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Human Sexuality in a Changing World

10th Edition Rathus Test Bank

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Chapter 6: Attraction and Love

6.1 Multiple Choice

1) The “Attraction and Love” chapter in your text begins with an examination of
A) long-term love affairs.
B) the power of love to heal.
C) the difference between liking and loving.
D) the power of sexual attraction in our lives.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 175
Skill: Factual

2) According to the text, a major component in people’s ratings of attraction is

A) intelligence.
B) physical appearance.
C) personality.
D) family background.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 175
Skill: Factual

3) Regarding beauty, research suggests

A) it is completely in the eye of the beholder.
B) it is partly in the eye of the beholder and partly a function of cultural standards.
C) our tastes are completely subjective.
D) most people operate under the “don't judge a book by its cover” assumption.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 176
Skill: Factual

4) In the United States, which attribute do women find particularly attractive in men?
A) Muscularity
B) Brown eyes
C) Tallness
D) Sculpted facial bones
Answer: C
Page Ref: 176
Skill: Factual

5) Which of the following statements is accurate regarding how female weight is viewed?
A) Slender figures are as attractive by females and males.
B) Most societies value plump women.
C) Wide hips were not found appealing in any culture.
D) In our culture, anorexic thinness is the ideal.

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Answer: A
Page Ref: 178
Skill: Conceptual

6) Lesbian and bisexual women tend to prefer waist-to-hip ratios that are ________ than what
heterosexual men tend to prefer.
A) smaller
B) larger
C) about the same but on thinner women
D) about the same but on larger women
Answer: D
Page Ref: 179
Skill: Factual

7) Love that is characterized by selfless giving is called

A) eros.
B) agape.
C) ludus.
D) pragma.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Factual

8) Heterosexual women at the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle rated men’s voices for
attractiveness. Which of the statements below accurately describes their preferences?
A) They rated higher voices as more attractive.
B) They rated voices with a southern accent as more attractive.
C) They rated deeper voices as more attractive.
D) They rated voices with a foreign accent as more attractive.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 180
Skill: Factual

9) Which is true regarding the preferred female figure in the United States?
A) The hour-glass figure is viewed as most attractive and desirable for relationships.
B) Wide hips and a broad pelvis are widely recognized as sexually appealing.
C) Very thin women without curves are considered highly attractive and desirable.
D) Slightly obese women are viewed as attractive and desirable for long-term relationships.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 179
Skill: Conceptual

10) Which statement is true about male preferences for women’s breast size, on average?
A) Males prefer women with huge breasts.
B) Males prefer women with larger breasts, but not huge breasts.
C) Males do not show a preference for large breasts in controlled research.

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D) Males were mixed in breast size preferences, with only some preferring larger breasts.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 180
Skill: Conceptual

11) All of the following have been found to contribute to men’s perception of female facial
attractiveness except which of the following?
A) High cheekbones
B) Large eyes
C) Eyes set closer together
D) Narrow jaws
Answer: C
Page Ref: 177
Skill: Conceptual

12) According to the text, ratings of someone’s attractiveness tend to be higher if they are
A) laughing.
B) smiling.
C) looking confident.
D) not looking down.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Conceptual

13) In terms of attractiveness, cross-cultural research suggests that

A) certain facial features typify beauty universally.
B) larger body sizes typify beauty universally.
C) personality is rated as the most attractive quality universally.
D) a fit, well-developed musculature is universally accepted as attractive.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Conceptual

14) Which of the following features appears to be associated with attractiveness of women
A) Large eyes
B) Wide jaw
C) Large upper and lower lips
D) A small distance between the eyes
Answer: A
Page Ref: 177
Skill: Factual

15) Cross-culturally, men tend to place greater emphasis on ________ in their preferences for a
mate, and women tend to place greater emphasis on ________ in their preferences for a mate.
A) earning capacity; intelligence

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B) physical attractiveness; youth
C) youth; physical attractiveness
D) youth; earning capacity
Answer: D
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Conceptual

