friend, not destroy.
• Everything that surrounds you completes you as a whole.
• Everything in this world has the same right to be.
The resulting position of the Gebo rune (Gebo) speaks of
that all this knowledge needs to be put into practice, and the result
of one’s life path will be to make this world more
stronger, more balanced and, perhaps, eliminate some injustice
that was not allowing reality to heal itself.
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Wunjo (Vunyo) is the rune of joy and the rune

of completeness, integrity. Vunyo, like the Golden Fleece, says,
that the entire path of life should help a person become holistic,
complete, finally formed by consciousness. So that neither in
this life, nor in any subsequent ones,
there was no need to complete it to the whole using
egregorial resources of this world.
To be whole is to be free. Without debts and obligations,
without the need for anyone or anything. You can have everything
but not to be attached to anything - and this is freedom. Rune
Vunyo, as a trace that the owner of it should leave behind in his
rune code as the Golden Fleece, can also say that the result of
the activity should be
hope left to people. The joy of anticipation
the belief that everything is possible and nothing is in vain.

Hagalaz (Hagalaz) - rune of destruction and rune

borders. A symbol of chaos that must either be manifested or
hold back. The final Golden Fleece Hagalaz (Hagalaz) so far -
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suggests that the outcome of life’s journey lies either in strictly
delineating the boundaries of something for those remaining, or in the
destruction of something. The dual meaning of the rune can be more pr
interpreted only based on the previous runes - what are they about?
Are they talking about limitation or destruction?

Nauthis (Nautiz, Naud) – as a resultant

the rune says that the task of the individual is to “show the need”,
that is, to expose them to those living now and, perhaps,
future generations a certain facet of life that they
ignored, which is empty but not visible, which requires more
attention and filling. Rune Nauthis (Nautiz,
Naud) is also a rune of memory, and continuous memory.
Here this rune, standing in the Golden position, can also
indicate that some gaps in memory (both personal and collective)
should be closed; perhaps correct some lies, expose false
past, change the historical picture, that is, make
correction of information that distorts reality
today, giving it an incorrect assessment by the living.
Nauthis (Nautiz, Naud) in the “Golden Fleece” position is a memory
that should remain after you.
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Isa (Isa) is the rune of ice, a frozen stream. It is, among

other things, the key to the world of Nifelheim -
the world of Darkness, hidden forces and true constants on which
the world is being built. As the resulting rune it shows
purpose is to realize the true self, to connect with
by your god.
The information constant it represents is
must be raised to the surface of the worlds and really manifest itself
as an open and understandable first principle, and the one
who should do this is the one who should bring the power of god into
the material world is you.

Jera (Yera) is the rune of time, fertility, harvest and

the results of what has been done previously. In the simplest
level - to generate time, like a dynamo with given functions. At the
magical level - change the speed of the passage of time, influence
the speed of reaction
of this world. Make sure that the “harvest” of actions is collected
somehow differently than it is now; it is possible that he was different
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what is manifested or otherwise assessed by the living. Maybe
be the life task of the bearer of the Jera rune (Jera) in his
runocode is the formation of a different value of time
all living, a different understanding of timeliness. This
will happen only when another one is formed
assessment of life outcomes and, perhaps, things will become different
Even the smallest result obtained is evaluated.
In any case, this is life and activity in the middle world, in the
world of people. Working with the world of manifested reality
and training it to display all physical, mental and
magical processes more accurately, more clearly, more vividly.

Eihwas (Eyvaz) – rune of witchcraft, death

and deep fears of the subconscious. How the resulting rune
suggests that a person not only must master
witchcraft skills and be able to look into the souls of those
around them, looking through them to the very bottom. Eihwas
(Hey-vas) indicates that in this matter a person must become
a real pro, a unique master, like the master masters who were
accurately able to calculate what the world or a person lacks
for integrity, and It’s important to create something out of
nothing that will close this gap and eliminate the created
imperfection. Like the rune of death
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Eihwas (Eyvaz) shows that the master who guides into the world
the power of this rune should be able, without a doubt, to destroy
what is unnecessary and change what is necessary in order to achieve perfection.
The final rune Eyvaz in the rune code says that its bearer
must bring into this world such algorithms of evil that
will force people to look for and find ways to eliminate it, and not
rest on their laurels, driving away bad thoughts or
closing your eyes to the unpleasant.

Perth (Perth) – rune of the fallen lot, rune

fate. As the final rune in the Perth rune code, it insists that a
person change something in the algorithms for constructing fate,
not only, perhaps, his own, but also
other people - their children, their clan, their tribe. Not
learned to control fate, and did just that. Changed
laws, gave everyone a different lot, a different choice. Which
one, as well as the reason for the much-needed changes
must indicate the previous runes in the rune code.

Algiz (Algiz) – rune of protection. At the final

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positions - to find your patron from among the forces and gods, to get
closer to your primary source - the parent of the soul. If a person has
already come with protection and they talk about it
previous runes in the rune code, then in this case such a connection
simply needs to be preserved or strengthened. Here is the Algiz rune
(Algiz), as a super task, shows: the result of work in this
embodiment should be the consolidation of oneself and one’s rights in
this world, strengthening acquired qualities to such an extent that in the
next incarnation, coming without memory,
to be left without them.

In magic, this is the inscription of one’s consciousness into the cult

of a strong and preferably ancient deity who will protect against
zeroing of the existential mass during the transition through death.

Sowulo (Sowilo, Soulo) - rune of victory.

Sowulo (Sowilo, Soulo) as the final rune insists: win! And not just win,
but make your winning algorithm universal, voluntarily accepted by all
living people, both now and in the future. In a global sense -

create something very significant that will affect the lives of descendants
for a long period of time. In a more down-to-earth way -
achieve fame and success.
Sowulo (Sowilo, Soulo) is the rune-key to the world of Alfhei-
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ma, or to the fundamental principle of Good. This fundamental principle
contains all the algorithms for victory of all traditions, all times
and eras - universal algorithms for victory. Final rune
Sowulo (Sowilo, Soulo) is not only to form and work out correct and
universal algorithms for good, algorithms for victory, but also to put
them legally into a common database, to make them natural and
accessible to everyone. That is
form new concepts for subsequent generations
about good and evil. Maybe more honest and more perfect

Teiwaz (Teyvaz) – rune of the god Tyr, rune of

kings. Carries the power of inner truth, honor and conscience. This is a
rune of victory, but a “correct” victory, not any kind
by. It was truly believed that only such a victory gives the right to power.
The position of the Teiwaz rune as the final one in
the runocode says exactly this: to emerge victorious, but not
simply, and having approved at the same time such algorithms for
victory that will correspond to the high concepts of honor and rights -
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Berkana (Berkana) - rune of growth. As a

result, the rune in the rune code says exactly this: everything
that is done in life, all aspirations and results are done for growth
freedom, for life and for life to go on.
Here we are talking about caring for future generations, about
motherhood in a broader sense than is commonly believed. How
As a result, the owner of the Golden Fleece of Berkana (Berkana) needs
implement and strengthen the rule of “live and let live”.

Ehwaz (Evaz) - Sleipnir, eight-legged

horse of the god Odin. Known for having the ability
free movement throughout all worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree. IN
runic magic rune Ehwaz (Evaz) means magical
consciousness or magic itself. The position of the rune as the
resultant, Golden Rune, suggests that its bearer in his
runocode must leave here with such a consciousness, must
let magic into yourself and change under the influence of its
power. Also, a similar position of the most magical rune of the old
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Our futhark says that the result of the life and activity of such
consciousness should be a greater admission and manifestation of
magic in this world. It is through him that the boundaries between
worlds should be erased, the barriers in the consciousness of those
who block the penetration of another with their minds should be destr
forces into this world, blocks the manifestation of the miraculous, denies
Ehwaz (Evaz) - the rune of magic, the rune of inner strength, and, like
the final rune, it insists that in this life a person
did everything to develop the magical abilities of consciousness
in order to channel the power of chaos into this world. As a task -
magical transformation of the consciousness of both oneself and others.

Mannaz (Mannaz) is the rune of man. A person

as a social personality, and the standing rune Mannaz (Man-naz)
in the third position of the rune code indicates that such
a person must gain social success and real significance among his
own kind. You need to strengthen yourself
social personality, learn to build numerous connections between
people and maintain them. Here is the work on
containment of chaos, development of all algorithms that strengthen
and approve human order.
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Laguz (Laguz) – rune of the stream, “the power that

leads." Laguz (Laguz) as the resulting rune IRK says
that the final Great Work of life should be
flow formation. Anything – informational, temporal, energetic,
emotional – anything. Make and
leave behind such a process of movement that will allow any
consciousness living after you to enter this
flow and go effortlessly from one point of existence to another,
without wasting time and vitality on overcoming obstacles. This is not
the formation of a tradition (tradition in the context of the final rune is
rather the Raido rune), but what has already
the laid channel fills - the energy of unclaimed desire, newly
discovered information, brought to light
secrets, new fashion, new passions.
Laguz (Laguz) is the rune of water and is associated with this element, and
also with the power of chaos. This means that we will definitely talk about
emotions - you must leave behind something that
will attract people along with it, pull them into the future, give them
the desire to live on. You have to do it in your lifetime
create and launch a process that people will take,
they will take it voluntarily, without violence, without coercion; a
process in which they will want to live, in which they will become kind
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Feel free to invest your time. However, perhaps this flow should not be
universal, but only concern a particular
groups or layers of people. To whom the created flow should be directed, the
first two runes should suggest -
Rune of Fate and Rune of Personality. They are the ones who contain
keys to understanding: what and for whom.

Inguz (Inguz) – rune of fertility. When this

the rune stands in the final position as the Golden Rune, then it can be
understood as a rune of real result. The karmic task is to leave behind a real
material result, prolonged in time. At the simplest level - giving birth to
children. On the global – change

surrounding reality in such a way that it will inevitably develop along a

completely different path. Inguz (Inguz) is the rune of the real future, in
addition, it is the key to the world of Vanaheim, the world of Nature. If the
result is consistent with the world
nature, if it does not contradict natural laws, then you are doing everything
right. Possessing the Golden Fleece Inguz (Inguz), so as not to be mistaken,

must always look for analogues of everything he does in the world

nature: if nature has already created something similar, it means
this is the right thing.
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Inguz (Inguz) is the rune of the art of small steps. As a final rune, it says
that someone who owns such a rune code does not
should get sick of globalism, but see great results in
small achievements and never diminish the significance even
the most “insignificant” victories. If necessary, their descendants
will make them global - after all, what has been achieved is the same
should go to them.

Othala (Othala) – rune of family, rune of inheritance.

Odal is like a hereditary allotment that can actually be transferred. Here is
exactly what the rune means: to leave behind a legacy: to your descendants,
to your children,
to lay the foundations of prosperity for one’s family, to provide one’s
descendants with a normal space for life.
Odal is not the historical heritage that goes to
to each and everyone; not an information legacy that could work on the
principle of “whoever the Norns send to.” No,
here is a specific legacy for specific persons.
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Dagaz (Dagaz) is the rune of transformation,

the rune of the transition from one state to another. As a final
rune, Dagaz (Dagaz) speaks of the accomplishment of some
kind of revolution, important and possibly irreversible changes tha
must remain as a result of your life and activities.
For the future to move to another level of development, it does
not change direction, but rather moves to another level.
What remains after you should change the lives of those living
in such a way that they will never be the same again.

An empty rune in the position of a Golden, resulting rune

says that someone born on this stream and exhibiting precisely
such personality traits should not (is not obligated)
leave behind some visible traces. He came
here to learn something for yourself, to understand something for yourself, but
may not leave anything behind (or should not)
do). This situation can also be seen as good,
and not-good. On the one hand, nothing is expected from such
a person, which means they don’t demand anything. On the
other hand, no help or support should be expected,
because no one is interested in the life outcome
this person due to the lack of one (result)
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in his personal statement of work. By itself, everything for itself, what
came, went. I wish I could save what I came with and have time to
remember what I understood. But that's all.
Whether this is good or bad depends only on the view of the bearer
of fate and his personal goals, objectives and desires. Among the
positive factors for the owner of an IRC with an empty resulting rune, it
can be noted that when leaving this reality, most likely, he will not have a
debt to this world. However, it should be remembered that every coin has
two sides, which means that the world will not have any debts or
obligations to man. He will not leave behind a legacy154, will not be
preserved in information memory for future generations, he came to this
reality only for himself. And let him be ashamed who says that a person
has no right to this.


When interpreting the runes of the Individual Runic Code, you must
always remember that they must be read together - the entire series. It
would be wrong to interpret them one separately from the other. In the
IRC, they are not each on their own, but are the cause and effect for the
others. For a correct understanding of mania, it is very important to see
how they, with their strength and meaning,

154 We are not talking about children born, but about rights that could pass to
children by race or blood.
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flow into each other, revealing the meaning of each in a broader,
more understandable aspect. Like three nor-us who do their job
without looking away from each other,
and the measure measured by one becomes the basis for work
another. And only so.
You should also pay attention to whether your
runocode "irreversible runes". Let me remind you that these are
runes that are the keys to the nine worlds. On the Tree of Yggd-
rasil they are presented twice, and therefore it is not surprising
promise that they will have the greatest impact
on your life and demand the same maximum manifestation. At
the same time, the presence of an irreversible rune in the
position of the Rune of Fate will insist that first of all
you tried to express your natural qualities, but only
secondly, everyone else. If the irreversible rune
stands in the place of the Personality Rune, then issues of
internal development and personal achievements will always be
more significant for you than, for example, external results. If
the irreversible rune from the number nine is in third place as
the resulting Golden Fleece, then this clearly indicates
that all your life activity and determination will be focused on
real results and, perhaps, despite
of funds.
The presence of irreversible runes in the rune code makes
consciousness more categorical and rigid in its facets compared
with those who do not have such a strict connection to the Russian Federation
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we are the keys of the nine worlds. It is the irreversible runes that are
responsible for this property of consciousness, and this is quite
reasonable and understandable: after all, these runes work with great vig
energies, they are more functional than the rest, and require their
human conductor to be able to work
at these energies as much as possible without losses. For such
abilities, a person, as a rule, pays with a more rigidly structured
consciousness and more pronounced boundaries, which
which are designed to protect such consciousness from external
interference and distortion.


The Individual Runic Code, of course, can be changed. And if there

may be difficulties with the number of fate (it is possible to change the
first rune only magically - through special rituals aimed at rewriting
about a person in the information space), then the change
the other two are quite possible using ordinary social methods -
changing your first or last name.
Many women after marriage noted that changing their surname had
a very significant impact on their lives,
often completely changing the program of fate. Cause
It is precisely in changing the individual code that the fateful task and,
as a consequence, the desired result change.
It is for this reason that a woman in the system, as a right-
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Typically, they do not impose serious or global tasks at birth:
changing the personal code makes her free, often, from primary
obligations. Whereas
a man in our culture changes his name (both personal and
family) extremely rarely, and hopes for him are significantly
For the same reason, there are so few female magicians,
since magicians have a much higher workload than
just on people, and no accidents are allowed here.
Especially erile magicians, traditionally this has always been a
male occupation. Women practiced seid, otherwise
called "witchcraft".
Many seekers, having calculated their basic data and
compared them with their already formed
moment as a personality, sometimes they make a radical
decision to change their first or last name, thereby bringing the
format of a social personality into correspondence with their sense
I will not say that this approach is not correct - for many people
this method helps to get rid of the unnecessary burden that
inevitably arises in the process of overcoming the social
resistance of the environment. Egregors begin to calculate a
person differently and no longer offer him events that are
intended for the old personality, whereas
new, changed, requires completely different knowledge and
experiences. Sometimes such a ritual action as changing one’s
social name becomes the starting impetus that
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as if pushing a person onto a new path in life,
as the last and missing effort. But sometimes this method
there is just a way to follow the path of least resistance. And then
such an action can be more of a minus than a plus: magic will not
evaluate a person’s accumulated and realized experience as
necessary and sufficient
to enter the magical path of development, if sufficient
for your personality, experience can be acquired precisely through
resistance of the environment - and that’s the only way.
Understanding how the CRF is formed shows you
that a change in social name can only affect

Rune of Personality and, as a result, the Golden Fleece. Changing

the Personality Rune will not change the original purpose,
but it will help change the living environment, habitat, since
a person develops the necessary personality qualities precisely in
some environment, some social space. Something
in one society of people it is possible, but something is not, but in another
vice versa. It is assumed that the environment that is being formed
around the personality, fully corresponds to its tasks, which are
reflected precisely by the Personality Rune. So a planned change
of surname upon marriage for women is not something
an accident, if we proceed from this logic and the magical meaning
of everything that happens to a person.
Consequently, the final, resulting rune of personal
run code, having undergone “calculated” changes, will also
inevitably show a different expected result - after all, it is possible
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human abilities depend to a very large extent on personal
traits of his character and peculiarities of his disposition.
Quite often it happens that no change of surname during one’s life
affected the Individual Runic Code
– with any number and letter combinations it always remained the same.
This, of course, speaks of some
strong mystical component in the life of such a person
ka, when nothing around can influence the task with which he works in
this life, he is rigidly attached to it,
and Norny watch.
Therefore, when deciding to change the “social
faces”, weigh everything several times and think carefully about what
What is more important to you: quick social success or real success?
growth of its basis. The runes will tell you.


The rune code must not only be read correctly, but also
see correctly. To do this you need to display it on
Tree of Worlds Yggdrasil.
A person can never be fully human
re, if his consciousness is skewed in one direction or another
Well, Trees. Every incarnation, every test of fate
- this is an attempt to level out the skewness, to compensate
disequilibrium by opposing forces.
Place the diagram of the Tree of the Nine Worlds in front of you. Once-
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divide it conditionally into four parts, as shown in the figure (see figure
on page 328). Mark on the diagram the runes that you calculated as
KRF. If your IRC contains irreversible runes, then you should mark
them on the tree as they are
presented - twice, both as a key and as a connection.
Having marked the runes on the Tree, look at their location:
Are they evenly spaced, do they fill everything?
parts (quarters) of the tree? If not (and this is a common situation),
then we can state a certain distortion of consciousness,
which is not some kind of pathology, but is always a prerequisite for
some kind of predetermination: fate,
character, life.
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Let's talk about this in more detail.
The manifested imbalance in the system of the Nine Worlds is not
good and not bad, it is. It’s quite possible to live with him and
don't suffer. However, one should always remember that the magical
system and the egregorial space obedient to it,
which forms the usual event reality, such a distortion must be taken into
account and leveled out with our own efforts. This alignment is
systematically determined by the law of balance, mandatory for execution
by all worlds and all
manifested realities - this is a program, and it cannot be different.

What does such alignment mean for a person of ordinary fate? First
of all, how the system sees a person with a “misalignment”. She sees
him as incomplete, and therefore in need of addition. Will complement
the egregorial world
the same “skewed” creatures, only with opposite
opposite sign. This is called achieving egregorial integrity, which, on the
one hand, ensures the viability and stability of any egregorial

system, and on the other hand, forms a complete reality,

where one “inferior” consciousness receives compensation
surrounding him for his inferiority.
The presence of a three-rune code without attempts to obtain
compensating components (forces expressed by runic signs)
predetermines human fate, binding him
to a layer of reality that is more than
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other layers will be able to perform the main system task - to
compensate the person to the whole. Such attachment is
popularly called predestination, otherwise karma, which, as
is already well known, cannot be fought against. Next to such
a person there will always be people with “opposite nature”,
and the egregorial environment will forcibly keep such people
close to each other,
until interpenetration occurs, when the properties
of one nature will not become the true and fully experienced
property of another. Such a transformation ensures that the
consciousness that has absorbed the missing properties
gains the integrity of this level and achieves the quantum trans
from one orbital of reality to another, where the process of
compensation and acquisition of new missing qualities will
not be repeated there - in new worlds, in new social (and not
only) scenarios. Such orbitals in social systems
usually called castes, or social levels, where
Each caste has its own package of lessons, challenges and
opportunities. Despite all the apparent benefits, the problem
is that it is a forcible retention of consciousness on
a certain layer of reality, in a certain caste, in
certain events and around certain people
happens not at the expense of reality, but always at the expense of life
the energy of the one being held. That is, the greater the consciousness
strives to break out of the “captivity of possibilities”, the less
he has strength left for something else. This is also a system
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a new mechanism that provides the egregorial world with stability
that is safe for it.
With such egregorial compensation, people who
come into conflict with you, all the time showing you something
who you are not. And in the most annoying manner. However,
this is exactly what is intended, since any development always
takes place precisely on conflict (and according to egregorial
rules: not only on conflict, but also on enmity)
and if there is no conflict, then there will be no need
change yourself. Simple consciousness, not predisposed
caste level to conflicts (for example, from the caste of farmers),
subconsciously strives to be in one’s own environment
similar, not understanding, but feeling that the whole other world
is antagonistic and hostile not only to him as a person,
but also to the entire community like him. This is precisely why
Mu people of the agricultural caste tend to huddle together,
They do not like change and are afraid of reality. Their religiosity
partly lack of education, grotesque patriarchy directly stem from
these special personality traits,
which determine their caste affiliation.
The merchant caste is a consciousness more prone to conflict.
They have already grown from the state of “being like everyone
else” and are striving for the state of “being the best.” A merchant
is the childhood of a warrior. The reality that will compensate a
person of such caste thinking is more diverse, faster and less
harmful (according to the subjective assessment of the perceiver
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reality, of course). And this is a different orbital, class
higher; here are slightly different rules for constructing a real
sti: the basic principle - compensation to the whole - is the same, but
the rate of event formation is an order of magnitude higher. Kit
properties missing to consciousness goes much faster and
on a wider range of situations. Moreover, the number of contacts
with “opposites” here it is already given over to control
the personality itself, but it is precisely by this factor that the social
success of a person undergoing studies is determined
in this caste: the world of merchants teaches to benefit from multiple
connections - both social benefit and metaphysical benefit. At this
level of reality one does not run away from conflict,
but they don’t initiate it either. Initiating conflict is a task
the next level of social caste, those individuals who can rightfully be
classified as warriors.
The warrior caste not only actively changes itself, forming
prerequisites for developing conflict. They cheat
reality for all other social strata, if the process
It's not very active. At this level of personality development
The quality of personal responsibility comes into play:
if a warrior initiates change, then he takes part
in them, and if these changes cannot be adequately “worked out”
by the castes of merchants and farmers, then the warrior (personally
or by the forces of his caste community) must be ready
do this work yourself: take all the changes that reality gives, carry
them through your consciousness and transform
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call into such an eventful form that the merchant classes
and farmers will be able to “take” and realize themselves in such a way,
as reality expects. From what has been said, it should be clear that the
warrior caste is not martinets or warriors directly
understanding of this term. Warriors are those who take upon themselves
responsibility for all your initiatives, up to obligatory
government to personally carry out and complete what was started, if those for
who these initiatives are intended to be unable to participate
struggle with change, unable to see opportunities
in conflict. Warriors in modern reality are managers and scientists, they
are opinion leaders and those who fill eg-regional spaces with information
155. Warriors obey the rhythm, tempo and direction that determines

the highest caste is the ruling caste.

