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The Pope Abilities

The Pope is in fact St. Paul, the founder of the church and Exist For Only One Purpose: They cannot be Influenced,
the rival of the Dark Messiah. For nearly 2000 years he has charmed, or otherwise reasoned or negotiated with. They
run the church’s Lictors and kept mankind imprisoned. He is will obey their riders without questions, but heed no other
shrewd and diplomatic and will try to find a solution at any creature’s will.
cost that does not entail the destruction and collapse of the
Sharp Senses: The Mounts’ are able to perceive the most min-
illusion. Just like the Dark Messiah, he is prepared to sacrifice
ute sights, sound, and scent, and have an intuitive sense for
everything for the cause.
when something seems ‘off’.
Role-playing hints: Speak hoarse and in a low key. Look the
players intensely in their eyes. Natural Weaponry: Their maws are full of vicious teeth and
their paws sprout large claws.
The Pope
Biomechanical Body: The Mounts are immune to smoke, poi-
Home: Elysium
sons, gases, and radiation.
Creature Type: Chief Lictor controlling The Seven and all of
Combat [5], Influence [-], Magic [3]
The Illusion
Combat [Exceptional]

The Dark Messiah’s chains neutralize all of the Pope’s powers

◊◊ Knock someone or something over.
and abilities when the PCs confront him in this scenario. If ◊◊ Grab hold of and pin someone.
they free him from the chains, his powers swiftly return. ◊◊ Terror-inducing growl [Keep it Together to refrain from
Combat, Influence, Magic: immeasurably high
◊◊ Cover a large distance in an instant.
◊◊ Attack several targets simultaneously.
The Pope will not attack the PCs in the course of the scenario.
Magic [Considerable]
If chained, he is powerless to do so. If freed, he is either still
powerless to truly harm them (because they are in Truth ◊◊ Protective Aura [apply a magical +1 Armor to its rider].
creatures beyond his ability to destroy), or chooses to merely
send them back to their Illusionary lives and erase all their
◊◊ See the true nature of people, creatures, and locations.
memories of what has happened. The PCs should in either ◊◊ Open a temporary portal to another dimension.
case never find out what his true motivations are. Attacks

Wounds & Harm Moves Vicious Teeth: Bite and Hold [3] [Distance: Arm, victim is
held in the gruesome jaws and must Act under Pressure to
If the PCs flay him with the Dark Messiah’s copper daggers, it
escape], Shake until Death [Critical Wound] [Distance: Arm,
will take a rather long time due to the creature’s bloated and
victim must be held in the jaws].
monstrously huge form. He will wail and thrash throughout
the process, but the details of that are perhaps best left to the Large Claws: Leaping Rend [3] [Distance: Room, victim is
players’ imaginations. knocked to the ground], Sweeping Rake [2] [Distance: Arm,
Perhaps more importantly, focus your descriptions on the may attack several targets within range simultaneously],
Mounts’ excited howling, the PCs rapidly Awakening into Tear to Shreds [4] [Distance: Arm, victim must be knocked
their full potential, and the Illusion crumbling all around down, cornered, or otherwise unable to escape].
them while they do their garish work.
Wounds & Harm Moves

Armor: their biomechanical physique and otherworldly nature

provide them with 2 armor.
The Four Mounts
The horsemen’s mounts are twisted nightmare versions of Wounds: 
horses with exposed bleeding flesh. Their bones are partially ◊◊ ignore the injuries
exposed and made of faded metal. Their eyes are black or
red. They have large claws and sit in a squatting fashion, ◊◊ roar with indignation at being attacked
more like cats than horses. ◊◊ make an immediate counter-attack [Avoid Harm at -2 to
The Four Mounts the roll]

Home: unknown
◊◊ hiss with pain, and leap away to Distance: Room
◊◊ recoil briefly, only to unleash its terror-inducing growl
Creature Type: Unique beasts, destined (and perhaps spe- [Keep it Together to refrain from panicking]
cially created) to carry the Four Apocalyptic Riders during the
End of Days
◊◊ Die