16) In all 37 cultures studied by David Buss, which was true for men in terms of choosing a
potential mate?
A) Men placed great value on a female’s earning potential.
B) Men placed great value on a female’s “good looks.”
C) Men placed more value on honesty than intelligence.
D) Men placed more value on fidelity than kindness.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

17) Almost universally, men prefer

A) younger women.
B) slender women.
C) intelligent women.
D) submissive women.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

18) Almost universally, women prefer

A) younger men.
B) muscular men.
C) older men.
D) men with large penises.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

19) According to evolutionary psychologist David Buss, male interest in younger women
A) began shortly after the industrial revolution.
B) occurs in both preliterate societies.
C) occurs mainly in preliterate and Third World societies.
D) is changing as we enter the new millennium.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 176
Skill: Applied

20) Evolutionary psychologists believe that some of men’s preferences in female mates may
have evolved because these characteristics are associated with a woman’s

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A) ability to provide.
B) reproductive capacity.
C) ability to nurture children.
D) ability to offer him a satisfying sex life.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Conceptual

21) Across several studies, males and females were rated as more attractive when
A) their behaviors fit gender-role expectations for their gender.
B) their behavior was dominant in interpersonal interactions.
C) they demonstrated the ability to be self-expressive.
D) they demonstrated the ability to be passive in a confrontational setting.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Conceptual

22) In addition to physical features, men’s and women’s ratings of each other’s attractiveness
appears to depend on
A) personality.
B) honesty.
C) gender-role expectations.
D) dominance.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

23) In one study, highly feminine women were more likely to be attracted to which type of man?
A) Dominant “macho” men
B) Demure passive men
C) Emotionally expressive men
D) Submissive men
Answer: A
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Applied

24) According to the text, perceptions of physical attractiveness can even be affected by an
A) choice of friends.
B) name.
C) family of origin.
D) political stance.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

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25) According to the text, all things being equal, which of the following names would likely be
rated as least attractive?
A) Kathy
B) Jennifer
C) Emily
D) Ethel
Answer: D
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

26) In choosing a potential mate, men place greater emphasis than women on
A) expressiveness.
B) physical attraction.
C) kindness.
D) earning potential.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Factual

27) Research has shown that women were more likely than men to indicate they would marry
someone who
A) was not likely to hold a steady job.
B) was younger than them.
C) was of a different religion.
D) was not good looking.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Conceptual

28) Which statement most accurately reflects mate selection by women?

A) Women will overlook a potential partner’s job status if there is sufficient romance.
B) Women will overlook a man's family of origin if he is attractive enough.
C) Women will overlook unattractive looks if a potential partner has steady earning potential.
D) Women will overlook a man’s educational background if he has youth and attractiveness.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Applied

29) When searching for a long-term, meaningful relationship, which quality was rated most
important by men?
A) Honesty
B) Kindness
C) Physical attractiveness
D) Humor
Answer: C
Page Ref: 184

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Skill: Factual

30) In choosing a potential mate, women place greater emphasis than men on
A) frugality.
B) physical attractiveness.
C) earning potential.
D) youth.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

31) You are more likely to become romantically involved with another who
A) possesses characteristics opposite to your own.
B) possesses characteristics similar to your own.
C) is far more attractive than you.
D) lives several states away from you.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

32) In terms of mate selection, the attraction-similarity hypothesis proposes that people tend to
develop romantic relationships with people who are similar in
A) physical attractiveness.
B) cultural background.
C) interests.
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Conceptual

33) The attraction-similarity hypothesis predicts that people

A) seek out others who live close to them geographically.
B) are attracted to others who share their level of attractiveness.
C) seek out others who have similar values and morals.
D) are attracted to people who are wealthier than they are.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Conceptual

34) According to the text, the majority of people in America had sexual partners who
A) had different educational backgrounds than themselves.
B) were of different races.
C) were the same age as themselves.
D) were of the same race or cultural background.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 185

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Skill: Conceptual

35) Generally speaking, which of the following is similar between sex and marriage partners?
A) Ethnicity
B) Age
C) Education
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Conceptual