The tasks of the upper caste are to set the vector of movement for
the entire system of realities. That is why during the initial formation of
the caste system it was assumed that
the true ruler is always the chosen one of the gods, the one who
capable and who is entrusted with setting the principles of global
change. The ruler is Atlas, who holds on his
on his shoulders is the sky, the one who holds the boundaries of
“educational” reality for everyone else and sets the pace for change. As alread

155 Do not rush to draw a parallel between what has been said and real
persons who declare themselves to have similar rights, status or
properties. Here I describe the ideal classification - as intended.
The fact that the idea does not correspond to reality indicates that the system
realities is sick because the head is sick - the highest caste of rulers.
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As has been said, this is not the case now, so the realities for the development
of personalities appear with distortion, which does not give everyone
living people to go through their development path effectively and, most
importantly, with a full understanding of what is happening.
Mages working in this reality do not constitute a caste
in the truest sense of the word. But they get the job done
to correct reality: some - inside the system, changing each sublevel, healing the
orbitals locally; others - adjust the general program, correcting system errors,
working invisibly, but globally.

It has already been said many times in early books and lectures,
that real magic begins precisely at the level of the warrior caste. First of all,
because only at this level does personal responsibility for what is happening
begin. At
In this case, the warriors are responsible with their lives and fate for what they did
personally, the rulers are responsible for what everyone has done, but the magicians are responsible -

responsibility for the result.

Understanding the level of opportunity and correctly assessing your starting
position in this game of aspirations is extremely important. What helps in this is
the correct deciphering of one’s Individual Runic Code and, as a consequence,
a correct understanding of how a personal IRC fixes consciousness on the Tree
of the Nine Worlds. And what follows from this.

Let us now consider a typical shift of consciousness along the Yggdrasil

Tree and try to figure out what features
This imposes on the fate and psyche of everyone.
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Skewed towards the world Vanaheim is skewed towards
natural forces and needs. To live not by memory, but by dreams of
the future, to live by illusions to some extent. The desire for freedom,
but at the same time a distorted understanding of freedom as
permissiveness. But you just need to strengthen this
the distortion of the runes leading to Jotunheim, the world of
memory, how such a desire will be transformed and freedom will
turn not into the desire for anarchy and permissiveness, but into the
understanding that true freedom is not in illusions, but in the
absence of unnecessary connections. Connections that burden, that h
on their feet and do not allow them to reach their dreams, but the invented ones
turn illusion into reality.
If a connection with the “lower worlds” (III and IV quarters) is
manifested in the rune code, the imbalance in interaction with the
surrounding world will be expressed in the redundancy of expended
efforts when trying to achieve a result. Nothing
does not come just like that, lucky coincidences in
lives are missing, the lottery is always missing. Any winnings
only through awareness and deep experience of what is happening.
Nothing comes easy, and the extraction of any resource
turns into a feat. The human psyche with such localization of the
runes of the basic rune code becomes very difficult; No
not a single “easy” thought, everything that happens is experienced
on the strain, which is ultimately compensated by the normal
reaction of psychological defense - made specially
thick-skinned, distrustful of people, reluctant
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effective establishment of new contacts. Misanthropy and
tendency to loneliness. Mysticism and occultism. Scientific
mentality and bad character.
On the contrary, the predominance of the “upper worlds” (I
and II quarters) is illusory and superficial. Luck comes on its own
hands, but experience is not gained, the power of consciousness does not increase.
In a state of security and mythical harmony of everything
with everything, a person loses the need to remember about
his survival, about development. Life seems to him to be a
fairly easy thing, but the material effect from such an attitude
is not guaranteed to appear: maybe there is, or maybe
and no, it doesn’t happen once in a while. There are many
diverse interests in life, many equally diverse connections, but
they are all so ineffective that we can say that
they often just eat up time without giving anything in return,
except for the illusory feeling of life fullness.
If the localization of rune code runes is shifted to the left (I
and III quarters), then its owner is forced to constantly turn to
the past and even seem to live in it. In primitive
level is nostalgia for the old days, conservatism
beliefs and forced “old consciousness”, which is bad
accepts everything new. It’s as if it doesn’t exist for him
future, all values are only in the past. It’s good when such a
worldview coincides with the profession, and
Contacts with young people will be kept to a minimum -
then such a distortion will at least have obvious benefits. One-
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However, even the formed intention to somehow change the future
of such a person is connected not with making this future better, but
with the aim of destroying the present and making room for a
repetition of the past so dear to the heart
times With this configuration, consciousness becomes very
dependent on who is nearby, just as old people become dependent
on their children and, unfortunately, how
as a rule, they devoutly hate them for this.
When localizing runes on the right side of the Yggdrasil Tree
(II and IV quarters) consciousness has the opposite characteristics
described above: it looks only into the future,
completely ignoring the experience of the past. A person lives like this,
but he has no past. He does not remember good and does not remember ev
He follows his own dream, and sometimes even quite successfully.
However, he doesn’t always notice how to follow him
Various parasites are jumping in, using this natural “youth of
consciousness” as a locomotive to move into the future, which may
be closed to them.
In the presence of such persistent distortions in consciousness
the field of activity is limited, the resource is distributed
ineffective: not for winning, not for learning.
By imposing your Individual Runic Code on the Tree
Yggdrasil in the indicated way, you can easily see not only
a map of the displacement of your consciousness, but also “unfilled
zones” - places on the tree where your consciousness is completely
unrepresented. As already mentioned, the magical law of equilibrium
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she will never ignore such a distortion,
and the egregorial world will carry out the command, complementing
you completely by people or phenomena that carry the qualities that
are missing in you. This function of compensation explains the
emergence of “evil geniuses” in your life - carriers of opposite
properties that irritate or tie you up; those who are tormented by their
ethereal projects or are unbearably boring in

its pragmatism; those who do not let you forget or, on the contrary,
makes it difficult to remember. Sometimes such unions become very
fruitful, but this happens either when people sincerely
love each other and accept their “half” as part of
themselves, or are reasonably aware of their weak sides of consciousness,
recognizing the missing strength in someone else. And this should
always be mutual and voluntary - then there will be benefits. But, as
a rule, and even almost always, such an “element” that complements
life does not cause anything but rejection, irritation or even hatred.

The skewed consciousness never goes beyond

inner circle of fundamental principles. With such a configuration of
consciousness, the maximum that a person becomes capable of is
witchcraft, and witchcraft without the slightest understanding of it,
without the prospect of discerning the reasons for this witchcraft
in the past and its effect on the future.
However, when consciousness becomes integral, when there is no
the need to expend egregorial efforts in order to
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to compensate it to the whole, a person and his mind automatically
receives freedom, and no one and nothing can hold him back from
entering the second circle of power. On this
level, the institution of priesthood is formed and operates, otherwise
what you and I will study and practice next is
the ability to keep your consciousness on the information channels
of different gods. In order to achieve such an effect, consciousness
must be precisely holistic - only this
consciousness is capable of perceiving the entire information flow
without remainder, without cutting it off to suit its wretched human
perception. This is natural for perception within the third circle of
power, within the human world, where a separate human
consciousness may not be perceived as independent.
negative, but only as a separate cell of the mind,
an efficient neuron that is part of the organism “humanity”. That
but whoever reaches out with his mind to the second circle of
power must represent a complete and working receiver, not
inferior in strength (and perhaps even greater) to the instrument
formed on the third circle, which represents the entire collective
consciousness of people.
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Such compensation by the egregorial world is natural for

someone who is consistently distorted and does nothing
for self-compensation of oneself to the whole. But it is not
about you, since you are reading these lines. For you, the cor-
There are rections and compensation.
It is possible to level out the disharmony in consciousness,
which may have been manifested by the Individual Runic Code
creating a ligature - an amulet that will turn on those
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zones that are needed are simply necessary to exclude
Properly done Custom Runic
The amulet will allow the consciousness to receive something that
was inaccessible in its normal state, and will expand the field of
activity, learning and opportunities for a more complete life and
perception of the world156 .
A technique for compensating for skew in a magical way
described in Practices 2 and 3.


In this world nothing is in vain, but at the same time not everything is worthless.
benefit. The great art of correct magical decision-making lies
in the ability to see and predict the tasks and needs of the
system in which a social person lives, but at the same time
ensuring a continuous increase in one’s own power.

and magical weight. In a binary human world, a world

dualistic systems, one will always exist or
be achieved at the expense of another. In the magical world - in adequate
nom mutual satisfaction.
This is what the old gods teach us, this is what the system of De-

156 If you still have questions about counting and deciphering your CRF, you
You can always ask them on the Menshikova forum section
“Individual Runic Code”.
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Nine Worlds.
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Practice 2
Individual Runic Amulet
IRC (Individual Runic Code) is necessary for
in order to understand your basic qualities well and work based
on them. Runes manifested in the RFK shift
consciousness according to the Yggdrasil Tree, strengthening
the specific qualities of the individual, which inevitably affect life
and fate. But the same runes can help magically
align consciousness along the Tree, accelerating the process of evolution,
change your destiny and make your life more compensated and
effective. Runes allowed us to change the configuration of
consciousness, but runes will help make it balanced,
whole and strong.
All 24 keys, expressed in the Elder Futhark runes, are
potentially registered in a person. But in reality, not everything
is manifested in it, just as in the human gene code there is
There are dominant genes, and there are also recessive ones. The three IRK
runes are similar to the manifested dominant and will always be stronger than any
unmanifested potency. They, like energy and information nodes
on the canvas of personal reality, will always attract a person
as a person, his events,
influence preferences, look away from the unnecessary and
attract to the necessary.
The Individual Runic Code shows a lot. WITH
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On the one hand, it reveals those basic personality traits
which largely determine fate. On the other hand, it shows
exactly what properties consciousness lacks,
so that human destiny turns into a magical one. To
to live a successful human life, it is enough to follow
the destined path and through this be absolutely consistent
with your prescribed vird. But for the magic of it
a bit.

In magic, it is important not only to fulfill a basic human

task as a binding contract, but also
acquire in this process such properties and skills that
the virus is just not registered. What these properties are is shown
by the runes that are not in the IRK, and more precisely, by the
location of the IRK runes on the Yggdrasil Tree. Realize the magica
predisposition and draw on the canvas of reality
The following practice on making an Individual Runic Amulet
(IRA) will help you on your changed path.


Individual Runic Amulet is constantly summoned

scan the consciousness of its owner, identify in the consciousness
nii closed (blind) zones and magically reveal them, using
specially inscribed for this purpose
into a magical rune sign.
To perform this task, you can create an Individual
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al Runic Amulet (IRA), which will automatically align consciousness along
the Tree until
consciousness, such a state will not become natural, like breathing
to shuffle.

Any amulet is an object of power. First of all, because

which aligns consciousness with the vibrations of certain worlds and teaches
them to take energy and information from them directly, bypassing all
religious or egregorial intermediaries. If the IRC showed a displacement in
consciousness, then the amulet,
Having leveled it, it will teach you to take strength from those worlds that
were previously naturally inaccessible to consciousness.
Through the ritual creation of an Individual Runic Amulet, it is very good
to accept not only your
basic features, but also the need to make real
actions in order to develop them to a state of completeness
and integrity.

Acceptance is important. The mind may want transformation, but the

subconscious, filled with secret fears, will resist this process in every
possible way. The amulet disciplines the subconscious and will not give it
spontaneous responses.
splashes to neutralize the results of the work of the mind.
However, it is impossible to simply take and enter the missing runes into
your runic display of the Tree of the Nine Worlds - you must have the right
to do this. This right appears
when a person takes the path of eril and begins not only to read runes, but
also to knit them. Rules for creating ligatures, with co-
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which you will meet in the next practice (No. 3), sub-
understand that when superimposing runes on each other,
Linen drawing, so-called runes will definitely appear
background. These are unplanned runes, but they are born when runes are
combined, like a child who is born to
men and women are two opposites that
also united their natural forces by right and nature. So it is in the case of
composing a ligature: two completely different,
complete and self-sufficient runes, two separate minds
by the will of Eril they unite with each other and give birth to the third -
a complete and self-sufficient rune. Eril's skill lies in ensuring that the
expected is born. Such mastery is an honest right; it is earned by
consciousness in the process
the process of studying runes, in the process invested in the past
transformation of time, as a result of acquired knowledge and

The third (or more) runes appear legitimately and are accepted naturally
by the eril consciousness; his consciousness becomes
holistic due to the birth of new strength in it. This force, expressed by the
desired rune, fills the former void in consciousness and eliminates the primary
distortion. Now there is no need anymore
such consciousness in the services of the egregorial world, consciousness
Eril acquires holistic characteristics and becomes
more magical than human. From this moment, a new round of magical
transformation begins, a conscious and honest change of oneself.
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Three runes of an individual runic code are superimposed
together - as your imagination and aesthetic sense tell you. At the
same time, you do not knit any runes, but precisely three of your
own (or two, if one is formed in the rune code
"empty rune") As if fixing: I understand my agreement, I
I accept it. And the rune of birth, and the Rune of Fate, and the final
The Golden Fleece - everyone is present in me on an equal basis.
But not sequentially, as in ordinary human
the fate of “Step-By-Step”, but a complex multi-level program of
magical consciousness. And what this one will be capable of
program, there is much more than what was before:
from the same blocks, commands or modules, but connected
differently, connected masterfully. What is born at the new
connection is already mine, new and true.
The harmony of the created sign is determined only by you. If,
when creating a magic sign, you take into account all the
recommendations given for creating an amulet (practice 3) -
good, but if you see your integrity in a different form, then that’s
how it should be. For some, harmony
is seen in symmetry, but for some – in complex asymmetry.
The creation of a magical stave is the birth of a new unique
of great quality and this quality is you.

Drawn runic symbol on a white sheet of paper

represents a flat mandala, a magical sign, which will remain a
dead connection diagram as long as it
energy doesn't start flowing. But once this happened, two
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the dimensional image becomes multidimensional, unfolds itself
holographically in space and time and your
the mind, being a part of this sign (and it is a part of you), unfolds into
multidimensionality along with it.
However, making yourself magically whole is not just about drawing
a formula or a formula. According to the rules of the northern tradition,
according to the depth of understanding of the words “honor” and “dignity”
everything done must be proven.
The magical seal, as a new configuration of your consciousness,
must be tested and strengthened by the forces of various gods.
Additional runes, like new neural ones
connections in the brain must not only be established, but also
strengthened - with real skills, real experience. A different configuration
of consciousness, which you have prescribed now, must perceive a
different type of energy and a different
density of information flow. Mystically speaking, the power of God must
flow through the mind. What power? Which god? This remains to be
There are different gods in the northern pantheon. And they include
different streams, work at different frequencies and with different
understandable, configurations of consciousness. Introducing additional
runes into your mind can make you more susceptible
to those streams that were previously not available, but can
and significantly strengthen the connection with your god, with your
original power.
The Individual Runic Amulet should now be
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perform the function of a transformer and amplifier for you, allowing
you to perceive both energy and information without distortion.
Without this magical sign, in the old state of consciousness, perhaps
this is precisely the effect you were missing,
to understand your god, realize his power, accept it in
myself. Therefore, IRA is very important for us now, when
consciousness enters the path of practice, enters into a long
mystical process of realizing and changing oneself. You must
become able not only to understand and perceive information flows
coming from your real individual power, but also, if you wish, to
change yourself so much that
to become her.
The power of the information flow coming as a result of contact
with the gods of the northern pantheon will be transformed through
the Individual Runic Amulet, carried through
your consciousness and, transformed, will be given into the
surrounding reality or the reality you create. What effects and
changes will follow as a result of such impact will determine
you will be able to judge the properties of this information force,
about your own opportunities to contact her and about the effects
that become real and valid for you.
Having added your consciousness to a holistic one, you will now
be able to read literature and perceive in a completely different way.
other information related to the northern tradition. Eddas and myths,
legends about gods and heroes will now be perceived by you in a
much greater depth of understanding than,
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perhaps this was still happening. There are many interpreters of
ancient myths, but most of them (with very rare exceptions) carry
out their interpretive work sitting inside the third circle of power,
inside the world of people, and
rely solely on their distorted consciousness.
When you are next to them in the same lopsided state, you have
no choice but to perceive them
versions and opinions on faith. But, freed from the need to rely on
authorities, you will no longer need
blind faith - all information from primary sources will flow into
your mind in a holistic flow and in an undistorted form. Not
there will be a need to repeat after others the nonsense of their evaluative
opinions, if you have your own, based on personal experience,
personal experience and personal knowledge.
Achieving such an effect is our task in the future.
In order to make an individual magical
a sign that will perform the function of compensating you
to the whole, you need to perform a magical action and “marry”
the runes with each other - display them not with the formula “all
in a row,” but by overlapping each other. This is how one is born
the missing thing that will be the natural outcome of a harmonious
union. In this new formation, runes should be formed, which,
having been highlighted by your attention and words,
will take a rightful position in that zone of the Yggdrasil Tree, which
was previously due to the penetration of your consciousness there
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The compensating rune or runes will rightfully only be those that
appear naturally in your ligature. Let's remember this - you can't
enter the right one.
rune “out of the head”, you need to have the right to everything. Otherwise
In this case, three Norns will knock on your consciousness, as once
on the gates of Asgard, and ask a completely legitimate question:
“And by what right, baby, do you take what
doesn’t belong to you?” And we have to answer - the gods of the
northern tradition left us a very detailed description of
how you have to bear responsibility for your ill-considered actions and
what is the degree of this responsibility for someone who has power.

This process is pure magic. Drawing related

Everyone always gets their own rune, always unique.
It comes from the soul, from the mind, from feeling and understanding
runes, and this is different for everyone. People can knit perfectly
the same runes, and each will get their own sign, completely different
from the sign of the other. Enter new runes
you need to put great skill into your personal magical seal of
consciousness and in no case forget about the rules for drawing up
ligatures, which are described in practice 3. As a result of correctly
drawing up a ligature, strengths and opportunities will appear in your
life that were absent before.
It’s as if this is a new scheme through which energy will flow, and the
new scheme will give a completely different effect than the old one. But
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and the old pattern will not disappear anywhere, it will just become more
holistic, more harmonious and freer from
that due to the unification of all the runes given to you by right,
something appears that was previously inaccessible. Like new
a neural connection that becomes conflict-free with the entire system of
Creating an IRA is best done according to the Small Ritual: close
the space with Thor’s hammer, light a candle, put
in front of you is a blank white sheet of paper. This white sheet is
your Universe, a new world order that is just about to be born, and you
are the demiurge in this Universe. As you write, so it will be. A closed
space will protect the creation
from the intervention of outside forces, will not allow darkness to
penetrate your mind. On this white canvas you paint your
a new magical sign, connecting all the runes of the IRC in a way that
only you know. Rune energy begins
flow into each other, as a result giving birth to a third - and you see this
Only you.

