KULT Divinity Lost - Scenario - An Echo From The Past (13-15)

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The fifth episode 13

Non-Player Magic: Disarm [-] [Distance: Room, a hand-held object is
telekinetically knocked out of the victim’s hand unless they

Avoid Harm], Reveal the Shape of Things to Come [-] [Dis-
tance: Arm, the victim receives visions of the coming apoca-
lypse - fragmented and chaotic impressions, but disturbing
enough to reduce their Stability (-2) if they cannot Keep it
Padre Louis Together], Commanding Voice [-] [Distance: Room, victim
must Keep it Together in order not to obey].
This Lictor has a blind loyalty towards his superiors. He
despises mankind and thinks of himself as a [Note that the PC in this scenario are immune to the effects of
higher being. Padre Louis’ (and any other creature’s) Commanding Voice. He
Role-playing hints: Speak with a hoarse voice. Put your may still try it on them, not knowing about their immunity, but
hands like claws against the table and it will be to no avail, and require no rolls to resist. The ability is
drool with a half-open mouth. Stand up at the table so that therefore given here only under the intent of providing a com-
you can look down on the players. plete write-up for the lictor - even if this particular power will
play no role in the adventure at hand.]
Padre Louis
Wounds & Harm Moves
Home: Elysium
Wounds: 
Creature Type: Lictor serving The Seven
Abilities ◊◊ Ignores the injury.
Unwavering Loyalty: Cannot be persuaded to betray his mas- ◊◊ Clutches the ragged edges where the blow tore through
ters by any means. its black priest robe to itself as it stumbles back a
step, attempting to put distance between itself and its
Expert Liar: A hard-boiled negotiator and manipulator with
hundreds of years of experience, Padre Louis’ true motiva-
tions and intents are nearly impossible to see through. [PCs ◊◊ Roars with pain and anger at being hurt [Keep it
take -2 to Read a Person against him] Together or be forced to retreat from the scene in the
face of the monster’s wrath].
Gigantic: Cannot be held in place or knocked over in close
combat. If his unarmed attacks connect, they always knock ◊◊ Grabs hold of something large and massive (armchair,
the victim over, in addition to any other results. table, bookshelf…) and hurls it at the attacker or topples
it over them [Avoid Harm (2), Distance: Room].
Combat [3], Influence [4], Magic [3]
◊◊ Bleeds freely and becomes disoriented for a few
Combat [Considerable] moments.

◊◊ Knock someone or something over ◊◊ Attempts to flee, smashing things in its path.
◊◊ Grapple and hold someone ◊◊ Breaks down with a wet gurgling cough, and dies.
◊◊ Disarm an opponent
Influence [Powerful]
Fallen Angels
◊◊ Confuse someone by telling half-truths and poisonous These angels once served the Demiurge. Now they are
secrets broken, confused creatures that are easily manipulated
◊◊ Threaten someone, directly or veiled and controlled by the Lictors. They are naive and innocent,

◊◊ Tell convincing lies to manipulate someone into something that easily can be turned into aggression and hate
when they are confronted with the harshness of reality.
◊◊ Draw on the resources of The Seven They are as tall as men hairless and naked. They would be
beautiful if they weren’t so ravaged. Stigmata bleeds from
Magic [Considerable] their hands and other deep wounds in their body. They fight

◊◊ Reveal a glimpse of Reality with their hands and are blessed with an inhuman strength.
On the back they have huge, black wings.
◊◊ See the true nature of people and creatures There are eight of them who will pursue the PCs throughout
◊◊ control someone with supernatural commands the course of the scenario.
Attacks Fallen Angels

Unarmed: Pummel [2] [Distance: Arm, victim is knocked to Home: Elysium

the ground], Grab and hold [1] [Distance: Arm, victim must
Act under Pressure to escape]. Creature Type: Angels, former servants of the Lost Demi-
urge, now broken and confused, and manipulated into
serving the lictors

14 An Echo from the Past

Abilities Unarmed: Punch and Kick [1] [Distance: Arm], Grapple and
Subdue [0] [Distance: Arm, victim must Act under Pressure
Fanatical: Cannot be Influenced or otherwise reasoned with.
to escape].
Natural Weaponry: Their hands sprout wicked claws.
Taser: Shock [0] [Distance: Arm, victim must roll +Fortitude:
Invisible to the Sleeping Mind: Unaware humans cannot per- (15+) Still capable of acting, (10-14) Dazed: -2 ongoing during
ceive their presence, unless they choose to reveal themselves this scene, (-9) Subdued and unable to act for the rest of the
to them. scene].

Combat [3], Influence [-], Magic [1] Wounds & Harm Moves

Combat [Considerable] Wounds: 

◊◊ Lift up into the air and drop ◊◊ Retreat to safety.

◊◊ Supernatural strength [+1 Harm] ◊◊ Subdued.
◊◊ Cross a large distance with the aid of their wings [make ◊◊ Badly injured.
an attack at Distance: Room] Magic [Weak] ◊◊ Dead or dying.
◊◊ Hide their presence from the senses of Sleepers
Unarmed: Brutal strikes [2] [Distance: Arm]
May be met in any public areas, especially in the streets or in
Flight: Grab, lift, drop [3] [Distance: room, the victim is lifted administrative buildings, or when called to site by concerned
into the air and then Knocked over]. (or scared) citizens...

Wounds & Harm Moves Combat [2], Influence [2], Magic [-]

Wounds:  Combat [Novice]

◊◊ The angel gasps in pain. ◊◊ Summon reinforcements

◊◊ The wings are damaged [It cannot fly]
◊◊ Launch or join a coordinated attack
◊◊ It enters a frenzy [+2 Harm on next attack] Influence [Novice]
◊◊ It punishes the world, starts killing bystanders and ◊◊ Detailed knowledge of their environment
destroy its surroundings.
◊◊ It dies and disappear in black ash and a feathers. ◊◊ Exert their authority

Unarmed: Grapple and Subdue [0] [Distance: Arm, victim

Security Personnel must Act under Pressure to escape].

May be met in or around airports, malls, stores, banks, pri- Police Baton: Beat [1] [Distance: Arm].
vate properties, company buildings…
Light Pistol: Directed Fire [2] [Distance: Room].
Combat [2], Influence [1], Magic [-]
Wounds & Harm Moves
Combat [Novice]
Wounds: 
◊◊ Launch a careless attack and sustain harm in return ◊◊ Retreat to safety.
◊◊ Stun attack ◊◊ Subdued.
Influence [Weak]
◊◊ Badly injured.
◊◊ Alert the police or other authorities ◊◊ Dead or dying.

Non-Player Characters 15

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