36) According to the text, the preferred age differences between marriage partners is when
A) husbands are 5–10 years older than wives.
B) husbands are 2–5 years older than wives.
C) husbands are the same age as wives.
D) wives are 1–2 years older than husbands.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

37) The concept of “like marrying like” is termed

A) heterogeneity.
B) monogamy.
C) homogamy.
D) likeagamy.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

38) People tend to like each other when

A) they have different attitudes that they can share.
B) they share some attitudes, but have others that they can debate.
C) they share similar attitudes.
D) they share no attitudes.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Applied

39) In comparing the common sense notions that “opposites attract” and “birds of a feather flock
together,” research results support which of the following?
A) “Birds of a feather flock together” tends to be true.
B) “Opposites attract” tends to be true.
C) Both statements tend to be true.
D) Neither statement tends to be true. We can never predict attraction because it is a mystery.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 186

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Skill: Applied

40) Your instructor suggests that many students in the class will find their mates in their
classrooms, dorms, or neighborhoods. Your instructor’s observation is referring to research
findings for
A) the validation hypothesis.
B) the neighborhood hypothesis.
C) the association hypothesis.
D) propinquity, or proximity.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Applied

41) The idea behind reciprocity of attraction can be paraphrased as,

A) “I like you because I see you every day.”
B) “I like you because we share similar attitudes.”
C) “You are the type of person I would like to be.”
D) “I like you because you like me.”
Answer: D
Page Ref: 187
Skill: Conceptual

42) Of the following, which is the best example of the propinquity effect?
A) Marcie is attracted to Justin because they look alike.
B) Maria and Jose are friends because they both have wealthy parents.
C) Rob and Laura attended the same college and married each other.
D) Chris and Bob both like professional basketball.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 187
Skill: Conceptual

43) The concept of reciprocity of attraction is based on the fact that

A) people need to feel that others like them at the same time they like them.
B) people need to feel that they are loved more than they love others.
C) people need to feel worthy of love.
D) people need to love others unconditionally.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 187
Skill: Conceptual

44) The idea of reciprocity in interpersonal relationships suggests that we like people who
A) like us back.
B) are attractive.
C) know the law.
D) are nearby.
Answer: A

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Page Ref: 187
Skill: Conceptual

45) Shanice wants her boyfriend to like her more. She reads about reciprocity in her Human
Sexuality class and decides to try putting it to the test. Which of the following would be an
example of Shanice trying to use reciprocity in her relationship?
A) Shanice buys new clothes and goes to a spa to try to be especially attractive for their next date.
B) Shanice tries making her boyfriend jealous by kissing another man in front of him.
C) Shanice tries complimenting her boyfriend more frequently and watches to see if he returns
the sentiments.
D) Shanice moves into the apartment complex across the street from where her boyfriend lives in
an attempt to be closer to him.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Applied

46) Sarah feels greatly admired by her partner, Susan. When Susan gives her compliments about
her abilities, she feels motivated to support and compliment Susan. This type of exchange in
relationships is called
A) social exchange.
B) storge.
C) reciprocity.
D) agape.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Applied

47) Two people meet for the first time at a bar and immediately become lovers that night. They
both feel passion for the other but, alas, the relationship likely will not last very long as they are
likely in which style of love?
A) Storge
B) Agape
C) Ludus
D) Eros
Answer: D
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Applied

48) Partners are selected in a down-to-earth, businesslike way is the style of love known as
A) eros.
B) pragma.
C) storge.
D) agape.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Factual

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49) The type of love that binds friends, parents, and children through attachment or deep
friendship is called
A) agape.
B) storge.
C) philia.
D) eros.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Factual

50) Michael seems to be always “in love.” In the last several years, he has been “head over
heels” three times for three different women. The relationships generally last only a couple of
months because as the passion dies down a bit, Michael becomes bored and begins to insist that
he has “fallen out of love.” Michael’s approach to love can best be described as
A) eros.
B) agape.
C) storge.
D) philia.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Applied