16 An Echo from the Past

through the lllusion and into True Reality at all times, and
Michel Agneau / Jim Morrison unerringly perceives the true nature of people, creatures, and
/ The Dark Messiah locations.
The Dark Messiah is close to the Demiurge in a way that not
However, while he is within the Illusion - where his most
even the Archons can comprehend. He claims to be the son
important work must be done - his powers are largely
of God, whatever that means these days. It is not certain
neutralized by the Seven Seals which were worked into the
whether he is a man or some otherworldly being. The Dark
bodies of the lictors controlling The Seven.
Messiah has had the same body for two thousand years, a
skinny man’s body with dark brown hair and brown eyes. That is why he needs the PCs’ help to break the Final Seal
When the PC’s meet him again, in Rome, he has short hair and unleash his full abilities (and their own) in order to shat-
and a short beard. He wears wide pants and wide shirts. ter the Illusion, as he is convinced he is destined to do.
The Messiah is obsessed with the idea of liberating mankind, Until that happens, however, he still remains able to exert
no matter what the cost. If it doesn’t interfere with his plans, a measure of telepathy and telekinesis, can twist Time and
he will be mild, understanding and very empathetic. But he Space in his immediate surroundings, speaks every human
will not hold back in when seeking to see his plans come to language, and has the ability Commanding Voice (which the
fruition. For the Dark Messiah, pain is only a way to reach PCs are however immune to).
liberation, millennia of horror only a possibility for self-in-
sight. Jim Morrison died officially in his apartment on the Combat, Influence, Magic: immeasurably high
night between the 2nd and the 3d of July 1971. But now he
has returned once more, to see the completion of his destiny
fulfilled. The Dark Messiah will not attack the PCs in the course of
Role-playing hints: Be likable. Lean over the table and look the scenario. If they attack him, he will use what small
the players in their eyes. Smile a lot. Speak confidentially and portion of control over Time and Space remains available
friendly. Try to make contact. Don’t be offended by anything. to him to easily evade the attacks, and seek to talk to them
Agneau will not be angered if the PC’s choose their jail instead. If that fails, he will rather flee (and easily disappear
instead of the apocalypse, only sad. once out of sight) than engage in a conflict.

The Dark Messiah Wounds & Harm Moves

Home: True Reality The Dark Messiah will not be injured during the course
of the scenario, and therefore doesn’t require a Wounds
Creature Type: The Son of God, The Lamb and The Lion,
track, nor will he make any Harm Moves.
Harbinger of the End of Days


The Dark Messiah’s has powers and abilities reminiscent of

an Awakened Human Being. He can see through Time and
Space, cheats Death at will, and dances to the ruinous music
of Madness and Passion with whimsy and delight. He sees

Non-Player Characters 17
johan barnemark
A thin and well-built man with black, short hair. Rugged, tanned face with sharp fea-

+1 tures. Somewhat dark complexion that looks slightly Arabic or North African.
He is a quiet dreamer who ponders a lot over the deeper issues in life. He feels con-
nected to something greater, more true, when piloting an airplane. He has no family
+0 Keep it Together +2 left alive and no memories of his childhood. He politely chats with colleagues and the
neighbor Lena Barsk. Other than that, he has no close relations

Fortitude Reflexes
Endure injury Avoid Harm

+1 +0 Lieutenant-Colonel in the Swedish Air Force

Reason Intuition ••Background

Investigate +2 Read a Person
Worked odd jobs in Stockholm during the middle of the 60’s. During -68 and -69 he
traveled around quite a bit in Europe. 1969-71 he lived in Paris where he spent time
+3 Observe a Situation +1 with some musicians and intellectuals. He got to know Jim Morrison who lived there
occasionally that year.

Coolness Violence 1971 he came to Stockholm and applied to the Officers school. He graduated with
Act Under Pressure −2 Engage in Combat excellent grades and started to work on F18 outside Stockholm. 1977 he was selected
in an informal cooperation with the French air force regarding new airplane models.
Charisma He spent the following three years in France and got to know some French officers.
Influence Other 1981 he came back to Sweden and was promoted to Major. During the early 80’s he
worked a lot with air surveillance over the Baltic Sea. He spent some time with musi-
cians and was a part owner of a rock club in Stockholm, despite having never played
−1 any instruments himself.
1988 he was promoted to Colonel-Major. He was given a desk job when F18 moved,
Soul since he didn’t want to relocate.
See Through the Illusion
The last six months he has been off duty and been trying to write a book.

Serious Wounds (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

500.000 Swedish kronor in the bank, American Express Gold card

 ••Competent in
Critical Wound (−1 ongoing) Stabilized Piloting aircraft, all sorts of weaponry, unarmed fighting, military leadership and
strategy, novel writing.

••Stability ••Advantages
 Composed ◊◊ Body Awareness.
 Uneasy Moderate stress:
◊◊ Death Drive.
 Unfocused −1 to Disadvantage rolls

 Shaken Serious stress:

 Distressed −1 Keep it Together
 Neurotic −2 to Disadvantage rolls

 Anxious Critical stress:

 Irrational −2 Keep it Together
 Unhinged −3 to Disadvantage rolls
+1 See Through
the Illusion

 Broken The GM makes a Move

18 An Echo from the Past

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