If you feel everything correctly and completely, if you are able to

surrender to this process without fear or looking back, then your
becoming will come out very harmonious. You will get a universal
structure that will not detract from any of the powers of the associated
runes, but, on the contrary, will give them the opportunity to express them
in a different and surprising quality, to acquire new, hitherto unimaginable
properties in such a union. And of course you will see
in its stavka those same missing runes, the absence of which
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ry previously did not allow your consciousness into special worlds - worlds
where you can get a result that in the usual
spaces was not accessible by definition. You will see
and those runes that will work later, the runes about which you
haven’t thought about it now, but which will be in great demand
by your changed consciousness tomorrow.
Harmonious, coordinated, becoming, as if reflected
from paper, will be drawn to the only possible thing in this
space to a living being - to you. Will do first
inhale, and the runes inside your consciousness will spin, changing
it is not according to how it should be, but according to how it is correct -
for you, for your god, for your destiny, for your common wyrd. This
process is bringing the process of the small universe into harmony with
large processes, in which the world does not need to spend a lot of
energy to correct
egregorial mutation, because you did everything yourself. AND
From now on, you will do it without accumulating invisible and unknown
debts just because “they painted you that way.” Now you have drawn
yourself, and from now on everything you
If you do it, it will be from a pure mind, with full understanding and
without debt.
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Practice 3
Amulets and talismans
First, let's briefly get acquainted with the types of runic signs
and the features of their work in principle. Traditionally
There are several types of them.
The first type is the formula
The runic formula is runes written in a line.
Their action is sequential, from left to right (unless otherwise
stated). Another name for the formula is runscript.
The formula contains a sequential transformation of forces
each rune from one to another. In fact, the formula is
a command to action, a spell - clear, specific, with a clear end
result. That's exactly how she reads it -

This drawing of the runes shows that the energy will be

transformed in the formula sequentially, that is, each
the subsequent rune works with the already modulated energy that
it received from the previous one. The final, final rune of the formula
shows the final result. Wherein
It is believed that an odd number of runes (3, 5, 7, etc.) performs
the final algorithm, and an even number (2, 4, 6, etc.) -
extended algorithm. So, if a formula is programmed for a one-time
result (buy, meet, receive, give, etc.), then a finite (odd) formula is
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if Eril needs a long-term result (maintain health, ensure constant
flow, long relationships, etc.), then the formula is used
extended. It should also be understood that the effect of the work
the formula may not be fast, since each next rune will start
working only after it receives
from the first “material for transformation”. It should be
remembered that for any formula to work, energy is needed.
In the case of the final formula, this energy is taken one-time
to start the formula - as much as it needs
to execute the command.
In the case of an extended formula, the energy is taken from
consciousness constantly, since it works without stopping.
That is why extended formulas are reasonably considered to be
more energy-consuming.
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Let's consider, as an example, the formula “Healing Runes”: Ke-

naz-Pert-Inguz. It does not give health “at all”, the runes are here
correct a breakdown in the body: look for it through Kenaz
problem, distinguish it from everything else (Perth), as if
they close her in a bag, and she is already brought to a state of health
(Inguz), that is, normal functioning as it should be by nature. Here
we see an example of sequential
commands and sequential transformation: find - select / close - cure.
Its final program will not be
do this all the time, and only when a problem arises. Therefore, it is
customary to run such formulas as programs as needed.
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Or another example. Ansuz-Keno. Formula of awareness.

The formula is extended, which means it works constantly, it
not limited in time. But at the same time it is also consistent:
Keno - to highlight, Ansuz - to understand. That is
the formula will work as it is said: it will be realized
exactly what the bearer of this formula himself emphasizes.
What he illuminated with the torch of his interest, he understood
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waving. The formula itself will not indicate what needs to be understood and
where to look - this is a specific program, but it can already
work for a long time.
But a completely different format of work is obtained if you
“link” the runes, that is, write them down not sequentially in a
formula, but put one on top of the other - this will be a bundle, or
knitted runes.
The second type is ligature (faggot, bind-rune)
Elm is a pattern of several runes that are superimposed on
one another. Here the runes form not a word, but a concept.
As one master Eril accurately said: “Elm is
it is a mind combined by a magician, capable of independent
decisions and actions.” A very precise formulation, in my
opinion, it’s impossible to say more precisely. Magic sign from
knitted runes is able to assess the situation, instantly take into
account new circumstances, recalculate oneself, give
consciousness and reality the right commands to action.
Examples of ligatures: Sons of Gevyon and Illumination157 .

157 Read more about this stav in the chapters dedicated to the goddess Gevyon
and the god of Braga.
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It is important here that the runes have a common point of

intersection, the point of conjugation of runic flows. All the runes are he
do not work sequentially, but in parallel, taking into account constant
correlation and results. Thanks to this, the work is progressing
faster, but also less predictable. If the formula shows
As the transformation of power takes place from rune to rune, the
work of the elm is completely invisible. Elm is like a symphony orchestr
and, without being a professional musician, it is very difficult
determine which instruments and in what quantities are currently
emitting their sounds into the general stream. This script has more
power than just a formula, since it consists of runes connected into a
single pattern.
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The elm can be finite, or it can be extended,
and this function in the ligature is no longer determined by the
number of runes inscribed in the ligature, but exclusively by the
task that is set before the ligature. Such a task can be formulated a
“reservation” is a clear verbal formula that describes the task
and conditions, or maybe as an intention, without any additional
conditions - everything depends only on the presence or
the absence of one’s own limitations, as well as from mastery
This is precisely the meaning and essence of the stave: to connect
the runes in such a way that they do not extinguish, but strengthen each
other, transforming into something third, which is in the familiar single rune
futhark is not provided.
Runes love firmness and to a greater extent will follow the call of
someone who knows exactly what he needs. Therefore, for one-time
and quick formula transformations are always preferable.

When making an Individual Runic Amulet, we will use the

runic script, and not anything else.
In this form, the runes will constantly count each other, and any
slightest change in one rune will immediately entail a change in
the others. This will make the process
transformation more enhanced and effective.
The third type is becoming (or galdstav)
Becoming is a complex program that consists of
several runes and/or ligatures. Can combine both
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separate runes, formulas, and ligatures at the same time (see Fig.
on page 348 top).
An example of a very simple article “Therapeutic formula:
cleansing body fluids”158 (see figure on page 348
top). Here the runes are not layered on top of each other, but
represent a looped pattern of endless transformation, passing
one into another and back.

158 Formula is used for kidney diseases, blood purification or simply

removal of fluid from the body.
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In our world, the world of manifested three dimensions, it

is the three-rune formulas that work especially well - quickly
and accurately. But not for long. Four-rune formulas, taking
into account the fourth dimension (time), have a more
prolonged effect.
A type of stave is PALINDROME. This is a position that
takes into account the mandatory rule of symmetry. Some
formulas and ligatures work better if they are designed exactly i
palindrome. A palindrome is several runes written in
column, cross or square.
Example of a palindrome: harmony of sexual relations.
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To understand how runes work not individually, but in a

formation, in combination, you need to carry them through
yourself. Two or more runes united into a common sign, like a fam
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from different people. Each of them has their own disposition, their own character,
your capabilities and your desires. All these properties of each
united into one common thing. In this unity, something additional is
always born - from conflict, from love, from
coincidences or disagreements, but it is always born. Some
formulas immediately prescribe what should be born
as a result of such a union, and then each rune begins to work in
the form and volume that is necessary and sufficient
just for a similar result. Other rates, formulas
or the signs do not impose a specific outcome program, and
then the runes will work as they see fit
show your free interaction. Eril's Mastery
here it’s also about understanding how the runes will behave,
what effect can and should be expected from their combination, nor
for one minute, not forgetting that some separate mind will always
take part in the game: either Eril himself, another
man, the mind of God or the face of reality. And sometimes that's all

The magical sign that the magician applies to space,

becomes an integral part of this space. He completes it to the
whole, which means that in reality itself, peculiar changes
immediately begin to occur: before it completed itself to the whole
in one way, but now it will be in another. All elements-minds
perceiving this reality will feel such changes (without necessarily
realizing them) and will certainly participate.
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vat. Eril must see the coming changes, see the consequences of
implementing his will and understand not only what
intelligence elements will be included in the process of change, but
and what their response might be - after all, every
action gives rise to reaction. See and be ready
work in the future with this response and the process of flickering
of reality launched by it.
Runes always work. Even when it seems that they are not
working. However, learn to see this, understand the reasons and
the timing of the changes initiated by the magician is mainly a
matter of practice and developed magical vision, which also exists
a consequence of practice. So the more you practice,
the more you begin to understand the runes, understand all the
effects of their combination, and the faster you will be able to
learn to see the effects of applying your new skills.

The formulas you will work with next are:

are needed, of course, not only for practice - they are called
continue the process begun at the first stage of learning the runes,
and launch a new round of consciousness transformation. They
will reveal certain caches in your mind, and in completely
unexpected ways. It happens that the simplest
a formula for attracting money or harmonizing relationships, in
addition to what was given, works unexpectedly as a defrosting
of those areas of consciousness that have been de-energized
and “killed” until now. But, importantly, such effects are completely
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are not the same for everyone - every consciousness is capable of perceiving
rune energy is very special and unique, get
a result that may not be expected at all.
Therefore, at the initial stages of work, it is recommended
to carry out each step in your work through runic
diagnostics, each time coordinating with the runes and
gods the expediency of the change process being launched.
this understanding will not be formed in your mind
automatically, and the consequences of magical influence
in a given place, at a given time and in this specific
consciousness will be clear to you absolutely without additio
To achieve such mastery, I repeat, it takes time,
constant practice is needed.
Be sure to keep a practice diary, in which you will need
to reflect not only the formulas and staves that you
you will use, but also all the effects that will follow. This
way you will be able to quickly see and remember the
mechanisms of cause-and-effect relationships, understand
the tricky temporary effects “beginning - result”, which when
magical effects on reality are not always linear and
not even always consistent. In addition, by honestly
recording your every step and all your experiences in the
process of magical transformation, you will be able to
avoid the terrible mistake that awaits anyone seeking their m
the path is deceit. Attempts to wishful thinking, to “forget”
about what you don’t want to remember, to hide behind
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with your own fear, when processes cease to be understood and
obvious. A mistake is not scary
lies are worse. Remember that when working with the northern gods
Honesty is very important, and sometimes it is even more important
than courage or valor.


Creation of any item of power, like

any magical action requires privacy and
mystery. If disclosed, they lose
silu159 _

For IRA, runic ligatures are used.

Rules for creating ligatures160 .

1. All runes in the ligature must be clearly expressed.

2. Each rune must have at least one of its own
a line that is not part of another rune.
3. The position of the runes in the script is taken into account
(straight, inverted, mirrored), unless otherwise specifically stated. If
the rune is inverted or mirrored, then it acts as inverted or mirrored.

4. All unplanned runes that arose during the compilation of the

ligature are taken into account unless otherwise agreed. They on-

159 Agrippa of Nettesheim. "The Secret [Occult] Philosophy."

160 These rules have been developed by many generations of eriles and practitioners and
are already universal and classic.
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are called “secondary runes”.
5. The elm must be compact and integral, that is, it must be
a single, harmonious, balanced sign without “hanging” elements.

6. The sequence of runes in ligature does not matter.

7. For ligature it is better to make an amulet/talisman.
Based on these rules, you should create your own
sign based on your runic code and additional minor runes chosen by you to
strengthen the status

For example, let’s take a bundle of SAR – Journey in Search

kah strength. It consists of three runes Sovilo-Ansuz-Raido.
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Secondary runes that appeared when applied

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on each other, will be significant if they are additionally identified
to say: they bear an increased burden, harmonizing becoming.
These runes were not originally intended, they appeared as
would be "by themselves." But if they are needed to strengthen the stave, then
each of the newly appeared runes can provide an additional strengthening of
the stave. For example:
Keno - will allow you to highlight the main thing. When wandering in search
of strength, do not miss the main thing and give such
at once an additional task for your consciousness - not only
look for strength, but also learn to see and understand its manifestations.
Isa - develop your will, always remember the main thing that
no matter what happens.
Teyvaz - in search of the strength to comprehend your truth. Don't give
consciousness to be flattered by an easy version of strength, to hold on
from temptation.
And so on.
When compiling your script for the IRA, it will be very cool if you put the
runes on each other in a special way
friend, and those same runes that harmonize will appear as if by themselves. It
is very important that when creating
ligature, the runes you need appeared on their own, and you wouldn’t have to
enter and hang separately, specifically introducing into already
available becoming Such violence will lead to the opposite
violence of your consciousness, as payment for something to which you initially
do not have the right. But if the necessary runes appear in the stave - this is
magic, magic, when with one stroke
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from one pen comes another - the desired one. As quick as
read the spell.
Composing a script is always creative. Or rather, creation. Like
the birth of something new, unique, amazing, not repeatable by
anyone else. Something that only one mind can create and the
other cannot.
When the script is compiled by you, and compiled absolutely
correctly, individually for you, you will feel it
straightaway. It doesn’t matter if a lot of paper is ruined and a lot of
time is wasted. It doesn’t matter if after a while you start dreaming
about the lines of intersection of runes. It doesn't matter what happens
a lot of options were rejected, drawn and rejected - not
mine, I don’t want it, it’s not beautiful.
But when a unique script comes out from under your pen, you
you will feel it immediately. Because it will be Odin's Sleipnir, Freya's
Brisengamen, Thor's Mjolnir - a unique artefact created especially
for you.
Connecting with your script allows you to guess yourself in it,
see yourself, feel yourself. But not the way it is
now, but one that has become its own ideal.
To choke with delight, as if from a dream come true, the very
cherished desire, when all hope has already disappeared.
Elm, which is made on the basis of the IRC and the necessary
additions to it, now you will need to transfer it to a material medium
- you need to make a runic amulet or talisman. An item of power for
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General information on manufacturing

any Runic Talisman/Amulet
The difference between an amulet and a talisman is that
An amulet is an object of power that is designed to repel
everything unnecessary from the owner (for example, protection,
A talisman is an object of power that is intended
attract everything necessary to the owner (luck, power, money and
other)161 .
Depending on the task and intention, the object of power turns
into an amulet or talisman, diverting energy flows from
owner or attracting them to him accordingly. What is
a created object of power for you - an amulet or talisman -
depends on the runes that are tied into the sign and your intention.

The item of power is made in the form of an amulet/talisman (i.e.

fixed on a permanent medium) when its impact is expected to
affect an unlimited number of people, unlimited space or unlimited
If the ligature (formula) is intended only

161 Even in ancient times, it became natural to designate an object of power

the general term "amulet". In principle, this is not an error, but simply a different
Th puts the emphasis: an amulet is a thing of magical purpose.
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for yourself (for example, for your internal transformation),
Manufacturing an item of power may not be necessary:
It is enough to write runes on yourself or on your image, saturate
them correctly with power, and they will begin their work
without the mascot.
For example, healing runes do not require making an amulet for
yourself at all - it is enough to apply them to the body, sleep with
them at night, and the need for a stave disappears, since
the question for which they were written has been resolved
(recovery). But if you need an item of power, for example, for
attracting a flow of money, then here a talisman is needed, and it is
needed on the right medium, since it implies a process, and not a
fixed end result.
In an amulet/talisman, not only the power of ligature (stava) works,
but also the strength of the material itself, on which the ligature is displayed
or embedded. Therefore it will be correct for amulets
and talismans of similar properties, use only natural materials and,
of course, those that are suitable in their magical characteristics for
the task at hand.
Creating an item of power is a magical process. How
you will put more time and mental effort into it,
the more he will give you later.
When making an object of power, you should follow the required
sequence of steps and try not to violate it.
to shuffle.

Step 1: Binding
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If the amulet/talisman is personal, it is always carried with you. The
exception is that object of power that is consecrated with blood (or any
other binding).
An item consecrated in this way has a very powerful
connection with the blood carrier and becomes forever tied to
him. In this case, the object of power does not need to be carried with
you all the time, but it is imperative to store it in the most protected
place so that in no case does it fall into the possession of strangers.
hands. The reason for such careful protection is described in one
of the fundamental magical laws, which states:
Objects that were with each other in the physical
contact, continue to interact even after
disconnection. Anyone you touch has something to do with you
magical connection, although weak, until contact
becomes sufficiently intense or prolonged and

multiple times. Magical power is contagious.

If an object of power is made for someone else, then he,
accordingly, it is sanctified by blood (or other binding)
the one for whom it is being made. Under no circumstances should you
use your biological carrier for consecration if
you are not making an amulet or talisman for yourself. The only
exception is making an object of power for your children
up to 7 years.

If a home amulet is made to protect the house, then it is in the

house that it is kept. Its most successful placement is
door, door frame.
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An item of power based on the IRC and created on a material carrier
will work in such a way that it
the impact will go not only on its owner, but also on
the outside world, attracting resources and circumstances according to
the nature of the sign embedded in the amulet/talisman.
The goal of the IRA is harmonization. Harmonization of forces
within consciousness and the surrounding world. Competently compos
ligature can help consciousness take in energy and information
from those worlds from which it was previously unable to take. The
reason for this inability is a specific frequency,
on which these worlds exchange information, and in the consciousness
of the capturing operator there is simply no decoder that can catch and
recognize this information
and integrate it consistently into your own system.
Step 2 : Clean the media and charge
The material carrier on which the object of power will be made
already has its own energy. To
For the amulet to work, it is necessary that it integrates with the
energy of the owner, strengthens it, and does not make it weaker.
Therefore, the choice of carrier (material) is given importance in talisma
great importance.
Just like when you charged the runes
dice with its vital rhythm before making a runic set, you need to charge
any chosen carrier: if an object of power is made for yourself, then by
with its natural rhythms.
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Wood and leather will absorb energy quickly, with stone and metal
you will have to tinker longer - hard materials
They remember longer, but they also retain what they remember longer.
Even a simple piece of paper on which you display
ligature must be tailored to you, contain a component of your own
natural strength.
The carrier can be cleansed and charged with elemental power. Here
I will not present this technique, since a separate book is devoted to
this topic162 .

Step 3. Preparing for the ritual

Runes love when they are given attention. Especially beginners.
Therefore, the more seriously you take the process, the
The more respect you show, the better the final result will be.

Creating an item of power requires silence and privacy. AND

no outside interference from other people’s energy, other people’s
advice, or distraction from the process is allowed -
Wives, husbands, cats, dogs and other pets must be removed
from the ritual site for
safe distance. The phone must be turned off and
all broadcast devices too.
Ideally, light candles and leave only “live” lighting.
Step 4. Performing the ritual
Menshikov. Power of the Elements. M.: "Tsentrpoligraf".
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A ritual is an ordered sequence of actions that attunes
the consciousness of the magician (eril, operator) to the
runic channel and the pantheon of northern gods associated
with it. At this moment, attunement of information processes
takes place and a person can achieve it only by performing
the necessary and essential steps, called ritual in magic.

Ritualism is generally present in every religious

or magic system. In some places it is rigid, for example in
religious systems, in others it is not very strict, but it is
certainly present everywhere. The need for ritual is: firstly,
mandatory discipline of consciousness; secondly, in the
original conditions of the contract between the gods (god)
and the cult that he gave birth to. In any case, the formed
ritual is a consequence of the experience of predecessors,
who put a lot of effort, time, and maybe even lives into
building and consolidating the channel. The more time
invested in such construction, the stricter the conditions of th
In the northern tradition, there are two types of ritual:
large and small. A big ritual is performed by Godi on big days
holidays of solstices and equinoxes in special
sacred places. Individually, Eril works through a small
ritual, which I will describe here.
Lesser Ritual
1. Close the space. In runic magic there is a universal
technique for closing space - with Thor's hammer.
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Thor is the god of the Scandinavian pantheon who answered
for safety. His weapon is the unique hammer Mjolnir,
having one peculiarity - it always returned to its owner (Torah), and it
was possible to raise it only with
special magical artifacts - a belt and gauntlets, which increased the
owner’s strength threefold. The one who has
Mjolnir, he has power and has the right to dictate
conditions for everyone else - that’s what the Eddas said163. Function
Torah – protection; do not let outside influences in there,
where he is not expected.

Therefore, the use of the Hammer of Thor sign is

a universal protective mechanism for any magical work, when it is
necessary to exclude both random and special interference induced
by the system or enemies.

163 Read more about the magical functions of Mjolnir in the chapter dedicated to
born to the god Thor.
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This sign should be applied with the hand on six sides, saying
at the same time: “I close my space with the name of Torah on the left
and to the right, in front and behind, below and above.”
Such closure creates a space-time shell around the magician, in which
he is not visible or read. Any work is possible inside this “shell”, so

how it will not cause field disturbances to which the control system must
respond. With enough practice, you can even feel how there is a closed

Streams of forces flow from that space.

It is important to remember that Thor's protection will limit you from outside
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their influences, but will not protect you from your own fears, which
who will remain with you inside the space of protection.
It should also be remembered that the magical artifact “Hammer
"Torah" does not belong to you, it belongs to the god Thor. Behind
providing assistance to the gods should be thanked. About
gratitude to the gods will be written further.
When the space is prepared, you can begin to work with
ligature. The carrier should also be
prepared and charged with the necessary forces (its own energy
or elements) in advance.
Now you need to prepare what will go on your nose.
Tel, is a magical sign itself.
No ligature is ever written immediately on an object
strength - preparatory work must first take place. Consciousness
must tune in to the connection that you will implant in the bearer of
the amulet and in yourself.
This is the most important part, much more important
even making a material embodiment of your spell

2. Take a white sheet of parchment (paper). Precisely white,

and not any other. The white sheet is your Universe, but there is
nothing in it yet. This is not even all-generating chaos, this is the
Great Emptiness. It is important to see this emptiness, the abyss
of limitless possibilities, absolute nothingness.
The picture that you write, draw, trace, is a map of events. Eril in
this process is de-
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miurge, god, creator of a new ordered reality.
3. Draw your script on this white sheet. Thoroughly
and carefully, paying attention to every line, every corner
the slope.

When Eril draws the script, he formulates the intention as a

whole - what the whole stave is for.
"According to the nature of this sign, let it happen..."
“By the will given to me, let it happen...”
“Let this runic stave create...”
There are many options for a spell: it is important to put the
main intention here. Now while the naming is not going ahead,
but the entire staff as a whole.
If the name of the staff comes to mind, remember it, it’s yours.
At this stage, some surprises and deviations from the plan may
occur - don’t let this scare you and
does not inspire the idea that the ritual is “screwed up”. The process of creation
each time is unique, and it is not always possible to repeat the
proposed ritual absolutely exactly, and it is not
this is always required.
It must be said that the Scandinavian tradition to the process
creativity is very encouraging. Therefore, introducing
improvisational changes, additions, insertions and
unexpected turns are perceived by the gods very favorably, and
in no case do they punish their guides for displaying “creative
madness,” as this
barks in some other magical systems.
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The initial drawing of the stav is a statement of one’s intention to
change the existing reality. At this moment, you are a programmer who
wrote the ideal program on paper, tested it and was satisfied with his
work. Now this program needs to be entered into the system - loaded
into reality so that it works according to the instructions.