6.2 True/False

1) Research has found the color that is rated as most arousing is light pink.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 178
Skill: Factual

2) In the United States, both men and women find slenderness an important component of
physical attraction.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 178
Skill: Factual

3) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Answer: True
Page Ref: 176
Skill: Applied

4) Lesbians tend to prefer women with waist-to-hip ratios that are very similar to the ratios
preferred by heterosexual men.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 179
Skill: Factual

Copyright © 2018, 2014, 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
5) A smile may affect ratings of attractiveness of women and men.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

6) Cross-culturally, women have more romantic ideals of what is attractive in a mate than do
Answer: False
Page Ref: 189
Skill: Conceptual

7) Across cultures, men tend to be older than the women they marry.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

8) Highly feminine women are more likely to be attracted to dominant, “macho” men.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Applied

9) The evolutionary view of gender differences in preferences for mates is largely speculative
and not fully consistent with the evidence.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Applied

10) Women who are randomly assigned unique names like Harriet and Gertrude are rated as
more attractive than women assigned names like Christine and Jennifer.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Applied

11) Physical appeal is the most important trait people seek in partners for long-term relationships.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 184
Skill: Factual

12) People are more likely to be attracted to someone who possesses characteristics that are
different than their own.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

Copyright © 2018, 2014, 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
13) According to the text, we are more likely to be attracted to people who disagree with our
views and tastes than to people who share them.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Conceptual

14) Approximately 20% of European American men have relationships with women who are not
of European American descent.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

15) The concept of “like marrying like” is termed “monotomy.”

Answer: False
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Applied

16) Men and women are likely to marry someone who has similar education as they do.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

17) When people marry late or remarry, the age difference between spouses is less predictable.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Factual

18) The person with whom an individual ends up having a relationship will likely be a person
that lives nearby.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Conceptual

19) According to the bulk of social psychological research, opposites always attract.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Conceptual

20) The propinquity effect predicts that you might be more like to fall in love with the boy or girl
next door rather than someone far away.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Factual

21) Reciprocity of attraction means you like someone more when you find out that he or she
likes you.

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Answer: True
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Conceptual

22) People tend to like others who compliment them.

Answer: True
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Conceptual

23) Agape is a selfless love.

Answer: True
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Factual

24) According to the Greek words for different types of love, Philadelphia should be a city full of
friends (if the city was named accurately).
Answer: True
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Factual

25) It is normal for passionate love to evolve into a more intimate and committed love in long-
term relationships.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Conceptual

26) Researchers are examining the changes in brain chemistry that might occur when one falls in
Answer: True
Page Ref: 191
Skill: Conceptual

27) According to Sternberg, a person feeling ludus love might change partners relatively often.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 192
Skill: Conceptual

28) According to Sternberg, consummate love is composed of commitment and intimacy.

Answer: False
Page Ref: 193
Skill: Conceptual

29) Sternberg’s triangle model is used primarily to determine if a relationship will have longevity.
Answer: False
Page Ref: 193
Skill: Conceptual

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30) Infatuation is typified by strong sexual desire but not by intimacy and commitment.
Answer: True
Page Ref: 193
Skill: Conceptual

6.3 Short Answer

1) List the factors, besides physical appeal, in sexual attraction as described in this chapter.
Page Ref: 176
Skill: Factual

2) Describe what is considered beautiful in the African tribes of Khoikhoi and Nama.
Page Ref: 176
Skill: Conceptual

3) Describe what researchers found about axillary odors and attraction.

Page Ref: 181
Skill: Conceptual

4) Describe how pheromones affect emotional responses.

Page Ref: 183
Skill: Conceptual

5) Describe the attraction-similarity hypothesis.

Page Ref: 185
Skill: Factual

6) Describe how important things like slenderness, height, and money are to people seeking a
Page Ref: 177–178
Skill: Conceptual

7) Describe attraction toward women who are ovulation vs. women who are not ovulating.
Page Ref: 182
Skill: Conceptual

8) Describe the allure of the color red.

