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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Antique

A Detailed Lesson plan in Math 2

With Integration in Science and Health

I. Objectives:
At the end of 50 minutes discussion, 75 % of the pupils should be able to:
a. Estimates and measures length using meter and centimeter;
b. write the estimated measure of length of the object; and
c. Show cooperation among group member.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Estimating and measuring length
b. References:
1. Grade 2 Mathematics Learner’s Manual- Yunit 4- pp. 232- 234
2. Grade 2 Mathematics TG - Yunit 4-pp. 289-290
3. Curriculum guide in mathematics II pp. 27(M2ME-IVc-26)
c. Materials: Flashcards, pictures, cartolina/construction papers,
centimeter ruler and meter stick
d. Subject Integration: Science and Health
e. Value focus: Cooperation

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class. Good morning, ma’am!
May I request everybody to
stand for our prayer? The pupils will stand and pray!

2. Checking of attendance
Who is absent today? (The pupils will say if there is absent or none.)

3. Drill
Give the most appropriate unit of
measure for the following using
centimeter (cm) and meter (m).
a. paper cm
b. table m
c. book cm
d. electrical wire m
e. match box cm
4. Review
Showing flashcards. Let pupils choose
which the longer/shorter object is.

crayon 17 cm ___ pencil 16 cm

door 2 m ___ window 3 m

cabinet 2 m ___ blackboard 3

The pupils will answer which is shorter and
ball pen 14 cm ___ ruler 16 cm

book 12 cm ___ paper clip 10


B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Let the pupils play the game
“thumbs up/thumbs down”. Instruct
the pupils to answer “thumbs up” if the
sentence is right and “thumbs down”
if it’s wrong.
Say the following sentence:

a. The height of the mango tree is Thumbs up

about 10 m.

b. The length of the book is about 2 Thumbs down

Thumbs down
c. The length of the table is about 2

d. The blackboard is about 3 m. Thumb up

2. Presentation

A. Group Activity

Group the pupils by 3. Let them guess

the length of the following objects:
black board, folder, teacher’s table
and Bond paper. Have them record
and report their guesses to the class.

(Remind the pupils to write cm or m in

their guessed length.)
Guess of Actual
Length Length The pupils will write their guessed length of the
Blackboard object.
Teacher’s table
Bond Paper

C. Discussion

What did you do in the activity? We guessed the length of the object ma’am!
The pupils will report their guessed length of
What are your guesses? the object.

Now we will find out whether your

guesses are right or did you make
closer guesses to the actual length of
the object.

Let’s find out first unit of length.

(Showing the objects: black board,

Folder, Teacher’s table and bond

Which object are short? Folder and Bond paper are short object
How about the longer object? The black board and teacher’s table ma’am
Very good!
You said that folder and Bond paper
The most appropriate unit of length used to
are short object. What do you think is
measure short object is centimeter (cm).
the most appropriate unit of length
use to measure short object?

Are you telling me that in your
Yes, ma’am!
activity we will put centimeter(cm) as
unit of length to short object?
(The pupils will put centimeter (cm) in the
(Ask the pupils to put cm to the short
object in the activity)
How about the long object, what unit
The unit of length use to measure long object
of length are we going to use?
is meter (m)!
Can you put meter (m) as unit of
(The pupils will put meter (m) in the activity.)
length to measure long object in your
(The pupils will measure the actual length of
Now let pupils measure the object to the object.)
get the actual length of the object.
Having the idea in unit of length and
length of centimeter and meter you
can easily estimate the length of the

D. Generalization
The unit of length used to measure short
What unit of length use to
object is centimeter, ma’am!
measure short object?

How about the long object? In long object we used meter, ma’am!

How can we make better guess To make a better guess in measuring length
of the length? of object we must remember that, centimeter
(cm) is used to measure short object and
meter(m) is used to measure long object.
Then estimate the length of the object.

Excellent! (Expected answer)

E. Fixing skills

Look at the picture and underline the

best estimate measure of the object.

10 centimeters, 50 centimeters 10 centimeters, 50 centimeters

1 meter, 10 meters 1 meter, 10 meters

12 centimeters, 12 meters
12 centimeters, 12 meters

9 cm, 10 m
9 cm, 10 m

99 cm, 99 m
99 cm, 99 m
F. Application

I will divide you into 2 groups. Each We will cooperate among our group member
group will be given activity. Choose ma’am!
your leader, reporter and secretary. I
will give you 5 minutes to answer.
Before that, as a group what are you
going to do in answering your

In what way can you cooperate Through helping answers the activity and
among your group member? behaving during the activity, ma’am!

Amazing! Group 1
Direction: Read and encircle the best
1. length of the bed
(3 meters, 30 meters)
2. length of the pencil
(15 centimeters, 150 centimeters)
3. length of the slipper
(20 centimeters, 20 meter)
4. height of the bridge
(15 centimeters, 15 meters)
5. height of the flagpole
(12 centimeters, 12 meters)
Group 2
Direction: Read each sentence. Mark (/) if the
estimation is right and mark (X) if the
estimation is wrong.

Good Wrong
estimation estimation
1. 2 m
length of
2.5 cm
height of
the door
3. 10 m
length of
the ceiling
4. 35 cm
height of
the chair
5. 3 m
length of
the table
IV. Evaluation
Read the sentence. Write the letter of
the best estimated length an object.

1. The length of the blanket

a. 2 centimeters
b. 2 meters
2. The length of the broom
a. 1 meter
b. 1 centimeter
3. The length of the pillow
a. 40 centimeters
b. 40 meters
c. 400 centimeters
4. The length of the door
a. 2 centimeters
b. 2 meters
c. 20 meters
5. The length of the ship
a. 10 cm
b. 100 cm
c. 100 m

V. Assignment

Let the pupils give examples of the

1. An animal that is about 2 meters
2. An animal that is less than 10
centimeters Long.




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