Runes bring change to form. The magician who draws by becoming
understands that he is now creating a new form of reality. How
the runes are connected, this will be the updated reality. With those
the rules that are needed, with the laws that are necessary. With that
understanding of the “main” and “non-main”, it is important
but not very much.

You should always remember that runes only adjust the vector of
power, but do not have power over it. Gods, systems that control various
flows of forces, each act in their own range of frequencies and, therefore,
capabilities. Every frequency, every aspect of power belongs to some
god (or system over which he has power and control). When tuning your
consciousness to the rune, you should remember that at this moment
you are manifesting a certain

the divine first principle that these runes symbolically carry. It’s not in
vain that some runes are connected (or
are symbols) of one or another god - runes have their own
patrons. Using one or another rune in ligature, eril as
would be making a bid for part of the power that God has at his disposal -
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no, and through the rune he draws energy into himself, transmitting
subsequently it became put on parchment.
That's why the parchment is white. You pull up on him
only these forces, and there is nothing that can interfere with pure
that flow, no extraneous vibration, no extraneous information.

When the sign is ready, it must be felt, let into

myself. Feel how the powers of the gods enter your life.
The cleaner the weaving of runes is, the more clearly you will see
the result you get is the greater the flow of power
your runic talisman will have.
4. The next step of preparation is even before applying to you -
the swear bearer is a spell, a spell of runic ligature.
The speech should be drawn up in advance, at least at the
beginning of your practice, take the time to learn how to accurately
select words and concepts. Runes are weapons
warrior. And they love specifics and clear results. Therefore, the
more clearly you formulate the task for the runes, the faster
and more specifically it will be executed.
It is undesirable to burden the runes by achieving a result - only
the result. Because everything you said
in the space of ritual creation is taken into account as a command
mandatory. A lot of details, reservations, exceptions will only push
the result away from you and can turn away the runes (there have
been cases where this happens forever).
“Let the runes act without harm... without touching... ex-
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tea influence..." - the wording is disrespectful and incorrect. Why take
up a magic instrument if you have
Do you have so many fears, burdens and conventions? Leave it
This and take prayer, for example, this is even welcomed there. And
runes are like weapons - they are either hidden or shoot.
The runes themselves will find the optimal way to achieve what they
want and, if they are not stopped or limited, this
the path will be the fastest and most successful. Not a single human
mind can grasp even a part of all the instantaneous recalculations of
situations that the runes and the forces behind them are capable of.

The magician says: “I need a result,” and describes the result, and
not the way to achieve it. The only way. Therefore than
The more clearly the task is set, the faster you will get the result.
Don’t waste time talking. Supposed to be a magician
has full control of the capabilities of his mentality and can formulate
tasks that do not diverge from expectations
and assumptions.
Example. Masha needs Vasya, and Masha wants Vasya to be her
I loved. Masha writes the formula “I want Vasya to love me” - and
everything is fulfilled according to Masha’s will - Vasya loves. Every
day he tells Masha about this in telephone conversations, but there’s
no way to show his love in real life
cannot, because it is located three thousand kilometers from
her. Is Masha satisfied with this result? No, because under
with the word “loves” she meant something else, but internally
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early hypocrisy did not allow her to clearly formulate her
On the contrary, excessive specificity can also play a role
bad joke.
Example: Masha dug up call runes somewhere and casts a spell: “I
want Vasya to come to me on Tuesday at 8
evening and confessed his love to me.” As a result, Vasya, of course,
comes, drunk in the trash, because he has a sober one and
his own will, and other things to do. Were... Embracing a broom,
which was once called a bouquet, he confesses to Masha
love - the spell is fulfilled. But Masha is not satisfied again
such a result, because, as it turns out, she meant something else here
too. Namely: “I want to live with Vasya in
love and happiness, I want to marry him and have children.” What's easier? But
fears, hypocrisy, and ordinary human cowardice, the need to live one
day at a time without realizing tomorrow's consequences - all these are
the results of the vicious practice of living “in
here and now” and don’t show your nose outside Midgard.
Speaking to ligature is usually done out loud. Not because
the runes will not hear your inner whisper - they will hear it somehow.
It’s just that when a person pronounces a thought with his voice, he
it becomes clear to himself where he made a mistake, whereas when
In internal conversation this may not be noticed.
5. After the general command has been pronounced,
you should make a runic pronouncement, that is, assign a task to each
rune. This is especially important when composing
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ligatures, since we have already seen that many secondary runes can
appear in the stave. There are so many of them - with proper skill you can
count half a futhark. Therefore, in order to exclude the possible inclusion
of unplanned runes, and therefore unplanned forces, in the process, each
significant (working) rune should be given a name and given a task to
each within the limits of its capabilities, of course.

To do this, already on top of the finished ligature are working runes, like
the main and secondary ones are drawn a second time,
pronouncing each one and giving it a task: “Let
the Raido rune pave the way from me to...”, “Let the Gebo rune connect
me with...”, “Let the Kenaz rune show me...” and so on.

In this process, knowledge of the runes and their traditional capabilities

is very important in order not to give the rune a task that it will misunderstan
or complete. For example, it is stupid to ask for love from the Hagalaz
rune, it has two functions - limitation and destruction. According to her
nature, she will destroy everything she reaches, and only after that she will
say - choose. From the wreckage of your life and other people's illusions.
If you find love there, it’s all yours.

Thus, the ligature itself does not change, but they are placed -
There are accents that clarify its action.
The drawn sign is not yet an amulet/talisman. This is the beginning of
it. But the most important thing. The elm begins to work already at the
moment when it is drawn on paper - you understand it.
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feel it. But fixing it on a material medium will make it truly
invulnerable, and above all from yourself,
from the still detracting strength of purely human qualities -
inattention, doubt, lack of will, fear.
6. Last step: open space by removing Hammer
Torah", tracing it in reverse order with your hand
also on six sides. Thank the gods for their help.


Depending on what forces the magician is in contact with,

what systems he works through, so he builds with them
their ritual relationships. You will also interact with some forces
and, perhaps, even from the northern
pantheon. The choice of power is an individual agreement between
man and the force that guides him. But before you choose
to be chosen, one must be properly acquainted with the gods.
The only thing that decides here is the soul and heart, not the rules.
and hopelessness, when they direct the mind with a pointing
finger, telling them who to believe in and why.
When working with runic magic, making amulets and
mascots will become your regular activity - it’s inevitable
carefully. Therefore, all the rules for drawing up ligatures and staves,
the rules for conducting a small ritual must be understood and
accepted - this is the basis. Try to be respectful of this process,
especially if you are doing
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object of power.
Any object of power must work for the given purpose.
he has a task before him, and preferably as clearly and specifically as
possible, and not anyhow. He must take energy from the world around
him and transform this energy for you so that
to complete the task. An object of power also changes something in
the mind of the person for whom it is intended: it blocks some areas
of consciousness, and activates others.
If, until recently, you had some kind of imbalance in your life, then
an individual runic amulet will correct this, but certainly in a legal way
- the way of honor.
Honor, from the point of view of the northern gods, suggests that
everything in this world needs to have the right: to love, to power,
for health, for money, for strength, for magic - for everything. Rights
these are determined not only by “divine disposition”
we eat”, but also by the rules that invariably exist in this world
re, as well as the strength of spirit and willpower that the seeker
discovers while walking the path of honor and dignity.
Individual runic talisman/amulet, item
strength, if executed correctly, does not imply an immediate freebie,
but creates the most favorable
conditions for the owner that, by plunging into them, a person gets a
chance to gain true rights to the flows of power.
Individual Runic Code, decorated in ligature,
supplemented consciousness with the missing runes (qualities), which
who rearranged the accents in their consciousness: you started looking
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on things differently than before. This view certainly presupposes an
expansion of thinking, makes the mind more flexible,
agile and adaptive to the rapidly changing circumstances of reality.

Therefore, in order for the object of power to work efficiently and be

connected by an inextricable connection not only with you, but also with
the pantheon of the northern gods, it must be made according to certain
rules in compliance with all essential ritual moments. Rituality in this
case symbolizes tribute to forces that will certainly be appreciated with
dignity. Everyone loves the polite - both people and gods.

By investing your time, your energy into creating an object of power,

concentrating everything into a powerful bundle of intention, with this
action you make a channel to the minds of the northern gods, which with
every ritual, with every acquired knowledge, with every applied on this
channel, the formula will become stronger and stronger, and your
connection will become stronger and stronger.
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Practice 4
Introduction. Magic formulas
The one who begins the path of magical transformation of himself
through the mechanisms of runic magic, must first of all
know, understand and accept runes. And accept them
absolutely, without singling out one over the other, without distinguishing
them into “my rune” and “not my rune”, into “like” or “not
like". This approach was acceptable at the initial stage
studying Futhark, and even then not for long. This was a period when a
child’s consciousness tries something new “by the tooth” and through such
tactile contact tries to understand the world. But at that moment
when the last rune Dagaz pulls all processes into one
the point when the concentration of inner strength takes you to
awareness of a completely different level of rights and opportunities,
which the Fehu rune showed you earlier, there should, of course, no
longer be any preference in runes. Natural magic should flow through
the runes in the consciousness in a single stream, not
stumbling and not limiting itself to any rune, but, like water running
along mountain rapids, only intensifying
each stage of such a cascade.

If you have passed this path, if you have entered into runic initiation
and entered the next stage of magical transformation, the lack of
preference in runes should be
natural for you. But if you now realize that...
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Some runes are not clear to you, they “didn’t work out”, don’t rush
to enter the labyrinth, finish what you started. Gods not so much
love those who doubt, but even more they dislike those who
is in illusions about himself.
What else is important for further work?
It should be remembered that you will have to work with forces
that will dictate the terms of their application to you. They are for you
and not you, and this should not be forgotten for a single moment.
These conditions must be respected.
God is a force that cannot be defined. You can describe the
characteristics and functionality, but only in the way
you understand him. The final definition limits the perceived
possibilities, and this may mean that at some point you will not be
able to perceive the information
the flow of this or that god of the northern pantheon without
distortion, without truncation and belittling to suit one’s own idea of
him. Therefore, each god has many names and each
the name only describes the facet of its manifestation, but does
not cover all other facets.
Each god has many faces, even within one pantheon. In your
case, it may manifest itself in one of the following ways:
face, but it depends entirely on your personality, and
not from his capabilities. The point is not in the mental definitions
that are given within the framework of tradition to any particular
god, but in the specificity of the personal consciousness of the
perceiver. The information channel of God is refracted in consciousn
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as if through a complex of mirrors and is reflected on the mental in a
specific and definite way - for everyone in their own way. Celebrate this
moment of reflection, but remember that this
an image not absolute, but important precisely for you.
To understand the information power of each god and
determine your capabilities and limits of this perception,
you need to “drive” through yourself all the flows of forces that the
pantheon of northern gods generates. Live in this flow, allow it to
transform yourself, understand it, and only after that determine how
much this flow is capable of being perceived by your consciousness
without derogation. Very important in
in the process of practice, determine “your” god, your channel of power.
This will be such a flow and such a connection that can be perceived
by your consciousness completely and without
remainder. The power that once gave birth to man will enter
into consciousness even disfigured by the binary of aggressive
Abrahamic religions, if the person himself meets it halfway
this power, if he seeks it, and not hides in the subconscious fear of
retribution or punishment. The mind must unite with its fundamental
principle, and when this happens,
he, the human mind, no longer needs to look for surrogate
natural replacements for your strength in order to get rid of fear and co-

Fear and doubt are the great wealth of man, which becomes
weapons and strength if used for
growth and development; but they become a killing poison,
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if used for self-punishment. In magical training, these resources of
the subconscious (fear) and superconscious (doubt) are used as
fuel and opportunities for magical growth. But in the ordinary human
mind they become a slow killing poison, forcing a person to betray
himself, his power and his gods.

Further practice will consist in the fact that you will learn to keep
your consciousness on information
channels of the gods of the northern pantheon. In this case, the
formulas that are attached to each practice will be for
you are not so much a goal as a means - a means of keeping consciousness
on the channel for as long as you personally need
for a more complete feeling and understanding of it. Useful
the effect that will come from using formulas,
there is a nice bonus, but in no case is it an end in itself for
one who sets himself the primary task of transforming his
consciousness in a magical way, and only after
- all the rest. Remember this.
Be prepared also for the fact that not every channel of God, as
they say, will “enter” consciousness. With some force
you will match in vibration, but with some not quite. There is nothing
terrible in this - everyone has their own god, their own channel and
your preferences. The main thing is not to miss yours, and this
won't happen.
You will feel it. An absolute coincidence in frequency, an
absolute combination of forces. The story of your god is
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about you, this is your story. It’s impossible to mix it up and make a mistake.
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Practice 5
God is One
In the previous steps of practice, you directly learned what a
limitation of freedom of choice is. When compiling your Individual
Runic Amulet, creating
while writing your magical script, you are faced with such a rule
crowbar, which said that you do not have the opportunity to enter
into your personal sign runes that are not initially registered in the
IRC. You couldn't rely only on your own
desire when choosing the missing runes, but were forced
follow some rule. Firstly, the runes must be
appropriate, and secondly, to be naturally born with
overlaying data runes. Only if they were born during the imposition,
only then are they considered yours. Of course you
they still need to be nurtured, strengthened, taught to act in
in conjunction with the rest of the runes, but from now on you can do this by
This work and comprehension of the rule was an important
experience and practice of contact with the power of the god Odin - yes,
it. God's channel seemed to say: yes, you are free; but are free within
the established constants - can you do this?
cope with? Don't break down barriers, don't push boundaries,
and achieve what you want with the little that is given?
We are all connected by setting constants - both people and
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gods. We cannot despise them, we cannot go beyond them -
this would be a violation of the rules of the game, which threatens to
destroy or damage realities. However, it is given to the seeker to develop
his consciousness to such an extent when constants cease to be a
limiting factor: as if
he himself turned inside out and what was the border suddenly
becomes the core. And the space begins to work,
no longer sucking out energy, but, on the contrary, being inside, feeding
the newly formed core with the power of the worlds. This will happen to
you when the knowledge of the invested and acquired constants-runes
is absolute; when they won't
limitation or burden, but will develop your mind to
the degree of possibility when limits become the basis, and
boundaries are the core.
However, when working with the channel of the god Odin, it is very important to
correctly understand the meaning of what is happening: the channel is not so much
It appears that you have constant runes that impose on you
some rules, as much as there are rules that are imposed. There are
rules, and this is the basis of any system. There are rules
knowledge and following - and this is the basis of the northern system.
Working with the channel of the god Odin will be associated with comprehension
such incarnations as a magician-seer and a magician-warrior. Therefore,
the practice itself will take place in two stages.
At the first stage, the science of providence will be learned:
reading information about formed situations. For
For this work you will need your runes and Tree diagram
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Yggdrasil. Here we will look at the Tree of Nine Mi-
rov as a block diagram of the description of the program for constructing
a reality where a change in one parameter immediately entails a change
in the entire system.
The point of this practice is to diagnose the current
situations. Each world on the diagram has an information block,
which produces a specific result in response to a request.
This result is processed by other blocks, which,
in turn, they also provide an answer to the task.
As a result, a certain set of answers appears, which
together they give a vision of the expected reaction of the system to the
presence of this or that consciousness in it. Such reading and subsequent
decoding of messages from the system is called diagnostics, and in
common parlance – fortune telling.
But our task is not only to learn how to read information from the system,
but also to interpret it correctly.
The practice of diagnostics is that after forming a question on the
diagram of the Yggdrasil Tree in a random order, you lay out the runes at
the positions of the nine worlds until you fill them out. This way you'll get
out of
nine runes in a bag; they don't need to be chosen, they don't need to be
turn them over, if they fall out upside down, they need to be
put it as is, in the following order:
1st position – the world of Midgard. Commentary on the current
situation. The way the problem you are interested in has already manifested
in the “here and now”.
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2nd position – the world of Jotunheim. Preconditions
of the past that led to this situation.
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3rd position - city of Vanaheim. Future development situation

tion, what it will lead to next, what will follow it.
This horizontal line is nothing more than
the well-known “past-present-future” mantra.
However, the Tree of Yggdrasil shows you that it is so simple
events are not written or done. There are still many reasons
and prerequisites for the reality described in these
three runes, was formed exactly this way and no other way. And
the past, the present, and the future have reasons, and these
the reasons, as can be seen from the diagram of the worlds, are not only in each other.
4th position – the world of Svartalfheim. Shows errors
and problems that have occurred and are present, respectively,
in the past and future, which allow the desired situation to unfold
exactly this way and in no other way.
5th position – the world of Alfheim. Here, on the contrary,
the victories of the past and the desired development of the
future are shown, which also influenced the formation of the mani
connections “past-present-future”.
As we can see, the chain of probability is supported equally
on both sides and the algorithms for victory and defeat,
hopes and fears equally influence how the mathematical past
and the mathematical future are shaped. Moreover, the same
presence and influence of the worlds
Alfheim and Svartalfheim shows this situation
both from the good side and from the not good side; she is and additional
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rum, and evil at the same time - it all depends on how she feels,
situation, look and, most importantly, to whom.
6th position – the world of Nifelheim. World of constants, world
darkness, the world of immutability. Shows the constant of the participant
in the prophecy around which this situation was formed. This is the core
of the problem, the program that dictated reality, what exactly in the life of
this particular person is the main thing and not the main thing. This is the
root of the problem, the basis
question, the true reason that answers the question: why-
so? Here it becomes clear that if you leave the base
such as it is, if you do not place the emphasis in consciousness differently,
if you allow this quality, which is described by the rune, to remain the
cornerstone of the entire program design, then globally nothing will change:

Some scenario circumstances of life can only be adjusted, but the essence
and outcome will not undergo changes.
7th position – the world of Hel. What goes into this world is what is not
what is needed is what has become obsolete, what goes into chaos for
complete processing, disincarnation and becomes construction again
material for future realities. This is the fee that
we always pay when purchasing something we need – according to the law
equilibria must simultaneously get rid of the unnecessary.
When forming situations, this “unnecessary” does not determine
the human mind, but the system that makes the situation. She
gives something, but takes away in return something that takes up space
in reality or consciousness, preventing the right one from coming (in ma-
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thematic version of the system) circumstances. It goes away
which is neither good nor evil, but simply useless.
In this position you see a sacrifice rune, something that will have to
will lose if the program reflected in the runes 2-1-3 (“past-present-
future”) works.
8th position – the world of Muspelheim. This position, however,
shows the possibility of change. In the diagnostic scenario, it is a
triggering mechanism for the implementation of an already
prescribed program, like a starter spark that starts the engine and
everything starts to spin. This is a rune
start and can show exactly when the created situation will unfold
into reality. However, the rune
at this position there is one more function that will help us
important and interesting in the next part of the practice.
9th position – the world of Asgard. Rune on the position of the world of the gods
shows what is needed in this situation for the entire system,
to maintain the law of equilibrium, for the proper functioning of the
program as a whole. Here we are no longer talking about
man and his personal world, and about the orleg - the common fate
of people, gods, worlds. This is such a global program that
shows what exactly supports by its existence such a weak and
insignificant, on a universal scale,
program of human destiny. It is assumed that this situation under
study was created precisely under the auspices of a certain first
principle of the world of Asgard, and this first principle is reflected
precisely by the rune (and in the position) that
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Paradise fell as the ninth step on this world. It is also assumed that if you
leave everything as is and prepare exactly
to such a development of the event, then the participant in the event, the
fulfiller of the prophecy, becomes, as it were, privy to this
the first principle, and the rune reflecting it is stamped
on his consciousness. How “successful” or “unsuccessful” is this?
printing for you personally, you, of course, can only determine
who alone.

However, if such a global program-first-principle were the only one (as,

for example, in monotheism),
then there would be no point in thinking about changing it. But in a polytheistic
system, in the world of gods-aces of such programs
many: after all, every god or goddess is himself a bearer of the universal
constant (or even more than one), he himself is a global
program. This means that the chance of changing the type
A person has reprogramming of the situation.

A fool hopes
death cannot be met
if he avoids battles;
but old age will come -
no one from her
will not find protection.

(Elder Edda.
Speeches of the High One)
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Understanding the second hypostasis of God gives us such a chance
Odin is the incarnation of a warrior magician. There's a wide-brimmed hat here.
the wanderer-seer will turn into a winged helmet, and the staff
wanderer - spear Gungnir. Here the magician god, the warrior god will never
agree with what is written and done and will fight
with fate as long as he remembers that he must fight with
fate. Being under the auspices of the god Odin, we will take advantage
protection of the Tree of Yggdrasil and the immense knowledge of the god-mage.
We will try to learn how to rewrite an already created program, based on
Odin’s lessons.
Analyzing the resulting alignment, you need to look as closely as possible
at the wrong rune that fell on
the first position of Midgard, as a commentary on the current situation. What
is the current situation? And before you can blink your eye, it will become a
situation of the past. Must watch
just on the third rune, which lies in the position of the world of Va-naheim - the
Vanaheim in the system of the Nine Worlds is the ideal future, in our
human understanding of the world; the best way out of the situation. Its
prerequisites are the other eight
runes located in the position of the remaining worlds of the Tree. Here
under such conditions, the rune in Vanaheim tells us, this will happen. Under
such prerequisites, this is. And with others - other

If you like what the world of Vanaheim shows -

leave everything as it is. But if there is something in the position of the Van rune -
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Heima, in the future, if you don't like it, you can try it
change everything. In this case, changes will be needed not only
in the present, but also in everything else that led to this present.
If there is a need or desire for change, then it is also worth looking
at the rune standing at 8-
th position of the world of Muspelheim. The rune in this position
shows the very possibility of reprogramming this connection. A
dropped rune on a position in the world of Muspelheim shows a
chance. What could be the impetus for change and different
development of the situation? Is it possible to change reality, where
the life story is unfolded in 9 positions?
will it happen differently? Will Muspel's fire agree to erase this
program so that you can fit another one in there?
If feelings, beliefs and signs show you the possibility of
reprogramming a given situation, then
the knowledge and lessons of the god Odin will be invaluable to
you. You feel the system, you understand it, you know how it
works, and your intervention in this system is permitted by its knowle

The first thing you need to understand when embarking on the

process of restructuring reality is that in it, reality, there are rules
that are best not to be violated. It's about these rules
was discussed at the very beginning of this chapter. A wise man does not destroy,
a reasonable person does not break. A reasonable person seeks
benefits even in restrictions. And if you, wanting to reprogram reality,
If you don’t want to be crushed by her response, then be
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be careful and act carefully.