Page Ref: 178
Skill: Conceptual

9) Describe what researchers found about men’s preference for women with small, medium, or
large breasts, as well as the color of the areolae.
Page Ref: 180
Skill: Conceptual

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10) How does male perspiration prime women’s emotional responses?
Page Ref: 183
Skill: Conceptual

6.4 Essay

1) Discuss how the chapter describes the attitudes of “opposites attract” and “birds of a feather
flock together.”
Page Ref: 186–188
Skill: Factual

2) Compare the Greek’s meanings of love: storge, agape, philia, and eros.
Page Ref: 188–189
Skill: Factual

3) Compare and contrast love and infatuation.

Page Ref: 189–190
Skill: Factual

4) Describe the bodily changes that occur when we experience feelings of romantic love.
Page Ref: 190–191
Skill: Factual

5) Describe the simultaneous events that allow the perception that one has fallen in love.
Page Ref: 191
Skill: Conceptual

6) Compare and contrast the styles of love.

Page Ref: 192
Skill: Factual

7) Describe Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love.

Page Ref: 192–193
Skill: Factual

8) Describe the practical side of attraction seen in the propinquity and reciprocity explanations
for attraction.
Page Ref: 186
Skill: Applied

9) Give an example for each of the components in Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love.
Page Ref: 194
Skill: Conceptual

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10) For each of the Greek’s four concepts related to the modern meaning of love, describe an
applicable example that you have (or could) see in your life (not necessarily just you). Then, give
an example from a TV show or movie that you have seen these types of love.
Page Ref: 188
Skill: Conceptual

Copyright © 2018, 2014, 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
A brightly lighted window was open, around which
grew a honeysuckle. Up the vine ran Teenie Weenie,
closely followed by Nibbles, and, sitting on the
windowsill, they looked into a beautiful room.

On a long table there were numbers of lighted

candles in high silver candle-sticks, and never had
Nibbles seen such wonderful things to eat,—nuts and
raisins, figs and dates, oranges and grapes, cakes
and candy.

In a moment, Teenie Weenie and Nibbles had run

across the room and jumped up on the table. Nibbles
tried first one thing and then another, each tasting
better than the last.

Suddenly Teenie Weenie gave a little gasp of

terror, which startled Nibbles so that he nearly fell
into a finger-bowl.
“What is the matter, Teenie?” he asked, rather
crossly, for in his fright he had dropped a particularly
nice bit of cake on the floor.
“The Cat,” whispered Teenie Weenie, in a terrified

Nibbles looked around,

and suddenly he saw, in a
chair close by, a big gray and
white animal, which was
evidently just waking up, and
was stretching itself and
yawning. Such terrible teeth
and sharp claws as it had!

While Nibbles gazed at it, too frightened to move,

the Cat turned around, and its green eyes glared as it
saw the two trembling little mice.
Before the sleepy Cat could jump on the table
however, Nibbles and Teenie Weenie were on the
floor, and an instant later they were fairly tumbling
out of the window into the garden. Down the village
street they ran, and never stopped until they were
safe in the open country once more.

“Well,” said Nibbles, “I have never seen a Cat

before, and I sincerely hope that I never may again.
You may live in a village if you like, Teenie Weenie,
but I prefer the quiet woods.”
Chapter V

Down the River

They traveled on for several days, close to the river,

until Nibbles suggested that it would be more fun and
easier to sail than to walk.

They at once began to make a little raft with willow

twigs and bits of birch bark, and to prevent the water
coming through, they filled up the cracks with clay.
The big bandanna handkerchief they used as a sail,
and with his jack-knife Nibbles whittled out a nice
little rudder.

One warm, sunny day, they hoisted their sail and

were just starting off, when they heard some one
shouting. Looking around, they saw, on the bank
above them, a big gray Rat, waving his hat and
calling: “Wait a minute, and take me with you.”

“I am very sorry,” answered Nibbles, “but the raft is

small and there is not room enough.”