The mind is needed by those

who wandered far -

at home everything is known to you;

will be mocking
look at the ignoramus
sitting among the wise.

(Elder Edda.
Speeches of the High One)

Let me remind you of the rule that you have already encountered when
compiling your own magic sign based on the IRK: using only these
runes. The same rule applies here: for changing
Considering the situation, we use only those nine runes that
rye were issued at the time of the deal. When composing your
individual magical seal, you managed to cleverly circumvent this
restriction, without breaking a single rule, but only by developing it -
turned weaknesses into strength, and limitations into opportunities.
Here you will have to do the same. Nine
runes are now your only tools, these are your
resource. And only him. The rest of the futhark runes are left to rest
in the rune bag, and you do not disturb them in any way
So, as we have already found out, on the Yggdrasil Tree we are in
more than anything else, I am interested in the result and
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on, which will personify this result. It must be in the position of
the world of Vanaheim and determine the desired
future. We will not break the rules if to describe this
future, let's take one rune from the nine that fell earlier - the one
which in your understanding, vision and feeling represents the
desired result for you. You will place it in the position of the
Vanaheim world. We do not choose this rune blindly,
but quite consciously.

Turn all other runes face down, ritually

mix - they will just be selected “blindly”. The bag with the
remaining runes must be put aside in advance and the runes
must not be mixed until the end of the work.
The runes in the bag are other people’s runes now, they are for this purpose
treasure have no relation, you cannot use
calling them to change the situation - this is the rule. But the
remaining eight runes are all yours. This is absolute
the unknown is how they will fit into the positions of the other worlds
of the Yggdrasil Tree, what they will show as good and what as evil, wha
will be asked to sacrifice what memory of the past they will extract
of you and with what first principle the gods will be united. All this
you will find out further.

Next, you also arrange the remaining eight runes according to

the remaining eight worlds. When making such a calculation,
look at the primary diagnosis and look at the changes that the
preconditions will undergo.
First of all, we look again at the “pro-
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past-present-future": Jotunheim-Midgard-Vanaheim,
where the final Vanaheim rune already lies, but the other two are
determined by modified fate algorithms.
The position of world 1 Midgard still describes the current
present. But now there may be another one lying there.
rune. Position 2 of the world Jotunheim also describes the past,
as before, but now there, perhaps, you will see another
rune. What does this mean?
Everyone's future is determined by multiple factors. The events
that take place are roughly formed at the very
strong karmic algorithms of the past, but always in some kind of
information environment. The overlap of these two factors
determines the scenario of current events displayed164 . If one
thing changes, everything else changes too. In this linear
algorithm, the karmic
an indicator is your personal internal algorithm that determines
the most powerful and significant events in your life. This
a bunch of Jotunheim-Midgard-Vanaheim runes will trigger
changes within your consciousness. What will these changes be?
and what kind of transformation is destined for you will be shown by the posted
runes, as well as the difference between the primary layout and this one,
changed. It happens that one or even both runes remain
unchanged, and this means that the algorithms for change will

164 This mechanism is described in more detail in Menshikova’s books

“Karma. Laws of cause and effect”, as well as “Egregors. The control system is r
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be introduced not into you, into your consciousness, but into the program of formation
roving the outside world.
You should have six runes left at this stage. Two of
you place them, still in the dark, in positions
4 and 5, positions of Svartalfheim and Alfheim, respectively. They
will also, as before, expose the algorithms of goodness and
evil, which simultaneously become excited by the changes you
introduce into reality. The runes that fall on these positions show
what vulnerabilities of your consciousness will be exposed to reality
and what algorithms for victory you need to rely on in order to
overcome these vulnerabilities, weaknesses and mistakes of the
Remember that runes are the weapon of a warrior, not a weakling. They
They won’t allow you to lie on the sofa and wait for “it to come.” The
runes on the positions of Svartalfheim and Alfheim will ambiguously
determine for you what real actions you will need
make sure everything happens according to the correct algorithms
(Alfheim), and what to fear, what vulnerabilities to fix
Position 6 of the world of Nifelheim will also expose the necessary
a constant of consciousness around which a new one will be built
reality, and this rune will give the core of your mind a new
activity, will find its analogue in the world of ancient constants of
Nifelheim and will co-tune you with each other. This will allow
you see as you have not seen before, and understand what
It wasn't clear before.
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However, everything done will require payment. And what
a greater number of runes were changed in the new scenario
old positions, the more significant the sacrifice may be. What the
“dark share of Hel” will be will be shown by the rune that falls in
the corresponding world of Helheim at position 7.
This is something that will have to be parted with, something that will have to be
sacrificed in order for one thing to come in exchange for the other165 .
Understanding the victim can also be shown by the rune that fell
to position 4 of the world of Svartalfheim. But, unlike the sacrifice
for Helheim, the Svarts insist on an active sacrifice,
and not passive, and the rune in place of the world of Svartalfheim
shows what you need to really do to level out your
vulnerability, while the rune in the Helheim position describes
something you have to give up to achieve results
- at least temporarily.
You have two runes left. The first will go to Muspelheim and
show exactly the same thing as before - launching processes
changes. What needs to be done to make changes happen? Ta
the rune that you will see at position 8 of the world of Muspel will
show that it can serve as a starting impetus to...
Changes to the desired result are achieved.
The remaining rune goes to the world of Asgard, and its 9th
position in the layout will give an understanding of the first
principle that will support the new life story, which

165 Read more about sacrifices and donations to the world of Helheim in the chapter
dedicated to the goddess Hel.
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He will approve the script and allow this movie to happen.
There may also be runes here, both upright and inverted - don’t
let this bother you, just read the messages correctly.


The described practice on the channel of the god Odin for reading
information from the Yggdrasil Tree system166 will not be a quick
swarm, and I highly recommend that you divide it into two stages.
At the first stage, you will only do layouts without changes. You
need to develop the skill of not only flawless
reading information, but also the ability to see all the cause-and-
effect relationships that are described by all nine
runes. To do this you need to make a lot of layouts and
monitor their implementation. After all, runes are ciphers, they are
program codes, and they can unfold into the reflected reality of the
world of Midgard in any form, in any form. One must recognize this
multiplicity, one must see absolutely clearly the connection between
prophecy and
execution. But this takes time.
To make the practice of this stage productive for you,
So that you don’t feel ashamed later before the god Odin for poor
learning of his lessons, consider the following:

166 This practice was first described by Master Liberty.

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1. Never do many layouts in one day. Let
at the initial stage there will be no more than one layout per day,
up to the formation of a stable skill to hear runes, see their
manifestation in real life, and understand the mechanism.
2. Always write down the question and display the breakdown in
your workbook. Analyze events every day
days and compare them with diagnostic results. Write down your
thoughts and observations, and the more detail, the more
3. To develop a stable skill of seeing and understanding, you
need to make a lot of layouts: one hundred, two hundred, one
thousand. Do not regret this time, it will not be wasted - everything
will come back a hundredfold, turn into pure knowledge and turn arou
time - in the volume and density that you need.
4. At the first stage, I recommend using knowledge
previous practice and make diagnostics according to the small
ritual, closing the space with the “Hammer of Thor”.
5. Use Odin's Runes to Improve Understanding
the information received (formula below).
6. Always perform the work of changing the situation (2nd
stage of practice) according to a small ritual and always closing
the space. You, as a programmer who writes a program,
must first do it “in the cloud”, bring it to completion, and
only then upload it to the common space. Otherwise
In this case, she may be killed before she is even born. Closing
space "Thor's Hammer", you form around the
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There is a space of timelessness, where everything is possible, because
there's nothing there yet. And until the work is completed, described in
a diary, and the parchment itself with the new layout is not protected or
ritually launched (for example, through activation
fire), do not open space, do not expose your back
to the inquisitors.


One is God the teacher for us and for all. He not only tells how it
should be, but also explains why. The practice of reading information
from the Yggdrasil Tree is a good experience to learn from such a
teacher who, before
teach, learned everything on myself. He observes the learning process,
and this is very valuable, because he cares. A
This, you see, is of great value - to have as a teacher someone
who cares.
For a deeper knowledge of the channel of the god Odin, you can
You can use the formula “Help in Research”167 .

167 Author – master O. Shaposhnikov.

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Let's look at this formula. An even number of runes suggests

that this runic spell implies some
a process extended over time. It does not presuppose any
specific result, expressed in an equally specific form, and in
this case it is so: cognition is
always a process.
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Evaz – a rune symbolizing only consciousness


Ansuz – rune of knowledge, flow of information

This sequence of runes helps to include consciousness in the information
flow. The command is given to the entire system (consciousness) to be in
the flow, not to leave the flow
and constantly look for this flow. When a person receives such a command,
the mind stops scattering and concentrates only on the task at hand. When
used for a long time, it also begins to work as a protection against external
manipulations that can distract the seeker’s consciousness from

search or switch to some more “important” task. Two powerful runes,

focused more on the inner world than on its external projections, will begin

slowly but constantly reprogram the mind, otherwise

setting priorities: what is important for a magician and what is not.
We must warn you that the formula may be somewhat difficult for
beginners. Working all the time, she doesn't
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allows the mind to relax, constantly keeps it in good shape,
“overclocks the processor.” However, after some time it is possible to
get used to living in such a state, which,
of course, leads to useful magical effects.
It is best to draw up this spell on a permanent medium and make a
personal talisman, but you can write it on yourself, especially at
moments when you need
mobilize all resources of consciousness to search for information
and, most importantly, a correct understanding of what was found.
Accelerates quickly, quickly brings consciousness to the peak of its capabiliti
forcibly holds in this state, forcing the entire
system of human thinking to mutate under magical
sky opportunities.

Gratitude to the god Odin is desirable. However, what this gratitude

can be expressed in, the received
signs. The power of Odin is everywhere, but I recommend watching
the behavior of crows, dogs and people.


I don’t recommend rushing to the next practice. If you manage to

“gain a foothold” on the channel of the god Odin,
you will be able to comprehend it as much as possible for yourself, then with
knowledge of the channels of other gods of the northern pantheon you do not have
difficulties will arise.
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Practice 6
God Thor
By working with the power of the god Thor, the seeker can learn a
lot from him. First of all, rely only on yourself for your future. If there is
help from the gods and their systems
today, this does not give reason to think that tomorrow it will be the
same, and automatically. This is a very important lesson and
very important study “from Thor”: tomorrow there will be another story,
everything will change, including the person being protected. Need for protection
is assessed by Thor at this particular moment and has no
prolonged effect into the future. With such a system
interaction with the power of the Thor channel, its lessons will always be
teach not to relax, to see the enemy now, to see the problem now and
solve it now, not later. This is a lesson in vigilance and the ability to
never count on tomorrow.
you will be protected just as you are now.
Understanding the nature of the god Thor allows us to see that
It is this god who is the best protector from harmful witchcraft. Any
interference in the established order of things is the sphere of interests
of the god Thor and the space of application of his forces. Thor is a
destroyer of monsters, not people. He
does not interfere in human relations, but unmistakably
sees a monster in a person or his environment. If god is Thor
strikes a person, it strikes the monster living in him.
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Anyone asking for protection from the god Thor can be
sure that he will not look for the causes of the requester’s
problems, will not find out how right or wrong he was in the
past. He looks at consciousness now, evaluating it as either
a system of order or a system of chaos. In the first case, you
can count on the help of the god Thor, but in the second - not.
Working with the Torah channel is always working with
protection. In part, “the one who enters the halls of Thor”
becomes like him: for him, yesterday ceases to exist, as a
justification for justifying his own inaction; For him, tomorrow
becomes less important than hope and the right to do nothing
today. Only this moment, only what is happening now, will
be important. No, the conducting channel of Thor will not
become the protector of all those who are humiliated and
insulted, but man himself, under the auspices of the god
Thor, will never become either humiliated or insulted. The
formula that is recommended to be used to open and
understand the channel of the god Thor is the classic formula
of protection, one might say, the seal of the god Thor - his
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Consists of the Thurisaz-Teyvaz-Thurisaz runes, a battle ax with

two blades168 .
Teyvaz awakens the inner truth, and the double Turi-saz
protects it from all sides, protects it from the external
threats, and from internal threats. Having protected from external
influence, it will truly reveal the state in the “here and now”,
showing the inner strength as it is. This will help you gather all
your internal resources for a decisive blow, it will stop the outflow
of energy, if any (and you will be able to see the source of the
pumping very clearly). But, besides this, it will also show internal
vulnerabilities: after all, something previously forced

168 Author unknown.

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It was impossible for you to voluntarily give up energy, not resist
theft, or accept loss without even trying to fight. And the Hammer of
Thor formula will show all this too.
This formula will help you learn to live without regard to
the past, with maximum concentration in the “here and now”,
in “here and now”; live without looking for excuses in the past and not
based on hopes for the future. She will allow you to feel the weapon
in her hand, she will allow you to become visible to the god Thor.
Will teach you how to solve a problem when it is
arose, and in such a way that it was worthy. Honestly. True.
Necessary and sufficient.
This formula can be written on yourself or performed in
in the form of an amulet; You can draw it on a photograph, or you
can visualize it before your mind’s eye and send a call to God
Torah, in a difficult or urgent situation, anything is possible.
The power of Thor will further strengthen the channel with the
god Odin; if your connection to Odin needs to be protected, Thor
will protect it. But once you get out
Odin's worldview, you will lose a defender in the face
Torah. This should be remembered: Thor is a defender of interests
Asgard, and it does not serve man in his doubts and his
imperfections. Only the persistent, only the faithful will feel the
power of the red-bearded giant, like the power of a friend, not everyon
It's worth counting on.
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Practice 7
God Tur
Understanding the power and specificity of the channel
of the god Tyr, you have to not only work with his formula,
but also through it make a deep dive into your memory and
your conscience. It is important, very important to know the
truth about yourself. To know and remember when
dishonorable acts were committed either by yourself or your
ancestor; know when and how the bonds of Gleipnir are
placed on you; know exactly and reliably who your personal
Fenrir is and who your personal Garm is. If you can be
honest with yourself, you will see
what the benevolent attitude of the god Tyr is. However,
remember that the god Tyr, as a teacher and god of kings,
is not involved in protection and it would be absurd to
evaluate his strength as the help of a guide. His lessons say
that as long as you can cope without help, cope; As long as
you can solve issues humanly without using magic, solve
them. Even a fool can do it with the help of higher and
additional powers, but try without them. If you cope, it will be
your valor,
your rights, your strength. This is the truth of the king. This
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Tyura"169, since it contains a true understanding of its power and
the rules for its application

Naud-Uruz-Teyvaz. Rune of need. Rune of strength. Rune of

truth. The correct combination of your own truth and the strength
that is needed for this truth. If there is a right to force, there will be
force. If there is strength, then the right will manifest itself. If you have
the strength to command, then execution will follow.
This formula can manifest the true right to power that you have.
The Nautiz rune, being not only a mechanism for arousing true need,
and not desires or whims, is also the key to the world of Jotunheim -
the world of ancient memory, including ancestral memory. In co-

169 Author unknown.

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when reading with the runes Uruz and Teyvaz, it will awaken in the
mind the memory of the past, raise the forgotten to the surface of memory
crossed out due to weakness or lack of understanding will allow you to
remember. Uruz, like the power of a mother, the power of the Earth will help to m
this memory to realize your own inner truth.
Inner strength comes into line with outer strength,
and the Earth itself gives an assessment of your rights, your position;
she will evaluate you according to her own standards, as the mistress of everything evaluates
his future husband - a true king from a position of impeccability.

If there is strength, the formula will show it. If there are vulnerabilities
Mostly - she will show it too.

The three-rune, point formula works as a one-time impulse, which

shakes up the entire system of consciousness, brings it out of stagnation,
forces it to mobilize all forces, as
before the last battle, before the last decisive exam. Here's the memory.
That's power. That's the truth. They should be
are adequate to each other, where, on the basis of their own internal
truth, memory and strength come into equality with each other.

With such an intention, Tyr's formula will unmistakably show what

one really has a right to. Whatever she shows -
this knowledge is very valuable because it accurately indicates the
starting position, depriving illusions. She is like that unknown force that
shows the wolf Fenrir how to really
in fact, Gleipnir's fetters look like they help him get rid of
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free yourself from illusions and free yourself. Likewise, your strength,
fettered by a wrong idea of yourself, will be freed through this formula if
you can see
Gleipnir as it is.
People often cannot reach their goal only because they do not
correctly determine the point of their current location or make mistakes
in their own positioning. But
Truth Tyura says: it is better to know than not to know; better is grief
from insight than blind faith in illusions. If you don't give
if you order yourself to see the situation as it is, then Gleip-nir will
bind you even more tightly and consciousness will be an eternal evil fo
A magical wound inflicted on a god never disappears.
It cannot be healed, but the key can be corrected
a mistake that led to an injury that changed fate.
Remember the experience of Tyr, the experience of the god of kings. No need for mistakes
admit that they need to be corrected. Remove the illusions from
your mind, like from the clutches of Fenrir, and the truth, the real trut
will triumph.
This formula can be used as a talisman or
just write on yourself or on your photo. Beware
use this formula for another person: remember,
the truth can be very painful, and for those who are not ready
hearing it is deadly. Not everyone is ready to meet
with your Garm right now. Therefore - only for yourself.
I must say that the channel of the god Tyr has excellent work -
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All runic formulas melt and not only: a spoken word, a slow
thought, a spoken order. Everything works, but only under
one condition: if you know that you are right. If you are
wrong, then the activation of Gleipnir’s internal bonds will
not keep you waiting long.
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Practice 8
God Heimdall
The lessons of the god Heimdall, if he undertakes to teach you, can
show you how the constants of human division
worlds exist to this day. Maybe the rules have changed
made it possible to assign a person to one class or another, but it is impossible
The fact of such an attribution remains unchanged - there are castes in the
world of people.
How to determine at first glance who belongs to which caste? How
not to make a mistake in a person by highlighting some
properties and giving them an assessment?
The legend of Riga gives us the opportunity to understand this. Before
Just remember, says this legend, that Heimdall teaches not
all sorts of things. The earl, his disciple and heir, gave birth to one who
surpassed him in skill. So that I can become your teacher
God Heimdall, you must meet his requirements. It is impossible to
deceive God, but you can try to demonstrate the necessary qualities in
yourself: what if you have them? If
no, then at least you can unmistakably find out: who are you? So as not to
experience illusions, becoming Fenrir for oneself,
to correctly understand your starting position. Constants of assignment
to one or another stratum are built into everyone.
According to the Riga-Heimdall rule, they should not change
over time throughout life - this is the law of this god. Mora-
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Whether you like it or not, it is how it is. If constant
is registered, then the world information system will
read it by it first of all, and not by what
what people think about you or what you think about yourself. For those
seeking themselves in magic, it is always better to know than not to know wh
Whatever the truth, it is more valuable than illusions. However, it should
remember that the system of polytheism, unlike monotheism,
consists of many forces, systems and deities, filled with various
algorithms for achieving results. Therefore, the formula “one way and
no other” is not always appropriate in polytheism. More precisely, it is
always inappropriate. However, now, knowing the channel of God
Heimdall will introduce you to exactly this principle.
God Heimdall is the guardian of the limits. Heimdall's world is
a world of constants and compromises, where a compromise is
Xia agreement on limits. Working on the Heimdall channel will help
you realize your limits and understand the very principle of the
obligatory presence of constants in consciousness as a system-forming
factor. Man, as a system of various accumulations of feelings,
emotions, opinions, desires, doubts,
assumptions, misconceptions and illusions, with great difficulty
realizes in himself the presence of constants of consciousness as such, and
he can’t even identify them by name. Carried
the god Heimdall can help in this realization. That power
like x-rays - they will highlight the bones, skeleton, skeleton;
they will show - this is the basis, it is not visible under the pile of meat,
fat and other biological compounds, but
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it is there - look at it. It is very important to know and understand your

basis, but it is equally important to know what this basis means when
information assessment of the system and gods.
Whatever the answer of the god Heimdall, this is the system’s
algorithmized response to your request “Who am I?” When
you know the system’s answer, there is a chance to understand it better -
this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, learn to use a good
magical mechanism, which says: if you can’t yet...
If you want to change something, then study this unchangeable thoroughly
but also make it your strength. We need to look at the "verdict"
Heimdall" on the other hand and see that if nothing
do with the constant it manifests, if you allow it
to be and to be convex, then this is a guarantee of the right inherent in
given stable property (perhaps the only one); This
the sword that will never break is the source that
will never run out. Nothing is definitely good
neither bad, nor successful, nor useless - it all depends on
application area and can only be assessed in this quality, and not in
itself, separated from the result.
Who are you, from the point of view of the constants of the god Heimdall, according to
you may find out the following formula .

Mannaz-Raido-Ansuz. Three-rune formula, which means

that it is programmed for the final result 171. The formula should
determine your social status (caste) and

170 Author unknown.

171 Can be applied to yourself, a photograph or an amulet.
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identify the correct activity based on the definition made. The application of
this formula is, with one
on the one hand, agreement with one’s social destiny, and on the other hand
sides – full system support for your activities.
The formula in such a disclosure will remove all obstacles and restrictions
imposed by unknown well-wishers, if there were any, but will also exclude
you from the path of life
something that, according to the rules of the system, should not be in the
lives of representatives of your social class. If you everyone
you accept with your heart the paradigm of the god Heimdall and also,
like him, you believe that constants are the most important thing, and that’s all
the rest is secondary, then this formula can be used in combination
L o.

If there are doubts regarding the correct determination of one’s caste

affiliation, then the following practice
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which will allow you to find out exactly what the gods think about you
and your life task. Moreover, this opinion will be quite
expanded, as it will use what you already know
information channels of the gods Odin, Thor and Tyr, adding to them
information that came through the channel of the god Heim-dall. This way,
you can see if there is an alternative to the rigid definition of Heimdall, if
there is a way to change your positioning in this world, or, conversely,

no change should be made or required. In the diagnostic scenario presented

below, the final word will belong to the All-Father in any case.

Layout of “Speech of the Ases”172

The layout will involve seven runes, which you take out of the bag of
runes and place the rune up on
the position as it was laid out: straight means straight;
inverted means upside down. Rune position here
has the meaning.

172 The author of the layout is master Hadeken.

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The runes here are laid out in the order that

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which is described in the diagram, and mean the following.
Position 1. The Word of the Torah. God of power evaluates your questio
from the “here and now” position and gives just such an assessment.
In the position of the god Thor, the task is assessed on a simple
basis: you can or you can’t. Not legally, but physically;
not potentially, but actually. Can you solve the problem
now, yourself, and not later, when favorable or
just different circumstances. Thor is a concrete force and evaluates
what is, and not what might or might not be.
Position 2. Word of Tyura. The God of Truth looks at the task
already differently and sees the level of rights and the degree of
competence of the questioner. He just evaluates potential, opens or
closes prospects - precisely from the position of truth.
God Tyr will unmistakably determine whether there is truth behind you,
Are your demands truly fair, without illusions?

Position 3. Heimdall's word. The opinion of the White Ace is

based on taking into account all unchangeable circumstances, he
sees what cannot be changed when resolving your issue, and
what can be changed. His word fixes those constants that must
remain unchanged in any solution to the problem. With his word, he
will indicate your position in reality, which exists, and it must be taken
into account in further assessments or transformations thereof for
other gods-co-interlocutors.

Position 4. Odin's answer to Thor. Allfather who sees

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the situation in the disclosure, in perspective, is assessed by the word of the Torah
precisely in the future: agreeing or objecting, chuckling
when you are angry or angry, you will hear it yourself.
Position 5. Odin's response to Tyru. Tyra's truth has
judgment in the eyes of Odin. He will express it to Tyr, and how
his word will be shown by the rune at this position. Truth of Tyura
can dissolve in Odin's rage, or can be strengthened
his wisdom.
Position 6. Odin's response to Heimdall. God alone knows
knows what immutable constants are, but also knows what they are
maybe a lot. In his word, the All-Father will tell about this
White Ace, either agreeing with him or highlighting an alternative, if there is
Position 7. Word of Odin. His verdict, result, diagnosis, which God
Odin makes taking into account all the manifestations
gods of factors. This is the result and will need to be taken into account as
given. The final decision of the god Odin.
Each god states his position based on his own
the principle of truth, existence and possibility. Allfather
One, who contains in himself everything that is in the other gods, makes a
personal opinion, and at the end of the conversation a general one, since
only he has the opportunity to take into account all the factors:
and which the interlocutor gods spoke, and about which they remained
silent. He can connect everything together, see additional
opportunities or deny them. That's why he's the All-Father, he's
speaks last.
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This layout gives a comprehensive vision of the senior bo-

gov of the northern pantheon relative to the one standing in front of you
question or problem. At the same time, the aces are not talking to you, but
exclusively with each other, giving you the opportunity to simply hear
their opinion. In this conversation you are not an actor173
participate. The conversation can go on as is customary with loved ones
or friends, in a free form and free tone, so give up in advance the
expectation that the gods will choose the words,
convenient for you. Also remember that none of your requests (clarification
or leading questions) are taken into account.
This conversation is similar to a council of doctors before which you
sit on a stool with your legs crossed and listen to the verdict. The most
the main thing is not to interrupt or interfere, open your ears
and don't breathe.
It should be recalled that asking again and clarifying is not
costs. There is also no need to make more than three layouts in one
day. And even more so to reformulate the same request in other words:
you will not deceive the gods with this, but the stigma
you will get a crafty bore. Be honest, noble, and if you decide to ask the
elder gods a question, then have the courage to hear the answer.
Moreover, to receive this answer -
your luck, not your right.
It is also important to remember that this alignment is from the
“diagnostic” series: it involves an opinion, but not help. If

173 Actor is a significant subject who plays a significant role in one or another
process, in certain conditions.
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the summarizing opinion of the god Odin in some sense opens the
green road before you, this does not mean at all that you should lie
down on the sofa. You will have to walk your path yourself, and the gods
are not afraid of obstacles on this path. They’ll say there’s an opportunity,
and then you’ll do it yourself. Or not, they will say, but still continue on
my own. Paganism is a system of action, remember this.

This layout is best done according to a small ritual,

closing the space. I remind you that the gods are for help
It is customary to give thanks. How, when and with what, you can understand
after completing the ritual themselves.


Even if the god Heimdall does not define your consciousness as

the subject of one’s systemic interests, the very presence in the channel
of this god can include in consciousness the inherent
the power of Heimdall qualities: to hear (perceive) everything that
happens in your environment, and through it more deeply
understand people, unmistakably understand who is who.
Any thought you suddenly have about this
channel, regarding some person - this is correct
thought, and it determines who this person really is, and not who he
wants to appear in the eyes of others or in his own eyes. Heimdall is
never mistaken in his assessment of the children of men.
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Listen to the signs on Heimdall's channel.
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Practice 9
God Loki
In his lessons, the god Loki can be rude and cruel. But you won't
find a better teacher. No one will see the key more clearly than he
problem in the system. There can be many problems in consciousness,
but the key one is always the same. Loki will flash the key. Will show
the stumbling block of the entire system of consciousness will show
the constant by which the crooked structure is formed. And not just
will show, but will confront you directly with the main task: is this really
the constant for which it is worth living? Or this one
value, this key in the system, for which someone lives
another, and your life resources are used for the sake of other people's
ideals? Loki can show the problem in a completely indelicate, rude,
sophisticated mocking manner. But if for you
the result is more important than the process, then everything can be endured - for the sake of

The channel of the god Loki seems to dissolve everything in consciousness,
that only pretends to be valuable, everything that only seems to be
unshakable constants of consciousness. Loki doesn’t do tricks just
like that, but only where they are really needed, where there is a
serious reason to see a problem, and not for the sake of self-
indulgence. Although sometimes his lessons may look exactly like
this to you, do not succumb to provocations: if you enter
process of cognition, be true to your intention, regardless
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no matter
what. Loki sees man not as a social person, but as a
projection of God. If he sees a discrepancy between him
and who you are now, he will correct it. The formula that
is proposed for work on this channel is the transformatio
formula174 . Just like Loki,
she works quickly, hard and with maximum precision.
It helps to get rid of fears and, by removing their covers,
will reveal your real essence, your true nature. Fears are
the basis of any illusion; if fear creeps into the
consciousness, then the mind, affected by this virus, will
easily complete the illusion itself.

174 The author is the master of Liberty.

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The transformation formula is a ligature of two

runes Dagaz and Eyvaz.
Eyvaz is the fears themselves, small and large, deep and superficial. From
the point of view of the task of becoming - vulnerabilities that make
consciousness incomplete, weak and sick.
Dagaz is the rune of transformation, the rune of transformation. In
conjunction with the rune, Eyvaz will help transform weaknesses into
strength, fears into weapons, and internal imperfections into con-
a specific plan of action and transformation of oneself.
You can apply the ligature anywhere: on yourself, on a photograph, on
your arm, on your leg, on your forehead, on a piece of sugar and eat it – wherev
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It really helps beginner witches and sorcerers, who are still
afraid of everything in the world, but really want to practice. But not
only them. To everyone who suffers from their own irrational fears
of the outside world, of
“the powerful of this world”, in the face of what you don’t know and
don’t understand, it is recommended to work with this formula - it
will help, and it will help quickly.
A word of caution though. Do not apply this formula to
to other people, especially if they are dear to you. Not every
ready to look your monsters in the eye, not everyone is ready
see yourself without illusions. Let me remind you that the god Loki
is not the god of tenderness and delicacy. His love and care
always specific and may well not fit into the stereotypes of human
ideas about what “bo-
kind help."
Remember that the god Loki will help you if you are really ready
to work on yourself. To those who believe that “it
everything should happen on its own,” Loki doesn’t help – he laughs at them.
But if you manage to become strong from the lessons of the god Loki, then
you will laugh together.
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Practice 10
God Njord
The Van channel of the power of the god Njord is not intended indiscriminately
bestow benefits and resources on everyone. The gifts of the god of sea wealth
are intended only for the strong and blameless, only for the noble descendants
of the Van tribe. The owner of a noble soul will be able to enter the channel

God Njord, and from now on everything in life will come.

But if the soul is small and ignoble, if it is destroyed by a virus
envy and slander, then instead of a profit there will be a loss, and quickly and
immediately. All the gods of the ancient forces of nature evaluate a person in this
way; they cannot be begged, crushed, beaten or intimidated. Remember the
Russian fairy tale "Morozko", and
you will instantly understand what we are talking about.
“King of Men” Njord does not evaluate “small” consciousness in terms of law,
righteousness or unrighteousness.
The God of nature sees strength, and if there is it in man, strength
natural, noble, then there will be a connection, and there will be a response, and
the right given by the gods will also be. But if there is no such strength,
then an attempt to join the channel of the god Njord will work exactly the other
way around.
When touching this channel, remember that the ancient gods
its own evaluation criteria, which do not obey the current traditional social world
and can seriously change
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to relate to the human idea of what impeccability and nobility are.
Remember that the Van magic of the god Njord absolutely and
unmistakably determines the place that the nature of a particular person
should occupy in the general biocenosis. If a person takes the wrong
place, God
Njord will determine this instantly. For him such a person
like a cancer cell, like fibrous tissue that spoils
life to everyone around, which takes away resources from those
to whom it is given and assigned by nature. But the opposite is also true:
if the power of Njord determines that the flawless one has been deceived,
that the noble is offended by those who have no right to the resource,
he will correct the situation - because such is his strength, such is
its nature: the whole world is a single whole, and if one is sick
part of the world, then everyone else feels this pain.
Small people, alien people, who do not love nature and do not
understand its laws, will at best not be noticed by the god Njord, and at
worst (for them) - their rights will be reduced.
on a resource and are deprived of the opportunity to take this resource as
they may have done this before - thoughtlessly, viciously, out of
fear and hatred of the forces of nature.
His algorithms for good in this sense are different from the algorithms
of the aesir gods. The Ases say: live by the law. The Vanirs say: live
according to nature. Entering now the channel of the god Nyor-da will
unmistakably show you how you correspond
nature, and if the power of the sea god of wealth deems it possible to
enter your mind, it will correct the injustice
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livability by nature, if any. However, remember that the opposite is also
possible: if the Van recognition algorithms
the forces will see that what is available was not received by right, not
by strength and not by opportunity, then the excess will go away. As
the ancient law given by the gods to man says: do not demand justice
- you can get it.
This warning should always be remembered by the modern social
person who does not really understand
He knows that he is not the master of nature and that she, nature, is nothing to him
should not. However, those who understand this simple truth
can find in the flow of power of the god Njord that very desecrated
justice and the restoration of his true natural rights. God Njord
determines unmistakably: if according to
nature has it - get it; if you have the strength, take it; if it is without
reproach, own it. What you should have by right as a Mother will
appear, but what you should not have will go away immediately.
In addition to the manifestation of such truth, on this channel you can
a lot to learn. For example, to feel and understand
your rights, realize your power. Never infringe on the rights of others,
understand unmistakably where the limit of what is permissible is
influence. It is absolutely clear to see who is destined for what place in
this world by nature, where the area of opportunities is located not only
for oneself, but also for everyone else. This is knowledge
the unity of everything with everything and an impeccable sense of a
natural anomaly in the human world when one arises. Acutely feel the
unnaturalness, as children do
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childbirth senses the impending natural disaster in advance.
The formula that is proposed to be used on this channel is the formula
“Finding your path”175. The specificity of this formula is that the concept of
“path” must be considered precisely from the perspective of the Van
worldview of the god Njord, in the context of determining the place in the
general world
natural space.

Nature has determined a place for each person born in advance,

and this place, and the right to live on it, and to feed from it already
solely based on the fact of birth. Not only
physical manifestation of this place, but also biological and social: among
what people (and not only) to live, what function
fulfill what position to occupy in its habitat. This definition is somewhat
different from the mechanisms
which the ace program uses to determine the person’s vird

175 Author unknown.

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century, marking its place. The Aesir calculate everyone by their
existential mass, by the fullness of consciousness, by their tribal
caste, but not by biology, not by nature.
Njord's algorithm is different, and it does not use the concept of “existential mass”
operates. The Van algorithm will accurately determine your
natural function - why you were born, what is your agreement with
nature, where and how you can be whole in
collection of worlds. Determines what rhythm you need
exist by nature, what task to perform by nature. Your right to the
resource and the guarantee of its receipt will depend on this definition.
Place, occupation, society, regular results that the world plans from

receive you - all this will help determine the formula “On-
going your own way."
Since this formula is one of those extended in time, it is better to
make it a talisman on a permanent medium or
overlay on your photo. However you must be
ready for the fact that it won’t work quickly – Van Canal
subject to its own rhythms. You should also understand that the
purpose of this formula is not so much to give you information
about the right natural path for you, how much to take out
this path, and this process takes time. So in advance
give up expectations that everything will happen tomorrow,
but the fact that the process started working immediately, you can
don't even doubt it.
What ritual can you use when working with the channel?
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Njord? The success of contact is more likely when in contact with
the native element of God - the sea. Traditionally, to thank your god
for help and participation in
fate, the followers of the god Njord feed the seagulls he
loves and rejoices at their screams.
Also spirit seers who travel with their minds
across the worlds, they say that the god Njord loves his
the palaces of Noatun, but their constant expansion due to lost ships
requires increased care. Therefore god Njord
accepts with gratitude the gifts that are brought from
long journeys for his admirers.
When working with the channel of the god Njord, try to see that
it is the Vanir here, in the world of living nature, who really
real owners. We people were simply allowed to live here.
If you are able to understand and feel this, then interaction with the
power of the Vanir gods and life “in the right” will become for you
the basis for no longer being afraid of anything or anything
do not lose because of fear and lack of understanding of the true situation
of things.
When starting to work with the channels of Van power, remember:
that the Vanir are part of the world, which, unlike the power of the Aesir,
is not subject to analysis, but only to feeling. This feeling does not
require awareness, but, on the contrary, being without awareness, it
requires a state of presence - and nothing more.
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Practice 11
God Freyr
The story of the god Frey teaches us that his power is great, but
not comprehensive. The development of his algorithm for achieving results,
his victories and defeats show that to success
his flow of power will lead in small or heartfelt matters. Though
and the god Freyr personifies the universal principle of the infinite
reconstruction, but, according to the rule of constructing reality,
this principle cannot be applied to everyone and everything: after all
the victory of God in the legend is a strengthening and expansion of the
possibilities of applying his principles and algorithms, but loss and defeat are
a corresponding decrease. Reducing the scope of application of his principle
of life, his principle of existence. So the legend about the victory of the god
Frey (love for Gerd) and defeat (the giant Surt) says that his

force can only be applied to one's own nature, nature

Wang's interests, but disarmed in the face of “external force”
remains, and one’s affairs, one’s home and one’s interests must be kept
away from the “gaze of light”: from the law, from unnecessary information
that comes through light channels. Ancient memory must be applied to some
occupation, and not to the entire process of creation in reality. A
more precisely, find something to do and direct yourself and your strength to it
case. Do it for yourself, not for the whole world, not for others.
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people - and Frey to help.
Freyr's power will not provide protection - it is not for this
intended. Protective formulas on the Van Canal are not
are used because the very concept of protection is opposite to the
understanding of Van nature. The meaning of protection is to
reject, to exclude something from oneself. Vans are nature
in which everything is connected to everything and nothing can be
excluded without harming the overall integrity. But Freyr's story
shows how vulnerable nature is in its short-term
newness, and, living by its own laws, it does not see that
an enemy, pretending to be an old friend, like Skirnir, can be very
The Freyr Channel will allow the sphere of your depths to manifest itself -
new, real interests and only for them to grow as
fruits, like in the garden of the goddess Gerd. These interests to the present
moment should already be manifested on the previous channels
of the gods-aces, whose nature is from the Primordial, like the
ancestors of the beloved Frey.
Freyr's Channel will show in what form you could show your
true nature, what traces you will leave behind
themselves as essential, as necessary. At the heart of these traces
Your deepest essence will lie, which was revealed by the organizing
gods Odin, Thor, Tyr, Heimdall and Loki.
The naked authenticity becomes like a seed to which Frey will give
life - after all, he is the god of nature, but he allows the strongest
seed to survive. Goddess Gerd, possessing
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with a long memory, will be able to make sure that in the
garden of possibilities your seed will be planted in such a way
that it will grow correctly - without damage to the seed and
without damage to the garden. Freyr will show you where you
can have your personal “up-tech garden”, where your area of app
deep task.
Formulas that can be used on the God channel
Frey, as a rule, are associated with enrichment and prosperity.
I will give here the universal formula “Prosperity”176

A very simple three-rune formula Fehu-Inguz-Algiz.

Protected power of fertility.

176 Author unknown.

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This formula embodies the very essence of the Van channel,
and its use will connect your consciousness with it
very fast and very natural. It will highlight with its power those
values and needs that are associated with survival and well-being.
It activates the principle in consciousness
natural selection at all levels of consciousness, starting with
strengthened immunity at the physical level, ending
a heightened sense of healthy egoism and a deep-seated need to
possess what is necessary and one’s own.
The use of this formula will strengthen the Vanir component of
your nature and make it visible to the Vanir gods, visible to the
god Frey himself. If the power of the gods of nature is
you are initially great, then contact with “your own” will occur
very fast. If the Van component is in an atrophied state, then the
formula will first try to
revive, turn on the craving for life, drive away parasites
ditch so that the resonance with the gods of natural forces and
wealth takes place in full and without distortion.
Prosperity is the power of a renewable resource, it is
the ability to see benefits for oneself in everything, to see one’s habitat
habitat, to see how, where and with whom happiness and bliss are possible
get it
This formula can be made into an amulet, placed on an image
(photo) or simply applied to the body - it will work in any case.

This formula and the power of the Van channel, if it is in you

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will come in, is able to break the patterns in the mind that
You have only one social path and only one socially approved
(or habitual) destination. She is able to erase from
consciousness the program-belief that a resource
from this world you can receive only within this
artificial image of purpose; erase the program
which makes you not see opportunities and deny the
Frey will show his strength where he finds his Gerd - there,
where she lives in your mind. He will find the most beautiful,
the most phenomenal thing that you have, and this will be
“Gerd’s apothecary garden”, which you will have to cultivate.
This will be prosperity - prosperity in your garden.
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Practice 12
Goddess Freya
When working with the power of the channel of the goddess Freya, you
will have the opportunity to compare it with the previous channel of the god Frey
Despite the fact that Freya and Freyr are brother and sister, twins
and both, naturally, are Vans, these two streams are not similar to each other
friend, how a man is not like a woman.
Channel god Freira limited but constant. Ego world
warming, giving a feeling of stability, in some way
in a calming sense. Freya's channel is not like that. He is not limited by
the spot of his own perception and, of course, is far from stability - like
the goddess of Freedom herself. Soft and
pliable now, a second later – furious and angry. AND
just as quickly - noisy and buzzing, and then again - calm and
affectionate. Like a mountain river, like a spring wind, like
woman's mood. The flow of Freya's power is never uniform and never
illuminates the same place.
No wonder they say that Freya has four hats - four
hypostases in which she manifests herself. Every hat is
its own peculiarity and its own unique property:
Spring hat - youth and joy, softness and kindness, the smile and
ringing laughter of the goddess. This is not carnal love,
and love is the force of attraction, the desire to live and hope. This
a desire for change when there is none yet, but there is a premonition of it.
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The power of this part of Freya's channel is not for accumulation - for
giving. Take it and give it right away. Inhale and exhale. This is the
cycle of power in nature: if the goddess takes something, then immediat
gives adequately; but if he gives something, he takes it away
The spring hat of the goddess Freya will help you learn
feel this adequacy and understand: when something goes away, what
comes in return? when something comes, what will be quickly taken
away as compensation?
Summer hat is the hat of the goddess of fertility, hat
not a young maiden, but a grown woman. Here is the goddess Freya -
mother, and her stream is a feeding stream. This flow is also not static,
and the “summer hat” reveals the goddess as disu, as the goddess of
fate. According to legend, diss are natural spirits that gave the born
child some strong and good qualities (unlike the Norns, who weave
the very fate of the born). Freyja was sometimes called "disa of the
Goddess Freya's summer hat will help you recognize
yourself the very strong natural qualities with which you
endowed from birth; highlight in oneself those special personality
properties that in themselves are capable of transforming
life in a deep river, rich in fish, in arable fields,
abundant harvests, in protected forests, strong in game. The
manifestation of these qualities will help to reap the harvest from those c
which were planted by you a long time ago, so long ago that
you have already forgotten about them, but they will suddenly begin to produce damage
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live where you never expected.
The autumn hat is a reverse force; strength is not
giving birth, but killing. This hat is the winged helmet of a warrior. In
this incarnation, Freya’s strength is the strength of a Valkyrie, a warrior
woman. This flow takes with it everything that has become obsolete and
like a tsunami, like a furious wave, it will sweep away from space
everything that has no roots. In an autumn hat, the goddess Freya
takes the fallen warriors to the battlefield, takes the best into her
palaces, ahead of the god Odin. Picks up
those who will henceforth be destined to live in the world of Vanaheim, and
first of all, these will be female warriors: those who,
like Freya, she relies only on herself in her life, those
who owes nothing to anyone.
In this incarnation she shows her personality as clearly as possible.
difference from the goddess Frigg as the guardian of the fundamental principle
Tradition, the creators of the hearth. Here Freya-Vanadis reveals
herself as the true mistress of the diametrically opposite fundamental
principle Freedom: the mother of the Aesir Frigg
will save her offspring, but the Valkyrie Vanadis will
kill for him.
The autumn hat of the goddess Freya will show you what freedom
is “as a conscious necessity”; will show what exactly
what is needed to be free: what must be killed for this, what must be
destroyed, what must be cleared. The autumn hat will also teach you
to never count on anyone.
The winter hat is the hat of the wise witch, elderberry
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mother, Frau Holda, old Gerda. All the properties that all her previous
hats contain are, as it were, compressed in this one, giving a dry
residue - experience. There's nothing here anymore
It bears fruit, valuables are preserved and frozen here.
In this hat, the goddess Freya is a teacher of magic, as she once
was for Odin. Here she is a völva prophetess, mad-
naya witch.