“But I will go,” shouted the Water Rat very rudely,

“and I am in a hurry too.”

Poor Teenie Weenie was frightened, for she knew

that Water Rats sometimes ate mice, especially if
they were cross or very hungry, so she begged
Nibbles not to go near the shore.

As they sailed away, the Water Rat, I regret to say,

danced with rage, making frightful faces at Nibbles
and Teenie Weenie, and saying things which were
not at all polite.
Day after day they sailed down the winding river,
sometimes landing for dinner, and at night always
tying their raft to a tree or bush in some sheltered
cove, where they could find a comfortable nest to
sleep in.
One afternoon they came to a pretty wood, where
they decided to spend the night. Near the bank was a
dark, gravelly point, which seemed an excellent place
to land. Nibbles got out, and was just beginning to
pull the raft up high and dry, when suddenly the
whole point began to move, and then something
struck poor Nibbles, and sent him whizzing far out
into the river.

Down down, down he sank, until he felt sure that

he was going through to China. His head was buried
in the soft sand at the bottom of the river, and he had
to struggle hard to free himself. Finally he came up to
the surface of the water, and was able to swim to the
raft, where little Teenie Weenie still sat, too terrified to
Chapter VI

Mr. Scratchetty-Claw

Floating on the water, so near the raft that he could

have touched it, Nibbles saw a huge animal covered
with brown scales. It had small black eyes, and a
long tail, while its head was mostly made up of a very
long nose, and a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.
“Hullo!” said the Animal, “I thought you were never
coming up. What kept you so long under the water?”

Poor Nibbles was dripping wet, covered with sand,

and still gasping for breath, but he tried to answer

“I could not come up any sooner, Sir, because my

head was stuck in the sand. Will you please tell me
what you are? I thought you were a landing place.”

“No, no,” replied the Animal, “my name is

Scratchetty-Claw, and I am an Alligator of a very fine
old family. I have lived in this river for a hundred
years, and I probably shall live a thousand. I am very
sorry that I upset you, but I thought a fly had lighted
on my back, so I swished my tail, and I am afraid that
you rolled off.”

“I certainly did,” said Nibbles sadly, as he tried to

wipe the sand out of his eyes and ears.
Suddenly Mr. Scratchetty-Claw opened his eyes
very wide, and staring at Nibbles, he shouted:

“Why, what have you got around your neck?”

Nibbles put up his paw, and, sure enough, there

was something which felt like a ring. How it came
there he could not imagine, but he must have pushed
his head through it while he was floundering in the
sand at the bottom of the river.
Teenie Weenie helped him pull it off, and when
they had brushed the sand away, they found that it
was a gold ring, beautifully carved, and set with
diamonds and rubies.

“That must surely be the Lucky Ring of the foreign

Prince, who owns all this part of the country,” said the
Alligator. “He lost it one day last summer, while out
sailing, and nobody was able to find it. The Prince
offered a big reward for its recovery, as he prized the
ring more than anything he owned.”

“Then we must take it to him as soon as we can,”

said Nibbles.
Chapter VII

The Lucky Ring

The next morning Nibbles asked Mr. Scratchetty-

Claw where the Prince lived.
“Just fasten your raft to my tail,” said the Alligator,
“and I’ll take you there before you know that you’ve
started. Only wait until I get my shade hat, as I don’t
like the sun in my eyes.”

“Please don’t go too fast, Mr. Scratchetty-Claw,”

said little Teenie Weenie, timidly, “or we might be
upset again.”
Scratchetty-Claw promised to be very careful, and
after he had tied on his shade hat, and Nibbles had
fastened the raft to his tail, away they went.
The Prince’s beautiful garden was close to the
river, so when Nibbles and Teenie Weenie landed,
they soon found their way to his palace.

Nibbles had put the ring around his neck again for
safe keeping, but when he showed it to a footman in
the palace hall, he took Nibbles and Teenie Weenie
at once to the Prince, who was sitting in a lovely rose
arbor in the garden.

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