The winter hat of the goddess Freya can be worn only when all
three previous ones are worn to holes. The one who managed
to be everyone and retain his freedom, he is worthy of study
wise Freya in this form. The winter hat is her attribute as the mistress
of the seid.
Changing “hats” is not a chaotic fitting of someone else’s
wardrobe. This is the progressive development of oneself in the proces
and growing up. But this is not necessarily a movement along the
age line from youth to old age: you can go to Freya’s winter hat
come at sixteen years old, but you don’t have to take off your spring uniform
until retirement. You don't have to be exclusively a woman
to know the power of Vanadis, her male followers
can tell a lot about Van magic.
Formula to use on the Goddess Channel
Freya is, of course, her own stamp. The formula is
called “The Seal of Freya”177. It consists of two related runes, Berkan
and Inguz. Berkana is the rune of the goddess herself, and Inguz is
the key to the world of Vanaheim. Linked into one

177 Author – master D. Raven.

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sign, they show Freya as Vanadis - the daughter of the Vanir, the mistress
of Vanaheim.

The use of this runic sign will not only immerse your consciousness in
the channel of the power of the goddess Freya, but will also allow you to
perform the mystery of a consistent transformation of consciousness
through all four of her hats. You should be in each hypostasis, in each
projection as long as necessary, without trying to change hats at your
own discretion. When the time comes for change, you will receive a sign.
Each hat is a necessary experience, a sequential passage
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through the four fundamental principles of consciousness: Love, Life, Hate
and Death, respectively. If some experience is not enough,
then the hat needs to be worn for a long time, if there is a lot of experience
or even excessive, then the change of hats will happen quickly.
This is a very individual process, but each witch or
the witcher will pass through it: to gain freedom, you need
have time to know everything and be everyone.
Becoming the “Seal of Freya” is best done as an amulet and
worn constantly, then it will act as a mechanism that triggers mysterial
transformation. The formula drawn on yourself will simply work as an
improvement in attractiveness, awakening natural natural forces. But

In order to know the power of the goddess Freya, in order for Van’s
transformation to take place according to the rules of seid magic, this power
must be known for a long time, be in it, live in it, become it.
Try, while living on this channel, to learn to be free and independent of
obligations and debts. Learn
look for strength in yourself and not buy at exorbitant prices what you have
your nature from the very beginning.
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Practice 13
Sif and Idunn
When living through the channels of the Vanir gods, passing through the
channels of the gods Njord, Frey and Freya, it is quite likely that one of the
described Vanir qualities – altruism or selfishness – could suddenly become
aggravated in you. Not allowed when
To say that these personality qualities were previously completely unusual
for you is not at all. But it was precisely on the flows of Van power that some
of them began to manifest themselves very prominently and,
maybe even too much in some situations. As if
your nature would suddenly change, your disposition would change, and
you would turn to the world with a face that, perhaps, before
rarely had contact with him.
There is no need to be surprised at this, especially now that you know
the specific extremes of the Van channel, which are expressed in the
images of the goddesses Sif and Idunn. Going to extremes does not in any
way detract from the merits of your consciousness or intellect, but it well
reflects the specifics of your own
forces – it is assumed that Van energies will be more re-
effective if they begin to pass through precisely this
quality of personality - this is your nature.
If the indicated extremes of altruism or egoism appear, and you feel and
understand it, under no circumstances
do not try to remake yourself if in the future natural
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magic and Van power are assumed by you as the main channel of
magical work and magical transformation of yourself.
However, everything should be different if the strength is not of the Vanir, but of the Aesir

should become the main and guiding one for you, and you
understand this. In this case, it would be preferable to search for gold
middle ground and avoidance of extremes, as dangerous forms of manifestation

Using the runic seals included below

the goddesses Sif and Idunn will contribute to the maximum
manifestation of specific personality traits, which to a greater extent
keep your consciousness at some vanish extreme - altruism or
These features can be expressed in completely different ways
everyone, so you definitely need to know your vulnerability. I
emphasize that this is precisely vulnerability, although it may not
seem like it at all. But such a personality property is vulnerable
solely because it is
his “law and order” will easily take control and
your life and your power will be controlled through it.

If you already know your Van extreme - altruism

or selfishness, if the goddess Freya or the god Freyr have already shown
you on it, then you can safely take the seal of the goddess who
personifies this extreme, and study oneself. If you don’t yet see
such a bulge in your consciousness or are
successor to the power of the aces, then try both and study yourself
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better. This is a part of the personality that, as a rule, no one pays
attention to.
Egoism, as an extreme of the Van character, does not see anyone
other than itself, and refuses to understand the other, refuses to take
the other in any way seriously. Altruism is similar to this property - it
sees everyone as equal and
not lower than oneself, but, as a rule, higher. What these two have in common
states there is one thing: both egoism and altruism see everyone as
the same, homogeneous in Van style, without hierarchy. World of people
the world of law, the hierarchical world will be for you if you are a descendant
Vanov, every minute to prove the opposite. Extreme selfishness
and altruism is an attempt not to see the obvious. In our
in the world this is called “being in illusions.” Even goddesses
with their incredible natural power, were vulnerable and
dependent on the force of order of Asgard, and what can we say about
Learn, O natural witches and earthly people, to hide
their Van extremes, in a lonely protected tower
Labor or in a nut shell Idunn. Remember, you will be in the game as
long as they depend on you. But if you even for a moment
forget about it, you won't have time to blink an eye, like Loki
will quickly show you who depends on whom now. It is important to
emphasize that in no case should you get rid of the extremes of Van
nature, gods forbid! To get rid of it is to cut off Sif's hair, it is to never
wait for the skin of your dark ancestor. Extremes are what maxi-
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It’s important to hide from prying eyes, but keep it for yourself and with
proudly study - through the peculiarity of nature to seek connection
with its witchcraft roots.
However, if in your personal magical mythodrama you
looking not only for self-knowledge, but also for development, you must
remember the following. Your convex Van property is
not something that requires nurturing and strengthening (this is what you will do
make it even more visible and will only increase your vulnerability).
It is precisely the opposite property that needs to be developed: for altruists
- egoism, and for egoists - altruism. By doing this you are in
you will be more approaching the power of the channel of the goddess
Freya, who, as you already know, managed to preserve her freedom and
even strengthened it - this will be a quest of magical development for
someone who feels like a descendant of the Vanir,
natural witch, seidkona.
The given seals of the goddesses will also help you in this development,
but only use them for the development of the missing
properties you already need the seal of the goddess who is in you so far
not manifested. Having developed the missing strength, balancing them with
available by nature, you will become both stronger and freer.
As Vanadis, the dis of all Vanir.
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The Seal of Sif is a very simple formula178 and consists

exclusively of the Van runes - Inguz-Uruz-Berkana. Fertility-
Strength - Growth. Uruz is the rune we are looking for here. It stands
between the runes of Frey and Freya and denotes the essence of Van
power. Taking into account the fact that it is used on the Sif channel, the app
it is revealed in its original mythological sense -
revealing your power. Beauty and fertility, growth and
abundance - in this formula these are not effects, but a
state - the desired state: there is only my strength and nothing
her, no.
In practical terms, the formula acts to awaken female
sexuality, makes hair beautiful (if applied to shampoo or
comb); may also work

178 Author unknown.

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This will lead to normalization of the menstrual cycle and activation
strength for survival. But these are, so to speak, pleasant side
effects of the main task - to restore connection with
true nature, to connect with the world of the Vanir.
Apply the formula to yourself, in a photo, a talisman -
anywhere. The use of this formula will strengthen Van’s egoistic
personality traits and increase inclusion in the channel of the
power of the goddess Sif. At maximum coincidence with the chann
feeling connected to the goddess, and sometimes even to the full
identification with it happens very often.
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Apples Idunn179 are the most common apples that
grow on every apple tree. They are magical and rejuvenating
become when the goddess Idunn puts her
Van magic multiplied by the ancestral power of mastery
Triple Berkana, Fehu and Perth. Fehu here symbolizes
something already formed, already done - in this case, your consciousness.
Three Berkans give rise to the development of
something that seems unchangeable, and if your mind suddenly turns
moves towards the past, then three Berkans will try to
expand. Perth here is a channel of communication with the world of
Vanaheim, a force that will pull forward and into the future. Becoming "App
Idunn" will help ensure that the natural
the quality of altruism and thirst for life, as in youth, did not leave
you for a very long time.

For a lasting effect, it is better to make a talisman with this

formula and wear constantly; It is better not to superimpose it on the
photograph, as this may be perceived by the goddess channel as an attempt
to revive the past. What happens when this happens?
you already know.
To achieve a rejuvenation effect, this can be
apply to the apple (draw or cut out) and eat immediately.
This is not a one-time magic, but a permanent one, performed every day -
from now on and forever. This action is suitable
everyone: old and young, men and women, because

179 Author unknown.

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that Idunn’s altruism does not distinguish between the worthy and the unworthy,
if the purpose of applying her forces is the future and life in the future.


Deep dive and study of the channels of power of the goddesses

Seth and Idunn are especially important for those who have felt
goddess Freya as “my” goddess. In this case especially
The depth of understanding of all aspects of the manifestation of its extreme
properties, understanding of the causes, becomes important and valuable.
their occurrence and threat, a real threat of violent stabilization and
limitation of Van magic: the story of the goddesses Sif and Idunn shows
the mechanisms by which power
natural sorceress can be destroyed or blocked
practically without the slightest resistance on her part.
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Practice 14
Goddess Frigg
The mistress of Asgard, mistress of destinies and keeper of
tradition, the goddess Frigga sees every line of fate on the fabric of
reality woven by her. The thread of everyone’s life is woven into the
pattern of the general world order, and only she knows
which thread belongs to whom? She also sees your thread, your
fate. The life line of everyone is reflected in the world of Midgar,
always taking into account the characteristics of the executor of his des
his vird - a person. These features are not only in the strengths of the
personality, but also in its vulnerabilities - for everyone
people have their own mistletoe.

The presence of consciousness on the channel of the power of the goddess

Frigga will show both qualities: both good and evil. The power of the goddess can
help you see your mistletoe until it
will not begin to change you irreversibly. If this has already happened
to your destiny, then the goddess has the power to direct you to
changing the “infected” fate, which means that you will go along the
path of Balder, repeating his mystery of healing,
learning and development.
Formula 180, which is presented here, can be used to open and
maintain a channel of communication with the goddess

180 Author unknown.

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Frigg. We can say that this is a call to her, a message encrypted in runes
to the goddess.

Keno-Perth-Ansuz-Keno. This is the search formula. Searching for

your own vulnerabilities. Finding your mistletoe. The one who suffered
from it more than others, the one from whom the mistletoe took away the m
dear, will be able to recognize it everywhere.
But mistletoe is more than just vulnerability. Mistletoe is a deception
that happened only because you were once careless, once showed false
generosity and were probably even proud of yourself. But this is a
mistake made
which you are not yet able to correct with all your desire,
because you simply don’t see it. Goddess Frigga's Power
will help you see the impossible, will highlight locally the problem in the
affected part of consciousness that exists for you
good, which is your true rights, bestowed by yourself
Earth. And he will show one or those who, not having such rights,
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parasitizes on your primordial strength.
The runic cluster Keno-Pert can be translated as “final choice”,
and Ansuz-Keno – “truth”. Disclosure
the real truth.
Working on this channel and comprehending all the information
the power of the goddess Frigg, try not to forget for one minute
that this is the supreme ruler, that Frigg is the queen of the gods.
Remember the parting words you received at the very beginning:
to know God, you need to become him.
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Practice 15
God Balder
The Balder described in the myth is both the young Balder and Balder
wise. To you, who are now present on the channel of the power of the
god Balder, he will turn with the face that most of all
required What do you need to know your goodness: to be
young or wise? If his mother the goddess Frigg showed
you your personal mistletoe, then her beloved son, the god Balder, will
show what true good is - for you and what light is -
for all. If you can combine these two knowledges, good
Balder and Mistletoe Frigg - and try to see how one is vulnerable to the
other, then you will have the opportunity to understand
what is the vulnerability for all the most valuable things you have, and
what needs to be done so that it can defend itself.
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The formula that can contribute to such understanding is

the formula leading to victory 181: Sovilo-Da-gaz-Mannaz.

The formula is three-rune and implies the final result. On a

psychological level, it brings your brain out of a stupor and
helps you begin to understand what is happening. Mannaz
The formula indicates that this understanding does not have
a spiritual-abstract character, but points to very specific social
things. All the algorithms for success acquired in experience
(Sovilo), awareness of one’s personal values -
this is the “good” that is relevant to you personally and not
may be lost or changed. Dagaz transforms
this knowledge is at the level of mental understanding, the mind begins
finally realize what is right for you personally

181 Author unknown.

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right and wrong, successful or leading to failure
dress up
This formula can be safely called “Epiphany.” In that
state, the vulnerabilities of the individual become visible, but when
this energy of the god Loki (through the Dagaz rune) includes that
called the “spirit of contradiction” - the strength and passion to treat and
correct these vulnerabilities. Don't change your identity
your weaknesses, and change it according to your strength.
In the real world of the living there is something that you are never ready
to lose. Do you understand this? Balder was so familiar, and his presence
was so natural for the gods, that no one
except for the goddess Frigg, did not try to protect him, strengthen him and
enhance. This is how people often treat important things,
as natural, forgetting that the main and valuable thing requires
maximum care and protection. But mistletoe can sprout in
any moment, and it will be too late to fight it if the defense
not done in advance.
Let the legend of the god Balder and his lesson not be in vain
and together with this formula they will teach you not only to see what is
dear and valuable that you have, but also to protect it correctly,
develop, multiply.
This formula can be applied to a photograph or
bark with an amulet.
The story of Balder and the presence of your consciousness on his
channel should give you an important commandment for the rest of
life: that which does not remain, dies away. If something is dear to you -
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what you have, don’t let the process take its course. Everything should
but develop along with external life processes -
mi. Protection is not isolation, protection is constant development and
gaining strength. And let the myth of the god Balder teach
you to this.
Realizing yourself on the channels of Balder and Frigg, it is very
important to understand for yourself clearly and clearly: what is true for you?
a value that needs not only to be protected, but also to be developed?
What can be mistletoe in relation to your most important value - from what
it needs to be protected and in the name of what
make it stronger?
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Practice 16
The goddess Hel

The channel of the guardian goddess of the world of the

departed is very complex and very powerful. While in it, you can go th
the very process of liberation that is available in her world
only to those who have already died. Break ties, give something away for
destruction or preservation. Understanding the power of the channel-la of
the goddess Hel, it is very important to understand on what principles and
rules of how this release mechanism works and what is needed
to take advantage of this gift, first
without dying.
On the channel of the goddess Hel, practitioners traditionally
engage in cleansing - in the world of Helheim one can bury
anything. The world of Helheim, connected to the world of Chaos,
processes everything unnecessary, dead and outdated, transforming
it into the energy of the original creation. When we do energy
cleansing on this channel, it is highly likely that they will be done
quickly and irrevocably.
But everything is not so if the work is carried out on informational
and program cleaning. Information cannot be turned into chaos,
information from other sources and, as a consequence, other
storage facilities. Information can be given to Nifelheim, but by law
the information must be stored there
global and original, information that must be consistent
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always be kept unchanged. Related information
with a human problem, can hardly be attributed to
global category, which is why in the world of Nifelheim
there's no place for her. For this reason, giving Hel something
more serious than ailments, sending her a problem that has
informational nature, you must remember that this is not
forever. Hel will take what is given for storage and for storage
will take a fee, and while you are alive, you must remember that
what was given will have to be taken back (only the dead can
count on final liberation, but the living cannot).
The information provided can not only be saved,
but also undergo a certain transformation. For example, if
we give away a certain program for shaping destiny, then it
can be checked for correctness and corrected if
the ancients will discover in such a program a certain bug that does not give
her to work efficiently.
A mistletoe program can also be given to Hel, which distorts
the natural experience of events. But even
Even though it may be a malware-virus, it will still be returned
to you after
shelf life - the goddess Hel always fulfills the contract, and
Nifelheim is not a place to keep mistletoe-like problems. Besides
this, it is not the business of the goddess to free man from
his fate, recorded by the Norns; it's not the goddess's place to fix
mistakes that led to mistletoe. By taking away the virus program,
it makes it possible to get a break, become stronger
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her and, after the allotted time, enter into battle with his
imperfection once again, realizing that mistletoe is not an enemy, but
a provocation, not a disease, but a vaccine against it.
However, it should be remembered that the goddess Hel is a self-
sufficient force that has its own understanding of who can
come into contact with her and who doesn't. Moreover, no explanations will
follow in case of refusal, as, indeed, in the case of consent. The answers
of the mistress of the worlds, Hel, are “yes” or
“no”, they are final, it is impossible to convince them. We
We already know this from the described story with Balder - and the gods
were powerless.
Therefore, before carrying out work involving
forces of the goddess channel, conduct a diagnosis through the runes:
simply ask if the goddess agrees to help you. After
formulate the task - what exactly would you like to get rid of - quality,
personality trait, failure program,
lack of money, illness or some other misfortune. Be ready,
that in the answer of the goddess Hel there will be no explanation, but only
either consent or prohibition. If you want to find out the cause of your
problem (the true cause), then it is better to use other diagnostic methods
(Nine Worlds layout
or “Speeches of the Aesir”, for example, with which you are already familiar).
If the goddess Hel agrees to your request to help you, then
I recommend immediately hearing the conditions: for how long will she
agree to take away your problem (remove the malicious program from your
consciousness) and what you will have to give for
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this service.
The witcher is paid with an iron coin; the goddess Hel does not
need money. She needs the energy of life for her
wards - there it is in short supply. Therefore, as a gift
They bring animal food to the goddess, living and not chemical.
What gives energy to the living will also give to the dead. Earlier
To honor the dead, they made bloody sacrifices, believing that only
blood could satisfy the departed. Now it's like that
they don’t, but traditionally bring them as offerings
products not processed either thermally or chemically –
raw meat, liver with blood, strong (very strong) al-

Gifts are usually left at the border of the worlds - under the dry
a tree, near a cemetery, in a ravine - here you either need to listen
signs, or follow your own feelings. Places where
there is a high probability of contact with the goddess Hel, they have
people have a reputation for being “bad places”. People rightly
avoid them, since the very energy of such places is not compatible
with the energy of life, it goes beyond the usual range of energetic
existence of the living. Signs,
that can be given to you, can also be different from the social “gifts
of the universe”: a crow will caw, a black cat will run across the
road, showing where to turn, some holy fool will come up and
prophetically say something
- these are all signs where your contact may take place, where gifts
should be taken. Your listening skills are important here.
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the ability to understand and the ability to obey - which is also very
important, since the Lady of Helheim does not repeat things twice.
A dive into the Hel Channel can awaken quite
strange sensations in those who encounter its power and very
specific energy of chaos for the first time. It’s quite unusual to feel
how layer by layer everything is being removed.
energetic layers, as if an onion is being released
from the husk. This condition is similar to what you experienced
when forming the Hagalaz runes in your mind - runes
both destruction and limitation. However, the association with
rune is not accidental: after all, Hagalaz is the rune of Helheim, the key
to him. The reason for this feeling of “undressing” lies in the rules
of Helheim - to remove all artificial
faces to reveal the dark hidden. When identifying a foreign
program, such an action is, as you yourself understand, mandatory
- what needs to be sent to Hel, at least for a while, must first be
manifested. And this means that
you will have to eliminate all the factors that prevent you from
doing this. However, the feeling of purity and freedom that comes
after this is worth it.
Any cleaning you do will always go
according to this principle: first the energy is cleaned, and only
then the information system of consciousness. Traditionally, getting
rid of problems (cleaning and reprogramming) always follows the
following algorithm:
Step 1. Diagnostics.
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Step 2. Energy cleansing.

Step 3. Identifying the problem (information composition)
nenta program).
Step 4. Selecting the information part and separating it
from the entire system of consciousness (separation).
Step 5. Fixing the problem in Hel.
Step 6. Entering a new program.
The vulnerable part that is left in the world of Hel is like
on all those “tenants” who exist in this world -
they are also a vulnerable part. She will live and develop like Balder
and Höd in the world of the dead. As long as you grow stronger
without her, she too will be kept in peace
timelessness, your mistletoe. But when the shelf life expires,
the goddess Hel will open the gates of her world for her and she will
return to you. You will again need to engage in battle with this
program, enter your personal Ragnarok and win. Now you are losing
to her, since you cannot cope without help. Hel can help - hide her,
free her
you for a while. If all the time that Hel will keep your imperfection in
her palaces, you will not rest on
laurels, but you will work and develop your consciousness, you will not
just cope with this problem, but also make it yours
ally, your weapon. At worst, you'll kill her.
this problem, but let it die by your hand. But if not,
she will swallow you up, like Fenrir swallowed Odin, she will kill you, like
the mistletoe rod killed Balder.
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Hel, mistress of the world of the dead, teaches us that nothing
never lasts forever, not even death. With unresolved
problems will have to be faced again, unfinished things will have to be
completed, mistakes will be corrected, debts will have to be repaid. Goddes
Hel can only help you get a reprieve, but daughter
Loki will not save anyone from the problem forever - neither
gods, no heroes, neither living nor dead. It’s just that she, more than
anyone else, knows how unfairly they treated those who were deprived
second chance.
What you send to Hel will look you in the eye
the hour of battle Ragnarok. Remember this before you ask
Hel for help. If she agrees to help you, then from that
moment you take the path of gaining strength, because now the
outcome of your existence depends on it - remember this.
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Seal of Hel182 – the classic formula for breaking bindings.

Consists of two runes - Perth and Isa, in script. Given becoming like
as if it “seals” the flow of fate, blocks its program, stops the
inevitability. A break in connections is a break in energy-
informational connections with anything and anyone and on
any levels. Starting from the breaking of ties to physical
objects (things, objects), breaking of emotional ties to people,
ending with breaking of ties with egregors, systems, cults and
ideas. It is this formula that is proposed

182 Author unknown.

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is put into your work when comprehending the channel of the power of the goddess Hel.
It is not for nothing that this formula is called the “Seal of Hel”,
because it really is like her signature: everything that was said
above is encrypted in it. The final decision. Stop the process.
Termination of the connection. This formula can be mentally
applied to an object, with
who need to break the connection, stop giving on this
connection something or stop receiving something through it.
Mentally, in writing, with or without a ritual - it will work quickly.
However, remember that if you apply this formula
to break something, be prepared for the fact that it will come back
will not play back and if you subsequently want to restore
this connection, then you will have to start working on such a
recreation from the very beginning - as if you never had it.
The “Seal of Hel” does not cleanse. But it cuts off what may
be causing you to do endless purges of bad
as a result
Using this formula to establish contact with
goddess requires a more careful approach, and in this case
It is best to perform a small ritual, and preferably without the
presence of strangers. The seal can be applied to parchment
(sheet of paper), make an amulet or apply to a candle - here
you need to listen to your own intuition and do as it does
suggests, and not according to the canon (what is the canon in chaos?).
When the channel opens, you will feel it unmistakably. It is on
it that you can and should carry out your diagnostic
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stick on the cleansing you personally need183, it is on it that you need to talk
to the goddess about getting rid of problems at least for a while. It is here
that you can ask the goddess for advice, and you will be very lucky if the
mighty goddess Hel gives
give it to you.

183 For ethical reasons, cleansing formulas are not indicated in this section,
since the cleansing algorithm is always built individually. The only thing that is
possible is to indicate general diagnostic rules, which is what was done.
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Practice 17
Working on the channel of the norn goddesses changes the programming
structure of consciousness. Connecting with the goddesses of fate
and revealing through the runes associated with them the three
lower worlds of the tree of Jotunheim, Nifelheim and Svartalfheim can
the opportunity to restore the original program of fate,
before the subsequent intervention of foreign corrective programs
into it. Or, continuing the computer vocabulary,
restore the original version, return to the original settings.

Living in a dense information space, having

multiple personal and egregorial connections, program
personal destiny inevitably undergoes a mutation, adapting
on Wednesday. This “natural correction” certainly helps to survive,
but does not always mean success. In addition to the natural
mutation of fate, there is also a violent change in it, which is related
to energy damage of the information plane: various cuts, filters
installed in the consciousness, programs of action and inaction
(commonly called damage ), self-destruction programs (curses),

restrictions on rights - and so on. However, it is worth remembering

that the correction could have been made in the other direction (with
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ki from the view of the beholder): these are various defenses, the same
filters and restrictions, but those that the living person himself
the program can be assessed as a benefit for oneself. However, how
you yourself understand that good and evil are highly subjective
concepts, and correction of the program (with any intent) can
also lead to both evil and good, everything is relative.
However, distortions of the original program may be
so great that they take a person incredibly far away
only from performing your basic task, but also from understanding it in
principle. In this case, contact with the norn goddesses is not only
favorable, but also indicated, since the original agreement will still
have to be fulfilled.
Contact with the goddess Hel at the previous step of practice
helped you clear the energy layer that fed, perhaps, a distorted
program of fate, blocked
inner strength and understanding. If this is so, then bringing your
information frame to its original state
can help you not only in correcting your life program, but also in
understanding both the causes of past problems and
and the meaning of your existence in this reality.
Working with Norns means bringing the program to your
fate into the state of original design. At the same time, personal
achievements, personal achievements, as well as personal mistakes
will not go anywhere, but if the basis of the canvas is not distorted,
then the personal “weft” thread will appear across the canvas
competently - beautifully fit into a unique pattern on the general
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canvas of reality. In this case, even the vulnerability of human
consciousness can cease to be what makes reality distortedly
careless, spoiling the overall picture;
it becomes interesting when vulnerability is perceived as unique
and, as a consequence, becomes unique.
Work on the channel of the norn goddesses is primarily related to
diagnostics – the process of obtaining information. What’s more,
the diagnostics carried out here are simple, three-rune:
past present Future . But the penetration of the informational
power of goddesses into the consciousness of a practitioner will
allow you to understand this alignment much more deeply: not as a
set of individual magical symbols, but as a chain of cause-and-
effect relationships, where one thing appears only because
that it was different before. This, in turn, will show that
nothing else in such a situation except the third, and appear

The channel of the norn goddesses usually hosts magical

work that is associated with information cleansing as a method of
correcting the life program. Here is the goddess Urd
exposes the life program, makes it visible. Goddess
Verdandi, who owns the Isa rune, compares this program
with your standard, compares with orleg, with purpose
and by the power of your ancestor god, which Nornam, unlike
people, is immediately visible. Goddess Skuld removes the threads
that spoil the common fabric through your presence in the world
reality, breaks the information connections that
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They ask you to invest your time in displaying someone else’s canvas,
to paint with your life such a picture of the world that
has nothing to do with you or your god. The Norn Goddesses will
restore the kind of justice where justice is right.

You can rest assured that if the interference in the program of your
destiny is detected to be incorrect,
in case of its intentional change or involuntary distortion, you will find
help and support both from the Norn goddesses themselves and from
other gods. Because the distortion of the world
one person inevitably influences the distortion of his
God and through this all the gods of the pantheon. Therefore, everyone
is interested in restoring justice as correctness .
If on this channel the power of norn goddesses when questioning
will show you that special information cleaning is recommended, then,
most likely, they will lead you to the formulas that are needed
specifically for your case. This is usually what always happens.

It must be said that in relation to the norn goddesses it is not entirely

the appropriate wording would be “bringing gifts.” The logic of
understanding the nature of these goddesses, as well as the experience
practitioners interacting with these forces makes it possible to
understand that this term and the very ritual of its embodiment are
poorly perceived by those regulating universal
processes by a mechanism that operates more with the terms
“correctness” and “justice”. Therefore, it is more likely
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It will be useful to use the formula “payment” when we talk about return
and compensation for the informational correction of one thread of fate
on the general canvas of reality. It is quite likely that payment will not be
taken from you, but from the source of the problem, which does not so
much distort
your personal wyrd, and through your personal wyrd the eagle of the
gods spoils. So the gifts you want to give will be
simply not noticed - the goddesses of fate have a different understanding
of right and wrong. But if the reason for the distortion is though
would partially lie with you (for example, in the form of your silent or
cowardly consent once made), then
The Norns will unpack this moment quickly and take payment from
including you: according to the ancient law of justice,
everyone must pay for themselves, but only for their own. As payment,
it may be indicated that there is a need for some one-time or regular
action, taking on a special geas, or something else that will actually
correct the distortion in consciousness, which is

identified weakness of your personal mental strength.

Listen to Norn, listen to the signs.
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Practice 18
God Mimir
Conducting information power through your consciousness
channel of the god Mimir will make you feel like Odin, who “talks
with Mimir’s head.” The power of the Mi-world is the power of the
mind. This is the ability to realize one's
memory and correctly “sort” it, separating what is needed from
unnecessary. Remembering that the god Mimir in his current
symbolism is a head without a body, therefore the effect of manifestat
contact with this god will allow you to judge your past
without a personal relationship to him, it will allow you to look at your
mind as if from the outside. This look will help you see everything
information in consciousness, as not tied to anything in particular,
but simply forming a picture of the world. Like a construction set
from which you can assemble anything, not just
specific or suggested in the instructions.
All memory and all experience, one’s own and others’, has the right to be
used, but only when the creator has no preference
readings. Mimir is an understanding without flaws.
Formula that can be used to include in
the power of Mimir's channel, is the attached stave, which
practitioners received the stable name “Cleansing the brain-
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gov"184. It can be safely called the seal of Mimir, since
it encrypts not only the name of God, but also the function that he
The ligature consists of the runes Mannaz and Ansuz; when
connected, they give rise to the runes Thurisaz, Raido, Teyvaz. This beco
as if “re-soldering” the connections in the mental “how to do it right”, with
in this Thurisaz breaks those that contradict the truth, knowledge of the
past, common sense and/or elementary logic,
Teyvaz will turn on the true-false recognition mechanism, and
Raido - will build new logical connections. Mannaz is here
symbolizes the mental body directly, Ansuz -
information channel of communication with Mimir.

184 Author – master Vinany.

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This ligature can be used constantly, and then it will act as the
“Eye of Odin,” or it can be used one-time, using it as a cleansing-
transformation for 3–9 days, which is similar to the opportunity to
“drink from the source of Mimir.” Here you can see not only the
process of changing the picture of the world, but also another
important feature of your consciousness. And here's what. As
mentioned earlier, working with Mimir's channel will be similar
to the connection between Mimir and Odin. Odin gave an element
of himself to establish this constant connection, and you, in the
process of working with this channel, will also convey to Mimir
that through which you will need to maintain contact with this god,
if not constantly as the All-Father, then at least for the duration of th
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not the eye, no need to be scared in advance. It will be some kind of strong
part of your sensory abilities, which will not disappear or diminish during
contact, but, on the contrary, will appear as
strong. Mimir himself will point to this sensor, even if you don't
you know or are not sure of your strong part: after all, a person usually
does not consider the natural phenomenal. But Mimir,
deprived of a living body, but feeling yours, he will do it
unmistakably - his wisdom of recognition has no preferences, it sees the
strongest and will point it out to you. For
Odin had this strongest quality in all-vision, but what
strongest for you?
When Mimir takes away part of this property, he, with one
On the one hand, it uses an already established and familiar mechanism
for forming a picture of the world, but on the other hand, it makes it
possible to see other sensory channels as working and quite worthy of
use. This method of interaction with the informational power of the god
Mimir will help remove corrective filters from the mental body of
consciousness, which
are called upon not to miss information of a certain nature, fearing for
stability and, possibly, immutability
a certain picture of the world. Seized quality in process
interaction with the god Mimir is not a payment, but a pledge. AND
it will, of course, be returned, but this “removal” is all the more valuable,
since only in such an altered state is it possible
see and understand what was previously inaccessible to understanding
what about
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The three channels that you have consistently learned are now creating
a very harmonious work pattern for you.
with your consciousness:

Goddess Hel - cleanses the energy of living things in understandable ways

and open conditions; unloading the subconscious from blocks and excess
tension, gaining freedom of action - although
would be for a while.

Goddesses of the Norns - bring the information layers of the

superconscious to their original state, relying on the prescribed wyrd, bringing
it into line with the correct plan of the orlög. This allows you to achieve
personal synchronicity
fate and fate of that god, a small projection of which you are, which, in turn,
will inevitably bring closer
you to each other, to connect the small with the big.
God Mimir is the final step in the ongoing transformation. He will bring
the mental body into a pure state,
preliminary isolating it from influence as the subconscious,
as well as superconsciousness. If we use the analogy of mental
body and system computer processes, then the connection with the Mi-world
is a revision of the entire memory without affecting it
processes of life, processes of excitation and attenuation, processes of
personal assessment and personal preferences. Life is going,
but on the picture of the world at the moment of coordination of consciousness with the channel
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God Mimir's crowbar has no effect.
The picture of the world that has passed through the channel of the
god Mimir will have the opportunity not only to correctly unpack the
information coming to you from the gods and powers, but also, what is no
it is important to give back to the gods and powers the same faithful and
undistorted information about what is happening in the world
Midgard for real.
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Practice 19
God Kvasir
In our further movement along the path of magical
transforming yourself, the channel of the god Kvasir is the milestone
which you definitely have to go through. Kvasir in this
case for the world of people is a prototype of ideal consciousness, in
which the gods conceived to fully and consistently combine all the
possibilities of the gods of nature and all the most
strengths of the gods of the mind. How there were no winners and
losers in the war between the Aesir and the Vanir, so in humans,
according to the idea, there should be no winner in the clash
nature and mind. By conducting your consciousness through the channel
of the ideal program, you seem to be testing it for compliance. At the
same time, the principle of such a determination of conformity
or inconsistencies, the evaluation criterion and the measuring scale are
described in the myth about the god Kvasir in the part that speaks about his
death. The reason the ideal program failed was that
the same as the reason for the death of Balder - the inability to learn,
the impossibility of taking other life experiences, but only
imposing one's own. Moreover, in the case of the god Balder this
there was precisely an impossibility, and in the case of the wise Kvasir
- failure to. Balder was closed from impressions and knowledge
on purpose, and Kvasir was simply “drawn that way.”
There should be a connection on the channel of the god Kvasir
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everything from the Vanir and everything from the Aesir; everything that is in you now and

has already been manifested. Having united, they must achieve balance in
relation to each other, and in the volume that is available in your mind for
both forces at the same time. But Kvasir’s created wisdom was enriched in
his personal history by another knowledge that he received after passing
through death - the importance of correctly manifesting oneself.

This will be the lesson on the channel of the wise man Kvasir.
You can maintain a balance between the nature of the Aesir and Vanir
only through the correct application of them to reality. A
understanding this and mastery of the application only come
with practice and experience.
The story of Kvasir teaches that if you came for experience and
knowledge to take it, then learn to be silent and listen. If
I came to give away experience and knowledge, learn to speak. If you don’t
know what the world needs from you, then enter into a state
balance and listen to reality - it itself will say that
This house needs it. But always remember that everything you say in words
must be confirmed by deeds. The reverse is also true:
When listening to the words, make sure that they are reflected in reality, that
the manifestation of these words and this experience really exists and you
see it.
The power and wisdom of the god Kvasir will teach you not only to
express yourself correctly, but also to see in the world around you
what perhaps the miniature masters Fya-lar and Galar could see: when and
who next to you behaves the same way as
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and the unfortunate Kvasir in Svartalfheim; who and when distributes
wisdom that is not confirmed by personal experience and knowledge; who
teaches without having been taught; who believes without knowing; when
the strongest thing in a person becomes his blood, and himself
in a formed personality there is none at all.
Wisdom must be compensated by correct conduct, then it will never be
lost or diminished
to today's environmental needs. Perfect condition
programs of consciousness will not leave you anywhere when you switch to
another information channel if you can do it right
dispose of it and demonstrate it three times. Consider what
standing with your back, without going anywhere, are the masters Fyalar and
Galar, and they see everything.
An ideal program will be able to manifest itself without first dying if it gets
rid of the vulnerability that
identified (and brutally eliminated) miniature masters: lack
measures and lack of sense of who can give and who can’t.
Therefore, the formula that is offered to you for this
recognition, on the channel of the god Kvasir will try to test your
consciousness, already cleared of all superficial things
and, if necessary, correct the program using five algorithms
rhythms of wisdom spreading oneself into the world:
What do you need? When necessary. Who needs. How many do you need. Wh

These are the rules for saving, multiplying and demonstrating any talent,
any ability, any genius (especially
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Absolutely genius!). These are the rules for the manifestation of a gift - any, but
especially a magical one.
Attitude of "Veda" 185

This becoming helps you understand who is in front of you: the one who
wants to take, or the one who wants to give? Helps you see the

185 Author – master Velya.

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secret needs of the person (or society) in which you
hit. This becoming will not help you become absolutely “your own”
among certain people, but it will definitely help not to look like a threat
to them.
This stav consists of the following runes and ligaments:
Mannaz + Perth - this combination means a certain rebirth of
personality, social personality. These connected runes open the
mentality and provide greater operational volume
to work with information: free space in the mind must be determined in
advance to take, but at the same time
At the same time, nothing should prohibit giving information
– everything is necessary, and sometimes it changes quickly.
Inside the Perth rune is the Ansuz rune. The combination of Man-
naz + Ansuz symbolizes a confident shift of the point
assemblies (TS), a new “format” of personality that is formed instantly;
helps to always be with the interlocutor
at one level of perception, “look at reality from the same branch of the
universe.” The Laguz rune also includes foresight and intuition. And
here the Naud rune, which appears in the background, symbolizes the
need -
the information that comes to you is what you really need, and the
information that leaves you is also necessary
and is sufficient for the state of correctness of what is happening.
On the opposite side of the Mannaz rune there are runes associated
Sowilo and Kenaz. Sovilo feeds the consciousness of algorithms of
correctness, and Kenaz illuminates what needs to be seen
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Necessarily. Thus, the rune Mannaz personifies the
equilibrium consciousness, the ideal program of Kvasir, when
on the one hand, knowledge of what is right (good), and on the other hand
on the other hand, the situation that needs to be brought into equal
news: to give something or to take something.

A side effect of using this stav may be

disclosure or manifestation to a greater extent of certain
empathic or extrasensory abilities, if your nature, your Van-
Ace connection has such abilities
It is best to make this ligature an amulet and wear it
constantly, at least while you work on the channel of the god
Kvasir. However, on other days, when you need to behave
correctly in an unfamiliar company, this amulet may also be
useful to you. However, I hope that after provoking miniatures
three times on this channel, this skill will be built into you as
a stable recognition algorithm


Any gift, if innate, can lead to fame,

and maybe to death. Therefore, someone who has a “grain
of genius” from birth must be especially attentive to the
space, the society where he enters, and the people with
whom he comes into contact, with whom he is and next to who
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rymi lives.
If the god Mimir taught understanding, then the god Kvasir can
teach you to keep a balance between what is understood and what is necessary,
teach you to feel the mechanism of balance between what is taken and what is given
will teach you to accurately determine the possible area of application
of the understood. So that the inner genius can not only
manifest, but would not kill its bearer, with this gift
you need to learn to work. Feel and understand your inner genius, but
not show it outwardly, but the talent that
will be acceptable to others. This quality is correct
transformation of one force into another, without loss of properties
first. Not a single poet can do without this, as our ancient ancestors
believed: you need to say this and that way so that
what was said was assimilated as fully as possible by the listener. The
form of presentation can be taught by the god of poetry Braga, with whom
you'll get to know each other further. God Kvasir can teach the essence
presentation, and both of them together - to select such a form so that
the essence is manifested, but not distorted. Not how to say, but what
say, who to say, at what time to say, in what place
and under what circumstances to say, and whether it is worth doing it
in general, if all these threads do not converge at a single point of
necessity. Kvasir is this point of necessity,
but everyone knows that anyone, even God, can teach
only what one is – and no more.
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Practice 20
God of Braga
The gift of poetry is almost never passed on by inheritance; it is
always a gift from the gods. God Kvasir, personifying
genius, was vulnerable, like any genius is vulnerable in the external
environment - he does not see limits, violates other people’s, changes
peace without asking. The power of the god Braga takes these features into account
any talent and are specified for the one who shows the gift of the
gods through the word - it is important to be able to “sit in the middle
benches", it is important to have other relationships with loved ones, it is important
be resistant to provocations of the system.
The bearer of the poetic gift must go through personal
great tests, have a long memory, feel the word and
be able to use it in a way that Kvasir could not.
What do you need? When necessary. Who needs. How many do you need. Wh

The poet must be free. He is a troubadour and a minstrel,

he is a tumbleweed, his task is to walk through the worlds, but always
feel: where to take information and where to give,
when to be silent and when to speak, to know how to say it and to whom.
Being on the channel of the god Braga, it is difficult to expect that
the gift of poetry will awaken, especially if it was not previously
manifested itself. But here you can learn to handle words; you can
feel how a word can change the

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